Removed Make targets that don't work anymore

This commit is contained in:
Ev Kontsevoy 2016-02-14 00:50:15 -08:00
parent ad435d6acd
commit 257875da82

View file

@ -59,10 +59,6 @@ test-package: remove-temp-files install
test-package-with-etcd: remove-temp-files install
${ETCD_FLAGS} go test -v -test.parallel=0 ./$(p)
rm -rf Godeps/
find . -iregex .*go | xargs sed -i 's:".*Godeps/_workspace/src/:":g'
godep save -r ./...
test-grep-package: remove-temp-files install
go test -v ./$(p) -check.f=$(e)
@ -89,52 +85,6 @@ pack-teleport: pkg teleport
@if [ "$$PKG" = "" ] ; then echo "ERROR: enter PKG parameter:\n\nmake publish PKG=<name>:<sem-ver>, e.g. teleport:0.0.1\n\n" && exit 255; fi
# run-embedded starts a auth server, ssh node and proxy that allows web access
# to all the nodes
run-embedded: install
teleport --config=examples/embedded.yaml
# run-node starts a ssh node
run-node: install
tctl token generate --output=/tmp/token --domain=localhost
teleport --config=examples/node.yaml
# run-connected-auth1 starts a auth server ready to connect with additional auth server
run-connected-auth1: install
teleport --config=examples/connected-auth1.yaml
# run-connected-auth2 starts a additional auth server, that connects to auth1
run-connected-auth2: install
teleport --config=examples/connected-auth2.yaml
# run-site-to-proxy starts a ssh node, auth server and reverse tunnel that connect outside of
# the organization server
run-site-to-proxy: install
rm -f /tmp/teleport.auth.sock
teleport --config=examples/embedded-proxy.yaml
# run proxy start s
run-proxy: install
rm -f /tmp/teleport.proxy.auth.sock
teleport --config=examples/proxy.yaml
# get user and host SSH certificates from proxy's organization, note that we are connecting to proxy's auth server
# that serves proxy's organization certs and not teleport's
tctl --auth=unix:///tmp/teleport.proxy.auth.sock user-ca pub-key > /tmp/user.pubkey
tctl --auth=unix:///tmp/teleport.proxy.auth.sock host-ca pub-key > /tmp/host.pubkey
# add proxy's certs to teleport as trusted remote certificate authorities
tctl remote-ca upsert --type=user --path=/tmp/user.pubkey
tctl remote-ca upsert --type=host --path=/tmp/host.pubkey
tctl remote-ca ls --type=user
tctl remote-ca ls --type=host
# now export teleport's host CA certificate and add it as a trusted cert for proxy
tctl host-ca pub-key > /tmp/teleport.pubkey
tctl --auth=unix:///tmp/teleport.proxy.auth.sock remote-ca upsert --type=host --path=/tmp/teleport.pubkey
tctl --auth=unix:///tmp/teleport.proxy.auth.sock remote-ca ls --type=host
go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/profile
@ -142,17 +92,6 @@ profile:
find . -path ./Godeps -prune -o -name "*.go" -print0 | xargs -0 wc -l
sleep 1 && sensible-browser &
mkdocs serve
echo "# Auth Server Client\n\n" > docs/
echo "[Source file](" >> docs/
echo '```go' >> docs/
godoc Client >> docs/
echo '```' >> docs/
# Deploy teleport server to staging environment on AWS
# WARNING: this step is called by CI/CD. You must execute make production first