Sasha Klizhentas 68b65f5b24 Teleport signal handling and live reload.
This commit introduces signal handling.
Parent teleport process is now capable of forking
the child process and passing listeners file descriptors
to the child.

Parent process then can gracefully shutdown
by tracking the amount of current connections and
closing listeners once the amount goes to 0.

Here are the signals handled:

* USR2 signal will cause the parent to fork
a child process and pass listener file descriptors to it.
Child process will close unused file descriptors
and will bind to the used ones.

At this moment two processes - the parent
and the forked child process will be serving requests.
After looking at the traffic and the log files,
administrator can either shut down the parent process
or the child process if the child process is not functioning
as expected.

* TERM, INT signals will trigger graceful process shutdown.
Auth, node and proxy processes will wait until the amount
of active connections goes down to 0 and will exit after that.

* KILL, QUIT signals will cause immediate non-graceful

* HUP signal combines USR2 and TERM signals in a convenient
way: parent process will fork a child process and
self-initate graceful shutdown. This is a more convenient
than USR2/TERM sequence, but less agile and robust
as if the connection to the parent process drops, but
the new process exits with error, administrators
can lock themselves out of the environment.

Additionally, boltdb backend has to be phased out,
as it does not support read/writes by two concurrent
processes. This had required refactoring of the dir
backend to use file locking to allow inter-process
collaboration on read/write operations.
2018-02-13 15:18:47 -08:00

1125 lines
32 KiB

package integration
import (
log ""
// SetTestTimeouts affects global timeouts inside Teleport, making connections
// work faster but consuming more CPU (useful for integration testing)
func SetTestTimeouts(t time.Duration) {
defaults.ReverseTunnelAgentHeartbeatPeriod = t
defaults.ServerHeartbeatTTL = t
defaults.SessionRefreshPeriod = t
// TeleInstance represents an in-memory instance of a teleport
// process for testing
type TeleInstance struct {
// Secrets holds the keys (pub, priv and derived cert) of i instance
Secrets InstanceSecrets
// Slice of TCP ports used by Teleport services
Ports []int
// Hostname is the name of the host where i isnstance is running
Hostname string
// Internal stuff...
Process *service.TeleportProcess
Config *service.Config
Tunnel reversetunnel.Server
// Nodes is a list of additional nodes
// started with this instance
Nodes []*service.TeleportProcess
type User struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
AllowedLogins []string `json:"logins"`
Key *client.Key `json:"key"`
Roles []services.Role `json:"-"`
type InstanceSecrets struct {
// instance name (aka "site name")
SiteName string `json:"site_name"`
// instance keys+cert (reused for hostCA and userCA)
// PubKey is instance public key
PubKey []byte `json:"pub"`
// PrivKey is instance private key
PrivKey []byte `json:"priv"`
// Cert is SSH host certificate
Cert []byte `json:"cert"`
// TLSCACert is the certificate of the trusted certificate authority
TLSCACert []byte `json:"tls_ca_cert"`
// TLSCert is client TLS X509 certificate
TLSCert []byte `json:"tls_cert"`
// ListenAddr is a reverse tunnel listening port, allowing
// other sites to connect to i instance. Set to empty
// string if i instance is not allowing incoming tunnels
ListenAddr string `json:"tunnel_addr"`
// WebProxyAddr is address for web proxy
WebProxyAddr string `json:"web_proxy_addr"`
// list of users i instance trusts (key in the map is username)
Users map[string]*User `json:"users"`
func (s *InstanceSecrets) String() string {
bytes, _ := json.MarshalIndent(s, "", "\t")
return string(bytes)
// InstanceConfig is an instance configuration
type InstanceConfig struct {
// ClusterName is a cluster name of the instance
ClusterName string
// HostID is a host id of the instance
HostID string
// NodeName is a node name of the instance
NodeName string
// Ports is a list of assigned ports to use
Ports []int
// Priv is SSH private key of the instance
Priv []byte
// Pub is SSH public key of the instance
Pub []byte
// MultiplexProxy uses the same port for web and SSH reverse tunnel proxy
MultiplexProxy bool
// NewInstance creates a new Teleport process instance
func NewInstance(cfg InstanceConfig) *TeleInstance {
var err error
if len(cfg.Ports) < 5 {
fatalIf(fmt.Errorf("not enough free ports given: %v", cfg.Ports))
if cfg.NodeName == "" {
cfg.NodeName, err = os.Hostname()
// generate instance secrets (keys):
keygen := native.New()
if cfg.Priv == nil || cfg.Pub == nil {
cfg.Priv, cfg.Pub, _ = keygen.GenerateKeyPair("")
rsaKey, err := ssh.ParseRawPrivateKey(cfg.Priv)
tlsCAKey, tlsCACert, err := tlsca.GenerateSelfSignedCAWithPrivateKey(rsaKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey), pkix.Name{
CommonName: cfg.ClusterName,
Organization: []string{cfg.ClusterName},
}, nil, defaults.CATTL)
cert, err := keygen.GenerateHostCert(services.HostCertParams{
PrivateCASigningKey: cfg.Priv,
PublicHostKey: cfg.Pub,
HostID: cfg.HostID,
NodeName: cfg.NodeName,
ClusterName: cfg.ClusterName,
Roles: teleport.Roles{teleport.RoleAdmin},
TTL: time.Duration(time.Hour * 24),
tlsCA, err := tlsca.New(tlsCACert, tlsCAKey)
cryptoPubKey, err := sshutils.CryptoPublicKey(cfg.Pub)
identity := tlsca.Identity{
Username: fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", cfg.HostID, cfg.ClusterName),
Groups: []string{string(teleport.RoleAdmin)},
clock := clockwork.NewRealClock()
tlsCert, err := tlsCA.GenerateCertificate(tlsca.CertificateRequest{
Clock: clock,
PublicKey: cryptoPubKey,
Subject: identity.Subject(),
NotAfter: clock.Now().UTC().Add(time.Hour * 24),
i := &TeleInstance{
Ports: cfg.Ports,
Hostname: cfg.NodeName,
secrets := InstanceSecrets{
SiteName: cfg.ClusterName,
PrivKey: cfg.Priv,
PubKey: cfg.Pub,
Cert: cert,
TLSCACert: tlsCACert,
TLSCert: tlsCert,
ListenAddr: net.JoinHostPort(cfg.NodeName, i.GetPortReverseTunnel()),
WebProxyAddr: net.JoinHostPort(cfg.NodeName, i.GetPortWeb()),
Users: make(map[string]*User),
if cfg.MultiplexProxy {
secrets.ListenAddr = secrets.WebProxyAddr
i.Secrets = secrets
return i
// GetRoles returns a list of roles to initiate for this secret
func (s *InstanceSecrets) GetRoles() []services.Role {
var roles []services.Role
for _, ca := range s.GetCAs() {
if ca.GetType() != services.UserCA {
role := services.RoleForCertAuthority(ca)
role.SetLogins(services.Allow, s.AllowedLogins())
roles = append(roles, role)
return roles
// GetCAs return an array of CAs stored by the secrets object. In i
// case we always return hard-coded userCA + hostCA (and they share keys
// for simplicity)
func (s *InstanceSecrets) GetCAs() []services.CertAuthority {
hostCA := services.NewCertAuthority(services.HostCA, s.SiteName, [][]byte{s.PrivKey}, [][]byte{s.PubKey}, []string{})
hostCA.SetTLSKeyPairs([]services.TLSKeyPair{{Cert: s.TLSCACert, Key: s.PrivKey}})
return []services.CertAuthority{
services.NewCertAuthority(services.UserCA, s.SiteName, [][]byte{s.PrivKey}, [][]byte{s.PubKey}, []string{services.RoleNameForCertAuthority(s.SiteName)}),
func (s *InstanceSecrets) AllowedLogins() []string {
var logins []string
for i := range s.Users {
logins = append(logins, s.Users[i].AllowedLogins...)
return logins
func (s *InstanceSecrets) AsTrustedCluster(token string, roleMap services.RoleMap) services.TrustedCluster {
return &services.TrustedClusterV2{
Kind: services.KindTrustedCluster,
Version: services.V2,
Metadata: services.Metadata{
Name: s.SiteName,
Spec: services.TrustedClusterSpecV2{
Token: token,
Enabled: true,
ProxyAddress: s.WebProxyAddr,
ReverseTunnelAddress: s.ListenAddr,
RoleMap: roleMap,
func (s *InstanceSecrets) AsSlice() []*InstanceSecrets {
return []*InstanceSecrets{s}
func (s *InstanceSecrets) GetIdentity() *auth.Identity {
i, err := auth.ReadIdentityFromKeyPair(s.PrivKey, s.Cert, s.TLSCert, s.TLSCACert)
return i
func (i *TeleInstance) GetPortSSHInt() int {
return i.Ports[0]
func (i *TeleInstance) GetPortSSH() string {
return strconv.Itoa(i.GetPortSSHInt())
func (i *TeleInstance) GetPortAuth() string {
return strconv.Itoa(i.Ports[1])
func (i *TeleInstance) GetPortProxy() string {
return strconv.Itoa(i.Ports[2])
func (i *TeleInstance) GetPortWeb() string {
return strconv.Itoa(i.Ports[3])
func (i *TeleInstance) GetPortReverseTunnel() string {
return strconv.Itoa(i.Ports[4])
// GetSiteAPI() is a helper which returns an API endpoint to a site with
// a given name. i endpoint implements HTTP-over-SSH access to the
// site's auth server.
func (i *TeleInstance) GetSiteAPI(siteName string) auth.ClientI {
siteTunnel, err := i.Tunnel.GetSite(siteName)
if err != nil {
return nil
siteAPI, err := siteTunnel.GetClient()
if err != nil {
return nil
return siteAPI
// Create creates a new instance of Teleport which trusts a lsit of other clusters (other
// instances)
func (i *TeleInstance) Create(trustedSecrets []*InstanceSecrets, enableSSH bool, console io.Writer) error {
tconf := service.MakeDefaultConfig()
tconf.SSH.Enabled = enableSSH
tconf.Console = console
tconf.Proxy.DisableWebService = true
tconf.Proxy.DisableWebInterface = true
return i.CreateEx(trustedSecrets, tconf)
// CreateEx creates a new instance of Teleport which trusts a list of other clusters (other
// instances)
// Unlike Create() it allows for greater customization because it accepts
// a full Teleport config structure
func (i *TeleInstance) CreateEx(trustedSecrets []*InstanceSecrets, tconf *service.Config) error {
var err error
dataDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "cluster-"+i.Secrets.SiteName)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
if tconf == nil {
tconf = service.MakeDefaultConfig()
tconf.DataDir = dataDir
tconf.Auth.ClusterName, err = services.NewClusterName(services.ClusterNameSpecV2{
ClusterName: i.Secrets.SiteName,
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
tconf.Auth.StaticTokens, err = services.NewStaticTokens(services.StaticTokensSpecV2{
StaticTokens: []services.ProvisionToken{
Roles: []teleport.Role{teleport.RoleNode, teleport.RoleProxy, teleport.RoleTrustedCluster},
Token: "token",
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
tconf.Auth.Authorities = append(tconf.Auth.Authorities, i.Secrets.GetCAs()...)
tconf.Identities = append(tconf.Identities, i.Secrets.GetIdentity())
for _, trusted := range trustedSecrets {
tconf.Auth.Authorities = append(tconf.Auth.Authorities, trusted.GetCAs()...)
tconf.Auth.Roles = append(tconf.Auth.Roles, trusted.GetRoles()...)
tconf.Identities = append(tconf.Identities, trusted.GetIdentity())
if trusted.ListenAddr != "" {
tconf.ReverseTunnels = []services.ReverseTunnel{
services.NewReverseTunnel(trusted.SiteName, []string{trusted.ListenAddr}),
tconf.Proxy.ReverseTunnelListenAddr.Addr = i.Secrets.ListenAddr
tconf.HostUUID = i.Secrets.GetIdentity().ID.HostUUID
tconf.SSH.Addr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, i.GetPortSSH())
tconf.Auth.SSHAddr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, i.GetPortAuth())
tconf.Proxy.SSHAddr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, i.GetPortProxy())
tconf.Proxy.WebAddr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, i.GetPortWeb())
tconf.AuthServers = append(tconf.AuthServers, tconf.Auth.SSHAddr)
tconf.Auth.StorageConfig = backend.Config{
Type: dir.GetName(),
Params: backend.Params{"path": dataDir},
tconf.Keygen = testauthority.New()
i.Config = tconf
i.Process, err = service.NewTeleport(tconf)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
// if the auth server is not enabled, nothing more to do be done
if !tconf.Auth.Enabled {
return nil
// if this instance contains an auth server, configure the auth server as well.
// create users and roles if they don't exist, or sign their keys if they're
// already present
auth := i.Process.GetAuthServer()
for _, user := range i.Secrets.Users {
teleUser, err := services.NewUser(user.Username)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
var roles []services.Role
if len(user.Roles) == 0 {
role := services.RoleForUser(teleUser)
role.SetLogins(services.Allow, user.AllowedLogins)
// allow tests to forward agent, still needs to be passed in client
roleOptions := role.GetOptions()
roleOptions.Set(services.ForwardAgent, true)
err = auth.UpsertRole(role, backend.Forever)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
roles = append(roles, role)
} else {
roles = user.Roles
for _, role := range user.Roles {
err := auth.UpsertRole(role, backend.Forever)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
err = auth.UpsertUser(teleUser)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
// if user keys are not present, auto-geneate keys:
if user.Key == nil || len(user.Key.Pub) == 0 {
priv, pub, _ := tconf.Keygen.GenerateKeyPair("")
user.Key = &client.Key{
Priv: priv,
Pub: pub,
// sign user's keys:
ttl := 24 * time.Hour
user.Key.Cert, user.Key.TLSCert, err = auth.GenerateUserCerts(user.Key.Pub, teleUser.GetName(), ttl, teleport.CertificateFormatStandard)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// StartNode starts a SSH node and connects it to the cluster.
func (i *TeleInstance) StartNode(name string, sshPort int) (*service.TeleportProcess, error) {
dataDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "cluster-"+i.Secrets.SiteName)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
tconf := service.MakeDefaultConfig()
authServer := utils.MustParseAddr(net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, i.GetPortAuth()))
tconf.AuthServers = append(tconf.AuthServers, *authServer)
tconf.Token = "token"
tconf.HostUUID = name
tconf.Hostname = name
tconf.DataDir = dataDir
var ttl time.Duration
tconf.CachePolicy = service.CachePolicy{
Enabled: true,
RecentTTL: &ttl,
tconf.Auth.Enabled = false
tconf.Proxy.Enabled = false
tconf.SSH.Enabled = true
tconf.SSH.Addr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, fmt.Sprintf("%v", sshPort))
// Create a new Teleport process and add it to the list of nodes that
// compose this "cluster".
process, err := service.NewTeleport(tconf)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
i.Nodes = append(i.Nodes, process)
// Build a list of expected events to wait for before unblocking based off
// the configuration passed in.
expectedEvents := []string{
// Start the process and block until the expected events have arrived.
receivedEvents, err := startAndWait(process, expectedEvents)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
log.Debugf("Teleport node (in instance %v) started: %v/%v events received.",
i.Secrets.SiteName, len(expectedEvents), len(receivedEvents))
return process, nil
// StartNodeAndProxy starts a SSH node and a Proxy Server and connects it to
// the cluster.
func (i *TeleInstance) StartNodeAndProxy(name string, sshPort, proxyWebPort, proxySSHPort int) error {
dataDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "cluster-"+i.Secrets.SiteName)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
tconf := service.MakeDefaultConfig()
authServer := utils.MustParseAddr(net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, i.GetPortAuth()))
tconf.AuthServers = append(tconf.AuthServers, *authServer)
tconf.Token = "token"
tconf.HostUUID = name
tconf.Hostname = name
tconf.DataDir = dataDir
var ttl time.Duration
tconf.CachePolicy = service.CachePolicy{
Enabled: true,
RecentTTL: &ttl,
tconf.Auth.Enabled = false
tconf.Proxy.Enabled = true
tconf.Proxy.SSHAddr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, fmt.Sprintf("%v", proxySSHPort))
tconf.Proxy.WebAddr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, fmt.Sprintf("%v", proxyWebPort))
tconf.Proxy.DisableReverseTunnel = true
tconf.Proxy.DisableWebService = true
tconf.SSH.Enabled = true
tconf.SSH.Addr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, fmt.Sprintf("%v", sshPort))
// Create a new Teleport process and add it to the list of nodes that
// compose this "cluster".
process, err := service.NewTeleport(tconf)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
i.Nodes = append(i.Nodes, process)
// Build a list of expected events to wait for before unblocking based off
// the configuration passed in.
expectedEvents := []string{
// Start the process and block until the expected events have arrived.
receivedEvents, err := startAndWait(process, expectedEvents)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
log.Debugf("Teleport node and proxy (in instance %v) started: %v/%v events received.",
i.Secrets.SiteName, len(expectedEvents), len(receivedEvents))
return nil
// ProxyConfig is a set of configuration parameters for Proxy
type ProxyConfig struct {
// Name is a proxy name
Name string
// SSHPort is SSH proxy port
SSHPort int
// WebPort is web proxy port
WebPort int
// ReverseTunnelPort is a port for reverse tunnel addresses
ReverseTunnelPort int
// StartProxy starts another Proxy Server and connects it to the cluster.
func (i *TeleInstance) StartProxy(cfg ProxyConfig) error {
dataDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "cluster-"+i.Secrets.SiteName+"-"+cfg.Name)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
tconf := service.MakeDefaultConfig()
authServer := utils.MustParseAddr(net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, i.GetPortAuth()))
tconf.AuthServers = append(tconf.AuthServers, *authServer)
tconf.CachePolicy = service.CachePolicy{Enabled: true}
tconf.DataDir = dataDir
tconf.HostUUID = cfg.Name
tconf.Hostname = cfg.Name
tconf.Token = "token"
tconf.Auth.Enabled = false
tconf.SSH.Enabled = false
tconf.Proxy.Enabled = true
tconf.Proxy.SSHAddr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, fmt.Sprintf("%v", cfg.SSHPort))
tconf.Proxy.ReverseTunnelListenAddr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, fmt.Sprintf("%v", cfg.ReverseTunnelPort))
tconf.Proxy.WebAddr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, fmt.Sprintf("%v", cfg.WebPort))
tconf.Proxy.DisableReverseTunnel = false
tconf.Proxy.DisableWebService = true
// Create a new Teleport process and add it to the list of nodes that
// compose this "cluster".
process, err := service.NewTeleport(tconf)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
i.Nodes = append(i.Nodes, process)
// Build a list of expected events to wait for before unblocking based off
// the configuration passed in.
expectedEvents := []string{
// Start the process and block until the expected events have arrived.
receivedEvents, err := startAndWait(process, expectedEvents)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
log.Debugf("Teleport proxy (in instance %v) started: %v/%v events received.",
i.Secrets.SiteName, len(expectedEvents), len(receivedEvents))
return nil
// Reset re-creates the teleport instance based on the same configuration
// This is needed if you want to stop the instance, reset it and start again
func (i *TeleInstance) Reset() (err error) {
i.Process, err = service.NewTeleport(i.Config)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
return nil
// AddUserUserWithRole adds user with assigned role
func (i *TeleInstance) AddUserWithRole(username string, role services.Role) *User {
user := &User{
Username: username,
Roles: []services.Role{role},
i.Secrets.Users[username] = user
return user
// Adds a new user into i Teleport instance. 'mappings' is a comma-separated
// list of OS users
func (i *TeleInstance) AddUser(username string, mappings []string) *User {
log.Infof("teleInstance.AddUser(%v) mapped to %v", username, mappings)
if mappings == nil {
mappings = make([]string, 0)
user := &User{
Username: username,
AllowedLogins: mappings,
i.Secrets.Users[username] = user
return user
// Start will start the TeleInstance and then block until it is ready to
// process requests based off the passed in configuration.
func (i *TeleInstance) Start() error {
// Build a list of expected events to wait for before unblocking based off
// the configuration passed in.
expectedEvents := []string{}
if i.Config.Auth.Enabled {
expectedEvents = append(expectedEvents, service.AuthSSHReady)
expectedEvents = append(expectedEvents, service.AuthTLSReady)
if i.Config.Proxy.Enabled {
expectedEvents = append(expectedEvents, service.ProxyReverseTunnelReady)
expectedEvents = append(expectedEvents, service.ProxySSHReady)
if !i.Config.Proxy.DisableWebService {
expectedEvents = append(expectedEvents, service.ProxyWebServerReady)
if i.Config.SSH.Enabled {
expectedEvents = append(expectedEvents, service.NodeSSHReady)
// Start the process and block until the expected events have arrived.
receivedEvents, err := startAndWait(i.Process, expectedEvents)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
// Extract and set reversetunnel.Server upon receipt of a
// ProxyReverseTunnelReady event.
for _, re := range receivedEvents {
ts, ok := re.Payload.(reversetunnel.Server)
if ok {
i.Tunnel = ts
log.Debugf("Teleport instance %v started: %v/%v events received.",
i.Secrets.SiteName, len(receivedEvents), len(expectedEvents))
return nil
// ClientConfig is a client configuration
type ClientConfig struct {
// Login is SSH login name
Login string
// Cluster is a cluster name to connect to
Cluster string
// Host string is a target host to connect to
Host string
// Port is a target port to connect to
Port int
// Proxy is an optional alternative proxy to use
Proxy *ProxyConfig
// ForwardAgent controls if the client requests it's agent be forwarded to
// the server.
ForwardAgent bool
// NewClient returns a fully configured and pre-authenticated client
// (pre-authenticated with server CAs and signed session key)
func (i *TeleInstance) NewClient(cfg ClientConfig) (tc *client.TeleportClient, err error) {
keyDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(i.Config.DataDir, "tsh")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// break down proxy address into host, ssh_port and web_port:
proxyConf := &i.Config.Proxy
proxyHost, sp, err := net.SplitHostPort(proxyConf.SSHAddr.Addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
// use alternative proxy if necessary
var proxySSHPort, proxyWebPort int
if cfg.Proxy == nil {
proxySSHPort, err = strconv.Atoi(sp)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
_, sp, err = net.SplitHostPort(proxyConf.WebAddr.Addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
proxyWebPort, err = strconv.Atoi(sp)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
} else {
proxySSHPort, proxyWebPort = cfg.Proxy.SSHPort, cfg.Proxy.WebPort
cconf := &client.Config{
Username: cfg.Login,
Host: cfg.Host,
HostPort: cfg.Port,
HostLogin: cfg.Login,
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
KeysDir: keyDir,
SiteName: cfg.Cluster,
ForwardAgent: cfg.ForwardAgent,
cconf.SetProxy(proxyHost, proxyWebPort, proxySSHPort)
tc, err = client.NewClient(cconf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// confnigures the client authenticate using the keys from 'secrets':
user, ok := i.Secrets.Users[cfg.Login]
if !ok {
return nil, trace.BadParameter("unknown login %q", cfg.Login)
if user.Key == nil {
return nil, trace.BadParameter("user %q has no key", cfg.Login)
_, err = tc.AddKey(cfg.Host, user.Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
// tell the client to trust given CAs (from secrets). this is the
// equivalent of 'known hosts' in openssh
cas := i.Secrets.GetCAs()
for i := range cas {
err = tc.AddTrustedCA(cas[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
return tc, nil
// StopNodes stops additional nodes
func (i *TeleInstance) StopNodes() error {
var errors []error
for _, node := range i.Nodes {
if err := node.Close(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, err)
log.Errorf("failed closing extra node %v", err)
if err := node.Wait(); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, err)
log.Errorf("failed stopping extra node %v", err)
return trace.NewAggregate(errors...)
func (i *TeleInstance) Stop(removeData bool) error {
if i.Config != nil && removeData {
err := os.RemoveAll(i.Config.DataDir)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed removing temporary local Teleport directory", err)
log.Infof("Asking Teleport to stop")
err := i.Process.Close()
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
defer func() {
log.Infof("Teleport instance '%v' stopped!", i.Secrets.SiteName)
return i.Process.Wait()
func startAndWait(process *service.TeleportProcess, expectedEvents []string) ([]service.Event, error) {
// register to listen for all ready events on the broadcast channel
broadcastCh := make(chan service.Event)
for _, eventName := range expectedEvents {
process.WaitForEvent(eventName, broadcastCh, make(chan struct{}))
// start the process
err := process.Start()
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
// wait for all events to arrive or a timeout. if all the expected events
// from above are not received, this instance will not start
receivedEvents := []service.Event{}
timeoutCh := time.After(10 * time.Second)
for idx := 0; idx < len(expectedEvents); idx++ {
select {
case e := <-broadcastCh:
receivedEvents = append(receivedEvents, e)
case <-timeoutCh:
return nil, trace.BadParameter("timed out, only %v/%v events received. received: %v, expected: %v",
len(receivedEvents), len(expectedEvents), receivedEvents, expectedEvents)
// Not all services follow a non-blocking Start/Wait pattern. This means a
// *Ready event may be emit slightly before the service actually starts for
// blocking services. Long term those services should be re-factored, until
// then sleep for 250ms to handle this situation.
time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
return receivedEvents, nil
type proxyServer struct {
count int
// ServeHTTP only accepts the CONNECT verb and will tunnel your connection to
// the specified host. Also tracks the number of connections that it proxies for
// debugging purposes.
func (p *proxyServer) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Validate http connect parameters.
if r.Method != http.MethodConnect {
trace.WriteError(w, trace.BadParameter("%v not supported", r.Method))
if r.Host == "" {
trace.WriteError(w, trace.BadParameter("host not set"))
// Dial to the target host, this is done before hijacking the connection to
// ensure the target host is accessible.
dconn, err := net.Dial("tcp", r.Host)
if err != nil {
trace.WriteError(w, err)
defer dconn.Close()
// Once the client receives 200 OK, the rest of the data will no longer be
// http, but whatever protocol is being tunneled.
// Hijack request so we can get underlying connection.
hj, ok := w.(http.Hijacker)
if !ok {
trace.WriteError(w, trace.AccessDenied("unable to hijack connection"))
sconn, _, err := hj.Hijack()
if err != nil {
trace.WriteError(w, err)
defer sconn.Close()
// Success, we're proxying data now.
p.count = p.count + 1
// Copy from src to dst and dst to src.
errc := make(chan error, 2)
replicate := func(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader) {
_, err := io.Copy(dst, src)
errc <- err
go replicate(sconn, dconn)
go replicate(dconn, sconn)
// Wait until done, error, or 10 second.
select {
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
case <-errc:
// Count returns the number of connections that have been proxied.
func (p *proxyServer) Count() int {
defer p.Unlock()
return p.count
// discardServer is a SSH server that discards SSH exec requests and starts
// with the passed in host signer.
type discardServer struct {
sshServer *sshutils.Server
func newDiscardServer(host string, port int, hostSigner ssh.Signer) (*discardServer, error) {
ds := &discardServer{}
// create underlying ssh server
sshServer, err := sshutils.NewServer(
utils.NetAddr{AddrNetwork: "tcp", Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", host, port)},
PublicKey: ds.userKeyAuth,
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
ds.sshServer = sshServer
return ds, nil
func (s *discardServer) userKeyAuth(c ssh.ConnMetadata, pubKey ssh.PublicKey) (*ssh.Permissions, error) {
return nil, nil
func (s *discardServer) Start() error {
return s.sshServer.Start()
func (s *discardServer) Stop() {
func (s *discardServer) HandleNewChan(conn net.Conn, sconn *ssh.ServerConn, newChannel ssh.NewChannel) {
channel, reqs, err := newChannel.Accept()
if err != nil {
go s.handleChannel(channel, reqs)
func (s *discardServer) handleChannel(channel ssh.Channel, reqs <-chan *ssh.Request) {
defer channel.Close()
for {
select {
case req := <-reqs:
if req == nil {
if req.Type == "exec" {
successPayload := ssh.Marshal(struct{ C uint32 }{C: uint32(0)})
channel.SendRequest("exit-status", false, successPayload)
if req.WantReply {
req.Reply(true, nil)
if req.WantReply {
req.Reply(true, nil)
// externalSSHCommand runs an external SSH command (if an external ssh binary
// exists) with the passed in parameters.
func externalSSHCommand(forwardAgent bool, socketPath string, proxyPort string, nodePort string, command string) (*exec.Cmd, error) {
var execArgs []string
// don't check the host certificate during tests
execArgs = append(execArgs, "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no")
execArgs = append(execArgs, "-oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null")
// connect to node on the passed in port
execArgs = append(execArgs, "-p")
execArgs = append(execArgs, nodePort)
// build proxy command
var proxyCommand string
switch forwardAgent {
case true:
proxyCommand = fmt.Sprintf("ProxyCommand ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oForwardAgent=yes -p %v %%r@localhost -s proxy:%%h:%%p", proxyPort)
case false:
proxyCommand = fmt.Sprintf("ProxyCommand ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p %v %%r@localhost -s proxy:%%h:%%p", proxyPort)
execArgs = append(execArgs, "-o")
execArgs = append(execArgs, proxyCommand)
// add in the host the connect to and the command to run when connected
execArgs = append(execArgs, Host)
execArgs = append(execArgs, command)
// find the ssh binary
sshpath, err := exec.LookPath("ssh")
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
// create exec command and tell it where to find the ssh agent
cmd, err := exec.Command(sshpath, execArgs...), nil
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
cmd.Env = []string{fmt.Sprintf("SSH_AUTH_SOCK=%v", socketPath)}
return cmd, nil
// createAgent creates a SSH agent with the passed in private key and
// certificate that can be used in tests. This is useful so tests don't
// clobber your system agent.
func createAgent(me *user.User, privateKeyByte []byte, certificateBytes []byte) (*teleagent.AgentServer, string, string, error) {
// create a path to the unix socket
sockDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "int-test")
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", trace.Wrap(err)
sockPath := filepath.Join(sockDir, "agent.sock")
uid, err := strconv.Atoi(me.Uid)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", trace.Wrap(err)
gid, err := strconv.Atoi(me.Gid)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", trace.Wrap(err)
// transform the key and certificate bytes into something the agent can understand
publicKey, _, _, _, err := ssh.ParseAuthorizedKey(certificateBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", trace.Wrap(err)
privateKey, err := ssh.ParseRawPrivateKey(privateKeyByte)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", trace.Wrap(err)
agentKey := agent.AddedKey{
PrivateKey: privateKey,
Certificate: publicKey.(*ssh.Certificate),
Comment: "",
LifetimeSecs: 0,
ConfirmBeforeUse: false,
// create a (unstarted) agent and add the key to it
teleAgent := teleagent.NewServer()
// start the SSH agent
err = teleAgent.ListenUnixSocket(sockPath, uid, gid, 0600)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", trace.Wrap(err)
go teleAgent.Serve()
return teleAgent, sockDir, sockPath, nil
func closeAgent(teleAgent *teleagent.AgentServer, socketDirPath string) error {
err := teleAgent.Close()
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
err = os.RemoveAll(socketDirPath)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
return nil
func fatalIf(err error) {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v at %v", string(debug.Stack()), err)
func makeKey() (priv, pub []byte) {
priv, pub, _ = native.New().GenerateKeyPair("")
return priv, pub