2022-10-04 11:47:59 -05:00

20 KiB

authors state
Marek Smoliński ( implemented

RFD 39 - SNI and ALPN teleport proxy routing


Combine all teleport proxy ports into one by routing proxy incoming traffic based on SNI and ALPN values.


Simplification of teleport proxy configuration, ability to expose only one teleport proxy port through a firewall/load balancer.


Port Service Description
3026 Proxy HTTPS Kubernetes proxy proxy_service.kube_listen_addr
3023 Proxy SSH port clients connect to. A proxy will forward this connection to port #3022 on the destination node.
3024 Proxy SSH port used to create "reverse SSH tunnels" from behind-firewall environments into a trusted proxy server.
3080 Proxy HTTPS connection to authenticate tsh users and web users into the cluster. The same connection is used to serve a Web UI.
MySQL Port Proxy Handles MySQL client connection.
Postgres Port Proxy Handles Postgres client connection. By default Postgres is multiplexed with Proxy Web Port 3080
3022 Node SSH port. This is Teleport's equivalent of port #22 for SSH.
3025 Auth SSH port used by the Auth Service to serve its API to other nodes in a cluster.
3027 Kubernetes Kubernetes Service kubernetes_service.listen_addr

ALPN SNI proxy service will be responsible for routing incoming traffic to appropriate proxy service based on SNI and ALPN values:

                                                                   │Teleport Proxy │                                                
                                                                   │   Listener    │                                                
                                                                   │               │                                                
                                                         │                                                        │                 
                                                     Protocol:                                                Protocol:             
                                                        TLS                                                      TLS                
                                                         │                                                        │                 
                                                         ▼                                                        ▼                 
                                          ┌────────────────────────────┐                         ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
                                          │SNI:                        │                         │SNI:                             │
                                          ││                         │ │
                                          │  default                   │                         │                                 │
                                          └────────────────────────────┘                         └─────────────────────────────────┘
                                                         │                                                        │                 
                                                         │                                                        │                 
                                                         │                                                        │                 
                                                         │                                                        │                 
                                                         │                                                        │                 
                                                         │                                                        │                 
                                                         │                                                      ALPN:               
                                                         │                                              http1.1, h2, default        
        ┌──────────────┬─────────────────┬───────────────┴──┬───────────────┬────────────────┐                    │                 
        │              │                 │                  │               │                │                    │                 
        │              │                 │                  │               │                │                    │                 
        │            ALPN:               │                  │ALPN:          │              ALPN:                  │                 
        │       teleport-proxy-          │              teleport-mysql      │         teleport-auth@cluster       │                 
       ALPN:          ssh                │                  │               │                |                    │                 
  teleport-revers      │                 │ALPN:             │             ALPN:              │                    │                 
      etunnel          │            teleport-postgres       │     http1.1, h2, default       │                    │                 
        │              │                 │                  │               │                │                    │                 
        ▼              ▼                 ▼                  ▼               ▼                ▼                    ▼                 
 ┌─────────────┐ ┌────────────┐  ┌───────────────┐  ┌───────────────┐  ┌─────────┐  ┌─────────────────┐  ┌────────────────┐         
 │reversetunnel│ │ssh proxy   │  │Postgres proxy │  │MySQL proxy    │  │web proxy│  │local/remote auth│  │kube proxy      │         
 │service      │ │service     │  │service        │  │service        │  │service  │  │dial service     │  │service         │         
 └─────────────┘ └────────────┘  └───────────────┘  └───────────────┘  └─────────┘  └─────────────────┘  └────────────────┘         

Reducing the number of teleport proxy port by TLS ALPN Routing:

ALPN (Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation) is a TLS extension that allows the application layer to negotiate which protocol should be performed over a TLS connection. Teleport proxy will leverage ALPN routing in order to reduce the number of exposed ports.

Outgoing traffic send to the ssh-proxy, reverse tunnel, MySQL, Postgres and MongoDB proxy services will be wrapped in TLS protocol where the teleport proxy clients (tsh, teleport internal libs, local db proxy) will be responsible for setting one of the following teleport protocols:

  • teleport-proxy-ssh
  • teleport-reverse-tunnel
  • teleport-mysql
  • teleport-postgres
  • teleport-mongodb

The proxy server will listen on web_listen_addr and terminate the incoming TLS connection and forward the downstream traffic to the appropriate service based on the TLS ALPN negotiated protocol.

A downside of this approach is that traffic will be double encrypted, once by the TLS layer, and again by SSH, MySQL and Postgres protocols. This seems like a reasonable tradeoff for the external simplicity of only needing to run a single port and protocol for all connectivity.

Reducing the number of teleport port by TLS SNI routing (Server Name Indication)

In order to expose WEB, Kubernetes proxy services in one teleport proxy port, the teleport proxy server will route the incoming HTTPS traffic based on SNI TLS value either to web service or Kubernetes service.

Setting SNI value for kubectl CLI:

tsh kube login command generates a local kubeconfig.yaml file used during accessing teleport proxy by kubectl CLI. Additional to the current configuration the tls-server-name field will be added with appropriate SNI value:

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
  certificate-authority-data: ...
  server: public_proxy_ip:443

Local teleport proxy

To handle connections established to teleport proxy by external clients like mysql, psql CLIs where setting custom ALPN value is not possible we will run local teleport proxy. Traffic sent from external teleport clients will be forwarded through the local proxy where the proxy will be responsible for wrapping incoming connections in TLS protocol, setting appropriate ALPN protocol and establishing a connection to the remote teleport proxy.

For the tsh ssh and tsh scp commands scope forwarding traffic through local proxy seems to be superfluous. SSH traffic can be easily wrapped in TLS with custom teleport-proxy-ssh ALPN protocol inside tsh ssh handler after detecting that the teleport proxy_listener_addr listener was enabled but we should consider adding support for ssh proxy in order to enable external SSH and SCP clients like FileZilla, WinSCP and Putty.


  • Do we want to support Unix sockets in local proxy ?

OpenSSH ProxyCommand

In order to support connection from OpenSSH clients where traffic send to cluster proxy is wrapped in TLS protocol the tsh binary will provide a new tsh proxy ssh subcommand that can be injected to ProxyCommand like ssh -o "ForwardAgent yes" -o "ProxyCommand tsh proxy ssh"" The tsh proxy ssh command will be responsible for establishing a TLS connection to cluster proxy forwarding ssh-agent and proxying traffic between an openssh client and cluster proxy.

Reverse tunnel

Currently, reverse tunnel connection uses SSH protocol, and a separate cluster proxy port. Reverse tunnels connection established from proxy client will be wrapped in TLS protocol with teleport-reverse-tunnel SNI where cluster proxy TLS listener will be responsible for TLS termination and forwarding incoming SSH traffic to the reversetunnel teleport service where further remains unchanged.

Internal reverse tunnel dialer() will be aligned and an established reverse tunnel cluster proxy ssh connection will be wrapped in TLS


kubectl CLI

kubectl CLI reads the cluster config from the KUBECONFIG file thus, UX remains unchanged. The proper SNI value will be set automatically based on tls-server-name field that will be set by tsh kube login command.

APP curl access

The app access UX will remain unchanged, curl already sets ALPN protocols to h2,http/1.1 and SNI to the destination URL host.

curl \
  --cacert /Users/marek/.tsh/keys/proxy.example.teleport/certs.pem \
  --cert /Users/marek/.tsh/keys/proxy.example.teleport/alice-app/root/grafana-x509.pem \
  --key /Users/marek/.tsh/keys/proxy.example.teleport/alice \

tsh ssh node && tsh scp

UX remains unchanged. The onSSH and onSCP tsh commands handlers will be extended, and the connection established to cluster proxy will be wrapped in TLS protocol inside commands handler.

OpenSSH client

A new tsh proxy ssh command will be introduced allowing for injection to ProxyCommand openssh client command:

ssh -o "ForwardAgent yes" \
    -o "ProxyCommand tsh proxy ssh --user=%r %h:%p" \

--cluster flag allows connecting to a node within a trusted cluster:

 ssh -o "ForwardAgent yes" \
     -o "ProxyCommand tsh proxy ssh --user=%r %h:%p" \

tsh db connect db-instance

tsh db connect command introduced in #7213 will be extended. After detecting that cluster proxy support SNI ALPN routing the db connect will start on-demand local proxy and connect to the database through the local proxy using one psql, mysql or mongo shells. When a user exits from the db cli shell a local proxy will be automatically terminated.

         │   DB CLI    │                         
           │        │                            
       1) DB     12) DB                          
      Protocol  Protocol                         
           │        │                            
         │ Local Proxy │                         
            │        │                           
       2) TLS SNI 11) TLS                        
            │        │                           
            │        │                           
         │Cluster Proxy│                         
            │        │                           
        3) DB     10) DB                         
       Protocol  Protocol                        
            │        │                           
         │  DB Proxy   │                         
         │   Service   │                         
            │        │                           
         4) DB    9) DB                          
        Protocol Protocol                        
            │        │   5) Auth                 
         ┌──▼────────┴─┐   Req    ┌─────────────┐
         │             ├──────────▶             │
         │ DB Service  │ 6) Auth  │    Auth     │
         │             ◀───Resp───┤             │
         └──┬────────▲─┘          └─────────────┘
            │        │                           
         7) DB      8) DB                        
        Protocol   Protocol                      
            │        │                           
         │ DB Instance │                         
         │             │                         

tsh proxy db [-p port] instance-name

In order to support connection for standalone DB clients the tsh proxy db command will provide ability to start local proxy manually allowing external DB clients to connect to remote proxy through the local proxy.

Another possible approach is to allow tsh proxy db command to dynamically select what teleport DB ALPN protocol should be used (teleport-postgres, teleport-mysql, teleport-mongodb) in remote proxy connection based on RouteToDatabase.Protocol client certs identity. In this approach, local DB proxy needs to be DB protocol aware because MySQL protocol use custom TLS handshake. This solution will simplify tsh proxy db command integration with Teleport Desktop Application.

Proxy Configuration

ALPN SNI proxy service will leverage the current proxy web_listen_addr listener and provide additional routing functionality based on SNI ALPN TLS values without breaking the current web_listen_addr behavior. Old tsh clients will be still able to connect to MySQL or reverse tunnel listeners multiplexed on web_listen_addr address. Other proxy listeners (listen_addr, mysql_listen_addr, tunnel_listen_addr, kube_listen_addr) will preserve current functionality and at first ALPN SNI implementation won't provide any knobs mechanism to disable legacy listeners. The next stage of implementation will extend teleport configuration by versioning. Next version: v2 teleport configuration will provide the functionality of not starting legacy listeners unless the listeners' addresses are explicitly specified in the proxy configuration.

For example following configuration will ALPN SNI teleport proxy service only on the listener:

version: v2
    enabled: "yes"
    public_addr:  ['']
      - key_file: /etc/certs/live/
        cert_file: /etc/certs/live/

Where no ALPN SNI listeners can be still started if a particular legacy proxy service listener address was explicitly provided:

version: v2
    enabled: "yes"
    public_addr:  ['']
      - key_file: /etc/certs/live/
        cert_file: /etc/certs/live/

Supporting direct Teleport Auth dial.

Currently, Teleport Proxy clients use the Teleport Proxy SSH port to dial auth service through SSH tunnels. The teleport-auth@cluster ALPN protocol allows dialing Auth service directly without SSH tunnels. Teleport SNI ALPN Proxy will extract encoded cluster name from teleport-auth@ protocol prefix and route connection to appropriate auth service. Teleport Client library will be aligned allowing to dial Auth service directly when Teleport Proxy supports the ALPN SNI listener.