2020-04-23 14:57:09 -07:00

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14 KiB

Copyright 2015 Gravitational, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package events
import (
const (
// EventType is event type/kind
EventType = "event"
// EventID is a unique event identifier
EventID = "uid"
// EventCode is a code that uniquely identifies a particular event type
EventCode = "code"
// EventTime is event time
EventTime = "time"
// EventLogin is OS login
EventLogin = "login"
// EventUser is teleport user name
EventUser = "user"
// EventProtocol specifies protocol that was captured
EventProtocol = "proto"
// EventProtocolsSSH specifies SSH as a type of captured protocol
EventProtocolSSH = "ssh"
// EventProtocolKube specifies kubernetes as a type of captured protocol
EventProtocolKube = "kube"
// LocalAddr is a target address on the host
LocalAddr = "addr.local"
// RemoteAddr is a client (user's) address
RemoteAddr = "addr.remote"
// EventCursor is an event ID (used as cursor value for enumeration, not stored)
EventCursor = "id"
// EventIndex is an event index as received from the logging server
EventIndex = "ei"
// EventNamespace is a namespace of the session event
EventNamespace = "namespace"
// SessionPrintEvent event happens every time a write occurs to
// temirnal I/O during a session
SessionPrintEvent = "print"
// SessionPrintEventBytes says how many bytes have been written into the session
// during "print" event
SessionPrintEventBytes = "bytes"
// SessionEventTimestamp is an offset (in milliseconds) since the beginning of the
// session when the terminal IO event happened
SessionEventTimestamp = "ms"
// SessionEvent indicates that session has been initiated
// or updated by a joining party on the server
SessionStartEvent = "session.start"
// SessionEndEvent indicates that a session has ended
SessionEndEvent = "session.end"
// SessionUploadEvent indicates that session has been uploaded to the external storage
SessionUploadEvent = "session.upload"
// URL is used for a session upload URL
URL = "url"
// SessionEventID is a unique UUID of the session.
SessionEventID = "sid"
// SessionServerID is the UUID of the server the session occurred on.
SessionServerID = "server_id"
// SessionServerHostname is the hostname of the server the session occurred on.
SessionServerHostname = "server_hostname"
// SessionEnhancedRecording is used to indicate if the recording was an
// enhanced recording or not.
SessionEnhancedRecording = "enhanced_recording"
// SessionInteractive is used to indicate if the session was interactive
// (has PTY attached) or not (exec session).
SessionInteractive = "interactive"
// SessionParticipants is a list of participants in the session.
SessionParticipants = "participants"
// SessionServerLabels are the labels (static and dynamic) of the server the
// session occurred on.
SessionServerLabels = "server_labels"
// SessionByteOffset is the number of bytes written to session stream since
// the beginning
SessionByteOffset = "offset"
// SessionJoinEvent indicates that someone joined a session
SessionJoinEvent = "session.join"
// SessionLeaveEvent indicates that someone left a session
SessionLeaveEvent = "session.leave"
// Data transfer events.
SessionDataEvent = ""
DataTransmitted = "tx"
DataReceived = "rx"
// ClientDisconnectEvent is emitted when client is disconnected
// by the server due to inactivity or any other reason
ClientDisconnectEvent = "client.disconnect"
// Reason is a field that specifies reason for event, e.g. in disconnect
// event it explains why server disconnected the client
Reason = "reason"
// UserLoginEvent indicates that a user logged into web UI or via tsh
UserLoginEvent = "user.login"
// LoginMethod is the event field indicating how the login was performed
LoginMethod = "method"
// LoginMethodLocal represents login with username/password
LoginMethodLocal = "local"
// LoginMethodClientCert represents login with client certificate
LoginMethodClientCert = "client.cert"
// LoginMethodOIDC represents login with OIDC
LoginMethodOIDC = "oidc"
// LoginMethodSAML represents login with SAML
LoginMethodSAML = "saml"
// LoginMethodGithub represents login with Github
LoginMethodGithub = "github"
// UserUpdatedEvent is emitted when the user is updated.
UserUpdatedEvent = "user.update"
// UserDeleteEvent is emitted when the user is deleted.
UserDeleteEvent = "user.delete"
// UserCreateEvent is emitted when the user is created.
UserCreateEvent = "user.create"
// UserCreatedName is the name of the created user.
UserCreatedName = "created_user"
// UserExpires is when the user will expire.
UserExpires = "expires"
// UserRoles is a list of roles for the user.
UserRoles = "roles"
// IdentityAttributes is a map of user attributes
// received from identity provider
IdentityAttributes = "attributes"
// UserConnector is the connector used to create the user.
UserConnector = "connector"
// AccessRequestCreateEvent is emitted when a new access request is created.
AccessRequestCreateEvent = "access_request.create"
// AccessRequestUpdateEvent is emitted when a request's state is updated.
AccessRequestUpdateEvent = "access_request.update"
// AccessRequestUpdateBy indicates the user that updated the request state.
AccessRequestUpdateBy = "updated_by"
// AccessRequestDelegator is used by teleport plugins to indicate the identity
// which caused them to update state.
AccessRequestDelegator = "delegator"
// AccessRequestState is the state of a request.
AccessRequestState = "state"
// AccessRequestID is the ID of an access request.
AccessRequestID = "id"
// ResetPasswordTokenCreateEvent is emitted when a new reset password token is created.
ResetPasswordTokenCreateEvent = "reset_password_token.create"
// ResetPasswordTokenTTL is TTL of reset password token.
ResetPasswordTokenTTL = "ttl"
// ResetPasswordTokenFor is a user name of reset password token.
ResetPasswordTokenFor = "entity"
// ExecEvent is an exec command executed by script or user on
// the server side
ExecEvent = "exec"
ExecEventCommand = "command"
ExecEventCode = "exitCode"
ExecEventError = "exitError"
// SubsystemEvent is the result of the execution of a subsystem.
SubsystemEvent = "subsystem"
SubsystemName = "name"
SubsystemError = "exitError"
// Port forwarding event
PortForwardEvent = "port"
PortForwardAddr = "addr"
PortForwardSuccess = "success"
PortForwardErr = "error"
// AuthAttemptEvent is authentication attempt that either
// succeeded or failed based on event status
AuthAttemptEvent = "auth"
AuthAttemptSuccess = "success"
AuthAttemptErr = "error"
AuthAttemptMessage = "message"
// SCPEvent means data transfer that occurred on the server
SCPEvent = "scp"
SCPPath = "path"
SCPLengh = "len"
SCPAction = "action"
SCPActionUpload = "upload"
SCPActionDownload = "download"
// ResizeEvent means that some user resized PTY on the client
ResizeEvent = "resize"
TerminalSize = "size" // expressed as 'W:H'
// SessionUploadIndex is a very large number of the event index
// to indicate that this is the last event in the chain
// used for the last event of the sesion - session upload
SessionUploadIndex = math.MaxInt32
// SessionDataIndex is a very large number of the event index
// to indicate one of the last session events, used to report
// data transfer
SessionDataIndex = math.MaxInt32 - 1
// SessionCommandEvent is emitted when an executable is run within a session.
SessionCommandEvent = "session.command"
// SessionDiskEvent is emitted when a file is opened within an session.
SessionDiskEvent = "session.disk"
// SessionNetworkEvent is emitted when a network connection is initated with a
// session.
SessionNetworkEvent = ""
// PID is the ID of the process.
PID = "pid"
// PPID is the PID of the parent process.
PPID = "ppid"
// CgroupID is the internal cgroupv2 ID of the event.
CgroupID = "cgroup_id"
// Program is name of the executable.
Program = "program"
// Path is the full path to the executable.
Path = "path"
// Argv is the list of arguments to the program. Note, the first element does
// not contain the name of the process.
Argv = "argv"
// ReturnCode is the return code of execve.
ReturnCode = "return_code"
// Flags are the flags passed to open.
Flags = "flags"
// SrcAddr is the source IP address of the connection.
SrcAddr = "src_addr"
// DstAddr is the destination IP address of the connection.
DstAddr = "dst_addr"
// DstPort is the destination port of the connection.
DstPort = "dst_port"
// TCPVersion is the version of TCP (4 or 6).
TCPVersion = "version"
const (
// MaxChunkBytes defines the maximum size of a session stream chunk that
// can be requested via AuditLog.GetSessionChunk(). Set to 5MB
MaxChunkBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 5
const (
// V1 is the V1 version of slice chunks API,
// it is 0 because it was not defined before
V1 = 0
// V2 is the V2 version of slice chunks API
V2 = 2
// V3 is almost like V2, but it assumes
// that session recordings are being uploaded
// at the end of the session, so it skips writing session event index
// on the fly
V3 = 3
// IAuditLog is the primary (and the only external-facing) interface for AuditLogger.
// If you wish to implement a different kind of logger (not filesystem-based), you
// have to implement this interface
type IAuditLog interface {
// Closer releases connection and resources associated with log if any
// EmitAuditEvent emits audit event
EmitAuditEvent(Event, EventFields) error
// DELETE IN: 2.7.0
// This method is no longer necessary as nodes and proxies >= 2.7.0
// use UploadSessionRecording method.
// PostSessionSlice sends chunks of recorded session to the event log
PostSessionSlice(SessionSlice) error
// UploadSessionRecording uploads session recording to the audit server
UploadSessionRecording(r SessionRecording) error
// GetSessionChunk returns a reader which can be used to read a byte stream
// of a recorded session starting from 'offsetBytes' (pass 0 to start from the
// beginning) up to maxBytes bytes.
// If maxBytes > MaxChunkBytes, it gets rounded down to MaxChunkBytes
GetSessionChunk(namespace string, sid session.ID, offsetBytes, maxBytes int) ([]byte, error)
// Returns all events that happen during a session sorted by time
// (oldest first).
// after tells to use only return events after a specified cursor Id
// This function is usually used in conjunction with GetSessionReader to
// replay recorded session streams.
GetSessionEvents(namespace string, sid session.ID, after int, includePrintEvents bool) ([]EventFields, error)
// SearchEvents is a flexible way to find events. The format of a query string
// depends on the implementing backend. A recommended format is urlencoded
// (good enough for Lucene/Solr)
// Pagination is also defined via backend-specific query format.
// The only mandatory requirement is a date range (UTC). Results must always
// show up sorted by date (newest first)
SearchEvents(fromUTC, toUTC time.Time, query string, limit int) ([]EventFields, error)
// SearchSessionEvents returns session related events only. This is used to
// find completed session.
SearchSessionEvents(fromUTC time.Time, toUTC time.Time, limit int) ([]EventFields, error)
// WaitForDelivery waits for resources to be released and outstanding requests to
// complete after calling Close method
WaitForDelivery(context.Context) error
// EventFields instance is attached to every logged event
type EventFields map[string]interface{}
// String returns a string representation of an event structure
func (f EventFields) AsString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: login=%s, id=%v, bytes=%v",
// GetType returns the type (string) of the event
func (f EventFields) GetType() string {
return f.GetString(EventType)
// GetID returns the unique event ID
func (f EventFields) GetID() string {
return f.GetString(EventID)
// GetCode returns the event code
func (f EventFields) GetCode() string {
return f.GetString(EventCode)
// GetTimestamp returns the event timestamp (when it was emitted)
func (f EventFields) GetTimestamp() time.Time {
return f.GetTime(EventTime)
// GetString returns a string representation of a logged field
func (f EventFields) GetString(key string) string {
val, found := f[key]
if !found {
return ""
v, _ := val.(string)
return v
// GetString returns an int representation of a logged field
func (f EventFields) GetInt(key string) int {
val, found := f[key]
if !found {
return 0
v, ok := val.(int)
if !ok {
f, ok := val.(float64)
if ok {
v = int(f)
return v
// GetString returns an int representation of a logged field
func (f EventFields) GetTime(key string) time.Time {
val, found := f[key]
if !found {
return time.Time{}
v, ok := val.(time.Time)
if !ok {
s := f.GetString(key)
v, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, s)
return v
// HasField returns true if the field exists in the event.
func (f EventFields) HasField(key string) bool {
_, ok := f[key]
return ok