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Copyright 2020 Gravitational, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package events
import (
log ""
const (
// Int32Size is a constant for 32 bit integer byte size
Int32Size = 4
// Int64Size is a constant for 64 bit integer byte size
Int64Size = 8
// MaxProtoMessageSizeBytes is maximum protobuf marshaled message size
MaxProtoMessageSizeBytes = 64 * 1024
// MaxUploadParts is the maximum allowed number of parts in a multi-part upload
// on Amazon S3.
MaxUploadParts = 10000
// MinUploadPartSizeBytes is the minimum allowed part size when uploading a part to
// Amazon S3.
MinUploadPartSizeBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 5
// ReservedParts is the amount of parts reserved by default
ReservedParts = 100
// ProtoStreamV1 is a version of the binary protocol
ProtoStreamV1 = 1
// ProtoStreamV1PartHeaderSize is the size of the part of the protocol stream
// on disk format, it consists of
// * 8 bytes for the format version
// * 8 bytes for meaningful size of the part
// * 8 bytes for optional padding size at the end of the slice
ProtoStreamV1PartHeaderSize = Int64Size * 3
// ProtoStreamV1RecordHeaderSize is the size of the header
// of the record header, it consists of the record length
ProtoStreamV1RecordHeaderSize = Int32Size
// ProtoStreamerConfig specifies configuration for the part
type ProtoStreamerConfig struct {
Uploader MultipartUploader
// MinUploadBytes submits upload when they have reached min bytes (could be more,
// but not less), due to the nature of gzip writer
MinUploadBytes int64
// ConcurrentUploads sets concurrent uploads per stream
ConcurrentUploads int
// CheckAndSetDefaults checks and sets streamer defaults
func (cfg *ProtoStreamerConfig) CheckAndSetDefaults() error {
if cfg.Uploader == nil {
return trace.BadParameter("missing parameter Uploader")
if cfg.MinUploadBytes == 0 {
cfg.MinUploadBytes = MinUploadPartSizeBytes
if cfg.ConcurrentUploads == 0 {
cfg.ConcurrentUploads = defaults.ConcurrentUploadsPerStream
return nil
// NewProtoStreamer creates protobuf-based streams
func NewProtoStreamer(cfg ProtoStreamerConfig) (*ProtoStreamer, error) {
if err := cfg.CheckAndSetDefaults(); err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
return &ProtoStreamer{
cfg: cfg,
// Min upload bytes + some overhead to prevent buffer growth (gzip writer is not precise)
bufferPool: utils.NewBufferSyncPool(cfg.MinUploadBytes + cfg.MinUploadBytes/3),
// MaxProtoMessage size + length of the message record
slicePool: utils.NewSliceSyncPool(MaxProtoMessageSizeBytes + ProtoStreamV1RecordHeaderSize),
}, nil
// ProtoStreamer creates protobuf-based streams uploaded to the storage
// backends, for example S3 or GCS
type ProtoStreamer struct {
cfg ProtoStreamerConfig
bufferPool *utils.BufferSyncPool
slicePool *utils.SliceSyncPool
// CreateAuditStreamForUpload creates audit stream for existing upload,
// this function is useful in tests
func (s *ProtoStreamer) CreateAuditStreamForUpload(ctx context.Context, sid session.ID, upload StreamUpload) (Stream, error) {
return NewProtoStream(ProtoStreamConfig{
Upload: upload,
BufferPool: s.bufferPool,
SlicePool: s.slicePool,
Uploader: s.cfg.Uploader,
MinUploadBytes: s.cfg.MinUploadBytes,
ConcurrentUploads: s.cfg.ConcurrentUploads,
// CreateAuditStream creates audit stream and upload
func (s *ProtoStreamer) CreateAuditStream(ctx context.Context, sid session.ID) (Stream, error) {
upload, err := s.cfg.Uploader.CreateUpload(ctx, sid)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
return s.CreateAuditStreamForUpload(ctx, sid, *upload)
// ResumeAuditStream resumes the stream that has not been completed yet
func (s *ProtoStreamer) ResumeAuditStream(ctx context.Context, sid session.ID, uploadID string) (Stream, error) {
// Note, that if the session ID does not match the upload ID,
// the request will fail
upload := StreamUpload{SessionID: sid, ID: uploadID}
parts, err := s.cfg.Uploader.ListParts(ctx, upload)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
return NewProtoStream(ProtoStreamConfig{
Upload: upload,
BufferPool: s.bufferPool,
SlicePool: s.slicePool,
Uploader: s.cfg.Uploader,
MinUploadBytes: s.cfg.MinUploadBytes,
CompletedParts: parts,
// ProtoStreamConfig configures proto stream
type ProtoStreamConfig struct {
// Upload is the upload this stream is handling
Upload StreamUpload
// Uploader handles upload to the storage
Uploader MultipartUploader
// BufferPool is a sync pool with buffers
BufferPool *utils.BufferSyncPool
// SlicePool is a sync pool with allocated slices
SlicePool *utils.SliceSyncPool
// MinUploadBytes submits upload when they have reached min bytes (could be more,
// but not less), due to the nature of gzip writer
MinUploadBytes int64
// CompletedParts is a list of completed parts, used for resuming stream
CompletedParts []StreamPart
// InactivityFlushPeriod sets inactivity period
// after which streamer flushes the data to the uploader
// to avoid data loss
InactivityFlushPeriod time.Duration
// Clock is used to override time in tests
Clock clockwork.Clock
// ConcurrentUploads sets concurrent uploads per stream
ConcurrentUploads int
// CheckAndSetDefaults checks and sets default values
func (cfg *ProtoStreamConfig) CheckAndSetDefaults() error {
if err := cfg.Upload.CheckAndSetDefaults(); err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
if cfg.Uploader == nil {
return trace.BadParameter("missing parameter Uploader")
if cfg.BufferPool == nil {
return trace.BadParameter("missing parameter BufferPool")
if cfg.SlicePool == nil {
return trace.BadParameter("missing parameter SlicePool")
if cfg.MinUploadBytes == 0 {
return trace.BadParameter("missing parameter MinUploadBytes")
if cfg.InactivityFlushPeriod == 0 {
cfg.InactivityFlushPeriod = defaults.InactivityFlushPeriod
if cfg.ConcurrentUploads == 0 {
cfg.ConcurrentUploads = defaults.ConcurrentUploadsPerStream
if cfg.Clock == nil {
cfg.Clock = clockwork.NewRealClock()
return nil
// NewProtoStream uploads session recordings to the protobuf format.
// The individual session stream is represented by continuous globally
// ordered sequence of events serialized to binary protobuf format.
// The stream is split into ordered slices of gzipped audit events.
// Each slice is composed of three parts:
// 1. Slice starts with 24 bytes version header
// * 8 bytes for the format version (used for future expansion)
// * 8 bytes for meaningful size of the part
// * 8 bytes for padding at the end of the slice (if present)
// 2. V1 body of the slice is gzipped protobuf messages in binary format.
// 3. Optional padding (if specified in the header), required
// to bring slices to minimum slice size.
// The slice size is determined by S3 multipart upload requirements:
// This design allows the streamer to upload slices using S3-compatible APIs
// in parallel without buffering to disk.
func NewProtoStream(cfg ProtoStreamConfig) (*ProtoStream, error) {
if err := cfg.CheckAndSetDefaults(); err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
cancelCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
completeCtx, complete := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
uploadsCtx, uploadsDone := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
stream := &ProtoStream{
cfg: cfg,
eventsCh: make(chan protoEvent),
cancelCtx: cancelCtx,
cancel: cancel,
completeCtx: completeCtx,
complete: complete,
completeType: atomic.NewUint32(completeTypeComplete),
completeMtx: &sync.RWMutex{},
uploadsCtx: uploadsCtx,
uploadsDone: uploadsDone,
// Buffered channel gives consumers
// a chance to get an early status update.
statusCh: make(chan StreamStatus, 1),
writer := &sliceWriter{
proto: stream,
activeUploads: make(map[int64]*activeUpload),
completedUploadsC: make(chan *activeUpload, cfg.ConcurrentUploads),
semUploads: make(chan struct{}, cfg.ConcurrentUploads),
lastPartNumber: 0,
if len(cfg.CompletedParts) > 0 {
// skip 2 extra parts as a protection from accidental overwrites.
// the following is possible between processes 1 and 2 (P1 and P2)
// P1: * start stream S
// P1: * receive some data from stream S
// C: * disconnect from P1
// P2: * resume stream, get all committed parts (0) and start writes
// P2: * write part 1
// P1: * flush the data to part 1 before closure
// In this scenario stream data submitted by P1 flush will be lost
// unless resume will resume at part 2.
// On the other hand, it's ok if resume of P2 overwrites
// any data of P1, because it will replay non committed
// events, which could potentially lead to duplicate events.
writer.lastPartNumber = cfg.CompletedParts[len(cfg.CompletedParts)-1].Number + 1
writer.completedParts = cfg.CompletedParts
go writer.receiveAndUpload()
return stream, nil
// ProtoStream implements concurrent safe event emitter
// that uploads the parts in parallel to S3
type ProtoStream struct {
cfg ProtoStreamConfig
eventsCh chan protoEvent
// cancelCtx is used to signal closure
cancelCtx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
// completeCtx is used to signal completion of the operation
completeCtx context.Context
complete context.CancelFunc
completeType *atomic.Uint32
completeResult error
completeMtx *sync.RWMutex
// uploadsCtx is used to signal that all uploads have been completed
uploadsCtx context.Context
// uploadsDone is a function signalling that uploads have completed
uploadsDone context.CancelFunc
// statusCh sends updates on the stream status
statusCh chan StreamStatus
const (
// completeTypeComplete means that proto stream
// should complete all in flight uploads and complete the upload itself
completeTypeComplete = 0
// completeTypeFlush means that proto stream
// should complete all in flight uploads but do not complete the upload
completeTypeFlush = 1
type protoEvent struct {
index int64
oneof *OneOf
func (s *ProtoStream) setCompleteResult(err error) {
defer s.completeMtx.Unlock()
s.completeResult = err
func (s *ProtoStream) getCompleteResult() error {
defer s.completeMtx.RUnlock()
return s.completeResult
// Done returns channel closed when streamer is closed
// should be used to detect sending errors
func (s *ProtoStream) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return s.cancelCtx.Done()
// EmitAuditEvent emits a single audit event to the stream
func (s *ProtoStream) EmitAuditEvent(ctx context.Context, event AuditEvent) error {
oneof, err := ToOneOf(event)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
messageSize := oneof.Size()
if messageSize > MaxProtoMessageSizeBytes {
return trace.BadParameter("record size %v exceeds max message size of %v bytes", messageSize, MaxProtoMessageSizeBytes)
start := time.Now()
select {
case s.eventsCh <- protoEvent{index: event.GetIndex(), oneof: oneof}:
diff := time.Since(start)
if diff > 100*time.Millisecond {
log.Debugf("[SLOW] EmitAuditEvent took %v.", diff)
return nil
case <-s.cancelCtx.Done():
return trace.ConnectionProblem(s.cancelCtx.Err(), "emitter has been closed")
case <-s.completeCtx.Done():
return trace.ConnectionProblem(nil, "emitter is completed")
case <-ctx.Done():
return trace.ConnectionProblem(ctx.Err(), "context is closed")
// Complete completes the upload, waits for completion and returns all allocated resources.
func (s *ProtoStream) Complete(ctx context.Context) error {
select {
// wait for all in-flight uploads to complete and stream to be completed
case <-s.uploadsCtx.Done():
return s.getCompleteResult()
case <-s.cancelCtx.Done():
return trace.ConnectionProblem(s.cancelCtx.Err(), "emitter has been closed")
case <-ctx.Done():
return trace.ConnectionProblem(ctx.Err(), "context has cancelled before complete could succeed")
// Status returns channel receiving updates about stream status
// last event index that was uploaded and upload ID
func (s *ProtoStream) Status() <-chan StreamStatus {
return s.statusCh
// Close flushes non-uploaded flight stream data without marking
// the stream completed and closes the stream instance
func (s *ProtoStream) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
select {
// wait for all in-flight uploads to complete and stream to be completed
case <-s.uploadsCtx.Done():
return nil
case <-s.cancelCtx.Done():
return trace.ConnectionProblem(s.cancelCtx.Err(), "emitter has been closed")
case <-ctx.Done():
return trace.ConnectionProblem(ctx.Err(), "context has cancelled before complete could succeed")
// sliceWriter is a helper struct that coordinates
// writing slices and checkpointing
type sliceWriter struct {
proto *ProtoStream
// current is the current slice being written to
current *slice
// lastPartNumber is the last assigned part number
lastPartNumber int64
// activeUploads tracks active uploads
activeUploads map[int64]*activeUpload
// completedUploadsC receives uploads that have been completed
completedUploadsC chan *activeUpload
// semUploads controls concurrent uploads that are in flight
semUploads chan struct{}
// completedParts is the list of completed parts
completedParts []StreamPart
// emptyHeader is used to write empty header
// to preserve some bytes
emptyHeader [ProtoStreamV1PartHeaderSize]byte
func (w *sliceWriter) updateCompletedParts(part StreamPart, lastEventIndex int64) {
w.completedParts = append(w.completedParts, part)
func (w *sliceWriter) trySendStreamStatusUpdate(lastEventIndex int64) {
status := StreamStatus{
UploadID: w.proto.cfg.Upload.ID,
LastEventIndex: lastEventIndex,
LastUploadTime: w.proto.cfg.Clock.Now().UTC(),
select {
case w.proto.statusCh <- status:
// receiveAndUpload receives and uploads serialized events
func (w *sliceWriter) receiveAndUpload() {
// on the start, send stream status with the upload ID and negative
// index so that remote party can get an upload ID
clock := w.proto.cfg.Clock
var lastEvent time.Time
var flushCh <-chan time.Time
for {
select {
case <-w.proto.cancelCtx.Done():
// cancel stops all operations without waiting
case <-w.proto.completeCtx.Done():
// if present, send remaining data for upload
if w.current != nil {
// mark that the current part is last (last parts are allowed to be
// smaller than the certain size, otherwise the padding
// have to be added (this is due to S3 API limits)
if w.proto.completeType.Load() == completeTypeComplete {
w.current.isLast = true
if err := w.startUploadCurrentSlice(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Debug("Could not start uploading current slice, aborting.")
defer w.completeStream()
case upload := <-w.completedUploadsC:
part, err := upload.getPart()
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Could not upload part after retrying, aborting.")
delete(w.activeUploads, part.Number)
w.updateCompletedParts(*part, upload.lastEventIndex)
case <-flushCh:
now := clock.Now().UTC()
inactivityPeriod := now.Sub(lastEvent)
if inactivityPeriod < 0 {
inactivityPeriod = 0
if inactivityPeriod >= w.proto.cfg.InactivityFlushPeriod {
// inactivity period exceeded threshold,
// there is no need to schedule a timer until the next
// event occurs, set the timer channel to nil
flushCh = nil
if w.current != nil {
log.Debugf("Inactivity timer ticked at %v, inactivity period: %v exceeded threshold and have data. Flushing.", now, inactivityPeriod)
if err := w.startUploadCurrentSlice(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Debug("Could not start uploading current slice, aborting.")
} else {
log.Debugf("Inactivity timer ticked at %v, inactivity period: %v exceeded threshold but have no data. Nothing to do.", now, inactivityPeriod)
} else {
log.Debugf("Inactivity timer ticked at %v, inactivity period: %v have not exceeded threshold. Set timer to tick after %v.", now, inactivityPeriod, w.proto.cfg.InactivityFlushPeriod-inactivityPeriod)
flushCh = clock.After(w.proto.cfg.InactivityFlushPeriod - inactivityPeriod)
case event := <-w.proto.eventsCh:
lastEvent = clock.Now().UTC()
// flush timer is set up only if any event was submitted
// after last flush or system start
if flushCh == nil {
flushCh = clock.After(w.proto.cfg.InactivityFlushPeriod)
if err := w.submitEvent(event); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Lost event.")
if w.shouldUploadCurrentSlice() {
// this logic blocks the EmitAuditEvent in case if the
// upload has not completed and the current slice is out of capacity
if err := w.startUploadCurrentSlice(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Debug("Could not start uploading current slice, aborting.")
// shouldUploadCurrentSlice returns true when it's time to upload
// the current slice (it has reached upload bytes)
func (w *sliceWriter) shouldUploadCurrentSlice() bool {
return w.current.shouldUpload()
// startUploadCurrentSlice starts uploading current slice
// and adds it to the waiting list
func (w *sliceWriter) startUploadCurrentSlice() error {
activeUpload, err := w.startUpload(w.lastPartNumber, w.current)
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
w.activeUploads[w.lastPartNumber] = activeUpload
w.current = nil
return nil
type bufferCloser struct {
func (b *bufferCloser) Close() error {
return nil
func (w *sliceWriter) newSlice() *slice {
buffer := w.proto.cfg.BufferPool.Get()
// reserve bytes for version header
return &slice{
proto: w.proto,
buffer: buffer,
writer: newGzipWriter(&bufferCloser{Buffer: buffer}),
func (w *sliceWriter) submitEvent(event protoEvent) error {
if w.current == nil {
w.current = w.newSlice()
return w.current.emitAuditEvent(event)
// completeStream waits for in-flight uploads to finish
// and completes the stream
func (w *sliceWriter) completeStream() {
defer w.proto.uploadsDone()
for range w.activeUploads {
select {
case upload := <-w.completedUploadsC:
part, err := upload.getPart()
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Warningf("Failed to upload part.")
w.updateCompletedParts(*part, upload.lastEventIndex)
case <-w.proto.cancelCtx.Done():
if w.proto.completeType.Load() == completeTypeComplete {
// part upload notifications could arrive out of order
sort.Slice(w.completedParts, func(i, j int) bool {
return w.completedParts[i].Number < w.completedParts[j].Number
err := w.proto.cfg.Uploader.CompleteUpload(w.proto.cancelCtx, w.proto.cfg.Upload, w.completedParts)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Warningf("Failed to complete upload.")
// startUpload acquires upload semaphore and starts upload, returns error
// only if there is a critical error
func (w *sliceWriter) startUpload(partNumber int64, slice *slice) (*activeUpload, error) {
// acquire semaphore limiting concurrent uploads
select {
case w.semUploads <- struct{}{}:
case <-w.proto.cancelCtx.Done():
return nil, trace.ConnectionProblem(w.proto.cancelCtx.Err(), "context is closed")
activeUpload := &activeUpload{
partNumber: partNumber,
lastEventIndex: slice.lastEventIndex,
start: time.Now().UTC(),
go func() {
defer func() {
if err := slice.Close(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Warningf("Failed to close slice.")
defer func() {
select {
case w.completedUploadsC <- activeUpload:
case <-w.proto.cancelCtx.Done():
defer func() {
var retry utils.Retry
for i := 0; i < defaults.MaxIterationLimit; i++ {
reader, err := slice.reader()
if err != nil {
part, err := w.proto.cfg.Uploader.UploadPart(w.proto.cancelCtx, w.proto.cfg.Upload, partNumber, reader)
if err == nil {
// upload is not found is not a transient error, so abort the operation
if errors.Is(trace.Unwrap(err), context.Canceled) || trace.IsNotFound(err) {
// retry is created on the first upload error
if retry == nil {
var rerr error
retry, rerr = utils.NewLinear(utils.LinearConfig{
Step: defaults.NetworkRetryDuration,
Max: defaults.NetworkBackoffDuration,
if rerr != nil {
if _, err := reader.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
select {
case <-retry.After():
log.WithError(err).Debugf("Part upload failed, retrying after backoff.")
case <-w.proto.cancelCtx.Done():
return activeUpload, nil
type activeUpload struct {
mtx sync.RWMutex
start time.Time
end time.Time
partNumber int64
part *StreamPart
err error
lastEventIndex int64
func (a *activeUpload) setError(err error) {
defer a.mtx.Unlock()
a.end = time.Now().UTC()
a.err = err
func (a *activeUpload) setPart(part StreamPart) {
defer a.mtx.Unlock()
a.end = time.Now().UTC()
a.part = &part
func (a *activeUpload) getPart() (*StreamPart, error) {
defer a.mtx.RUnlock()
if a.err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(a.err)
if a.part == nil {
return nil, trace.NotFound("part is not set")
return a.part, nil
// slice contains serialized protobuf messages
type slice struct {
proto *ProtoStream
writer *gzipWriter
buffer *bytes.Buffer
isLast bool
lastEventIndex int64
// reader returns a reader for the bytes written,
// no writes should be done after this method is called
func (s *slice) reader() (io.ReadSeeker, error) {
if err := s.writer.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
wroteBytes := int64(s.buffer.Len())
var paddingBytes int64
// non last slices should be at least min upload bytes (as limited by S3 API spec)
if !s.isLast && wroteBytes < s.proto.cfg.MinUploadBytes {
paddingBytes = s.proto.cfg.MinUploadBytes - wroteBytes
if _, err := s.buffer.ReadFrom(utils.NewRepeatReader(byte(0), int(paddingBytes))); err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
data := s.buffer.Bytes()
// when the slice was created, the first bytes were reserved
// for the protocol version number and size of the slice in bytes
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data[0:], ProtoStreamV1)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data[Int64Size:], uint64(wroteBytes-ProtoStreamV1PartHeaderSize))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data[Int64Size*2:], uint64(paddingBytes))
return bytes.NewReader(data), nil
// Close closes buffer and returns all allocated resources
func (s *slice) Close() error {
err := s.writer.Close()
s.buffer = nil
return trace.Wrap(err)
// shouldUpload returns true if it's time to write the slice
// (set to true when it has reached the min slice in bytes)
func (s *slice) shouldUpload() bool {
return int64(s.buffer.Len()) >= s.proto.cfg.MinUploadBytes
// emitAuditEvent emits a single audit event to the stream
func (s *slice) emitAuditEvent(event protoEvent) error {
bytes := s.proto.cfg.SlicePool.Get()
defer s.proto.cfg.SlicePool.Put(bytes)
messageSize := event.oneof.Size()
recordSize := ProtoStreamV1RecordHeaderSize + messageSize
if len(bytes) < recordSize {
return trace.BadParameter(
"error in buffer allocation, expected size to be >= %v, got %v", recordSize, len(bytes))
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(bytes, uint32(messageSize))
_, err := event.oneof.MarshalTo(bytes[Int32Size:])
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
wroteBytes, err := s.writer.Write(bytes[:recordSize])
if err != nil {
return trace.Wrap(err)
if wroteBytes != recordSize {
return trace.BadParameter("expected %v bytes to be written, got %v", recordSize, wroteBytes)
if event.index > s.lastEventIndex {
s.lastEventIndex = event.index
return nil
// NewProtoReader returns a new proto reader with slice pool
func NewProtoReader(r io.Reader) *ProtoReader {
return &ProtoReader{
reader: r,
lastIndex: -1,
// AuditReader provides method to read
// audit events one by one
type AuditReader interface {
// Read reads audit events
Read(context.Context) (AuditEvent, error)
const (
// protoReaderStateInit is ready to start reading the next part
protoReaderStateInit = 0
// protoReaderStateCurrent will read the data from the current part
protoReaderStateCurrent = iota
// protoReaderStateEOF indicates that reader has completed reading
// all parts
protoReaderStateEOF = iota
// protoReaderStateError indicates that reader has reached internal
// error and should close
protoReaderStateError = iota
// ProtoReader reads protobuf encoding from reader
type ProtoReader struct {
gzipReader *gzipReader
padding int64
reader io.Reader
sizeBytes [Int64Size]byte
messageBytes [MaxProtoMessageSizeBytes]byte
state int
error error
lastIndex int64
stats ProtoReaderStats
// ProtoReaderStats contains some reader statistics
type ProtoReaderStats struct {
// SkippedEvents is a counter with encountered
// events recorded several times or events
// that have been out of order as skipped
SkippedEvents int64
// OutOfOrderEvents is a counter with events
// received out of order
OutOfOrderEvents int64
// TotalEvents contains total amount of
// processed events (including duplicates)
TotalEvents int64
// ToFields returns a copy of the stats to be used as log fields
func (p ProtoReaderStats) ToFields() log.Fields {
return log.Fields{
"skipped-events": p.SkippedEvents,
"out-of-order-events": p.OutOfOrderEvents,
"total-events": p.TotalEvents,
// Close releases reader resources
func (r *ProtoReader) Close() error {
if r.gzipReader != nil {
return r.gzipReader.Close()
return nil
// Reset sets reader to read from the new reader
// without resetting the stats, could be used
// to deduplicate the events
func (r *ProtoReader) Reset(reader io.Reader) error {
if r.error != nil {
return r.error
if r.gzipReader != nil {
if r.error = r.gzipReader.Close(); r.error != nil {
return trace.Wrap(r.error)
r.gzipReader = nil
r.reader = reader
r.state = protoReaderStateInit
return nil
func (r *ProtoReader) setError(err error) error {
r.state = protoReaderStateError
r.error = err
return err
// GetStats returns stats about processed events
func (r *ProtoReader) GetStats() ProtoReaderStats {
return r.stats
// Read returns next event or io.EOF in case of the end of the parts
func (r *ProtoReader) Read(ctx context.Context) (AuditEvent, error) {
// periodic checks of context after fixed amount of iterations
// is an extra precaution to avoid
// accidental endless loop due to logic error crashing the system
// and allows ctx timeout to kick in if specified
var checkpointIteration int64
for {
if checkpointIteration%defaults.MaxIterationLimit == 0 {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(ctx.Err())
return nil, trace.LimitExceeded("context has been cancelled")
switch r.state {
case protoReaderStateEOF:
return nil, io.EOF
case protoReaderStateError:
return nil, r.error
case protoReaderStateInit:
// read the part header that consists of the protocol version
// and the part size (for the V1 version of the protocol)
_, err := io.ReadFull(r.reader, r.sizeBytes[:Int64Size])
if err != nil {
// reached the end of the stream
if err == io.EOF {
r.state = protoReaderStateEOF
return nil, err
return nil, r.setError(trace.ConvertSystemError(err))
protocolVersion := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r.sizeBytes[:Int64Size])
if protocolVersion != ProtoStreamV1 {
return nil, trace.BadParameter("unsupported protocol version %v", protocolVersion)
// read size of this gzipped part as encoded by V1 protocol version
_, err = io.ReadFull(r.reader, r.sizeBytes[:Int64Size])
if err != nil {
return nil, r.setError(trace.ConvertSystemError(err))
partSize := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r.sizeBytes[:Int64Size])
// read padding size (could be 0)
_, err = io.ReadFull(r.reader, r.sizeBytes[:Int64Size])
if err != nil {
return nil, r.setError(trace.ConvertSystemError(err))
r.padding = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r.sizeBytes[:Int64Size]))
gzipReader, err := newGzipReader(ioutil.NopCloser(io.LimitReader(r.reader, int64(partSize))))
if err != nil {
return nil, r.setError(trace.Wrap(err))
r.gzipReader = gzipReader
r.state = protoReaderStateCurrent
// read the next version from the gzip reader
case protoReaderStateCurrent:
// the record consists of length of the protobuf encoded
// message and the message itself
_, err := io.ReadFull(r.gzipReader, r.sizeBytes[:Int32Size])
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
return nil, r.setError(trace.ConvertSystemError(err))
// reached the end of the current part, but not necessarily
// the end of the stream
if err := r.gzipReader.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, r.setError(trace.ConvertSystemError(err))
if r.padding != 0 {
skipped, err := io.CopyBuffer(ioutil.Discard, io.LimitReader(r.reader, r.padding), r.messageBytes[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, r.setError(trace.ConvertSystemError(err))
if skipped != r.padding {
return nil, r.setError(trace.BadParameter(
"data truncated, expected to read %v bytes, but got %v", r.padding, skipped))
r.padding = 0
r.gzipReader = nil
r.state = protoReaderStateInit
messageSize := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(r.sizeBytes[:Int32Size])
// zero message size indicates end of the part
// that sometimes is present in partially submitted parts
// that have to be filled with zeroes for parts smaller
// than minimum allowed size
if messageSize == 0 {
return nil, r.setError(trace.BadParameter("unexpected message size 0"))
_, err = io.ReadFull(r.gzipReader, r.messageBytes[:messageSize])
if err != nil {
return nil, r.setError(trace.ConvertSystemError(err))
oneof := OneOf{}
err = oneof.Unmarshal(r.messageBytes[:messageSize])
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
event, err := FromOneOf(oneof)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
if event.GetIndex() <= r.lastIndex {
if r.lastIndex > 0 && event.GetIndex() != r.lastIndex+1 {
r.lastIndex = event.GetIndex()
return event, nil
return nil, trace.BadParameter("unsupported reader size")
// ReadAll reads all events until EOF
func (r *ProtoReader) ReadAll(ctx context.Context) ([]AuditEvent, error) {
var events []AuditEvent
for {
event, err := r.Read(ctx)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return events, nil
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
events = append(events, event)
// NewMemoryUploader returns a new memory uploader implementing multipart
// upload
func NewMemoryUploader(eventsC ...chan UploadEvent) *MemoryUploader {
up := &MemoryUploader{
mtx: &sync.RWMutex{},
uploads: make(map[string]*MemoryUpload),
objects: make(map[session.ID][]byte),
if len(eventsC) != 0 {
up.eventsC = eventsC[0]
return up
// MemoryUploader uploads all bytes to memory, used in tests
type MemoryUploader struct {
mtx *sync.RWMutex
uploads map[string]*MemoryUpload
objects map[session.ID][]byte
eventsC chan UploadEvent
// MemoryUpload is used in tests
type MemoryUpload struct {
// id is the upload ID
id string
// parts is the upload parts
parts map[int64][]byte
// sessionID is the session ID associated with the upload
sessionID session.ID
//completed specifies upload as completed
completed bool
func (m *MemoryUploader) trySendEvent(event UploadEvent) {
if m.eventsC == nil {
select {
case m.eventsC <- event:
// Reset resets all state, removes all uploads and objects
func (m *MemoryUploader) Reset() {
defer m.mtx.Unlock()
m.uploads = make(map[string]*MemoryUpload)
m.objects = make(map[session.ID][]byte)
// CreateUpload creates a multipart upload
func (m *MemoryUploader) CreateUpload(ctx context.Context, sessionID session.ID) (*StreamUpload, error) {
defer m.mtx.Unlock()
upload := &StreamUpload{
ID: uuid.New(),
SessionID: sessionID,
m.uploads[upload.ID] = &MemoryUpload{
id: upload.ID,
sessionID: sessionID,
parts: make(map[int64][]byte),
return upload, nil
// CompleteUpload completes the upload
func (m *MemoryUploader) CompleteUpload(ctx context.Context, upload StreamUpload, parts []StreamPart) error {
defer m.mtx.Unlock()
up, ok := m.uploads[upload.ID]
if !ok {
return trace.NotFound("upload not found")
if up.completed {
return trace.BadParameter("upload already completed")
// verify that all parts have been uploaded
var result []byte
partsSet := make(map[int64]bool, len(parts))
for _, part := range parts {
partsSet[part.Number] = true
data, ok :=[part.Number]
if !ok {
return trace.NotFound("part %v has not been uploaded", part.Number)
result = append(result, data...)
// exclude parts that are not requested to be completed
for number := range {
if !partsSet[number] {
delete(, number)
m.objects[upload.SessionID] = result
up.completed = true
m.trySendEvent(UploadEvent{SessionID: string(upload.SessionID), UploadID: upload.ID})
return nil
// UploadPart uploads part and returns the part
func (m *MemoryUploader) UploadPart(ctx context.Context, upload StreamUpload, partNumber int64, partBody io.ReadSeeker) (*StreamPart, error) {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(partBody)
if err != nil {
return nil, trace.Wrap(err)
defer m.mtx.Unlock()
up, ok := m.uploads[upload.ID]
if !ok {
return nil, trace.NotFound("upload %q is not found", upload.ID)
}[partNumber] = data
return &StreamPart{Number: partNumber}, nil
// ListUploads lists uploads that have been initated but not completed with
// earlier uploads returned first
func (m *MemoryUploader) ListUploads(ctx context.Context) ([]StreamUpload, error) {
defer m.mtx.RUnlock()
out := make([]StreamUpload, 0, len(m.uploads))
for id := range m.uploads {
out = append(out, StreamUpload{
ID: id,
return out, nil
// GetParts returns upload parts uploaded up to date, sorted by part number
func (m *MemoryUploader) GetParts(uploadID string) ([][]byte, error) {
defer m.mtx.RUnlock()
up, ok := m.uploads[uploadID]
if !ok {
return nil, trace.NotFound("upload %q is not found", uploadID)
partNumbers := make([]int64, 0, len(
sortedParts := make([][]byte, 0, len(
for partNumber := range {
partNumbers = append(partNumbers, partNumber)
sort.Slice(partNumbers, func(i, j int) bool {
return partNumbers[i] < partNumbers[j]
for _, partNumber := range partNumbers {
sortedParts = append(sortedParts,[partNumber])
return sortedParts, nil
// ListParts returns all uploaded parts for the completed upload in sorted order
func (m *MemoryUploader) ListParts(ctx context.Context, upload StreamUpload) ([]StreamPart, error) {
defer m.mtx.RUnlock()
up, ok := m.uploads[upload.ID]
if !ok {
return nil, trace.NotFound("upload %v is not found", upload.ID)
partNumbers := make([]int64, 0, len(
sortedParts := make([]StreamPart, 0, len(
for partNumber := range {
partNumbers = append(partNumbers, partNumber)
sort.Slice(partNumbers, func(i, j int) bool {
return partNumbers[i] < partNumbers[j]
for _, partNumber := range partNumbers {
sortedParts = append(sortedParts, StreamPart{Number: partNumber})
return sortedParts, nil
// Upload uploads session tarball and returns URL with uploaded file
// in case of success.
func (m *MemoryUploader) Upload(ctx context.Context, sessionID session.ID, readCloser io.Reader) (string, error) {
defer m.mtx.Unlock()
_, ok := m.objects[sessionID]
if ok {
return "", trace.AlreadyExists("session %q already exists", sessionID)
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(readCloser)
if err != nil {
return "", trace.ConvertSystemError(err)
m.objects[sessionID] = data
return string(sessionID), nil
// Download downloads session tarball and writes it to writer
func (m *MemoryUploader) Download(ctx context.Context, sessionID session.ID, writer io.WriterAt) error {
defer m.mtx.RUnlock()
data, ok := m.objects[sessionID]
if !ok {
return trace.NotFound("session %q is not found", sessionID)
_, err := io.Copy(writer.(io.Writer), bytes.NewReader(data))
if err != nil {
return trace.ConvertSystemError(err)
return nil
2021-01-04 22:22:55 +00:00
// GetUploadMetadata gets the session upload metadata
func (m *MemoryUploader) GetUploadMetadata(sid session.ID) UploadMetadata {
return UploadMetadata{
URL: "memory",
SessionID: sid,
2021-01-04 22:22:55 +00:00