# User Manual ## Introduction This User Manual covers usage of the Teleport client tool `tsh`. In this document you will learn how to: * Securely login into interactive shell on remote cluster nodes. * Execute commands on cluster nodes. * Securely copy files to and from cluster nodes. * Explore a cluster and execute commands on those nodes in a cluster that match your criteria. * Share interactive shell sessions with colleagues or join someone else's session. * Replay recorded interactive sessions. * Use Teleport with OpenSSH client: `ssh` or with other tools that use SSH under the hood like Chef and Ansible. In addition to this document, you can always type `tsh` into your terminal for the CLI reference. ```bash > tsh usage: tsh [] [ ...] Gravitational Teleport SSH tool Commands: help shows help for a given command ssh connect and log into a remote host(s) for executing commands scp secure copy file(s) to a remote SSH host(s) share invite a colleague to share your current terminal join join a colleague who invited you into his SSH session ls list remote SSH hosts available via SSH proxy (bastion) login logs in the SSH proxy and enables usage of OpenSSH client logout logs off the SSH proxy agent starts SSH session agent for compatibility with OpenSSH client configure dump a sample profile file into stdout Notes: - Most of the flags can be set in a profile file ~/.tshconfig - Run `tsh help ` to get help for like `tsh help ssh` ``` ## Difference vs OpenSSH There are many differences between Teleport's `tsh` and OpenSSH's `ssh` but the most obvious two are: * `tsh` always requires `--proxy` flag because `tsh` needs to know which cluster you are connecting to. * `tsh` needs _two_ usernames: one for the cluster and another for the node you are trying to login into. See "Teleport Identity" section below. For convenience, `tsh` assumes `$USER` for both logins by default. While it may appear less convenient than `ssh`, we hope that the default behavior and techniques like bash aliases will help to minimize the amount of typing. ## Your Teleport Identity A user identity in Teleport exists in the scope of a cluster. The member nodes of a cluster may have multiple OS users on them. A Teleport administrator assigns "user mappings" to every Teleport user account. When logging into a remote node, you will have to specify both logins. Teleport identity will have to be passed as `--user` flag, while the node login will be passed as `login@host`, using syntax compatible with traditional `ssh`. These examples assume your localhost username is 'joe': ```bash # Authenticate against cluster 'work' as 'joe' and then login into 'node' # as root: > tsh ssh --proxy=work.example.com --user=joe root@node # Authenticate against cluster 'work' as 'joe' and then login into 'node' # as joe (by default tsh uses $USER for both): > tsh ssh --proxy=work.example.com node ``` `tsh` allows to login into the cluster without connecting to any master nodes: ``` > tsh login --proxy=work.example.com ``` This allows you to supply your password and the 2nd factor authentication at the beginning of the day. Subsequent `tsh ssh` commands will run without asking for your credentials until the temporary certificate expires (by default 12 hours). ## Exploring the Cluster In a Teleport cluster all nodes periodically ping the cluster's auth server and update their statuses. This allows Teleport users to see which nodes are online: ```bash # Connect to cluster 'work' as $USER and list all nodes in # a cluster: > tsh --proxy=work ls # Output: Node Name Node ID Address Labels --------- ------- ------- ------ turing 11111111-dddd-4132 os:linux turing 22222222-cccc-8274 os:linux graviton 33333333-aaaa-1284 os:osx ``` You can filter out nodes based on their labels. Let's only list OSX machines: ``` > tsh --proxy=work ls os=osx Node Name Node ID Address Labels --------- ------- ------- ------ graviton 33333333-aaaa-1284 os:osx ``` ## Interactive Shell To launch an interactive shell on a remote node or to execute a command, use `tsh ssh` command: ```bash > tsh ssh --help usage: t ssh [] <[user@]host> [...] Run shell or execute a command on a remote SSH node. Flags: --user SSH proxy user [ekontsevoy] --proxy SSH proxy host or IP address --ttl Minutes to live for a SSH session --insecure Do not verify server's certificate and host name. Use only in test environments -d, --debug Verbose logging to stdout -p, --port SSH port on a remote host -l, --login Remote host login Args: <[user@]host> Remote hostname and the login to use [] Command to execute on a remote host ``` `tsh` tries to mimic `ssh` experience as much as possible, so it supports the most popular `ssh` flags like `-p` or `-l`. For example if you have the following alias defined in your `~/.bashrc`: `alias ssh="tsh --proxy=work.example.com --user=myname"` then you can continue using familiar SSH syntax: ```bash > ssh root@host > ssh -p 6122 root@host ls ``` ### Resolving Node Names `tsh` supports multiple methods to resolve remote node names. 1. Traditional: by IP address or via DNS. 2. Nodename setting: teleport daemon supports `nodename` flag, which allows Teleport administrators to assign alternative node names. 3. Labels: you can address a node by `name=value` pair. In the example above, we have two nodes with `os:linux` label and one node with `os:osx`. Lets login into the OSX node: ```bash > tsh --proxy=work ssh os=osx ``` This only works if there is only one remote node with `os:osx` label, but you can still execute commands via SSH on multiple nodes using labels as a selector. This command will update all system packages on machines that run Linux: ```bash > tsh --proxy=work ssh os=linux apt-get update -y ``` ### Temporary Logins Suppose you are borrowing someone else's computer to login into a cluster. You probably don't want to stay authenticated on this computer for 12 hours (Teleport default). This is where `--ttl` flag can help. This command logs you into the cluster with a very short-lived (1 minute) temporary certificate: ```bash tsh --proxy=work --ttl=1 ssh ``` You will be logged out after one minute. ## Copying Files To securely copy files to and from cluster nodes use `tsh scp` command. It is designed to mimic traditional `scp` as much as possible: ```bash > tsh scp --help usage: tsh scp [] ... Secure file copy Flags: --user SSH proxy user [ekontsevoy] --proxy SSH proxy host or IP address --ttl Minutes to live for a SSH session --insecure Do not verify server's certificate and host name. Use only in test environments -P, --debug Verbose logging to stdout -d, --debug Verbose logging to stdout -r, --recursive Recursive copy of subdirectories Args: Source and the destination ``` Examples: ```bash > tsh --proxy=work scp example.txt root@node:/path/to/dest ``` Again, you may want to create a bash alias like `alias scp="tsh --proxy=work scp"` and use the familiar sytanx: ```bash > scp -P 61122 -r files root@node:/path/to/dest ``` ## Sharing Sessions Suppose you are trying to troubleshoot a problem on a remote server. Sometimes it makes sense to ask another team member for help. Traditionally this could be done by letting them know which node you're on, having them SSH in, start a terminal multiplexer like `screen` and join a session there. Teleport makes this a bit more convenient. Let's login into "luna" and ask Teleport for your current session status: ```bash > tsh --proxy=work ssh luna luna > teleport status User ID : joe, logged in as joe from 43026 3022 Session ID : 7645d523-60cb-436d-b732-99c5df14b7c4 Session URL: https://work:3080/web/sessions/7645d523-60cb-436d-b732-99c5df14b7c4 ``` Now you can invite another user account in the "work" cluster. You can share the URL for access through a web browser. Or you can share the session ID and she can join you through her terminal by typing: ```bash > tsh --proxy=work join 7645d523-60cb-436d-b732-99c5df14b7c4 ``` ## Troubleshooting If you encounter strange behaviour, you may want to try to solve it by enabling the verbose logging by specifying `-d` flag when launching `tsh`. Also you may want to reset it to a clean state by deleting temporary keys and other data from `~/.tsh` ## Getting Help Please open an [issue on Github](https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/issues). Alternatively, you can reach through the contact form on our [website](http://gravitational.com/). For commercial support, custom features or to try our multi-cluster edition of Teleport, please reach out to us: `sales@gravitational.com`.