Zac Bergquist e174004612
Update RFD statuses (#24454)
We haven't been good about going back and marking RFDs as implemented,
and it's helpful when looking at old designs to know if they ever made
their way into the product.
2023-04-13 17:22:46 +00:00

4.4 KiB

author state
Naji Obeid ( implemented

RFD 27 - mTLS Prometheus metrics


This RFD proposes the option of securing the /metrics endpoint read by prometheus with mTLS.


To prevent leaking metrics shipped to prometheus over an insecure network.


Currently the /metrics handler resides under initDiagnosticService() in lib/service/service.go which will be hosted at the address provided by the --diag-addr flag given to teleport start.

We could have enabled TLS globally in the server implemented in initDiagnosticService and only verify it in the metrics handler while keeping the other healthz readyz and debug endpoints intact. That would trigger a tls renegotiation which is both not supported by prometheus and not supported in TLS1.3 anymore. So this isn't really an option we can consider. So in order to achieve this we have to move the /metrics endpoint to its own initMetricsService server where tls is either on/off depending on the settings supplied in the config.

This implementation will only support user provided certs and CA for now. Using Teleport's Host CA and generated certs is an option that can be considered in the future for self hosted teleport instances. That's not optimal for teleport cloud because prometheus would have to wait for teleport to start before it could be provisioned. There are other security and design concerns you can read about here

The metrics's service config will look like the following.n

  # 'enabled: no' or the absence of this section alltogether means that metrics
  # will still be hosted at the 'diag-addr' provided to teleport start as a flag.
  enabled: yes
  # 'listen_addr' is the new address where the metrics will be hosted.
  # defaults to port 3081
  listen_addr: localhost:3081
  # 'mtls: no' will ship metrics in clear text to prometheus.
  mtls: yes
  # 'keypairs' should be provided alongside 'mtls: yes'. Only user generated
  # certs and ca are currently supported, but that can change to support
  # certs provided by teleport if there is a demand for it.
  - key_file: key.pem
    cert_file: cert.pem
  # 'ca_certs' should be provided alongside 'mtls: yes'. Those are the CA certs
  # of the prometheus instances consuming the metrics.
  - ca.pem

Backwards compatibility

Having the metrics_service enabled in the config will override metrics from being hosted at the diag-addr endpoint. To be clear metrics will be only available through the metrics service if both the metrics_service is enabled and the diag-addr is set. Teleport will still support shipping metrics over the diag-addr endpoint for those who wish to continue using it and there is no current timeline on when it will be deprecated.


To use the new metrics service, prometheus will have to be reconfigured to start listening at the new address defined in the config alongside using certs for mtls if needed.

Here are the steps to a simple migration scenario:

  • Add a new job to the prometheus config that aims to start listening on the new metrics_service endpoint. mTLS is optional. Example:
- job_name: 'teleport_new_metrics_service'
  scheme: https
    ca_file: "ca.pem"
    cert_file: "cert.pem"
    key_file: "key.pem"
  metrics_path: /metrics
   - targets:
     - localhost:3081
  • Reload or restart prometheus
  • Update the teleport config to add the new metrics_service. Example:
  enabled: yes
  listen_addr: localhost:3081
  mtls: yes
  - key_file: key.pem
    cert_file: cert.pem
  - ca.pem
  • Restart teleport.


  • Modifying the teleport config before having added the new prometheus job will cause a gap in the metrics between the time the metrics service is up and the prometheus config is updated to pull from that address. That's mainly because metrics will not be available to prometheus over the old endpoint at diag-addr when metrics_service is up.
  • Modifying the existing prometheus job that pulls from diag-addr to pull from the metrics_service before updating Teleport with the new config will cause a gap in the metrics between the time prometheus has been updated and the new teleport config has been applied.

Additional work

Update the documentation with all the relevant changes