Zac Bergquist e174004612
Update RFD statuses (#24454)
We haven't been good about going back and marking RFDs as implemented,
and it's helpful when looking at old designs to know if they ever made
their way into the product.
2023-04-13 17:22:46 +00:00

6.4 KiB

authors state
Andrew Lytvynov ( implemented

RFD 33 - Desktop Access


Teleport Desktop Access allows users to log into remote desktop GUI environments.

This RFD describes the generic Desktop Access model and client that can be used with any target OS. Separate RFDs will describe the integration with specific OSs (like Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc).


Most modern infrastructure is managed via programmable textual interfaces, like ssh, kubernetes or SQL, or HTTP-based web apps. However, there's a significant number of IT systems that only run as a GUI, usually on Windows. Teleport Desktop Access aims to support accessing those systems, with the usual added benefits of Teleport like audit logging, SSO and RBAC.

In addition to Windows-only IT systems, Desktop Access can be used to access remote development machines, without the limitations of terminal-only SSH.



Desktop Access works similarly to other existing Teleport services: an authenticated client application talks to the Teleport Proxy, which proxies the traffic to a backend service. Along the way, services enforce authorization and record the session.

In Desktop Access, the client is a web application, bundled as part of the Teleport Web UI (similar to the web SSH client). The backend service (e.g. windows_desktop_service) is OS-specific and can represent multiple desktop hosts.

| web UI |
    | desktop protocol over websocket
| proxy  |
    | desktop protocol over mTLS
| backend |
| service |<----------------+
+---------+                 |
   ^                        |
   | OS protocol (e.g. RDP) |
   v                        v
+---------+              +---------+
| desktop |              | desktop |
| host 1  |              | host 2  |
+---------+              +---------+

From web UI to the backend service, the underlying wire protocol is a custom protocol, which we'll call "desktop protocol". Between the backend service and the actual desktop hosts, the wire protocol is a standard protocol for the target OS (like RDP or X11), which we'll call "OS protocol".


The wire protocol used between the Teleport UI and backend service is a custom binary protocol. It is described in more detail in RFD 37.

We are not using any standard remote desktop protocol, like RDP/X11/VNC/Guacamole for two reasons:

  • interoperability with 3rd party software is not a requirement
  • avoid legacy baggage and complexity of standard protocols, focus on simplicity and performance

We are also not using generic encoding protocols, like gRPC, to keep client-side parsing simple and reduce the JS bloat.


The client is a web app built into the Teleport Web UI. It's a JavaScript/TypeScript application that:

  • picks one of the allowed OS usernames for the logged-in Teleport user based on their roles
  • creates a websocket connection
  • handles the incoming desktop protocol messages and renders them onto an HTML canvas
  • captures user input, encodes it into desktop protocol messages and sends them over the websocket

TODO: wireframes?


There are no additional configuration options for Desktop Access in the web UI or the proxy. The Desktop Access client is part of the web UI and uses the same web port on the proxy for connecting a websocket.

All relevant configuration to enable the feature will live in OS-specific backend services, described in their own RFDs (like RFD 34 for Windows).


Role definitions for RBAC have a few new fields for Desktop Access:

  • ${OS}_desktop_logins - list of desktop login names allowed/denied for desktop hosts with a given OS
  • ${OS}_desktop_labels - list of labels to match the target desktop hosts against
  • desktop_clipboard - option for allowing copy/paste to/from the desktop host; default is true
  • record_desktop_session - option for enabling/disabling recording of sessions to target desktop hosts; for very long and not security-sensitive sessions, recording can be disabled to save on storage costs; default is true


kind: role
version: v3
  name: windows_db_admin
    desktop_clipboard: true
    record_desktop_session: true
    # Allow windows sessions as user DBAdmin in test and staging environments.
    windows_desktop_logins: ['DBAdmin']
      'env': ['staging', 'test']
    # Prevent logins to prod environment or as Administrator.
    windows_desktop_logins: ['Administrator']
      'env': ['prod']

Like with SSH access, the windows_desktop_logins field will support a couple special variables. An {{internal.windows_logins}} variable for local users will map to any logins that are supplied when the user is created with tctl users add alice --windows-logins=Administrator,DBUser. For SSO users, the {{external.attribute}} variable allows access to SAML assertions or OIDC claims.

Storage schema

There are 2 new kinds of objects stored in Teleport: ${OS}DesktopService and ${OS}Desktop. For example WindowsDesktopService and WindowsDesktop. The former tracks registration of an ${OS}_desktop_service instance of Teleport. The latter tracks an individual target desktop host for logging into.

OS-specific backend services are responsible for creating the ${OS}Desktop objects, including their RBAC labels.

The schema for these objects is defined in their respective RFDs.

Session recording

Video output in our desktop protocol uses bitmaps and not a standard video encoding format. We will record the video output data as-is, with timestamps added to each protocol message (or perhaps APNG).

To playback session recordings, we will replay them in the same canvas-based JS code as the original session used live.

Recording export

Some users might want to export the recording for sharing. To allow playback outside of the Teleport web UI, the exported recording should use a standard video format like MP4 or WebM.

To convert our storage format to the video format, we will use wasm-based ffmpeg in the browser. Conversion will happen on-demand during export and Teleport will not store the converted video file. The web UI code might need to first convert our internal storage format into one of the simpler formats that ffmpeg accepts as input.