Paul Gottschling 5a61eb3d0a
RFD 0130: Autogenerate the Teleport Resource Reference (#27191)
* RFD: auto-generate the `tctl` resource reference

* Partial response to codingllama feedback

* Partially respond to feedback

- Be more specific about expectations around struct tags
- Propose replacing struct field names in field descriptions with the
  user-facing field name
- Use comments instead of separate files for example YAML
- Be more explicit about the scope of the RFD (it applies to resources
  applied via `tctl`)
- Use a Go map for the generator configuration
- Indicate that this Make target will depend on `make grpc`.
- Add a second Eng reviewer
- Propose making running the generator part of our release procedure

* Propose including all Teleport resources

And excluding user-configured resources

* Give this an RFD number

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Zac Bergquist <>

* Fix RFD number clash


Co-authored-by: Zac Bergquist <>
2023-06-05 17:11:01 +00:00

20 KiB

authors state title
Paul Gottschling ( draft 0130 - Automatically Generate the Teleport Resource Reference

Required Approvers

  • Engineering: @codingllama, @zmb3
  • Product: (@alexfornuto || @xinding33)


Dynamic resources (also called "Teleport resources" in this RFD) are configuration objects that Teleport users can apply using tctl, Terraform, and other methods.

The scope of this RFD is to automatically generate the "Dynamic resources" section of the resource reference (docs/pages/reference/resources.mdx), a list of the dynamic resources you can apply via tctl, from the Teleport source code.

To do this, write a program that we can run as a new Make target in a clone of gravitational/teleport. When we make changes to Teleport's dynamic resources, we can run the program manually, generate a new iteration of the reference, and manually open a pull request with the new content.

The Make target will depend on make grpc so the generator always works from the latest proto files.


We want to ensure that the Teleport resource reference is complete and up to date so Teleport operators can manage their clusters without creating support load.

In general, we should strive to automatically generate reference guides whenever possible to ensure accuracy. While adding entries incrementally over time can be sustainable at a certain scale, adding many entries at once is a daunting task that is difficult for a documentation team to schedule. Our tctl resource reference is particularly lagging, with only five resources documented at the time of writing.


The generator reads a configuration that specifies struct types to generate references from. After parsing Go source files, the generator uses the resulting AST information to populate a template.

To do so, it builds mappings that it can use to track type declarations in source packages. Using these mappings, it converts struct types to template data. To document the types of struct fields, the generator writes additional entries to the reference template as appropriate.


By default, the generator will attempt to include an entry in the resource reference for every struct type in the Teleport source that includes a field of the type, since we include this field in all types that correspond to Teleport resources.

For resources that we want to exclude from the reference, the generator will read from a mapping of package paths to lists of named struct types within each package.

The program will declare the mapping within the Go code as a map.

Here is an example:

var exclude = map[string][]string{
  "": {
  "": {

Alternative: Working from protobuf message definitions

We could write a protoc plugin that generates the Teleport resource reference from our protobuf message definitions. This is how we generate our Terraform provider source in

However, we can't guarantee that every Teleport resource available to tctl will correspond to a protobuf message definition. Since we generate Go source files based on our .proto files, and Teleport needs to unmarshal all Teleport resources into structs from YAML, it's a safe bet that all Teleport resources will have a corresponding Go struct.

The downside of using Go source files is that, if we want to change the description of a field or some other aspect of the generated reference, we need to:

  1. Locate the Go struct that corresponds to an entry within the reference page.
  2. Determine if the Go struct was generated from a proto file and, based on this, edit either the Go struct definition or the underlying proto file.
  3. If relevant, generate a Go source file from the edited protobuf message definition.
  4. Regenerate the reference page.

I don't imagine this will be prohibitive, though, as long as we:

  • Indicate within the generated reference page which Go source file each entry is based on.
  • Edit the comments in Go type definitions and proto files to ensure consistency, clarity, and grammatical correctness.

Having this Make target depend on make grpc will also automate this flow.

The output

The output of the program will be a Teleport resource reference generated from a template.

Template format and data

The generator will produce a template based on a Resource struct with the following fields:

type Resource struct {
  SectionName string
  Description string
  SourcePath  string
  Fields      []Field
  YAMLExample string

type Field struct{
  Name        string
  Description string
  Type        string

The template will look similar to this, anticipating a []Resource:

{{ range . }}
## {{ .SectionName }}

{{ .Description }}

{/*Automatically generated from: {{ .SourcePath}}*/}

|Field Name|Description|Type|
{{ range .Fields }}
{{ end }} 

{{ .YAMLExample }}
{{ end }}

Template example

Here is an example of a populated template for an application (AppSpecV3 in api/types/types.pb.go):

## App Spec V3

App Spec V3 is the specification for an application registered with Teleport.

{/*Automatically generated from: api/types/types.pb.go*/}

|Field Name|Description|Type|
|`uri`|The web app endpoint.|`string`|
|`public_addr`|The public address the application is accessible at.|`string`|
|`dynamic_labels`|The app's command labels.|`map[string]`[Command LabelV2](#command-label-v2)|
|`insecure_skip_verify`|Disables app's TLS certificate verification.|`boolean`|
|`rewrite`|A list of rewriting rules to apply to requests and responses.|[Rewrite](#rewrite)|
|`aws`|Contains additional options for AWS applications.|[App AWS](#app-aws)|
|`cloud`|Identifies the cloud instance the app represents.|`string`|

uri: string
public_addr: string
 # ...
insecure_skip_verify: true
 # ...
 # ...
 # ...

## Command Label V2

Command Label V2 is a label that has a value as a result of the output generated
by running command, e.g. hostname.

{/*Automatically generated from: api/types/types.pb.go*/}

|Field Name|Description|Type|
|`period`|A time between command runs.|[Duration](#duration)|
|`command`|A command to run|`[]string`|
|`result`|Captures standard output|`string`|

period: 10s
- string
- string
- string
result: string

## Duration

Duration is a Go [duration type](

{/*Loaded from example file at autogen/examples/duration.mdx*/}


## Rewrite

Rewrite is a list of rewriting rules to apply to requests and responses.

{/*Automatically generated from: api/types/types.pb.go*/}

|Field Name|Description|Type|
|`redirect`|Defines a list of hosts which will be rewritten to the public address of the application if they occur in the "Location" header.|`[]string`|
|`headers`|A list of headers to inject when passing the request over to the application.|`[]`[Header](#header)|

- string
- string
- string
# ...

## Header

Header represents a single http header passed over to the proxied application.

{/*Automatically generated from: api/types/types.pb.go*/}

|Field Name|Description|Type|
|`name`|The http header name.|`string`|
|`value`|The http header value.|`string`|

name: string
value: string

Working with parsed Go source

The generator will use packages.Load to load all the packages in the source and return a []*packages.Package. It then recursively traverses each packages.Package's Imports map, adding to a final slice of parsed packages.

The generator declares two maps. The key for each map, declKey, includes the package path and named type of a declaration:

  • Declaration map: map[declKey]sourceDecl: Looking up AST data for a given declaration in order to build template data. A sourceDecl is a struct with the following definition:

    type sourceDecl struct {
     decl  *ast.Decl // Declaration data
     file  string   // File path where the declaration was made
  • Final data map: map[declKey]Resource: Tracking type data to use to populate a template. This ensures that each declaration is only included once.

In each *packages.Package in the slice mentioned earlier, the generator ranges through the package's Syntax field, which is an []*ast.File. Within each *ast.File, the generator ranges through the file's Decls field and adds each declaration to the declaration map. The CompiledGoFiles field in packages.Package lists paths of Go source files in the same order as the Syntax field, so we can use this to populate the file property of each sourceDecl in the map.

The next step is to look up each struct type within the declaration map and begin generating a Resource for that struct type, plus additional Resource structs for the types of its fields (and their types and so on). The sequence is:

  • Iterate through each struct type within the declaration map.
  • If a struct type is named within the configuration as a type to exclude, skip it.
  • If a struct type has a types.Metadata field, construct a Resource from the struct type and insert it into the final data map (unless a Resource already exists there).
  • Process the fields of the struct type using the rules described below, looking up declaration data from the declaration map.

Once this is done, the generator will convert the map[declKey]Resource into a single []Resource to feed into the template.

Alternative: Using analysis drivers

The Go Tools repository provides the multichecker ( and singlechecker ( packages within, which run custom static analysis functions, analysis.Analyzers. However, these static analysis tools are intended for linting, not generating reference documentation.

While you can configure an analysis.Analyzer to return a value from its Run function, the multichecker and singlechecker drivers run by exposing a Main function that handles all of the program's output and CLI arguments. It is not possible to initialize a data structure outside the Main function and assign values to it during the Run function, since Main exits the current process after completing, leaving the program no chance to process the data structure.

The singlechecker and multichecker packages run static analysis by importing from a checker package, which is internal to the analysis package. While we could copy this code and modify it for our purposes, the reference generator does not require the general-purpose static analysis capabilities of the analysis package.

Converting structs to Resources

In Go's ast package, a Decl is an interface representing a declaration. The logic for generating a Resource from a given type declaration depends on the nature of the type declaration.

First, check whether a given struct declaration has a custom UnmarshalJSON or UnmarshalYAML method. In this case, treat the type as a custom type and print a message.

Next, if there is no custom unmarshaler for the type, assert that the Decl is an *ast.GenDecl with a Specs containing a TypeSpec with Type: StructType. From there, we can map the fields within ast.StructType to fields in a new Resource.

Each StructType has a *FieldList that we can use to obtain field data, including comments and tags. The generator ignores fields that are not exported.

Resource Field How to generate
Resource.SourcePath The file property of the underlying sourceDecl.
Resource.Description GenDecl.Doc
Resource.SectionName TypeSpec.Name.Name, with camelcase converted to separate words.
Fields[*].Name Process the Field.Tag in the FieldList, extracting the value of the json tag. If there is no json tag, use the original struct field name.
Fields[*].Description Each Field in a FieldList has a *CommentGroup that we can use to extract the field's GoDoc. Replace mentions of the field name in the GoDoc with the value of Fields[*].Name. If there is no GoDoc for the field, exit with a descriptive error so we can manually add one.
Fields[*].Type We can use Field.Type within the FieldList for this. Follow the rules for processing field types below
YAMLExample Follow the rules for processing field types below.

If a root type named within the config file is not a struct, the generator will exit with an error message.

Processing field types

Custom fields

Entries in the reference for custom fields, e.g., Labels, don't lend themselves to automatic generation because they implement custom unmarshalers, and we can't rely on json struct tags to indicate the types of these fields.

For simplicity, we can describe custom fields by hardcoding their descriptions and example YAML values. The generator expects a custom type to include a comment with a description and example YAML. Everything in a custom type's comment between the following delimiters is treated as example YAML:

Example YAML:

Comments before the Example YAML delimiter are treated as the type's description.

The generator exits with an error if a custom type has no Example YAML comment block, giving the operator an opportunity to add this.

If a field of a struct type has a custom type, we will include a link to an entry for that type in the struct type's table. The YAML example will include an ellipsis, leaving it to the custom field's entry in the reference to provide the example:

## My Resource

|Field Name|Description|Type|
|`name`|The resource's name.|`string`|
|`labels`|The resource's labels.|[Labels](#labels)|

`name`: "string"
# ...

Here is an example of a comment we could add to the Labels type declaration:

// Labels is a wrapper around map
// that can marshal and unmarshal itself
// from scalar and list values
// Example YAML:
// 'env': 'test'
// '*': '*'
// 'region': ['us-west-1', -eu-central-1]
// 'reg': ^us-west-1|eu-central-1$'
// ---
type Labels map[string]utils.Strings

This would lead to the following entry in the reference:

## Labels

Labels is a wrapper around map that can marshal and unmarshal itself from scalar
and list values.

'env': 'test'
'*': '*'
'region': ['us-west-1', 'eu-central-1']
'reg': '^us-west-1|eu-central-1$'

Predeclared scalar types

If a struct field has a predeclared scalar type (e.g., int or string), we don't need a new entry in the reference. Instead, the generator supplies a type for the field table by converting the field's Go type to the appropriate YAML type, e.g., number for int64.

In the YAML example, we use the field's JSON struct tag to extract a field name. We use predefined examples based on the primitive type to provide the field's value, e.g., "string" for a string and 1 for an integer.

If a manual override file exists for a field, the generator uses that instead when populating the YAML example. In this case, the generator populates examples of that field within YAML snippets with ellipses as described in the previous section. This way, we won't have to deal with unintended formatting effects of inserting hardcoded YAML examples into automatically generated ones.

Predeclared composite types

If a field has a predeclared composite type, e.g., map[string]string or []int, include the field in the table. If one element of a predeclared composite type is a named type, include a link to a section for that named type within the reference. An example of this:

|`dynamic_labels`|The app's command labels.|`map[string]`[Command Label V2](#command-label-v2)|

In the example YAML block for a given type, print example values depending on the composite type.

For maps, include three sample keys and values based on the logic for printing predeclared scalar types. E.g., for a field called mymap of type map[string]int:

  key1: 1
  key2: 1
  key3: 1

For slices, the logic is similar. For a field called myslice of type []int, we would use:

 - 1
 - 1
 - 1

...and for []string:

  - "string"
  - "string"
  - "string"

Recursively handle composite types. For example, `map[string][]string` would
result in:

   - "string"
   - "string"
   - "string"
   - "string"
   - "string"
   - "string"
   - "string"
   - "string"
   - "string"

If the composite type includes a named type, e.g., a field called headers of type []Header or map[string]Header, print an ellipsis to avoid undue complexity:

# ...

In a nested composite type, we would only print the ellipsis for the innermost composite type. For example, a field called field of type map[string][]Header would appear like this:

  # ...
  # ...
  # ...

The same rule would apply to, for example, map[string]map[string]Header.

Named types

For both named scalar types and named composite types, if the named type is not a struct, the generator looks for a manual override and returns an error if one is not available. This is because, for named composite types (e.g., Labels), it's likely that the source contains some custom unmarshaling logic that we will need to explain.

If the type of a field is a named struct, the generator will produce another Resource based on that struct and insert it elsewhere in the reference template.

For all named field types, the reference entry for the struct that contains the named field type will include an ellipsis in the example YAML. For example, the CommandLabelV2 type appears within the AppSpecV3 struct in the dynamic_labels field as shown below:

uri: string
public_addr: string
 # ...
insecure_skip_verify: true
 # ...
 # ...
 # ...

Users can then navigate to the Command Label V2 section (using the link in the table above the example YAML) to see an example YAML document for this type.

If the type of the field is an embedded struct, the generator will act as if the fields of the embedded struct are fields within the outer struct. Otherwise, the generator will follow the rules above.

Test plan

We can make it part of our release procedure to ensure that we run the generator when we release a new version of Teleport.