Jakub Nyckowski 5d82fe6b1f
Fix kube operator cross-compiled build (#30602)
* Fix kube operator cross compilation.

* Update .drone and generation logic

* Update compiler name used by Drone

* Use arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc for ARM builds

* Sign .drone.yml
2023-08-17 15:26:46 +00:00

521 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright 2021 Gravitational, Inc
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
// Describes a Gravitational "product", where a "product" is a piece of software
// that we provide to our customers via container repositories.
type Product struct {
Name string
DockerfilePath string
WorkingDirectory string // Working directory to use for "docker build".
DockerfileTarget string // Optional. Defines a dockerfile target to stop at on build.
SupportedArchs []string // ISAs that the builder should produce
SetupSteps []step // Product-specific, arch agnostic steps that must be ran before building an image.
ArchSetupSteps map[string][]step // Product and arch specific steps that must be ran before building an image. If commands are empty then they are treated as dependent steps.
DockerfileArgBuilder func(arch string) []string // Generator that returns "docker build --arg" strings
ImageBuilder func(repo *ContainerRepo, tag *ImageTag) *Image // Generator that returns an Image struct that defines what "docker build" should produce
MinimumSupportedMajorVersion string // Semver of the minimum major version that the product can be built for. For example, for Teleport Lab, this would be "v10".
func NewTeleportProduct(isEnterprise, isFips bool, version *ReleaseVersion) *Product {
workingDirectory := "/go/build"
name := "teleport"
dockerfileTarget := "teleport"
supportedArches := []string{"amd64"}
if isEnterprise {
name += "-ent"
if isFips {
dockerfileTarget += "-fips"
name += "-fips"
} else {
supportedArches = append(supportedArches, "arm", "arm64")
setupSteps, dockerfilePath, downloadProfileName := getTeleportSetupSteps(name, workingDirectory, version.ShellVersion)
archSetupSteps, debPaths := getTeleportArchsSetupSteps(supportedArches, workingDirectory, downloadProfileName, version, isEnterprise, isFips)
return &Product{
Name: name,
DockerfilePath: dockerfilePath,
WorkingDirectory: workingDirectory,
DockerfileTarget: dockerfileTarget,
SupportedArchs: supportedArches,
SetupSteps: setupSteps,
ArchSetupSteps: archSetupSteps,
DockerfileArgBuilder: func(arch string) []string {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("DEB_PATH=%s", debPaths[arch]),
ImageBuilder: func(repo *ContainerRepo, tag *ImageTag) *Image {
imageProductName := "teleport"
if isEnterprise {
imageProductName += "-ent"
if isFips {
return &Image{
Repo: repo,
Name: imageProductName,
Tag: tag,
// While technically this goes back much further, this is as far back as changes will be backported.
MinimumSupportedMajorVersion: "v9",
func readToolsVersions() (map[string]string, error) {
versionsMk, err := os.ReadFile("./build.assets/")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
versions := make(map[string]string)
versionsRe := regexp.MustCompile(`^(\w+)_VERSION\s*\??=\s*(\S+)$`)
for _, line := range regexp.MustCompile("\r?\n").Split(string(versionsMk), -1) {
matches := versionsRe.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(matches) == 3 {
versions[matches[1]] = matches[2]
return versions, nil
func NewTeleportOperatorProduct(cloneDirectory string) *Product {
name := "teleport-operator"
return &Product{
Name: name,
DockerfilePath: path.Join(cloneDirectory, "integrations", "operator", "Dockerfile"),
WorkingDirectory: cloneDirectory,
SupportedArchs: []string{"amd64", "arm", "arm64"},
ImageBuilder: func(repo *ContainerRepo, tag *ImageTag) *Image {
return &Image{
Repo: repo,
Name: name,
Tag: tag,
DockerfileArgBuilder: func(arch string) []string {
buildboxName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/gravitational/teleport-buildbox", ProductionRegistry)
compilerName := ""
switch arch {
case "x86_64", "amd64":
compilerName = "x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc"
case "i686", "i386":
compilerName = "i686-linux-gnu-gcc"
case "arm64", "aarch64":
buildboxName += "-arm"
compilerName = "aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc"
// We may want to add additional arm ISAs in the future to support devices without hardware FPUs
case "armhf":
case "arm":
buildboxName += "-arm"
compilerName = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"
buildboxName = fmt.Sprintf("%s:teleport%d", buildboxName, branchMajorVersion)
toolVersions, err := readToolsVersions()
if err != nil {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("BUILDBOX=%s", buildboxName),
fmt.Sprintf("COMPILER_NAME=%s", compilerName),
fmt.Sprintf("GOLANG_VERSION=%s", toolVersions["GOLANG"]),
fmt.Sprintf("PROTOC_VERSION=%s", toolVersions["PROTOC"]),
fmt.Sprintf("TARGETARCH=%s", arch),
"BUILD_ARCH=amd64", // all our runners are amd64
MinimumSupportedMajorVersion: "v10",
// Builds all the steps required to prepare the pipeline for building Teleport images.
// Returns the setup steps, the path to the downloaded Teleport dockerfile, and the name of the
// AWS profile that can be used to download artifacts from S3.
func getTeleportSetupSteps(productName, workingPath, checkoutRef string) ([]step, string, string) {
assumeS3DownloadRoleStep, profileName := assumeS3DownloadRoleStep(productName)
downloadDockerfileStep, dockerfilePath := downloadTeleportDockerfileStep(productName, workingPath, checkoutRef)
// Additional setup steps in the future should go here
return []step{assumeS3DownloadRoleStep, downloadDockerfileStep}, dockerfilePath, profileName
// Generates steps that download a deb for each supported arch to the working directory.
// Returns maps keyed by the supported arches, with the generated setup steps and deb paths.
func getTeleportArchsSetupSteps(supportedArchs []string, workingDirectory, profile string, version *ReleaseVersion,
isEnterprise, isFips bool) (map[string][]step, map[string]string) {
archSetupSteps := make(map[string][]step, len(supportedArchs))
debPaths := make(map[string]string, len(supportedArchs))
for _, supportedArch := range supportedArchs {
archSetupStep, debPath := getTeleportArchSetupStep(supportedArch, workingDirectory, profile, version, isEnterprise, isFips)
archSetupSteps[supportedArch] = []step{archSetupStep}
debPaths[supportedArch] = debPath
return archSetupSteps, debPaths
// Generates steps that download a deb for each supported arch to the working directory.
// Returns the generated step, and the path to the downloaded deb.
func getTeleportArchSetupStep(arch, workingDirectory, profile string, version *ReleaseVersion, isEnterprise, isFips bool) (step, string) {
shellDebName := buildTeleportDebName(version, arch, isEnterprise, isFips, false)
humanDebName := buildTeleportDebName(version, arch, isEnterprise, isFips, true)
commands := generateDownloadCommandsForArch(shellDebName, version.GetFullSemver().GetSemverValue(), workingDirectory, profile)
downloadStep := step{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("Download %q artifacts from S3", humanDebName),
Image: "amazon/aws-cli",
Environment: map[string]value{
"AWS_REGION": {raw: "us-west-2"},
"AWS_S3_BUCKET": {fromSecret: "AWS_S3_BUCKET"},
"AWS_PROFILE": {raw: profile},
Commands: commands,
Volumes: []volumeRef{volumeRefAwsConfig},
return downloadStep, shellDebName
// Generates the commands to download `debName` from s3 to `workingDirectory`.
// Returns the commands as well as the path where the deb will be downloaded to.
func generateDownloadCommandsForArch(debName, trimmedTag, workingDirectory, profile string) []string {
bucketPath := fmt.Sprintf("s3://$AWS_S3_BUCKET/teleport/tag/%s/", trimmedTag)
checkCommands := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("aws s3 ls %s | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f 4 | grep -x %s || SUCCESS=false", bucketPath, debName),
successCommand := "[ \"$SUCCESS\" = \"true\" ]"
remotePath := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", bucketPath, debName)
downloadPath := path.Join(workingDirectory, debName)
commands := make([]string, 0)
// Wait up to an hour for debs to be build and published to s3 by other pipelines
commands = append(commands, wrapCommandsInTimeout(checkCommands, successCommand, 60*60, 60)...)
commands = append(commands, fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -pv %q", workingDirectory))
commands = append(commands, fmt.Sprintf("aws s3 cp %s %s", remotePath, downloadPath))
return commands
// Returns either a human-readable or shell-evaluable Teleport deb name.
func buildTeleportDebName(version *ReleaseVersion, arch string, isEnterprise, isFips, humanReadable bool) string {
var versionString string
if humanReadable {
versionString = fmt.Sprintf("%s-tag", version.MajorVersion)
} else {
versionString = version.GetFullSemver().GetSemverValue()
debName := "teleport"
if isEnterprise {
debName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-ent", debName)
debName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", debName, versionString)
if isFips {
debName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-fips", debName)
debName = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s.deb", debName, arch)
return debName
// Creates a shell loop with a timeout
// commands: commands to run in a loop
// successCommand: should evaluate to shell true (i.e. `[ true ]`) when the loop has succeeded
// timeoutSeconds: how long in seconds to wait before the loop fails
// sleepTimeSeconds: how long to wait after every iteration before running again
func wrapCommandsInTimeout(commands []string, successCommand string, timeoutSeconds int, sleepTimeSeconds int) []string {
setupCommands := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("END_TIME=$(( $(date +%%s) + %d ))", timeoutSeconds),
"while [ $(date +%s) -lt $${END_TIME?} ]; do",
finalizeCommands := []string{
// Evaluate the condition
fmt.Sprintf("%s && TIMED_OUT=false && break;", successCommand),
// Sleep if not met
fmt.Sprintf("echo 'Condition not met yet, waiting another %d seconds...'", sleepTimeSeconds),
fmt.Sprintf("sleep %d", sleepTimeSeconds),
// Conditionally log timeout failure and exit
fmt.Sprintf("[ $${TIMED_OUT?} = true ] && echo 'Timed out while waiting for condition: %s' && exit 1", successCommand),
loopCommands := make([]string, 0)
loopCommands = append(loopCommands, setupCommands...)
loopCommands = append(loopCommands, commands...)
loopCommands = append(loopCommands, finalizeCommands...)
return loopCommands
// Generates a step that downloads the Teleport Dockerfile
// Returns the generated step and the path to the downloaded Dockerfile
func downloadTeleportDockerfileStep(productName, workingPath, checkoutRef string) (step, string) {
clonePath := "/tmp/repo"
// Enterprise and fips specific dockerfiles should be configured here in the future if needed
repoRelativeDockerfilePath := path.Join("build.assets", "charts", "Dockerfile")
destinationDockerfilePath := path.Join(workingPath, fmt.Sprintf("Dockerfile-%s", productName))
// Note that this specific method of retrieving the Dockerfile is used because Drone has
// access to a SSH private key for GitHub, but not an API token.
// If a simple `curl` is used here it will fail on private
// repos that require authentication. The existence of the private key handles all of this for us.
return step{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("Download Teleport Dockerfile to %q for %s", destinationDockerfilePath, productName),
Image: "alpine/git:latest",
Commands: append(
cloneRepoCommands(clonePath, checkoutRef),
fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -pv $(dirname %q)", destinationDockerfilePath),
fmt.Sprintf("cp %q %q", path.Join(clonePath, repoRelativeDockerfilePath), destinationDockerfilePath),
}, destinationDockerfilePath
func assumeS3DownloadRoleStep(productName string) (step, string) {
profileName := fmt.Sprintf("s3-download-%s", productName)
return kubernetesAssumeAwsRoleStep(kubernetesRoleSettings{
awsRoleSettings: awsRoleSettings{
awsAccessKeyID: value{fromSecret: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"},
awsSecretAccessKey: value{fromSecret: "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"},
role: value{fromSecret: "AWS_ROLE"},
configVolume: volumeRefAwsConfig,
profile: profileName,
name: fmt.Sprintf("Assume S3 Download AWS Role for %s", productName),
append: true,
}), profileName
func (p *Product) getBaseImage(arch string, version *ReleaseVersion, containerRepo *ContainerRepo) *Image {
return p.ImageBuilder(
ShellBaseValue: version.GetFullSemver().GetSemverValue(),
DisplayBaseValue: version.MajorVersion,
Arch: arch,
IsForFullSemver: true,
func (p *Product) GetLocalRegistryImage(arch string, version *ReleaseVersion) *Image {
return p.getBaseImage(arch, version, GetLocalContainerRepo())
func (p *Product) GetStagingRegistryImage(arch string, version *ReleaseVersion, stagingRepo *ContainerRepo) *Image {
return p.getBaseImage(arch, version, stagingRepo)
func (p *Product) buildSteps(version *ReleaseVersion, parentStepNames []string, flags *TriggerFlags) []step {
steps := make([]step, 0)
// Get the container repos images will be pushed to
stagingRepo := GetStagingContainerRepo(flags.UseUniqueStagingTag)
publicEcrPullRegistry := GetPublicEcrPullRegistry()
productionRepos := GetProductionContainerRepos()
// Collect the name of the steps that are required before build/retrieval
productSetupStepNames := make([]string, 0)
if flags.ShouldBuildNewImages {
for _, setupStep := range p.SetupSteps {
// Wait for the parent steps before starting on the product setup steps
setupStep.DependsOn = append(setupStep.DependsOn, parentStepNames...)
steps = append(steps, setupStep)
productSetupStepNames = append(productSetupStepNames, setupStep.Name)
if len(productSetupStepNames) == 0 {
// Cover the case where there are no product setup steps
productSetupStepNames = parentStepNames
archBuildStepDetails := make([]*buildStepOutput, 0, len(p.SupportedArchs))
// Add image build/retrieval steps
for _, supportedArch := range p.SupportedArchs {
// Include steps for building images from scratch
if flags.ShouldBuildNewImages {
archBuildStep, archBuildStepDetail := p.createBuildStep(supportedArch, version, publicEcrPullRegistry)
// Collect the name of steps that are required before build, taking into account arch-specific steps
setupStepNames := make([]string, 0)
for _, archSetupStep := range p.ArchSetupSteps[supportedArch] {
archSetupStep.DependsOn = append(archSetupStep.DependsOn, productSetupStepNames...)
steps = append(steps, archSetupStep)
setupStepNames = append(setupStepNames, archSetupStep.Name)
if len(setupStepNames) == 0 {
// Cover the case where there are no arch specific steps
setupStepNames = productSetupStepNames
archBuildStep.DependsOn = append(archBuildStep.DependsOn, setupStepNames...)
steps = append(steps, archBuildStep)
archBuildStepDetails = append(archBuildStepDetails, archBuildStepDetail)
} else {
stagingImage := p.GetStagingRegistryImage(supportedArch, version, stagingRepo)
pullStagingImageStep, locallyPushedImage := stagingRepo.pullPushStep(stagingImage, productSetupStepNames)
steps = append(steps, pullStagingImageStep)
// Generate build details that point to the pulled staging images
archBuildStepDetails = append(archBuildStepDetails, &buildStepOutput{
StepName: pullStagingImageStep.Name,
BuiltImage: locallyPushedImage,
Version: version,
Product: p,
// Add publish steps
for _, containerRepo := range getReposToPublishTo(productionRepos, stagingRepo, flags) {
buildSteps := containerRepo.buildSteps(archBuildStepDetails, flags)
// Add repo setup step dependency to the build steps
setupStepNames := getStepNames(containerRepo.SetupSteps)
for _, buildStep := range buildSteps {
buildStep.DependsOn = append(buildStep.DependsOn, setupStepNames...)
steps = append(steps, buildSteps...)
return steps
func getReposToPublishTo(productionRepos []*ContainerRepo, stagingRepo *ContainerRepo, flags *TriggerFlags) []*ContainerRepo {
stagingRepos := []*ContainerRepo{stagingRepo}
if flags.ShouldAffectProductionImages {
if !flags.ShouldBuildNewImages {
// In this case the images will be pulled from staging and therefor should not be re-published
// to staging
return productionRepos
return append(stagingRepos, productionRepos...)
return stagingRepos
func (p *Product) GetBuildStepName(arch string, version *ReleaseVersion) string {
localImageName := p.GetLocalRegistryImage(arch, version)
return fmt.Sprintf("Build %s image %q", p.Name, localImageName.GetDisplayName())
func cleanBuilderName(builderName string) string {
var invalidBuildxCharExpression = regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]+`)
return invalidBuildxCharExpression.ReplaceAllString(builderName, "-")
func (p *Product) createBuildStep(arch string, version *ReleaseVersion, publicEcrPullRegistry *ContainerRepo) (step, *buildStepOutput) {
localRegistryImage := p.GetLocalRegistryImage(arch, version)
builderName := cleanBuilderName(fmt.Sprintf("%s-builder", localRegistryImage.GetDisplayName()))
buildxConfigFileDir := path.Join("/tmp", builderName)
buildxConfigFilePath := path.Join(buildxConfigFileDir, "buildkitd.toml")
buildxCreateCommand := "docker buildx create"
buildxCreateCommand += fmt.Sprintf(" --driver %q", "docker-container")
// This is set so that buildx can reach the local registry
buildxCreateCommand += fmt.Sprintf(" --driver-opt %q", "network=host")
buildxCreateCommand += fmt.Sprintf(" --name %q", builderName)
buildxCreateCommand += fmt.Sprintf(" --config %q", buildxConfigFilePath)
buildCommand := "docker buildx build"
buildCommand += " --push"
buildCommand += fmt.Sprintf(" --builder %q", builderName)
if p.DockerfileTarget != "" {
buildCommand += fmt.Sprintf(" --target %q", p.DockerfileTarget)
buildCommand += fmt.Sprintf(" --platform %q", "linux/"+arch)
buildCommand += fmt.Sprintf(" --tag %s", localRegistryImage.GetShellName())
buildCommand += fmt.Sprintf(" --file %q", p.DockerfilePath)
if p.DockerfileArgBuilder != nil {
for _, buildArg := range p.DockerfileArgBuilder(arch) {
buildCommand += fmt.Sprintf(" --build-arg %s", buildArg)
buildCommand += " " + p.WorkingDirectory
// This is important to prevent pull rate limiting. See `GetPublicEcrPullRegistry` doc comment
// for details.
authenticatedBuildCommands := publicEcrPullRegistry.buildCommandsWithLogin([]string{buildCommand})
commands := []string{
"docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all",
fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -pv %q && cd %q", p.WorkingDirectory, p.WorkingDirectory),
fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -pv %q", buildxConfigFileDir),
fmt.Sprintf("echo '[registry.%q]' > %q", LocalRegistrySocket, buildxConfigFilePath),
fmt.Sprintf("echo ' http = true' >> %q", buildxConfigFilePath),
commands = append(commands, authenticatedBuildCommands...)
commands = append(commands,
fmt.Sprintf("docker buildx rm %q", builderName),
fmt.Sprintf("rm -rf %q", buildxConfigFileDir),
envVars := maps.Clone(publicEcrPullRegistry.EnvironmentVars)
envVars["DOCKER_BUILDKIT"] = value{
raw: "1",
step := step{
Name: p.GetBuildStepName(arch, version),
Image: "docker",
Volumes: []volumeRef{volumeRefAwsConfig, volumeRefDocker}, // no docker config volume, as this will race
Environment: envVars,
Commands: commands,
DependsOn: getStepNames(publicEcrPullRegistry.SetupSteps),
return step, &buildStepOutput{
StepName: step.Name,
BuiltImage: localRegistryImage,
Version: version,
Product: p,