Alan Parra 222cc96e6a
Update passwordless RFDs with current FIDO2 flows (#14060)
Update FIDO2 authn flows for tsh and clear the implication that authenticators
are only capable of returning a single assertion.

* Update passwordless RFDs with current FIDO2 flows
* Add preview release version to RFDs
* Add WebAuthn release version
2022-07-07 18:04:43 +00:00

27 KiB

authors state
Alan Parra ( implemented

RFD 53 - Passwordless for FIDO2 clients


Passwordless support for FIDO2 clients, including Web and CLI.

This RFD discusses "standard" FIDO2 clients - specialized/native APIs are covered by accompanying designs.

This is a part of the Passwordless RFD.

Passwordless is available as a preview in Teleport 10.


See the Passwordless RFD.


Browser-based clients

Browser-based clients are the simplest to discuss: they rely on the CredentialsContainer API - that's it.

The flow is similar to a "regular" MFA/WebAuthn login, with the exception that the interface doesn't need to ask for user/password; instead it should ask the server for a passwordless challenge.

                                               Web authentication

     ┌─────────────┐             │                     ┌───────┐                                  ┌────────┐
     │authenticator│            ┌┴┐                    │browser│                                  │Teleport│
     └──────┬──────┘           user                    └───┬───┘                                  └───┬────┘
            │                   │        start login       │                                          │
            │                   │ ─────────────────────────>                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │                          │      CreateAuthenticateChallenge()       │
            │                   │                          │      (no user or password informed)      │
            │                   │                          │ ─────────────────────────────────────────>
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │                          │ <─────────────────────────────────────────
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │                          │────┐                                     │
            │                   │                          │    │ navigator.credentials.get()         │
            │                   │                          │<───┘                                     │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │ choose authenticator? (1)│                                          │
            │                   │ <─────────────────────────                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │      *taps*       │                          │                                          │
            │<──────────────────│                          │                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │      enter PIN? (2)      │                                          │
            │                   │ <─────────────────────────                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │       *enters PIN*       │                                          │
            │                   │ ─────────────────────────>                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │  tap authenticator? (3)  │                                          │
            │                   │ <─────────────────────────                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │      *taps*       │                          │                                          │
            │<──────────────────│                          │                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │  choose credential? (4)  │                                          │
            │                   │ <─────────────────────────                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │         *chooses*        │                                          │
            │                   │ ─────────────────────────>                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │               sign challenge                 │                                          │
            │<─────────────────────────────────────────────│                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │        user handle, signed challenge         │                                          │
            │─────────────────────────────────────────────>│                                          │
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │                          │ Authenticate(userHandle, signedChallenge)│
            │                   │                          │ ─────────────────────────────────────────>
            │                   │                          │                                          │
            │                   │                          │                    ok                    │
            │                   │                          │ <─────────────────────────────────────────
     ┌──────┴──────┐           user                    ┌───┴───┐                                  ┌───┴────┐
     │authenticator│            ┌─┐                    │browser│                                  │Teleport│
     └─────────────┘            ║"│                    └───────┘                                  └────────┘

(Simplified Web authentication diagram.)

All user<->browser interaction steps depend on the browser implementation. The observations below are meant to inform RFD readers on the status quo at the time of writing.

(1) may be skipped if there is only a single authenticator present in the machine. In case of ambiguity (more than one authenticator), then the user is prompted to pick their authenticator of choice by tapping it.

(2) and (3) may be skipped for biometric authenticators - the initial tap is sufficient for both verification and presence checks.

(4) may also be skipped if there is a single resident key for the RPID (Relying Party ID) in the authenticator, otherwise a menu with options shows up.

CLI clients (aka tsh)

There are essentially two options for CLI clients / tsh:

  1. Leverage browsers and delegate FIDO2 authentication to them; or
  2. Write CLI-native FIDO authentication.

(1) is attractive enough to merit discussion. Its main downside is that we can't get a purely CLI-based flow, a browser needs to pop up. The upside is that we get to benefit from the work browsers do for authentication and security. This option means we get support for FIDO2 and native biometrics in a single stroke, without having to deal with the delicate issues they pose ourselves.

(2) is the current approach used by Teleport, as it brings characteristics that are important to our users. Unfortunately, it forces us to tackle some of the difficult problems already solved by browsers, which often require platform-specific work as well.

A compromise between both approaches is possible. For example, tsh could rely on browsers in most cases (1), but implement a best-effort CLI-native solution (2). This takes pressure out of the CLI implementation and allows it to focus in the more impactful use-cases, instead of having to provide full functionality.

For the moment, the RFD chooses the CLI-native approach (2). A possible design for browser-based CLI authentication was briefly considered, but discarded due to security concerns.

CLI-native authentication

CLI-native passwordless relies on libfido2, a C library that allows interaction with FIDO2 resident keys. (The official Go wrapper is

The solution provides a UX similar to the one seen in browsers: we request assertions of all hardware keys, making them blink. The user then chooses the desired key by touching it. If there are multiple resulting assertions, we then ask the user to choose the desired credential.

Authentication diagram below:

                                               tsh authentication

     ┌─────────────┐             │                    ┌───┐                                       ┌────────┐
     │authenticator│            ┌┴┐                   │tsh│                                       │Teleport│
     └──────┬──────┘           user                   └─┬─┘                                       └───┬────┘
            │                   │       tsh login       │                                             │
            │                   │ ──────────────────────>                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                   │                       │        CreateAuthenticateChallenge()        │
            │                   │                       │        (no user or password informed)       │
            │                   │                       │ ────────────────────────────────────────────>
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                   │                       │                  challenge                  │
            │                   │                       │ <────────────────────────────────────────────
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │     get_assertion(challenge, "") (1)      │                                             │
            │     (all authenticators)                  │                                             │
            │<──────────────────────────────────────────│                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                   │ choose authenticator? │                                             │
            │                   │ <──────────────────────                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │      *taps*       │                       │                                             │
            │<──────────────────│                       │                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                assertions                 │                                             │
            │──────────────────────────────────────────>│                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                   │     enter PIN? (2)    │                                             │
            │                   │ <──────────────────────                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                   │      *enters PIN*     │                                             │
            │                   │ ──────────────────────>                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │    get_assertion(challenge, pin) (3)      │                                             │
            │<──────────────────────────────────────────│                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                   │   tap authenticator?  │                                             │
            │                   │ <──────────────────────                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │      *taps*       │                       │                                             │
            │<──────────────────│                       │                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                assertions                 │                                             │
            │──────────────────────────────────────────>│                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                   │ choose credential? (4)│                                             │
            │                   │ <──────────────────────                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                   │       *chooses*       │                                             │
            │                   │ ──────────────────────>                                             │
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                   │                       │ AuthenticateSSH(userHandle, signedChallenge)│
            │                   │                       │ ────────────────────────────────────────────>
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                   │                       │               SSH credentials               │
            │                   │                       │ <────────────────────────────────────────────
            │                   │                       │                                             │
            │                   │           ok          │                                             │
            │                   │ <──────────────────────                                             │
     ┌──────┴──────┐           user                   ┌─┴─┐                                       ┌───┴────┐
     │authenticator│            ┌─┐                   │tsh│                                       │Teleport│
     └─────────────┘            ║"│                   └───┘                                       └────────┘

(1) is the assertion step explained above, requiring one touch from the user to choose the desired authenticator. Biometric capable authenticators skip directly to step (4), as PINs aren't required.

(2) and (3) are necessary for PIN-based authenticators. The first assertion fails due to lack of PIN, requiring the second assertion.

(4) is the credential picker step. It's skipped if there is only one resulting assertion, or if the user already picked a credential through other means (such as tsh login --user=mylogin).

libfido2 and Teleport

libfido2 adds a native dependency to Teleport. Its Go wrapper, go-libfido2, does little to alleviate the pains of dealing with a native dependency (in fact, as a wrapper, there is little it could do).

libfido2 itself depends on libcbor, OpenSSL 1.1 or newer, zlib and libudev (Linux only, part of systemd).

Care must be taken to produce deterministic (and equivalent!) builds for the various supported operating systems - as a last resort, building libcbor and libfido2 from source may be necessary (pulling the more complex, less sensitive libraries from package managers).

Linking for go-libfido2 varies depending on OS - it defaults to static for macOS (with an embedded libcbor binary) and dynamic for Linux and Windows (with various embedded binaries for Windows). We should consider replacing those during build, or once again forking go-libfido2 in order to standardize building and linking strategies. (Static linking seems to be the best option for tsh.)

During development, the libfido2-aware code in Teleport is to be protected by a libfido2 build tag - said tag could be kept in the final product if dealing with the library proves to be a hassle.


Security considerations are largely unchanged in relation to the Passwordless RFD.

It's important to note that CLI applications with hardware key access are particularly dangerous, as they are not subject to the security measures we've come to expect from browsers (in fact, any untrusted application that interacts with hardware keys should be used with caution). Those concerns are not exclusive to WebAuthn, but are made more delicate in face of passwordless credentials.

tsh does its best to be well-behaved and mitigates hardware key access concerns by being open source, providing signed binaries and its own Cloud solution.

(Security considerations for the browser-based CLI authentication alternative section are contained within it.)


UX is discussed throughout the design, but here is a summary of changes:

Browser-based clients

The exact passwordless flow is browser-dependent, see the diagram in the browser-based clients section for a quick reference.

Web UI changes are outside of the scope of the design, but it is likely that the user will need the means to choose between "regular" and "passwordless" flows before the ceremony starts. A real-world example of such flow may be found at Microsoft's

Registration has to make the same decision: does it take a resident key slot to allow passwordless? The decision is delegated to the Web UI, but it is likely users will want to decide in a case-by-case basis, specially when using hardware keys with storage limitations.

CLI clients (aka tsh)

Similarly to browser-based authentication, tsh login needs to know beforehand whether to go for the "regular" or "passwordless" flow. The decision comes from the passwordless cluster settings, with a possible user-override via the --auth flag.

Example of a login with multiple hardware keys, PIN, and multiple credentials (some steps may be skipped in simpler scenarios, see the CLI-native authentication section):

$ tsh login --auth=passwordless
> Tap your security key
> Enter your security key PIN:
*enters PIN*
> [1] alpaca
> [2] llama
> Choose the user for login: *chooses*
> Tap your security key again to complete the login
> > Profile URL:
>   Logged in as:       llama
>   Cluster:  
>   Roles:              access, editor
>   Logins:             llama
>   Kubernetes:         enabled
>   Valid until:        2021-10-04 23:32:29 -0700 PDT [valid for 12h0m0s]
>   Extensions:         permit-agent-forwarding, permit-port-forwarding, permit-pty

tsh mfa add must make the same decision when adding new FIDO2 keys (aka WebAuthn in interface lingo).

Example tsh mfa add with passwordless / resident key creation, including initial PIN setup:

$ tsh mfa add
> Choose device type [TOTP, WEBAUTHN]: webauthn
> Enter device name: pwdless-key
> Allow passwordless logins [YES, NO]: yes
> Tap any *registered* security key
> Tap your *new* security key
> Set up a new PIN for your security key:
*enters PIN*
> Confirm your new security key PIN:
*enters PIN*
> MFA device "pwdless-key" added.

(A possible fallback for registration is to reject hardware keys without a configured PIN, directing the user to configure their key using vendor-specific apps.)

Alternatives considered

Pure Go FIDO2 library

An alternative to the pains of libfido2 (and shortcomings of go-libfido2) is to write our own, pure Go, FIDO2 library.

The flynn/u2f library is backed by the necessary HID interfaces and has a parked webauthn branch that could be used as a starting point.

This alternative seems a bit extreme, at least for the moment, so it wasn't explored much further.