## Docker This directory contains Docker-based flow to run Teleport clusters locally for testing & development purposes. ### Building First, you need to build `teleport:latest` Docker image. Run the following commands from `$GOPATH/github.com/gravitational/teleport` (repository base dir): ```bash $ make docker $ cd docker $ make build ``` ### Starting ```bash $ make up ``` This will start two Teleport clusters: * Single-node cluster `one`, accessible now on https://localhost:3080 * Three-node cluster `two`, accessible now on https://localhost:5080 ### Stopping ```bash $ make down ``` ### SSH SSH container needs User CA authorities exported: ```bash $ make export-certs ``` ### Configuration Look at the [Makefile](Makefile): the containers are started with their `/var/lib/teleport` mounted to `data/one` or `data/two` on a host. The configuration is passed via YAML files located in `/teleport/docker/xxx.yaml` inside each container. Since the cluster data is preserved between restarts, so you can edit the configuration and restart if you want to change configuration changes. ### Using TCTL To add users to any of the clusters, you have to "enter" into the running containers of their auth servers and use `tctl` there. For cluster "one": ```bash $ make enter-one ``` and then you'll find yourself inside a container where `teleport` auth daemon is running, try `ps -ef` for example and you'll get something like this: ```bash container(one) /teleport: ps -ef UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 1 0 40 06:04 ? 00:00:06 build/teleport start -c /teleport/docker/one.yaml root 13 0 0 06:04 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash root 19 13 0 06:04 ? 00:00:00 ps -ef ``` For cluster "two": ```bash $ make enter-two ``` ... and then you can use stuff like `tctl users add`, etc. Make sure to pass the YAML file to `tctl` via `-c` flag. ### Trusted Clusters #### Trusted Clusters with Resources 1. Update `two-role.yaml` and replace `username_goes_here` with your username. 1. Create a `Role` and `TrustedCluster` resource on Cluster Two. ```bash make enter-two tctl -c /root/go/src/github.com/gravitational/teleport/docker/two-auth.yaml create -f docker/two-role-admin.yaml tctl -c /root/go/src/github.com/gravitational/teleport/docker/two-auth.yaml create -f docker/two-tc.yaml ``` #### Trusted Clusters with File Configuration ##### Export CAs Run the following commands to export your CAs. ```bash # enter cluster two and export ca make enter-two tctl -c /root/go/src/github.com/gravitational/teleport/docker/two-auth.yaml auth export > docker/data/two/two.ca exit # enter cluster one and export ca make enter-one tctl auth export > docker/data/one/one.ca exit ``` ##### Upate Configuration Stop both clusters with `make stop`, update the file configuration for both clusters, and start again with `make`. ```bash # update docker/one.yaml with the following under "auth_service" trusted_clusters: - key_file: /root/go/src/github.com/gravitational/teleport/docker/data/two/two.ca ``` ```bash # update docker/two-auth.yaml with the following under "auth_service" trusted_clusters: - key_file: /root/go/src/github.com/gravitational/teleport/docker/data/one/one.ca allow_logins: root tunnel_addr: one ``` ### Ansible To setup Ansible: 1. Follow steps in Trusted Cluster section to setup Trusted Clusters. 1. Use `tctl` to issue create user command and follow link on screen to create user. ```bash tctl users add {username} root ``` 1. Configure Ansible. ```bash # add two-node to ansible hosts file echo "" >> /etc/ansible/hosts # setup ssh_args that ansible will use to access trusted cluster nodes sed -i '/ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s/assh_args = -o "ProxyCommand ssh -p 3023 one -s proxy:%h:%p@two"' /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg # use scp over sftp sed -i '/scp_if_ssh/s/^#//g' /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg ``` 1. Start and load OpenSSH agent with keys. ```bash # create directory for ssh config mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh # start ssh-agent eval `ssh-agent` # log in with the user created before tsh --proxy=localhost --user=rjones login # load keys into ssh-agent tsh --proxy=localhost --user=rjones agent --load ``` 1. Verify Ansible works: ```bash $ ansible all -m ping | success >> { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } ``` 1. Run an simple playbook: ```bash # cd to directory that contains playbook cd /root/go/src/github.com/gravitational/teleport/docker/ansible # run playbook ansible-playbook playbook.yaml ``` ### Interactive Usage Also you can start an empty container from which you can manually invoke `teleport start`. This is similar to launching an empty Linux VM with a Teleport binary. To get shell inside the same "one" (single-node cluster) container without Teleport running: ```bash $ make shell ``` NOTE: If you get "network already exists" error, do `make stop` first. Once inside, you'll get the same `/var/lib/teleport` as "one", so you can start (and even build) `teleport` daemon manually. This container also comes with a fully configured `screen` so you can treat it as a real VM.