2017-03-21 13:56:05 -07:00

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package teleport
import (
// WebAPIVersion is a current webapi version
const WebAPIVersion = "v1"
// ForeverTTL means that object TTL will not expire unless deleted
const ForeverTTL time.Duration = 0
const (
// SSHAuthSock is the environment variable pointing to the
// Unix socket the SSH agent is running on.
// SSHAgentPID is the environment variable pointing to the agent
// process ID
const (
// TOTPValidityPeriod is the number of seconds a TOTP token is valid.
TOTPValidityPeriod uint = 30
// TOTPSkew adds that many periods before and after to the validity window.
TOTPSkew uint = 1
const (
// Component indicates a component of teleport, used for logging
Component = "component"
// ComponentFields stores component-specific fields
ComponentFields = "fields"
// ComponentReverseTunnel is reverse tunnel agent and server
// that together establish a bi-directional SSH revers tunnel
// to bypass firewall restrictions
ComponentReverseTunnel = "reversetunnel"
// ComponentAuth is the cluster CA node (auth server API)
ComponentAuth = "auth"
// ComponentNode is SSH node (SSH server serving requests)
ComponentNode = "node"
// ComponentProxy is SSH proxy (SSH server forwarding connections)
ComponentProxy = "proxy"
// ComponentTunClient is a tunnel client
ComponentTunClient = "tunclient"
// DebugEnvVar tells tests to use verbose debug output
DebugEnvVar = "DEBUG"
// VerboseLogEnvVar forces all logs to be verbose (down to DEBUG level)
VerboseLogsEnvVar = "TELEPORT_DEBUG"
// DefaultTerminalWidth defines the default width of a server-side allocated
// pseudo TTY
DefaultTerminalWidth = 80
// DefaultTerminalHeight defines the default height of a server-side allocated
// pseudo TTY
DefaultTerminalHeight = 25
// SafeTerminalType is the fall-back TTY type to fall back to (when $TERM
// is not defined)
SafeTerminalType = "xterm"
// ConnectorOIDC means connector type OIDC
ConnectorOIDC = "oidc"
// DataDirParameterName is the name of the data dir configuration parameter passed
// to all backends during initialization
DataDirParameterName = "data_dir"
// SSH request type to keep the connection alive. A client and a server keep
// pining each other with it:
KeepAliveReqType = ""
// OTP means One-time Password Algorithm for Two-Factor Authentication.
OTP = "otp"
// TOTP means Time-based One-time Password Algorithm. for Two-Factor Authentication.
TOTP = "totp"
// HOTP means HMAC-based One-time Password Algorithm.for Two-Factor Authentication.
HOTP = "hotp"
// U2F means Universal 2nd Factor.for Two-Factor Authentication.
U2F = "u2f"
// OFF means no second factor.for Two-Factor Authentication.
OFF = "off"
// Local means authentication will happen locally within the Teleport cluster.
Local = "local"
// OIDC means authentication will happen remotly using an OIDC connector.
OIDC = "oidc"
const (
// CertExtensionPermitAgentForwarding allows agent forwarding for certificate
CertExtensionPermitAgentForwarding = "permit-agent-forwarding"
// CertExtensionPermitPTY allows user to request PTY
CertExtensionPermitPTY = "permit-pty"
// CertExtensionPermitPortForwarding allows user to request port forwarding
CertExtensionPermitPortForwarding = "permit-port-forwarding"