2011-10-30 20:57:56 +00:00

676 lines
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* PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Refractions Research Inc.
* This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "liblwgeom.h"
#include "lwgeom_pg.h"
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "proj_api.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "executor/spi.h"
#include "access/hash.h"
#include "utils/hsearch.h"
#include "lwgeom_transform.h"
int pj_transform_nodatum(projPJ srcdefn, projPJ dstdefn, long point_count, int point_offset, double *x, double *y, double *z );
/* PROJ 4 lookup transaction cache methods */
* PROJ 4 backend hash table initial hash size
* (since 16 is the default portal hash table size, and we would
* typically have 2 entries per portal
* then we shall use a default size of 32)
/* An entry in the PROJ4 SRS cache */
typedef struct struct_PROJ4SRSCacheItem
int srid;
projPJ projection;
MemoryContext projection_mcxt;
/** The portal cache: it's contents and cache context
typedef struct struct_PROJ4PortalCache
int PROJ4SRSCacheCount;
MemoryContext PROJ4SRSCacheContext;
* Backend projPJ hash table
* This hash table stores a key/value pair of MemoryContext/projPJ objects.
* Whenever we create a projPJ object using pj_init(), we create a separate
* MemoryContext as a child context of the current executor context.
* The MemoryContext/projPJ object is stored in this hash table so
* that when PROJ4SRSCacheDelete() is called during query cleanup, we can
* lookup the projPJ object based upon the MemoryContext parameter and hence
* pj_free() it.
static HTAB *PJHash = NULL;
typedef struct struct_PJHashEntry
MemoryContext ProjectionContext;
projPJ projection;
/* PJ Hash API */
uint32 mcxt_ptr_hash(const void *key, Size keysize);
static HTAB *CreatePJHash(void);
static void AddPJHashEntry(MemoryContext mcxt, projPJ projection);
static projPJ GetPJHashEntry(MemoryContext mcxt);
static void DeletePJHashEntry(MemoryContext mcxt);
/* Internal Cache API */
static PROJ4PortalCache *GetPROJ4SRSCache(FunctionCallInfoData *fcinfo) ;
static bool IsInPROJ4SRSCache(PROJ4PortalCache *PROJ4Cache, int srid);
static projPJ GetProjectionFromPROJ4SRSCache(PROJ4PortalCache *PROJ4Cache, int srid);
static void AddToPROJ4SRSCache(PROJ4PortalCache *PROJ4Cache, int srid, int other_srid);
static void DeleteFromPROJ4SRSCache(PROJ4PortalCache *PROJ4Cache, int srid);
/* Search path for PROJ.4 library */
static bool IsPROJ4LibPathSet = false;
void SetPROJ4LibPath(void);
/* Memory context cache functions */
static void PROJ4SRSCacheInit(MemoryContext context);
static void PROJ4SRSCacheDelete(MemoryContext context);
static void PROJ4SRSCacheReset(MemoryContext context);
static bool PROJ4SRSCacheIsEmpty(MemoryContext context);
static void PROJ4SRSCacheStats(MemoryContext context, int level);
static void PROJ4SRSCacheCheck(MemoryContext context);
/* Memory context definition must match the current version of PostgreSQL */
static MemoryContextMethods PROJ4SRSCacheContextMethods =
static void
PROJ4SRSCacheInit(MemoryContext context)
* Do nothing as the cache is initialised when the transform()
* function is first called
static void
PROJ4SRSCacheDelete(MemoryContext context)
projPJ projection;
/* Lookup the projPJ pointer in the global hash table so we can free it */
projection = GetPJHashEntry(context);
if (!projection)
elog(ERROR, "PROJ4SRSCacheDelete: Trying to delete non-existant projection object with MemoryContext key (%p)", (void *)context);
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "deleting projection object (%p) with MemoryContext key (%p)", projection, context);
/* Free it */
/* Remove the hash entry as it is no longer needed */
static void
PROJ4SRSCacheReset(MemoryContext context)
* Do nothing, but we must supply a function since this call is mandatory according to tgl
* (see postgis-devel archives July 2007)
static bool
PROJ4SRSCacheIsEmpty(MemoryContext context)
* Always return false since this call is mandatory according to tgl
* (see postgis-devel archives July 2007)
return FALSE;
static void
PROJ4SRSCacheStats(MemoryContext context, int level)
* Simple stats display function - we must supply a function since this call is mandatory according to tgl
* (see postgis-devel archives July 2007)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: PROJ4 context\n", context->name);
static void
PROJ4SRSCacheCheck(MemoryContext context)
* Do nothing - stub required for when PostgreSQL is compiled
* PROJ4 projPJ Hash Table functions
* A version of tag_hash - we specify this here as the implementation
* has changed over the years....
uint32 mcxt_ptr_hash(const void *key, Size keysize)
uint32 hashval;
hashval = DatumGetUInt32(hash_any(key, keysize));
return hashval;
static HTAB *CreatePJHash(void)
ctl.keysize = sizeof(MemoryContext);
ctl.entrysize = sizeof(PJHashEntry);
ctl.hash = mcxt_ptr_hash;
return hash_create("PostGIS PROJ4 Backend projPJ MemoryContext Hash", PROJ4_BACKEND_HASH_SIZE, &ctl, (HASH_ELEM | HASH_FUNCTION));
static void AddPJHashEntry(MemoryContext mcxt, projPJ projection)
bool found;
void **key;
PJHashEntry *he;
/* The hash key is the MemoryContext pointer */
key = (void *)&mcxt;
he = (PJHashEntry *) hash_search(PJHash, key, HASH_ENTER, &found);
if (!found)
/* Insert the entry into the new hash element */
he->ProjectionContext = mcxt;
he->projection = projection;
elog(ERROR, "AddPJHashEntry: PROJ4 projection object already exists for this MemoryContext (%p)",
(void *)mcxt);
static projPJ GetPJHashEntry(MemoryContext mcxt)
void **key;
PJHashEntry *he;
/* The hash key is the MemoryContext pointer */
key = (void *)&mcxt;
/* Return the projection object from the hash */
he = (PJHashEntry *) hash_search(PJHash, key, HASH_FIND, NULL);
return he->projection;
static void DeletePJHashEntry(MemoryContext mcxt)
void **key;
PJHashEntry *he;
/* The hash key is the MemoryContext pointer */
key = (void *)&mcxt;
/* Delete the projection object from the hash */
he = (PJHashEntry *) hash_search(PJHash, key, HASH_REMOVE, NULL);
he->projection = NULL;
if (!he)
elog(ERROR, "DeletePJHashEntry: There was an error removing the PROJ4 projection object from this MemoryContext (%p)", (void *)mcxt);
IsInPROJ4Cache(Proj4Cache PROJ4Cache, int srid) {
return IsInPROJ4SRSCache((PROJ4PortalCache *)PROJ4Cache, srid) ;
* Per-cache management functions
static bool
IsInPROJ4SRSCache(PROJ4PortalCache *PROJ4Cache, int srid)
* Return true/false depending upon whether the item
* is in the SRS cache.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < PROJ4_CACHE_ITEMS; i++)
if (PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].srid == srid)
return 1;
/* Otherwise not found */
return 0;
projPJ GetProjectionFromPROJ4Cache(Proj4Cache cache, int srid)
return GetProjectionFromPROJ4SRSCache((PROJ4PortalCache *)cache, srid) ;
* Return the projection object from the cache (we should
* already have checked it exists using IsInPROJ4SRSCache first)
static projPJ
GetProjectionFromPROJ4SRSCache(PROJ4PortalCache *PROJ4Cache, int srid)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < PROJ4_CACHE_ITEMS; i++)
if (PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].srid == srid)
return PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].projection;
return NULL;
char* GetProj4StringSPI(int srid)
static int maxproj4len = 512;
int spi_result;
char *proj_str = palloc(maxproj4len);
char proj4_spi_buffer[256];
/* Connect */
spi_result = SPI_connect();
if (spi_result != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
elog(ERROR, "GetProj4StringSPI: Could not connect to database using SPI");
/* Execute the lookup query */
snprintf(proj4_spi_buffer, 255, "SELECT proj4text FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = %d LIMIT 1", srid);
spi_result = SPI_exec(proj4_spi_buffer, 1);
/* Read back the PROJ4 text */
if (spi_result == SPI_OK_SELECT && SPI_processed > 0)
/* Select the first (and only tuple) */
TupleDesc tupdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc;
SPITupleTable *tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
HeapTuple tuple = tuptable->vals[0];
/* Make a projection object out of it */
strncpy(proj_str, SPI_getvalue(tuple, tupdesc, 1), maxproj4len - 1);
elog(ERROR, "GetProj4StringSPI: Cannot find SRID (%d) in spatial_ref_sys", srid);
spi_result = SPI_finish();
if (spi_result != SPI_OK_FINISH)
elog(ERROR, "GetProj4StringSPI: Could not disconnect from database using SPI");
return proj_str;
* Given an SRID, return the proj4 text.
* If the integer is one of the "well known" projections we support
* (WGS84 UTM N/S, Polar Stereographic N/S - see SRID_* macros),
* return the proj4text for those.
static char* GetProj4String(int srid)
static int maxproj4len = 512;
return GetProj4StringSPI(srid);
/* Automagic SRIDs */
char *proj_str = palloc(maxproj4len);
int id = abs(srid);
/* UTM North */
snprintf(proj_str, maxproj4len, "+proj=utm +zone=%d +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs", id - SRID_NORTH_UTM_START);
/* UTM South */
else if ( id >= SRID_SOUTH_UTM_START && id <= SRID_SOUTH_UTM_END )
snprintf(proj_str, maxproj4len, "+proj=utm +zone=%d +south +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs", id - SRID_SOUTH_UTM_START);
/* Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area South Pole */
else if ( id == SRID_SOUTH_LAMBERT )
strncpy(proj_str, "+proj=laea +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs", maxproj4len );
/* Polar Sterographic South */
else if ( id == SRID_SOUTH_STEREO )
strncpy(proj_str, "+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-71 +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs", maxproj4len);
/* Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area North Pole */
else if ( id == SRID_NORTH_LAMBERT )
strncpy(proj_str, "+proj=laea +lat_0=90 +lon_0=-40 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs", maxproj4len );
/* Polar Stereographic North */
else if ( id == SRID_NORTH_STEREO )
strncpy(proj_str, "+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=71 +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs", maxproj4len );
/* World Mercator */
else if ( id == SRID_WORLD_MERCATOR )
strncpy(proj_str, "+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs", maxproj4len );
elog(ERROR, "Invalid reserved SRID (%d)", srid);
return NULL;
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "returning on SRID=%d: %s", srid, proj_str);
return proj_str;
void AddToPROJ4Cache(Proj4Cache cache, int srid, int other_srid) {
AddToPROJ4SRSCache((PROJ4PortalCache *)cache, srid, other_srid) ;
* Add an entry to the local PROJ4 SRS cache. If we need to wrap around then
* we must make sure the entry we choose to delete does not contain other_srid
* which is the definition for the other half of the transformation.
static void
AddToPROJ4SRSCache(PROJ4PortalCache *PROJ4Cache, int srid, int other_srid)
MemoryContext PJMemoryContext;
projPJ projection = NULL;
char *proj_str;
int* pj_errno_ref;
** Turn the SRID number into a proj4 string, by reading from spatial_ref_sys
** or instantiating a magical value from a negative srid.
proj_str = GetProj4String(srid);
if ( ! proj_str )
elog(ERROR, "GetProj4String returned NULL for SRID (%d)", srid);
projection = lwproj_from_string(proj_str);
pj_errno_ref = pj_get_errno_ref();
if ( (projection == NULL) || (*pj_errno_ref))
/* we need this for error reporting */
/*pfree(projection); */
elog(ERROR, "AddToPROJ4SRSCache: couldn't parse proj4 string: '%s': %s", proj_str, pj_strerrno(*pj_errno_ref));
* If the cache is already full then find the first entry
* that doesn't contain other_srid and use this as the
* subsequent value of PROJ4SRSCacheCount
if (PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCacheCount == PROJ4_CACHE_ITEMS)
bool found = false;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < PROJ4_CACHE_ITEMS; i++)
if (PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].srid != other_srid && found == false)
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "choosing to remove item from query cache with SRID %d and index %d", PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].srid, i);
DeleteFromPROJ4SRSCache(PROJ4Cache, PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].srid);
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCacheCount = i;
found = true;
* Now create a memory context for this projection and
* store it in the backend hash
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "adding SRID %d with proj4text \"%s\" to query cache at index %d", srid, proj_str, PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCacheCount);
PJMemoryContext = MemoryContextCreate(T_AllocSetContext, 8192,
"PostGIS PROJ4 PJ Memory Context");
/* Create the backend hash if it doesn't already exist */
if (!PJHash)
PJHash = CreatePJHash();
* Add the MemoryContext to the backend hash so we can
* clean up upon portal shutdown
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "adding projection object (%p) to hash table with MemoryContext key (%p)", projection, PJMemoryContext);
AddPJHashEntry(PJMemoryContext, projection);
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCacheCount].srid = srid;
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCacheCount].projection = projection;
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCacheCount].projection_mcxt = PJMemoryContext;
/* Free the projection string */
void DeleteFromPROJ4Cache(Proj4Cache cache, int srid) {
DeleteFromPROJ4SRSCache((PROJ4PortalCache *)cache, srid) ;
static void DeleteFromPROJ4SRSCache(PROJ4PortalCache *PROJ4Cache, int srid)
* Delete the SRID entry from the cache
int i;
for (i = 0; i < PROJ4_CACHE_ITEMS; i++)
if (PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].srid == srid)
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "removing query cache entry with SRID %d at index %d", srid, i);
* Zero out the entries and free the PROJ4 handle
* by deleting the memory context
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].projection = NULL;
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].projection_mcxt = NULL;
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].srid = SRID_UNKNOWN;
* Specify an alternate directory for the PROJ.4 grid files
* (this should augment the PROJ.4 compile-time path)
* It's main purpose is to allow Win32 PROJ.4 installations
* to find a set grid shift files, although other platforms
* may find this useful too.
* Note that we currently ignore this on PostgreSQL < 8.0
* since the method of determining the current installation
* path are different on older PostgreSQL versions.
void SetPROJ4LibPath(void)
char *path;
const char **proj_lib_path;
if (!IsPROJ4LibPathSet) {
* Get the sharepath and append /contrib/postgis/proj to form a suitable
* directory in which to store the grid shift files
proj_lib_path = palloc(sizeof(char *));
path = palloc(MAXPGPATH);
*proj_lib_path = path;
get_share_path(my_exec_path, path);
strncat(path, "/contrib/postgis/proj", MAXPGPATH - strlen(path) - 1);
/* Set the search path for PROJ.4 */
pj_set_searchpath(1, proj_lib_path);
/* Ensure we only do this once... */
IsPROJ4LibPathSet = true;
Proj4Cache GetPROJ4Cache(FunctionCallInfoData *fcinfo) {
return (Proj4Cache)GetPROJ4SRSCache(fcinfo) ;
static PROJ4PortalCache *GetPROJ4SRSCache(FunctionCallInfoData *fcinfo)
PROJ4PortalCache *PROJ4Cache ;
* If we have not already created PROJ4 cache for this portal
* then create it
if (fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra == NULL)
MemoryContext old_context;
old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt);
PROJ4Cache = palloc(sizeof(PROJ4PortalCache));
if (PROJ4Cache)
int i;
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Allocating PROJ4Cache for portal with transform() MemoryContext %p", fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt);
/* Put in any required defaults */
for (i = 0; i < PROJ4_CACHE_ITEMS; i++)
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].srid = SRID_UNKNOWN;
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].projection = NULL;
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCache[i].projection_mcxt = NULL;
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCacheCount = 0;
PROJ4Cache->PROJ4SRSCacheContext = fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt;
/* Store the pointer in fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra */
fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = PROJ4Cache;
/* Use the existing cache */
PROJ4Cache = fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
return PROJ4Cache ;