--- authors: Roman Tkachenko (roman@goteleport.com) state: implemented --- # RFD 11 - Teleport Database Access (Preview) ## What This document discusses high-level design points, user experience and some implementation details of the Teleport Database Access feature. _Note: This document refers to an early preview of the Database Access feature and covers functionality that will be available in the initial release._ With Teleport Database Access users can: - Provide secure access to databases without exposing them over the public network through Teleport's reverse tunnel subsystem. - Control access to specific database instances as well as individual databases and database users through Teleport's RBAC model. - Track individual users' access to databases as well as query activity through Teleport's audit log. ## Use cases The feature is being developed with the following use-cases in mind. ### Human access Users should be able to access the databases connected to Teleport using regular database clients they normally use to connect directly such as CLI clients (`psql`, `mysql`, etc.) as well as graphical interfaces (`pgAdmin`, `MySQL Workbench`, etc.). The use-case for this is to grant users access to a database in a transparent fashion, for example to let them do development in a test/stage environment or perform an emergency recovery on a production database instance using familiar tools. ### Robot access The feature should be automation friendly so existing CI systems can take advantage of it. An example would be letting the tools like Ansible or Drone perform routine actions on a database such as migrations or backups and be able to audit it. ### Programmatic access Programmatic access - as in configuring an application to talk to a database server through Teleport proxy - should work automatically as long as it uses a driver that properly implements a particular database protocol and supports mutual TLS authentication. However, it is not the primary use-case, at least for the initial release, since it comes with a number of additional concerns and considerations such as performance requirements for high-traffic applications, automatic failover and so on. ## Scope For the initial release we're focusing on supporting a single type of database, PostgreSQL, with protocol parsing. Supported procotols: * PostgreSQL [wire procotol version 3.0](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/protocol.html), implemented in PostgreSQL 7.4 and later. Supported authentication models: * Client certificate with PostgreSQL instances deployed on premise. * AWS RDS auth token with AWS RDS and PostgreSQL-compatible Aurora. Supported features: * Connecting to the database through the Teleport proxy, incl. trusted clusters support. * Limiting access to database server instances by labels with Teleport roles. * Limiting access to individual databases (within a particular database server instance) and database users. * Auditing of database connections and executed queries. ## Deployment modes Example configurations Teleport database service can be used in: * Single-process mode where auth, proxy and database services all run within the same Teleport process. Useful for development and testing. * Database service is started separately and connects back to the cluster control plane over SSH reverse tunnel, same as application proxy service. * Trusted clusters, database service in a leaf cluster can be used in a same way after trusted cluster relationship with root has been established. ## Architecture Architecturally Database Access is very similar to [Application Access](0008-application-access.md). Teleport gains a new mode of operation, "database service", similar to "ssh service", "application service" or a "kube service". Database service runs inside the customer private network and proxies database client connections received from the Teleport proxy to the target database. It is also responsible for parsing of supported database protocols and authorizing requests coming from the proxy (i.e. granting/denying access to particular databases/database users). ``` |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| reverse |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| psql -------> | proxy | <-------- | db service | -------> | postgres | |_______| tunnel |____________| |__________| ``` The database client (such as `psql`) will talk to Teleport web proxy port (`3080` by default) which will use multiplexing to detect the database protocol and dispatch to an appropriate service. ## Authentication In this model, there are 3 points where authentication needs to happen. ### Database client <---> proxy **Mutual TLS.** Database clients, such as `psql`, will use short-lived x509 certificates issued by Teleport in order to authenticate with the proxy. The certificate metadata includes (via extensions) routing information about the target database which users log into using `tsh db login` command (see below for UX). ### Proxy <---> database service **Mutual TLS over SSH reverse tunnel.** The connection that is passed from proxy to a Teleport database service is upgraded to TLS as well in order to be able to pass identity information over the reverse tunnel. In order to do that, proxy will generate an ephemeral certificate signed by the user authority and re-encode all identity and routing information extracted from the certificate supplied by the client into it. ### Database service <---> database instance **Mutual TLS (onprem).** When connecting to an onprem database instance, the database service will use a client certificate for authentication, which it will generate on the fly according to the database requirements (for example, PostgreSQL requires the database user name to be encoded in the certificate as common name). This also means that the database server needs to be configured with Teleport's certificate authority and (in general case) use server certificate issued by Teleport which can be done using `tctl auth sign` command (see below for UX). Teleport database service can also be optionally configured with a custom CA certificate in case the database server uses cert/key pair signed by user's CA. **Password auth (RDS/Aurora).** Amazon RDS/Aurora don't support client cert authentication. Instead, they support IAM authentication so Teleport database service will generate a short-lived authentication token using RDS API that will be used as a password: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.IAMDBAuth.html In order to be able to verify RDS/Aurora server certificate, users will need to download RDS root certificate and configure the database service to trust it: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html ## Configuration ### Teleport database service The following new configuration section is added to the Teleport file config: ```yaml # New global key housing the database service configuration. db_service: # Enable or disable the database service. enabled: "yes" # List of the database this service is proxying. databases: # Database instance name, used to refer to an instance in CLI like tsh. - name: "postgres-prod" # Optional free-form verbose description of a database instance. description: "Production instance of PostgreSQL 13.0" # Database protocol, only "postgres" is supported initially. protocol: "postgres" # Database connection URI, the address should be reachable from the service. uri: "postgres.internal.example.com:5432" # Optional CA cert path, e.g. RDS/Aurora root cert or custom onprem CA. ca_cert_file: "/path/to/root.pem" # AWS specific configuration for RDS/Aurora databases. aws: # Optional AWS region RDS/Aurora database is running in. region: "us-east-1" # Static labels assigned to the database instance, used in RBAC. static_labels: env: "stage" # Dynamic labels assigned to the database instance, used in RBAC. dynamic_labels: - name: "time" command: ["date", "+%H:%M:%S"] period: "1m" ``` When connecting Teleport database service to the cluster, users can either use a static join token (of type `db`) from auth server config, or generate a new join token for the service: ```sh $ tctl tokens add --type=db ``` #### RDS/Aurora When configuring Teleport database service with RDS/Aurora databases, the following fields need to be set: ```yaml db_service: enabled: "yes" databases: - name: "postgres-rds" protocol: "postgres" uri: "postgres-rds.xxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:5432" ca_cert_file: "/opt/rds/rds-ca-2019-root.pem" aws: region: "us-east-1" ``` * `uri` is the endpoint for a particular database from RDS control panel. * `ca_cert_file` is an optional path to the [RDS root certificate](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html). * `aws.region` is the region the database is deployed in. If RDS root certificate is not provided explicitly, Teleport database service will attempt to download the correct version (based on the specified region the database is running in) automatically from AWS. AWS credentials will be initialized using default credential provider chain used by Go SDK which looks in the environment variables, then shared credentials file and then falls back to IAM role. Refer to [AWS documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/v1/developer-guide/configuring-sdk.html#specifying-credentials) for more info. ### Database instance #### Onprem To support mutual TLS auth, onprem database instance needs to be configured with Teleport's certificate authority and (optionally) cert/key pair issued by Teleport. The existing `tctl auth sign` command is used to produce these secrets: ```sh $ tctl auth sign --format=db --host=localhost --out=server --ttl=8760h $ ls server.cas server.crt server.key ``` Note that the `--host` parameter should match the hostname of the endpoint the database will be connected at. The certificate is signed by Teleport host authority which is intended for machine-to-machine communication. The generated secrets are then used to configure the database. For example, for PostgreSQL: ```sh $ cat postgresql.conf | grep ssl ssl = on ssl_ca_file = '/path/to/server.cas' ssl_cert_file = '/path/to/server.crt' ssl_key_file = '/path/to/server.key' ``` Database server may be configured with cert/key pair signed by a user's custom CA (for example, their organization's) in which case they would still need to supply Teleport's host CA so the server can authenticate Teleport client: ```sh ssl_ca_file = '/path/to/server.cas' ssl_cert_file = '/user/custom/server.pem' ssl_key_file = '/user/custom/server.key' ``` In this case, Teleport database service must be configured with the appropriate CA certificate: ```yaml db_service: enabled: "yes" databases: - name: "postgres" ... ca_cert_file: "/user/custom/ca.pem" ``` In addition, PostgreSQL access configuration file should be configured to require client certificate authentication: ```sh $ cat pg_hba.conf # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD hostssl all all ::/0 cert hostssl all all cert ``` #### RDS/Aurora There are a few things that need to be done in order to configure RDS/Aurora database to support IAM authentication. 1. Enable IAM authentication when provisioning a new database, or on an existing one. By default, only password authentication is enabled. More info: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.IAMDBAuth.Enabling.html 2. Configure IAM policy in order to allow the user Teleport database service will use to connect to the database instance with the auth token. For example, to allow Teleport database service IAM user to connect to a particular RDS/Aurora instance as users `alice` or `bob`, the following policy may be defined: ```json { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "rds-db:connect", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:rds-db:us-west-1:1234567890:dbuser:db-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP/alice", "arn:aws:rds-db:us-west-1:1234567890:dbuser:db-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP/bob" ] } ] } ``` The resource definition also supports wildcards, so the policy can allow Teleport to use any database username, in which case the access will be enforced solely by Teleport's RBAC engine: ```json "Resource": [ "arn:aws:rds-db:us-west-1:1234567890:dbuser:db-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP/*" ] ``` More info: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.IAMDBAuth.IAMPolicy.html 3. Grant `rds_iam` role to each database user Teleport users will log in as. For example, for PostgreSQL: ```sql CREATE USER alice; GRANT rds_iam TO alice; ``` More info: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.IAMDBAuth.DBAccounts.html ## RBAC Teleport role resource gets 3 new fields that allow to control access to database instances as well as individual databases and database users. ```yaml kind: role version: v3 metadata: name: developer spec: allow: # Label selectors for database instances this role has access to. db_labels: environment: ["dev", "stage"] # Database names (within a database instance) this role has access to. # Note: this is not the same as the "name" field in "db_service". db_names: ["main", "metrics", "postgres"] # Database users this role can log in as. db_users: ["alice", "bob"] ``` Restricting access to specific database names and users may not be supported for all databases we will eventually support, only for those we will be doing protocol parsing for. The new `db_names` and `db_users` rule properties support templating variables, similar to the existing fields, that allow to propagate them from the identity provider and between trusted clusters: ```yaml spec: allow: db_names: ["{{internal.db_names}}", "{{external.xxx}}"] db_users: ["{{internal.db_users}}", "{{external.yyy}}"] ``` For enterprise connectors, OIDC and SAML, the role mapping is sufficient to make use of these template variables. For the open-source Github connector we will extend `teams_to_logins` mapping: ```yaml spec: teams_to_logins: - organization: octocats team: admins db_names: ["test"] db_users: ["alice"] ``` The open-source `tctl users add` command will also be extended with additional flags that set allowed database names and users in the user traits: ```sh $ tctl users add --db-names=main,metrics --db-users=postgres,alice alice ``` ## CLI To connect to a database instance, a user first must login using regular `tsh login` command: ```sh $ tsh login ``` Once logged in, they can see all available databases using the following command: ```sh $ tsh db ls Name Description Labels --------------- --------------- --------- postgres PostgreSQL 13.0 env=dev postgres-rds PostgreSQL 12.4 env=stage postgres-aurora PostgreSQL 11.6 env=prod ``` The list will only show databases the logged in user has access to (as per the database labels). For example, developer role shown above won't be able to see the Aurora database instance: ```sh $ tsh db ls Name Description Labels ------------ --------------- --------- postgres PostgreSQL 13.0 env=dev postgres-rds PostgreSQL 12.4 env=stage ``` To log into a specific database instance, a user executes `tsh db login` command. This will retrieve the certificate with encoded database information in it: ```sh $ tsh db login postgres ``` The `tsh status` command shows the name of the database a user is logged into: ```sh $ tsh status > Profile URL: Logged in as: alice Roles: db-developer* ... Databases: postgres ... ``` User can be logged into multiple databases simultaneously: ```sh $ tsh db login db1 $ tsh db login db3 $ tsh db ls Name Description Labels ----- ----------- --------- > db1 Database 1 env=dev db2 Database 2 env=stage > db3 Database 3 env=prod ``` To log out of a particular database (i.e. remove certificate from key store): ```sh $ tsh db logout db1 ``` ### Selecting databases and database user The `tsh db login` command also prints a footer explaining how to connect to the database: ``` Connection information for "postgres" has been saved. You can connect to the database using the following command: $ psql "service=root-postgres user= dbname=" Or configure environment variables and use regular CLI flags: $ eval $(tsh db env) $ psql -U ``` After a successful login, users can use any database user and database to connect to, as long as it is allowed by the RBAC rules. For example: ```sh $ tsh db login postgres-prod && eval $(tsh db env) $ psql -U alice mydb # allowed by role so will connect $ psql -U bob mydb # allowed by role so will connect $ psql -U charlie mydb # not allowed by role so will deny access ``` Default database user and name can also be provided to the `tsh db login` command, in which case then won't be required when using `psql` or other client: ```sh $ tsh db login --db-user=alice --db-name=mydb postgres-prod $ psql "service=postgres-prod" $ eval $(tsh db env) $ psql ``` Users can still choose to specify a user/database explicitly when connecting, for example to use a different database user or connect to a different database (subject to RBAC checks). ### Connecting to PostgreSQL / service file After logging into a PostgreSQL database, `tsh` configures an appropriate section in the [connection service file](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/libpq-pgservice.html) which is located at `~/.pg_service.conf`. The service file has ini format and can contain multiple sections where each section defines connection parameters for a particular "service". PostgreSQL clients can refer to a particular service using `service` connection string parameter which all libpq-based clients should recognize (e.g. `psql` and `pgAdmin` do). The section name has the format `${TELEPORT_CLUSTER}-${DATABASE_SERVICE}` to avoid conflicts in situations where multiple trusted clusters have database services with the same name. If a service file is already present, a new section will be added or existing section with the same name overwritten. An added section may look like this: ```ini [root-postgres-prod] host=root.example.com port=3080 sslmode=verify-full sslrootcert=/home/user/.tsh/keys/root.example.com/certs.pem sslcert=/home/user/.tsh/keys/root.example.com/alice-db/root/postgres-prod-x509.pem sslkey=/home/user/.tsh/keys/root.example.com/alice ``` Users can then connect to the database using the following command: ```sh $ psql "service=root-postgres-prod user=alice dbname=metrics" ``` Alternatively, `tsh` can output a set of environment variables supported by PostgreSQL clients for users to set in their session: ```sh $ tsh db env export PGHOST=root.example.com export PGPORT=3080 export PGSSLMODE=verify-full export PGSSLROOTCERT=/home/user/.tsh/keys/root.example.com/certs.pem export PGSSLCERT=/home/user/.tsh/keys/root.example.com/alice-db/root/postgres-prod-x509.pem export PGSSLKEY=/home/user/.tsh/keys/root.example.com/alice $ eval $(tsh db env) $ psql -U alice metrics ``` The output of `tsh db env` command is shell-specific, the shell is detected using the `$SHELL` environment variable value. The default output is compatible with shells like `bash` and `zsh`, in the future we'll add support for other shells like `fish` which has different syntax for setting environment variables. ## pgAdmin pgAdmin 4 is the Postgres GUI client. It has a client/server architecture and users interact with it by connecting to its server component via a browser. To connect to a database instance using pgAdmin, the server must have access to credentials issued by `tsh db login` command. pgAdmin recognizes Postgres service file so to add a new server connection users will need to specify: * [General / Name] Name used for identification purposes in the UI. * [Connection / Service] Postgres service name e.g. `root-postgres-prod` from examples above. * [Connection / Username] Username to use connecting to database. All other fields such as hostname, port and SSL settings will be taken by pdAdmin from the service definition. ## Audit events The following new events are emitted to the Teleport audit log for database sessions. ### Session start `db.session.start` is emitted when a user has successfully connected to a database: ```json { "code": "TDB00I", "db_service": "postgres", "db_endpoint": "localhost:5432", "db_protocol": "postgres", "db_database": "postgres", "db_user": "postgres", "ei": 0, "event": "db.session.start", "namespace": "default", "server_id": "5603cd43-1172-4f1f-8e35-2bf74dfecf15", "sid": "427abfa3-fb1a-4a55-879c-77f5b6257cdb", "time": "2020-11-06T03:50:20.802Z", "uid": "f12b5199-5a1f-4e48-af4f-6980afffc48e", "user": "dev" } ``` New fields are: * `service`: The name of Teleport database service handling the connection. * `db_endpoint`: The database instance address. * `db_protocol`: The database protocol. * `db_database`: The name of the database within DBMS a user is connecting to for databases with protocol parsing support. * `db_user`: The name of the database user a user is connecting as for databases with protocol parsing support. ### Session end `db.session.end` is emitted when a user has disconnected from the database: ```json { "code": "TDB01I", "db_service": "postgres", "db_endpoint": "localhost:5432", "db_protocol": "postgres", "db_database": "test", "db_user": "postgres", "ei": 0, "event": "db.session.end", "sid": "56335587-0157-4228-9556-aaa416741ef7", "time": "2020-11-06T03:50:20.802Z", "uid": "49e5f882-40ea-4bdb-b462-4cccf3536ada", "user": "dev" } ``` Same new fields as in the `db.session.start` event. ### Query `db.session.query` is emitted when a user executes a database query: ```json { "code": "TDB02I", "db_service": "postgres", "db_endpoint": "localhost:5432", "db_protocol": "postgres", "db_database": "test", "db_query": "SELECT 1;", "db_user": "postgres", "ei": 0, "event": "db.session.query", "sid": "a53b0e1c-42f0-43ad-bbdd-9f3e07b54c05", "time": "2020-11-06T03:36:06.233Z", "uid": "7af4ea5d-ba1a-42d0-96a6-0c41b9c89bb0", "user": "dev" } ``` Same new fields as in the `db.session.start` event, plus: * `db_query`: Full text of the executed query for databases with protocol parsing support. ## CA rotation As explained above, a database server is configured with Teleport's host certificate authority and certificate/key pair signed by the host CA as well, produced by `tctl auth sign --type=db` command. This means that the database servers should be taken into consideration when performing Teleport's host CA rotation using `tctl auth rotate` command. See [Teleport documentation](https://gravitational.com/teleport/docs/admin-guide/#certificate-rotation) for more information about certificate rotation. Unlike Teleport nodes that automatically get reissued certificates signed by a new authority, we do not have control over database servers so a user must replace CA and keypair within the rotation grace period. In addition, `tctl auth rotate` should detect that database access is configured and print instructions about rotating database secrets as well. **Future work** In future, instead of using host authority for signing certificates used by a database server, we can introduce another authority specifically for database access which would help decouple authority rotation for databases from the rest of the cluster.