2016-05-17 10:53:36 -07:00

400 lines
11 KiB

package integration
import (
log ""
// SetTestTimeouts affects global timeouts inside Teleport, making connections
// work faster but consuming more CPU (useful for integration testing)
func SetTestTimeouts(ms int) {
if ms == 0 {
ms = 10
testVal := time.Duration(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(ms))
defaults.ReverseTunnelAgentHeartbeatPeriod = testVal
defaults.ServerHeartbeatTTL = testVal
defaults.SessionRefreshPeriod = testVal
// TeleInstance represents an in-memory instance of a teleport
// process for testing
type TeleInstance struct {
// Secrets holds the keys (pub, priv and derived cert) of i instance
Secrets InstanceSecrets
// Slice of TCP ports used by Teleport services
Ports []int
// Hostname is the name of the host where i isnstance is running
Hostname string
// Internal stuff...
Process *service.TeleportProcess
Config *service.Config
Tunnel reversetunnel.Server
type User struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
AllowedLogins []string `json:"logins"`
Key *client.Key `json:"key"`
type InstanceSecrets struct {
// instance name (aka "site name")
SiteName string `json:"site_name"`
// instance keys+cert (reused for hostCA and userCA)
PubKey []byte `json:"pub"`
PrivKey []byte `json:"priv"`
Cert []byte `json:"cert"`
// ListenPort is a reverse tunnel listening port, allowing
// other sites to connect to i instance. Set to empty
// string if i instance is not allowing incoming tunnels
ListenAddr string `json:"tunnel_addr"`
// list of users i instance trusts (key in the map is username)
Users map[string]*User
func (s *InstanceSecrets) String() string {
bytes, _ := json.MarshalIndent(s, "", "\t")
return string(bytes)
// NewInstance creates a new Teleport process instance
func NewInstance(siteName string, hostName string, ports []int, priv, pub []byte) *TeleInstance {
var err error
if len(ports) < 5 {
fatalIf(fmt.Errorf("not enough free ports given: %v", ports))
if hostName == "" {
hostName, err = os.Hostname()
// generate instance secrets (keys):
keygen := native.New()
if priv == nil || pub == nil {
priv, pub, _ = keygen.GenerateKeyPair("")
cert, err := keygen.GenerateHostCert(priv, pub,
hostName, siteName, teleport.Roles{teleport.RoleAdmin}, time.Duration(time.Hour*24))
secrets := InstanceSecrets{
SiteName: siteName,
PrivKey: priv,
PubKey: pub,
Cert: cert,
ListenAddr: net.JoinHostPort(hostName, strconv.Itoa(ports[4])),
Users: make(map[string]*User),
return &TeleInstance{
Secrets: secrets,
Ports: ports,
Hostname: hostName,
// GetCAs return an array of CAs stored by the secrets object. In i
// case we always return hard-coded userCA + hostCA (and they share keys
// for simplicity)
func (s *InstanceSecrets) GetCAs() []services.CertAuthority {
return []services.CertAuthority{
DomainName: s.SiteName,
Type: services.HostCA,
SigningKeys: [][]byte{s.PrivKey},
CheckingKeys: [][]byte{s.PubKey},
AllowedLogins: s.AllowedLogins(),
DomainName: s.SiteName,
Type: services.UserCA,
SigningKeys: [][]byte{s.PrivKey},
CheckingKeys: [][]byte{s.PubKey},
AllowedLogins: s.AllowedLogins(),
func (s *InstanceSecrets) AllowedLogins() []string {
logins := make([]string, len(s.Users))
for i := range s.Users {
logins = append(logins, s.Users[i].AllowedLogins...)
return logins
func (s *InstanceSecrets) AsSlice() []*InstanceSecrets {
return []*InstanceSecrets{s}
func (s *InstanceSecrets) GetIdentity() *auth.Identity {
i, err := auth.ReadIdentityFromKeyPair(s.PrivKey, s.Cert)
return i
func (i *TeleInstance) GetPortSSHInt() int {
return i.Ports[0]
func (i *TeleInstance) GetPortSSH() string {
return strconv.Itoa(i.GetPortSSHInt())
func (i *TeleInstance) GetPortAuth() string {
return strconv.Itoa(i.Ports[1])
func (i *TeleInstance) GetPortProxy() string {
return strconv.Itoa(i.Ports[2])
func (i *TeleInstance) GetPortWeb() string {
return strconv.Itoa(i.Ports[3])
// GetSiteAPI() is a helper which returns an API endpoint to a site with
// a given name. i endpoint implements HTTP-over-SSH access to the
// site's auth server.
func (i *TeleInstance) GetSiteAPI(siteName string) auth.ClientI {
siteTunnel, err := i.Tunnel.GetSite(siteName)
if err != nil {
return nil
siteAPI, err := siteTunnel.GetClient()
if err != nil {
return nil
return siteAPI
// Create creates a new instance of Teleport which trusts a lsit of other clusters (other
// instances)
func (i *TeleInstance) Create(trustedSecrets []*InstanceSecrets, enableSSH bool, console io.Writer) error {
dataDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "cluster-"+i.Secrets.SiteName)
if err != nil {
return err
tconf := service.MakeDefaultConfig()
tconf.Console = console
tconf.Auth.DomainName = i.Secrets.SiteName
tconf.Auth.Authorities = append(tconf.Auth.Authorities, i.Secrets.GetCAs()...)
tconf.Identities = append(tconf.Identities, i.Secrets.GetIdentity())
for _, trusted := range trustedSecrets {
tconf.Auth.Authorities = append(tconf.Auth.Authorities, trusted.GetCAs()...)
tconf.Identities = append(tconf.Identities, trusted.GetIdentity())
if trusted.ListenAddr != "" {
tconf.ReverseTunnels = []services.ReverseTunnel{
DomainName: trusted.SiteName,
DialAddrs: []string{trusted.ListenAddr},
tconf.Proxy.ReverseTunnelListenAddr.Addr = i.Secrets.ListenAddr
tconf.HostUUID = i.Secrets.GetIdentity().ID.HostUUID
tconf.SSH.Enabled = enableSSH
tconf.SSH.Addr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, i.GetPortSSH())
tconf.Auth.SSHAddr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, i.GetPortAuth())
tconf.Proxy.SSHAddr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, i.GetPortProxy())
tconf.Proxy.WebAddr.Addr = net.JoinHostPort(i.Hostname, i.GetPortWeb())
tconf.Proxy.DisableWebUI = true
tconf.AuthServers[0].Addr = tconf.Auth.SSHAddr.Addr
tconf.DataDir = dataDir
tconf.Keygen = testauthority.New()
i.Config = tconf
i.Process, err = service.NewTeleport(tconf)
if err != nil {
return err
// create users:
auth := i.Process.GetAuthServer()
for _, user := range i.Secrets.Users {
err := auth.UpsertUser(&services.TeleportUser{
Name: user.Username,
AllowedLogins: user.AllowedLogins,
if err != nil {
return err
priv, pub, _ := tconf.Keygen.GenerateKeyPair("")
//priv, pub := makeKey()
ttl := time.Duration(time.Hour * 24)
cert, err := auth.GenerateUserCert(pub, user.Username, ttl)
if err != nil {
return err
user.Key = &client.Key{
Priv: priv,
Pub: pub,
Cert: cert,
return nil
// Reset re-creates the teleport instance based on the same configuration
// This is needed if you want to stop the instance, reset it and start again
func (i *TeleInstance) Reset() (err error) {
i.Process, err = service.NewTeleport(i.Config)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Adds a new user into i Teleport instance. 'mappings' is a comma-separated
// list of OS users
func (i *TeleInstance) AddUser(username string, mappings []string) {
log.Infof("teleInstance.AddUser(%v) mapped to %v", username, mappings)
if mappings == nil {
mappings = make([]string, 0)
i.Secrets.Users[username] = &User{
Username: username,
AllowedLogins: mappings,
func (i *TeleInstance) Start() (err error) {
proxyReady := make(chan service.Event)
sshReady := make(chan service.Event)
tunnelReady := make(chan service.Event)
allReady := make(chan interface{})
i.Process.WaitForEvent(service.ProxyIdentityEvent, proxyReady, make(chan struct{}))
i.Process.WaitForEvent(service.SSHIdentityEvent, sshReady, make(chan struct{}))
i.Process.WaitForEvent(service.ProxyReverseTunnelServerEvent, tunnelReady, make(chan struct{}))
if err = i.Process.Start(); err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
defer func() {
go func() {
if i.Config.SSH.Enabled {
te := <-tunnelReady
ts, ok := te.Payload.(reversetunnel.Server)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("Global event '%v' did not deliver reverseTunenl server pointer as a payload", service.ProxyReverseTunnelServerEvent)
i.Tunnel = ts
timeoutTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 5)
select {
case <-allReady:
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
case <-timeoutTicker.C:
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start local Teleport instance: timeout")
log.Infof("Teleport instance '%v' started!", i.Secrets.SiteName)
return err
// NewClient returns a fully configured client (with server CAs and user keys)
func (i *TeleInstance) NewClient(login string, site string, host string, port int) (tc *client.TeleportClient, err error) {
keyDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(i.Config.DataDir, "tsh")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tc, err = client.NewClient(&client.Config{
Username: login,
ProxyHost: i.Config.Proxy.SSHAddr.Addr,
Host: host,
HostPort: port,
HostLogin: login,
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
KeysDir: keyDir,
SiteName: site,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// tells the client to use user keys from 'secrets':
user, ok := i.Secrets.Users[login]
if !ok {
return nil, trace.Errorf("unknown login '%v'", login)
if user.Key == nil {
return nil, trace.Errorf("user %v has no key", login)
err = tc.AddKey(host, user.Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
// tell the client to trust given CAs (from secrets)
cas := i.Secrets.GetCAs()
for i := range cas {
err = tc.AddTrustedCA(&cas[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
return tc, nil
func (i *TeleInstance) Stop(removeData bool) error {
if i.Config != nil && removeData {
err := os.RemoveAll(i.Config.DataDir)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed removing temporary local Teleport directory", err)
log.Infof("Asking Teleport to stop")
err := i.Process.Close()
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
defer func() {
log.Infof("Teleport instance '%v' stopped!", i.Secrets.SiteName)
return i.Process.Wait()
func fatalIf(err error) {
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("", err)
func makeKey() (priv, pub []byte) {
priv, pub, _ = native.New().GenerateKeyPair("")
return priv, pub