
314 lines
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package teleport
import (
// WebAPIVersion is a current webapi version
const WebAPIVersion = "v1"
// ForeverTTL means that object TTL will not expire unless deleted
const ForeverTTL time.Duration = 0
const (
// SSHAuthSock is the environment variable pointing to the
// Unix socket the SSH agent is running on.
// SSHAgentPID is the environment variable pointing to the agent
// process ID
// SSHTeleportUser is the current Teleport user that is logged in.
// SSHSessionWebproxyAddr is the address the web proxy.
// SSHTeleportClusterName is the name of the cluster this node belongs to.
// SSHTeleportHostUUID is the UUID of the host.
// SSHSessionID is the UUID of the current session.
const (
// HTTPSProxy is an environment variable pointing to a HTTPS proxy.
// HTTPProxy is an environment variable pointing to a HTTP proxy.
const (
// TOTPValidityPeriod is the number of seconds a TOTP token is valid.
TOTPValidityPeriod uint = 30
// TOTPSkew adds that many periods before and after to the validity window.
TOTPSkew uint = 1
const (
// ComponentAuthority is a TLS and an SSH certificate authority
ComponentAuthority = "authority"
// ComponentProcess is a main control process
ComponentProcess = "process"
// ComponentReverseTunnelServer is reverse tunnel server
// that together with agent establish a bi-directional SSH revers tunnel
// to bypass firewall restrictions
ComponentReverseTunnelServer = "proxy:server"
// ComponentReverseTunnel is reverse tunnel agent
// that together with server establish a bi-directional SSH revers tunnel
// to bypass firewall restrictions
ComponentReverseTunnelAgent = "proxy:agent"
// ComponentAuth is the cluster CA node (auth server API)
ComponentAuth = "auth"
// ComponentNode is SSH node (SSH server serving requests)
ComponentNode = "node"
// ComponentNode is SSH node (SSH server serving requests)
ComponentForwardingNode = "node:forward"
// ComponentProxy is SSH proxy (SSH server forwarding connections)
ComponentProxy = "proxy"
// ComponentDiagnostic is a diagnostic service
ComponentDiagnostic = "diagnostic"
// ComponentTunClient is a tunnel client
ComponentTunClient = "client:tunnel"
// ComponentCachingClient is a caching auth client
ComponentCachingClient = "client:cache"
// ComponentSubsystemProxy is the proxy subsystem.
ComponentSubsystemProxy = "subsystem:proxy"
// ComponentLocalTerm is a terminal on a regular SSH node.
ComponentLocalTerm = "term:local"
// ComponentRemoteTerm is a terminal on a forwarding SSH node.
ComponentRemoteTerm = "term:remote"
// ComponentRemoteSubsystem is subsystem on a forwarding SSH node.
ComponentRemoteSubsystem = "subsystem:remote"
// ComponentAuditLog is audit log component
ComponentAuditLog = "auditlog"
// ComponentKeyAgent is an agent that has loaded the sessions keys and
// certificates for a user connected to a proxy.
ComponentKeyAgent = "keyagent"
// ComponentKeyStore is all sessions keys and certificates a user has on disk
// for all proxies.
ComponentKeyStore = "keystore"
// ComponentConnectProxy is the HTTP CONNECT proxy used to tunnel connection.
ComponentConnectProxy = "http:proxy"
// ComponentKeyGen is the public/private keypair generator.
ComponentKeyGen = "keygen"
// ComponentSession is an active session.
ComponentSession = "session"
// DebugEnvVar tells tests to use verbose debug output
DebugEnvVar = "DEBUG"
// VerboseLogEnvVar forces all logs to be verbose (down to DEBUG level)
VerboseLogsEnvVar = "TELEPORT_DEBUG"
// DefaultTerminalWidth defines the default width of a server-side allocated
// pseudo TTY
DefaultTerminalWidth = 80
// DefaultTerminalHeight defines the default height of a server-side allocated
// pseudo TTY
DefaultTerminalHeight = 25
// SafeTerminalType is the fall-back TTY type to fall back to (when $TERM
// is not defined)
SafeTerminalType = "xterm"
// ConnectorOIDC means connector type OIDC
ConnectorOIDC = "oidc"
// ConnectorSAML means connector type SAML
ConnectorSAML = "saml"
// ConnectorGithub means connector type Github
ConnectorGithub = "github"
// DataDirParameterName is the name of the data dir configuration parameter passed
// to all backends during initialization
DataDirParameterName = "data_dir"
// SSH request type to keep the connection alive. A client and a server keep
// pining each other with it:
KeepAliveReqType = ""
// RecordingProxyReqType is the name of a global request which returns if
// the proxy is recording sessions or not.
RecordingProxyReqType = ""
// OTP means One-time Password Algorithm for Two-Factor Authentication.
OTP = "otp"
// TOTP means Time-based One-time Password Algorithm. for Two-Factor Authentication.
TOTP = "totp"
// HOTP means HMAC-based One-time Password Algorithm.for Two-Factor Authentication.
HOTP = "hotp"
// U2F means Universal 2nd Factor.for Two-Factor Authentication.
U2F = "u2f"
// OFF means no second factor.for Two-Factor Authentication.
OFF = "off"
// Local means authentication will happen locally within the Teleport cluster.
Local = "local"
// OIDC means authentication will happen remotely using an OIDC connector.
OIDC = ConnectorOIDC
// SAML means authentication will happen remotely using a SAML connector.
SAML = ConnectorSAML
// Github means authentication will happen remotely using a Github connector.
Github = ConnectorGithub
// JSON means JSON serialization format
JSON = "json"
// LinuxAdminGID is the ID of the standard adm group on linux
LinuxAdminGID = 4
// LinuxOS is the name of the linux OS
LinuxOS = "linux"
// DirMaskSharedGroup is the mask for a directory accessible
// by the owner and group
DirMaskSharedGroup = 0770
// FileMaskOwnerOnly is the file mask that allows read write access
// to owers only
FileMaskOwnerOnly = 0600
// On means mode is on
On = "on"
// Off means mode is off
Off = "off"
// Component generates "component:subcomponent1:subcomponent2" strings used
// in debugging
func Component(components ...string) string {
return strings.Join(components, ":")
const (
// AuthorizedKeys are public keys that check against User CAs.
AuthorizedKeys = "authorized_keys"
// KnownHosts are public keys that check against Host CAs.
KnownHosts = "known_hosts"
const (
// CertExtensionPermitAgentForwarding allows agent forwarding for certificate
CertExtensionPermitAgentForwarding = "permit-agent-forwarding"
// CertExtensionPermitPTY allows user to request PTY
CertExtensionPermitPTY = "permit-pty"
// CertExtensionPermitPortForwarding allows user to request port forwarding
CertExtensionPermitPortForwarding = "permit-port-forwarding"
// CertExtensionTeleportRoles is used to propagate teleport roles
CertExtensionTeleportRoles = "teleport-roles"
const (
// NetIQ is an identity provider.
NetIQ = "netiq"
// ADFS is Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services
ADFS = "adfs"
const (
// RemoteCommandSuccess is returned when a command has successfully executed.
RemoteCommandSuccess = 0
// RemoteCommandFailure is returned when a command has failed to execute and
// we don't have another status code for it.
RemoteCommandFailure = 255
// MaxEnvironmentFileLines is the maximum number of lines in a environment file.
const MaxEnvironmentFileLines = 1000
const (
// CertificateFormatOldSSH is used to make Teleport interoperate with older
// versions of OpenSSH.
CertificateFormatOldSSH = "oldssh"
// CertificateFormatStandard is used for normal Teleport operation without any
// compatibility modes.
CertificateFormatStandard = "standard"
// CertificateFormatUnspecified is used to check if the format was specified
// or not.
CertificateFormatUnspecified = ""
const (
// TraitInternalPrefix is the role variable prefix that indicates it's for
// local accounts.
TraitInternalPrefix = "internal"
// TraitLogins is the name the role variable used to store
// allowed logins.
TraitLogins = "logins"
// TraitInternalRoleVariable is the role variable used to store allowed
// logins for local accounts.
TraitInternalRoleVariable = "{{internal.logins}}"
// SCP is Secure Copy.
const SCP = "scp"
// Root is *nix system administrator account name.
const Root = "root"
// DefaultRole is the name of the default admin role for all local users if
// another role is not explicitly assigned (Enterprise only).
const AdminRoleName = "admin"
// DefaultImplicitRole is implicit role that gets added to all service.RoleSet
// objects.
const DefaultImplicitRole = "default-implicit-role"
// APIDomain is a default domain name for Auth server API
const APIDomain = "teleport.cluster.local"
const (
// RemoteClusterStatusOffline indicates that cluster is considered as
// offline, since it has missed a series of heartbeats
RemoteClusterStatusOffline = "offline"
// RemoteClusterStatusOnline indicates that cluster is sending heartbeats
// at expected interval
RemoteClusterStatusOnline = "online"
const (
// SharedDirMode is a mode for a directory shared with group
SharedDirMode = 0750