fheinecke b178b8b732
Updated Teleport codebase to AGPL3 license (#35259)
Signed-off-by: Fred Heinecke <>
2023-12-01 17:48:14 +00:00

88 lines
4.2 KiB

* Teleport
* Copyright (C) 2023 Gravitational, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package main
// This file contains variables and functions to make testing of the container image build process
// more simple and easier.
// To run one of these pipelines locally:
// # Drone requires certain variables to be set
// export DRONE_REMOTE_URL=""
// export DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH="$(git branch --show-current)"
// # `drone exec` does not support `exec` or `kubernetes` pipelines
// sed -i '' 's/type\: kubernetes/type\: docker/' .drone.yml && sed -i '' 's/type\: exec/type\: docker/' .drone.yml
// # Drone has a bug where "workspace" is appended to "/drone/src". This fixes that by updating references
// sed -i '' 's~/go/~/drone/src/go/~g' .drone.yml
// # Pull the current branch instead of v11
// sed -i '' "s~git checkout -qf \"\$(cat '/go/vars/full-version/v11')\"~git checkout -qf \"${DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH}\"~" .drone.yml
// # `drone exec` does not properly map the workspace path. This creates a volume to be shared between steps
// # at the correct path
// docker volume create "$DOCKER_VOLUME_NAME"
// drone exec --trusted --pipeline teleport-container-images-current-version-cron --clone=false --volume "${DOCKER_VOLUME_NAME}:/go"
// # Cleanup
// docker volume rm "$DOCKER_VOLUME_NAME"
// If you are working on a PR/testing changes to this file you should configure the following for Drone testing:
// 1. Publish the branch you're working on
// 2. Set `prBranch` to the name of the branch in (1)
// 3. Set `configureForPRTestingOnly` to true
// 4. Create a public and private ECR repos for "teleport", "teleport-ent", "teleport-operator", "teleport-lab"
// 5. Set `testingECRRegistryOrg` to the org name(s) used in (4)
// 6. Set the `ECRTestingDomain` to the domain used for the private ECR repos
// 7. Create two separate IAM users, each with full access to either the public ECR repo OR the private ECR repo
// 8. Set the Drone secrets for the secret names listed in "GetContainerRepos" to the credentials in (7, 8), prefixed by the value of `testingSecretPrefix`
// On each commit, after running `make dronegen``, run the following commands and resign the file:
// # Pull the current branch instead of v11 so the appropriate dockerfile gets loaded
// sed -i '' "s~git checkout -qf \"\$(cat '/go/vars/full-version/v11')\"~git checkout -qf \"${DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH}\"~" .drone.yml
// When finishing up your PR check the following:
// * The testing secrets added to Drone have been removed
// * `configureForPRTestingOnly` has been set to false, and `make dronegen` has been reran afterwords
const (
configureForPRTestingOnly bool = false
testingSecretPrefix string = "TEST_"
testingECRRegistryOrg string = "u8j2q1d9"
testingECRRegion string = "us-east-2"
prBranch string = "" // "fred/multiarch-teleport-actual-container-images"
testingECRDomain string = ""
const (
ProductionRegistryOrg string = "gravitational"
PublicEcrRegion string = "us-east-1"
StagingEcrRegion string = "us-west-2"
func NewTestTrigger(triggerBranch, testMajorVersion string) *TriggerInfo {
// baseTrigger := NewTagTrigger(testMajorVersion)
// baseTrigger := NewPromoteTrigger(testMajorVersion)
baseTrigger := NewCronTrigger([]string{testMajorVersion})
baseTrigger.Name = "Test trigger on push"
baseTrigger.Trigger = trigger{
Repo: triggerRef{Include: []string{"gravitational/teleport"}},
Event: triggerRef{Include: []string{"push"}},
Branch: triggerRef{Include: []string{triggerBranch}},
return baseTrigger