Sasha Klizhentas 1f3b4e2c96 Kubernetes configuration, fetch proxy settings.
This commit moves proxy kubernetes configuration
to a separate nested block to provide more fine
grained settings:

  kubernetes_ca_cert_path: /tmp/custom-ca
  enabled: yes
    enabled: yes
    public_addr: []
    listen_addr: localhost:3026

1. Kubernetes config section is explicitly enabled
and disabled. It is disabled by default.

2. Public address in kubernetes section
is propagated to tsh profile

The other part of the commit updates Ping
endpoint to send proxy configuration back to
the client, including kubernetes public address
and ssh listen address.

Clients updates profile accordingly to configuration
received from the proxy.
2018-08-06 11:57:36 -07:00

500 lines
13 KiB

Copyright 2015 Gravitational, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package services
import (
const (
// DefaultAPIGroup is a default group of permissions API,
// lets us to add different permission types
DefaultAPIGroup = ""
// ActionRead grants read access (get, list)
ActionRead = "read"
// ActionWrite allows to write (create, update, delete)
ActionWrite = "write"
// Wildcard is a special wildcard character matching everything
Wildcard = "*"
// KindNamespace is a namespace
KindNamespace = "namespace"
// KindUser is a user resource
KindUser = "user"
// KindKeyPair is a public/private key pair
KindKeyPair = "key_pair"
// KindHostCert is a host certificate
KindHostCert = "host_cert"
// KindRole is a role resource
KindRole = "role"
// KindOIDC is OIDC connector resource
KindOIDC = "oidc"
// KindSAML is SAML connector resource
KindSAML = "saml"
// KindGithub is Github connector resource
KindGithub = "github"
// KindOIDCRequest is OIDC auth request resource
KindOIDCRequest = "oidc_request"
// KindSAMLRequest is SAML auth request resource
KindSAMLRequest = "saml_request"
// KindGithubRequest is Github auth request resource
KindGithubRequest = "github_request"
// KindSession is a recorded SSH session.
KindSession = "session"
// KindSSHSession is an active SSH session.
KindSSHSession = "ssh_session"
// KindWebSession is a web session resource
KindWebSession = "web_session"
// KindEvent is structured audit logging event
KindEvent = "event"
// KindAuthServer is auth server resource
KindAuthServer = "auth_server"
// KindProxy is proxy resource
KindProxy = "proxy"
// KindNode is node resource
KindNode = "node"
// KindToken is a provisioning token resource
KindToken = "token"
// KindCertAuthority is a certificate authority resource
KindCertAuthority = "cert_authority"
// KindReverseTunnel is a reverse tunnel connection
KindReverseTunnel = "tunnel"
// KindOIDCConnector is a OIDC connector resource
KindOIDCConnector = "oidc"
// KindSAMLConnector is a SAML connector resource
KindSAMLConnector = "saml"
// KindGithubConnector is Github OAuth2 connector resource
KindGithubConnector = "github"
// KindAuthPreference is the type of authentication for this cluster.
KindClusterAuthPreference = "cluster_auth_preference"
// KindAuthPreference is the type of authentication for this cluster.
MetaNameClusterAuthPreference = "cluster-auth-preference"
// KindClusterConfig is the resource that holds cluster level configuration.
KindClusterConfig = "cluster_config"
// MetaNameClusterConfig is the exact name of the cluster config singleton resource.
MetaNameClusterConfig = "cluster-config"
// KindClusterName is a type of configuration resource that contains the cluster name.
KindClusterName = "cluster_name"
// MetaNameClusterName is the name of a configuration resource for cluster name.
MetaNameClusterName = "cluster-name"
// KindStaticTokens is a type of configuration resource that contains static tokens.
KindStaticTokens = "static_tokens"
// MetaNameStaticTokens is the name of a configuration resource for static tokens.
MetaNameStaticTokens = "static-tokens"
// KindTrustedCluster is a resource that contains trusted cluster configuration.
KindTrustedCluster = "trusted_cluster"
// KindAuthConnector allows access to OIDC and SAML connectors.
KindAuthConnector = "auth_connector"
// KindTunnelConection specifies connection of a reverse tunnel to proxy
KindTunnelConnection = "tunnel_connection"
// KindRemoteCluster represents remote cluster connected via reverse tunnel
// to proxy
KindRemoteCluster = "remote_cluster"
// KindIdenity is local on disk identity resource
KindIdentity = "identity"
// KindState is local on disk process state
KindState = "state"
// V3 is the third version of resources.
V3 = "v3"
// V2 is the second version of resources.
V2 = "v2"
// V1 is the first version of resources. Note: The first version was
// not explicitly versioned.
V1 = "v1"
const (
// VerbList is used to list all objects. Does not imply the ability to read a single object.
VerbList = "list"
// VerbCreate is used to create an object.
VerbCreate = "create"
// VerbRead is used to read a single object.
VerbRead = "read"
// VerbReadNoSecrets is used to read a single object without secrets.
VerbReadNoSecrets = "readnosecrets"
// VerbUpdate is used to update an object.
VerbUpdate = "update"
// VerbDelete is used to remove an object.
VerbDelete = "delete"
// VerbRotate is used to rotate certificate authorities
// used only internally
VerbRotate = "rotate"
func CollectOptions(opts []MarshalOption) (*MarshalConfig, error) {
var cfg MarshalConfig
for _, o := range opts {
if err := o(&cfg); err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
return &cfg, nil
func collectOptions(opts []MarshalOption) (*MarshalConfig, error) {
var cfg MarshalConfig
for _, o := range opts {
if err := o(&cfg); err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
return &cfg, nil
// MarshalConfig specify marshalling options
type MarshalConfig struct {
// Version specifies particular version we should marshal resources with
Version string
// SkipValidation is used to skip schema validation.
SkipValidation bool
// GetVersion returns explicitly provided version or sets latest as default
func (m *MarshalConfig) GetVersion() string {
if m.Version == "" {
return V2
return m.Version
// MarshalOption sets marshalling option
type MarshalOption func(c *MarshalConfig) error
// WithVersion sets marshal version
func WithVersion(v string) MarshalOption {
return func(c *MarshalConfig) error {
switch v {
case V1, V2:
c.Version = v
return nil
return trace.BadParameter("version '%v' is not supported", v)
// SkipValidation is used to disable schema validation.
func SkipValidation() MarshalOption {
return func(c *MarshalConfig) error {
c.SkipValidation = true
return nil
// marshalerMutex is a mutex for resource marshalers/unmarshalers
var marshalerMutex sync.RWMutex
// V2SchemaTemplate is a template JSON Schema for V2 style objects
const V2SchemaTemplate = `{
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": ["kind", "spec", "metadata", "version"],
"properties": {
"kind": {"type": "string"},
"version": {"type": "string", "default": "v2"},
"metadata": %v,
"spec": %v
// MetadataSchema is a schema for resource metadata
const MetadataSchema = `{
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"default": {},
"required": ["name"],
"properties": {
"name": {"type": "string"},
"namespace": {"type": "string", "default": "default"},
"description": {"type": "string"},
"expires": {"type": "string"},
"labels": {
"type": "object",
"patternProperties": {
"^[a-zA-Z/.0-9_]$": { "type": "string" }
// DefaultDefinitions the default list of JSON schema definitions which is none.
const DefaultDefinitions = ``
// UnknownResource is used to detect resources
type UnknownResource struct {
// Raw is raw representation of the resource
Raw []byte
// ResorceHeader is a shared resource header
type ResourceHeader struct {
// Kind is a resource kind - always resource
Kind string `json:"kind"`
// Version is a resource version
Version string `json:"version"`
// Metadata is Role metadata
Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"`
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals header and captures raw state
func (u *UnknownResource) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error {
var h ResourceHeader
if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &h); err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
u.Raw = make([]byte, len(raw))
u.ResourceHeader = h
copy(u.Raw, raw)
return nil
// Metadata is resource metadata
type Metadata struct {
// Name is an object name
Name string `json:"name"`
// Namespace is object namespace. The field should be called "namespace"
// when it returns in Teleport 2.4.
Namespace string `json:"-"`
// Description is object description
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// Labels is a set of labels
Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`
// Expires is a global expiry time header can be set on any resource in the system.
Expires *time.Time `json:"expires,omitempty"`
// Resource represents common properties for resources
type Resource interface {
// GetName returns the name of the resource
GetName() string
// SetName sets the name of the resource
// Expiry returns object expiry setting
Expiry() time.Time
// SetExpiry sets object expiry
// SetTTL sets Expires header using current clock
SetTTL(clock clockwork.Clock, ttl time.Duration)
// GetMetadata returns object metadata
GetMetadata() Metadata
// GetMetadata returns object metadata
func (m *Metadata) GetMetadata() Metadata {
return *m
// GetName returns the name of the resource
func (m *Metadata) GetName() string {
return m.Name
// SetName sets the name of the resource
func (m *Metadata) SetName(name string) {
m.Name = name
// SetExpiry sets expiry time for the object
func (m *Metadata) SetExpiry(expires time.Time) {
m.Expires = &expires
// Expires returns object expiry setting.
func (m *Metadata) Expiry() time.Time {
if m.Expires == nil {
return time.Time{}
return *m.Expires
// SetTTL sets Expires header using realtime clock
func (m *Metadata) SetTTL(clock clockwork.Clock, ttl time.Duration) {
expireTime := clock.Now().UTC().Add(ttl)
m.Expires = &expireTime
// CheckAndSetDefaults checks validity of all parameters and sets defaults
func (m *Metadata) CheckAndSetDefaults() error {
if m.Name == "" {
return trace.BadParameter("missing parameter Name")
if m.Namespace == "" {
m.Namespace = defaults.Namespace
// adjust expires time to utc if it's set
if m.Expires != nil {
return nil
// ParseShortcut parses resource shortcut
func ParseShortcut(in string) (string, error) {
if in == "" {
return "", trace.BadParameter("missing resource name")
switch strings.ToLower(in) {
case "role", "roles":
return KindRole, nil
case "namespaces", "ns":
return KindNamespace, nil
case "auth_servers", "auth":
return KindAuthServer, nil
case "proxies":
return KindProxy, nil
case "nodes", "node":
return KindNode, nil
case "oidc":
return KindOIDCConnector, nil
case "saml":
return KindSAMLConnector, nil
case "github":
return KindGithubConnector, nil
case "user", "users":
return KindUser, nil
case "cert_authorities", "cas":
return KindCertAuthority, nil
case "reverse_tunnels", "rts":
return KindReverseTunnel, nil
case "trusted_cluster", "tc", "cluster", "clusters":
return KindTrustedCluster, nil
case "cluster_authentication_preferences", "cap":
return KindClusterAuthPreference, nil
case "remote_cluster", "remote_clusters", "rc", "rcs":
return KindRemoteCluster, nil
return "", trace.BadParameter("unsupported resource: %v", in)
// ParseRef parses resource reference eg daemonsets/ds1
func ParseRef(ref string) (*Ref, error) {
if ref == "" {
return nil, trace.BadParameter("missing value")
parts := strings.FieldsFunc(ref, isDelimiter)
switch len(parts) {
case 1:
shortcut, err := ParseShortcut(parts[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
return &Ref{Kind: shortcut}, nil
case 2:
shortcut, err := ParseShortcut(parts[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
return &Ref{Kind: shortcut, Name: parts[1]}, nil
return nil, trace.BadParameter("failed to parse '%v'", ref)
// isDelimiter returns true if rune is space or /
func isDelimiter(r rune) bool {
switch r {
case '\t', ' ', '/':
return true
return false
// Ref is a resource reference
type Ref struct {
Kind string
Name string
func (r *Ref) IsEmtpy() bool {
return r.Name == ""
func (r *Ref) Set(v string) error {
out, err := ParseRef(v)
if err != nil {
return err
*r = *out
return nil
func (r *Ref) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", r.Kind, r.Name)