Trent Clarke e2c795a4b1
Drone and tagging updates trigger GHA buildsfrom drone (#19830)
This patch performs the (hopefully final) switchover that will make drone
defer to GHA in order to build Teleport ion arm64.

This patch:
 - Replaces all of the Dronegen code to generate arm64 builds locally with
   steps that invoke the GHA builder workflow
 - Changes the release tagging behavior in the Makefile to tag `teleport.e`
   with the same tag as teleport. This is required to for Drone to identify
   the revision of the arm64 build workflow to invoke
 - Updates the e reference to include a revision of `teleport.e` that 
   contains the builder workflows

Thanks to everyone involved in getting this working.
2023-01-04 23:28:50 +00:00

602 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright 2021 Gravitational, Inc
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
const (
// rpmPackage is the RPM package type
rpmPackage = "rpm"
// debPackage is the DEB package type
debPackage = "deb"
// tagCleanupPipelineName is the name of the pipeline that cleans up
// artifacts from a previous partially-failed build
tagCleanupPipelineName = "clean-up-previous-build"
const releasesHost = ""
// tagCheckoutCommands builds a list of commands for Drone to check out a git commit on a tag build
func tagCheckoutCommands(b buildType) []string {
var commands []string
if b.hasTeleportConnect() {
// TODO(zmb3): remove /go/src/ after webapps->teleport migration
commands = append(commands, `mkdir -p /go/src/`)
commands = append(commands,
`mkdir -p /go/src/`,
`cd /go/src/`,
`git clone${DRONE_REPO_NAME}.git .`,
`git checkout ${DRONE_TAG:-$DRONE_COMMIT}`,
// fetch enterprise submodules
`mkdir -m 0700 /root/.ssh && echo -n "$GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY" > /root/.ssh/id_rsa && chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa`,
`ssh-keyscan -H > /root/.ssh/known_hosts 2>/dev/null && chmod 600 /root/.ssh/known_hosts`,
`git submodule update --init e`,
// this is allowed to fail because pre-4.3 Teleport versions don't use the webassets submodule
`git submodule update --init --recursive webassets || true`,
if b.hasTeleportConnect() {
// TODO(zmb3): this can be removed after webapps migration
// clone webapps for the Teleport Connect Source code
commands = append(commands,
`cd /go/src/`,
`git clone .`,
`git checkout "$(/go/src/"`,
`git submodule update --init packages/webapps.e`,
`cd -`,
commands = append(commands,
`rm -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa`,
// create necessary directories
`mkdir -p /go/cache /go/artifacts`,
// set version
`VERSION=$(egrep ^VERSION Makefile | cut -d= -f2)
if [ "$$VERSION" != "${DRONE_TAG##v}" ]; then
echo "Mismatch between Makefile version: $$VERSION and git tag: $DRONE_TAG"
exit 1
echo "$$VERSION" > /go/.version.txt`,
return commands
// tagBuildCommands generates a list of commands for Drone to build an artifact as part of a tag build
func tagBuildCommands(b buildType) []string {
commands := []string{
`apk add --no-cache make`,
`chown -R $UID:$GID /go`,
`cd /go/src/`,
if b.fips || b.hasTeleportConnect() {
commands = append(commands,
"export VERSION=$(cat /go/.version.txt)",
// For Windows builds, configure code signing.
if b.os == "windows" {
commands = append(commands,
`echo -n "$WINDOWS_SIGNING_CERT" | base64 -d > windows-signing-cert.pfx`,
commands = append(commands,
`make -C build.assets %s`, releaseMakefileTarget(b),
// Build Teleport Connect on suported OS/arch
if b.hasTeleportConnect() {
switch b.os {
case "linux":
commands = append(commands, `make -C build.assets teleterm`)
if b.os == "windows" {
commands = append(commands,
`rm -f windows-signing-cert.pfx`,
return commands
// tagCopyArtifactCommands generates a set of commands to find and copy built tarball artifacts as part of a tag build
func tagCopyArtifactCommands(b buildType) []string {
extension := ".tar.gz"
if b.os == "windows" {
extension = ".zip"
commands := []string{
`cd /go/src/`,
// don't copy OSS artifacts for any FIPS build
if !b.fips {
commands = append(commands,
fmt.Sprintf(`find . -maxdepth 1 -iname "teleport*%s" -print -exec cp {} /go/artifacts \;`, extension),
// copy enterprise artifacts
if b.os == "windows" {
commands = append(commands,
`export VERSION=$(cat /go/.version.txt)`,
`cp /go/artifacts/teleport-v$${VERSION} /go/artifacts/teleport-ent-v$${VERSION}`,
} else {
commands = append(commands,
`find e/ -maxdepth 1 -iname "teleport*.tar.gz" -print -exec cp {} /go/artifacts \;`,
// we need to specifically rename artifacts which are created for CentOS
// these is the only special case where renaming is not handled inside the Makefile
if b.centos7 {
// for CentOS 7, we support OSS, Enterprise, and FIPS (Enterprise only)
commands = append(commands, `export VERSION=$(cat /go/.version.txt)`)
if !b.fips {
commands = append(commands,
`mv /go/artifacts/teleport-v$${VERSION}-linux-amd64-bin.tar.gz /go/artifacts/teleport-v$${VERSION}-linux-amd64-centos7-bin.tar.gz`,
`mv /go/artifacts/teleport-ent-v$${VERSION}-linux-amd64-bin.tar.gz /go/artifacts/teleport-ent-v$${VERSION}-linux-amd64-centos7-bin.tar.gz`,
} else {
commands = append(commands,
`mv /go/artifacts/teleport-ent-v$${VERSION}-linux-amd64-fips-bin.tar.gz /go/artifacts/teleport-ent-v$${VERSION}-linux-amd64-centos7-fips-bin.tar.gz`,
if b.hasTeleportConnect() {
commands = append(commands,
`find /go/src/ -maxdepth 1 \( -iname "teleport-connect*.tar.gz" -o -iname "teleport-connect*.rpm" -o -iname "teleport-connect*.deb" \) -print -exec cp {} /go/artifacts/ \;`,
// generate checksums
commands = append(commands, fmt.Sprintf(`cd /go/artifacts && for FILE in teleport*%s; do sha256sum $FILE > $FILE.sha256; done && ls -l`, extension))
if b.os == "linux" && b.hasTeleportConnect() {
commands = append(commands,
`cd /go/artifacts && for FILE in teleport-connect*.deb teleport-connect*.rpm; do
sha256sum $FILE > $FILE.sha256;
done && ls -l`)
return commands
// tagPipelines builds all applicable tag pipeline combinations
func tagPipelines() []pipeline {
var ps []pipeline
// regular tarball builds
for _, arch := range []string{"amd64", "386", "arm"} {
for _, fips := range []bool{false, true} {
if arch != "amd64" && fips {
// FIPS mode only supported on linux/amd64
ps = append(ps, tagPipeline(buildType{os: "linux", arch: arch, fips: fips}))
// RPM/DEB package builds
for _, packageType := range []string{rpmPackage, debPackage} {
bt := buildType{os: "linux", arch: arch, fips: fips}
if packageType == "rpm" && arch == "amd64" {
bt.centos7 = true
ps = append(ps, tagPackagePipeline(packageType, bt))
ps = append(ps, ghaBuildPipeline(ghaBuildType{
buildType: buildType{os: "linux", arch: "arm64", fips: false},
trigger: triggerTag,
uploadArtifacts: true,
srcRefVar: "DRONE_TAG",
workflowRefVar: "DRONE_TAG",
// Only amd64 Windows is supported for now.
ps = append(ps, tagPipeline(buildType{os: "windows", arch: "amd64"}))
// Also add CentOS artifacts
// CentOS 6 FIPS builds have been removed in Teleport 7.0. See
ps = append(ps, tagPipeline(buildType{os: "linux", arch: "amd64", centos7: true}))
ps = append(ps, tagPipeline(buildType{os: "linux", arch: "amd64", centos7: true, fips: true}))
ps = append(ps, darwinTagPipeline(), darwinTeleportPkgPipeline(), darwinTshPkgPipeline(), darwinConnectDmgPipeline())
ps = append(ps, windowsTagPipeline())
ps = append(ps, tagCleanupPipeline())
return ps
// tagPipeline generates a tag pipeline for a given combination of os/arch/FIPS
func tagPipeline(b buildType) pipeline {
if b.os == "" {
panic("b.os must be set")
if b.arch == "" {
panic("b.arch must be set")
pipelineName := fmt.Sprintf("build-%s-%s", b.os, b.arch)
if b.centos7 {
pipelineName += "-centos7"
tagEnvironment := map[string]value{
"UID": {raw: "1000"},
"GID": {raw: "1000"},
"GOCACHE": {raw: "/go/cache"},
"GOPATH": {raw: "/go"},
"OS": {raw: b.os},
"ARCH": {raw: b.arch},
if b.fips {
pipelineName += "-fips"
tagEnvironment["FIPS"] = value{raw: "yes"}
if b.os == "windows" {
tagEnvironment["WINDOWS_SIGNING_CERT"] = value{fromSecret: "WINDOWS_SIGNING_CERT"}
var extraQualifications []string
if b.os == "windows" {
extraQualifications = []string{"tsh client only"}
p := newKubePipeline(pipelineName)
p.Environment = map[string]value{
"BUILDBOX_VERSION": buildboxVersion,
"RUNTIME": goRuntime,
p.Trigger = triggerTag
p.DependsOn = []string{tagCleanupPipelineName}
p.Workspace = workspace{Path: "/go"}
p.Volumes = []volume{volumeAwsConfig, volumeDocker}
p.Services = []service{
p.Steps = []step{
Name: "Check out code",
Image: "docker:git",
Environment: map[string]value{
Commands: tagCheckoutCommands(b),
Name: "Build artifacts",
Image: "docker",
Environment: tagEnvironment,
Volumes: []volumeRef{volumeRefDocker},
Commands: tagBuildCommands(b),
Name: "Copy artifacts",
Image: "docker",
Commands: tagCopyArtifactCommands(b),
awsRoleSettings: awsRoleSettings{
awsAccessKeyID: value{fromSecret: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"},
awsSecretAccessKey: value{fromSecret: "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"},
role: value{fromSecret: "AWS_ROLE"},
configVolume: volumeRefAwsConfig,
region: "us-west-2",
source: "/go/artifacts/",
target: "teleport/tag/${DRONE_TAG##v}",
configVolume: volumeRefAwsConfig,
Name: "Register artifacts",
Image: "docker",
Commands: tagCreateReleaseAssetCommands(b, "", extraQualifications),
Environment: map[string]value{
return p
// tagDownloadArtifactCommands generates a set of commands to download appropriate artifacts for creating a package as part of a tag build
func tagDownloadArtifactCommands(b buildType) []string {
commands := []string{
`export VERSION=$(cat /go/.version.txt)`,
`if [[ "${DRONE_TAG}" != "" ]]; then export S3_PATH="tag/$${DRONE_TAG##v}/"; else export S3_PATH="tag/"; fi`,
artifactOSS := true
artifactType := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", b.os, b.arch)
if b.centos7 {
artifactType += "-centos7"
if b.fips {
artifactType += "-fips"
artifactOSS = false
if artifactOSS {
commands = append(commands,
fmt.Sprintf(`aws s3 cp s3://$AWS_S3_BUCKET/teleport/$${S3_PATH}teleport-v$${VERSION}-%s-bin.tar.gz /go/artifacts/`, artifactType),
commands = append(commands,
fmt.Sprintf(`aws s3 cp s3://$AWS_S3_BUCKET/teleport/$${S3_PATH}teleport-ent-v$${VERSION}-%s-bin.tar.gz /go/artifacts/`, artifactType),
return commands
// tagCopyPackageArtifactCommands generates a set of commands to find and copy built package artifacts as part of a tag build
func tagCopyPackageArtifactCommands(b buildType, packageType string) []string {
commands := []string{
`cd /go/src/`,
if !b.fips {
commands = append(commands, fmt.Sprintf(`find build -maxdepth 1 -iname "teleport*.%s*" -print -exec cp {} /go/artifacts \;`, packageType))
commands = append(commands, fmt.Sprintf(`find e/build -maxdepth 1 -iname "teleport*.%s*" -print -exec cp {} /go/artifacts \;`, packageType))
return commands
// createReleaseAssetCommands generates a set of commands to create release & asset in release management service
func tagCreateReleaseAssetCommands(b buildType, packageType string, extraQualifications []string) []string {
commands := []string{
`VERSION=$(cat "$WORKSPACE_DIR/go/.version.txt")`,
fmt.Sprintf(`RELEASES_HOST='%v'`, releasesHost),
`echo "$RELEASES_CERT" | base64 -d > "$WORKSPACE_DIR/releases.crt"`,
`echo "$RELEASES_KEY" | base64 -d > "$WORKSPACE_DIR/releases.key"`,
`trap "rm -f '$WORKSPACE_DIR/releases.crt' '$WORKSPACE_DIR/releases.key'" EXIT`,
`CREDENTIALS="--cert $WORKSPACE_DIR/releases.crt --key $WORKSPACE_DIR/releases.key"`,
`which curl || apk add --no-cache curl`,
fmt.Sprintf(`cd "$WORKSPACE_DIR/go/artifacts"
find . -type f ! -iname '*.sha256' ! -iname '**' | while read -r file; do
# Skip files that are not results of this build
# (e.g. tarballs from which OS packages are made)
[ -f "$file.sha256" ] || continue
name="$(basename "$file" | sed -E 's/(-|_)v?[0-9].*$//')" # extract part before -vX.Y.Z
if [ "$name" = "tsh" ]; then
products="teleport teleport-ent"
elif [ "$name" = "Teleport Connect" -o "$name" = "teleport-connect" ]; then
description="Teleport Connect"
products="teleport teleport-ent"
shasum="$(cat "$file.sha256" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
release_params="" # List of "-F releaseId=XXX" parameters to curl
for product in $products; do
status_code=$(curl $CREDENTIALS -o "$WORKSPACE_DIR/curl_out.txt" -w "%%{http_code}" -F "product=$product" -F "version=$VERSION" -F notesMd="# Teleport $VERSION" -F status=draft "$RELEASES_HOST/releases")
if [ $status_code -ne 200 ] && [ $status_code -ne 409 ]; then
echo "curl HTTP status: $status_code"
cat $WORKSPACE_DIR/curl_out.txt
exit 1
release_params="$release_params -F releaseId=$product@$VERSION"
curl $CREDENTIALS --fail -o /dev/null -F description="$description" -F os="%[2]s" -F arch="%[3]s" -F "file=@$file" -F "sha256=$shasum" $release_params "$RELEASES_HOST/assets";
b.Description(packageType, extraQualifications...), b.os, b.arch),
return commands
// tagPackagePipeline generates a tag package pipeline for a given combination of os/arch/FIPS
func tagPackagePipeline(packageType string, b buildType) pipeline {
if packageType == "" {
panic("packageType must be set")
if b.os == "" {
panic("b.os must be set")
if b.arch == "" {
panic("b.arch must be set")
environment := map[string]value{
"ARCH": {raw: b.arch},
"TMPDIR": {raw: "/go"},
"ENT_TARBALL_PATH": {raw: "/go/artifacts"},
dependentPipeline := fmt.Sprintf("build-%s-%s", b.os, b.arch)
if b.centos7 {
dependentPipeline += "-centos7"
apkPackages := []string{"bash", "curl", "gzip", "make", "tar"}
if packageType == rpmPackage {
// Required by `make rpm`
apkPackages = append(apkPackages, "go")
packageBuildCommands := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("apk add --no-cache %s", strings.Join(apkPackages, " ")),
`apk add --no-cache aws-cli`,
`cd /go/src/`,
`export VERSION=$(cat /go/.version.txt)`,
// Login to Amazon ECR Public
`aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login -u="AWS" --password-stdin`,
makeCommand := fmt.Sprintf("make %s", packageType)
if b.fips {
dependentPipeline += "-fips"
environment["FIPS"] = value{raw: "yes"}
environment["RUNTIME"] = value{raw: "fips"}
makeCommand = fmt.Sprintf("make -C e %s", packageType)
} else {
environment["OSS_TARBALL_PATH"] = value{raw: "/go/artifacts"}
packageDockerVolumes := []volume{
packageDockerVolumeRefs := []volumeRef{
packageDockerService := dockerService()
switch packageType {
case rpmPackage:
environment["GNUPG_DIR"] = value{raw: "/tmpfs/gnupg"}
environment["GPG_RPM_SIGNING_ARCHIVE"] = value{fromSecret: "GPG_RPM_SIGNING_ARCHIVE"}
packageBuildCommands = append(packageBuildCommands,
`mkdir -m0700 $GNUPG_DIR`,
`echo "$GPG_RPM_SIGNING_ARCHIVE" | base64 -d | tar -xzf - -C $GNUPG_DIR`,
`chown -R root:root $GNUPG_DIR`,
`rm -rf $GNUPG_DIR`,
// RPM builds require tmpfs to hold the key material in memory.
packageDockerVolumes = append(packageDockerVolumes, volumeTmpfs)
packageDockerVolumeRefs = append(packageDockerVolumeRefs, volumeRefTmpfs)
packageDockerService = dockerService(volumeRefTmpfs)
case debPackage:
packageBuildCommands = append(packageBuildCommands,
panic("packageType is not set")
assumeDownloadRoleStep := kubernetesAssumeAwsRoleStep(kubernetesRoleSettings{
awsRoleSettings: awsRoleSettings{
awsAccessKeyID: value{fromSecret: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"},
awsSecretAccessKey: value{fromSecret: "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"},
role: value{fromSecret: "AWS_ROLE"},
configVolume: volumeRefAwsConfig,
name: "Assume Download AWS Role",
assumeBuildRoleStep := kubernetesAssumeAwsRoleStep(kubernetesRoleSettings{
awsRoleSettings: awsRoleSettings{
awsAccessKeyID: value{fromSecret: "TELEPORT_BUILD_USER_READ_ONLY_KEY"},
awsSecretAccessKey: value{fromSecret: "TELEPORT_BUILD_USER_READ_ONLY_SECRET"},
role: value{fromSecret: "TELEPORT_BUILD_READ_ONLY_AWS_ROLE"},
configVolume: volumeRefAwsConfig,
name: "Assume Build AWS Role",
assumeUploadRoleStep := kubernetesAssumeAwsRoleStep(kubernetesRoleSettings{
awsRoleSettings: awsRoleSettings{
awsAccessKeyID: value{fromSecret: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"},
awsSecretAccessKey: value{fromSecret: "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"},
role: value{fromSecret: "AWS_ROLE"},
configVolume: volumeRefAwsConfig,
name: "Assume Upload AWS Role",
pipelineName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", dependentPipeline, packageType)
p := newKubePipeline(pipelineName)
p.Trigger = triggerTag
p.DependsOn = []string{dependentPipeline, tagCleanupPipelineName}
p.Workspace = workspace{Path: "/go"}
p.Volumes = packageDockerVolumes
p.Services = []service{
p.Steps = []step{
Name: "Check out code",
Image: "docker:git",
Environment: map[string]value{
Commands: tagCheckoutCommands(b),
Name: "Download artifacts from S3",
Image: "amazon/aws-cli",
Environment: map[string]value{
"AWS_REGION": {raw: "us-west-2"},
"AWS_S3_BUCKET": {fromSecret: "AWS_S3_BUCKET"},
Commands: tagDownloadArtifactCommands(b),
Volumes: []volumeRef{volumeRefAwsConfig},
Name: "Build artifacts",
Image: "docker",
Environment: environment,
Volumes: packageDockerVolumeRefs,
Commands: packageBuildCommands,
Name: "Copy artifacts",
Image: "docker",
Commands: tagCopyPackageArtifactCommands(b, packageType),
region: "us-west-2",
source: "/go/artifacts/",
target: "teleport/tag/${DRONE_TAG##v}",
configVolume: volumeRefAwsConfig,
Name: "Register artifacts",
Image: "docker",
Commands: tagCreateReleaseAssetCommands(b, strings.ToUpper(packageType), nil),
Environment: map[string]value{
return p
func tagCleanupPipeline() pipeline {
return relcliPipeline(triggerTag, tagCleanupPipelineName, "Clean up previously built artifacts", "relcli auto_destroy -f -v 6")