Sasha Klizhentas 8356ae6a74 Use in-memory cache for the auth server API.
This commit expands the usage of the caching layer
for auth server API:

* Introduces in-memory cache that is used to serve all
Auth server API requests. This is done to achieve scalability
on 10K+ node clusters, where each node fetches certificate authorities,
roles, users and join tokens. It is not possible to scale
DynamoDB backend or other backends on 10K reads per seconds
on a single shard or partition. The solution is to introduce
an in-memory cache of the backend state that is always used
for reads.

* In-memory cache has been expanded to support all resources
required by the auth server.

* Experimental `tctl top` command has been introduced to display
common single node metrics.

Replace SQLite Memory Backend with BTree

SQLite in memory backend was suffering from
high tail latencies under load (up to 8 seconds
in 99.9%-ile on load configurations).

This commit replaces the SQLite memory caching
backend with in-memory BTree backend that
brought down tail latencies to 2 seconds (99.9%-ile)
and brought overall performance improvement.
2019-04-12 14:23:09 -07:00

467 lines
12 KiB

Copyright 2015 Gravitational, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package reversetunnel
import (
log ""
// AgentPool manages the pool of outbound reverse tunnel agents.
// The agent pool watches the reverse tunnel entries created by the admin and
// connects/disconnects to added/deleted tunnels.
type AgentPool struct {
cfg AgentPoolConfig
agents map[agentKey][]*Agent
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
discoveryC chan *discoveryRequest
// lastReport is the last time the agent has reported the stats
lastReport time.Time
// AgentPoolConfig holds configuration parameters for the agent pool
type AgentPoolConfig struct {
// Client is client to the auth server this agent connects to receive
// a list of pools
Client auth.ClientI
// AccessPoint is a lightweight access point
// that can optionally cache some values
AccessPoint auth.AccessPoint
// HostSigners is a list of host signers this agent presents itself as
HostSigners []ssh.Signer
// HostUUID is a unique ID of this host
HostUUID string
// Context is an optional context
Context context.Context
// Cluster is a cluster name
Cluster string
// Clock is a clock used to get time, if not set,
// system clock is used
Clock clockwork.Clock
// KubeDialAddr is an address of a kubernetes proxy
KubeDialAddr utils.NetAddr
// CheckAndSetDefaults checks and sets defaults
func (cfg *AgentPoolConfig) CheckAndSetDefaults() error {
if cfg.Client == nil {
return trace.BadParameter("missing 'Client' parameter")
if cfg.AccessPoint == nil {
return trace.BadParameter("missing 'AccessPoint' parameter")
if len(cfg.HostSigners) == 0 {
return trace.BadParameter("missing 'HostSigners' parameter")
if len(cfg.HostUUID) == 0 {
return trace.BadParameter("missing 'HostUUID' parameter")
if cfg.Context == nil {
cfg.Context = context.TODO()
if cfg.Clock == nil {
cfg.Clock = clockwork.NewRealClock()
return nil
// NewAgentPool returns new isntance of the agent pool
func NewAgentPool(cfg AgentPoolConfig) (*AgentPool, error) {
if err := cfg.CheckAndSetDefaults(); err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(cfg.Context)
pool := &AgentPool{
agents: make(map[agentKey][]*Agent),
cfg: cfg,
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
discoveryC: make(chan *discoveryRequest),
pool.Entry = log.WithFields(log.Fields{
trace.Component: teleport.ComponentReverseTunnelAgent,
trace.ComponentFields: log.Fields{
"cluster": cfg.Cluster,
return pool, nil
// Start starts the agent pool
func (m *AgentPool) Start() error {
go m.pollAndSyncAgents()
go m.processDiscoveryRequests()
return nil
// Stop stops the agent pool
func (m *AgentPool) Stop() {
// Wait returns when agent pool is closed
func (m *AgentPool) Wait() error {
select {
case <-m.ctx.Done():
return nil
func (m *AgentPool) processDiscoveryRequests() {
for {
select {
case <-m.ctx.Done():
case req := <-m.discoveryC:
if req == nil {
m.Debugf("channel closed")
func foundInOneOf(proxy services.Server, agents []*Agent) bool {
for _, agent := range agents {
if agent.connectedTo(proxy) {
return true
return false
func (m *AgentPool) tryDiscover(req discoveryRequest) {
proxies := Proxies(req.Proxies)
defer m.Unlock()
matchKey := req.key()
// if one of the proxies have been discovered or connected to
// remove proxy from discovery request
var filtered Proxies
agents := m.agents[matchKey]
for i := range proxies {
proxy := proxies[i]
if !foundInOneOf(proxy, agents) {
filtered = append(filtered, proxy)
m.Debugf("tryDiscover original(%v) -> filtered(%v)", proxies, filtered)
// nothing to do
if len(filtered) == 0 {
// close agents that are discovering proxies that are somehow
// different from discovery request
var foundAgent bool
m.closeAgentsIf(&matchKey, func(agent *Agent) bool {
if agent.getState() != agentStateDiscovering {
return false
if filtered.Equal(agent.DiscoverProxies) {
foundAgent = true
agent.Debugf("agent is already discovering the same proxies as requested in %v", filtered)
return false
agent.Debugf("is obsolete, going to close", agent.getState(), agent.DiscoverProxies)
return true
// if we haven't found any discovery agent
if !foundAgent {
m.addAgent(req.key(), req.Proxies)
// FetchAndSyncAgents executes one time fetch and sync request
// (used in tests instead of polling)
func (m *AgentPool) FetchAndSyncAgents() error {
tunnels, err := m.cfg.AccessPoint.GetReverseTunnels()
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
if err := m.syncAgents(tunnels); err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
return nil
func (m *AgentPool) withLock(f func()) {
defer m.Unlock()
type matchAgentFn func(a *Agent) bool
func (m *AgentPool) closeAgentsIf(matchKey *agentKey, matchAgent matchAgentFn) {
if matchKey != nil {
m.agents[*matchKey] = filterAndClose(m.agents[*matchKey], matchAgent)
if len(m.agents[*matchKey]) == 0 {
delete(m.agents, *matchKey)
for key, agents := range m.agents {
m.agents[key] = filterAndClose(agents, matchAgent)
if len(m.agents[key]) == 0 {
delete(m.agents, key)
func filterAndClose(agents []*Agent, matchAgent matchAgentFn) []*Agent {
var filtered []*Agent
for i := range agents {
agent := agents[i]
if matchAgent(agent) {
agent.Debugf("Pool is closing agent.")
} else {
filtered = append(filtered, agent)
return filtered
func (m *AgentPool) closeAgents(matchKey *agentKey) {
m.closeAgentsIf(matchKey, func(*Agent) bool {
// close all agents matching the matchKey
return true
func (m *AgentPool) pollAndSyncAgents() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(defaults.ReverseTunnelAgentHeartbeatPeriod)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-m.ctx.Done():
m.withLock(func() {
case <-ticker.C:
err := m.FetchAndSyncAgents()
if err != nil {
m.Warningf("failed to get reverse tunnels: %v", err)
func (m *AgentPool) addAgent(key agentKey, discoverProxies []services.Server) error {
agent, err := NewAgent(AgentConfig{
Addr: key.addr,
RemoteCluster: key.domainName,
Username: m.cfg.HostUUID,
Signers: m.cfg.HostSigners,
Client: m.cfg.Client,
AccessPoint: m.cfg.AccessPoint,
Context: m.ctx,
DiscoveryC: m.discoveryC,
DiscoverProxies: discoverProxies,
KubeDialAddr: m.cfg.KubeDialAddr,
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
m.Debugf("Adding %v.", agent)
// start the agent in a goroutine. no need to handle Start() errors: Start() will be
// retrying itself until the agent is closed
go agent.Start()
agents, _ := m.agents[key]
agents = append(agents, agent)
m.agents[key] = agents
return nil
// Counts returns a count of the number of proxies a outbound tunnel is
// connected to. Used in tests to determine if a proxy has been found and/or
// removed.
func (m *AgentPool) Counts() map[string]int {
out := make(map[string]int)
for key, agents := range m.agents {
out[key.domainName] += len(agents)
return out
// reportStats submits report about agents state once in a while at info
// level. Always logs more detailed information at debug level.
func (m *AgentPool) reportStats() {
var logReport bool
if m.cfg.Clock.Now().Sub(m.lastReport) > defaults.ReportingPeriod {
m.lastReport = m.cfg.Clock.Now()
logReport = true
for key, agents := range m.agents {
m.Debugf("Outbound tunnel for %v connected to %v proxies.", key.domainName, len(agents))
countPerState := map[string]int{
agentStateConnecting: 0,
agentStateDiscovering: 0,
agentStateConnected: 0,
agentStateDiscovered: 0,
agentStateDisconnected: 0,
for _, a := range agents {
for state, count := range countPerState {
gauge, err := trustedClustersStats.GetMetricWithLabelValues(key.domainName, state)
if err != nil {
m.Warningf("Failed to get gauge: %v.", err)
if logReport {
m.WithFields(log.Fields{"target": key.domainName, "stats": countPerState}).Info("Outbound tunnel stats.")
func (m *AgentPool) syncAgents(tunnels []services.ReverseTunnel) error {
defer m.Unlock()
keys, err := tunnelsToAgentKeys(tunnels)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
agentsToAdd, agentsToRemove := diffTunnels(m.agents, keys)
// remove agents from deleted reverse tunnels
for _, key := range agentsToRemove {
// add agents from added reverse tunnels
for _, key := range agentsToAdd {
if err := m.addAgent(key, nil); err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
// Remove disconnected agents from the list of agents.
// Report tunnel statistics.
return nil
// removeDisconnected removes disconnected agents from the list of agents.
// This function should be called under a lock.
func (m *AgentPool) removeDisconnected() {
for agentKey, agentSlice := range m.agents {
// Filter and close all disconnected agents.
validAgents := filterAndClose(agentSlice, func(agent *Agent) bool {
if agent.getState() == agentStateDisconnected {
return true
return false
// Update (or delete) agent key with filter applied.
if len(validAgents) > 0 {
m.agents[agentKey] = validAgents
} else {
delete(m.agents, agentKey)
func tunnelsToAgentKeys(tunnels []services.ReverseTunnel) (map[agentKey]bool, error) {
vals := make(map[agentKey]bool)
for _, tunnel := range tunnels {
keys, err := tunnelToAgentKeys(tunnel)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
for _, key := range keys {
vals[key] = true
return vals, nil
func tunnelToAgentKeys(tunnel services.ReverseTunnel) ([]agentKey, error) {
out := make([]agentKey, len(tunnel.GetDialAddrs()))
for i, addr := range tunnel.GetDialAddrs() {
netaddr, err := utils.ParseAddr(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
out[i] = agentKey{addr: *netaddr, domainName: tunnel.GetClusterName()}
return out, nil
func diffTunnels(existingTunnels map[agentKey][]*Agent, arrivedKeys map[agentKey]bool) ([]agentKey, []agentKey) {
var agentsToRemove, agentsToAdd []agentKey
for existingKey := range existingTunnels {
if _, ok := arrivedKeys[existingKey]; !ok { // agent was removed
agentsToRemove = append(agentsToRemove, existingKey)
for arrivedKey := range arrivedKeys {
if _, ok := existingTunnels[arrivedKey]; !ok { // agent was added
agentsToAdd = append(agentsToAdd, arrivedKey)
return agentsToAdd, agentsToRemove
type agentKey struct {
domainName string
addr utils.NetAddr
func (a *agentKey) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("agent(%v, %v)", a.domainName, a.addr.String())