2009-09-30 19:34:29 +00:00

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* $Id$
* PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
* Copyright 2009 Paul Ramsey <>
* This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
#include "lwgeodetic.h"
* For testing geodetic bounding box, we have a magic global variable.
* When this is true (when the cunit tests set it), use the slow, but
* guaranteed correct, algorithm. Otherwise use the regular one.
int gbox_geocentric_slow = LW_FALSE;
* Convert an edge from degrees to radians.
void edge_deg2rad(GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e)
(e->start).lat = deg2rad((e->start).lat);
(e->end).lat = deg2rad((e->end).lat);
(e->start).lon = deg2rad((e->start).lon);
(e->end).lon = deg2rad((e->end).lon);
* Convert an edge from radians to degrees.
void edge_rad2deg(GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE *e)
(e->start).lat = rad2deg((e->start).lat);
(e->end).lat = rad2deg((e->end).lat);
(e->start).lon = rad2deg((e->start).lon);
(e->end).lon = rad2deg((e->end).lon);
* Convert a point from degrees to radians.
void point_deg2rad(GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *p)
p->lat = deg2rad(p->lat);
p->lon = deg2rad(p->lon);
* Convert a point from radians to degrees.
void point_rad2deg(GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *p)
p->lat = rad2deg(p->lat);
p->lon = rad2deg(p->lon);
* Convert a longitude to the range of -180,180
static double longitude_degrees_normalize(double lon)
if( lon == -180.0 )
return 180.0;
if( lon == -360.0 )
return 0.0;
if( lon > 360.0 )
lon = remainder(lon, 360.0);
if( lon < -360.0 )
lon = remainder(lon, -360.0);
if( lon > 180.0 )
lon = -360.0 + lon;
if( lon < -180.0 )
lon = 360 + lon;
return lon;
* Convert a longitude to the range of -180,180
static double latitude_degrees_normalize(double lat)
if( lat > 360.0 )
lat = remainder(lat, 360.0);
if( lat < -360.0 )
lat = remainder(lat, -360.0);
if( lat > 180.0 )
lat = 180.0 - lat;
if( lat < -180.0 )
lat = -180.0 - lat;
if( lat > 90.0 )
lat = 180.0 - lat;
if( lat < -90.0 )
lat = -180.0 - lat;
return lat;
* Check to see if this geocentric gbox is wrapped around a pole.
* Only makes sense if this gbox originated from a polygon, as it's assuming
* the box is generated from external edges and there's an "interior" which
* contains the pole.
* WARNING: There might be degenerate cases that contain multiple poles but are not
* caught, this is not a 100% function.
static int gbox_check_poles(GBOX *gbox)
/* Z axis */
if ( gbox->xmin < 0.0 && gbox->xmax > 0.0 &&
gbox->ymin < 0.0 && gbox->ymax > 0.0 )
if ( (gbox->zmin+gbox->zmin)/2 > 0.0 )
gbox->zmax = 1.0;
gbox->zmin = -1.0;
return LW_TRUE;
/* Y axis */
if ( gbox->xmin < 0.0 && gbox->xmax > 0.0 &&
gbox->zmin < 0.0 && gbox->zmax > 0.0 )
if ( (gbox->ymin+gbox->ymin)/2 > 0.0 )
gbox->ymax = 1.0;
gbox->ymin = -1.0;
return LW_TRUE;
/* X axis */
if ( gbox->ymin < 0.0 && gbox->ymax > 0.0 &&
gbox->zmin < 0.0 && gbox->zmax > 0.0 )
if ( (gbox->xmin+gbox->xmin)/2 > 0.0 )
gbox->xmax = 1.0;
gbox->xmin = -1.0;
return LW_TRUE;
return LW_FALSE;
* Convert spherical coordinates to cartesion coordinates on unit sphere
void inline geog2cart(GEOGRAPHIC_POINT g, POINT3D *p)
p->x = cos( * cos(g.lon);
p->y = cos( * sin(g.lon);
p->z = sin(;
* Convert cartesion coordinates to spherical coordinates on unit sphere
void inline cart2geog(POINT3D p, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g)
g->lon = atan2(p.y, p.x);
g->lat = asin(p.z);
* Calculate the dot product of two unit vectors
* (-1 == opposite, 0 == orthogonal, 1 == identical)
static double inline dot_product(POINT3D p1, POINT3D p2)
return (p1.x*p2.x) + (p1.y*p2.y) + (p1.z*p2.z);
* Calculate the cross product of two vectors
static void inline cross_product(POINT3D a, POINT3D b, POINT3D *n)
n->x = a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y;
n->y = a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z;
n->z = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;
* Calculate the sum of two vectors
static void inline vector_sum(POINT3D a, POINT3D b, POINT3D *n)
n->x = a.x + b.x;
n->y = a.y + b.y;
n->z = a.z + b.z;
* Calculate the difference of two vectors
static void inline vector_difference(POINT3D a, POINT3D b, POINT3D *n)
n->x = a.x - b.x;
n->y = a.y - b.y;
n->z = a.z - b.z;
* Normalize to a unit vector.
static void inline normalize(POINT3D *p)
double d = sqrt(p->x*p->x + p->y*p->y + p->z*p->z);
if (FP_IS_ZERO(d))
p->x = p->y = p->z = 0.0;
p->x = p->x / d;
p->y = p->y / d;
p->z = p->z / d;
static void inline unit_normal(POINT3D a, POINT3D b, POINT3D *n)
cross_product(a, b, n);
* Computes the cross product of two vectors using their lat, lng representations.
* Good even for small distances between p and q.
void robust_cross_product(GEOGRAPHIC_POINT p, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT q, POINT3D *a)
double lon_qpp = (q.lon + p.lon) / -2.0;
double lon_qmp = (q.lon - p.lon) / 2.0;
double sin_p_lat_minus_q_lat = sin(;
double sin_p_lat_plus_q_lat = sin(;
double sin_lon_qpp = sin(lon_qpp);
double sin_lon_qmp = sin(lon_qmp);
double cos_lon_qpp = cos(lon_qpp);
double cos_lon_qmp = cos(lon_qmp);
a->x = sin_p_lat_minus_q_lat * sin_lon_qpp * cos_lon_qmp -
sin_p_lat_plus_q_lat * cos_lon_qpp * sin_lon_qmp;
a->y = sin_p_lat_minus_q_lat * cos_lon_qpp * cos_lon_qmp +
sin_p_lat_plus_q_lat * sin_lon_qpp * sin_lon_qmp;
a->z = cos( * cos( * sin(q.lon-p.lon);
void x_to_z(POINT3D *p)
double tmp = p->z;
p->z = p->x;
p->x = tmp;
void y_to_z(POINT3D *p)
double tmp = p->z;
p->z = p->y;
p->y = tmp;
* Returns true if the point p is on the great circle plane.
* Forms the scalar triple product of A,B,p and if the volume of the
* resulting parallelepiped is near zero the point p is on the
* great circle plane.
int edge_point_on_plane(GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE e, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT p)
POINT3D normal, pt;
double w;
/* Normal to the plane defined by e */
robust_cross_product(e.start, e.end, &normal);
geog2cart(p, &pt);
/* We expect the dot product of with normal with any vector in the plane to be zero */
w = dot_product(normal, pt);
LWDEBUGF(4,"dot product %.9g",w);
if ( FP_IS_ZERO(w) )
LWDEBUG(4, "point is on plane");
return LW_TRUE;
LWDEBUG(4, "point is not on plane");
return LW_FALSE;
* Returns true if the point p is inside the cone defined by the
* two ends of the edge e.
int edge_point_in_cone(GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE e, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT p)
POINT3D vcp, vs, ve, vp;
double vs_dot_vcp, vp_dot_vcp;
geog2cart(e.start, &vs);
geog2cart(e.end, &ve);
/* Antipodal case, everything is inside. */
if( vs.x == -1.0 * ve.x && vs.y == -1.0 * ve.y && vs.z == -1.0 * ve.z )
return LW_TRUE;
geog2cart(p, &vp);
/* The normalized sum bisects the angle between start and end. */
vector_sum(vs, ve, &vcp);
/* The projection of start onto the center defines the minimum similarity */
vs_dot_vcp = dot_product(vs, vcp);
LWDEBUGF(4,"vs_dot_vcp %.9g",vs_dot_vcp);
/* The projection of candidate p onto the center */
vp_dot_vcp = dot_product(vp, vcp);
LWDEBUGF(4,"vp_dot_vcp %.9g",vp_dot_vcp);
/* If p is more similar than start then p is inside the cone */
if ( FP_GTEQ(vp_dot_vcp, vs_dot_vcp) )
LWDEBUG(4, "point is in cone");
return LW_TRUE;
LWDEBUG(4, "point is not in cone");
return LW_FALSE;
* True if the longitude of p is within the range of the longitude of the ends of e
int edge_contains_longitude(GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE e, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT p)
LWDEBUGF(4, "e.start == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, e.start.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "e.end == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, e.end.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "p == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, p.lon);
if ( e.start.lon < p.lon && p.lon < e.end.lon )
LWDEBUG(4, "returning TRUE");
return LW_TRUE;
if ( e.end.lon < p.lon && p.lon < e.start.lon )
LWDEBUG(4, "returning TRUE");
return LW_TRUE;
LWDEBUG(4, "returning FALSE");
return LW_FALSE;
* Given two points on a unit sphere, calculate their distance apart in radians.
double sphere_distance(GEOGRAPHIC_POINT s, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT e)
double latS =;
double latE =;
double dlng = e.lon - s.lon;
double a1 = pow(cos(latE) * sin(dlng), 2.0);
double a2 = pow(cos(latS) * sin(latE) - sin(latS) * cos(latE) * cos(dlng), 2.0);
double a = sqrt(a1 + a2);
double b = sin(latS) * sin(latE) + cos(latS) * cos(latE) * cos(dlng);
return atan2(a, b);
* Given two points on a unit sphere, calculate the direction from s to e.
double sphere_direction(GEOGRAPHIC_POINT s, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT e)
double latS =;
double latE = e.lon;
double dlng = - s.lon;
double heading = atan2(sin(dlng) * cos(latE),
cos(latS) * sin(latE) -
sin(latS) * cos(latE) * cos(dlng)) / M_PI;
return heading;
* Returns true if the point p is on the minor edge defined by the
* end points of e.
int edge_contains_point(GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE e, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT p)
if ( edge_point_in_cone(e, p) && edge_point_on_plane(e, p) )
LWDEBUG(4, "point is on edge");
return LW_TRUE;
LWDEBUG(4, "point is not on edge");
return LW_FALSE;
* Used in great circle to compute the pole of the great circle.
double z_to_latitude(double z, int top)
double sign = signum(z);
double tlat = acos(z);
LWDEBUGF(4, "inputs: z(%.8g) sign(%.8g) tlat(%.8g)", z, sign, tlat);
if (FP_IS_ZERO(z))
if (top) return M_PI_2;
else return -1.0 * M_PI_2;
if (fabs(tlat) > M_PI_2 )
tlat = sign * (M_PI - fabs(tlat));
tlat = sign * tlat;
LWDEBUGF(4, "output: tlat(%.8g)", tlat);
return tlat;
* Computes the pole of the great circle disk which is the intersection of
* the great circle with the line of maximum/minimum gradiant that lies on
* the great circle plane.
int clairaut_cartesian(POINT3D start, POINT3D end, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g_top, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g_bottom)
POINT3D t1, t2;
LWDEBUG(4,"entering function");
unit_normal(start, end, &t1);
unit_normal(end, start, &t2);
LWDEBUGF(4, "unit normal t1 == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", t1.x, t1.y, t1.z);
LWDEBUGF(4, "unit normal t2 == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", t2.x, t2.y, t2.z);
cart2geog(t1, &vN1);
cart2geog(t2, &vN2);
g_top->lat = z_to_latitude(t1.z,LW_TRUE);
g_top->lon = vN2.lon;
g_bottom->lat = z_to_latitude(t2.z,LW_FALSE);
g_bottom->lon = vN1.lon;
LWDEBUGF(4, "clairaut top == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g)", g_top->lat, g_top->lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "clairaut bottom == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g)", g_bottom->lat, g_bottom->lon);
return G_SUCCESS;
* Computes the pole of the great circle disk which is the intersection of
* the great circle with the line of maximum/minimum gradiant that lies on
* the great circle plane.
int clairaut_geographic(GEOGRAPHIC_POINT start, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT end, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g_top, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g_bottom)
POINT3D t1, t2;
LWDEBUG(4,"entering function");
robust_cross_product(start, end, &t1);
robust_cross_product(end, start, &t2);
LWDEBUGF(4, "unit normal t1 == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", t1.x, t1.y, t1.z);
LWDEBUGF(4, "unit normal t2 == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", t2.x, t2.y, t2.z);
cart2geog(t1, &vN1);
cart2geog(t2, &vN2);
g_top->lat = z_to_latitude(t1.z,LW_TRUE);
g_top->lon = vN2.lon;
g_bottom->lat = z_to_latitude(t2.z,LW_FALSE);
g_bottom->lon = vN1.lon;
LWDEBUGF(4, "clairaut top == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g)", g_top->lat, g_top->lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "clairaut bottom == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g)", g_bottom->lat, g_bottom->lon);
return G_SUCCESS;
* Returns true if an intersection can be calculated, and places it in *g.
* Returns false otherwise.
POINT3D ea, eb, v;
robust_cross_product(e1.start, e1.end, &ea);
robust_cross_product(e2.start, e2.end, &eb);
if( FP_EQUALS(fabs(dot_product(ea, eb)), 1.0) )
/* Parallel (maybe equal) edges! */
/* Hack alert, only returning ONE end of the edge right now, most do better later. */
if ( edge_contains_point(e1, e2.start) )
*g = e2.start;
return LW_TRUE;
if ( edge_contains_point(e1, e2.end) )
*g = e2.end;
return LW_TRUE;
if ( edge_contains_point(e2, e1.start) )
*g = e2.start;
return LW_TRUE;
if ( edge_contains_point(e2, e1.end) )
*g = e2.end;
return LW_TRUE;
LWDEBUGF(4, "e1 cross product == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", ea.x, ea.y, ea.z);
LWDEBUGF(4, "e2 cross product == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", eb.x, eb.y, eb.z);
unit_normal(ea, eb, &v);
LWDEBUGF(4, "v == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", v.x, v.y, v.z);
g->lat = atan2(v.z, sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y));
g->lon = atan2(v.y, v.x);
LWDEBUGF(4, "g == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g)", g->lat, g->lon);
if ( edge_contains_point(e1, *g) && edge_contains_point(e2, *g) )
return LW_TRUE;
g->lat = -1.0 * g->lat;
g->lon = g->lon + M_PI;
if ( g->lon > M_PI )
g->lon = -1.0 * (2.0 * M_PI - g->lon);
if ( edge_contains_point(e1, *g) && edge_contains_point(e2, *g) )
return LW_TRUE;
return LW_FALSE;
* Given a starting location r, a distance and an azimuth
* to the new point, compute the location of the projected point on the unit sphere.
int sphere_project(GEOGRAPHIC_POINT r, double distance, double azimuth, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *n)
double d = distance;
double lat1 =;
double a = cos(lat1) * cos(d) - sin(lat1) * sin(d) * cos(azimuth);
double b = signum(d) * sin(azimuth);
n->lat = asin(sin(lat1) * cos(d) +
cos(lat1) * sin(d) * cos(azimuth));
n->lon = atan(b/a) + r.lon;
return G_SUCCESS;
int edge_calculate_gbox_slow(GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE e, GBOX *gbox)
int steps = 1000000;
int i;
double dx, dy, dz;
double distance = sphere_distance(e.start, e.end);
POINT3D pn, p, start, end;
/* Edge is zero length, just return the naive box */
if ( FP_IS_ZERO(distance) )
LWDEBUG(4, "edge is zero length. returning");
geog2cart(e.start, &start);
geog2cart(e.end, &end);
gbox->xmin = FP_MIN(start.x, end.x);
gbox->ymin = FP_MIN(start.y, end.y);
gbox->zmin = FP_MIN(start.z, end.z);
gbox->xmax = FP_MAX(start.x, end.x);
gbox->ymax = FP_MAX(start.y, end.y);
gbox->zmax = FP_MAX(start.z, end.z);
return G_SUCCESS;
/* Edge is antipodal (one point on each side of the globe),
set the box to contain the whole world and return */
if ( FP_EQUALS(distance, M_PI) )
LWDEBUG(4, "edge is antipodal. setting to maximum size box, and returning");
gbox->xmin = gbox->ymin = gbox->zmin = -1.0;
gbox->xmax = gbox->ymax = gbox->zmax = 1.0;
return G_SUCCESS;
/* Walk along the chord between start and end incrementally,
normalizing at each step. Only corner case occurs if path
passes through 0,0,0 (as the normalization will return zero)
but the box should always have extrema beyond that. */
geog2cart(e.start, &start);
geog2cart(e.end, &end);
dx = (end.x - start.x)/steps;
dy = (end.y - start.y)/steps;
dz = (end.z - start.z)/steps;
p = start;
gbox->xmin = gbox->xmax = p.x;
gbox->ymin = gbox->ymax = p.y;
gbox->zmin = gbox->zmax = p.z;
for ( i = 0; i < steps; i++ )
p.x += dx;
p.y += dy;
p.z += dz;
pn = p;
gbox_merge_point3d(pn, gbox);
return G_SUCCESS;
* The magic function, given an edge in spherical coordinates, calculate a
* 3D bounding box that fully contains it, taking into account the curvature
* of the sphere on which it is inscribed. Note special case testing
* for edges over poles and fully around the globe. An edge is assumed
* to follow the shortest great circle route between the end points.
int edge_calculate_gbox(GEOGRAPHIC_EDGE e, GBOX *gbox)
double deltaLongitude;
double distance = sphere_distance(e.start, e.end);
int flipped_longitude = LW_FALSE;
int gimbal_lock = LW_FALSE;
POINT3D p, start, end, startXZ, endXZ, startYZ, endYZ, nT1, nT2;
/* We're testing, do this the slow way. */
if (gbox_geocentric_slow)
return edge_calculate_gbox_slow(e, gbox);
/* Initialize our working copy of the edge */
g = e;
LWDEBUG(4, "entered function");
LWDEBUGF(4, "edge length: %.8g", distance);
LWDEBUGF(4, "edge values: (%.6g %.6g, %.6g %.6g)", g.start.lon,, g.end.lon,;
/* Edge is zero length, just return the naive box */
if ( FP_IS_ZERO(distance) )
LWDEBUG(4, "edge is zero length. returning");
geog2cart(g.start, &start);
geog2cart(g.end, &end);
gbox->xmin = FP_MIN(start.x, end.x);
gbox->ymin = FP_MIN(start.y, end.y);
gbox->zmin = FP_MIN(start.z, end.z);
gbox->xmax = FP_MAX(start.x, end.x);
gbox->ymax = FP_MAX(start.y, end.y);
gbox->zmax = FP_MAX(start.z, end.z);
return G_SUCCESS;
/* Edge is antipodal (one point on each side of the globe),
set the box to contain the whole world and return */
if ( FP_EQUALS(distance, M_PI) )
LWDEBUG(4, "edge is antipodal. setting to maximum size box, and returning");
gbox->xmin = gbox->ymin = gbox->zmin = -1.0;
gbox->xmax = gbox->ymax = gbox->zmax = 1.0;
return G_SUCCESS;
/* Calculate the difference in longitude between the two points. */
if ( signum(g.start.lon) == signum(g.end.lon) )
deltaLongitude = fabs(fabs(g.start.lon) - fabs(g.end.lon));
LWDEBUG(4, "edge does not cross dateline (start.lon same sign as end.long)");
double dl = fabs(g.start.lon) + fabs(g.end.lon);
/* Less then a hemisphere apart */
if ( dl < M_PI )
deltaLongitude = dl;
LWDEBUG(4, "edge does not cross dateline");
/* Exactly a hemisphere apart */
else if ( FP_EQUALS( dl, M_PI ) )
deltaLongitude = M_PI;
LWDEBUG(4, "edge points are 180d apart");
/* More than a hemisphere apart, return the other half of the sphere
and note that we are crossing the dateline */
flipped_longitude = LW_TRUE;
deltaLongitude = dl - M_PI;
LWDEBUG(4, "edge crosses dateline");
LWDEBUGF(4, "longitude delta is %g", deltaLongitude);
/* If we are crossing the dateline, flip the calculation to the other
side of the globe. We'll flip our output box back at the end of the
calculation. */
if ( flipped_longitude )
LWDEBUG(4, "reversing longitudes");
if ( g.start.lon > 0.0 )
g.start.lon -= M_PI;
g.start.lon += M_PI;
if ( g.end.lon > 0.0 )
g.end.lon -= M_PI;
g.end.lon += M_PI;
LWDEBUGF(4, "edge values: (%.6g %.6g, %.6g %.6g)", g.start.lon,, g.end.lon,;
/* Initialize box with the start and end points of the edge. */
geog2cart(g.start, &start);
geog2cart(g.end, &end);
gbox->xmin = FP_MIN(start.x, end.x);
gbox->ymin = FP_MIN(start.y, end.y);
gbox->zmin = FP_MIN(start.z, end.z);
gbox->xmax = FP_MAX(start.x, end.x);
gbox->ymax = FP_MAX(start.y, end.y);
gbox->zmax = FP_MAX(start.z, end.z);
LWDEBUGF(4, "initialized gbox: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
/* Check for pole crossings. */
if ( FP_EQUALS(deltaLongitude, M_PI) )
/* Crosses the north pole, adjust box to contain pole */
if ( ( + > 0.0 )
LWDEBUG(4, "edge crosses north pole");
gbox->zmax = 1.0;
/* Crosses the south pole, adjust box to contain pole */
LWDEBUG(4, "edge crosses south pole");
gbox->zmin = -1.0;
/* How about maximal latitudes in this great circle. Are any
of them contained within this arc? */
LWDEBUG(4, "not a pole crossing, calculating clairaut points");
clairaut_cartesian(start, end, &vT1, &vT2);
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT1 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT1.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT2 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT2.lon);
if ( edge_contains_point(g, vT1) )
geog2cart(vT1, &p);
LWDEBUGF(4, "p == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", p.x, p.y, p.z);
gbox_merge_point3d(p, gbox);
LWDEBUG(4, "edge contained vT1");
LWDEBUGF(4, "gbox: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
else if ( edge_contains_point(g, vT2) )
geog2cart(vT2, &p);
LWDEBUGF(4, "p == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", p.x, p.y, p.z);
gbox_merge_point3d(p, gbox);
LWDEBUG(4, "edge contained vT2");
LWDEBUGF(4, "gbox: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
/* Flip the X axis to Z and check for maximal latitudes again. */
LWDEBUG(4, "flipping x to z and calculating clairaut points");
startXZ = start;
endXZ = end;
clairaut_cartesian(startXZ, endXZ, &vT1, &vT2);
gimbal_lock = LW_FALSE;
LWDEBUG(4, "vT1/vT2 before flipping back z to x");
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT1 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT1.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT2 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT2.lon);
if ( FP_IS_ZERO( )
gimbal_lock = LW_TRUE;
geog2cart(vT1, &nT1);
geog2cart(vT2, &nT2);
cart2geog(nT1, &vT1);
cart2geog(nT2, &vT2);
LWDEBUG(4, "vT1/vT2 after flipping back z to x");
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT1 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT1.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT2 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT2.lon);
if ( gimbal_lock )
LWDEBUG(4, "gimbal lock");
vT1.lon = 0.0;
vT2.lon = M_PI;
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT1 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT1.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT2 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT2.lon);
/* For extra logging if needed
geog2cart(vT1, &nT1);
geog2cart(vT2, &nT2);
LWDEBUGF(4, "p1 == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", nT1.x, nT1.y, nT1.z);
LWDEBUGF(4, "p2 == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", nT2.x, nT2.y, nT2.z);
if ( edge_contains_point(g, vT1) )
geog2cart(vT1, &p);
LWDEBUGF(4, "p == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", p.x, p.y, p.z);
gbox_merge_point3d(p, gbox);
LWDEBUG(4, "edge contained vT1");
LWDEBUGF(4, "gbox: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
else if ( edge_contains_point(g, vT2) )
geog2cart(vT2, &p);
LWDEBUGF(4, "p == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", p.x, p.y, p.z);
gbox_merge_point3d(p, gbox);
LWDEBUG(4, "edge contained vT2");
LWDEBUGF(4, "gbox: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
/* Flip the Y axis to Z and check for maximal latitudes again. */
LWDEBUG(4, "flipping y to z and calculating clairaut points");
startYZ = start;
endYZ = end;
clairaut_cartesian(startYZ, endYZ, &vT1, &vT2);
gimbal_lock = LW_FALSE;
LWDEBUG(4, "vT1/vT2 before flipping back z to y");
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT1 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT1.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT2 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT2.lon);
if ( FP_IS_ZERO( )
gimbal_lock = LW_TRUE;
geog2cart(vT1, &nT1);
geog2cart(vT2, &nT2);
cart2geog(nT1, &vT1);
cart2geog(nT2, &vT2);
LWDEBUG(4, "vT1/vT2 after flipping back z to y");
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT1 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT1.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT2 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT2.lon);
if ( gimbal_lock )
LWDEBUG(4, "gimbal lock");
vT1.lon = M_PI_2;
vT2.lon = -1.0 * M_PI_2;
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT1 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT1.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "vT2 == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, vT2.lon);
/* For extra logging if needed
geog2cart(vT1, &nT1);
geog2cart(vT2, &nT2);
LWDEBUGF(4, "p1 == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", nT1.x, nT1.y, nT1.z);
LWDEBUGF(4, "p2 == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", nT2.x, nT2.y, nT2.z);
if ( edge_contains_point(g, vT1) )
geog2cart(vT1, &p);
LWDEBUGF(4, "p == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", p.x, p.y, p.z);
gbox_merge_point3d(p, gbox);
LWDEBUG(4, "edge contained vT1");
LWDEBUGF(4, "gbox: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
else if ( edge_contains_point(g, vT2) )
geog2cart(vT2, &p);
LWDEBUGF(4, "p == POINT(%.8g %.8g %.8g)", p.x, p.y, p.z);
gbox_merge_point3d(p, gbox);
LWDEBUG(4, "edge contained vT2");
LWDEBUGF(4, "gbox: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
/* Our cartesian gbox is complete!
If we flipped our longitudes at the start, n
now we have to flip our cartesian box. */
if ( flipped_longitude )
double tmp;
LWDEBUG(4, "flipping cartesian box back");
LWDEBUGF(4, "gbox before: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
tmp = gbox->xmax;
gbox->xmax = -1.0 * gbox->xmin;
gbox->xmin = -1.0 * tmp;
tmp = gbox->ymax;
gbox->ymax = -1.0 * gbox->ymin;
gbox->ymin = -1.0 * tmp;
LWDEBUGF(4, "gbox after: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
LWDEBUGF(4, "final gbox: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
return G_SUCCESS;
* This function can only be used on LWGEOM that is built on top of
* GSERIALIZED, otherwise alignment errors will ensue.
int getPoint2d_p_ro(const POINTARRAY *pa, int n, POINT2D **point)
uchar *pa_ptr = NULL;
assert(n >= 0);
assert(n < pa->npoints);
pa_ptr = getPoint_internal(pa, n);
//printf( "pa_ptr[0]: %g\n", *((double*)pa_ptr));
*point = (POINT2D*)pa_ptr;
return G_SUCCESS;
int ptarray_calculate_gbox_geodetic(POINTARRAY *pa, GBOX *gbox)
int i;
int first = LW_TRUE;
POINT2D start_pt;
POINT2D end_pt;
GBOX edge_gbox;
edge_gbox.flags = gbox->flags;
if ( pa->npoints == 0 ) return G_FAILURE;
if ( pa->npoints == 1 )
POINT2D in_pt;
POINT3D out_pt;
getPoint2d_p(pa, 0, &in_pt);
gp.lon = deg2rad(in_pt.x); = deg2rad(in_pt.y);
geog2cart(gp, &out_pt);
gbox->xmin = gbox->xmax = out_pt.x;
gbox->ymin = gbox->ymax = out_pt.y;
gbox->zmin = gbox->zmax = out_pt.z;
return G_SUCCESS;
for ( i = 1; i < pa->npoints; i++ )
getPoint2d_p(pa, i-1, &start_pt);
getPoint2d_p(pa, i, &end_pt);
edge.start.lon = deg2rad(start_pt.x); = deg2rad(start_pt.y);
edge.end.lon = deg2rad(end_pt.x); = deg2rad(end_pt.y);
edge_calculate_gbox(edge, &edge_gbox);
LWDEBUGF(4, "edge_gbox: %s", gbox_to_string(&edge_gbox));
/* Initialize the box */
if ( first )
LWDEBUGF(4, "gbox_duplicate: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
first = LW_FALSE;
/* Expand the box where necessary */
gbox_merge(edge_gbox, gbox);
LWDEBUGF(4, "gbox_merge: %s", gbox_to_string(gbox));
return G_SUCCESS;
static int lwpoint_calculate_gbox_geodetic(LWPOINT *point, GBOX *gbox)
if ( ptarray_calculate_gbox_geodetic(point->point, gbox) == G_FAILURE )
return G_FAILURE;
return G_SUCCESS;
static int lwline_calculate_gbox_geodetic(LWLINE *line, GBOX *gbox)
if ( ptarray_calculate_gbox_geodetic(line->points, gbox) == G_FAILURE )
return G_FAILURE;
return G_SUCCESS;
static int lwpolygon_calculate_gbox_geodetic(LWPOLY *poly, GBOX *gbox)
GBOX ringbox;
int i;
int first = LW_TRUE;
if ( poly->nrings == 0 )
return G_FAILURE;
ringbox.flags = gbox->flags;
for ( i = 0; i < poly->nrings; i++ )
if ( ptarray_calculate_gbox_geodetic(poly->rings[i], &ringbox) == G_FAILURE )
return G_FAILURE;
if ( first )
gbox_duplicate(ringbox, gbox);
first = LW_FALSE;
gbox_merge(ringbox, gbox);
/* If the box wraps a poly, push that axis to the absolute min/max as appropriate */
return G_SUCCESS;
static int lwcollection_calculate_gbox_geodetic(LWCOLLECTION *coll, GBOX *gbox)
GBOX subbox;
int i;
int result = G_FAILURE;
int first = LW_TRUE;
if ( coll->ngeoms == 0 )
return G_FAILURE;
subbox.flags = gbox->flags;
for ( i = 0; i < coll->ngeoms; i++ )
if ( lwgeom_calculate_gbox_geodetic((LWGEOM*)(coll->geoms[i]), &subbox) == G_FAILURE )
if ( first )
gbox_duplicate(subbox, gbox);
first = LW_FALSE;
gbox_merge(subbox, gbox);
result = G_SUCCESS;
return result;
int lwgeom_calculate_gbox_geodetic(const LWGEOM *geom, GBOX *gbox)
int result = G_FAILURE;
LWDEBUGF(4, "got type %d", TYPE_GETTYPE(geom->type));
if ( ! FLAGS_GET_GEODETIC(gbox->flags) )
lwerror("lwgeom_get_gbox_geodetic: non-geodetic gbox provided");
switch (TYPE_GETTYPE(geom->type))
result = lwpoint_calculate_gbox_geodetic((LWPOINT*)geom, gbox);
result = lwline_calculate_gbox_geodetic((LWLINE *)geom, gbox);
result = lwpolygon_calculate_gbox_geodetic((LWPOLY *)geom, gbox);
result = lwcollection_calculate_gbox_geodetic((LWCOLLECTION *)geom, gbox);
lwerror("unsupported input geometry type: %d", TYPE_GETTYPE(geom->type));
return result;
static int ptarray_check_geodetic(POINTARRAY *pa)
int t;
for (t=0; t<pa->npoints; t++)
getPoint2d_p(pa, t, &pt);
//printf( "%d (%g, %g)\n", t, pt.x, pt.y);
if ( pt.x < -180.0 || pt.y < -90.0 || pt.x > 180.0 || pt.y > 90.0 )
return LW_FALSE;
return LW_TRUE;
static int lwpoint_check_geodetic(LWPOINT *point)
return ptarray_check_geodetic(point->point);
static int lwline_check_geodetic(LWLINE *line)
return ptarray_check_geodetic(line->points);
static int lwpoly_check_geodetic(LWPOLY *poly)
int i = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < poly->nrings; i++ )
if ( ptarray_check_geodetic(poly->rings[i]) == LW_FALSE )
return LW_FALSE;
return LW_TRUE;
static int lwcollection_check_geodetic(LWCOLLECTION *col)
int i = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < col->ngeoms; i++ )
if ( lwgeom_check_geodetic(col->geoms[i]) == LW_FALSE )
return LW_FALSE;
return LW_TRUE;
int lwgeom_check_geodetic(const LWGEOM *geom)
switch (TYPE_GETTYPE(geom->type))
return lwpoint_check_geodetic((LWPOINT *)geom);
return lwline_check_geodetic((LWLINE *)geom);
return lwpoly_check_geodetic((LWPOLY *)geom);
return lwcollection_check_geodetic((LWCOLLECTION *)geom);
lwerror("unsupported input geometry type: %d", TYPE_GETTYPE(geom->type));
return LW_FALSE;