Tiago Silva 5840ae7169
Add AWS EKS End-To-End tests (#29109)
This PR enables AWS E2E integration tests for EKS auto-discovery.

This process uses Github's OIDC connector to access AWS API by assuming the `arn:aws:iam::307493967395:role/tf-aws-e2e-gha-role` role.

      - name: Configure AWS Credentials
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
          aws-region: ${{ env.AWS_REGION }}
          role-to-assume: ${{ env.GHA_ASSUME_ROLE }}

`aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials` action generates a new ID token with the information required and signs it using Github's OIDC workflow.

The role `arn:aws:iam::307493967395:role/tf-aws-e2e-gha-role` is an intermediate role for the runner to be able to assume two distinct roles:

-  `arn:aws:iam::307493967395:role/tf-eks-discovery-ci-cluster-kubernetes-service-access-role` - used by Kubernetes Service
-  `arn:aws:iam::307493967395:role/tf-eks-discovery-ci-cluster-discovery-service-access-role` - used by Discovery Service

The Discovery service will assume role  `arn:aws:iam::307493967395:role/tf-eks-discovery-ci-cluster-discovery-service-access-role` which defines the following policy:

- `eks:ListClusters`
- `eks:DescribeCluster`

These are the minimal permissions required to list the available clusters and retrieve their state and labels.

Teleport Discovery Service will pull the EKS cluster available and for each cluster to import, it will create a `kube_cluster` object in Auth Server.

Once the cluster is discovered and the `kube_cluster` exists in Auth server, the Teleport Kubernetes Service will start proxying the cluster.

For that, it must pull the cluster API endpoint and its CA data to create a client.  Role `arn:aws:iam::307493967395:role/tf-eks-discovery-ci-cluster-kubernetes-service-access-role` allows Kubernetes Service to describe the cluster and retrieve its details.

- `eks:DescribeCluster`

The IAM role used by the Kubernetes Service must be mapped to a Kubernetes Group that allows impersonation in order to be able to proxy requests with the user's permissions.

kind: ClusterRole
  name: teleport-role
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - users
  - groups
  - serviceaccounts
  - impersonate
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - pods
  - get
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - selfsubjectaccessreviews
  - selfsubjectrulesreviews
  - create
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: teleport-crb
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: teleport-role
- kind: Group
  name: ${group_name}


During the cluster provisioning phase, we mapped the Kubernetes Service IAM role into a Kubernetes Group ` ${group_name}`.


- groups:
  - ${group_name}
  username: "eleport:{{SessionName}}

The final step is to validate the client is working correctly and that the Kubernetes Service was able to generate a valid token that can impersonate Kubernetes groups and users.

For that, we simulate a user calling `kubectl get services -n default` through Teleport that must return 1 entry, the default service `kubernetes`.

Implements #27156
2023-07-19 08:19:05 +00:00

334 lines
12 KiB

Copyright 2023 Gravitational, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package integration
import (
metav1 ""
var (
// Username used for the test.
username string
// kubernetes groups and users used for the test.
// discovery-ci-eks
// The kubernetes service IAM role can only impersonate the user and group listed below.
// This is a security measure to prevent the kubernetes service from impersonating any user/group
// including system:masters.
// If you need to impersonate a different user/group, you need to update the RBAC
// permissions for the kubernetes service IAM role.
kubeGroups = []string{kube.TestImpersonationGroup}
kubeUsers = []string{""}
func init() {
me, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
username = me.Username
func TestKube(t *testing.T) {
testEnabled := os.Getenv(teleport.KubeRunTests)
if ok, _ := strconv.ParseBool(testEnabled); !ok {
t.Skip("Skipping Kubernetes test suite.")
t.Run("AWS EKS Discovery - Matched cluster", awsEKSDiscoveryMatchedCluster)
t.Run("AWS EKS Discovery - Unmatched cluster", awsEKSDiscoveryUnmatchedCluster)
// awsEKSDiscoveryMatchedCluster tests that the discovery service can discover an EKS
// cluster and create a KubernetesCluster resource.
func awsEKSDiscoveryMatchedCluster(t *testing.T) {
teleport := createTeleportClusterWithDiscovery(
types.Wildcard: {types.Wildcard},
// Get the auth server.
authC := teleport.Process.GetAuthServer()
// Wait for the discovery service to discover the cluster and create a
// KubernetesCluster resource.
// Discovery service will scan the AWS account each minutes.
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
clusters, err := authC.GetKubernetesClusters(ctx)
return err == nil && len(clusters) == 1 && clusters[0].GetName() == os.Getenv(discoveredClusterNameEnv)
}, 3*time.Minute, 10*time.Second, "wait for the discovery service to create a cluster")
// Wait for the kubernetes service to create a KubernetesServer resource.
// This will happen after the discovery service creates the KubernetesCluster
// resource and the kubernetes service receives the event.
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
kubeServers, err := authC.GetKubernetesServers(ctx)
return err == nil && len(kubeServers) == 1
}, 2*time.Minute, time.Second, "wait for the kubernetes service to create a KubernetesServer")
// kubeClient is a Kubernetes client for the user created above
// that will be used to verify that the user can access the cluster and
// the permissions are correct.
kubeClient, _, err := kube.ProxyClient(kube.ProxyConfig{
T: teleport,
Username: username,
KubeUsers: kubeUsers,
KubeGroups: kubeGroups,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Retrieve the list of services in the default namespace to verify that
// the user can access the cluster and the kubernetes service can
// impersonate the user's kubernetes_groups and kubernetes_users.
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
list, err := kubeClient.CoreV1().Services(metav1.NamespaceDefault).List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{})
return err == nil && len(list.Items) > 0
}, 30*time.Second, time.Second)
// awsEKSDiscoveryUnmatchedCluster tests a scenario where the discovery service
// discovers an EKS cluster but the cluster does not match the discovery
// selectors and therefore no KubernetesCluster resource is created.
func awsEKSDiscoveryUnmatchedCluster(t *testing.T) {
teleport := createTeleportClusterWithDiscovery(
// This label will not match the EKS cluster.
"env": {"tag_not_found"},
// Get the auth server.
authC := teleport.Process.GetAuthServer()
// Wait for the discovery service to not create a KubernetesCluster resource
// because the cluster does not match the selectors.
require.Never(t, func() bool {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
clusters, err := authC.GetKubernetesClusters(ctx)
return err == nil && len(clusters) != 0
}, 2*time.Minute, 10*time.Second, "discovery service incorrectly created a kube_cluster")
const (
// awsRegionEnv is the environment variable that specifies the AWS region
// where the EKS cluster is running.
awsRegionEnv = "AWS_REGION"
// kubernetesServiceAssumeRoleEnv is the environment variable that specifies
// the IAM role that Teleport Kubernetes Service will assume to access the EKS cluster.
// This role needs to have the following permissions:
// - eks:DescribeCluster
// But it also requires the role to be mapped to a Kubernetes group with the following RBAC permissions:
// apiVersion:
// kind: ClusterRole
// metadata:
// name: teleport-role
// rules:
// - apiGroups:
// - ""
// resources:
// - users
// - groups
// - serviceaccounts
// verbs:
// - impersonate
// - apiGroups:
// - ""
// resources:
// - pods
// verbs:
// - get
// - apiGroups:
// - ""
// resources:
// - selfsubjectaccessreviews
// - selfsubjectrulesreviews
// verbs:
// - create
// check modules/eks-discovery-ci/ from cloud-terraform repo for more details.
kubernetesServiceAssumeRoleEnv = "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ASSUME_ROLE"
// discoveryServiceAssumeRoleEnv is the environment variable that specifies
// the IAM role that Teleport Discovery Service will assume to list the EKS clusters.
// This role needs to have the following permissions:
// - eks:DescribeCluster
// - eks:ListClusters
// check modules/eks-discovery-ci/ from cloud-terraform repo for more details.
discoveryServiceAssumeRoleEnv = "DISCOVERY_SERVICE_ASSUME_ROLE"
// discoveredClusterNameEnv is the environment variable that specifies the name of the EKS cluster
// that will be created by Teleport Discovery Service.
discoveredClusterNameEnv = "DISCOVERED_CLUSTER_NAME"
// checkRequiredEnvVars ensures that the required environment variables are set.
func checkRequiredEnvVars(t *testing.T) {
require.NotEmpty(t, os.Getenv(awsRegionEnv), "AWS_REGION environment variable must be set")
require.NotEmpty(t, os.Getenv(kubernetesServiceAssumeRoleEnv), "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ASSUME_ROLE environment variable must be set")
require.NotEmpty(t, os.Getenv(discoveryServiceAssumeRoleEnv), "DISCOVERY_SERVICE_ASSUME_ROLE environment variable must be set")
require.NotEmpty(t, os.Getenv(discoveredClusterNameEnv), "DISCOVERED_CLUSTER_NAME environment variable must be set")
// createTeleportClusterWithDiscovery creates a Teleport cluster with Discovery Service enabled for
// the given EKS cluster tags.
func createTeleportClusterWithDiscovery(t *testing.T, tags types.Labels) *helpers.TeleInstance {
// ensures that the required environment variables are set.
// Create the CA authority that will be used in Auth.
priv, pub, err := testauthority.New().GenerateKeyPair()
require.NoError(t, err)
const (
host = helpers.Host
site = helpers.Site
hostID = helpers.HostID
log := utils.NewLoggerForTests()
teleport := helpers.NewInstance(t, helpers.InstanceConfig{
ClusterName: site,
HostID: host,
NodeName: host,
Priv: priv,
Pub: pub,
Log: log,
// Create a new role with full access to all resources.
role, err := types.NewRole(
Allow: types.RoleConditions{
KubeGroups: kubeGroups,
KubeUsers: kubeUsers,
KubernetesLabels: types.Labels{
types.Wildcard: {types.Wildcard},
KubernetesResources: []types.KubernetesResource{
Kind: types.Wildcard, Name: types.Wildcard, Namespace: types.Wildcard, Verbs: []string{types.Wildcard},
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create a new user with the role created above.
teleport.AddUserWithRole(username, role)
// Create a new teleport instance with the auth server.
err = teleport.CreateEx(t, nil, newTeleportConfig(t, log, tags))
require.NoError(t, err)
// Start the teleport instance and wait for it to be ready.
err = teleport.Start()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.NoError(t, teleport.StopAll())
return teleport
func newTeleportConfig(t *testing.T, log utils.Logger, tags types.Labels) *servicecfg.Config {
tconf := servicecfg.MakeDefaultConfig()
// Replace the default auth and proxy listeners with the ones so we can
// run multiple tests in parallel.
tconf.Auth.ListenAddr = *utils.MustParseAddr(helpers.NewListener(t, service.ListenerAuth, &(tconf.FileDescriptors)))
tconf.Proxy.WebAddr = *utils.MustParseAddr(helpers.NewListener(t, service.ListenerProxyWeb, &(tconf.FileDescriptors)))
tconf.Proxy.Kube.ListenAddr = *utils.MustParseAddr(helpers.NewListener(t, service.ListenerProxyKube, &(tconf.FileDescriptors)))
tconf.DataDir = t.TempDir()
tconf.Console = nil
tconf.Log = log
tconf.SSH.Enabled = true
tconf.Proxy.DisableWebInterface = true
tconf.PollingPeriod = 500 * time.Millisecond
tconf.ClientTimeout = time.Second
tconf.ShutdownTimeout = 2 * tconf.ClientTimeout
tconf.CircuitBreakerConfig = breaker.NoopBreakerConfig()
// Enable kubernetes proxy
tconf.Proxy.Kube.Enabled = true
enableKubeService(t, tconf)
enableDiscoveryService(t, tconf, tags)
return tconf
// enableKubeService sets up the kubernetes service to watch for kubernetes
// clusters created by the discovery service.
func enableKubeService(t *testing.T, cfg *servicecfg.Config) {
// set kubernetes specific parameters
cfg.Kube.Enabled = true
cfg.Kube.ListenAddr = utils.MustParseAddr(helpers.NewListener(t, service.ListenerKube, &(cfg.FileDescriptors)))
cfg.Kube.ResourceMatchers = []services.ResourceMatcher{
Labels: types.Labels{
types.Wildcard: []string{types.Wildcard},
AWS: services.ResourceMatcherAWS{
AssumeRoleARN: os.Getenv(kubernetesServiceAssumeRoleEnv),
// enableDiscoveryService sets up the discovery service to watch for EKS clusters
// in the AWS account.
func enableDiscoveryService(t *testing.T, cfg *servicecfg.Config, tags types.Labels) {
cfg.Discovery.Enabled = true
cfg.Discovery.DiscoveryGroup = "e2e-test"
// Reduce the polling interval to speed up the test execution
// in the case of a failure of the first attempt.
// The default polling interval is 5 minutes.
cfg.Discovery.PollInterval = 1 * time.Minute
cfg.Discovery.AWSMatchers = []types.AWSMatcher{
Types: []string{services.AWSMatcherEKS},
Tags: tags,
Regions: []string{os.Getenv(awsRegionEnv)},
AssumeRole: &types.AssumeRole{
RoleARN: os.Getenv(discoveryServiceAssumeRoleEnv),