Quick stab at "quick start"

This commit is contained in:
Ev Kontsevoy 2016-03-16 00:54:41 -07:00
parent 27008b5f7f
commit 926dda34c8

View file

@ -47,7 +47,120 @@ or you can [build it from source](BROKEN).
### Quick Start
To get a quick feel of Teleport lets start it on `localhost` and connect to via the command
line client and also via a browser. This quick start assumes you have root permissions.
Create a directory for Teleport to keep its data and start `teleport` daemon:
mkdir -p /var/lib/teleport
teleport start
At this point you should see Teleport print its services listening addresses into the console.
You are running a single-node Teleport cluster. Lets add a user to it:
tctl users add $USER
Teleport users are not the same as OS users on servers, but for convenience we've added
a Teleport user with the same name as your local login.
`tctl` will print a sign-up URL for you to visit and complete the user creation:
Signup token has been created. Share this URL with the user:
You will have to open this link in your browser, install Google Authenticator on your phone,
set up 2nd factor authentication and pick a password.
Once you have done that, you will be presented with a Web UI where you will see your
machine and will be able to log into it using web-based terminal.
Lets login using the command line too:
tsh --proxy=localhost localhost
You're in! Notice that `tsh` client always needs the `--proxy` flag because all client connections
in Teleport have to go via proxy, sometimes called an "SSH bastion".
Lets add another node to your cluster. Lets assume the other node can be reached by
hostname `luna`.
`tctl` command below will create a single-use token for a node to join and will print instructions
for you to follow:
> tctl nodes add
The invite token: n92bb958ce97f761da978d08c35c54a5c
Run this on the new node to join the cluster:
teleport start --roles=node --token=n92bb958ce97f761da978d08c35c54a5c --auth-server=
Start `teleport` daemon on "luna" as shown above, but make sure to use the proper `--auth-server`
IP to point back to your localhost.
Once you do that, "luna" will join the cluster. To verify, type this on your localhost:
> tsh --proxy=localhost ls
Node Name Node ID Address Labels
--------- ------- ------- ------
localhost xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx
luna xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx
Notice the "Labels" column which is currently empty. Labels in teleport allow you to apply static
or dynamic labels to your nodes so you can quickly find the right node when you have many.
Lets stop `teleport` on "luna" and start it with the following command:
teleport start --roles=node --auth-server= --nodename=db --labels "location=virginia,arch=[1h:/bin/uname -m]"
Notice a few things here:
* We did not use `--token` flag because "luna" is already a member of the cluster.
* We renamed "luna" to "db" because this machine is running a database. This name only exists within Teleport, the actual hostname has not changed.
* We assigned a static label "location" to this host and set it to "viriginia".
* We also assigned a dynamic label "arch" which will evaluate `/bin/uname -m` command once an hour and assign the output to this label value.
Lets take a look at our cluster now:
> tsh --proxy=localhost ls
Node Name Node ID Address Labels
--------- ------- ------- ------
localhost xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx
db xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx location=virginia,arch=x86_64
Lets use the newly created labels to filter the output of `tsh ls` and ask to show only
nodes located in Virginia:
> tsh --proxy=localhost ls location=virginia
Node Name Node ID Address Labels
--------- ------- ------- ------
db xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx location=virginia,arch=x86_64
Labels can be used with the regular `ssh` command too. This will execute `ls -l /` command
on all servers located in Virginia:
> tsh --proxy=localhost ssh location=virginia ls -l /
# Architecture