2009-04-05 16:48:11 +00:00

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* $Id$
* PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
* Copyright 2001-2006 Refractions Research Inc.
* This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "liblwgeom.h"
* pt_in_ring_2d(): crossing number test for a point in a polygon
* input: p = a point,
* pa = vertex points of a ring V[n+1] with V[n]=V[0]
* returns: 0 = outside, 1 = inside
* Our polygons have first and last point the same,
int pt_in_ring_2d(POINT2D *p, POINTARRAY *ring)
int cn = 0; /* the crossing number counter */
int i;
POINT2D v1, v2;
POINT2D first, last;
getPoint2d_p(ring, 0, &first);
getPoint2d_p(ring, ring->npoints-1, &last);
if ( memcmp(&first, &last, sizeof(POINT2D)) )
lwerror("pt_in_ring_2d: V[n] != V[0] (%g %g != %g %g)",
first.x, first.y, last.x, last.y);
LWDEBUGF(2, "pt_in_ring_2d called with point: %g %g", p->x, p->y);
/* printPA(ring); */
/* loop through all edges of the polygon */
getPoint2d_p(ring, 0, &v1);
for (i=0; i<ring->npoints-1; i++)
double vt;
getPoint2d_p(ring, i+1, &v2);
/* edge from vertex i to vertex i+1 */
/* an upward crossing */
((v1.y <= p->y) && (v2.y > p->y))
/* a downward crossing */
|| ((v1.y > p->y) && (v2.y <= p->y))
vt = (double)(p->y - v1.y) / (v2.y - v1.y);
/* P.x <intersect */
if (p->x < v1.x + vt * (v2.x - v1.x))
/* a valid crossing of y=p.y right of p.x */
v1 = v2;
LWDEBUGF(3, "pt_in_ring_2d returning %d", cn&1);
return (cn&1); /* 0 if even (out), and 1 if odd (in) */
double distance2d_pt_pt(POINT2D *p1, POINT2D *p2)
double hside = p2->x - p1->x;
double vside = p2->y - p1->y;
return sqrt ( hside*hside + vside*vside );
/* the above is more readable
return sqrt(
(p2->x-p1->x) * (p2->x-p1->x) + (p2->y-p1->y) * (p2->y-p1->y)
); */
/*distance2d from p to line A->B */
double distance2d_pt_seg(POINT2D *p, POINT2D *A, POINT2D *B)
double r,s;
/*if start==end, then use pt distance */
if ( ( A->x == B->x) && (A->y == B->y) )
return distance2d_pt_pt(p,A);
* otherwise, we use
* Frequently Asked Questions method
* (1) AC dot AB
* r = ---------
* ||AB||^2
* r has the following meaning:
* r=0 P = A
* r=1 P = B
* r<0 P is on the backward extension of AB
* r>1 P is on the forward extension of AB
* 0<r<1 P is interior to AB
r = ( (p->x-A->x) * (B->x-A->x) + (p->y-A->y) * (B->y-A->y) )/( (B->x-A->x)*(B->x-A->x) +(B->y-A->y)*(B->y-A->y) );
if (r<0) return distance2d_pt_pt(p,A);
if (r>1) return distance2d_pt_pt(p,B);
* (2)
* (Ay-Cy)(Bx-Ax)-(Ax-Cx)(By-Ay)
* s = -----------------------------
* L^2
* Then the distance from C to P = |s|*L.
s = ( (A->y-p->y)*(B->x-A->x)- (A->x-p->x)*(B->y-A->y) ) /
( (B->x-A->x)*(B->x-A->x) +(B->y-A->y)*(B->y-A->y) );
return LW_ABS(s) * sqrt(
(B->x-A->x)*(B->x-A->x) + (B->y-A->y)*(B->y-A->y)
/* find the minimum 2d distance from AB to CD */
double distance2d_seg_seg(POINT2D *A, POINT2D *B, POINT2D *C, POINT2D *D)
double s_top, s_bot,s;
double r_top, r_bot,r;
LWDEBUGF(2, "distance2d_seg_seg [%g,%g]->[%g,%g] by [%g,%g]->[%g,%g]",
A->x,A->y,B->x,B->y, C->x,C->y, D->x, D->y);
/*A and B are the same point */
if ( ( A->x == B->x) && (A->y == B->y) )
return distance2d_pt_seg(A,C,D);
/*U and V are the same point */
if ( ( C->x == D->x) && (C->y == D->y) )
return distance2d_pt_seg(D,A,B);
/* AB and CD are line segments */
/* from
Solving the above for r and s yields
r = ----------------------------- (eqn 1)
s = ----------------------------- (eqn 2)
Let P be the position vector of the intersection point, then
P=A+r(B-A) or
By examining the values of r & s, you can also determine some other limiting conditions:
If 0<=r<=1 & 0<=s<=1, intersection exists
r<0 or r>1 or s<0 or s>1 line segments do not intersect
If the denominator in eqn 1 is zero, AB & CD are parallel
If the numerator in eqn 1 is also zero, AB & CD are collinear.
r_top = (A->y-C->y)*(D->x-C->x) - (A->x-C->x)*(D->y-C->y) ;
r_bot = (B->x-A->x)*(D->y-C->y) - (B->y-A->y)*(D->x-C->x) ;
s_top = (A->y-C->y)*(B->x-A->x) - (A->x-C->x)*(B->y-A->y);
s_bot = (B->x-A->x)*(D->y-C->y) - (B->y-A->y)*(D->x-C->x);
if ( (r_bot==0) || (s_bot == 0) )
return (
s = s_top/s_bot;
r= r_top/r_bot;
if ((r<0) || (r>1) || (s<0) || (s>1) )
/*no intersection */
return (
return -0; /*intersection exists */
* search all the segments of pointarray to see which one is closest to p1
* Returns minimum distance between point and pointarray
double distance2d_pt_ptarray(POINT2D *p, POINTARRAY *pa)
double result = 0;
int t;
POINT2D start, end;
getPoint2d_p(pa, 0, &start);
for (t=1; t<pa->npoints; t++)
double dist;
getPoint2d_p(pa, t, &end);
dist = distance2d_pt_seg(p, &start, &end);
if (t==1) result = dist;
else result = LW_MIN(result, dist);
if ( result == 0 ) return 0;
start = end;
return result;
/* test each segment of l1 against each segment of l2. Return min */
double distance2d_ptarray_ptarray(POINTARRAY *l1, POINTARRAY *l2)
double result = 99999999999.9;
char result_okay = 0; /*result is a valid min */
int t,u;
POINT2D start, end;
POINT2D start2, end2;
LWDEBUGF(2, "distance2d_ptarray_ptarray called (points: %d-%d)",
l1->npoints, l2->npoints);
getPoint2d_p(l1, 0, &start);
for (t=1; t<l1->npoints; t++) /*for each segment in L1 */
getPoint2d_p(l1, t, &end);
getPoint2d_p(l2, 0, &start2);
for (u=1; u<l2->npoints; u++) /*for each segment in L2 */
double dist;
getPoint2d_p(l2, u, &end2);
dist = distance2d_seg_seg(&start, &end, &start2, &end2);
LWDEBUGF(4, "line_line; seg %i * seg %i, dist = %g\n",t,u,dist);
if (result_okay)
result = LW_MIN(result,dist);
result_okay = 1;
result = dist;
LWDEBUGF(3, " seg%d-seg%d dist: %f, mindist: %f",
t, u, dist, result);
if (result <= 0) return 0; /*intersection */
start2 = end2;
start = end;
return result;
/* true if point is in poly (and not in its holes) */
int pt_in_poly_2d(POINT2D *p, LWPOLY *poly)
int i;
/* Not in outer ring */
if ( ! pt_in_ring_2d(p, poly->rings[0]) ) return 0;
/* Check holes */
for (i=1; i<poly->nrings; i++)
/* Inside a hole */
if ( pt_in_ring_2d(p, poly->rings[i]) ) return 0;
return 1; /* In outer ring, not in holes */
* Brute force.
* Test line-ring distance against each ring.
* If there's an intersection (distance==0) then return 0 (crosses boundary).
* Otherwise, test to see if any point is inside outer rings of polygon,
* but not in inner rings.
* If so, return 0 (line inside polygon),
* otherwise return min distance to a ring (could be outside
* polygon or inside a hole)
double distance2d_ptarray_poly(POINTARRAY *pa, LWPOLY *poly)
int i;
double mindist = 0;
LWDEBUGF(2, "distance2d_ptarray_poly called (%d rings)", poly->nrings);
for (i=0; i<poly->nrings; i++)
double dist = distance2d_ptarray_ptarray(pa, poly->rings[i]);
if (i) mindist = LW_MIN(mindist, dist);
else mindist = dist;
LWDEBUGF(3, " distance from ring %d: %f, mindist: %f",
i, dist, mindist);
if ( mindist <= 0 ) return 0.0; /* intersection */
* No intersection, have to check if a point is
* inside polygon
getPoint2d_p(pa, 0, &pt);
* Outside outer ring, so min distance to a ring
* is the actual min distance
if ( ! pt_in_ring_2d(&pt, poly->rings[0]) ) return mindist;
* Its in the outer ring.
* Have to check if its inside a hole
for (i=1; i<poly->nrings; i++)
if ( pt_in_ring_2d(&pt, poly->rings[i]) )
* Its inside a hole, then the actual
* distance is the min ring distance
return mindist;
return 0.0; /* Not in hole, so inside polygon */
double distance2d_point_point(LWPOINT *point1, LWPOINT *point2)
getPoint2d_p(point1->point, 0, &p1);
getPoint2d_p(point2->point, 0, &p2);
return distance2d_pt_pt(&p1, &p2);
double distance2d_point_line(LWPOINT *point, LWLINE *line)
POINTARRAY *pa = line->points;
getPoint2d_p(point->point, 0, &p);
return distance2d_pt_ptarray(&p, pa);
double distance2d_line_line(LWLINE *line1, LWLINE *line2)
POINTARRAY *pa1 = line1->points;
POINTARRAY *pa2 = line2->points;
return distance2d_ptarray_ptarray(pa1, pa2);
* 1. see if pt in outer boundary. if no, then treat the outer ring like a line
* 2. if in the boundary, test to see if its in a hole.
* if so, then return dist to hole, else return 0 (point in polygon)
double distance2d_point_poly(LWPOINT *point, LWPOLY *poly)
int i;
getPoint2d_p(point->point, 0, &p);
LWDEBUG(2, "distance2d_point_poly called");
/* Return distance to outer ring if not inside it */
if ( ! pt_in_ring_2d(&p, poly->rings[0]) )
LWDEBUG(3, " not inside outer-ring");
return distance2d_pt_ptarray(&p, poly->rings[0]);
* Inside the outer ring.
* Scan though each of the inner rings looking to
* see if its inside. If not, distance==0.
* Otherwise, distance = pt to ring distance
for (i=1; i<poly->nrings; i++)
/* Inside a hole. Distance = pt -> ring */
if ( pt_in_ring_2d(&p, poly->rings[i]) )
LWDEBUG(3, " inside an hole");
return distance2d_pt_ptarray(&p, poly->rings[i]);
LWDEBUG(3, " inside the polygon");
return 0.0; /* Is inside the polygon */
* Brute force.
* Test to see if any rings intersect.
* If yes, dist=0.
* Test to see if one inside the other and if they are inside holes.
* Find min distance ring-to-ring.
double distance2d_poly_poly(LWPOLY *poly1, LWPOLY *poly2)
double mindist = -1;
int i;
LWDEBUG(2, "distance2d_poly_poly called");
/* if poly1 inside poly2 return 0 */
getPoint2d_p(poly1->rings[0], 0, &pt);
if ( pt_in_poly_2d(&pt, poly2) ) return 0.0;
/* if poly2 inside poly1 return 0 */
getPoint2d_p(poly2->rings[0], 0, &pt);
if ( pt_in_poly_2d(&pt, poly1) ) return 0.0;
LWDEBUG(3, " polys not inside each other");
* foreach ring in Poly1
* foreach ring in Poly2
* if intersect, return 0
for (i=0; i<poly1->nrings; i++)
int j;
for (j=0; j<poly2->nrings; j++)
double d = distance2d_ptarray_ptarray(poly1->rings[i],
if ( d <= 0 ) return 0.0;
/* mindist is -1 when not yet set */
if (mindist > -1) mindist = LW_MIN(mindist, d);
else mindist = d;
LWDEBUGF(3, " ring%i-%i dist: %f, mindist: %f", i, j, d, mindist);
/* otherwise return closest approach of rings (no intersection) */
return mindist;
double distance2d_line_poly(LWLINE *line, LWPOLY *poly)
return distance2d_ptarray_poly(line->points, poly);
/*find the 2d length of the given POINTARRAY (even if it's 3d) */
double lwgeom_pointarray_length2d(POINTARRAY *pts)
double dist = 0.0;
int i;
POINT2D frm;
if ( pts->npoints < 2 ) return 0.0;
for (i=0; i<pts->npoints-1;i++)
getPoint2d_p(pts, i, &frm);
getPoint2d_p(pts, i+1, &to);
dist += sqrt( ( (frm.x - to.x)*(frm.x - to.x) ) +
((frm.y - to.y)*(frm.y - to.y) ) );
return dist;
* Find the 3d/2d length of the given POINTARRAY
* (depending on its dimensions)
lwgeom_pointarray_length(POINTARRAY *pts)
double dist = 0.0;
int i;
if ( pts->npoints < 2 ) return 0.0;
/* compute 2d length if 3d is not available */
if ( ! TYPE_HASZ(pts->dims) ) return lwgeom_pointarray_length2d(pts);
for (i=0; i<pts->npoints-1;i++)
getPoint3dz_p(pts, i, &frm);
getPoint3dz_p(pts, i+1, &to);
dist += sqrt( ( (frm.x - to.x)*(frm.x - to.x) ) +
((frm.y - to.y)*(frm.y - to.y) ) +
((frm.z - to.z)*(frm.z - to.z) ) );
return dist;
* This should be rewritten to make use of the curve itself.
lwgeom_curvepolygon_area(LWCURVEPOLY *curvepoly)
LWPOLY *poly = (LWPOLY *)lwgeom_segmentize((LWGEOM *)curvepoly, 32);
return lwgeom_polygon_area(poly);
* Find the area of the outer ring - sum (area of inner rings).
* Could use a more numerically stable calculator...
lwgeom_polygon_area(LWPOLY *poly)
double poly_area=0.0;
int i;
LWDEBUGF(2, "in lwgeom_polygon_area (%d rings)", poly->nrings);
for (i=0; i<poly->nrings; i++)
int j;
POINTARRAY *ring = poly->rings[i];
double ringarea = 0.0;
LWDEBUGF(4, " rings %d has %d points", i, ring->npoints);
for (j=0; j<ring->npoints-1; j++)
getPoint2d_p(ring, j, &p1);
getPoint2d_p(ring, j+1, &p2);
ringarea += ( p1.x * p2.y ) - ( p1.y * p2.x );
ringarea /= 2.0;
LWDEBUGF(4, " ring 1 has area %lf",ringarea);
ringarea = fabs(ringarea);
if (i != 0) /*outer */
ringarea = -1.0*ringarea ; /* its a hole */
poly_area += ringarea;
return poly_area;
* Compute the sum of polygon rings length.
* Could use a more numerically stable calculator...
double lwgeom_polygon_perimeter(LWPOLY *poly)
double result=0.0;
int i;
LWDEBUGF(2, "in lwgeom_polygon_perimeter (%d rings)", poly->nrings);
for (i=0; i<poly->nrings; i++)
result += lwgeom_pointarray_length(poly->rings[i]);
return result;
* Compute the sum of polygon rings length (forcing 2d computation).
* Could use a more numerically stable calculator...
double lwgeom_polygon_perimeter2d(LWPOLY *poly)
double result=0.0;
int i;
LWDEBUGF(2, "in lwgeom_polygon_perimeter (%d rings)", poly->nrings);
for (i=0; i<poly->nrings; i++)
result += lwgeom_pointarray_length2d(poly->rings[i]);
return result;
lwgeom_mindistance2d_recursive(uchar *lw1, uchar *lw2)
return lwgeom_mindistance2d_recursive_tolerance( lw1, lw2, 0.0 );
lwgeom_mindistance2d_recursive_tolerance(uchar *lw1, uchar *lw2, double tolerance)
int i, j;
double mindist = -1;
in1 = lwgeom_inspect(lw1);
in2 = lwgeom_inspect(lw2);
for (i=0; i<in1->ngeometries; i++)
uchar *g1 = lwgeom_getsubgeometry_inspected(in1, i);
int t1 = lwgeom_getType(g1[0]);
double dist=tolerance;
/* Argument 1 is a multitype... recurse */
if ( lwgeom_contains_subgeoms(t1) )
dist = lwgeom_mindistance2d_recursive_tolerance(g1, lw2, tolerance);
if ( dist <= tolerance ) return tolerance; /* can't be closer */
if ( mindist == -1 ) mindist = dist;
else mindist = LW_MIN(dist, mindist);
for (j=0; j<in2->ngeometries; j++)
uchar *g2 = lwgeom_getsubgeometry_inspected(in2, j);
int t2 = lwgeom_getType(g2[0]);
/* Argument 2 is a multitype... recurse */
if ( lwgeom_contains_subgeoms(t2) )
dist = lwgeom_mindistance2d_recursive_tolerance(g1, g2, tolerance);
if ( dist <= tolerance ) return tolerance; /* can't be closer */
if ( mindist == -1 ) mindist = dist;
else mindist = LW_MIN(dist, mindist);
if ( t1 == POINTTYPE )
if ( t2 == POINTTYPE )
dist = distance2d_point_point(
else if ( t2 == LINETYPE )
dist = distance2d_point_line(
else if ( t2 == POLYGONTYPE )
dist = distance2d_point_poly(
lwerror("Unsupported geometry type: %s", lwgeom_typename(t2));
else if ( t1 == LINETYPE )
if ( t2 == POINTTYPE )
dist = distance2d_point_line(
else if ( t2 == LINETYPE )
dist = distance2d_line_line(
else if ( t2 == POLYGONTYPE )
dist = distance2d_line_poly(
lwerror("Unsupported geometry type: %s", lwgeom_typename(t2));
else if ( t1 == POLYGONTYPE )
if ( t2 == POLYGONTYPE )
dist = distance2d_poly_poly(
else if ( t2 == POINTTYPE )
dist = distance2d_point_poly(
else if ( t2 == LINETYPE )
dist = distance2d_line_poly(
lwerror("Unsupported geometry type: %s", lwgeom_typename(t2));
// else if (lwgeom_contains_subgeoms(t1)) /* it's a multitype... recurse */
// {
// dist = lwgeom_mindistance2d_recursive_tolerance(g1, g2, tolerance);
// }
lwerror("Unsupported geometry type: %s", lwgeom_typename(t1));
if (mindist == -1 ) mindist = dist;
else mindist = LW_MIN(dist, mindist);
LWDEBUGF(3, "dist %d-%d: %f - mindist: %f",
i, j, dist, mindist);
if (mindist <= tolerance) return tolerance; /* can't be closer */
if (mindist<0) mindist = 0;
return mindist;
lwgeom_pt_inside_circle(POINT2D *p, double cx, double cy, double rad)
POINT2D center;
center.x = cx;
center.y = cy;
if ( distance2d_pt_pt(p, &center) < rad ) return 1;
else return 0;
* Compute the azimuth of segment AB in radians.
* Return 0 on exception (same point), 1 otherwise.
azimuth_pt_pt(POINT2D *A, POINT2D *B, double *d)
if ( A->x == B->x )
if ( A->y < B->y ) *d=0.0;
else if ( A->y > B->y ) *d=M_PI;
else return 0;
return 1;
if ( A->y == B->y )
if ( A->x < B->x ) *d=M_PI/2;
else if ( A->x > B->x ) *d=M_PI+(M_PI/2);
else return 0;
return 1;
if ( A->x < B->x )
if ( A->y < B->y )
*d=atan(fabs(A->x - B->x) / fabs(A->y - B->y) );
else /* ( A->y > B->y ) - equality case handled above */
*d=atan(fabs(A->y - B->y) / fabs(A->x - B->x) )
+ (M_PI/2);
else /* ( A->x > B->x ) - equality case handled above */
if ( A->y > B->y )
*d=atan(fabs(A->x - B->x) / fabs(A->y - B->y) )
+ M_PI;
else /* ( A->y < B->y ) - equality case handled above */
*d=atan(fabs(A->y - B->y) / fabs(A->x - B->x) )
+ (M_PI+(M_PI/2));
return 1;