fheinecke 29d18c9349
Added selective prerelease check to container images promotion pipeline (#18833)
Added selective prerelease check to container images promotion pipeline
2022-12-06 20:03:51 +00:00

367 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2021 Gravitational, Inc
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
// Describes a registry and repo that images are to be published to.
type ContainerRepo struct {
Name string // Human readable name for the repo. Does not need to match remote value.
IsImmutable bool // True if the repo supports updating existing tags, false otherwise
EnvironmentVars map[string]value // Steps that use the described repo should include these env vars
RegistryDomain string // The registry that hosts the container repo
RegistryOrg string // The organization name (usually "gravitational") that the repo is listed under
SetupSteps []step // Optional field that can be used to run setup code prior to first login
LoginCommands []string // Commands to authenticate the docker daemon with the repo
TagBuilder func(baseTag *ImageTag) *ImageTag // Postprocessor for tags that append CR-specific suffixes
func NewEcrContainerRepo(accessKeyIDSecret, secretAccessKeySecret, roleSecret, domain, name string,
isPublic, isImmutable, guaranteeUnique bool) *ContainerRepo {
ecrRegion := StagingEcrRegion
loginSubcommand := "ecr"
if isPublic {
ecrRegion = PublicEcrRegion
loginSubcommand = "ecr-public"
repoName := fmt.Sprintf("ECR - %s", name)
profileName := fmt.Sprintf("ecr-%s", name)
registryOrg := ProductionRegistryOrg
if configureForPRTestingOnly {
accessKeyIDSecret = testingSecretPrefix + accessKeyIDSecret
secretAccessKeySecret = testingSecretPrefix + secretAccessKeySecret
roleSecret = testingSecretPrefix + roleSecret
registryOrg = testingECRRegistryOrg
if !isPublic {
domain = testingECRDomain
ecrRegion = testingECRRegion
loginCommands := []string{
"apk add --no-cache aws-cli",
fmt.Sprintf("aws %s get-login-password --region=%s | docker login -u=\"AWS\" --password-stdin %s", loginSubcommand, ecrRegion, domain),
if guaranteeUnique {
loginCommands = append(loginCommands, "TIMESTAMP=$(date -d @\"$DRONE_BUILD_CREATED\" '+%Y%m%d%H%M')")
return &ContainerRepo{
Name: repoName,
IsImmutable: isImmutable,
EnvironmentVars: map[string]value{
"AWS_PROFILE": {raw: profileName},
RegistryDomain: domain,
RegistryOrg: registryOrg,
SetupSteps: []step{
awsRoleSettings: awsRoleSettings{
awsAccessKeyID: value{fromSecret: accessKeyIDSecret},
awsSecretAccessKey: value{fromSecret: secretAccessKeySecret},
role: value{fromSecret: roleSecret},
configVolume: volumeRefAwsConfig,
profile: profileName,
name: fmt.Sprintf("Assume %s AWS Role", repoName),
append: true,
LoginCommands: loginCommands,
TagBuilder: func(tag *ImageTag) *ImageTag {
if guaranteeUnique {
return tag
func NewQuayContainerRepo(dockerUsername, dockerPassword string) *ContainerRepo {
registryOrg := ProductionRegistryOrg
if configureForPRTestingOnly {
dockerUsername = testingSecretPrefix + dockerUsername
dockerPassword = testingSecretPrefix + dockerPassword
registryOrg = testingQuayRegistryOrg
return &ContainerRepo{
Name: "Quay",
IsImmutable: false,
EnvironmentVars: map[string]value{
fromSecret: dockerUsername,
fromSecret: dockerPassword,
RegistryDomain: ProductionRegistryQuay,
RegistryOrg: registryOrg,
LoginCommands: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("docker login -u=\"$QUAY_USERNAME\" -p=\"$QUAY_PASSWORD\" %q", ProductionRegistryQuay),
func NewLocalContainerRepo() *ContainerRepo {
return &ContainerRepo{
Name: "Local Registry",
IsImmutable: false,
RegistryDomain: LocalRegistrySocket,
func GetLocalContainerRepo() *ContainerRepo {
return NewLocalContainerRepo()
func GetStagingContainerRepo(uniqueStagingTag bool) *ContainerRepo {
"STAGING_TELEPORT_DRONE_ECR_AWS_ROLE", StagingRegistry, "staging", false, true, uniqueStagingTag)
func GetProductionContainerRepos() []*ContainerRepo {
return []*ContainerRepo{
"PRODUCTION_TELEPORT_DRONE_ECR_AWS_ROLE", ProductionRegistry, "production", true, false, false),
// This is a special case of "". This references a public ECR repo that may only ever be pulled from.
// The purpose of this is to authenticate with public ECR prior to `docker buildx build` so that the build command
// will pull from the repo as an authenticated user. Pulling as an authenticated user greatly increase the number
// of layers that can be pulled per second, which fixes certain issues with running build commands in parallel.
func GetPublicEcrPullRegistry() *ContainerRepo {
// Note: these credentials currently allow for push and pull. I'd recommend either a separate role or set of
// credentials for pull only access.
"PRODUCTION_TELEPORT_DRONE_ECR_AWS_ROLE", ProductionRegistry, "authenticated-pull", true, false, false)
func (cr *ContainerRepo) buildSteps(buildStepDetails []*buildStepOutput, flags *TriggerFlags) []step {
// This is used to grab information that is (or at least should be by design) the same for all values in the slice
if len(buildStepDetails) == 0 {
return nil
sourceBuildStep := buildStepDetails[0]
steps := make([]step, 0)
// Tag and push, collecting the names of the tag/push steps and the images pushed.
imageTags := cr.BuildImageTags(sourceBuildStep.Version, flags)
pushedImages := make(map[*ImageTag][]*Image, len(imageTags))
pushStepNames := make([]string, 0, len(buildStepDetails))
for _, buildStepDetail := range buildStepDetails {
pushStep, pushedArchImages := cr.tagAndPushStep(buildStepDetail, imageTags)
pushStepNames = append(pushStepNames, pushStep.Name)
for _, imageTag := range imageTags {
pushedImages[imageTag] = append(pushedImages[imageTag], pushedArchImages[imageTag])
steps = append(steps, pushStep)
// Create and push a manifest for each tag, referencing multiple architectures in the manifest
for _, imageTag := range imageTags {
multiarchImageTag := *imageTag
multiarchImageTag.Arch = ""
manifestImage := buildStepDetails[0].Product.ImageBuilder(cr, &multiarchImageTag)
manifestStep := cr.createAndPushManifestStep(manifestImage, pushStepNames, pushedImages[imageTag])
// Only create and push manifest for major and minor versions if the release version is not a prerelease
if !flags.ShouldOnlyPublishFullSemver && !imageTag.IsForFullSemver {
manifestStep.Commands = buildPrereleaseExclusionaryCommands(sourceBuildStep.Version, manifestStep.Commands)
steps = append(steps, manifestStep)
return steps
func (cr *ContainerRepo) logoutCommand() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("docker logout %q", cr.RegistryDomain)
func (cr *ContainerRepo) buildCommandsWithLogin(wrappedCommands []string) []string {
if cr.LoginCommands == nil || len(cr.LoginCommands) == 0 {
return wrappedCommands
commands := make([]string, 0)
commands = append(commands, cr.LoginCommands...)
commands = append(commands, wrappedCommands...)
commands = append(commands, cr.logoutCommand())
return commands
func (cr *ContainerRepo) BuildImageRepo() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/", cr.RegistryDomain, cr.RegistryOrg)
func (cr *ContainerRepo) BuildImageTags(version *ReleaseVersion, flags *TriggerFlags) []*ImageTag {
tags := version.getTagsForVersion(flags.ShouldOnlyPublishFullSemver)
if cr.TagBuilder != nil {
for i, tag := range tags {
tags[i] = cr.TagBuilder(tag)
return tags
// Pulls an image with authentication pushes it to the local repo.
// Does not generate additional tags.
// Returns an *Image struct describing the locally pushed image.
func (cr *ContainerRepo) pullPushStep(image *Image, dependencySteps []string) (step, *Image) {
localRepo := GetLocalContainerRepo()
localRepoImage := *image
localRepoImage.Repo = localRepo
commands := image.Repo.buildCommandsWithLogin([]string{fmt.Sprintf("docker pull %s", image.GetShellName())})
commands = append(commands,
fmt.Sprintf("docker tag %s %s", image.GetShellName(), localRepoImage.GetShellName()),
fmt.Sprintf("docker push %s", localRepoImage.GetShellName()),
return step{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("Pull %s and push it to %s", image.GetDisplayName(), localRepo.Name),
Image: "docker",
Volumes: dockerVolumeRefs(volumeRefAwsConfig),
Environment: cr.EnvironmentVars,
Commands: commands,
DependsOn: dependencySteps,
}, &localRepoImage
func (cr *ContainerRepo) tagAndPushStep(buildStepDetails *buildStepOutput, imageTags []*ImageTag) (step, map[*ImageTag]*Image) {
archImageMap := make(map[*ImageTag]*Image, len(imageTags))
for _, imageTag := range imageTags {
archTag := *imageTag
archTag.Arch = buildStepDetails.BuiltImage.Tag.Arch
archImage := buildStepDetails.Product.ImageBuilder(cr, &archTag)
archImageMap[imageTag] = archImage
// This is tracked separately as maps in golang have a non-deterministic order when iterated over.
// As a result, .drone.yml will be updated every time `make dronegen` is ran regardless of if there
// is a change to the map or not
// The order/comparator does not matter here as long as it is deterministic between dronegen runs
archImageKeys := maps.Keys(archImageMap)
sort.SliceStable(archImageKeys, func(i, j int) bool { return archImageKeys[i].GetDisplayValue() < archImageKeys[j].GetDisplayValue() })
pullCommands := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("docker pull %s", buildStepDetails.BuiltImage.GetShellName()),
tagAndPushCommands := make([]string, 0)
for _, archImageKey := range archImageKeys {
archImage := archImageMap[archImageKey]
// Skip pushing images if the tag or container registry is immutable
tagAndPushCommands = append(tagAndPushCommands, buildImmutableSafeCommands(archImageKey.IsImmutable || cr.IsImmutable, archImage.GetShellName(), []string{
fmt.Sprintf("docker tag %s %s", buildStepDetails.BuiltImage.GetShellName(), archImage.GetShellName()),
fmt.Sprintf("docker push %s", archImage.GetShellName()),
tagAndPushCommands = cr.buildCommandsWithLogin(tagAndPushCommands)
commands := append(pullCommands, tagAndPushCommands...)
dependencySteps := []string{}
if buildStepDetails.StepName != "" {
dependencySteps = append(dependencySteps, buildStepDetails.StepName)
step := step{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("Tag and push image %q to %s", buildStepDetails.BuiltImage.GetDisplayName(), cr.Name),
Image: "docker",
Volumes: dockerVolumeRefs(volumeRefAwsConfig),
Environment: cr.EnvironmentVars,
Commands: commands,
DependsOn: dependencySteps,
return step, archImageMap
func (cr *ContainerRepo) createAndPushManifestStep(manifestImage *Image, pushStepNames []string, pushedImages []*Image) step {
if len(pushStepNames) == 0 {
return step{}
manifestCommandArgs := make([]string, 0, len(pushedImages))
for _, pushedImage := range pushedImages {
manifestCommandArgs = append(manifestCommandArgs, fmt.Sprintf("--amend %s", pushedImage.GetShellName()))
// Skip pushing manifest if the tag or container registry is immutable
commands := buildImmutableSafeCommands(manifestImage.Tag.IsImmutable || cr.IsImmutable, manifestImage.GetShellName(), []string{
fmt.Sprintf("docker manifest create %s %s", manifestImage.GetShellName(), strings.Join(manifestCommandArgs, " ")),
fmt.Sprintf("docker manifest push %s", manifestImage.GetShellName()),
return step{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("Create manifest and push %q to %s", manifestImage.GetDisplayName(), cr.Name),
Image: "docker",
Volumes: dockerVolumeRefs(volumeRefAwsConfig),
Environment: cr.EnvironmentVars,
Commands: cr.buildCommandsWithLogin(commands),
DependsOn: pushStepNames,
func buildImmutableSafeCommands(isImmutable bool, imageToCheck string, commandsToRun []string) []string {
if !isImmutable {
return commandsToRun
conditionalCommand := fmt.Sprintf("docker manifest inspect %s > /dev/null 2>&1", imageToCheck)
commandToRun := strings.Join(commandsToRun, " && ")
return []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s && echo 'Found existing image, skipping' || (%s)", conditionalCommand, commandToRun)}
// Modifies a set of commands to only be ran if `version.ShellIsPrerelease` evaluates at runtiem to false.
func buildPrereleaseExclusionaryCommands(version *ReleaseVersion, commandsToRun []string) []string {
// If no check is defined, just pass the commands through without a check
if version.ShellIsPrerelease == "" {
return commandsToRun
checkCommands := []string{
fmt.Sprintf(`printf "Prerelease "; ! %s && printf "not "; printf "detected for version %s, "; %s && echo "skipping" || echo "continuing"`,
version.ShellIsPrerelease, version.ShellVersion, version.ShellIsPrerelease),
// This will cause the step to exit without error, allowing future steps to continue without killing the pipeline
fmt.Sprintf("%s && exit 0", version.ShellIsPrerelease),
return append(checkCommands, commandsToRun...)