2019-02-14 09:08:58 -08:00

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Teleport Enterprise

This section will give an overview of Teleport Enterprise, the commercial product built around the open source Teleport core. For those that want to jump right in, you can play with the Quick Start Guide of Teleport Enterprise.

The table below gives a quick overview of the benefits of Teleport Enterprise.

Teleport Enterprise Feature Description
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Allows Teleport administrators to define User Roles and restrict each role to specific actions. RBAC also allows administrators to partition cluster nodes into groups with different access permissions.
Single Sign-On (SSO) Allows Teleport to integrate with existing enterprise identity systems. Examples include Active Directory, Github, Google Apps and numerous identity middleware solutions like Auth0, Okta, and so on. Teleport supports LDAP, SAML and OAuth/OpenID Connect protocols to interact with them.
Integration with Kubernetes Teleport embedded into Kubernetes is available as a separate offering called Telekube. Telekube allows users to define and enfroce company-wide policies like "Developers Must Never Have Access to Production Data" and Telekube will enforce these rules on both the SSH and Kubernetes API level. Another use case of Telekube is to run Kubernetes clusters on multi-region infrastructure, even in behind-firewalls environments.
Commercial Support In addition to these features, Teleport Enterprise also comes with a premium support SLA with guaranteed response times.

!!! tip "Contact Information": If you are interested in Teleport Enterprise or Telekube, please reach out to for more information.


RBAC stands for Role Based Access Control, quoting Wikipedia:

In computer systems security, role-based access control (RBAC) is an approach to restricting system access to authorized users. It is used by the majority of enterprises with more than 500 employees, and can implement mandatory access control (MAC) or discretionary access control (DAC). RBAC is sometimes referred to as role-based security.

In other words, RBAC allows Teleport administrators to grant granular access permissions. An example of an RBAC policy might be: "admins can do anything, developers must never touch production servers, and interns can only SSH into staging servers as guests"

How does it work?

Every user in Teleport is always assigned a set of roles. The open source edition of Teleport automatically assigns every user to the built-in "admin" role, but Teleport Enterprise allows administrators to define their own roles with far greater control over user permissions.

Lets assume a company is using Active Directory to authenticate users and place them into groups. A typical enterprise deployment of Teleport in this scenario would look like this:

  1. Teleport will be configured to use existing user identities stored in Active Directory.
  2. Active Directory would have users placed in certain groups or claims, perhaps "interns", "developers", "admins", "contractors", etc.
  3. The Teleport administrator will have to define Teleport Roles, for simplicity sake let them be "users", "developers" and "admins".
  4. The last step will be to define mappings from the Active Directory groups (claims) to the Teleport Roles. So every Teleport user will be assigned a role based on the group membership.

See RBAC for SSH chapter to learn more about configuring RBAC with Teleport.


The commercial edition of Teleport allows users to retrieve their SSH credentials via a single sign-on (SSO) system used by the rest of the organization.

Examples of supported SSO systems include commercial solutions like Okta, Auth0, SailPoint, OneLogin or Active Directory, as well as open source products like Keycloak. Other identity management systems are supported as long as they provide an SSO mechanism based on either SAML or OAuth2/OpenID Connect.

How does SSO work with SSH?

From the user's perspective they need to execute the following command to retrieve their SSH certificate.

$ tsh login

Teleport can be configured with a certificate TTL to determine how often a user needs to log in.

tsh login will print a URL into the console, which will open an SSO login prompt, along with the 2FA, as enforced by the SSO provider. If user supplies valid credentials, Teleport will issue an SSH certificate.

Moreover, SSO can be used in combination with role-based access control (RBAC) to enforce SSH access policies like "developers must not touch production data". See the SSO for SSH chapter for more details.

Integration With Kubernetes

Gravitational maintains a Kubernetes distribution with Teleport Enterprise integrated, called Telekube. Telekube's aim is to dramatically lower the cost of Kubernetes management in a multi-region / multi-site environment.

Some highlights:

  • Quickly create Kubernetes clusters on any infrastructure using a pre-defined "snapshot" of a known cluster state. Each replica of the original cluster will contain the same set of binaries, pre-installed components and applications as the original cluster.
  • Every cluster includes an SSH bastion and can be managed remotely even if behind a firewall.
  • Every Kubernetes cluster becomes a Teleport cluster, with all Teleport capabilities like session recording, audit, etc.
  • Every cluster is dependency free and automomous, i.e. highly available (HA) and includes a built-in caching Docker registry.
  • Automated remote cluster upgrades.

Typical users of Telekube are:

  • Software companies who want to deploy their Kubernetes applications into the infrastructure owned by their customers, i.e. "on-premise".
  • Managed Service Providers (MSPs) who manage Kubernetes clusters for their clients.
  • Enterprises who run many Kubernetes clusters in multiple, geographically distributed regions / clouds.

!!! tip "Contact Information": For more information about Teleport Enterprise or Telekube please reach out us to or fill out the contact for on our website