Regina Obe e42f739875 typo
git-svn-id: b70326c6-7e19-0410-871a-916f4a2858ee
2008-08-22 13:37:36 +00:00

444 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<para>PostGIS has the following requirements for building and
<para>A complete installation of PostgreSQL (including server
headers). PostgreSQL is available from <ulink
Version 8.1 or higher is required.</para>
<para>GNU C compiler (<filename>gcc</filename>). Some other ANSI C
compilers can be used to compile PostGIS, but we find far fewer
problems when compiling with <filename>gcc</filename>.</para>
<para>GNU Make (<filename>gmake</filename> or
<filename>make</filename>). For many systems, GNU
<filename>make</filename> is the default version of make. Check the
version by invoking <filename>make -v</filename>. Other versions of
<filename>make</filename> may not process the PostGIS
<filename>Makefile</filename> properly.</para>
<para>Proj4 reprojection library. The Proj4 library is
used to provide coordinate reprojection support within PostGIS. Proj4
is available for download from <ulink
<para>GEOS geometry library. The GEOS library is used to
provide geometry tests (ST_Touches(), ST_Contains(), ST_Intersects())
and operations (ST_Buffer(), ST_Union(), ST_Difference()) within
PostGIS. GEOS is available for download from <ulink
<para>(Recommended) Apache Ant (<filename>ant</filename>). Required for
building any of the drivers under the <filename>java</filename> directory. Ant is available for download from <ulink url=""></ulink>.</para>
<sect1 id="PGInstall">
<para>The PostGIS module is a extension to the PostgreSQL backend server.
As such, PostGIS &last_release_version; <emphasis>requires</emphasis>
full PostgreSQL server headers access in order to compile. The PostgreSQL
source code is available at <ulink
<para>PostGIS &last_release_version; can be built against PostgreSQL
versions 8.1.0 or higher. Earlier versions of PostgreSQL are
<emphasis>not</emphasis> supported.</para>
<sect2 id="firsttimeinstall">
<title>Compiling and Installing from Source</title>
<para>Before you can compile the PostGIS server modules, you must
compile and install the PostgreSQL package.</para>
<para>If you plan to use GEOS functionality you might need to
explicitly link PostgreSQL against the standard C++ library:</para>
<programlisting>LDFLAGS=-lstdc++ ./configure [YOUR OPTIONS HERE]</programlisting>
<para>This is a workaround for bogus C++ exceptions interaction with
older development tools. If you experience weird problems (backend
unexpectedly closed or similar things) try this trick. This will
require recompiling your PostgreSQL from scratch, of course.</para>
<para>The steps that follow are for Linux users. They will not work on Windows without MingW and some other stuff</para>
<para>Check your settings to see which versions of things will be used</para>
which gcc
which make &amp;&amp; which autoconf
which pg_config
sudo ldconfig -v | grep iconv
which flex &amp;&amp; which bison
sudo ldconfig -v | grep /usr/local/lib
which geos-config
sudo ldconfig -v | grep proj
<para>If you are missing proj based on above or running a version below 4.5, then install by following these steps.</para>
tar xvzf proj4-4.6.0.tar.gz
cd proj4-4.6.0
./configure &amp;&amp; make clean &amp;&amp; make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..
<para>If you are missing geos based on above or running a version below 3.0, then install by following these steps.</para>
tar xvjf geos-3.0.0.tar.bz2
cd geos-3.0.0
./configure &amp;&amp; make clean &amp;&amp; make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..
<para>Retrieve the PostGIS source archive from <ulink
Uncompress and untar the archive. configure.</para>
<para>All files are installed using information provided by
<para>Libraries are installed
<para>Important support files such as
<filename>lwpostgis.sql</filename> are installed in
<para>Loader and dumper binaries are installed in
gzip -d -c postgis-&last_release_version;.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd postgis-&last_release_version;/
<para>Make and Install</para>
<para>PostgreSQL provides a utility called <filename>pg_config</filename> to enable
extensions like PostGIS to locate the PostgreSQL installation directory.
If ./configure didn't find <filename>pg_config</filename>,
try using the <code>--with-pgconfig=/path/to/pg_config</code> switch to specify a particular
PostgreSQL installation.</para>
<para>Proj4 is now required in order to build and use PostGIS.
If ./configure didn't find the Proj4 library,
try using the <code>--with-projdir=/path/to/projdir</code> switch to specify an alternative
Proj4 installation directory.</para>
<para>GEOS is now required in order to build and use PostGIS.
If ./configure didn't find it, try using the
<code>--with-geosconfig=/path/to/geos-config</code> switch to specify the full path
to the <filename>geos-config</filename> program.</para>
make clean &amp;&amp; make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
<para>PostGIS requires the PL/pgSQL procedural language extension.
Before loading the <filename>lwpostgis.sql</filename> file, you must
first enable PL/pgSQL. You should use the
<filename>createlang</filename> command. The PostgreSQL Programmer's
Guide has the details if you want to this manually for some
<programlisting># createlang plpgsql [yourdatabase]</programlisting>
<para>Now load the PostGIS object and function definitions into your
database by loading the <filename>lwpostgis.sql</filename> definitions
<programlisting># psql -d [yourdatabase] -f lwpostgis.sql</programlisting>
<para>The PostGIS server extensions are now loaded and ready to
<para>For a complete set of EPSG coordinate system definition
identifiers, you can also load the
<filename>spatial_ref_sys.sql</filename> definitions file and populate
the <varname>SPATIAL_REF_SYS</varname> table.</para>
<programlisting># psql -d [yourdatabase] -f spatial_ref_sys.sql</programlisting>
<sect2 id="templatepostgis">
<title>Creating PostGIS spatially-enabled databases from an in-built
<para>Some packaged distributions of PostGIS (in particular the Win32
installers for PostGIS &gt;= 1.1.5) load the PostGIS functions into a
template database called <varname>template_postgis</varname>. If the
<varname>template_postgis</varname> database exists in your PostgreSQL
installation then it is possible for users and/or applications to create
spatially-enabled databases using a single command. Note that in both
cases, the database user must have been granted the privilege to create
new databases.</para>
<para>From the shell:</para>
<programlisting># createdb -T template_postgis my_spatial_db</programlisting>
<para>From SQL:</para>
<programlisting>postgres=# CREATE DATABASE my_spatial_db TEMPLATE=template_postgis</programlisting>
<sect2 id="upgrading">
<para>Upgrading existing spatial databases can be tricky as it requires
replacement or introduction of new PostGIS object definitions.</para>
<para>Unfortunately not all definitions can be easily replaced in a live
database, so sometimes your best bet is a dump/reload process.</para>
<para>PostGIS provides a SOFT UPGRADE procedure for minor or bugfix
releases, and an HARD UPGRADE procedure for major releases.</para>
<para>Before attempting to upgrade postgis, it is always worth to backup
your data. If you use the -Fc flag to pg_dump you will always be able to
restore the dump with an HARD UPGRADE.</para>
<sect3 id="soft_upgrade">
<title>Soft upgrade</title>
<para>Soft upgrade consists of sourcing the lwpostgis_upgrade.sql
script in your spatial database:</para>
<programlisting>$ psql -f lwpostgis_upgrade.sql -d your_spatial_database</programlisting>
<para>If a soft upgrade is not possible the script will abort and you
will be warned about HARD UPGRADE being required, so do not hesitate
to try a soft upgrade first.</para>
<para>If you can't find the
<filename>lwpostgis_upgrade.sql</filename> file you are probably
using a version prior to 1.1 and must generate that file by
yourself. This is done with the following command:</para>
<programlisting>$ utils/ lwpostgis.sql &gt; lwpostgis_upgrade.sql</programlisting>
<sect3 id="hard_upgrade">
<title>Hard upgrade</title>
<para>By HARD UPGRADE we intend full dump/reload of postgis-enabled
databases. You need an HARD UPGRADE when postgis objects' internal
storage changes or when SOFT UPGRADE is not possible. The <link
linkend="release_notes">Release Notes</link> appendix reports for each
version whether you need a dump/reload (HARD UPGRADE) to
<para>PostGIS provides an utility script to restore a dump produced
with the pg_dump -Fc command. It is experimental so redirecting its
output to a file will help in case of problems. The procedure is as
<para>Create a "custom-format" dump of the database you want to
upgrade (let's call it "olddb")</para>
<programlisting>$ pg_dump -Fc olddb &gt; olddb.dump</programlisting>
<para>Restore the dump contextually upgrading postgis into a new
database. The new database doesn't have to exist. postgis_restore
accepts createdb parameters after the dump file name, and that can for
instance be used if you are using a non-default character encoding for
your database. Let's call it "newdb", with UNICODE as the character
<programlisting>$ sh utils/ lwpostgis.sql newdb olddb.dump -E=UNICODE &gt; restore.log</programlisting>
<para>Check that all restored dump objects really had to be restored
from dump and do not conflict with the ones defined in
<programlisting>$ grep ^KEEPING restore.log | less</programlisting>
<para>If upgrading from PostgreSQL &lt; 8.0 to &gt;= 8.0 you might
want to drop the attrelid, varattnum and stats columns in the
geometry_columns table, which are no-more needed. Keeping them won't
<programlisting>$ psql newdb -c "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns DROP attrelid"
$ psql newdb -c "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns DROP varattnum"
$ psql newdb -c "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns DROP stats"</programlisting>
<para>spatial_ref_sys table is restore from the dump, to ensure your
custom additions are kept, but the distributed one might contain
modification so you should backup your entries, drop the table and
source the new one. If you did make additions we assume you know how
to backup them before upgrading the table. Replace of it with the new
one is done like this:</para>
<programlisting>$ psql newdb
newdb=&gt; drop spatial_ref_sys;
newdb=&gt; \i spatial_ref_sys.sql</programlisting>
<title>Common Problems</title>
<para>There are several things to check when your installation or
upgrade doesn't go as you expected.</para>
<para>Check that you you have installed PostgreSQL 8.1 or newer, and
that you are compiling against the same version of the PostgreSQL
source as the version of PostgreSQL that is running. Mix-ups can
occur when your (Linux) distribution has already installed
PostgreSQL, or you have otherwise installed PostgreSQL before and
forgotten about it. PostGIS will only work with PostgreSQL 8.1 or
newer, and strange, unexpected error messages will result if you use
an older version. To check the version of PostgreSQL which is
running, connect to the database using psql and run this
<programlisting>SELECT version();</programlisting>
<para>If you are running an RPM based distribution, you can check
for the existence of pre-installed packages using the
<command>rpm</command> command as follows: <command>rpm -qa | grep
<para>Also check that configure has correctly detected the location and
version of PostgreSQL, the Proj4 library and the GEOS library.</para>
<para>The output from configure is used to generate the
<filename>postgis_config.h</filename> file. Check that the
<varname>POSTGIS_PGSQL_VERSION</varname>, <varname>POSTGIS_PROJ_VERSION</varname>
and <varname>POSTGIS_GEOS_VERSION</varname> variables have been set correctly.</para>
<para>The JDBC extensions provide Java objects corresponding to the
internal PostGIS types. These objects can be used to write Java clients
which query the PostGIS database and draw or do calculations on the GIS
data in PostGIS.</para>
<para>Enter the <filename>java/jdbc</filename> sub-directory of the PostGIS
<para>Run the <filename>ant</filename> command. Copy the
<filename>postgis.jar</filename> file to wherever you keep your java
<para>The JDBC extensions require a PostgreSQL JDBC driver to be present in
the current CLASSPATH during the build process. If the PostgreSQL JDBC driver
is located elsewhere, you may pass the location of the JDBC driver JAR separately
using the -D parameter like this:</para>
<programlisting># ant -Dclasspath=/path/to/postgresql-jdbc.jar</programlisting>
<para>PostgreSQL JDBC drivers can be downloaded from
<ulink url=""></ulink>.</para>
<para>The data loader and dumper are built and installed automatically as
part of the PostGIS build. To build and install them manually:</para>
<programlisting># cd postgis-&last_release_version;/loader
# make
# make install</programlisting>
<para>The loader is called <filename>shp2pgsql</filename> and converts
ESRI Shape files into SQL suitable for loading in PostGIS/PostgreSQL. The
dumper is called <filename>pgsql2shp</filename> and converts PostGIS
tables (or queries) into ESRI Shape files. For more verbose documentation,
see the online help, and the manual pages.</para>