Regina Obe 67ffd6f4a1 #2603: add weighted and mask args
git-svn-id: b70326c6-7e19-0410-871a-916f4a2858ee
2015-10-03 18:28:58 +00:00

14686 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chapter id="RT_reference">
<title>Raster Reference</title>
<para>The functions given below are the ones which a user of PostGIS Raster is
likely to need and which are currently available in PostGIS Raster. There are other functions which are required support
functions to the raster objects which are not of use to a general
<para><varname>raster</varname> is a new PostGIS type for storing and analyzing raster data. </para>
<para>For loading rasters from raster files please refer to <xref linkend="RT_Loading_Rasters" /></para>
<para>For the examples in this reference we will be using a raster table of dummy rasters - Formed with the following code </para>
<programlisting language="sql">CREATE TABLE dummy_rast(rid integer, rast raster);
INSERT INTO dummy_rast(rid, rast)
('01' -- little endian (uint8 ndr)
'0000' -- version (uint16 0)
'0000' -- nBands (uint16 0)
'0000000000000040' -- scaleX (float64 2)
'0000000000000840' -- scaleY (float64 3)
'000000000000E03F' -- ipX (float64 0.5)
'000000000000E03F' -- ipY (float64 0.5)
'0000000000000000' -- skewX (float64 0)
'0000000000000000' -- skewY (float64 0)
'00000000' -- SRID (int32 0)
'0A00' -- width (uint16 10)
'1400' -- height (uint16 20)
-- Raster: 5 x 5 pixels, 3 bands, PT_8BUI pixel type, NODATA = 0
(2, ('01000003009A9999999999A93F9A9999999999A9BF000000E02B274A' ||
'41000000007719564100000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFF050005000400FDFEFDFEFEFDFEFEFDF9FAFEF' ||
<sect1 id="Raster_Types">
<para>This section lists the PostgreSQL data types specifically created to support raster functionality.</para>
<title>Raster Support Data types</title>
<refentry id="geomval">
<refpurpose>A spatial datatype with two fields - geom (holding a geometry object)
and val (holding a double precision pixel value from a raster band).</refpurpose>
<para>geomval is a compound data type consisting of a geometry object referenced by the .geom field
and val, a double precision value that represents the pixel value at a particular geometric location in a raster band.
It is used by the ST_DumpAsPolygon and Raster intersection family of functions as an output type to explode a raster band into
geometry polygons.</para>
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="PostGIS_Geometry_DumpFunctions" /> </para>
<refentry id="addbandarg">
<refpurpose>A composite type used as input into the ST_AddBand function defining the attributes and initial value of the new band.</refpurpose>
A composite type used as input into the ST_AddBand function defining the attributes and initial value of the new band.
<parameter>index </parameter>
1-based value indicating the position where the new band will be added amongst the raster's bands. If NULL, the new band will be added at the end of the raster's bands.
<parameter>pixeltype </parameter>
Pixel type of the new band. One of defined pixel types as described in <xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />.
<parameter>initialvalue </parameter>
<type>double precision</type>
Initial value that all pixels of new band will be set to.
<parameter>nodataval </parameter>
<type>double precision</type>
NODATA value of the new band. If NULL, the new band will not have a NODATA value assigned.
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_AddBand" />
<refentry id="rastbandarg">
<refpurpose>A composite type for use when needing to express a raster and a band index of that raster.</refpurpose>
A composite type for use when needing to express a raster and a band index of that raster.
<parameter>rast </parameter>
The raster in question/
<parameter>nband </parameter>
1-based value indicating the band of raster
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />
<refentry id="raster">
<refpurpose>raster spatial data type.</refpurpose>
<para>raster is a spatial data type used to represent raster data such as those imported from jpegs, tiffs, pngs, digital elevation models.
Each raster has 1 or more bands each having a set of pixel values. Rasters can be georeferenced.</para>
<para>Requires PostGIS be compiled with GDAL support. Currently rasters can be implicitly converted to geometry type, but the conversion returns the
<xref linkend="RT_ST_ConvexHull" /> of the raster. This auto casting may be removed in the near future so don't rely on it.</para>
<title>Casting Behavior</title>
<para>This section lists the automatic as well as explicit casts allowed for this data type</para>
<informaltable rowsep="1" frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Cast To</entry>
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_reference" /></para>
<refentry id="reclassarg">
<refpurpose>A composite type used as input into the ST_Reclass function defining the behavior of reclassification.</refpurpose>
<para>A composite type used as input into the ST_Reclass function defining the behavior of reclassification.</para>
<term><parameter>nband </parameter><type>integer</type></term>
<listitem><para>The band number of band to reclassify.</para></listitem>
<term><parameter>reclassexpr </parameter><type>text</type></term>
<listitem><para>range expression consisting of comma delimited range:map_range mappings. : to define mapping that defines how to map old band values to new band values. ( means &gt;, ) means less than, ] &lt; or equal, [ means &gt; or equal</para>
<para><programlisting>1. [a-b] = a &lt;= x &lt;= b
2. (a-b] = a &lt; x &lt;= b
3. [a-b) = a &lt;= x &lt; b
4. (a-b) = a &lt; x &lt; b</programlisting></para>
<para>( notation is optional so a-b means the same as (a-b)</para>
<term><parameter>pixeltype </parameter><type>text</type></term>
<listitem><para>One of defined pixel types as described in <xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" /></para></listitem>
<term><parameter>nodataval </parameter><type>double precision</type></term>
<listitem><para>Value to treat as no data. For image outputs that support transparency, these will be blank.</para></listitem>
<title>Example: Reclassify band 2 as an 8BUI where 255 is nodata value</title>
<programlisting>SELECT ROW(2, '0-100:1-10, 101-500:11-150,501 - 10000: 151-254', '8BUI', 255)::reclassarg;</programlisting>
<title>Example: Reclassify band 1 as an 1BB and no nodata value defined</title>
<programlisting>SELECT ROW(1, '0-100]:0, (100-255:1', '1BB', NULL)::reclassarg;</programlisting>
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Reclass" /></para>
<refentry id="summarystats">
<refpurpose>A composite type returned by the ST_SummaryStats and ST_SummaryStatsAgg functions.</refpurpose>
A composite type returned by the <xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStats"/> and <xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStatsAgg"/> functions.
<parameter>count </parameter>
Number of pixels counted for the summary statistics.
<parameter>sum </parameter>
<type>double precision</type>
Sum of all counted pixel values.
<parameter>mean </parameter>
<type>double precision</type>
Arithmetic mean of all counted pixel values.
<parameter>stddev </parameter>
<type>double precision</type>
Standard deviation of all counted pixel values.
<parameter>min </parameter>
<type>double precision</type>
Minimum value of counted pixel values.
<parameter>max </parameter>
<type>double precision</type>
Maximum value of counted pixel values.
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStats" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStatsAgg" />
<refentry id="unionarg">
<refpurpose>A composite type used as input into the ST_Union function defining the bands to be processed and behavior of the UNION operation.</refpurpose>
A composite type used as input into the ST_Union function defining the bands to be processed and behavior of the UNION operation.
<parameter>nband </parameter>
1-based value indicating the band of each input raster to be processed.
<parameter>uniontype </parameter>
Type of UNION operation. One of defined types as described in <xref linkend="RT_ST_Union" />.
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Union" />
<sect1 id="Raster_Management_Functions">
<title>Raster Management</title>
<refentry id="RT_AddRasterConstraints">
<refpurpose>Adds raster constraints to a loaded raster table for a specific column that constrains spatial ref, scaling, blocksize, alignment, bands, band type and a flag to denote if raster column is regularly blocked. The table must be loaded with data for the constraints to be inferred. Returns true of the constraint setting was accomplished and if issues a notice.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>AddRasterConstraints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>AddRasterConstraints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>text[] </type>
<parameter>VARIADIC constraints</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>boolean <function>AddRasterConstraints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>text[] </type>
<parameter>VARIADIC constraints</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>boolean <function>AddRasterConstraints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<para>Generates constraints on a raster column that are used to display information in the <varname>raster_columns</varname> raster catalog.
The <varname>rastschema</varname> is the name of the table schema the table resides in. The <varname>srid</varname>
must be an integer value reference to an entry in the SPATIAL_REF_SYS
<para><varname>raster2pgsql</varname> loader uses this function to register raster tables</para>
<para>Valid constraint names to pass in: refer to <xref linkend="RT_Raster_Columns"/> for more details.</para>
<listitem><para><varname>blocksize</varname> sets both X and Y blocksize</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>blocksize_x</varname> sets X tile (width in pixels of each tile)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>blocksize_y</varname> sets Y tile (height in pixels of each tile)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>extent</varname> computes extent of whole table and applys constraint all rasters must be within that extent</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>num_bands</varname> number of bands</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>pixel_types</varname> reads array of pixel types for each band ensure all band n have same pixel type</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>regular_blocking</varname> sets spatially unique (no two rasters can be spatially the same) and coverage tile (raster is aligned to a coverage) constraints</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>same_alignment</varname> ensures they all have same alignment meaning any two tiles you compare will return true for. Refer to <xref linkend="RT_ST_SameAlignment" /></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>srid</varname> ensures all have same srid</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>More -- any listed as inputs into the above functions</para></listitem>
<para>This function infers the constraints from the data already present in the table. As such for it to work, you must create the raster column first
and then load it with data.
<para>If you need to load more data in your tables after you have already applied constraints, you may want to run the DropRasterConstraints
if the extent of your data has changed.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<title>Examples: Apply all possible constraints on column based on data</title>
<programlisting>CREATE TABLE myrasters(rid SERIAL primary key, rast raster);
INSERT INTO myrasters(rast)
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1000, 1000, 0.3, -0.3, 2, 2, 0, 0,4326), 1, '8BSI'::text, -129, NULL);
SELECT AddRasterConstraints('myrasters'::name, 'rast'::name);
-- verify if registered correctly in the raster_columns view --
SELECT srid, scale_x, scale_y, blocksize_x, blocksize_y, num_bands, pixel_types, nodata_values
FROM raster_columns
WHERE r_table_name = 'myrasters';
srid | scale_x | scale_y | blocksize_x | blocksize_y | num_bands | pixel_types| nodata_values
4326 | 2 | 2 | 1000 | 1000 | 1 | {8BSI} | {0}
<title>Examples: Apply single constraint</title>
<programlisting>CREATE TABLE public.myrasters2(rid SERIAL primary key, rast raster);
INSERT INTO myrasters2(rast)
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1000, 1000, 0.3, -0.3, 2, 2, 0, 0,4326), 1, '8BSI'::text, -129, NULL);
SELECT AddRasterConstraints('public'::name, 'myrasters2'::name, 'rast'::name,'regular_blocking', 'blocksize');
-- get notice--
NOTICE: Adding regular blocking constraint
NOTICE: Adding blocksize-X constraint
NOTICE: Adding blocksize-Y constraint</programlisting>
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_Raster_Columns"/>, <xref linkend="RT_ST_AddBand"/>, <xref linkend="RT_ST_MakeEmptyRaster"/>, <xref linkend="RT_DropRasterConstraints"/>, <xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SRID" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_DropRasterConstraints">
<refpurpose>Drops PostGIS raster constraints that refer to a raster table column. Useful if you need to reload data or update your raster column data.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>DropRasterConstraints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>DropRasterConstraints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>DropRasterConstraints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>text[] </type>
<para>Drops PostGIS raster constraints that refer to a raster table column that were added by <xref linkend="RT_AddRasterConstraints" />. Useful if you need to load more data or update your raster column data.
You do not need to do this if you want to get rid of a raster table or a raster column. </para>
<para>To drop a raster table use the standard <programlisting>DROP TABLE mytable</programlisting></para>
<para>To drop just a raster column and leave the rest of the table, use standard SQL <programlisting>ALTER TABLE mytable DROP COLUMN rast</programlisting></para>
<para>the table will disappear from the <varname>raster_columns</varname> catalog if the column or table is dropped. However if only the constraints are dropped, the
raster column will still be listed in the <varname>raster_columns</varname> catalog, but there will be no other information about it aside from the column name and table.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
SELECT DropRasterConstraints ('myrasters','rast');
----RESULT output ---
-- verify change in raster_columns --
SELECT srid, scale_x, scale_y, blocksize_x, blocksize_y, num_bands, pixel_types, nodata_values
FROM raster_columns
WHERE r_table_name = 'myrasters';
srid | scale_x | scale_y | blocksize_x | blocksize_y | num_bands | pixel_types| nodata_values
0 | | | | | | |
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_AddRasterConstraints"/></para>
<refentry id="RT_AddOverviewConstraints">
<refpurpose>Tag a raster column as being an overview of another.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>AddOverviewConstraints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>int </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>AddOverviewConstraints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>int </type>
Adds constraints on a raster column that are used to display information
in the <varname>raster_overviews</varname> raster catalog.
The <varname>ovfactor</varname> parameter represents the scale multiplier
in the overview column: higher overview factors have lower resolution.
When the <varname>ovschema</varname> and <varname>refschema</varname>
parameters are omitted, the first table found scanning the
<varname>search_path</varname> will be used.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1000, 1000, 0, 0, 2),
1, '8BSI'::text, -129, NULL
) r1;
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(500, 500, 0, 0, 4),
1, '8BSI'::text, -129, NULL
) r2;
SELECT AddOverviewConstraints('res2', 'r2', 'res1', 'r1', 2);
-- verify if registered correctly in the raster_overviews view --
SELECT o_table_name ot, o_raster_column oc,
r_table_name rt, r_raster_column rc,
overview_factor f
FROM raster_overviews WHERE o_table_name = 'res2';
ot | oc | rt | rc | f
res2 | r2 | res1 | r1 | 2
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_Raster_Overviews"/>,
<xref linkend="RT_DropOverviewConstraints"/>,
<xref linkend="RT_CreateOverview"/>,
<xref linkend="RT_AddRasterConstraints"/>
<refentry id="RT_DropOverviewConstraints">
<refpurpose>Untag a raster column from being an overview of another.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>DropOverviewConstraints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>DropOverviewConstraints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
<paramdef><type>name </type>
Remove from a raster column the constraints used to show it as
being an overview of another in the <varname>raster_overviews</varname>
raster catalog.
When the <varname>ovschema</varname> parameter is omitted,
the first table found scanning the <varname>search_path</varname>
will be used.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_Raster_Overviews"/>,
<xref linkend="RT_AddOverviewConstraints"/>,
<xref linkend="RT_DropRasterConstraints"/>
<refentry id="RT_PostGIS_GDAL_Version">
<refpurpose>Reports the version of the GDAL library in use by PostGIS.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>text <function>PostGIS_GDAL_Version</function></funcdef>
<para>Reports the version of the GDAL library in use by PostGIS. Will also check and report if GDAL can find its data files.</para>
SELECT PostGIS_GDAL_Version();
GDAL 1.11dev, released 2013/04/13
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="postgis_gdal_datapath" />
<refentry id="RT_PostGIS_Raster_Lib_Build_Date">
<refpurpose>Reports full raster library build date.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>text <function>PostGIS_Raster_Lib_Build_Date</function></funcdef>
<para>Reports raster build date</para>
<programlisting>SELECT PostGIS_Raster_Lib_Build_Date();
2010-04-28 21:15:10
<title>See Also</title>
<para> <xref linkend="RT_PostGIS_Raster_Lib_Version" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_PostGIS_Raster_Lib_Version">
<refpurpose>Reports full raster version and build configuration
<funcdef>text <function>PostGIS_Raster_Lib_Version</function></funcdef>
<para>Reports full raster version and build configuration
<programlisting>SELECT PostGIS_Raster_Lib_Version();
<title>See Also</title>
<para> <xref
linkend="PostGIS_Lib_Version" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_GDALDrivers">
<refpurpose>Returns a list of raster formats supported by your lib gdal. These are the formats you can output your raster using ST_AsGDALRaster.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>setof record <function>ST_GDALDrivers</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>OUT idx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>OUT short_name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>OUT long_name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>OUT create_options</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns a list of raster formats short_name,long_name and creator options of each format supported by your lib gdal. Use the short_name as input in the <varname>format</varname> parameter of <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" />.
Options vary depending on what drivers your libgdal was compiled with. <varname>create_options</varname> returns an xml formatted set of CreationOptionList/Option consisting of name and optional <varname>type</varname>, <varname>description</varname> and set of <varname>VALUE</varname> for each creator option for the specific driver.</para>
<para>Changed: 2.0.6, 2.1.3 - by default no drivers are enabled, unless GUC or Environment variable gdal_enabled_drivers is set.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 - requires GDAL &gt;= 1.6.0. </para>
<title>Examples: List of Drivers</title>
<programlisting>SET postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers = 'ENABLE_ALL';
SELECT short_name, long_name
FROM st_gdaldrivers()
ORDER BY short_name;
short_name | long_name
AAIGrid | Arc/Info ASCII Grid
ARG | Azavea Raster Grid format
DTED | DTED Elevation Raster
EHdr | ESRI .hdr Labelled
FIT | FIT Image
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
GPKG | GeoPackage
GS7BG | Golden Software 7 Binary Grid (.grd)
GSAG | Golden Software ASCII Grid (.grd)
GSBG | Golden Software Binary Grid (.grd)
GTiff | GeoTIFF
HF2 | HF2/HFZ heightfield raster
HFA | Erdas Imagine Images (.img)
ILWIS | ILWIS Raster Map
INGR | Intergraph Raster
LCP | FARSITE v.4 Landscape File (.lcp)
MFF | Vexcel MFF Raster
NITF | National Imagery Transmission Format
PNG | Portable Network Graphics
R | R Object Data Store
RST | Idrisi Raster A.1
SAGA | SAGA GIS Binary Grid (.sdat)
VRT | Virtual Raster
WMS | OGC Web Map Service
XPM | X11 PixMap Format
ZMap | ZMap Plus Grid
(31 rows)</programlisting>
<refsection><title>Example: List of options for each driver</title>
<programlisting>-- Output the create options XML column of JPEG as a table --
-- Note you can use these creator options in ST_AsGDALRaster options argument
SELECT (xpath('@name', g.opt))[1]::text As oname,
(xpath('@type', g.opt))[1]::text As otype,
(xpath('@description', g.opt))[1]::text As descrip
FROM (SELECT unnest(xpath('/CreationOptionList/Option', create_options::xml)) As opt
FROM st_gdaldrivers()
WHERE short_name = 'JPEG') As g;
oname | otype | descrip
PROGRESSIVE | boolean | whether to generate a progressive JPEG
QUALITY | int | good=100, bad=0, default=75
WORLDFILE | boolean | whether to geneate a worldfile
INTERNAL_MASK | boolean | whether to generate a validity mask
COMMENT | string | Comment
SOURCE_ICC_PROFILE | string | ICC profile encoded in Base64
EXIF_THUMBNAIL | boolean | whether to generate an EXIF thumbnail(overview).
By default its max dimension will be 128
THUMBNAIL_WIDTH | int | Forced thumbnail width
THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT | int | Forced thumbnail height
(9 rows)
-- raw xml output for creator options for GeoTiff --
SELECT create_options
FROM st_gdaldrivers()
WHERE short_name = 'GTiff';
<Option name="COMPRESS" type="string-select">
<Option name="PREDICTOR" type="int" description="Predictor Type"/>
<Option name="JPEG_QUALITY" type="int" description="JPEG quality 1-100" default="75"/>
<Option name="ZLEVEL" type="int" description="DEFLATE compression level 1-9" default="6"/>
<Option name="NBITS" type="int" description="BITS for sub-byte files (1-7), sub-uint16 (9-15), sub-uint32 (17-31)"/>
<Option name="INTERLEAVE" type="string-select" default="PIXEL">
<Option name="TILED" type="boolean" description="Switch to tiled format"/>
<Option name="TFW" type="boolean" description="Write out world file"/>
<Option name="RPB" type="boolean" description="Write out .RPB (RPC) file"/>
<Option name="BLOCKXSIZE" type="int" description="Tile Width"/>
<Option name="BLOCKYSIZE" type="int" description="Tile/Strip Height"/>
<Option name="PHOTOMETRIC" type="string-select">
<Option name="SPARSE_OK" type="boolean" description="Can newly created files have missing blocks?" default="FALSE"/>
<Option name="ALPHA" type="boolean" description="Mark first extrasample as being alpha"/>
<Option name="PROFILE" type="string-select" default="GDALGeoTIFF">
<Option name="PIXELTYPE" type="string-select">
<Option name="BIGTIFF" type="string-select" description="Force creation of BigTIFF file">
<Option name="ENDIANNESS" type="string-select" default="NATIVE" description="Force endianness of created file. For DEBUG purpose mostly">
<Option name="COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS" type="boolean" default="NO" description="Force copy of overviews of source dataset (CreateCopy())"/>
-- Output the create options XML column for GTiff as a table --
SELECT (xpath('@name', g.opt))[1]::text As oname,
(xpath('@type', g.opt))[1]::text As otype,
(xpath('@description', g.opt))[1]::text As descrip,
array_to_string(xpath('Value/text()', g.opt),', ') As vals
FROM (SELECT unnest(xpath('/CreationOptionList/Option', create_options::xml)) As opt
FROM st_gdaldrivers()
WHERE short_name = 'GTiff') As g;
oname | otype | descrip | vals
PREDICTOR | int | Predictor Type |
JPEG_QUALITY | int | JPEG quality 1-100 |
ZLEVEL | int | DEFLATE compression level 1-9 |
NBITS | int | BITS for sub-byte files (1-7), sub-uint16 (9-15), sub-uint32 (17-31) |
INTERLEAVE | string-select | | BAND, PIXEL
TILED | boolean | Switch to tiled format |
TFW | boolean | Write out world file |
RPB | boolean | Write out .RPB (RPC) file |
BLOCKXSIZE | int | Tile Width |
BLOCKYSIZE | int | Tile/Strip Height |
SPARSE_OK | boolean | Can newly created files have missing blocks? |
ALPHA | boolean | Mark first extrasample as being alpha |
PROFILE | string-select | | GDALGeoTIFF, GeoTIFF, BASELINE
BIGTIFF | string-select | Force creation of BigTIFF file | YES, NO, IF_NEEDED, IF_SAFER
ENDIANNESS | string-select | Force endianness of created file. For DEBUG purpose mostly | NATIVE, INVERTED, LITTLE, BIG
COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS | boolean | Force copy of overviews of source dataset (CreateCopy()) |
(19 rows)
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" />, <xref linkend="ST_SRID" />, <xref linkend="postgis_gdal_enabled_drivers" /> </para>
<refentry id="RT_UpdateRasterSRID">
Change the SRID of all rasters in the user-specified column and table.
<funcdef>raster <function>UpdateRasterSRID</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type> <parameter>schema_name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type> <parameter>table_name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type> <parameter>column_name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>new_srid</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>UpdateRasterSRID</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type> <parameter>table_name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type> <parameter>column_name</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>new_srid</parameter></paramdef>
Change the SRID of all rasters in the user-specified column and table. The function will drop all appropriate column constraints (extent, alignment and SRID) before changing the SRID of the specified column's rasters.
The data (band pixel values) of the rasters are not touched by this function. Only the raster's metadata is changed.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="UpdateGeometrySRID"/>
<refentry id="RT_CreateOverview">
Create an reduced resolution version of a given raster coverage.
<funcdef>regclass <function>ST_CreateOverview</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>regclass </type> <parameter>tab</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type> <parameter>col</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>int </type> <parameter>factor</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algo='NearestNeighbor'</parameter></paramdef>
Create an overview table with resampled tiles from the source table.
Output tiles will have the same size of input tiles and cover the same
spatial extent with a lower resolution (pixel size will be
1/<varname>factor</varname> of the original in both directions).
The overview table will be made available in the
<varname>raster_overviews</varname> catalog and will have raster
constraints enforced.
<para>Algorithm options are: 'NearestNeighbor', 'Bilinear', 'Cubic', 'CubicSpline', and 'Lanczos'. Refer to: <ulink url="">GDAL Warp resampling methods</ulink> for more details.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.2.0</para>
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_Retile"/>,
<xref linkend="RT_AddOverviewConstraints"/>,
<xref linkend="RT_AddRasterConstraints"/>,
<xref linkend="RT_Raster_Overviews"/>
<sect1 id="Raster_Constructors">
<title>Raster Constructors</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_AddBand">
Returns a raster with the new band(s) of given type added with given initial value in the given index location. If no index is specified, the band is added to the end.
<funcdef>(1) raster <function>ST_AddBand</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>addbandarg[] </type> <parameter>addbandargset</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>(2) raster <function>ST_AddBand</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>index</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>initialvalue=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>(3) raster <function>ST_AddBand</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>initialvalue=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>(4) raster <function>ST_AddBand</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>torast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>fromrast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>fromband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>torastindex=at_end</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>(5) raster <function>ST_AddBand</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>torast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster[] </type> <parameter>fromrasts</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>fromband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>torastindex=at_end</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>(6) raster <function>ST_AddBand</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>index</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>outdbfile</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[] </type> <parameter>outdbindex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>(7) raster <function>ST_AddBand</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>outdbfile</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[] </type> <parameter>outdbindex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>index=at_end</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
Returns a raster with a new band added in given position (index), of given type, of given initial value, and of given nodata value. If no index is specified, the band is added to the end. If no <varname>fromband</varname> is specified, band 1 is assumed. Pixel type is a string representation of one of the pixel types specified in <xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />. If an existing index is specified all subsequent bands >= that index are incremented by 1. If an initial value greater than the max of the pixel type is specified, then the initial value is set to the highest value allowed by the pixel type.
For the variant that takes an array of <xref linkend="addbandarg" /> (Variant 1), a specific addbandarg's index value is relative to the raster at the time when the band described by that addbandarg is being added to the raster. See the Multiple New Bands example below.
For the variant that takes an array of rasters (Variant 5), if <varname>torast</varname> is NULL then the <varname>fromband</varname> band of each raster in the array is accumulated into a new raster.
For the variants that take <varname>outdbfile</varname> (Variants 6 and 7), the value must include the full path to the raster file. The file must also be accessible to the postgres server process.
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 support for addbandarg added.</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 support for new out-db bands added.</para>
<title>Examples: Single New Band</title>
-- Add another band of type 8 bit unsigned integer with pixels initialized to 200
UPDATE dummy_rast
SET rast = ST_AddBand(rast,'8BUI'::text,200)
WHERE rid = 1;
-- Create an empty raster 100x100 units, with upper left right at 0, add 2 bands (band 1 is 0/1 boolean bit switch, band2 allows values 0-15)
-- uses addbandargs
INSERT INTO dummy_rast(rid,rast)
VALUES(10, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(100, 100, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
ROW(1, '1BB'::text, 0, NULL),
ROW(2, '4BUI'::text, 0, NULL)
-- output meta data of raster bands to verify all is right --
SELECT (bmd).*
FROM (SELECT ST_BandMetaData(rast,generate_series(1,2)) As bmd
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 10) AS foo;
--result --
pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
1BB | | f |
4BUI | | f |
-- output meta data of raster -
SELECT (rmd).width, (rmd).height, (rmd).numbands
FROM (SELECT ST_MetaData(rast) As rmd
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 10) AS foo;
-- result --
upperleftx | upperlefty | width | height | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy | srid | numbands
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2
<title>Examples: Multiple New Bands</title>
FROM ST_BandMetadata(
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10, 10, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
ROW(NULL, '8BUI', 255, 0),
ROW(NULL, '16BUI', 1, 2),
ROW(2, '32BUI', 100, 12),
ROW(2, '32BF', 3.14, -1)
bandnum | pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
1 | 8BUI | 0 | f |
2 | 32BF | -1 | f |
3 | 32BUI | 12 | f |
4 | 16BUI | 2 | f |
-- Aggregate the 1st band of a table of like rasters into a single raster
-- with as many bands as there are test_types and as many rows (new rasters) as there are mice
-- NOTE: The ORDER BY test_type is only supported in PostgreSQL 9.0+
-- for 8.4 and below it usually works to order your data in a subselect (but not guaranteed)
-- The resulting raster will have a band for each test_type alphabetical by test_type
-- For mouse lovers: No mice were harmed in this exercise
ST_AddBand(NULL, array_agg(rast ORDER BY test_type), 1) As rast
FROM mice_studies
GROUP BY mouse;
<title>Examples: New Out-db band</title>
FROM ST_BandMetadata(
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10, 10, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
'/home/raster/mytestraster.tif'::text, NULL::int[]
bandnum | pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
1 | 8BUI | | t | /home/raster/mytestraster.tif
2 | 8BUI | | t | /home/raster/mytestraster.tif
3 | 8BUI | | t | /home/raster/mytestraster.tif
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_BandMetaData" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MakeEmptyRaster" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MetaData" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Reclass" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_AsRaster">
<refpurpose>Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_AsRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>ref</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>value=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>touched=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_AsRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>ref</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>pixeltype=ARRAY['8BUI']</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>value=ARRAY[1]</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>nodataval=ARRAY[0]</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>touched=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_AsRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scaley</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>value=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>touched=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_AsRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scaley</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridx=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridy=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>pixeltype=ARRAY['8BUI']</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>value=ARRAY[1]</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>nodataval=ARRAY[0]</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>touched=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_AsRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scaley</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>value=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>upperleftx=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>upperlefty=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>touched=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_AsRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scaley</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[] </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>value=ARRAY[1]</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>nodataval=ARRAY[0]</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>upperleftx=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>upperlefty=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>touched=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_AsRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>value=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>touched=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_AsRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridx=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridy=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[] </type> <parameter>pixeltype=ARRAY['8BUI']</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>value=ARRAY[1]</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>nodataval=ARRAY[0]</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>touched=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_AsRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>value=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>upperleftx=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>upperlefty=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>touched=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_AsRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[] </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>value=ARRAY[1]</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>nodataval=ARRAY[0]</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>upperleftx=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>upperlefty=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>touched=false</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster. The many variants offers three groups of possibilities for setting the alignment and pixelsize of the resulting raster.</para>
<para>The first group, composed of the two first variants, produce a raster having the same alignment (<varname>scalex</varname>, <varname>scaley</varname>, <varname>gridx</varname> and <varname>gridy</varname>), pixel type and nodata value as the provided reference raster. You generally pass this reference raster by joining the table containing the geometry with the table containing the reference raster.</para>
<para>The second group, composed of four variants, let you set the dimensions of the raster by providing the parameters of a pixel size (<varname>scalex</varname> &amp; <varname>scaley</varname> and <varname>skewx</varname> &amp; <varname>skewy</varname>). The <varname>width</varname> &amp; <varname>height</varname> of the resulting raster will be adjusted to fit the extent of the geometry. In most cases, you must cast integer <varname>scalex</varname> &amp; <varname>scaley</varname> arguments to double precision so that PostgreSQL choose the right variant.</para>
<para>The third group, composed of four variants, let you fix the dimensions of the raster by providing the dimensions of the raster (<varname>width</varname> &amp; <varname>height</varname>). The parameters of the pixel size (<varname>scalex</varname> &amp; <varname>scaley</varname> and <varname>skewx</varname> &amp; <varname>skewy</varname>) of the resulting raster will be adjusted to fit the extent of the geometry.</para>
<para>The two first variants of each of those two last groups let you specify the alignment with an arbitrary corner of the alignment grid (<varname>gridx</varname> &amp; <varname>gridy</varname>) and the two last variants takes the upper left corner (<varname>upperleftx</varname> &amp; <varname>upperlefty</varname>).</para>
<para>Each group of variant allows producing a one band raster or a multiple bands raster. To produce a multiple bands raster, you must provide an array of pixel types (<varname>pixeltype[]</varname>), an array of initial values (<varname>value</varname>) and an array of nodata values (<varname>nodataval</varname>). If not provided pixeltyped defaults to 8BUI, values to 1 and nodataval to 0.</para>
<para>The output raster will be in the same spatial reference as the source geometry. The only exception is for variants with a reference raster. In this case the resulting raster will get the same SRID as the reference raster.</para>
<para>The optional <varname>touched</varname> parameter defaults to false and maps to the GDAL ALL_TOUCHED rasterization option, which determines if pixels touched by lines or polygons will be burned. Not just those on the line render path, or whose center point is within the polygon.</para>
<para>This is particularly useful for rendering jpegs and pngs of geometries directly from the database when using in combination
with <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsPNG" /> and other <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" /> family of functions.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 - requires GDAL &gt;= 1.6.0. </para>
<note><para>Not yet capable of rendering complex geometry types such as curves, TINS, and PolyhedralSurfaces, but should be
able too once GDAL can.</para></note>
<title>Examples: Output geometries as PNG files</title>
<imagedata fileref="images/st_asraster01.png" />
<caption><para>black circle</para></caption>
-- this will output a black circle taking up 150 x 150 pixels --
SELECT ST_AsPNG(ST_AsRaster(ST_Buffer(ST_Point(1,5),10),150, 150, '2BUI'));</programlisting>
<imagedata fileref="images/st_asraster02.png" />
<caption><para>example from buffer rendered with just PostGIS</para></caption>
<programlisting>-- the bands map to RGB bands - the value (118,154,118) - teal --
ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(50 50,150 150,150 50)'), 10,'join=bevel'),
200,200,ARRAY['8BUI', '8BUI', '8BUI'], ARRAY[118,154,118], ARRAY[0,0,0]));</programlisting>
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />, <xref linkend="ST_Buffer" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_GDALDrivers" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsPNG" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsJPEG" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SRID" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Band">
<refpurpose>Returns one or more bands of an existing raster as a new raster. Useful for building new rasters from existing rasters.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Band</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer[] </type> <parameter>nbands = ARRAY[1]</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Band</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Band</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>nbands</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>character </type> <parameter>delimiter=,</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns one or more bands of an existing raster as a new raster. Useful for building new rasters from existing rasters or export of only selected
bands of a raster or rearranging the order of bands in a raster. If no band is specified, band 1 is assumed. Used as a helper function in various functions such as for deleting a band. </para>
<warning><para>For the <code>nbands</code> as text variant of function, the default delimiter is <code>,</code> which means you can ask for <code>'1,2,3'</code> and if you wanted to use a different delimeter you would do <code>ST_Band(rast, '1@2@3', '@')</code>. For asking for multiple bands, we strongly suggest you use the array form of this function e.g. <code>ST_Band(rast, '{1,2,3}'::int[]);</code> since the <code>text</code> list of bands form may be removed in future versions of PostGIS.</para></warning>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<programlisting>-- Make 2 new rasters: 1 containing band 1 of dummy, second containing band 2 of dummy and then reclassified as a 2BUI
SELECT ST_NumBands(rast1) As numb1, ST_BandPixelType(rast1) As pix1,
ST_NumBands(rast2) As numb2, ST_BandPixelType(rast2) As pix2
SELECT ST_Band(rast) As rast1, ST_Reclass(ST_Band(rast,3), '100-200):1, [200-254:2', '2BUI') As rast2
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2) As foo;
numb1 | pix1 | numb2 | pix2
1 | 8BUI | 1 | 2BUI
<programlisting>-- Return bands 2 and 3. Using array cast syntax
SELECT ST_NumBands(ST_Band(rast, '{2,3}'::int[])) As num_bands
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;
-- Return bands 2 and 3. Use array to define bands
SELECT ST_NumBands(ST_Band(rast, ARRAY[2,3])) As num_bands
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid=2;
<tgroup cols="3">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_band01.png" />
<caption><para>original (column rast)</para></caption>
<imagedata fileref="images/st_band02.png" />
<imagedata fileref="images/st_band03.png" />
<programlisting>--Make a new raster with 2nd band of original and 1st band repeated twice,
and another with just the third band
SELECT rast, ST_Band(rast, ARRAY[2,1,1]) As dupe_band,
ST_Band(rast, 3) As sing_band
FROM samples.than_chunked
WHERE rid=35;
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_AddBand" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_Reclass" />, <xref linkend="RT_reference" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_MakeEmptyRaster">
<refpurpose>Returns an empty raster (having no bands) of given dimensions (width &amp; height), upperleft X and Y, pixel size and rotation (scalex, scaley, skewx &amp; skewy) and reference system (srid).
If a raster is passed in, returns a new raster with the same size, alignment and SRID. If srid is left out, the spatial ref is set to unknown (0).</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MakeEmptyRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MakeEmptyRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>upperleftx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>upperlefty</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>scalex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>scaley</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>skewx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>skewy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>srid=unknown</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MakeEmptyRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>upperleftx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>upperlefty</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>pixelsize</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns an empty raster (having no band) of given dimensions (width &amp; height) and georeferenced in spatial (or world) coordinates with upper left X (upperleftx), upper left Y (upperlefty),
pixel size and rotation (scalex, scaley, skewx &amp; skewy) and reference system (srid).</para>
<para>The last version use a single parameter to specify the pixel size (pixelsize). scalex is set to this argument and scaley is set to the negative value of this argument. skewx and skewy are set to 0. </para>
<para>If an existing raster is passed in, it returns a new raster with the same meta data settings (without the bands). </para>
<para>If no srid is specified it defaults to 0. After you create an empty raster you probably want to add bands to it and maybe edit it. Refer to <xref linkend="RT_ST_AddBand" /> to define bands and <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetValue" /> to set initial pixel values.</para>
INSERT INTO dummy_rast(rid,rast)
VALUES(3, ST_MakeEmptyRaster( 100, 100, 0.0005, 0.0005, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4326) );
--use an existing raster as template for new raster
INSERT INTO dummy_rast(rid,rast)
SELECT 4, ST_MakeEmptyRaster(rast)
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 3;
-- output meta data of rasters we just added
SELECT rid, (md).*
FROM (SELECT rid, ST_MetaData(rast) As md
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid IN(3,4)) As foo;
-- output --
rid | upperleftx | upperlefty | width | height | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy | srid | numbands
3 | 0.0005 | 0.0005 | 100 | 100 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4326 | 0
4 | 0.0005 | 0.0005 | 100 | 100 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4326 | 0
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_AddBand" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_MetaData" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetValue" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewX" />, , <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewY" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Tile">
<refpurpose>Returns a set of rasters resulting from the split of the input raster based upon the desired dimensions of the output rasters.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>setof raster <function>ST_Tile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>int[] </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>padwithnodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>setof raster <function>ST_Tile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>padwithnodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>setof raster <function>ST_Tile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>padwithnodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
Returns a set of rasters resulting from the split of the input raster based upon the desired dimensions of the output rasters.
If <varname>padwithnodata</varname> = FALSE, edge tiles on the right and bottom sides of the raster may have different dimensions than the rest of the tiles. If <varname>padwithnodata</varname> = TRUE, all tiles will have the same dimensions with the possibilty that edge tiles being padded with NODATA values. If raster band(s) do not have NODATA value(s) specified, one can be specified by setting <varname>nodataval</varname>.
If a specified band of the input raster is out-of-db, the corresponding band in the output rasters will also be out-of-db.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 1, 0), 2, '8BUI', 10, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 3, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 2, 0), 2, '8BUI', 20, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 6, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 3, 0), 2, '8BUI', 30, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, -3, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 4, 0), 2, '8BUI', 40, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 3, -3, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 5, 0), 2, '8BUI', 50, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 6, -3, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 6, 0), 2, '8BUI', 60, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, -6, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 7, 0), 2, '8BUI', 70, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 3, -6, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 8, 0), 2, '8BUI', 80, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 6, -6, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 9, 0), 2, '8BUI', 90, 0) AS rast
), bar AS (
SELECT ST_Union(rast) AS rast FROM foo
), baz AS (
SELECT ST_Tile(rast, 3, 3, TRUE) AS rast FROM bar
FROM baz;
(18 rows)
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 1, 0), 2, '8BUI', 10, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 3, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 2, 0), 2, '8BUI', 20, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 6, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 3, 0), 2, '8BUI', 30, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, -3, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 4, 0), 2, '8BUI', 40, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 3, -3, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 5, 0), 2, '8BUI', 50, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 6, -3, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 6, 0), 2, '8BUI', 60, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, -6, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 7, 0), 2, '8BUI', 70, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 3, -6, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 8, 0), 2, '8BUI', 80, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 6, -6, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 9, 0), 2, '8BUI', 90, 0) AS rast
), bar AS (
SELECT ST_Union(rast) AS rast FROM foo
), baz AS (
SELECT ST_Tile(rast, 3, 3, 2) AS rast FROM bar
FROM baz;
(9 rows)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Union" />,
<xref linkend="RT_Retile" />
<refentry id="RT_Retile">
Return a set of configured tiles from an arbitrarily tiled raster coverage.
<funcdef>SETOF raster <function>ST_Retile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>regclass </type> <parameter>tab</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>name </type> <parameter>col</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>ext</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>sfx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>sfy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>int </type> <parameter>tw</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>int </type> <parameter>th</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algo='NearestNeighbor'</parameter></paramdef>
Return a set of tiles having the specified scale (<varname>sfx</varname>,
<varname>sfy</varname>) and max size (<varname>tw</varname>,
<varname>th</varname>) and covering the specified extent
(<varname>ext</varname>) with data coming from the specified
raster coverage (<varname>tab</varname>, <varname>col</varname>).
<para>Algorithm options are: 'NearestNeighbor', 'Bilinear', 'Cubic', 'CubicSpline', and 'Lanczos'. Refer to: <ulink url="">GDAL Warp resampling methods</ulink> for more details.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.2.0</para>
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_CreateOverview"/>
<refentry id="RT_ST_FromGDALRaster">
<refpurpose>Returns a raster from a supported GDAL raster file.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_FromGDALRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>bytea </type> <parameter>gdaldata</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>srid=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
Returns a raster from a supported GDAL raster file. <varname>gdaldata</varname> is of type bytea and should be the contents of the GDAL raster file.
If <varname>srid</varname> is NULL, the function will try to autmatically assign the SRID from the GDAL raster. If <varname>srid</varname> is provided, the value provided will override any automatically assigned SRID.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_AsPNG(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 0.1, -0.1, 0, 0, 4326), 1, '8BUI', 1, 0), 2, '8BUI', 2, 0), 3, '8BUI', 3, 0)) AS png
bar AS (
SELECT 1 AS rid, ST_FromGDALRaster(png) AS rast FROM foo
SELECT 2 AS rid, ST_FromGDALRaster(png, 3310) AS rast FROM foo
ST_Metadata(rast) AS metadata,
ST_SummaryStats(rast, 1) AS stats1,
ST_SummaryStats(rast, 2) AS stats2,
ST_SummaryStats(rast, 3) AS stats3
FROM bar
rid | metadata | stats1 | stats2 | stats3
1 | (0,0,2,2,1,-1,0,0,0,3) | (4,4,1,0,1,1) | (4,8,2,0,2,2) | (4,12,3,0,3,3)
2 | (0,0,2,2,1,-1,0,0,3310,3) | (4,4,1,0,1,1) | (4,8,2,0,2,2) | (4,12,3,0,3,3)
(2 rows)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" />
<sect1 id="Raster_Accessors">
<title>Raster Accessors</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_GeoReference">
<refpurpose>Returns the georeference meta data in GDAL or ESRI format as commonly seen in a world file. Default is GDAL.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>text <function>ST_GeoReference</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>format=GDAL</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the georeference meta data including carriage return in GDAL or ESRI format as commonly seen in a <ulink url="">world file</ulink>. Default is GDAL if no type specified. type is string 'GDAL' or 'ESRI'.
<para>Difference between format representations is as follows:</para>
upperleftx + scalex*0.5
upperlefty + scaley*0.5</programlisting></para>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_GeoReference(rast, 'ESRI') As esri_ref, ST_GeoReference(rast, 'GDAL') As gdal_ref
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=1;
esri_ref | gdal_ref
2.0000000000 | 2.0000000000
0.0000000000 : 0.0000000000
0.0000000000 : 0.0000000000
3.0000000000 : 3.0000000000
1.5000000000 : 0.5000000000
2.0000000000 : 0.5000000000
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_SetGeoReference" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Height">
<refpurpose>Returns the height of the raster in pixels.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>integer <function>ST_Height</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the height of the raster.</para>
<programlisting>SELECT rid, ST_Height(rast) As rastheight
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | rastheight
1 | 20
2 | 5
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Width" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_IsEmpty">
<refpurpose>Returns true if the raster is empty (width = 0 and height = 0). Otherwise, returns false.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_IsEmpty</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns true if the raster is empty (width = 0 and height = 0). Otherwise, returns false.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_IsEmpty(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
st_isempty |
f |
SELECT ST_IsEmpty(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
st_isempty |
t |
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_HasNoBand" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_MemSize">
<refpurpose>Returns the amount of space (in bytes) the raster takes.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>integer <function>ST_MemSize</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the amount of space (in bytes) the raster takes. </para>
<para>This is a nice compliment to PostgreSQL built in functions pg_column_size, pg_size_pretty, pg_relation_size, pg_total_relation_size.</para>
<note><para>pg_relation_size which gives the byte size of a table may return byte size lower than ST_MemSize. This is because
pg_relation_size does not add toasted table contribution and large geometries are stored in TOAST tables. pg_column_size might return lower because it returns the compressed size.</para>
<para>pg_total_relation_size - includes, the table, the toasted tables, and the indexes.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.2.0</para>
SELECT ST_MemSize(ST_AsRaster(ST_Buffer(ST_Point(1,5),10,1000),150, 150, '8BUI')) As rast_mem;
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_MetaData">
<refpurpose>Returns basic meta data about a raster object such as pixel size, rotation (skew), upper, lower left, etc.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>record <function>ST_MetaData</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns basic meta data about a raster object such as pixel size, rotation (skew), upper, lower left, etc. Columns returned:
upperleftx | upperlefty | width | height | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy | srid | numbands</para>
<programlisting>SELECT rid, (*
FROM (SELECT rid, ST_MetaData(rast) As md
FROM dummy_rast) As foo;
rid | upperleftx | upperlefty | width | height | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy | srid | numbands
1 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 10 | 20 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
2 | 3427927.75 | 5793244 | 5 | 5 | 0.05 | -0.05 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_BandMetaData" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_NumBands">
<refpurpose>Returns the number of bands in the raster object.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>integer <function>ST_NumBands</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the number of bands in the raster object.</para>
<programlisting>SELECT rid, ST_NumBands(rast) As numbands
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | numbands
1 | 0
2 | 3
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Value" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_PixelHeight">
<refpurpose>Returns the pixel height in geometric units of the spatial reference system.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_PixelHeight</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the height of a pixel in geometric units of the spatial reference system. In the common case where
there is no skew, the pixel height is just the scale ratio between geometric coordinates and raster pixels.</para>
<para>Refer to <xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelWidth" /> for a diagrammatic visualization of the relationship. </para>
<title>Examples: Rasters with no skew</title>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_Height(rast) As rastheight, ST_PixelHeight(rast) As pixheight,
ST_ScaleX(rast) As scalex, ST_ScaleY(rast) As scaley, ST_SkewX(rast) As skewx,
ST_SkewY(rast) As skewy
FROM dummy_rast;
rastheight | pixheight | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy
20 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0
5 | 0.05 | 0.05 | -0.05 | 0 | 0
<title>Examples: Rasters with skew different than 0</title>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_Height(rast) As rastheight, ST_PixelHeight(rast) As pixheight,
ST_ScaleX(rast) As scalex, ST_ScaleY(rast) As scaley, ST_SkewX(rast) As skewx,
ST_SkewY(rast) As skewy
FROM (SELECT ST_SetSKew(rast,0.5,0.5) As rast
FROM dummy_rast) As skewed;
rastheight | pixheight | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy
20 | 3.04138126514911 | 2 | 3 | 0.5 | 0.5
5 | 0.502493781056044 | 0.05 | -0.05 | 0.5 | 0.5
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelWidth" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewX" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewY" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_PixelWidth">
<refpurpose>Returns the pixel width in geometric units of the spatial reference system.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_PixelWidth</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the width of a pixel in geometric units of the spatial reference system. In the common case where
there is no skew, the pixel width is just the scale ratio between geometric coordinates and raster pixels.</para>
<para>The following diagram demonstrates the relationship:</para>
<imagedata fileref="images/raster_xscale_yscale_xskew_yskew.png" />
<caption><para>Pixel Width: Pixel size in the i direction</para><para>Pixel Height: Pixel size in the j direction</para></caption>
<title>Examples: Rasters with no skew</title>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_Width(rast) As rastwidth, ST_PixelWidth(rast) As pixwidth,
ST_ScaleX(rast) As scalex, ST_ScaleY(rast) As scaley, ST_SkewX(rast) As skewx,
ST_SkewY(rast) As skewy
FROM dummy_rast;
rastwidth | pixwidth | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy
10 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0
5 | 0.05 | 0.05 | -0.05 | 0 | 0
<title>Examples: Rasters with skew different than 0</title>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_Width(rast) As rastwidth, ST_PixelWidth(rast) As pixwidth,
ST_ScaleX(rast) As scalex, ST_ScaleY(rast) As scaley, ST_SkewX(rast) As skewx,
ST_SkewY(rast) As skewy
FROM (SELECT ST_SetSkew(rast,0.5,0.5) As rast
FROM dummy_rast) As skewed;
rastwidth | pixwidth | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy
10 | 2.06155281280883 | 2 | 3 | 0.5 | 0.5
5 | 0.502493781056044 | 0.05 | -0.05 | 0.5 | 0.5
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelHeight" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewY" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_ScaleX">
<refpurpose>Returns the X component of the pixel width in units of coordinate reference system.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_ScaleX</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the X component of the pixel width in units of coordinate reference system. Refer to <ulink url="">World File</ulink>
for more details.</para>
<para>Changed: 2.0.0. In WKTRaster versions this was called ST_PixelSizeX.</para>
<programlisting>SELECT rid, ST_ScaleX(rast) As rastpixwidth
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | rastpixwidth
1 | 2
2 | 0.05
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Width" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_ScaleY">
<refpurpose>Returns the Y component of the pixel height in units of coordinate reference system.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_ScaleY</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the Y component of the pixel height in units of coordinate reference system. May be negative. Refer to <ulink url="">World File</ulink>
for more details.</para>
<para>Changed: 2.0.0. In WKTRaster versions this was called ST_PixelSizeY.</para>
<programlisting>SELECT rid, ST_ScaleY(rast) As rastpixheight
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | rastpixheight
1 | 3
2 | -0.05
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Height" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoord">
<refpurpose>Returns the raster's upper left corner as geometric X and Y (longitude and latitude) given a column and row. Column and row starts at 1.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>record <function>ST_RasterToWorldCoord</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>xcolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>yrow</parameter></paramdef>
Returns the upper left corner as geometric X and Y (longitude and latitude) given a column and row. Returned X and Y are in geometric units of the georeferenced raster.
Numbering of column and row starts at 1 but if either parameter is passed a zero, a negative number or a number greater than the respective dimension of the raster, it will return coordinates outside of the raster assuming the raster's grid is applicable outside the raster's bounds.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
-- non-skewed raster
(ST_RasterToWorldCoord(rast,1, 1)).*,
(ST_RasterToWorldCoord(rast,2, 2)).*
FROM dummy_rast
rid | longitude | latitude | longitude | latitude
1 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 2.5 | 3.5
2 | 3427927.75 | 5793244 | 3427927.8 | 5793243.95
-- skewed raster
(ST_RasterToWorldCoord(rast, 1, 1)).*,
(ST_RasterToWorldCoord(rast, 2, 3)).*
ST_SetSkew(rast, 100.5, 0) As rast
FROM dummy_rast
) As foo
rid | longitude | latitude | longitude | latitude
1 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 203.5 | 6.5
2 | 3427927.75 | 5793244 | 3428128.8 | 5793243.9
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordX" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordY" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetSkew" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordX">
<refpurpose>Returns the geometric X coordinate upper left of a raster, column and row. Numbering of columns
and rows starts at 1.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_RasterToWorldCoordX</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>xcolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_RasterToWorldCoordX</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>xcolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>yrow</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the upper left X coordinate of a raster column row in geometric units of the georeferenced raster.
Numbering of columns and rows starts at 1 but if you pass in a negative number or number higher than number of
columns in raster, it will give you
coordinates outside of the raster file to left or right with the assumption that the
skew and pixel sizes are same as selected raster. </para>
<note><para>For non-skewed rasters, providing the X column is sufficient. For skewed rasters,
the georeferenced coordinate is a function of the ST_ScaleX and ST_SkewX and row and column.
An error will be raised if you give just the X column for a skewed raster.</para></note>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 In prior versions, this was called ST_Raster2WorldCoordX</para>
-- non-skewed raster providing column is sufficient
SELECT rid, ST_RasterToWorldCoordX(rast,1) As x1coord,
ST_RasterToWorldCoordX(rast,2) As x2coord,
ST_ScaleX(rast) As pixelx
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | x1coord | x2coord | pixelx
1 | 0.5 | 2.5 | 2
2 | 3427927.75 | 3427927.8 | 0.05
-- for fun lets skew it
SELECT rid, ST_RasterToWorldCoordX(rast, 1, 1) As x1coord,
ST_RasterToWorldCoordX(rast, 2, 3) As x2coord,
ST_ScaleX(rast) As pixelx
FROM (SELECT rid, ST_SetSkew(rast, 100.5, 0) As rast FROM dummy_rast) As foo;
rid | x1coord | x2coord | pixelx
1 | 0.5 | 203.5 | 2
2 | 3427927.75 | 3428128.8 | 0.05
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetSkew" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewX" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordY">
<refpurpose>Returns the geometric Y coordinate upper left corner of a raster, column and row. Numbering of columns
and rows starts at 1. </refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_RasterToWorldCoordY</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>yrow</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_RasterToWorldCoordY</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>xcolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>yrow</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the upper left Y coordinate of a raster column row in geometric units of the georeferenced raster.
Numbering of columns and rows starts at 1 but if you pass in a negative number or number higher than number of
columns/rows in raster, it will give you
coordinates outside of the raster file to left or right with the assumption that the
skew and pixel sizes are same as selected raster tile. </para>
<note><para>For non-skewed rasters, providing the Y column is sufficient. For skewed rasters,
the georeferenced coordinate is a function of the ST_ScaleY and ST_SkewY and row and column.
An error will be raised if you give just the Y row for a skewed raster.</para></note>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 In prior versions, this was called ST_Raster2WorldCoordY</para>
-- non-skewed raster providing row is sufficient
SELECT rid, ST_RasterToWorldCoordY(rast,1) As y1coord,
ST_RasterToWorldCoordY(rast,3) As y2coord,
ST_ScaleY(rast) As pixely
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | y1coord | y2coord | pixely
1 | 0.5 | 6.5 | 3
2 | 5793244 | 5793243.9 | -0.05
-- for fun lets skew it
SELECT rid, ST_RasterToWorldCoordY(rast,1,1) As y1coord,
ST_RasterToWorldCoordY(rast,2,3) As y2coord,
ST_ScaleY(rast) As pixely
FROM (SELECT rid, ST_SetSkew(rast,0,100.5) As rast FROM dummy_rast) As foo;
rid | y1coord | y2coord | pixely
1 | 0.5 | 107 | 3
2 | 5793244 | 5793344.4 | -0.05
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetSkew" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewY" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Rotation">
<refpurpose>Returns the rotation of the raster in radian.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_Rotation</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the uniform rotation of the raster in radian. If a raster does not have uniform rotation, NaN is returned.
Refer to <ulink url="">World File</ulink> for more details.</para>
<programlisting>SELECT rid, ST_Rotation(ST_SetScale(ST_SetSkew(rast, sqrt(2)), sqrt(2))) as rot FROM dummy_rast;
rid | rot
1 | 0.785398163397448
2 | 0.785398163397448
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_SetRotation" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetScale" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetSkew" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SkewX">
<refpurpose>Returns the georeference X skew (or rotation parameter).</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_SkewX</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the georeference X skew (or rotation parameter). Refer to <ulink url="">World File</ulink>
for more details.</para>
<programlisting>SELECT rid, ST_SkewX(rast) As skewx, ST_SkewY(rast) As skewy,
ST_GeoReference(rast) as georef
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | skewx | skewy | georef
1 | 0 | 0 | 2.0000000000
: 0.0000000000
: 0.0000000000
: 3.0000000000
: 0.5000000000
: 0.5000000000
2 | 0 | 0 | 0.0500000000
: 0.0000000000
: 0.0000000000
: -0.0500000000
: 3427927.7500000000
: 5793244.0000000000
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_GeoReference" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetSkew" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SkewY">
<refpurpose>Returns the georeference Y skew (or rotation parameter).</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_SkewY</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the georeference Y skew (or rotation parameter). Refer to <ulink url="">World File</ulink>
for more details.</para>
<programlisting>SELECT rid, ST_SkewX(rast) As skewx, ST_SkewY(rast) As skewy,
ST_GeoReference(rast) as georef
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | skewx | skewy | georef
1 | 0 | 0 | 2.0000000000
: 0.0000000000
: 0.0000000000
: 3.0000000000
: 0.5000000000
: 0.5000000000
2 | 0 | 0 | 0.0500000000
: 0.0000000000
: 0.0000000000
: -0.0500000000
: 3427927.7500000000
: 5793244.0000000000
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_GeoReference" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetSkew" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SRID">
<refpurpose>Returns the spatial reference identifier of the raster as defined in spatial_ref_sys table.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>integer <function>ST_SRID</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the spatial reference identifier of the raster object as defined in the spatial_ref_sys table.</para>
<note><para>From PostGIS 2.0+ the srid of a non-georeferenced raster/geometry is 0 instead of the prior -1.</para></note>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_SRID(rast) As srid
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=1;
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="spatial_ref_sys" />, <xref linkend="ST_SRID" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Summary">
<refpurpose>Returns a text summary of the contents of the raster.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>text <function>ST_Summary</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns a text summary of the contents of the raster.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
SELECT ST_Summary(
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10, 10, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
, 1, '8BUI', 1, 0
, 2, '32BF', 0, -9999
, 3, '16BSI', 0, NULL
Raster of 10x10 pixels has 3 bands and extent of BOX(0 -10,10 0)+
band 1 of pixtype 8BUI is in-db with NODATA value of 0 +
band 2 of pixtype 32BF is in-db with NODATA value of -9999 +
band 3 of pixtype 16BSI is in-db with no NODATA value
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MetaData" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_BandMetaData" />,
<xref linkend="ST_Summary" />
<xref linkend="ST_Extent" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_UpperLeftX">
<refpurpose>Returns the upper left X coordinate of raster in projected spatial ref.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_UpperLeftX</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the upper left X coordinate of raster in projected spatial ref.</para>
SELECt rid, ST_UpperLeftX(rast) As ulx
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | ulx
1 | 0.5
2 | 3427927.75
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_GeoReference" />, <xref linkend="RT_Box3D" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_UpperLeftY">
<refpurpose>Returns the upper left Y coordinate of raster in projected spatial ref.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_UpperLeftY</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the upper left Y coordinate of raster in projected spatial ref.</para>
SELECT rid, ST_UpperLeftY(rast) As uly
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | uly
1 | 0.5
2 | 5793244
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_GeoReference" />, <xref linkend="RT_Box3D" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Width">
<refpurpose>Returns the width of the raster in pixels.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>integer <function>ST_Width</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the width of the raster in pixels.</para>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_Width(rast) As rastwidth
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=1;
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Height" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_WorldToRasterCoord">
<refpurpose> Returns the upper left corner as column and row given geometric X and Y (longitude and latitude) or a point geometry expressed in the spatial reference coordinate system of the raster.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>record <function>ST_WorldToRasterCoord</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>pt</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>record <function>ST_WorldToRasterCoord</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>longitude</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>latitude</parameter></paramdef>
Returns the upper left corner as column and row given geometric X and Y (longitude and latitude) or a point geometry.
This function works regardless of whether or not the geometric X and Y or point geometry is outside the extent of the raster.
Geometric X and Y must be expressed in the spatial reference coordinate system of the raster.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
(ST_WorldToRasterCoord(rast,ST_GeomFromText('POINT(3427927.8 20.5)',ST_SRID(rast)))).*
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | columnx | rowy | columnx | rowy
1 | 1713964 | 7 | 1713964 | 7
2 | 2 | 115864471 | 2 | 115864471
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_WorldToRasterCoordX" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_WorldToRasterCoordY" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordX" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordY" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SRID" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_WorldToRasterCoordX">
<refpurpose>Returns the column in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw) represented
in world spatial reference system of raster.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>integer <function>ST_WorldToRasterCoordX</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>pt</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>integer <function>ST_WorldToRasterCoordX</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>xw</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>integer <function>ST_WorldToRasterCoordX</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>xw</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>yw</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the column in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw). A point, or (both xw and yw world coordinates are required if a raster is skewed). If a raster
is not skewed then xw is sufficient. World coordinates are in the spatial reference coordinate system of the raster.</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 In prior versions, this was called ST_World2RasterCoordX</para>
<programlisting>SELECT rid, ST_WorldToRasterCoordX(rast,3427927.8) As xcoord,
ST_WorldToRasterCoordX(rast,3427927.8,20.5) As xcoord_xwyw,
ST_WorldToRasterCoordX(rast,ST_GeomFromText('POINT(3427927.8 20.5)',ST_SRID(rast))) As ptxcoord
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | xcoord | xcoord_xwyw | ptxcoord
1 | 1713964 | 1713964 | 1713964
2 | 1 | 1 | 1
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordX" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordY" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SRID" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_WorldToRasterCoordY">
<refpurpose>Returns the row in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw) represented
in world spatial reference system of raster.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>integer <function>ST_WorldToRasterCoordY</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>pt</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>integer <function>ST_WorldToRasterCoordY</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>xw</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>integer <function>ST_WorldToRasterCoordY</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>xw</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>yw</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the row in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw). A point, or (both xw and yw world coordinates are required if a raster is skewed). If a raster
is not skewed then xw is sufficient. World coordinates are in the spatial reference coordinate system of the raster.</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 In prior versions, this was called ST_World2RasterCoordY</para>
<programlisting>SELECT rid, ST_WorldToRasterCoordY(rast,20.5) As ycoord,
ST_WorldToRasterCoordY(rast,3427927.8,20.5) As ycoord_xwyw,
ST_WorldToRasterCoordY(rast,ST_GeomFromText('POINT(3427927.8 20.5)',ST_SRID(rast))) As ptycoord
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | ycoord | ycoord_xwyw | ptycoord
1 | 7 | 7 | 7
2 | 115864471 | 115864471 | 115864471
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_RasterToWorldCoordY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SRID" /></para>
<sect1 id="RasterBand_Accessors">
<title>Raster Band Accessors</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_BandMetaData">
<refpurpose>Returns basic meta data for a specific raster band. band num 1 is assumed if none-specified.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>record <function>ST_BandMetaData</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type><parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type><parameter>bandnum=1</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns basic meta data about a raster band. Columns returned
pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path.
If raster contains no bands then an error is thrown.
If band has no NODATA value, nodatavalue will be NULL.
<programlisting>SELECT rid, (*
FROM (SELECT rid, ST_BandMetaData(rast,1) As md
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2) As foo;
rid | pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
2 | 8BUI | 0 | f |
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_MetaData" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_BandNoDataValue">
<refpurpose>Returns the value in a given band that represents no data. If no band num 1 is assumed.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_BandNoDataValue</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum=1</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the value that represents no data for the band</para>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_BandNoDataValue(rast,1) As bnval1,
ST_BandNoDataValue(rast,2) As bnval2, ST_BandNoDataValue(rast,3) As bnval3
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
bnval1 | bnval2 | bnval3
0 | 0 | 0
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_BandIsNoData">
<refpurpose>Returns true if the band is filled with only nodata values.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_BandIsNoData</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>forceChecking=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_BandIsNoData</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>forceChecking=true</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns true if the band is filled with only nodata
values. Band 1 is assumed if not specified. If the last argument
is TRUE, the entire band is checked pixel by pixel. Otherwise,
the function simply returns the value of the isnodata flag for
the band. The default value for this parameter is FALSE, if not
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>If the flag is dirty (this is, the result is different
using TRUE as last parameter and not using it) you should
update the raster to set this flag to true, by using ST_SetBandIsNodata(),
or ST_SetBandNodataValue() with TRUE as last argument. See <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetBandIsNoData" />.</para>
-- Create dummy table with one raster column
create table dummy_rast (rid integer, rast raster);
-- Add raster with two bands, one pixel/band. In the first band, nodatavalue = pixel value = 3.
-- In the second band, nodatavalue = 13, pixel value = 4
insert into dummy_rast values(1,
'01' -- little endian (uint8 ndr)
'0000' -- version (uint16 0)
'0200' -- nBands (uint16 0)
'17263529ED684A3F' -- scaleX (float64 0.000805965234044584)
'F9253529ED684ABF' -- scaleY (float64 -0.00080596523404458)
'1C9F33CE69E352C0' -- ipX (float64 -75.5533328537098)
'718F0E9A27A44840' -- ipY (float64 49.2824585505576)
'ED50EB853EC32B3F' -- skewX (float64 0.000211812383858707)
'7550EB853EC32B3F' -- skewY (float64 0.000211812383858704)
'E6100000' -- SRID (int32 4326)
'0100' -- width (uint16 1)
'0100' -- height (uint16 1)
'6' -- hasnodatavalue and isnodata value set to true.
'2' -- first band type (4BUI)
'03' -- novalue==3
'03' -- pixel(0,0)==3 (same that nodata)
'0' -- hasnodatavalue set to false
'5' -- second band type (16BSI)
'0D00' -- novalue==13
'0400' -- pixel(0,0)==4
select st_bandisnodata(rast, 1) from dummy_rast where rid = 1; -- Expected true
select st_bandisnodata(rast, 2) from dummy_rast where rid = 1; -- Expected false
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_BandNoDataValue" />, <xref
linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" />, <xref
linkend="RT_ST_SetBandNoDataValue" />, <xref
linkend="RT_ST_SetBandIsNoData" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_BandPath">
<refpurpose>Returns system file path to a band stored in file system. If no bandnum specified, 1 is assumed.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>text <function>ST_BandPath</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum=1</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns system file path to a band. Throws an error if called with an in db band.</para>
<programlisting><!-- TODO: -->
<title>See Also</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_BandPixelType">
<refpurpose>Returns the type of pixel for given band. If no bandnum specified, 1 is assumed.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>text <function>ST_BandPixelType</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum=1</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the value that represents no data for the band</para>
<para>There are 11 pixel types. Pixel Types supported are as follows:
<para>1BB - 1-bit boolean</para>
<para>2BUI - 2-bit unsigned integer</para>
<para>4BUI - 4-bit unsigned integer </para>
<para>8BSI - 8-bit signed integer </para>
<para>8BUI - 8-bit unsigned integer</para>
<para>16BSI - 16-bit signed integer</para>
<para>16BUI - 16-bit unsigned integer</para>
<para>32BSI - 32-bit signed integer</para>
<para>32BUI - 32-bit unsigned integer</para>
<para>32BF - 32-bit float</para>
<para>64BF - 64-bit float</para>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_BandPixelType(rast,1) As btype1,
ST_BandPixelType(rast,2) As btype2, ST_BandPixelType(rast,3) As btype3
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
btype1 | btype2 | btype3
8BUI | 8BUI | 8BUI
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_HasNoBand">
<refpurpose>Returns true if there is no band with given band number. If no band number is specified, then band number 1 is assumed.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_HasNoBand</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum=1</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns true if there is no band with given band number. If no band number is specified, then band number 1 is assumed.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<programlisting>SELECT rid, ST_HasNoBand(rast) As hb1, ST_HasNoBand(rast,2) as hb2,
ST_HasNoBand(rast,4) as hb4, ST_NumBands(rast) As numbands
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | hb1 | hb2 | hb4 | numbands
1 | t | t | t | 0
2 | f | f | t | 3
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" /></para>
<sect1 id="Raster_Pixel_Accessors">
<title>Raster Pixel Accessors and Setters</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygon">
<refpurpose>Returns the polygon geometry that bounds the pixel for a particular row and column.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>geometry <function>ST_PixelAsPolygon</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the polygon geometry that bounds the pixel for a particular row and column.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
-- get raster pixel polygon
SELECT i,j, ST_AsText(ST_PixelAsPolygon(foo.rast, i,j)) As b1pgeom
FROM dummy_rast As foo
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,2) As i
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,1) As j
WHERE rid=2;
i | j | b1pgeom
1 | 1 | POLYGON((3427927.75 5793244,3427927.8 5793244,3427927.8 5793243.95,...
2 | 1 | POLYGON((3427927.8 5793244,3427927.85 5793244,3427927.85 5793243.95, ..
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DumpAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPoint" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPoints" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroid" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroids" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersection" />,
<xref linkend="ST_AsText" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygons">
<refpurpose>Returns the polygon geometry that bounds every pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>setof record <function>ST_PixelAsPolygons</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>band=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=TRUE</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the polygon geometry that bounds every pixel of a raster band along with the value (double precision), the X and the Y raster coordinates (integers) of each pixel.</para>
ST_PixelAsPolygons returns one polygon geometry for every pixel. This is different than ST_DumpAsPolygons where each geometry represents one or more pixels with the same pixel value.
When exclude_nodata_value = TRUE, only those pixels whose values are not NODATA are returned as polygons.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 exclude_nodata_value optional argument was added.</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.1 Changed behavior of exclude_nodata_value.</para>
-- get raster pixel polygon
SELECT (gv).x, (gv).y, (gv).val, ST_AsText((gv).geom) geom
FROM (SELECT ST_PixelAsPolygons(
ST_SetValue(ST_SetValue(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 0.001, -0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 4269),
'8BUI'::text, 1, 0),
2, 2, 10),
1, 1, NULL)
) gv
) foo;
x | y | val | geom
1 | 1 | | POLYGON((0 0,0.001 0.001,0.002 0,0.001 -0.001,0 0))
1 | 2 | 1 | POLYGON((0.001 -0.001,0.002 0,0.003 -0.001,0.002 -0.002,0.001 -0.001))
2 | 1 | 1 | POLYGON((0.001 0.001,0.002 0.002,0.003 0.001,0.002 0,0.001 0.001))
2 | 2 | 10 | POLYGON((0.002 0,0.003 0.001,0.004 0,0.003 -0.001,0.002 0))
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DumpAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygon" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPoint" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPoints" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroid" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroids" />,
<xref linkend="ST_AsText" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_PixelAsPoint">
Returns a point geometry of the pixel's upper-left corner.
<funcdef>geometry <function>ST_PixelAsPoint</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns a point geometry of the pixel's upper-left corner.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_PixelAsPoint(rast, 1, 1)) FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 1;
POINT(0.5 0.5)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DumpAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygon" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPoints" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroid" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroids" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_PixelAsPoints">
Returns a point geometry for each pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. The coordinates of the point geometry are of the pixel's upper-left corner.
<funcdef>geometry <function>ST_PixelAsPoints</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>band=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=TRUE</parameter></paramdef>
Returns a point geometry for each pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. The coordinates of the point geometry are of the pixel's upper-left corner.
When exclude_nodata_value = TRUE, only those pixels whose values are not NODATA are returned as points.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.1 Changed behavior of exclude_nodata_value.</para>
SELECT x, y, val, ST_AsText(geom) FROM (SELECT (ST_PixelAsPoints(rast, 1)).* FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 2) foo;
x | y | val | st_astext
1 | 1 | 253 | POINT(3427927.75 5793244)
2 | 1 | 254 | POINT(3427927.8 5793244)
3 | 1 | 253 | POINT(3427927.85 5793244)
4 | 1 | 254 | POINT(3427927.9 5793244)
5 | 1 | 254 | POINT(3427927.95 5793244)
1 | 2 | 253 | POINT(3427927.75 5793243.95)
2 | 2 | 254 | POINT(3427927.8 5793243.95)
3 | 2 | 254 | POINT(3427927.85 5793243.95)
4 | 2 | 253 | POINT(3427927.9 5793243.95)
5 | 2 | 249 | POINT(3427927.95 5793243.95)
1 | 3 | 250 | POINT(3427927.75 5793243.9)
2 | 3 | 254 | POINT(3427927.8 5793243.9)
3 | 3 | 254 | POINT(3427927.85 5793243.9)
4 | 3 | 252 | POINT(3427927.9 5793243.9)
5 | 3 | 249 | POINT(3427927.95 5793243.9)
1 | 4 | 251 | POINT(3427927.75 5793243.85)
2 | 4 | 253 | POINT(3427927.8 5793243.85)
3 | 4 | 254 | POINT(3427927.85 5793243.85)
4 | 4 | 254 | POINT(3427927.9 5793243.85)
5 | 4 | 253 | POINT(3427927.95 5793243.85)
1 | 5 | 252 | POINT(3427927.75 5793243.8)
2 | 5 | 250 | POINT(3427927.8 5793243.8)
3 | 5 | 254 | POINT(3427927.85 5793243.8)
4 | 5 | 254 | POINT(3427927.9 5793243.8)
5 | 5 | 254 | POINT(3427927.95 5793243.8)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DumpAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygon" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPoint" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroid" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroids" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroid">
Returns the centroid (point geometry) of the area represented by a pixel.
<funcdef>geometry <function>ST_PixelAsCentroid</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the centroid (point geometry) of the area represented by a pixel.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_PixelAsCentroid(rast, 1, 1)) FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 1;
POINT(1.5 2)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DumpAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygon" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPoint" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPoints" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroids" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroids">
Returns the centroid (point geometry) for each pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. The point geometry is the centroid of the area represented by a pixel.
<funcdef>geometry <function>ST_PixelAsCentroids</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>band=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=TRUE</parameter></paramdef>
Returns the centroid (point geometry) for each pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. The point geometry is the centroid of the area represented by a pixel.
When exclude_nodata_value = TRUE, only those pixels whose values are not NODATA are returned as points.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.1 Changed behavior of exclude_nodata_value.</para>
SELECT x, y, val, ST_AsText(geom) FROM (SELECT (ST_PixelAsCentroids(rast, 1)).* FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 2) foo;
x | y | val | st_astext
1 | 1 | 253 | POINT(3427927.775 5793243.975)
2 | 1 | 254 | POINT(3427927.825 5793243.975)
3 | 1 | 253 | POINT(3427927.875 5793243.975)
4 | 1 | 254 | POINT(3427927.925 5793243.975)
5 | 1 | 254 | POINT(3427927.975 5793243.975)
1 | 2 | 253 | POINT(3427927.775 5793243.925)
2 | 2 | 254 | POINT(3427927.825 5793243.925)
3 | 2 | 254 | POINT(3427927.875 5793243.925)
4 | 2 | 253 | POINT(3427927.925 5793243.925)
5 | 2 | 249 | POINT(3427927.975 5793243.925)
1 | 3 | 250 | POINT(3427927.775 5793243.875)
2 | 3 | 254 | POINT(3427927.825 5793243.875)
3 | 3 | 254 | POINT(3427927.875 5793243.875)
4 | 3 | 252 | POINT(3427927.925 5793243.875)
5 | 3 | 249 | POINT(3427927.975 5793243.875)
1 | 4 | 251 | POINT(3427927.775 5793243.825)
2 | 4 | 253 | POINT(3427927.825 5793243.825)
3 | 4 | 254 | POINT(3427927.875 5793243.825)
4 | 4 | 254 | POINT(3427927.925 5793243.825)
5 | 4 | 253 | POINT(3427927.975 5793243.825)
1 | 5 | 252 | POINT(3427927.775 5793243.775)
2 | 5 | 250 | POINT(3427927.825 5793243.775)
3 | 5 | 254 | POINT(3427927.875 5793243.775)
4 | 5 | 254 | POINT(3427927.925 5793243.775)
5 | 5 | 254 | POINT(3427927.975 5793243.775)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DumpAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygon" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPoint" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPoints" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsCentroid" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Value">
<refpurpose>Returns the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or at a particular geometric point. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified. If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is set to false, then all pixels include <varname>nodata</varname> pixels are considered to intersect and return value. If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is not passed in then reads it from metadata of raster.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Value</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>pt</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Value</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>pt</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Value</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Value</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or at a given geometry point. Band numbers start at 1 and band is assumed to be 1 if not specified.
If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is set to true, then only non <varname>nodata</varname> pixels are considered. If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is set to false, then all pixels are considered.</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.0.0 exclude_nodata_value optional argument was added.</para>
-- get raster values at particular postgis geometry points
-- the srid of your geometry should be same as for your raster
SELECT rid, ST_Value(rast, foo.pt_geom) As b1pval, ST_Value(rast, 2, foo.pt_geom) As b2pval
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN (SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(3427927.77, 5793243.76), 0) As pt_geom) As foo
WHERE rid=2;
rid | b1pval | b2pval
2 | 252 | 79
-- general fictitious example using a real table
SELECT rid, ST_Value(rast, 3, sometable.geom) As b3pval
FROM sometable
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast,sometable.geom);
SELECT rid, ST_Value(rast, 1, 1, 1) As b1pval,
ST_Value(rast, 2, 1, 1) As b2pval, ST_Value(rast, 3, 1, 1) As b3pval
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid=2;
rid | b1pval | b2pval | b3pval
2 | 253 | 78 | 70
--- Get all values in bands 1,2,3 of each pixel --
SELECT x, y, ST_Value(rast, 1, x, y) As b1val,
ST_Value(rast, 2, x, y) As b2val, ST_Value(rast, 3, x, y) As b3val
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN
generate_series(1, 1000) As x CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, 1000) As y
WHERE rid = 2 AND x &lt;= ST_Width(rast) AND y &lt;= ST_Height(rast);
x | y | b1val | b2val | b3val
1 | 1 | 253 | 78 | 70
1 | 2 | 253 | 96 | 80
1 | 3 | 250 | 99 | 90
1 | 4 | 251 | 89 | 77
1 | 5 | 252 | 79 | 62
2 | 1 | 254 | 98 | 86
2 | 2 | 254 | 118 | 108
--- Get all values in bands 1,2,3 of each pixel same as above but returning the upper left point point of each pixel --
ST_Point(ST_UpperLeftX(rast) + ST_ScaleX(rast)*x,
ST_UpperLeftY(rast) + ST_ScaleY(rast)*y),
ST_SRID(rast))) As uplpt
, ST_Value(rast, 1, x, y) As b1val,
ST_Value(rast, 2, x, y) As b2val, ST_Value(rast, 3, x, y) As b3val
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN
generate_series(1,1000) As x CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,1000) As y
WHERE rid = 2 AND x &lt;= ST_Width(rast) AND y &lt;= ST_Height(rast);
uplpt | b1val | b2val | b3val
POINT(3427929.25 5793245.5) | 253 | 78 | 70
POINT(3427929.25 5793247) | 253 | 96 | 80
POINT(3427929.25 5793248.5) | 250 | 99 | 90
--- Get a polygon formed by union of all pixels
that fall in a particular value range and intersect particular polygon --
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Union(pixpolyg)) As shadow
FROM (SELECT ST_Translate(ST_MakeEnvelope(
ST_UpperLeftX(rast), ST_UpperLeftY(rast),
ST_UpperLeftX(rast) + ST_ScaleX(rast),
ST_UpperLeftY(rast) + ST_ScaleY(rast), 0
), ST_ScaleX(rast)*x, ST_ScaleY(rast)*y
) As pixpolyg, ST_Value(rast, 2, x, y) As b2val
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN
generate_series(1,1000) As x CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,1000) As y
WHERE rid = 2
AND x &lt;= ST_Width(rast) AND y &lt;= ST_Height(rast)) As foo
ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((3427928 5793244,3427927.75 5793243.75,3427928 5793243.75,3427928 5793244))',0)
) AND b2val != 254;
MULTIPOLYGON(((3427928 5793243.9,3427928 5793243.85,3427927.95 5793243.85,3427927.95 5793243.9,
3427927.95 5793243.95,3427928 5793243.95,3427928.05 5793243.95,3427928.05 5793243.9,3427928 5793243.9)),((3427927.95 5793243.9,3427927.95 579324
3.85,3427927.9 5793243.85,3427927.85 5793243.85,3427927.85 5793243.9,3427927.9 5793243.9,3427927.9 5793243.95,
3427927.95 5793243.95,3427927.95 5793243.9)),((3427927.85 5793243.75,3427927.85 5793243.7,3427927.8 5793243.7,3427927.8 5793243.75
,3427927.8 5793243.8,3427927.8 5793243.85,3427927.85 5793243.85,3427927.85 5793243.8,3427927.85 5793243.75)),
((3427928.05 5793243.75,3427928.05 5793243.7,3427928 5793243.7,3427927.95 5793243.7,3427927.95 5793243.75,3427927.95 5793243.8,3427
927.95 5793243.85,3427928 5793243.85,3427928 5793243.8,3427928.05 5793243.8,
3427928.05 5793243.75)),((3427927.95 5793243.75,3427927.95 5793243.7,3427927.9 5793243.7,3427927.85 5793243.7,
3427927.85 5793243.75,3427927.85 5793243.8,3427927.85 5793243.85,3427927.9 5793243.85,
3427927.95 5793243.85,3427927.95 5793243.8,3427927.95 5793243.75)))
--- Checking all the pixels of a large raster tile can take a long time.
--- You can dramatically improve speed at some lose of precision by orders of magnitude
-- by sampling pixels using the step optional parameter of generate_series.
-- This next example does the same as previous but by checking 1 for every 4 (2x2) pixels and putting in the last checked
-- putting in the checked pixel as the value for subsequent 4
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Union(pixpolyg)) As shadow
FROM (SELECT ST_Translate(ST_MakeEnvelope(
ST_UpperLeftX(rast), ST_UpperLeftY(rast),
ST_UpperLeftX(rast) + ST_ScaleX(rast)*2,
ST_UpperLeftY(rast) + ST_ScaleY(rast)*2, 0
), ST_ScaleX(rast)*x, ST_ScaleY(rast)*y
) As pixpolyg, ST_Value(rast, 2, x, y) As b2val
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN
generate_series(1,1000,2) As x CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,1000,2) As y
WHERE rid = 2
AND x &lt;= ST_Width(rast) AND y &lt;= ST_Height(rast) ) As foo
ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((3427928 5793244,3427927.75 5793243.75,3427928 5793243.75,3427928 5793244))',0)
) AND b2val != 254;
MULTIPOLYGON(((3427927.9 5793243.85,3427927.8 5793243.85,3427927.8 5793243.95,
3427927.9 5793243.95,3427928 5793243.95,3427928.1 5793243.95,3427928.1 5793243.85,3427928 5793243.85,3427927.9 5793243.85)),
((3427927.9 5793243.65,3427927.8 5793243.65,3427927.8 5793243.75,3427927.8 5793243.85,3427927.9 5793243.85,
3427928 5793243.85,3427928 5793243.75,3427928.1 5793243.75,3427928.1 5793243.65,3427928 5793243.65,3427927.9 5793243.65)))
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetValue" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DumpAsPolygons" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygon" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftX" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftY" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SRID" />,
<xref linkend="ST_AsText" />,
<xref linkend="ST_Point" />,
<xref linkend="ST_MakeEnvelope" />,
<xref linkend="ST_Intersects" />,
<xref linkend="ST_Intersection" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_NearestValue">
Returns the nearest non-<varname>NODATA</varname> value of a given band's pixel specified by a columnx and rowy or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster.
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_NearestValue</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>pt</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_NearestValue</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>pt</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_NearestValue</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_NearestValue</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
Returns the nearest non-<varname>NODATA</varname> value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or at a specific geometric point. If the columnx, rowy pixel or the pixel at the specified geometric point is <varname>NODATA</varname>, the function will find the nearest pixel to the columnx, rowy pixel or geometric point whose value is not <varname>NODATA</varname>.
Band numbers start at 1 and <varname>bandnum</varname> is assumed to be 1 if not specified. If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is set to false, then all pixels include <varname>nodata</varname> pixels are considered to intersect and return value. If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is not passed in then reads it from metadata of raster.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
ST_NearestValue is a drop-in replacement for ST_Value.
-- pixel 2x2 has value
ST_Value(rast, 2, 2) AS value,
ST_NearestValue(rast, 2, 2) AS nearestvalue
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, -2, 2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
'8BUI'::text, 1, 0
1, 1, 0.
2, 3, 0.
3, 5, 0.
4, 2, 0.
5, 4, 0.
) AS rast
) AS foo
value | nearestvalue
1 | 1
-- pixel 2x3 is NODATA
ST_Value(rast, 2, 3) AS value,
ST_NearestValue(rast, 2, 3) AS nearestvalue
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, -2, 2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
'8BUI'::text, 1, 0
1, 1, 0.
2, 3, 0.
3, 5, 0.
4, 2, 0.
5, 4, 0.
) AS rast
) AS foo
value | nearestvalue
| 1
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Neighborhood" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Value" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Neighborhood">
Returns a 2-D double precision array of the non-<varname>NODATA</varname> values around a given band's pixel specified by either a columnX and rowY or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster.
<funcdef>double precision[][] <function>ST_Neighborhood</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnX</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowY</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>distanceX</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>distanceY</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision[][] <function>ST_Neighborhood</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnX</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowY</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>distanceX</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>distanceY</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision[][] <function>ST_Neighborhood</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>pt</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>distanceX</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>distanceY</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision[][] <function>ST_Neighborhood</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>pt</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>distanceX</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>distanceY</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
Returns a 2-D double precision array of the non-<varname>NODATA</varname> values around a given band's pixel specified by either a columnX and rowY or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster. The <varname>distanceX</varname> and <varname>distanceY</varname> parameters define the number of pixels around the specified pixel in the X and Y axes, e.g. I want all values within 3 pixel distance along the X axis and 2 pixel distance along the Y axis around my pixel of interest. The center value of the 2-D array will be the value at the pixel specified by the columnX and rowY or the geometric point.
Band numbers start at 1 and <varname>bandnum</varname> is assumed to be 1 if not specified. If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is set to false, then all pixels include <varname>nodata</varname> pixels are considered to intersect and return value. If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is not passed in then reads it from metadata of raster.
The number of elements along each axis of the returning 2-D array is 2 * (<varname>distanceX</varname>|<varname>distanceY</varname>) + 1. So for a <varname>distanceX</varname> and <varname>distanceY</varname> of 1, the returning array will be 3x3.
The 2-D array output can be passed to any of the raster processing builtin functions, e.g. ST_Min4ma, ST_Sum4ma, ST_Mean4ma.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
-- pixel 2x2 has value
ST_Neighborhood(rast, 2, 2, 1, 1)
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, -2, 2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
'8BUI'::text, 1, 0
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 1, 1]
]::double precision[],
) AS rast
) AS foo
-- pixel 2x3 is NODATA
ST_Neighborhood(rast, 2, 3, 1, 1)
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, -2, 2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
'8BUI'::text, 1, 0
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 1, 1]
]::double precision[],
) AS rast
) AS foo
-- pixel 3x3 has value
-- exclude_nodata_value = FALSE
ST_Neighborhood(rast, 3, 3, 1, 1, false)
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, -2, 2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
'8BUI'::text, 1, 0
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 1, 1]
]::double precision[],
) AS rast
) AS foo
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_NearestValue" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Min4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Max4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Sum4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Mean4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Range4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Distinct4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_StdDev4ma" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_SetValue">
<refpurpose>Returns modified raster resulting from setting the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or the pixels that intersect a particular geometry. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetValue</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>newvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetValue</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>newvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetValue</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bandnum</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>newvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetValue</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>newvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns modified raster resulting from setting the specified pixels' values to new value for the designed band given the raster's row and column or a geometry. If no band is specified, then band 1 is assumed.
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Geometry variant of ST_SetValue() now supports any geometry type, not just point. The geometry variant is a wrapper around the geomval[] variant of ST_SetValues()</para>
-- Geometry example
SELECT (foo.geomval).val, ST_AsText(ST_Union((foo.geomval).geom))
FROM (SELECT ST_DumpAsPolygons(
ST_Point(3427927.75, 5793243.95),
) As geomval
FROM dummy_rast
where rid = 2) As foo
WHERE (foo.geomval).val &lt; 250
GROUP BY (foo.geomval).val;
val | st_astext
50 | POLYGON((3427927.75 5793244,3427927.75 5793243.95,3427927.8 579324 ...
249 | POLYGON((3427927.95 5793243.95,3427927.95 5793243.85,3427928 57932 ...
-- Store the changed raster --
UPDATE dummy_rast SET rast = ST_SetValue(rast,1, ST_Point(3427927.75, 5793243.95),100)
WHERE rid = 2 ;
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Value" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_DumpAsPolygons" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SetValues">
<refpurpose>Returns modified raster resulting from setting the values of a given band.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetValues</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[][] </type> <parameter>newvalueset</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean[][] </type> <parameter>noset=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>keepnodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetValues</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[][] </type> <parameter>newvalueset</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nosetvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>keepnodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetValues</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>newvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>keepnodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetValues</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>columnx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>rowy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>newvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>keepnodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetValues</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geomval[] </type> <parameter>geomvalset</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>keepnodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
Returns modified raster resulting from setting specified pixels to new value(s) for the designated band.
If <varname>keepnodata</varname> is TRUE, those pixels whose values are NODATA will not be set with the corresponding value in <varname>newvalueset</varname>.
For Variant 1, the specific pixels to be set are determined by the <varname>columnx</varname>, <varname>rowy</varname> pixel coordinates and the dimensions of the <varname>newvalueset</varname> array. <varname>noset</varname> can be used to prevent pixels with values present in <varname>newvalueset</varname> from being set (due to PostgreSQL not permitting ragged/jagged arrays). See example Variant 1.
Variant 2 is like Variant 1 but with a simple double precision <varname>nosetvalue</varname> instead of a boolean <varname>noset</varname> array. Elements in <varname>newvalueset</varname> with the <varname>nosetvalue</varname> value with be skipped. See example Variant 2.
For Variant 3, the specific pixels to be set are determined by the <varname>columnx</varname>, <varname>rowy</varname> pixel coordinates, <varname>width</varname> and <varname>height</varname>. See example Variant 3.
Variant 4 is the same as Variant 3 with the exception that it assumes that the first band's pixels of <varname>rast</varname> will be set.
For Variant 5, an array of <xref linkend="geomval" /> is used to determine the specific pixels to be set. If all the geometries in the array are of type POINT or MULTIPOINT, the function uses a shortcut where the longitude and latitude of each point is used to set a pixel directly. Otherwise, the geometries are converted to rasters and then iterated through in one pass. See example Variant 5.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
<title>Examples: Variant 1</title>
The ST_SetValues() does the following...
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | => | 1 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '8BUI', 1, 0
1, 2, 2, ARRAY[[9, 9], [9, 9]]::double precision[][]
) AS poly
) foo
ORDER BY 1, 2;
x | y | val
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 1
1 | 3 | 1
2 | 1 | 1
2 | 2 | 9
2 | 3 | 9
3 | 1 | 1
3 | 2 | 9
3 | 3 | 9
The ST_SetValues() does the following...
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 9 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | => | 9 | | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 9 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '8BUI', 1, 0
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[[9, 9, 9], [9, NULL, 9], [9, 9, 9]]::double precision[][]
) AS poly
) foo
ORDER BY 1, 2;
x | y | val
1 | 1 | 9
1 | 2 | 9
1 | 3 | 9
2 | 1 | 9
2 | 2 |
2 | 3 | 9
3 | 1 | 9
3 | 2 | 9
3 | 3 | 9
The ST_SetValues() does the following...
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 9 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | => | 1 | | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 9 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '8BUI', 1, 0
1, 1, 1,
ARRAY[[9, 9, 9], [9, NULL, 9], [9, 9, 9]]::double precision[][],
ARRAY[[false], [true]]::boolean[][]
) AS poly
) foo
ORDER BY 1, 2;
x | y | val
1 | 1 | 9
1 | 2 | 1
1 | 3 | 9
2 | 1 | 9
2 | 2 |
2 | 3 | 9
3 | 1 | 9
3 | 2 | 9
3 | 3 | 9
The ST_SetValues() does the following...
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| | 1 | 1 | | | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | => | 1 | | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 9 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '8BUI', 1, 0
1, 1, 1, NULL
1, 1, 1,
ARRAY[[9, 9, 9], [9, NULL, 9], [9, 9, 9]]::double precision[][],
ARRAY[[false], [true]]::boolean[][],
) AS poly
) foo
ORDER BY 1, 2;
x | y | val
1 | 1 |
1 | 2 | 1
1 | 3 | 9
2 | 1 | 9
2 | 2 |
2 | 3 | 9
3 | 1 | 9
3 | 2 | 9
3 | 3 | 9
<title>Examples: Variant 2</title>
The ST_SetValues() does the following...
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | => | 1 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '8BUI', 1, 0
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 9, 9], [-1, 9, 9]]::double precision[][], -1
) AS poly
) foo
ORDER BY 1, 2;
x | y | val
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 1
1 | 3 | 1
2 | 1 | 1
2 | 2 | 9
2 | 3 | 9
3 | 1 | 1
3 | 2 | 9
3 | 3 | 9
This example is like the previous one. Instead of nosetvalue = -1, nosetvalue = NULL
The ST_SetValues() does the following...
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | => | 1 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '8BUI', 1, 0
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[[NULL, NULL, NULL], [NULL, 9, 9], [NULL, 9, 9]]::double precision[][], NULL::double precision
) AS poly
) foo
ORDER BY 1, 2;
x | y | val
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 1
1 | 3 | 1
2 | 1 | 1
2 | 2 | 9
2 | 3 | 9
3 | 1 | 1
3 | 2 | 9
3 | 3 | 9
<title>Examples: Variant 3</title>
The ST_SetValues() does the following...
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | => | 1 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '8BUI', 1, 0
1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9
) AS poly
) foo
ORDER BY 1, 2;
x | y | val
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 1
1 | 3 | 1
2 | 1 | 1
2 | 2 | 9
2 | 3 | 9
3 | 1 | 1
3 | 2 | 9
3 | 3 | 9
The ST_SetValues() does the following...
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | 1 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | | 1 | => | 1 | | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 9 | 9 |
+ - + - + - + + - + - + - +
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '8BUI', 1, 0
1, 2, 2, NULL
1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, TRUE
) AS poly
) foo
ORDER BY 1, 2;
x | y | val
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 1
1 | 3 | 1
2 | 1 | 1
2 | 2 |
2 | 3 | 9
3 | 1 | 1
3 | 2 | 9
3 | 3 | 9
<title>Examples: Variant 5</title>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 1 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 0, 0) AS rast
), bar AS (
SELECT 1 AS gid, 'SRID=0;POINT(2.5 -2.5)'::geometry geom UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS gid, 'SRID=0;POLYGON((1 -1, 4 -1, 4 -4, 1 -4, 1 -1))'::geometry geom UNION ALL
SELECT 3 AS gid, 'SRID=0;POLYGON((0 0, 5 0, 5 -1, 1 -1, 1 -4, 0 -4, 0 0))'::geometry geom UNION ALL
SELECT 4 AS gid, 'SRID=0;MULTIPOINT(0 0, 4 4, 4 -4)'::geometry
rid, gid, ST_DumpValues(ST_SetValue(rast, 1, geom, gid))
FROM foo t1
ORDER BY rid, gid;
rid | gid | st_dumpvalues
(4 rows)
<para>The following shows that geomvals later in the array can overwrite prior geomvals</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 1 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 0, 0) AS rast
), bar AS (
SELECT 1 AS gid, 'SRID=0;POINT(2.5 -2.5)'::geometry geom UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS gid, 'SRID=0;POLYGON((1 -1, 4 -1, 4 -4, 1 -4, 1 -1))'::geometry geom UNION ALL
SELECT 3 AS gid, 'SRID=0;POLYGON((0 0, 5 0, 5 -1, 1 -1, 1 -4, 0 -4, 0 0))'::geometry geom UNION ALL
SELECT 4 AS gid, 'SRID=0;MULTIPOINT(0 0, 4 4, 4 -4)'::geometry
t1.rid, t2.gid, t3.gid, ST_DumpValues(ST_SetValues(rast, 1, ARRAY[ROW(t2.geom, t2.gid), ROW(t3.geom, t3.gid)]::geomval[]))
FROM foo t1
WHERE t2.gid = 1
AND t3.gid = 2
ORDER BY t1.rid, t2.gid, t3.gid;
rid | gid | gid | st_dumpvalues
(1 row)
<para>This example is the opposite of the prior example</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 1 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 0, 0) AS rast
), bar AS (
SELECT 1 AS gid, 'SRID=0;POINT(2.5 -2.5)'::geometry geom UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS gid, 'SRID=0;POLYGON((1 -1, 4 -1, 4 -4, 1 -4, 1 -1))'::geometry geom UNION ALL
SELECT 3 AS gid, 'SRID=0;POLYGON((0 0, 5 0, 5 -1, 1 -1, 1 -4, 0 -4, 0 0))'::geometry geom UNION ALL
SELECT 4 AS gid, 'SRID=0;MULTIPOINT(0 0, 4 4, 4 -4)'::geometry
t1.rid, t2.gid, t3.gid, ST_DumpValues(ST_SetValues(rast, 1, ARRAY[ROW(t2.geom, t2.gid), ROW(t3.geom, t3.gid)]::geomval[]))
FROM foo t1
WHERE t2.gid = 2
AND t3.gid = 1
ORDER BY t1.rid, t2.gid, t3.gid;
rid | gid | gid | st_dumpvalues
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Value" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetValue" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelAsPolygons" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_DumpValues">
Get the values of the specified band as a 2-dimension array.
<funcdef>setof record <function>ST_DumpValues</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter>
<type>integer[] </type> <parameter>nband=NULL</parameter>
<type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter>
<funcdef>double precision[][] <function>ST_DumpValues</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter>
<type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter>
<type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter>
Get the values of the specified band as a 2-dimension array (first index is row, second is column). If <varname>nband</varname> is NULL or not provided, all raster bands are processed.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 1, 0), 2, '32BF', 3, -9999), 3, '16BSI', 0, 0) AS rast
FROM foo;
nband | valarray
1 | {{1,1,1},{1,1,1},{1,1,1}}
2 | {{3,3,3},{3,3,3},{3,3,3}}
(3 rows)
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 1, 0), 2, '32BF', 3, -9999), 3, '16BSI', 0, 0) AS rast
(ST_DumpValues(rast, ARRAY[3, 1])).*
FROM foo;
nband | valarray
1 | {{1,1,1},{1,1,1},{1,1,1}}
(2 rows)
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_SetValue(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(3, 3, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 1, 0), 1, 2, 5) AS rast
(ST_DumpValues(rast, 1))[2][1]
FROM foo;
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Value" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetValue" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetValues" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_PixelOfValue">
Get the columnx, rowy coordinates of the pixel whose value equals the search value.
<funcdef>setof record <function>ST_PixelOfValue</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter>
<type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter>
<type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>search</parameter>
<type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter>
<funcdef>setof record <function>ST_PixelOfValue</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter>
<type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>search</parameter>
<type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter>
<funcdef>setof record <function>ST_PixelOfValue</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter>
<type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter>
<type>double precision </type> <parameter>search</parameter>
<type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter>
<funcdef>setof record <function>ST_PixelOfValue</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter>
<type>double precision </type> <parameter>search</parameter>
<type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter>
Get the columnx, rowy coordinates of the pixel whose value equals the search value. If no band is specified, then band 1 is assumed.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, -2, 2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
'8BUI'::text, 1, 0
1, 1, 0
2, 3, 0
3, 5, 0
4, 2, 0
5, 4, 255
, 1, ARRAY[1, 255]) AS pixels
) AS foo
val | x | y
1 | 1 | 2
1 | 1 | 3
1 | 1 | 4
1 | 1 | 5
1 | 2 | 1
1 | 2 | 2
1 | 2 | 4
1 | 2 | 5
1 | 3 | 1
1 | 3 | 2
1 | 3 | 3
1 | 3 | 4
1 | 4 | 1
1 | 4 | 3
1 | 4 | 4
1 | 4 | 5
1 | 5 | 1
1 | 5 | 2
1 | 5 | 3
255 | 5 | 4
1 | 5 | 5
<sect1 id="Raster_Editors">
<title>Raster Editors</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SetGeoReference">
<refpurpose>Set Georeference 6 georeference parameters in a single call. Numbers should be separated by white space. Accepts inputs in GDAL or ESRI format. Default is GDAL.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetGeoReference</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>georefcoords</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>format=GDAL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetGeoReference</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>upperleftx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>upperlefty</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scaley</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Set Georeference 6 georeference parameters in a single call. Accepts inputs in 'GDAL' or 'ESRI' format. Default is GDAL. If 6 coordinates are not provided will return null.</para>
<para>Difference between format representations is as follows:</para>
<programlisting>scalex skewy skewx scaley upperleftx upperlefty</programlisting></para>
<programlisting>scalex skewy skewx scaley upperleftx + scalex*0.5 upperlefty + scaley*0.5</programlisting></para>
If the raster has out-db bands, changing the georeference may result in incorrect access of the band's externally stored data.
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Addition of ST_SetGeoReference(raster, double precision, ...) variant</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0) AS rast
0 AS rid, (ST_Metadata(rast)).*
FROM foo
1, (ST_Metadata(ST_SetGeoReference(rast, '10 0 0 -10 0.1 0.1', 'GDAL'))).*
FROM foo
2, (ST_Metadata(ST_SetGeoReference(rast, '10 0 0 -10 5.1 -4.9', 'ESRI'))).*
FROM foo
3, (ST_Metadata(ST_SetGeoReference(rast, 1, 1, 10, -10, 0.001, 0.001))).*
FROM foo
rid | upperleftx | upperlefty | width | height | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy | srid | numbands
0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 5 | 5 | 10 | -10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
2 | 0.0999999999999996 | 0.0999999999999996 | 5 | 5 | 10 | -10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
3 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 10 | -10 | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0 | 0
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_GeoReference" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftY" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SetRotation">
<refpurpose>Set the rotation of the raster in radian.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_SetRotation</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8</type> <parameter>rotation</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Uniformly rotate the raster. Rotation is in radian. Refer to <ulink url="">World File</ulink> for more details.</para>
ST_ScaleX(rast1), ST_ScaleY(rast1), ST_SkewX(rast1), ST_SkewY(rast1),
ST_ScaleX(rast2), ST_ScaleY(rast2), ST_SkewX(rast2), ST_SkewY(rast2)
SELECT ST_SetRotation(rast, 15) AS rast1, rast as rast2 FROM dummy_rast
) AS foo;
st_scalex | st_scaley | st_skewx | st_skewy | st_scalex | st_scaley | st_skewx | st_skewy
-1.51937582571764 | -2.27906373857646 | 1.95086352047135 | 1.30057568031423 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0
-0.0379843956429411 | -0.0379843956429411 | 0.0325143920078558 | 0.0325143920078558 | 0.05 | -0.05 | 0 | 0
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Rotation" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewY" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SetScale">
<refpurpose>Sets the X and Y size of pixels in units of coordinate reference system. Number units/pixel width/height.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetScale</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>xy</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetScale</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>x</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>y</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Sets the X and Y size of pixels in units of coordinate reference system. Number units/pixel width/height. If
only one unit passed in, assumed X and Y are the same number.</para>
<note><para>ST_SetScale is different from <xref linkend="RT_ST_Rescale" /> in that ST_SetScale do not resample the raster to match the raster extent. It only changes the metadata (or georeference) of the raster to correct an originally mis-specified scaling. ST_Rescale results in a raster having different width and height computed to fit the geographic extent of the input raster. ST_SetScale do not modify the width, nor the height of the raster.</para></note>
<para>Changed: 2.0.0 In WKTRaster versions this was called ST_SetPixelSize. This was changed in 2.0.0.</para>
<programlisting>UPDATE dummy_rast
SET rast = ST_SetScale(rast, 1.5)
WHERE rid = 2;
SELECT ST_ScaleX(rast) As pixx, ST_ScaleY(rast) As pixy, Box3D(rast) As newbox
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
pixx | pixy | newbox
1.5 | 1.5 | BOX(3427927.75 5793244 0, 3427935.25 5793251.5 0)
<programlisting>UPDATE dummy_rast
SET rast = ST_SetScale(rast, 1.5, 0.55)
WHERE rid = 2;
SELECT ST_ScaleX(rast) As pixx, ST_ScaleY(rast) As pixy, Box3D(rast) As newbox
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
pixx | pixy | newbox
1.5 | 0.55 | BOX(3427927.75 5793244 0,3427935.25 5793247 0)
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" />, <xref linkend="RT_Box3D" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SetSkew">
<refpurpose>Sets the georeference X and Y skew (or rotation parameter). If only one is passed in, sets X and Y to the same value.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetSkew</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>skewxy</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetSkew</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>skewx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8 </type> <parameter>skewy</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Sets the georeference X and Y skew (or rotation parameter). If only one is passed in, sets X and Y to the same value. Refer to <ulink url="">World File</ulink>
for more details.</para>
-- Example 1
UPDATE dummy_rast SET rast = ST_SetSkew(rast,1,2) WHERE rid = 1;
SELECT rid, ST_SkewX(rast) As skewx, ST_SkewY(rast) As skewy,
ST_GeoReference(rast) as georef
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 1;
rid | skewx | skewy | georef
1 | 1 | 2 | 2.0000000000
: 2.0000000000
: 1.0000000000
: 3.0000000000
: 0.5000000000
: 0.5000000000
-- Example 2 set both to same number:
UPDATE dummy_rast SET rast = ST_SetSkew(rast,0) WHERE rid = 1;
SELECT rid, ST_SkewX(rast) As skewx, ST_SkewY(rast) As skewy,
ST_GeoReference(rast) as georef
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 1;
rid | skewx | skewy | georef
1 | 0 | 0 | 2.0000000000
: 0.0000000000
: 0.0000000000
: 3.0000000000
: 0.5000000000
: 0.5000000000
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_GeoReference" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetGeoReference" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewY" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SetSRID">
<refpurpose>Sets the SRID of a raster to a particular integer srid defined in the spatial_ref_sys table.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetSRID</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type>
<paramdef><type>integer </type>
<para>Sets the SRID on a raster to a particular integer value.</para>
<para>This function does not transform the raster in any way -
it simply sets meta data defining the spatial ref of the coordinate reference system that it's currently in.
Useful for transformations later.
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="spatial_ref_sys" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SRID"/></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SetUpperLeft">
<refpurpose>Sets the value of the upper left corner of the pixel to projected X and Y coordinates.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetUpperLeft</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>x</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>y</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Set the value of the upper left corner of raster to the projected X coordinates</para>
SELECT ST_SetUpperLeft(rast,-71.01,42.37)
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftY" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Resample">
Resample a raster using a specified resampling algorithm, new dimensions, an arbitrary grid corner and a set of raster georeferencing attributes defined or borrowed from another raster.
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Resample</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridx=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridy=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbour</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Resample</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalex=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scaley=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridx=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridy=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbor</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Resample</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>ref</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbour</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>usescale=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Resample</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>ref</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>usescale</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbour</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
Resample a raster using a specified resampling algorithm, new dimensions (width &amp; height), a grid corner (gridx &amp; gridy) and a set of raster georeferencing attributes (scalex, scaley, skewx &amp; skewy) defined or borrowed from another raster. If using a reference raster, the two rasters must have the same SRID.
New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (English or American spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor which is the fastest but produce the worst interpolation.
A maxerror percent of 0.125 is used if no <varname>maxerr</varname> is specified.
Refer to: <ulink url="">GDAL Warp resampling methods</ulink> for more details.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 Requires GDAL 1.6.1+</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 Parameter srid removed. Variants with a reference raster no longer applies the reference raster's SRID. Use ST_Transform() to reproject raster. Works on rasters with no SRID.</para>
ST_Width(orig) AS orig_width,
ST_Width(reduce_100) AS new_width
rast AS orig,
ST_Resample(rast,100,100) AS reduce_100
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast,
ST_MakeEnvelope(-71.128, 42.2392,-71.1277, 42.2397, 4326),26986)
) AS foo;
orig_width | new_width
200 | 100
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Rescale" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Resize" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Transform" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Rescale">
<refpurpose>Resample a raster by adjusting only its scale (or pixel size). New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor.
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Rescale</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalexy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbour</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Rescale</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scaley</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbour</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Resample a raster by adjusting only its scale (or pixel size). New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. The default is NearestNeighbor which is the fastest but results in the worst interpolation.</para>
<para><varname>scalex</varname> and <varname>scaley</varname> define the new pixel size. scaley must often be negative to get well oriented raster.</para>
<para>When the new scalex or scaley is not a divisor of the raster width or height, the extent of the resulting raster is expanded to encompass the extent of the provided raster. If you want to be sure to retain exact input extent see <xref linkend="RT_ST_Resize" /></para>
<para>A maxerror percent of 0.125 is used if no <varname>maxerr</varname> is specified.</para>
<note><para>Refer to: <ulink url="">GDAL Warp resampling methods</ulink> for more details. </para></note>
<note><para>ST_Rescale is different from <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetScale" /> in that ST_SetScale do not resample the raster to match the raster extent. ST_SetScale only changes the metadata (or georeference) of the raster to correct an originally mis-specified scaling. ST_Rescale results in a raster having different width and height computed to fit the geographic extent of the input raster. ST_SetScale do not modify the width, nor the height of the raster.</para></note>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 Requires GDAL 1.6.1+</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 Works on rasters with no SRID</para>
<para>A simple example rescaling a raster from a pixel size of 0.001 degree to a pixel size of 0.0015 degree.</para>
<programlisting>-- the original raster pixel size
SELECT ST_PixelWidth(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(100, 100, 0, 0, 0.001, -0.001, 0, 0, 4269), '8BUI'::text, 1, 0)) width
-- the rescaled raster raster pixel size
SELECT ST_PixelWidth(ST_Rescale(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(100, 100, 0, 0, 0.001, -0.001, 0, 0, 4269), '8BUI'::text, 1, 0), 0.0015)) width
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Resize" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Resample" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetScale" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleX" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_ScaleY" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Transform" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Reskew">
<refpurpose>Resample a raster by adjusting only its skew (or rotation parameters). New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor.
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Reskew</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewxy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbour</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Reskew</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>skewy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbour</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Resample a raster by adjusting only its skew (or rotation parameters). New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. The default is NearestNeighbor which is the fastest but results in the worst interpolation.</para>
<para><varname>skewx</varname> and <varname>skewy</varname> define the new skew.</para>
<para>The extent of the new raster will encompass the extent of the provided raster.</para>
<para>A maxerror percent of 0.125 if no <varname>maxerr</varname> is specified.</para>
<note><para>Refer to: <ulink url="">GDAL Warp resampling methods</ulink> for more details. </para></note>
<note><para>ST_Reskew is different from <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetSkew" /> in that ST_SetSkew do not resample the raster to match the raster extent. ST_SetSkew only changes the metadata (or georeference) of the raster to correct an originally mis-specified skew. ST_Reskew results in a raster having different width and height computed to fit the geographic extent of the input raster. ST_SetSkew do not modify the width, nor the height of the raster.</para></note>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 Requires GDAL 1.6.1+</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 Works on rasters with no SRID</para>
<para>A simple example reskewing a raster from a skew of 0.0 to a skew of 0.0015.</para>
<programlisting>-- the original raster pixel size
SELECT ST_Rotation(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(100, 100, 0, 0, 0.001, -0.001, 0, 0, 4269), '8BUI'::text, 1, 0))
-- the rescaled raster raster pixel size
SELECT ST_Rotation(ST_Reskew(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(100, 100, 0, 0, 0.001, -0.001, 0, 0, 4269), '8BUI'::text, 1, 0), 0.0015))
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Resample" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_Rescale" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetSkew" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetRotation" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SkewY" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_Transform" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SnapToGrid">
<refpurpose>Resample a raster by snapping it to a grid. New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor.
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SnapToGrid</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbour</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalex=DEFAULT 0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scaley=DEFAULT 0</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SnapToGrid</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scaley</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbour</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SnapToGrid</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridx</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>gridy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalexy</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbour</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Resample a raster by snapping it to a grid defined by an arbitrary pixel corner (gridx &amp; gridy) and optionally a pixel size (scalex &amp; scaley). New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. The default is NearestNeighbor which is the fastest but results in the worst interpolation.</para>
<para><varname>gridx</varname> and <varname>gridy</varname> define any arbitrary pixel corner of the new grid. This is not necessarily the upper left corner of the new raster and it does not have to be inside or on the edge of the new raster extent.</para>
<para>You can optionnal define the pixel size of the new grid with <varname>scalex</varname> and <varname>scaley</varname>.</para>
<para>The extent of the new raster will encompass the extent of the provided raster.</para>
<para>A maxerror percent of 0.125 if no <varname>maxerr</varname> is specified.</para>
<note><para>Refer to: <ulink url="">GDAL Warp resampling methods</ulink> for more details. </para></note>
<note><para>Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_Resample" /> if you need more control over the grid parameters.</para></note>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 Requires GDAL 1.6.1+</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 Works on rasters with no SRID</para>
<para>A simple example snapping a raster to a slightly different grid.</para>
<programlisting>-- the original raster pixel size
SELECT ST_UpperLeftX(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10, 10, 0, 0, 0.001, -0.001, 0, 0, 4269), '8BUI'::text, 1, 0))
-- the rescaled raster raster pixel size
SELECT ST_UpperLeftX(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10, 10, 0, 0, 0.001, -0.001, 0, 0, 4269), '8BUI'::text, 1, 0), 0.0002, 0.0002))
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Resample" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_Rescale" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftX" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_UpperLeftY" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Resize">
<refpurpose>Resize a raster to a new width/height</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Resize</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbor</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Resize</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>percentwidth</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>percentheight</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbor</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Resize</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbor</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
Resize a raster to a new width/height. The new width/height can be specified in exact number of pixels or a percentage of the raster's width/height. The extent of the the new raster will be the same as the extent of the provided raster.
New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. The default is NearestNeighbor which is the fastest but results in the worst interpolation.
Variant 1 expects the actual width/height of the output raster.
Variant 2 expects decimal values between zero (0) and one (1) indicating the percentage of the input raster's width/height.
Variant 3 takes either the actual width/height of the output raster or a textual percentage ("20%") indicating the percentage of the input raster's width/height.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0 Requires GDAL 1.6.1+</para>
WITH foo AS(
1 AS rid,
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1000, 1000, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
, 1, '8BUI', 255, 0
, '50%', '500') AS rast
2 AS rid,
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1000, 1000, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
, 1, '8BUI', 255, 0
, 500, 100) AS rast
3 AS rid,
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1000, 1000, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
, 1, '8BUI', 255, 0
, 0.25, 0.9) AS rast
), bar AS (
SELECT rid, ST_Metadata(rast) AS meta, rast FROM foo
SELECT rid, (meta).* FROM bar
rid | upperleftx | upperlefty | width | height | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy | srid | numbands
1 | 0 | 0 | 500 | 500 | 1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1
2 | 0 | 0 | 500 | 100 | 1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1
3 | 0 | 0 | 250 | 900 | 1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1
(3 rows)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Resample" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Rescale" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Reskew" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SnapToGrid" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Transform">
<refpurpose>Reprojects a raster in a known spatial reference system to another known spatial reference system using specified resampling algorithm. Options are NearestNeighbor, Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline, Lanczos defaulting to NearestNeighbor.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Transform</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>srid</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbor</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scaley</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Transform</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>srid</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scalex</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scaley</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbor</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Transform</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>alignto</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>algorithm=NearestNeighbor</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>maxerr=0.125</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Reprojects a raster in a known spatial reference system to another known spatial reference system using specified pixel warping algorithm.
Uses 'NearestNeighbor' if no algorithm is specified and maxerror percent of 0.125 if no maxerr is specified.</para>
<para>Algorithm options are: 'NearestNeighbor', 'Bilinear', 'Cubic', 'CubicSpline', and 'Lanczos'. Refer to: <ulink url="">GDAL Warp resampling methods</ulink> for more details.</para>
ST_Transform is often confused with ST_SetSRID(). ST_Transform actually changes the coordinates of a raster (and resamples the pixel values) from one spatial reference system to another, while ST_SetSRID() simply changes the SRID identifier of the raster.
Unlike the other variants, Variant 3 requires a reference raster as <varname>alignto</varname>. The transformed raster will be transformed to the spatial reference system (SRID) of the reference raster and be aligned (ST_SameAlignment = TRUE) to the reference raster.
If you find your transformation support is not working right, you may need to set the environment variable PROJSO to the .so or .dll projection library your PostGIS is using. This just needs to have the name of the file. So for example on windows, you would in Control Panel -> System -> Environment Variables add a system variable called <varname>PROJSO</varname> and set it to <varname>libproj.dll</varname> (if you are using proj 4.6.1). You'll have to restart your PostgreSQL service/daemon after this change.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 Requires GDAL 1.6.1+</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Addition of ST_Transform(rast, alignto) variant</para>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_Width(mass_stm) As w_before, ST_Width(wgs_84) As w_after,
ST_Height(mass_stm) As h_before, ST_Height(wgs_84) As h_after
( SELECT rast As mass_stm, ST_Transform(rast,4326) As wgs_84
, ST_Transform(rast,4326, 'Bilinear') AS wgs_84_bilin
FROM aerials.o_2_boston
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast,
ST_Transform(ST_MakeEnvelope(-71.128, 42.2392,-71.1277, 42.2397, 4326),26986) )
LIMIT 1) As foo;
w_before | w_after | h_before | h_after
200 | 228 | 200 | 170
<tgroup cols="3">
<imagedata fileref="images/rt_st_transform01.png" />
<caption><para>original mass state plane meters (mass_stm)</para></caption>
<imagedata fileref="images/rt_st_transform02.png" />
<caption><para>After transform to wgs 84 long lat (wgs_84)</para></caption>
<imagedata fileref="images/rt_st_transform03.png" />
<caption><para>After transform to wgs 84 long lat with bilinear algorithm instead of NN default (wgs_84_bilin)</para></caption>
<title>Examples: Variant 3</title>
<para>The following shows the difference between using ST_Transform(raster, srid) and ST_Transform(raster, alignto)</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 0 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, -500000, 600000, 100, -100, 0, 0, 2163), 1, '16BUI', 1, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 1, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, -499800, 600000, 100, -100, 0, 0, 2163), 1, '16BUI', 2, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 2, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, -499600, 600000, 100, -100, 0, 0, 2163), 1, '16BUI', 3, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 3, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, -500000, 599800, 100, -100, 0, 0, 2163), 1, '16BUI', 10, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 4, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, -499800, 599800, 100, -100, 0, 0, 2163), 1, '16BUI', 20, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 5, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, -499600, 599800, 100, -100, 0, 0, 2163), 1, '16BUI', 30, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 6, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, -500000, 599600, 100, -100, 0, 0, 2163), 1, '16BUI', 100, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 7, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, -499800, 599600, 100, -100, 0, 0, 2163), 1, '16BUI', 200, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 8, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, -499600, 599600, 100, -100, 0, 0, 2163), 1, '16BUI', 300, 0) AS rast
), bar AS (
ST_Transform(rast, 4269) AS alignto
FROM foo
), baz AS (
ST_Transform(rast, 4269) AS not_aligned,
ST_Transform(rast, alignto) AS aligned
FROM foo
ST_SameAlignment(rast) AS rast,
ST_SameAlignment(not_aligned) AS not_aligned,
ST_SameAlignment(aligned) AS aligned
FROM baz
rast | not_aligned | aligned
t | f | t
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="ST_Transform" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetSRID" /></para>
<sect1 id="RasterBand_Editors">
<title>Raster Band Editors</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SetBandNoDataValue">
<refpurpose>Sets the value for the given band that represents no data. Band 1 is assumed if no band is specified. To mark a band as having no nodata value, set the nodata value = NULL.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetBandNoDataValue</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodatavalue</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetBandNoDataValue</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodatavalue</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>forcechecking=false</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Sets the value that represents no data for the band. Band 1 is assumed if not specified. This will affect results from <xref linkend="RT_ST_Polygon" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_DumpAsPolygons" />, and the ST_PixelAs...() functions.</para>
<programlisting>-- change just first band no data value
UPDATE dummy_rast
SET rast = ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,1, 254)
WHERE rid = 2;
-- change no data band value of bands 1,2,3
UPDATE dummy_rast
SET rast =
rast,1, 254)
WHERE rid = 2;
-- wipe out the nodata value this will ensure all pixels are considered for all processing functions
UPDATE dummy_rast
SET rast = ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,1, NULL)
WHERE rid = 2;
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_BandNoDataValue" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_SetBandIsNoData">
<refpurpose>Sets the isnodata flag of the band to TRUE.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_SetBandIsNoData</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>band=1</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Sets the isnodata flag for the band to true. Band 1 is
assumed if not specified. This function should be called only
when the flag is considered dirty. That is, when the result
calling <xref linkend="RT_ST_BandIsNoData" /> is different using
TRUE as last argument and without using it</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
-- Create dummy table with one raster column
create table dummy_rast (rid integer, rast raster);
-- Add raster with two bands, one pixel/band. In the first band, nodatavalue = pixel value = 3.
-- In the second band, nodatavalue = 13, pixel value = 4
insert into dummy_rast values(1,
'01' -- little endian (uint8 ndr)
'0000' -- version (uint16 0)
'0200' -- nBands (uint16 0)
'17263529ED684A3F' -- scaleX (float64 0.000805965234044584)
'F9253529ED684ABF' -- scaleY (float64 -0.00080596523404458)
'1C9F33CE69E352C0' -- ipX (float64 -75.5533328537098)
'718F0E9A27A44840' -- ipY (float64 49.2824585505576)
'ED50EB853EC32B3F' -- skewX (float64 0.000211812383858707)
'7550EB853EC32B3F' -- skewY (float64 0.000211812383858704)
'E6100000' -- SRID (int32 4326)
'0100' -- width (uint16 1)
'0100' -- height (uint16 1)
'4' -- hasnodatavalue set to true, isnodata value set to false (when it should be true)
'2' -- first band type (4BUI)
'03' -- novalue==3
'03' -- pixel(0,0)==3 (same that nodata)
'0' -- hasnodatavalue set to false
'5' -- second band type (16BSI)
'0D00' -- novalue==13
'0400' -- pixel(0,0)==4
select st_bandisnodata(rast, 1) from dummy_rast where rid = 1; -- Expected false
select st_bandisnodata(rast, 1, TRUE) from dummy_rast where rid = 1; -- Expected true
-- The isnodata flag is dirty. We are going to set it to true
update dummy_rast set rast = st_setbandisnodata(rast, 1) where rid = 1;
select st_bandisnodata(rast, 1) from dummy_rast where rid = 1; -- Expected true
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_BandNoDataValue" />, <xref
linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" />, <xref
linkend="RT_ST_SetBandNoDataValue"/>, <xref
<sect1 id="RasterBand_Stats">
<title>Raster Band Statistics and Analytics</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Count">
<refpurpose>Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. If exclude_nodata_value is set to true, will only count pixels that are not equal to the nodata value.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_Count</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_Count</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_Count</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_Count</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified <varname>nband</varname> defaults to 1. </para>
<note><para>If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is set to true, will only count pixels with value not equal to the <varname>nodata</varname> value of the raster. Set <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> to false to get count all pixels</para></note>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
The ST_Count(rastertable, rastercolumn, ...) variants are deprecated as of 2.2.0. Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_CountAgg" /> instead.
<!-- TODO: Fix once we confirm the right behavior -->
--example will count all pixels not 249 and one will count all pixels. --
SELECT rid, ST_Count(ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,249)) As exclude_nodata,
ST_Count(ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,249),false) As include_nodata
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;
rid | exclude_nodata | include_nodata
2 | 23 | 25
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_CountAgg" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStats" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetBandNoDataValue" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_CountAgg">
Aggregate. Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a set of rasters. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. If exclude_nodata_value is set to true, will only count pixels that are not equal to the NODATA value.
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_CountAgg</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>sample_percent</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_CountAgg</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_CountAgg</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a set of rasters. If no band is specified <varname>nband</varname> defaults to 1.</para>
If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is set to true, will only count pixels with value not equal to the <varname>NODATA</varname> value of the raster. Set <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> to false to get count all pixels
<para>By default will sample all pixels. To get faster response, set <varname>sample_percent</varname> to value between zero (0) and one (1)</para>
<para>Availability: 2.2.0 </para>
WITH foo AS (
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10, 10, 10, 10, 2, 2, 0, 0,0)
, 1, '64BF', 0, 0
, 1, 1, 1, -10
, 1, 5, 4, 0
, 1, 5, 5, 3.14159
) AS rast
) AS rast
SELECT generate_series(1, 10) AS id
) AS id
ON 1 = 1
ST_CountAgg(rast, 1, TRUE)
FROM foo;
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Count" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStats" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetBandNoDataValue" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Histogram">
<refpurpose>Returns a set of record summarizing a raster or raster coverage data distribution separate bin ranges. Number of bins are autocomputed if not specified.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Histogram</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>bins=autocomputed</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>width=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>right=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Histogram</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bins</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>width=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>right=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Histogram</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bins</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>right</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Histogram</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bins</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>right</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Histogram</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bins</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>right</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Histogram</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bins</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>right</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Histogram</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>bins=autocomputed</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>width=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>right=false</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Histogram</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>bins</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>width=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>right=false</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns set of records consisting of min, max, count, percent for a given raster band for each bin. If no band is specified <varname>nband</varname> defaults to 1. </para>
<note><para>By default only considers pixel values not equal to the <varname>nodata</varname> value . Set <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> to false to get count all pixels.</para></note>
<term><parameter>width </parameter><type>double precision[]</type></term>
<listitem><para>width: an array indicating the width of each category/bin. If the number of bins is greater than the number of widths, the widths are repeated. </para>
<para>Example: 9 bins, widths are [a, b, c] will have the output be [a, b, c, a, b, c, a, b, c]</para></listitem>
<term><parameter>bins </parameter><type>integer</type></term>
<listitem><para>Number of breakouts -- this is the number of records you'll get back from the function if specified. If not specified
then the number of breakouts is autocomputed.</para></listitem>
<term><parameter>right </parameter><type>boolean</type></term>
<listitem><para>compute the histogram from the right rather than from the left (default). This changes the criteria for evaluating a value x from [a, b) to (a, b]</para></listitem>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
<title>Example: Single raster tile - compute histograms for bands 1, 2, 3 and autocompute bins</title>
<programlisting>SELECT band, (stats).*
FROM (SELECT rid, band, ST_Histogram(rast, band) As stats
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,3) As band
WHERE rid=2) As foo;
band | min | max | count | percent
1 | 249 | 250 | 2 | 0.08
1 | 250 | 251 | 2 | 0.08
1 | 251 | 252 | 1 | 0.04
1 | 252 | 253 | 2 | 0.08
1 | 253 | 254 | 18 | 0.72
2 | 78 | 113.2 | 11 | 0.44
2 | 113.2 | 148.4 | 4 | 0.16
2 | 148.4 | 183.6 | 4 | 0.16
2 | 183.6 | 218.8 | 1 | 0.04
2 | 218.8 | 254 | 5 | 0.2
3 | 62 | 100.4 | 11 | 0.44
3 | 100.4 | 138.8 | 5 | 0.2
3 | 138.8 | 177.2 | 4 | 0.16
3 | 177.2 | 215.6 | 1 | 0.04
3 | 215.6 | 254 | 4 | 0.16</programlisting>
<title>Example: Just band 2 but for 6 bins</title>
<programlisting>SELECT (stats).*
FROM (SELECT rid, ST_Histogram(rast, 2,6) As stats
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid=2) As foo;
min | max | count | percent
78 | 107.333333 | 9 | 0.36
107.333333 | 136.666667 | 6 | 0.24
136.666667 | 166 | 0 | 0
166 | 195.333333 | 4 | 0.16
195.333333 | 224.666667 | 1 | 0.04
224.666667 | 254 | 5 | 0.2
(6 rows)
-- Same as previous but we explicitly control the pixel value range of each bin.
SELECT (stats).*
FROM (SELECT rid, ST_Histogram(rast, 2,6,ARRAY[0.5,1,4,100,5]) As stats
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid=2) As foo;
min | max | count | percent
78 | 78.5 | 1 | 0.08
78.5 | 79.5 | 1 | 0.04
79.5 | 83.5 | 0 | 0
83.5 | 183.5 | 17 | 0.0068
183.5 | 188.5 | 0 | 0
188.5 | 254 | 6 | 0.003664
(6 rows)</programlisting>
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Count" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStats" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStatsAgg" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Quantile">
<refpurpose>Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the raster's 25%, 50%, 75% percentile.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Quantile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>quantiles=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Quantile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>quantiles</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Quantile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>quantiles</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Quantile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>quantile</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Quantile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>quantile=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Quantile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>quantile</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Quantile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>quantile</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Quantile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>quantile</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- TODO: Add the rest and examples -->
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Quantile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>quantiles=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_Quantile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>quantiles</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the raster's 25%, 50%, 75% percentile.</para>
<note><para>If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is set to false, will also count pixels with no data.</para></note>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
UPDATE dummy_rast SET rast = ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,249) WHERE rid=2;
--Example will consider only pixels of band 1 that are not 249 and in named quantiles --
SELECT (pvq).*
FROM (SELECT ST_Quantile(rast, ARRAY[0.25,0.75]) As pvq
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2) As foo
ORDER BY (pvq).quantile;
quantile | value
0.25 | 253
0.75 | 254
SELECT ST_Quantile(rast, 0.75) As value
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;
--real live example. Quantile of all pixels in band 2 intersecting a geometry
SELECT rid, (ST_Quantile(rast,2)).* As pvc
FROM o_4_boston
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast,
ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((224486 892151,224486 892200,224706 892200,224706 892151,224486 892151))',26986)
ORDER BY value, quantile,rid
rid | quantile | value
1 | 0 | 0
2 | 0 | 0
14 | 0 | 1
15 | 0 | 2
14 | 0.25 | 37
1 | 0.25 | 42
15 | 0.25 | 47
2 | 0.25 | 50
14 | 0.5 | 56
1 | 0.5 | 64
15 | 0.5 | 66
2 | 0.5 | 77
14 | 0.75 | 81
15 | 0.75 | 87
1 | 0.75 | 94
2 | 0.75 | 106
14 | 1 | 199
1 | 1 | 244
2 | 1 | 255
15 | 1 | 255
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Count" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStats" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStatsAgg" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetBandNoDataValue" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_SummaryStats">
<refpurpose>Returns summarystats consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a raster or raster coverage. Band 1 is assumed is no band is specified.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>summarystats <function>ST_SummaryStats</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>summarystats <function>ST_SummaryStats</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>summarystats <function>ST_SummaryStats</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>summarystats <function>ST_SummaryStats</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns <xref linkend="summarystats"/> consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified <varname>nband</varname> defaults to 1.</para>
<note><para>By default only considers pixel values not equal to the <varname>nodata</varname> value. Set <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> to false to get count of all pixels.</para></note>
<note><para>By default will sample all pixels. To get faster response, set <varname>sample_percent</varname> to lower than 1</para></note>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
The ST_SummaryStats(rastertable, rastercolumn, ...) variants are deprecated as of 2.2.0. Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStatsAgg" /> instead.
<title>Example: Single raster tile</title>
SELECT rid, band, (stats).*
FROM (SELECT rid, band, ST_SummaryStats(rast, band) As stats
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,3) As band
WHERE rid=2) As foo;
rid | band | count | sum | mean | stddev | min | max
2 | 1 | 23 | 5821 | 253.086957 | 1.248061 | 250 | 254
2 | 2 | 25 | 3682 | 147.28 | 59.862188 | 78 | 254
2 | 3 | 25 | 3290 | 131.6 | 61.647384 | 62 | 254
<title>Example: Summarize pixels that intersect buildings of interest</title>
<para>This example took 574ms on PostGIS windows 64-bit with all of Boston Buildings
and aerial Tiles (tiles each 150x150 pixels ~ 134,000 tiles), ~102,000 building records</para>
-- our features of interest
feat AS (SELECT gid As building_id, geom_26986 As geom FROM buildings AS b
WHERE gid IN(100, 103,150)
-- clip band 2 of raster tiles to boundaries of builds
-- then get stats for these clipped regions
b_stats AS
(SELECT building_id, (stats).*
FROM (SELECT building_id, ST_SummaryStats(ST_Clip(rast,2,geom)) As stats
ON ST_Intersects(feat.geom,rast)
) As foo
-- finally summarize stats
SELECT building_id, SUM(count) As num_pixels
, MIN(min) As min_pval
, MAX(max) As max_pval
, SUM(mean*count)/SUM(count) As avg_pval
FROM b_stats
WHERE count > 0
GROUP BY building_id
ORDER BY building_id;
building_id | num_pixels | min_pval | max_pval | avg_pval
100 | 1090 | 1 | 255 | 61.0697247706422
103 | 655 | 7 | 182 | 70.5038167938931
150 | 895 | 2 | 252 | 185.642458100559</programlisting>
<title>Example: Raster coverage</title>
-- stats for each band --
SELECT band, (stats).*
FROM (SELECT band, ST_SummaryStats('o_4_boston','rast', band) As stats
FROM generate_series(1,3) As band) As foo;
band | count | sum | mean | stddev | min | max
1 | 8450000 | 725799 | 82.7064349112426 | 45.6800222638537 | 0 | 255
2 | 8450000 | 700487 | 81.4197705325444 | 44.2161184161765 | 0 | 255
3 | 8450000 | 575943 | 74.682739408284 | 44.2143885481407 | 0 | 255
-- For a table -- will get better speed if set sampling to less than 100%
-- Here we set to 25% and get a much faster answer
SELECT band, (stats).*
FROM (SELECT band, ST_SummaryStats('o_4_boston','rast', band,true,0.25) As stats
FROM generate_series(1,3) As band) As foo;
band | count | sum | mean | stddev | min | max
1 | 2112500 | 180686 | 82.6890480473373 | 45.6961043857248 | 0 | 255
2 | 2112500 | 174571 | 81.448503668639 | 44.2252623171821 | 0 | 255
3 | 2112500 | 144364 | 74.6765884023669 | 44.2014869384578 | 0 | 255
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="summarystats" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStatsAgg" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Count" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Clip" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_SummaryStatsAgg">
<refpurpose>Aggregate. Returns summarystats consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a set of raster. Band 1 is assumed is no band is specified.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>summarystats <function>ST_SummaryStatsAgg</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>sample_percent</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>summarystats <function>ST_SummaryStatsAgg</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>sample_percent</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>summarystats <function>ST_SummaryStatsAgg</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns <xref linkend="summarystats"/> consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified <varname>nband</varname> defaults to 1.</para>
<note><para>By default only considers pixel values not equal to the <varname>NODATA</varname> value. Set <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> to False to get count of all pixels.</para></note>
<note><para>By default will sample all pixels. To get faster response, set <varname>sample_percent</varname> to value between 0 and 1</para></note>
<para>Availability: 2.2.0 </para>
WITH foo AS (
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10, 10, 10, 10, 2, 2, 0, 0,0)
, 1, '64BF', 0, 0
, 1, 1, 1, -10
, 1, 5, 4, 0
, 1, 5, 5, 3.14159
) AS rast
) AS rast
SELECT generate_series(1, 10) AS id
) AS id
ON 1 = 1
round((stats).sum::numeric, 3),
round((stats).mean::numeric, 3),
round((stats).stddev::numeric, 3),
round((stats).min::numeric, 3),
round((stats).max::numeric, 3)
ST_SummaryStatsAgg(rast, 1, TRUE, 1) AS stats
FROM foo
) bar;
count | round | round | round | round | round
20 | -68.584 | -3.429 | 6.571 | -10.000 | 3.142
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="summarystats" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SummaryStats" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Count" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Clip" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_ValueCount">
<refpurpose>Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted.
and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_ValueCount</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>searchvalues=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>OUT value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>OUT count</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_ValueCount</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>searchvalues</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>OUT value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>OUT count</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_ValueCount</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>searchvalues</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>OUT value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>OUT count</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_ValueCount</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>searchvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_ValueCount</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>searchvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_ValueCount</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>searchvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_ValueCount</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=true</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>searchvalues=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>OUT value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>OUT count</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_ValueCount</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>searchvalues</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>OUT value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>OUT count</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>SETOF record <function>ST_ValueCount</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>searchvalues</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>OUT value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>OUT count</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>searchvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_ValueCount</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>searchvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bigint <function>ST_ValueCount</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastertable</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>rastercolumn</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>searchvalue</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>roundto=0</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns a set of records with columns <varname>value</varname> <varname>count</varname> which contain the pixel band value and count of pixels in the raster tile or raster coverage of selected band. </para>
<para>If no band is specified <varname>nband</varname> defaults to 1. If no <varname>searchvalues</varname> are specified, will return all pixel values found in the raster or raster coverage. If one searchvalue is given, will return an integer instead of records denoting the count of pixels having that pixel band value</para>
<note><para>If <varname>exclude_nodata_value</varname> is set to false, will also count pixels with no data.</para></note>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
UPDATE dummy_rast SET rast = ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,249) WHERE rid=2;
--Example will count only pixels of band 1 that are not 249. --
SELECT (pvc).*
FROM (SELECT ST_ValueCount(rast) As pvc
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2) As foo
ORDER BY (pvc).value;
value | count
250 | 2
251 | 1
252 | 2
253 | 6
254 | 12
-- Example will coount all pixels of band 1 including 249 --
SELECT (pvc).*
FROM (SELECT ST_ValueCount(rast,1,false) As pvc
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2) As foo
ORDER BY (pvc).value;
value | count
249 | 2
250 | 2
251 | 1
252 | 2
253 | 6
254 | 12
-- Example will count only non-nodata value pixels of band 2
SELECT (pvc).*
FROM (SELECT ST_ValueCount(rast,2) As pvc
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2) As foo
ORDER BY (pvc).value;
value | count
78 | 1
79 | 1
88 | 1
89 | 1
96 | 1
97 | 1
98 | 1
99 | 2
112 | 2
--real live example. Count all the pixels in an aerial raster tile band 2 intersecting a geometry
-- and return only the pixel band values that have a count > 500
SELECT (pvc).value, SUM((pvc).count) As total
FROM (SELECT ST_ValueCount(rast,2) As pvc
FROM o_4_boston
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast,
ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((224486 892151,224486 892200,224706 892200,224706 892151,224486 892151))',26986)
) As foo
GROUP BY (pvc).value
HAVING SUM((pvc).count) > 500
ORDER BY (pvc).value;
value | total
51 | 502
54 | 521
-- Just return count of pixels in each raster tile that have value of 100 of tiles that intersect a specific geometry --
SELECT rid, ST_ValueCount(rast,2,100) As count
FROM o_4_boston
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast,
ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((224486 892151,224486 892200,224706 892200,224706 892151,224486 892151))',26986)
) ;
rid | count
1 | 56
2 | 95
14 | 37
15 | 64
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_Count" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetBandNoDataValue" /></para>
<sect1 id="Raster_Outputs">
<title>Raster Outputs</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_AsBinary">
<refpurpose>Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the raster without SRID meta data.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsBinary</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>outasin=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
Returns the Binary representation of the raster. If <varname>outasin</varname> is TRUE, out-db bands are treated as in-db.
This is useful in binary cursors to pull data out of the database without converting it to a string representation.
By default, WKB output contains the external file path for out-db bands. If the client does not have access to the raster file underlying an out-db band, set <varname>outasin</varname> to TRUE.</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Addition of <varname>outasin</varname></para>
SELECT ST_AsBinary(rast) As rastbin FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=1;
<refentry id="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster">
<refpurpose>Return the raster tile in the designated GDAL Raster format. Raster formats are one of those supported by your compiled library. Use ST_GDALRasters() to get a list of formats supported by your library.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsGDALRaster</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>format</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>options=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>srid=sameassource</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the raster tile in the designated format. Arguments are itemized below:</para>
<varname>format</varname> format to output. This is dependent on the drivers compiled in your libgdal library. Generally available are 'JPEG', 'GTIff', 'PNG'. Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_GDALDrivers" /> to get a list of formats supported by your library.
<varname>options</varname> text array of GDAL options. Valid options are dependent on the format. Refer to <ulink url="">GDAL Raster format options</ulink> for more details.
<varname>srs</varname> The proj4text or srtext (from spatial_ref_sys) to embed in the image
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 - requires GDAL &gt;= 1.6.0. </para>
<title>JPEG Output Examples</title>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_AsGDALRaster(rast, 'JPEG') As rastjpg
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=1;
SELECT ST_AsGDALRaster(rast, 'JPEG', ARRAY['QUALITY=50']) As rastjpg
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;
<title>GTIFF Output Examples</title>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_AsGDALRaster(rast, 'GTiff') As rastjpg
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;
-- Out GeoTiff with jpeg compression, 90% quality
SELECT ST_AsGDALRaster(rast, 'GTiff',
4269) As rasttiff
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_Raster_Applications" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_GDALDrivers" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SRID" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_AsJPEG">
<refpurpose>Return the raster tile selected bands as a single Joint Photographic Exports Group (JPEG) image (byte array). If no band is specified and 1 or more than 3 bands, then only the first band is used. If only 3 bands then all 3 bands are used and mapped to RGB.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsJPEG</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>options=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsJPEG</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>quality</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsJPEG</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>options=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsJPEG</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[] </type> <parameter>nbands</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>options=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsJPEG</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[] </type> <parameter>nbands</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>quality</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the selected bands of the raster as a single Joint Photographic Exports Group Image (JPEG). Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" /> if you need to export as less common raster types. If no band is specified and 1 or more than 3 bands, then only the first band is used. If 3 bands then all 3 bands are used. There are many variants of the function with many options. These are itemized below:</para>
<varname>nband</varname> is for single band exports.
<varname>nbands</varname> is an array of bands to export (note that max is 3 for JPEG) and the order of the bands is RGB. e.g ARRAY[3,2,1] means map band 3 to Red, band 2 to green and band 1 to blue
<varname>quality</varname> number from 0 to 100. The higher the number the crisper the image.
<varname>options</varname> text Array
of GDAL options as defined for JPEG
(look at create_options for JPEG <xref
linkend="RT_ST_GDALDrivers" />). For JPEG
valid ones are <varname>PROGRESSIVE</varname>
ON or OFF and <varname>QUALITY</varname> a range
from 0 to 100 and default to 75. Refer to <ulink
Raster format options</ulink> for more details.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 - requires GDAL &gt;= 1.6.0. </para>
<title>Examples: Output</title>
<programlisting>-- output first 3 bands 75% quality
SELECT ST_AsJPEG(rast) As rastjpg
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;
-- output only first band as 90% quality
SELECT ST_AsJPEG(rast,1,90) As rastjpg
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;
-- output first 3 bands (but make band 2 Red, band 1 green, and band 3 blue, progressive and 90% quality
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;</programlisting>
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_Raster_Applications" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_GDALDrivers" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsPNG" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsTIFF" /> </para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_AsPNG">
<refpurpose>Return the raster tile selected bands as a single portable network graphics (PNG) image (byte array). If 1, 3, or 4 bands in raster and no bands are specified, then all bands are used. If more 2 or more than 4 bands and no bands specified, then only band 1 is used. Bands are mapped to RGB or RGBA space.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsPNG</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>options=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsPNG</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>compression</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsPNG</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>options=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsPNG</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[] </type> <parameter>nbands</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>compression</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsPNG</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[] </type> <parameter>nbands</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>options=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the selected bands of the raster as a single Portable Network Graphics Image (PNG). Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" /> if you need to export as less common raster types. If no band is specified, then the first 3 bands are exported. There are many variants of the function with many options. If no <varname>srid</varname> is specified then then srid of the raster is used. These are itemized below:</para>
<varname>nband</varname> is for single band exports.
<varname>nbands</varname> is an array of bands to export (note that max is 3 for PNG) and the order of the bands is RGB. e.g ARRAY[3,2,1] means map band 3 to Red, band 2 to green and band 1 to blue
<varname>compression</varname> number from 1 to 9. The higher the number the greater the compression.
<varname>options</varname> text Array of GDAL
options as defined for PNG (look at create_options
for PNG of <xref linkend="RT_ST_GDALDrivers"
/>). For PNG valid one is only ZLEVEL (amount
of time to spend on compression -- default 6)
e.g. ARRAY['ZLEVEL=9'].
WORLDFILE is not allowed since the function
would have to output two outputs. Refer to <ulink
Raster format options</ulink> for more details.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 - requires GDAL &gt;= 1.6.0. </para>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_AsPNG(rast) As rastpng
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;
-- export the first 3 bands and map band 3 to Red, band 1 to Green, band 2 to blue
SELECT ST_AsPNG(rast, ARRAY[3,1,2]) As rastpng
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_ColorMap" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_GDALDrivers" />, <xref linkend="RT_Raster_Applications" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_ST_AsTIFF">
<refpurpose>Return the raster selected bands as a single TIFF image (byte array). If no band is specified, then will try to use all bands.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsTIFF</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>options=''</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>srid=sameassource</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsTIFF</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>compression=''</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>srid=sameassource</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsTIFF</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[] </type> <parameter>nbands</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>compression=''</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>srid=sameassource</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>bytea <function>ST_AsTIFF</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[] </type> <parameter>nbands</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[] </type> <parameter>options</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>srid=sameassource</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the selected bands of the raster as a single Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). If no band is specified, will try to use all bands. This is a wrapper around <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" />. Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" /> if you need to export as less common raster types. There are many variants of the function with many options. If no spatial reference SRS text is present, the spatial reference of the raster is used. These are itemized below:</para>
<varname>nbands</varname> is an array of bands to export (note that max is 3 for PNG) and the order of the bands is RGB. e.g ARRAY[3,2,1] means map band 3 to Red, band 2 to green and band 1 to blue
<varname>compression</varname> Compression expression -- JPEG90 (or some other percent), LZW, JPEG, DEFLATE9.
<varname>options</varname> text Array of GDAL create options as defined for GTiff (look at create_options for GTiff of <xref linkend="RT_ST_GDALDrivers" />). or refer to <ulink url="">GDAL Raster format options</ulink> for more details.
<varname>srid</varname> srid of spatial_ref_sys of the raster. This is used to populate the georeference information
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 - requires GDAL &gt;= 1.6.0. </para>
<title>Examples: Use jpeg compression 90%</title>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_AsTIFF(rast, 'JPEG90') As rasttiff
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_GDALDrivers" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_AsGDALRaster" />, <xref linkend="RT_ST_SRID" /></para>
<sect1 id="Raster_Processing">
<title>Raster Processing</title>
<sect2 id="Raster_Processing_MapAlgebra">
<title>Map Algebra</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Clip">
<refpurpose>Returns the raster clipped by the input geometry. If band number not is specified, all bands are processed. If <varname>crop</varname> is not specified or TRUE, the output raster is cropped.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Clip</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[] </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>crop=TRUE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Clip</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>crop=TRUE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Clip</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>crop</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Clip</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>crop=TRUE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Clip</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>crop=TRUE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Clip</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>crop</parameter></paramdef>
Returns a raster that is clipped by the input geometry <varname>geom</varname>. If band index is not specified, all bands are processed.
Rasters resulting from ST_Clip must have a nodata value assigned for areas clipped, one for each band. If none are provided and the input raster do not have a nodata value defined, nodata values of the resulting raster are set to ST_MinPossibleValue(ST_BandPixelType(rast, band)). When the number of nodata value in the array is smaller than the number of band, the last one in the array is used for the remaining bands. If the number of nodata value is greater than the number of band, the extra nodata values are ignored. All variants accepting an array of nodata values also accept a single value which will be assigned to each band.
If <varname>crop</varname> is not specified, true is assumed meaning the output raster is cropped to the intersection of the <varname>geom</varname>and <varname>rast</varname> extents. If <varname>crop</varname> is set to false, the new raster gets the same extent as <varname>rast</varname>.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Rewritten in C</para>
Examples here use Massachusetts aerial data available on MassGIS site <ulink url="">MassGIS Aerial Orthos</ulink>. Coordinates are in Massachusetts State Plane Meters.
<title>Examples: 1 band clipping</title>
-- Clip the first band of an aerial tile by a 20 meter buffer.
SELECT ST_Clip(rast, 1,
) from
WHERE rid = 4;
-- Demonstrate effect of crop on final dimensions of raster
-- Note how final extent is clipped to that of the geometry
-- if crop = true
SELECT ST_XMax(ST_Envelope(ST_Clip(rast, 1, clipper, true))) As xmax_w_trim,
ST_XMax(clipper) As xmax_clipper,
ST_XMax(ST_Envelope(ST_Clip(rast, 1, clipper, false))) As xmax_wo_trim,
ST_XMax(ST_Envelope(rast)) As xmax_rast_orig
FROM (SELECT rast, ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(ST_Envelope(rast)),6) As clipper
WHERE rid = 6) As foo;
xmax_w_trim | xmax_clipper | xmax_wo_trim | xmax_rast_orig
230657.436173996 | 230657.436173996 | 230666.436173996 | 230666.436173996
<tgroup cols="2">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_clip01.png" />
<para>Full raster tile before clipping</para>
<imagedata fileref="images/st_clip02.png" />
<para>After Clipping</para>
<title>Examples: 1 band clipping with no crop and add back other bands unchanged</title>
-- Same example as before, but we need to set crop to false to be able to use ST_AddBand
-- because ST_AddBand requires all bands be the same Width and height
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_Clip(rast, 1,
), ARRAY[ST_Band(rast,2),ST_Band(rast,3)] ) from
WHERE rid = 6;
<tgroup cols="2">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_clip04.png" />
<para>Full raster tile before clipping</para>
<imagedata fileref="images/st_clip05.png" />
<para>After Clipping - surreal</para>
<title>Examples: Clip all bands</title>
-- Clip all bands of an aerial tile by a 20 meter buffer.
-- Only difference is we don't specify a specific band to clip
-- so all bands are clipped
SELECT ST_Clip(rast,
ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(ST_Envelope(rast)), 20),
) from
WHERE rid = 4;
<tgroup cols="2">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_clip01.png" />
<para>Full raster tile before clipping</para>
<imagedata fileref="images/st_clip03.png" />
<para>After Clipping</para>
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_AddBand" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersection" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_ColorMap">
<refpurpose>Creates a new raster of up to four 8BUI bands (grayscale, RGB, RGBA) from the source raster and a specified band. Band 1 is assumed if not specified.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_ColorMap</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>colormap=grayscale</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>method=INTERPOLATE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_ColorMap</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>colormap</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>method=INTERPOLATE</parameter></paramdef>
Apply a <varname>colormap</varname> to the band at <varname>nband</varname> of <varname>rast</varname> resulting a new raster comprised of up to four 8BUI bands. The number of 8BUI bands in the new raster is determined by the number of color components defined in <varname>colormap</varname>.
<para>If <varname>nband</varname> is not specified, then band 1 is assumed.</para>
<varname>colormap</varname> can be a keyword of a pre-defined colormap or a set of lines defining the value and the color components.
Valid pre-defined <varname>colormap</varname> keyword:
<varname>grayscale</varname> or <varname>greyscale</varname> for a one 8BUI band raster of shades of gray.
<varname>pseudocolor</varname> for a four 8BUI (RGBA) band raster with colors going from blue to green to red.
<varname>fire</varname> for a four 8BUI (RGBA) band raster with colors going from black to red to pale yellow.
<varname>bluered</varname> for a four 8BUI (RGBA) band raster with colors going from blue to pale white to red.
Users can pass a set of entries (one per line) to <varname>colormap</varname> to specify custom colormaps. Each entry generally consists of five values: the pixel value and corresponding Red, Green, Blue, Alpha components (color components between 0 and 255). Percent values can be used instead of pixel values where 0% and 100% are the minimum and maximum values found in the raster band. Values can be separated with commas (','), tabs, colons (':') and/or spaces. The pixel value can be set to <emphasis>nv</emphasis>, <emphasis>null</emphasis> or <emphasis>nodata</emphasis> for the NODATA value. An example is provided below.
5 0 0 0 255
4 100:50 55 255
1 150,100 150 255
0% 255 255 255 255
nv 0 0 0 0
The syntax of <varname>colormap</varname> is similar to that of the color-relief mode of GDAL <ulink url="">gdaldem</ulink>.
Valid keywords for <varname>method</varname>:
<varname>INTERPOLATE</varname> to use linear interpolation to smoothly blend the colors between the given pixel values
<varname>EXACT</varname> to strictly match only those pixels values found in the colormap. Pixels whose value does not match a colormap entry will be set to 0 0 0 0 (RGBA)
<varname>NEAREST</varname> to use the colormap entry whose value is closest to the pixel value
A great reference for colormaps is <ulink url="">ColorBrewer</ulink>.
The resulting bands of new raster will have no NODATA value set. Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_SetBandNoDataValue" /> to set a NODATA value if one is needed.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0 </para>
<para>This is a junk table to play with</para>
-- setup test raster table --
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS funky_shapes;
CREATE TABLE funky_shapes(rast raster);
INSERT INTO funky_shapes(rast)
WITH ref AS (
SELECT ST_MakeEmptyRaster( 200, 200, 0, 200, 1, -1, 0, 0) AS rast
ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 2,50 50,150 150,125 50)'),
pi() * i * 0.125, ST_Point(50,50)
ref.rast, '8BUI'::text, i * 5
) AS rast
FROM ref
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, 10, 3) AS i
) AS shapes;
ST_NumBands(rast) As n_orig,
ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'greyscale')) As ngrey,
ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'pseudocolor')) As npseudo,
ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'fire')) As nfire,
ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'bluered')) As nbluered,
ST_NumBands(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, '
100% 255 0 0
80% 160 0 0
50% 130 0 0
30% 30 0 0
20% 60 0 0
0% 0 0 0
nv 255 255 255
')) As nred
FROM funky_shapes;
n_orig | ngrey | npseudo | nfire | nbluered | nred
1 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3
<title>Examples: Compare different color map looks using ST_AsPNG</title>
ST_AsPNG(rast) As orig_png,
ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast,1,'greyscale')) As grey_png,
ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'pseudocolor')) As pseudo_png,
ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'nfire')) As fire_png,
ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, 'bluered')) As bluered_png,
ST_AsPNG(ST_ColorMap(rast,1, '
100% 255 0 0
80% 160 0 0
50% 130 0 0
30% 30 0 0
20% 60 0 0
0% 0 0 0
nv 255 255 255
')) As red_png
FROM funky_shapes;
<tgroup cols="3">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_colormap_orig.png" />
<imagedata fileref="images/st_colormap_grey.png" />
<imagedata fileref="images/st_colormap_pseudo.png" />
<imagedata fileref="images/st_colormap_fire.png" />
<imagedata fileref="images/st_colormap_bluered.png" />
<imagedata fileref="images/st_colormap_red.png" />
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_AsPNG" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_AsRaster" />
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_NumBands" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Reclass" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetBandNoDataValue" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Union" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Intersection">
<refpurpose>Returns a raster or a set of geometry-pixelvalue pairs representing the shared portion of two rasters or the geometrical intersection of a vectorization of the raster and a geometry.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>setof geomval <function>ST_Intersection</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>band_num=1</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>setof geomval <function>ST_Intersection</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>setof geomval <function>ST_Intersection</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geomin</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Intersection</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>nodataval</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Intersection</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>returnband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>nodataval</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Intersection</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>nodataval</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Intersection</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>returnband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision[] </type> <parameter>nodataval</parameter></paramdef>
Returns a raster or a set of geometry-pixelvalue pairs representing the shared portion of two rasters or the geometrical intersection of a vectorization of the raster and a geometry.
The first three variants, returning a setof geomval, works in vector space. The raster is first vectorized (using ST_DumpAsPolygon) into a set of geomval rows and those rows are then intersected with the geometry using the ST_Intersection(geometry, geometry) PostGIS function. Geometries intersecting only with a nodata value area of a raster returns an empty geometry. They are normally excluded from the results by the proper usage of ST_Intersect in the WHERE clause.
You can access the geometry and the value parts of the resulting set of geomval by surrounding them with parenthesis and adding '.geom' or '.val' at the end of the expression. e.g. (ST_Intersection(rast, geom)).geom
The other variants, returning a raster, works in raster space. They are using the two rasters version of ST_MapAlgebraExpr to perform the intersection.
The extent of the resulting raster corresponds to the geometrical intersection of the two raster extents. The resulting raster includes 'BAND1', 'BAND2' or 'BOTH' bands, following what is passed as the <varname>returnband</varname> parameter. Nodata value areas present in any band results in nodata value areas in every bands of the result. In other words, any pixel intersecting with a nodata value pixel becomes a nodata value pixel in the result.
Rasters resulting from ST_Intersection must have a nodata value assigned for areas not intersecting. You can define or replace the nodata value for any resulting band by providing a <varname>nodataval[]</varname> array of one or two nodata values depending if you request 'BAND1', 'BAND2' or 'BOTH' bands. The first value in the array replace the nodata value in the first band and the second value replace the nodata value in the second band. If one input band do not have a nodata value defined and none are provided as an array, one is chosen using the ST_MinPossibleValue function. All variant accepting an array of nodata value can also accept a single value which will be assigned to each requested band.
In all variants, if no band number is specified band 1 is assumed. If you need an intersection between a raster and geometry that returns a raster, refer to <xref linkend="RT_ST_Clip" />.
To get more control on the resulting extent or on what to return when encountering a nodata value, use the two rasters version of <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraExpr2" />.
To compute the intersection of a raster band with a geometry in raster space, use <xref linkend="RT_ST_Clip" />. ST_Clip works on multiple bands rasters and does not return a band corresponding to the rasterized geometry.
ST_Intersection should be used in conjunction with ST_Intersects and an index on the raster column and/or the geometry column.
Enhanced: 2.0.0 - Intersection in the raster space was introduced. In earlier pre-2.0.0 versions, only intersection performed in vector space were supported.
<title>Examples: Geometry, Raster -- resulting in geometry vals</title>
ST_AsText((foo.geomval).geom) As geomwkt,
ST_Intersection(A.rast, g.geom) As geomval
FROM dummy_rast AS A
(1, ST_Point(3427928, 5793243.85) ),
(2, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(3427927.85 5793243.75,3427927.8 5793243.75,3427927.8 5793243.8)')),
(3, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(1 2, 3 4)'))
) As g(gid,geom)
WHERE A.rid = 2
) As foo;
rid | gid | geomwkt | val
2 | 1 | POINT(3427928 5793243.85) | 249
2 | 1 | POINT(3427928 5793243.85) | 253
2 | 2 | POINT(3427927.85 5793243.75) | 254
2 | 2 | POINT(3427927.8 5793243.8) | 251
2 | 2 | POINT(3427927.8 5793243.8) | 253
2 | 2 | LINESTRING(3427927.8 5793243.75,3427927.8 5793243.8) | 252
2 | 2 | MULTILINESTRING((3427927.8 5793243.8,3427927.8 5793243.75),...) | 250
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="geomval" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersects" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraExpr2" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Clip" />,
<xref linkend="ST_AsText" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_MapAlgebra">
Callback function version - Returns a one-band raster given one or more input rasters, band indexes and one user-specified callback function.
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebra</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>rastbandarg[] </type> <parameter>rastbandargset</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure </type> <parameter>callbackfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>extenttype=INTERSECTION</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>raster </type> <parameter>customextent=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>distancex=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>distancey=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebra</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[] </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure </type> <parameter>callbackfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>extenttype=FIRST</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>raster </type> <parameter>customextent=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>distancex=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>distancey=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebra</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure </type> <parameter>callbackfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>extenttype=FIRST</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>raster </type> <parameter>customextent=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>distancex=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>distancey=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebra</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure </type> <parameter>callbackfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>extenttype=INTERSECTION</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>raster </type> <parameter>customextent=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>distancex=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>distancey=0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebra</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>nband</type> <parameter>integer</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure </type> <parameter>callbackfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>float8[] </type> <parameter>mask</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>boolean </type> <parameter>weighted</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>extenttype=INTERSECTION</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>raster </type> <parameter>customextent=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text[] </type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
Returns a one-band raster given one or more input rasters, band indexes and one user-specified callback function.
<term>rast,rast1,rast2, rastbandargset</term>
Rasters on which the map algebra process is evaluated.</para><para><varname>rastbandargset</varname> allows the use of a map algebra operation on many rasters and/or many bands. See example Variant 1.
<term>nband, nband1, nband2</term>
Band numbers of the raster to be evaluated. nband can be an integer or integer[] denoting the bands. nband1 is band on rast1 and nband2 is band on rast2 for hte 2 raster/2band case.
The <varname>callbackfunc</varname> parameter must be the name and signature of an SQL or PL/pgSQL function, cast to a regprocedure. An example PL/pgSQL function example is:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sample_callbackfunc(value double precision[][][], position integer[][], VARIADIC userargs text[])
RETURNS double precision
AS $$
The <varname>callbackfunc</varname> must have three arguments: a 3-dimension double precision array, a 2-dimension integer array and a variadic 1-dimension text array. The first argument <varname>value</varname> is the set of values (as double precision) from all input rasters. The three dimensions (where indexes are 1-based) are: raster #, row y, column x. The second argument <varname>position</varname> is the set of pixel positions from the output raster and input rasters. The outer dimension (where indexes are 0-based) is the raster #. The position at outer dimension index 0 is the output raster's pixel position. For each outer dimension, there are two elements in the inner dimension for X and Y. The third argument <varname>userargs</varname> is for passing through any user-specified arguments.
Passing a <type>regprocedure</type> argument to a SQL function requires the full function signature to be passed, then cast to a <type>regprocedure</type> type. To pass the above example PL/pgSQL function as an argument, the SQL for the argument is:
'sample_callbackfunc(double precision[], integer[], text[])'::regprocedure
Note that the argument contains the name of the function, the types of the function arguments, quotes around the name and argument types, and a cast to a <type>regprocedure</type>.
An n-dimenional array (matrix) of numbers used to set pixels in raster to nodata.
boolean (true/false) to denote if a mask should be weighted or not (only applies to proto that takes a mask).
If <varname>pixeltype</varname> is passed in, the one band of the new raster will be of that pixeltype. If pixeltype is passed NULL or left out, the new raster band will have the same pixeltype as the specified band of the first raster (for extent types: INTERSECTION, UNION, FIRST, CUSTOM) or the specified band of the appropriate raster (for extent types: SECOND, LAST). If in doubt, always specify <varname>pixeltype</varname>.
The resulting pixel type of the output raster must be one listed in <xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" /> or left out or set to NULL.
Possible values are INTERSECTION (default), UNION, FIRST (default for one raster variants), SECOND, LAST, CUSTOM.
If <varname>extentype</varname> is CUSTOM, a raster must be provided for <varname>customextent</varname>. See example 4 of Variant 1.
The distance in pixels from the reference cell. So width of resulting matrix would be <code>2*distancex + 1</code>.If not specified only the reference cell is considered (neighborhood of 0).
The distance in pixels from reference cell in y direction. Height of resulting matrix would be <code>2*distancey + 1</code> .If not specified only the reference cell is considered (neighborhood of 0).
The third argument to the <varname>callbackfunc</varname> is a <type>variadic text</type> array. All trailing text arguments are passed through to the specified <varname>callbackfunc</varname>, and are contained in the <varname>userargs</varname> argument.
For more information about the VARIADIC keyword, please refer to the PostgreSQL documentation and the "SQL Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments" section of <ulink url="">Query Language (SQL) Functions</ulink>.
The <type>text[]</type> argument to the <varname>callbackfunc</varname> is required, regardless of whether you choose to pass any arguments to the callback function for processing or not.
Variant 1 accepts an array of <varname>rastbandarg</varname> allowing the use of a map algebra operation on many rasters and/or many bands. See example Variant 1.
Variants 2 and 3 operate upon one or more bands of one raster. See example Variant 2 and 3.
Variant 4 operate upon two rasters with one band per raster. See example Variant 4.
<para>Availability: 2.2.0: Ability to add a mask</para>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
<title>Examples: Variant 1</title>
<para>One raster, one band</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 1 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 1, 0) AS rast
ARRAY[ROW(rast, 1)]::rastbandarg[],
'sample_callbackfunc(double precision[], int[], text[])'::regprocedure
) AS rast
FROM foo
<para>One raster, several bands</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 1 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 1, 0), 2, '8BUI', 10, 0), 3, '32BUI', 100, 0) AS rast
ARRAY[ROW(rast, 3), ROW(rast, 1), ROW(rast, 3), ROW(rast, 2)]::rastbandarg[],
'sample_callbackfunc(double precision[], int[], text[])'::regprocedure
) AS rast
FROM foo
<para>Several rasters, several bands</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 1 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 1, 0), 2, '8BUI', 10, 0), 3, '32BUI', 100, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 2, 0), 2, '8BUI', 20, 0), 3, '32BUI', 300, 0) AS rast
ARRAY[ROW(t1.rast, 3), ROW(t2.rast, 1), ROW(t2.rast, 3), ROW(t1.rast, 2)]::rastbandarg[],
'sample_callbackfunc(double precision[], int[], text[])'::regprocedure
) AS rast
FROM foo t1
WHERE t1.rid = 1
AND t2.rid = 2
<para>Complete example of tiles of a coverage with neighborhood. This query only works with PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher.</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 0 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 1, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 1, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 2, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 2, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 2, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 4, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 3, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 3, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, -2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 10, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 4, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 2, -2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 20, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 5, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 4, -2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 30, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 6, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, -4, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 100, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 7, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 2, -4, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 200, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 8, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 4, -4, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 300, 0) AS rast
ARRAY[ROW(ST_Union(t2.rast), 1)]::rastbandarg[],
'sample_callbackfunc(double precision[], int[], text[])'::regprocedure,
'CUSTOM', t1.rast,
1, 1
) AS rast
FROM foo t1
WHERE t1.rid = 4
AND t2.rid BETWEEN 0 AND 8
AND ST_Intersects(t1.rast, t2.rast)
GROUP BY t1.rid, t1.rast
<para>Example like the prior one for tiles of a coverage with neighborhood but works with PostgreSQL 9.0.</para>
WITH src AS (
SELECT 0 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 1, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 1, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 2, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 2, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 2, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 4, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 3, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 3, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, -2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 10, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 4, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 2, -2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 20, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 5, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 4, -2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 30, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 6, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, -4, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 100, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 7, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 2, -4, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 200, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 8, ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 4, -4, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 300, 0) AS rast
WITH foo AS (
ST_Union(t2.rast) AS rast
FROM src t1
JOIN src t2
ON ST_Intersects(t1.rast, t2.rast)
AND t2.rid BETWEEN 0 AND 8
WHERE t1.rid = 4
GROUP BY t1.rid
), bar AS (
ARRAY[ROW(t2.rast, 1)]::rastbandarg[],
'raster_nmapalgebra_test(double precision[], int[], text[])'::regprocedure,
'CUSTOM', t1.rast,
1, 1
) AS rast
FROM src t1
JOIN foo t2
ON t1.rid = t2.rid
(ST_BandMetadata(rast, 1)),
ST_Value(rast, 1, 1, 1)
FROM bar;
<title>Examples: Variants 2 and 3</title>
<para>One raster, several bands</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 1 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 1, 0), 2, '8BUI', 10, 0), 3, '32BUI', 100, 0) AS rast
rast, ARRAY[3, 1, 3, 2]::integer[],
'sample_callbackfunc(double precision[], int[], text[])'::regprocedure
) AS rast
FROM foo
<para>One raster, one band</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 1 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 1, 0), 2, '8BUI', 10, 0), 3, '32BUI', 100, 0) AS rast
rast, 2,
'sample_callbackfunc(double precision[], int[], text[])'::regprocedure
) AS rast
FROM foo
<title>Examples: Variant 4</title>
<para>Two rasters, two bands</para>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 1 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 1, 0), 2, '8BUI', 10, 0), 3, '32BUI', 100, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 2, 0), 2, '8BUI', 20, 0), 3, '32BUI', 300, 0) AS rast
t1.rast, 2,
t2.rast, 1,
'sample_callbackfunc(double precision[], int[], text[])'::regprocedure
) AS rast
FROM foo t1
WHERE t1.rid = 1
AND t2.rid = 2
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="rastbandarg" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Union" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra_expr" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_MapAlgebra_expr">
Expression version - Returns a one-band raster given one or two input rasters, band indexes and one or more user-specified SQL expressions.
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebra</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>expression</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebra</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>expression</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebra</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>expression</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>extenttype=INTERSECTION</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>nodata1expr=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>nodata2expr=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodatanodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebra</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>expression</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>extenttype=INTERSECTION</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>nodata1expr=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>nodata2expr=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodatanodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
Expression version - Returns a one-band raster given one or two input rasters, band indexes and one or more user-specified SQL expressions.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
<title>Description: Variants 1 and 2 (one raster)</title>
Creates a new one band raster formed by applying a valid PostgreSQL algebraic operation defined by the <varname>expression</varname> on the input raster (<varname>rast</varname>). If <varname>nband</varname> is not provided, band 1 is assumed. The new raster will have the same georeference, width, and height as the original raster but will only have one band.
If <varname>pixeltype</varname> is passed in, then the new raster will have a band of that pixeltype. If pixeltype is passed NULL, then the new raster band will have the same pixeltype as the input <varname>rast</varname> band.
<listitem><para>Keywords permitted for <varname>expression</varname></para>
<para><varname>[rast]</varname> - Pixel value of the pixel of interest</para>
<para><varname>[rast.val]</varname> - Pixel value of the pixel of interest</para>
<para><varname>[rast.x]</varname> - 1-based pixel column of the pixel of interest</para>
<para><varname>[rast.y]</varname> - 1-based pixel row of the pixel of interest</para>
<title>Description: Variants 3 and 4 (two raster)</title>
Creates a new one band raster formed by applying a valid PostgreSQL algebraic operation to the two bands defined by the <varname>expression</varname> on the two input raster bands <varname>rast1</varname>, (<varname>rast2</varname>). If no <varname>band1</varname>, <varname>band2</varname> is specified band 1 is assumed. The resulting raster will be aligned (scale, skew and pixel corners) on the grid defined by the first raster. The resulting raster will have the extent defined by the <varname>extenttype</varname> parameter.
A PostgreSQL algebraic expression involving the two rasters and PostgreSQL defined functions/operators that will define the pixel value when pixels intersect. e.g. (([rast1] + [rast2])/2.0)::integer
The resulting pixel type of the output raster. Must be one listed in <xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />, left out or set to NULL. If not passed in or set to NULL, will default to the pixeltype of the first raster.
Controls the extent of resulting raster
<varname>INTERSECTION</varname> - The extent of the new raster is the intersection of the two rasters. This is the default.
<varname>UNION</varname> - The extent of the new raster is the union of the two rasters.
<varname>FIRST</varname> - The extent of the new raster is the same as the one of the first raster.
<varname>SECOND</varname> - The extent of the new raster is the same as the one of the second raster.
An algebraic expression involving only <varname>rast2</varname> or a constant that defines what to return when pixels of <varname>rast1</varname> are nodata values and spatially corresponding rast2 pixels have values.
An algebraic expression involving only <varname>rast1</varname> or a constant that defines what to return when pixels of <varname>rast2</varname> are nodata values and spatially corresponding rast1 pixels have values.
A numeric constant to return when spatially corresponding rast1 and rast2 pixels are both nodata values.
<listitem><para>Keywords permitted in <varname>expression</varname>, <varname>nodata1expr</varname> and <varname>nodata2expr</varname></para>
<para><varname>[rast1]</varname> - Pixel value of the pixel of interest from <varname>rast1</varname></para>
<para><varname>[rast1.val]</varname> - Pixel value of the pixel of interest from <varname>rast1</varname></para>
<para><varname>[rast1.x]</varname> - 1-based pixel column of the pixel of interest from <varname>rast1</varname></para>
<para><varname>[rast1.y]</varname> - 1-based pixel row of the pixel of interest from <varname>rast1</varname></para>
<para><varname>[rast2]</varname> - Pixel value of the pixel of interest from <varname>rast2</varname></para>
<para><varname>[rast2.val]</varname> - Pixel value of the pixel of interest from <varname>rast2</varname></para>
<para><varname>[rast2.x]</varname> - 1-based pixel column of the pixel of interest from <varname>rast2</varname></para>
<para><varname>[rast2.y]</varname> - 1-based pixel row of the pixel of interest from <varname>rast2</varname></para>
<title>Examples: Variants 1 and 2</title>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10, 10, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), '32BF', 1, -1) AS rast
ST_MapAlgebra(rast, 1, NULL, 'ceil([rast]*[rast.x]/[rast.y]+[rast.val])')
FROM foo
<title>Examples: Variant 3 and 4</title>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT 1 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 1, 0), 2, '8BUI', 10, 0), 3, '32BUI', 100, 0) AS rast UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS rid, ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '16BUI', 2, 0), 2, '8BUI', 20, 0), 3, '32BUI', 300, 0) AS rast
t1.rast, 2,
t2.rast, 1,
'([rast2] + [rast1.val]) / 2'
) AS rast
FROM foo t1
WHERE t1.rid = 1
AND t2.rid = 2
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="rastbandarg" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Union" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_MapAlgebraExpr">
<refpurpose>1 raster band version: Creates a new one band raster formed by applying a valid PostgreSQL algebraic operation on the input raster band and of pixeltype provided. Band 1 is assumed if no band is specified.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraExpr</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>expression</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraExpr</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>expression</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraExpr" /> is deprecated as of 2.1.0. Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra_expr" /> instead.
Creates a new one band raster formed by applying a valid PostgreSQL algebraic operation defined by the <varname>expression</varname> on the input raster (<varname>rast</varname>). If no <varname>band</varname> is specified band 1 is assumed. The new raster will have the same georeference, width, and height as the original raster but will only have one band.
If <varname>pixeltype</varname> is passed in, then the new raster will have a band of that pixeltype. If pixeltype is passed NULL, then the new raster band will have the same pixeltype as the input <varname>rast</varname> band.
In the expression you can use the term <varname>[rast]</varname> to refer to the pixel value of the original band, <varname>[rast.x]</varname> to refer to the 1-based pixel column index, <varname>[rast.y]</varname> to refer to the 1-based pixel row index.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
<para>Create a new 1 band raster from our original that is a function of modulo 2 of the original raster band.</para>
ALTER TABLE dummy_rast ADD COLUMN map_rast raster;
UPDATE dummy_rast SET map_rast = ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast,NULL,'mod([rast],2)') WHERE rid = 2;
ST_Value(rast,1,i,j) As origval,
ST_Value(map_rast, 1, i, j) As mapval
FROM dummy_rast
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, 3) AS i
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,3) AS j
WHERE rid = 2;
origval | mapval
253 | 1
254 | 0
253 | 1
253 | 1
254 | 0
254 | 0
250 | 0
254 | 0
254 | 0
<para>Create a new 1 band raster of pixel-type 2BUI from our original that is reclassified and set the nodata value to be 0.</para>
<programlisting>ALTER TABLE dummy_rast ADD COLUMN map_rast2 raster;
UPDATE dummy_rast SET
map_rast2 = ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast,'2BUI','CASE WHEN [rast] BETWEEN 100 and 250 THEN 1 WHEN [rast] = 252 THEN 2 WHEN [rast] BETWEEN 253 and 254 THEN 3 ELSE 0 END', '0')
WHERE rid = 2;
ST_Value(rast,1,i,j) As origval,
ST_Value(map_rast2, 1, i, j) As mapval
FROM dummy_rast
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, 5) AS i
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,5) AS j
WHERE rid = 2;
origval | mapval
249 | 1
250 | 1
251 |
252 | 2
253 | 3
254 | 3
ST_BandPixelType(map_rast2) As b1pixtyp
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
<tgroup cols="2">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebraexpr01.png" />
<para>original (column rast-view)</para>
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebraexpr02.png" />
<para>Create a new 3 band raster same pixel type from our original 3 band raster with first band altered by map algebra and remaining 2 bands unaltered.</para>
ST_Band(rast_view, 3) As rast_view_ma
FROM wind
WHERE rid=167;
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraExpr2" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFct" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_GeoReference" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Value" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_MapAlgebraExpr2">
2 raster band version: Creates a new one band raster formed by applying a valid PostgreSQL algebraic operation on the two input raster bands and of pixeltype provided. band 1 of each raster is assumed if no band numbers are specified. The resulting raster will be aligned (scale, skew and pixel corners) on the grid defined by the first raster and have its extent defined by the "extenttype" parameter. Values for "extenttype" can be: INTERSECTION, UNION, FIRST, SECOND.
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraExpr</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>expression</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=same_as_rast1_band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>extenttype=INTERSECTION</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>nodata1expr=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>nodata2expr=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodatanodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraExpr</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>expression</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=same_as_rast1_band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>extenttype=INTERSECTION</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>nodata1expr=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>nodata2expr=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodatanodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraExpr2" /> is deprecated as of 2.1.0. Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra_expr" /> instead.
Creates a new one band raster formed by applying a valid PostgreSQL algebraic operation to the two bands defined by the <varname>expression</varname> on the two input raster bands <varname>rast1</varname>, (<varname>rast2</varname>). If no <varname>band1</varname>, <varname>band2</varname> is specified band 1 is assumed. The resulting raster will be aligned (scale, skew and pixel corners) on the grid defined by the first raster. The resulting raster will have the extent defined by the <varname>extenttype</varname> parameter.
A PostgreSQL algebraic expression involving the two rasters and PostgreSQL defined functions/operators that will define the pixel value when pixels intersect. e.g. (([rast1] + [rast2])/2.0)::integer
The resulting pixel type of the output raster. Must be one listed in <xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />, left out or set to NULL. If not passed in or set to NULL, will default to the pixeltype of the first raster.
<para>Controls the extent of resulting raster</para>
<varname>INTERSECTION</varname> - The extent of the new raster is the intersection of the two rasters. This is the default.
<varname>UNION</varname> - The extent of the new raster is the union of the two rasters.
<varname>FIRST</varname> - The extent of the new raster is the same as the one of the first raster.
<varname>SECOND</varname> - The extent of the new raster is the same as the one of the second raster.
An algebraic expression involving only <varname>rast2</varname> or a constant that defines what to return when pixels of <varname>rast1</varname> are nodata values and spatially corresponding rast2 pixels have values.
An algebraic expression involving only <varname>rast1</varname> or a constant that defines what to return when pixels of <varname>rast2</varname> are nodata values and spatially corresponding rast1 pixels have values.
A numeric constant to return when spatially corresponding rast1 and rast2 pixels are both nodata values.
If <varname>pixeltype</varname> is passed in, then the new raster will have a band of that pixeltype. If pixeltype is passed NULL or no pixel type specified, then the new raster band will have the same pixeltype as the input <varname>rast1</varname> band.
Use the term <varname>[rast1.val]</varname> <varname>[rast2.val]</varname> to refer to the pixel value of the original raster bands and <varname>[rast1.x]</varname>, <varname>[rast1.y]</varname> etc. to refer to the column / row positions of the pixels.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
<title>Example: 2 Band Intersection and Union</title>
<para>Create a new 1 band raster from our original that is a function of modulo 2 of the original raster band.</para>
--Create a cool set of rasters --
CREATE TABLE fun_shapes(rid serial PRIMARY KEY, fun_name text, rast raster);
-- Insert some cool shapes around Boston in Massachusetts state plane meters --
INSERT INTO fun_shapes(fun_name, rast)
VALUES ('ref', ST_AsRaster(ST_MakeEnvelope(235229, 899970, 237229, 901930,26986),200,200,'8BUI',0,0));
INSERT INTO fun_shapes(fun_name,rast)
WITH ref(rast) AS (SELECT rast FROM fun_shapes WHERE fun_name = 'ref' )
SELECT 'area' AS fun_name, ST_AsRaster(ST_Buffer(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(236229, 900930),26986), 1000),
ref.rast,'8BUI', 10, 0) As rast
FROM ref
SELECT 'rand bubbles',
(SELECT ST_Collect(geom)
FROM (SELECT ST_Buffer(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(236229 + i*random()*100, 900930 + j*random()*100),26986), random()*20) As geom
FROM generate_series(1,10) As i, generate_series(1,10) As j
) As foo ), ref.rast,'8BUI', 200, 0)
FROM ref;
--map them -
SELECT ST_MapAlgebraExpr(
area.rast, bub.rast, '[rast2.val]', '8BUI', 'INTERSECTION', '[rast2.val]', '[rast1.val]') As interrast,
area.rast, bub.rast, '[rast2.val]', '8BUI', 'UNION', '[rast2.val]', '[rast1.val]') As unionrast
(SELECT rast FROM fun_shapes WHERE
fun_name = 'area') As area
FROM fun_shapes WHERE
fun_name = 'rand bubbles') As bub
<tgroup cols="2">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebraexpr2_01.png" />
<para>mapalgebra intersection</para>
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebraexpr2_02.png" />
<para>map algebra union</para>
<title>Example: Overlaying rasters on a canvas as separate bands</title>
-- we use ST_AsPNG to render the image so all single band ones look grey --
WITH mygeoms
AS ( SELECT 2 As bnum, ST_Buffer(ST_Point(1,5),10) As geom
SELECT 3 AS bnum,
ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(50 50,150 150,150 50)'), 10,'join=bevel') As geom
SELECT 1 As bnum,
ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(60 50,150 150,150 50)'), 5,'join=bevel') As geom
-- define our canvas to be 1 to 1 pixel to geometry
AS (SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(200,
ST_XMin(e)::integer, ST_YMax(e)::integer, 1, -1, 0, 0) , '8BUI'::text,0) As rast
FROM (SELECT ST_Extent(geom) As e,
Max(ST_SRID(geom)) As srid
from mygeoms
) As foo
rbands AS (SELECT ARRAY(SELECT ST_MapAlgebraExpr(canvas.rast, ST_AsRaster(m.geom, canvas.rast, '8BUI', 100),
'[rast2.val]', '8BUI', 'FIRST', '[rast2.val]', '[rast1.val]') As rast
FROM mygeoms AS m CROSS JOIN canvas
ORDER BY m.bnum) As rasts
SELECT rasts[1] As rast1 , rasts[2] As rast2, rasts[3] As rast3, ST_AddBand(
ST_AddBand(rasts[1],rasts[2]), rasts[3]) As final_rast
FROM rbands;
<tgroup cols="2">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebraexpr2_04.png" />
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebraexpr2_05.png" />
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebraexpr2_06.png" />
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebraexpr2_07.png" />
<title>Example: Overlay 2 meter boundary of select parcels over an aerial imagery</title>
<programlisting>-- Create new 3 band raster composed of first 2 clipped bands, and overlay of 3rd band with our geometry
-- This query took 3.6 seconds on PostGIS windows 64-bit install
-- Note the order of operation: we clip all the rasters to dimensions of our region
(SELECT ST_Clip(rast,ST_Expand(geom,50) ) As rast, g.geom
FROM aerials.o_2_boston AS r INNER JOIN
-- union our parcels of interest so they form a single geometry we can later intersect with
(SELECT ST_Union(ST_Transform(the_geom,26986)) AS geom
FROM landparcels WHERE pid IN('0303890000', '0303900000')) As g
ON ST_Intersects(rast::geometry, ST_Expand(g.geom,50))
-- we then union the raster shards together
-- ST_Union on raster is kinda of slow but much faster the smaller you can get the rasters
-- therefore we want to clip first and then union
prunion AS
(SELECT ST_AddBand(NULL, ARRAY[ST_Union(rast,1),ST_Union(rast,2),ST_Union(rast,3)] ) As clipped,geom
GROUP BY geom)
-- return our final raster which is the unioned shard with
-- with the overlay of our parcel boundaries
-- add first 2 bands, then mapalgebra of 3rd band + geometry
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_Band(clipped,ARRAY[1,2])
, ST_MapAlgebraExpr(ST_Band(clipped,3), ST_AsRaster(ST_Buffer(ST_Boundary(geom),2),clipped, '8BUI',250),
'[rast2.val]', '8BUI', 'FIRST', '[rast2.val]', '[rast1.val]') ) As rast
FROM prunion;
<tgroup cols="1">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebraexpr2_08.png" />
<para>The blue lines are the boundaries of select parcels</para>
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraExpr" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_AddBand" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_AsPNG" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_AsRaster" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFct" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_GeoReference" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Value" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Union" />,
<xref linkend="ST_Union" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFct">
<refpurpose>1 band version - Creates a new one band raster formed by applying a valid PostgreSQL function on the input raster band and of pixeltype prodived. Band 1 is assumed if no band is specified.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraFct</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure</type> <parameter>onerasteruserfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraFct</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure</type> <parameter>onerasteruserfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraFct</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text</type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure</type> <parameter>onerasteruserfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraFct</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text</type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure</type> <parameter>onerasteruserfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraFct</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer</type> <parameter>band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure</type> <parameter>onerasteruserfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraFct</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer</type> <parameter>band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure</type> <parameter>onerasteruserfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraFct</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer</type> <parameter>band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text</type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure</type> <parameter>onerasteruserfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraFct</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer</type> <parameter>band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text</type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure</type> <parameter>onerasteruserfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFct" /> is deprecated as of 2.1.0. Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" /> instead.
<para>Creates a new one band raster formed by applying a valid PostgreSQL function specified by the <varname>onerasteruserfunc</varname> on the input raster (<varname>rast</varname>). If no <varname>band</varname> is specified, band 1 is assumed. The new raster will have the same georeference, width, and height as the original raster but will only have one band.</para>
<para>If <varname>pixeltype</varname> is passed in, then the new raster will have a band of that pixeltype. If pixeltype is passed NULL, then the new raster band will have the same pixeltype as the input <varname>rast</varname> band.</para>
<para>The <varname>onerasteruserfunc</varname> parameter must be the name and signature of a SQL or PL/pgSQL function, cast to a regprocedure. A very simple and quite useless PL/pgSQL function example is:
<programlisting>CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION simple_function(pixel FLOAT, pos INTEGER[], VARIADIC args TEXT[])
END; $$
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE;</programlisting>
The <varname>userfunction</varname> may accept two or three arguments: a float value, an optional integer array, and a variadic text array. The first argument is the value of an individual raster cell (regardless of the raster datatype). The second argument is the position of the current processing cell in the form '{x,y}'. The third argument indicates that all remaining parameters to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFct" /> shall be passed through to the <varname>userfunction</varname>.
Passing a <type>regprodedure</type> argument to a SQL function requires the full function signature to be passed, then cast to a <type>regprocedure</type> type. To pass the above example PL/pgSQL function as an argument, the SQL for the argument is:<programlisting>'simple_function(float,integer[],text[])'::regprocedure</programlisting>Note that the argument contains the name of the function, the types of the function arguments, quotes around the name and argument types, and a cast to a <type>regprocedure</type>.
The third argument to the <varname>userfunction</varname> is a <type>variadic text</type> array. All trailing text arguments to any <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFct" /> call are passed through to the specified <varname>userfunction</varname>, and are contained in the <varname>args</varname> argument.
<para>For more information about the VARIADIC keyword, please refer to the PostgreSQL documentation and the "SQL Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments" section of <ulink url="">Query Language (SQL) Functions</ulink>.</para>
<para>The <type>text[]</type> argument to the <varname>userfunction</varname> is required, regardless of whether you choose to pass any arguments to your user function for processing or not.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Create a new 1 band raster from our original that is a function of modulo 2 of the original raster band.</para>
<programlisting>ALTER TABLE dummy_rast ADD COLUMN map_rast raster;
CREATE FUNCTION mod_fct(pixel float, pos integer[], variadic args text[])
AS $$
RETURN pixel::integer % 2;
UPDATE dummy_rast SET map_rast = ST_MapAlgebraFct(rast,NULL,'mod_fct(float,integer[],text[])'::regprocedure) WHERE rid = 2;
SELECT ST_Value(rast,1,i,j) As origval, ST_Value(map_rast, 1, i, j) As mapval
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, 3) AS i CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,3) AS j
WHERE rid = 2;
origval | mapval
253 | 1
254 | 0
253 | 1
253 | 1
254 | 0
254 | 0
250 | 0
254 | 0
254 | 0
<para>Create a new 1 band raster of pixel-type 2BUI from our original that is reclassified and set the nodata value to a passed parameter to the user function (0).</para>
<programlisting>ALTER TABLE dummy_rast ADD COLUMN map_rast2 raster;
CREATE FUNCTION classify_fct(pixel float, pos integer[], variadic args text[])
nodata float := 0;
nodata := args[1];
IF pixel &lt; 251 THEN
ELSIF pixel = 252 THEN
ELSIF pixel &gt; 252 THEN
RETURN nodata;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
UPDATE dummy_rast SET map_rast2 = ST_MapAlgebraFct(rast,'2BUI','classify_fct(float,integer[],text[])'::regprocedure, '0') WHERE rid = 2;
SELECT DISTINCT ST_Value(rast,1,i,j) As origval, ST_Value(map_rast2, 1, i, j) As mapval
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, 5) AS i CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,5) AS j
WHERE rid = 2;
origval | mapval
249 | 1
250 | 1
251 |
252 | 2
253 | 3
254 | 3
SELECT ST_BandPixelType(map_rast2) As b1pixtyp
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 2;
<tgroup cols="2">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebraexpr01.png" />
<caption><para>original (column rast-view)</para></caption>
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebraexpr02.png" />
<para>Create a new 3 band raster same pixel type from our original 3 band raster with first band altered by map algebra and remaining 2 bands unaltered.</para>
<programlisting>CREATE FUNCTION rast_plus_tan(pixel float, pos integer[], variadic args text[])
RETURN tan(pixel) * pixel;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
ST_Band(rast_view, 3) As rast_view_ma
FROM wind
WHERE rid=167;
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraExpr" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_GeoReference" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetValue" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFct2">
<refpurpose>2 band version - Creates a new one band raster formed by applying a valid PostgreSQL function on the 2 input raster bands and of pixeltype prodived. Band 1 is assumed if no band is specified. Extent type defaults to INTERSECTION if not specified.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraFct</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure</type> <parameter>tworastuserfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text</type> <parameter>pixeltype=same_as_rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text</type> <parameter>extenttype=INTERSECTION</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraFct</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer</type> <parameter>band1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster</type> <parameter>rast2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer</type> <parameter>band2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure</type> <parameter>tworastuserfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text</type> <parameter>pixeltype=same_as_rast1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text</type> <parameter>extenttype=INTERSECTION</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs</parameter></paramdef>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFct2" /> is deprecated as of 2.1.0. Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" /> instead.
<para>Creates a new one band raster formed by applying a valid PostgreSQL function specified by the <varname>tworastuserfunc</varname> on the input raster <varname>rast1</varname>, <varname>rast2</varname>. If no <varname>band1</varname> or <varname>band2</varname> is specified, band 1 is assumed. The new raster will have the same georeference, width, and height as the original rasters but will only have one band.
<para>If <varname>pixeltype</varname> is passed in, then the new raster will have a band of that pixeltype. If pixeltype is passed NULL or left out, then the new raster band will have the same pixeltype as the input <varname>rast1</varname> band.
<para>The <varname>tworastuserfunc</varname> parameter must be the name and signature of an SQL or PL/pgSQL function, cast to a regprocedure. An example PL/pgSQL function example is:
<programlisting>CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION simple_function_for_two_rasters(pixel1 FLOAT, pixel2 FLOAT, pos INTEGER[], VARIADIC args TEXT[])
END; $$
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE;</programlisting>
The <varname>tworastuserfunc</varname> may accept three or four arguments: a double precision value, a double precision value, an optional integer array, and a variadic text array. The first argument is the value of an individual raster cell in <varname>rast1</varname> (regardless of the raster datatype). The second argument is an individual raster cell value in <varname>rast2</varname>. The third argument is the position of the current processing cell in the form '{x,y}'. The fourth argument indicates that all remaining parameters to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFct2" /> shall be passed through to the <varname>tworastuserfunc</varname>.
<para>Passing a <type>regprodedure</type> argument to a SQL function requires the full function signature to be passed, then cast to a <type>regprocedure</type> type. To pass the above example PL/pgSQL function as an argument, the SQL for the argument is:<programlisting>'simple_function(double precision, double precision, integer[], text[])'::regprocedure</programlisting>Note that the argument contains the name of the function, the types of the function arguments, quotes around the name and argument types, and a cast to a <type>regprocedure</type>.
<para>The third argument to the <varname>tworastuserfunc</varname> is a <type>variadic text</type> array. All trailing text arguments to any <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFct2" /> call are passed through to the specified <varname>tworastuserfunc</varname>, and are contained in the <varname>userargs</varname> argument.
<para>For more information about the VARIADIC keyword, please refer to the PostgreSQL documentation and the "SQL Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments" section of <ulink url="">Query Language (SQL) Functions</ulink>.</para>
<para>The <type>text[]</type> argument to the <varname>tworastuserfunc</varname> is required, regardless of whether you choose to pass any arguments to your user function for processing or not.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<title>Example: Overlaying rasters on a canvas as separate bands</title>
-- define our user defined function --
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raster_mapalgebra_union(
rast1 double precision,
rast2 double precision,
pos integer[],
VARIADIC userargs text[]
RETURNS double precision
AS $$
RETURN ((rast1 + rast2)/2.);
RETURN rast2;
RETURN rast1;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE COST 1000;
-- prep our test table of rasters
CREATE TABLE map_shapes(rid serial PRIMARY KEY, rast raster, bnum integer, descrip text);
INSERT INTO map_shapes(rast,bnum, descrip)
WITH mygeoms
AS ( SELECT 2 As bnum, ST_Buffer(ST_Point(90,90),30) As geom, 'circle' As descrip
SELECT 3 AS bnum,
ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(50 50,150 150,150 50)'), 15) As geom, 'big road' As descrip
SELECT 1 As bnum,
ST_Translate(ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(60 50,150 150,150 50)'), 8,'join=bevel'), 10,-6) As geom, 'small road' As descrip
-- define our canvas to be 1 to 1 pixel to geometry
AS ( SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(250,
ST_XMin(e)::integer, ST_YMax(e)::integer, 1, -1, 0, 0 ) , '8BUI'::text,0) As rast
FROM (SELECT ST_Extent(geom) As e,
Max(ST_SRID(geom)) As srid
from mygeoms
) As foo
-- return our rasters aligned with our canvas
SELECT ST_AsRaster(m.geom, canvas.rast, '8BUI', 240) As rast, bnum, descrip
FROM mygeoms AS m CROSS JOIN canvas
SELECT canvas.rast, 4, 'canvas'
FROM canvas;
-- Map algebra on single band rasters and then collect with ST_AddBand
INSERT INTO map_shapes(rast,bnum,descrip)
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(rasts[1], rasts[2]),rasts[3]), 4, 'map bands overlay fct union (canvas)'
FROM (SELECT ARRAY(SELECT ST_MapAlgebraFct(m1.rast, m2.rast,
'raster_mapalgebra_union(double precision, double precision, integer[], text[])'::regprocedure, '8BUI', 'FIRST')
FROM map_shapes As m1 CROSS JOIN map_shapes As m2
WHERE m1.descrip = 'canvas' AND m2.descrip &lt;&gt; 'canvas' ORDER BY m2.bnum) As rasts) As foo;
<tgroup cols="1">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebrafct2_01.png" />
<caption><para>map bands overlay (canvas) (R: small road, G: circle, B: big road)</para></caption>
<title>User Defined function that takes extra args</title>
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raster_mapalgebra_userargs(
rast1 double precision,
rast2 double precision,
pos integer[],
VARIADIC userargs text[]
RETURNS double precision
AS $$
RETURN least(userargs[1]::integer,(rast1 + rast2)/2.);
RETURN userargs[2]::integer;
RETURN greatest(rast2,random()*userargs[3]::integer)::integer;
RETURN greatest(rast1, random()*userargs[4]::integer)::integer;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE COST 1000;
SELECT ST_MapAlgebraFct(m1.rast, 1, m1.rast, 3,
'raster_mapalgebra_userargs(double precision, double precision, integer[], text[])'::regprocedure,
'8BUI', 'INTERSECT', '100','200','200','0')
FROM map_shapes As m1
WHERE m1.descrip = 'map bands overlay fct union (canvas)';
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebrafct2_02.png" />
<caption><para>user defined with extra args and different bands from same raster</para></caption>
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraExpr2" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_GeoReference" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SetValue" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb">
<refpurpose>1-band version: Map Algebra Nearest Neighbor using user-defined PostgreSQL function. Return a raster which values are the result of a PLPGSQL user function involving a neighborhood of values from the input raster band.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>ngbwidth</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>ngbheight</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>regprocedure </type> <parameter>onerastngbuserfunc</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>nodatamode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[] </type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" /> is deprecated as of 2.1.0. Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" /> instead.
<para>(one raster version) Return a raster which values are the result of a PLPGSQL user function involving a neighborhood of values from the input raster band. The user function takes the neighborhood of pixel values as an array of numbers, for each pixel, returns the result from the user function, replacing pixel value of currently inspected pixel with the function result. </para>
<listitem><para>Raster on which the user function is evaluated.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Band number of the raster to be evaluated. Default to 1.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The resulting pixel type of the output raster. Must be one listed in <xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" /> or left out or set to NULL. If not passed in or set to NULL, will default to the pixeltype of the <varname>rast</varname>. Results are truncated if they are larger than what is allowed for the pixeltype.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The width of the neighborhood, in cells.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The height of the neighborhood, in cells.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>PLPGSQL/psql user function to apply to neighborhood pixels of a single band of a raster. The first element is a 2-dimensional array of numbers representing the rectangular pixel neighborhood</para></listitem>
<para>Defines what value to pass to the function for a neighborhood pixel that is nodata or NULL</para>
<para>'ignore': any NODATA values encountered in the neighborhood are ignored by the computation -- this flag must be sent to the user callback function, and the user function decides how to ignore it.</para>
<para>'NULL': any NODATA values encountered in the neighborhood will cause the resulting pixel to be NULL -- the user callback function is skipped in this case.</para>
<para>'value': any NODATA values encountered in the neighborhood are replaced by the reference pixel (the one in the center of the neighborhood). Note that if this value is NODATA, the behavior is the same as 'NULL' (for the affected neighborhood)</para>
<listitem><para>Arguments to pass into the user function.</para></listitem>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
<para>Examples utilize the katrina raster loaded as a single tile described in <ulink url=""></ulink> and then prepared in the <xref linkend="RT_ST_Rescale" /> examples </para>
-- A simple 'callback' user function that averages up all the values in a neighborhood.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rast_avg(matrix float[][], nodatamode text, variadic args text[])
_matrix float[][];
x1 integer;
x2 integer;
y1 integer;
y2 integer;
sum float;
_matrix := matrix;
sum := 0;
FOR x in array_lower(matrix, 1)..array_upper(matrix, 1) LOOP
FOR y in array_lower(matrix, 2)..array_upper(matrix, 2) LOOP
sum := sum + _matrix[x][y];
RETURN (sum*1.0/(array_upper(matrix,1)*array_upper(matrix,2) ))::integer ;
-- now we apply to our raster averaging pixels within 2 pixels of each other in X and Y direction --
SELECT ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb(rast, 1, '8BUI', 4,4,
'rast_avg(float[][], text, text[])'::regprocedure, 'NULL', NULL) As nn_with_border
FROM katrinas_rescaled
limit 1;
<tgroup cols="2">
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebrafctngb01.png" />
<para>First band of our raster</para>
<imagedata fileref="images/st_mapalgebrafctngb02.png" />
<para>new raster after averaging pixels withing 4x4 pixels of each other</para>
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFct" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraExpr" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Rescale" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Reclass">
<refpurpose>Creates a new raster composed of band types reclassified from original. The nband is the band to be changed. If nband is not specified assumed to be 1. All other bands are returned unchanged. Use case: convert a 16BUI band to a 8BUI and so forth for simpler rendering as viewable formats.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Reclass</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>reclassexpr</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>nodataval=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Reclass</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>reclassarg[] </type> <parameter>VARIADIC reclassargset</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Reclass</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>reclassexpr</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Creates a new raster formed by applying a valid PostgreSQL algebraic operation defined by the <varname>reclassexpr</varname> on the input raster (<varname>rast</varname>). If no <varname>band</varname> is specified band 1 is assumed. The new raster will have the same georeference, width, and height as the original raster. Bands not designated will come back unchanged. Refer to <xref linkend="reclassarg" /> for description of valid reclassification expressions.</para>
<para>The bands of the new raster will have pixel type of <varname>pixeltype</varname>. If <varname>reclassargset</varname> is passed in then each reclassarg defines behavior of each band generated.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
<title>Examples Basic</title>
<para>Create a new raster from the original where band 2 is converted from 8BUI to 4BUI and all values from 101-254 are set to nodata value.</para>
ALTER TABLE dummy_rast ADD COLUMN reclass_rast raster;
UPDATE dummy_rast SET reclass_rast = ST_Reclass(rast,2,'0-87:1-10, 88-100:11-15, 101-254:0-0', '4BUI',0) WHERE rid = 2;
SELECT i as col, j as row, ST_Value(rast,2,i,j) As origval,
ST_Value(reclass_rast, 2, i, j) As reclassval,
ST_Value(reclass_rast, 2, i, j, false) As reclassval_include_nodata
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, 3) AS i CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,3) AS j
WHERE rid = 2;
col | row | origval | reclassval | reclassval_include_nodata
1 | 1 | 78 | 9 | 9
2 | 1 | 98 | 14 | 14
3 | 1 | 122 | | 0
1 | 2 | 96 | 14 | 14
2 | 2 | 118 | | 0
3 | 2 | 180 | | 0
1 | 3 | 99 | 15 | 15
2 | 3 | 112 | | 0
3 | 3 | 169 | | 0
<title>Example: Advanced using multiple reclassargs</title>
<para>Create a new raster from the original where band 1,2,3 is converted to 1BB,4BUI, 4BUI respectively and reclassified. Note this uses the variadic <varname>reclassarg</varname> argument which can take as input an indefinite number of reclassargs (theoretically as many bands as you have) </para>
UPDATE dummy_rast SET reclass_rast =
ROW(2,'0-87]:1-10, (87-100]:11-15, (101-254]:0-0', '4BUI',NULL)::reclassarg,
ROW(1,'0-253]:1, 254:0', '1BB', NULL)::reclassarg,
ROW(3,'0-70]:1, (70-86:2, [86-150):3, [150-255:4', '4BUI', NULL)::reclassarg
) WHERE rid = 2;
SELECT i as col, j as row,ST_Value(rast,1,i,j) As ov1, ST_Value(reclass_rast, 1, i, j) As rv1,
ST_Value(rast,2,i,j) As ov2, ST_Value(reclass_rast, 2, i, j) As rv2,
ST_Value(rast,3,i,j) As ov3, ST_Value(reclass_rast, 3, i, j) As rv3
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, 3) AS i CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,3) AS j
WHERE rid = 2;
col | row | ov1 | rv1 | ov2 | rv2 | ov3 | rv3
1 | 1 | 253 | 1 | 78 | 9 | 70 | 1
2 | 1 | 254 | 0 | 98 | 14 | 86 | 3
3 | 1 | 253 | 1 | 122 | 0 | 100 | 3
1 | 2 | 253 | 1 | 96 | 14 | 80 | 2
2 | 2 | 254 | 0 | 118 | 0 | 108 | 3
3 | 2 | 254 | 0 | 180 | 0 | 162 | 4
1 | 3 | 250 | 1 | 99 | 15 | 90 | 3
2 | 3 | 254 | 0 | 112 | 0 | 108 | 3
3 | 3 | 254 | 0 | 169 | 0 | 175 | 4
<title>Example: Advanced Map a single band 32BF raster to multiple viewable bands</title>
<para>Create a new 3 band (8BUI,8BUI,8BUI viewable raster) from a raster that has only one 32bf band </para>
ALTER TABLE wind ADD COLUMN rast_view raster;
set rast_view = ST_AddBand( NULL,
ST_Reclass(rast, 1,'0.1-10]:1-10,9-10]:11,(11-33:0'::text, '8BUI'::text,0),
ST_Reclass(rast,1, '11-33):0-255,[0-32:0,(34-1000:0'::text, '8BUI'::text,0),
ST_Reclass(rast,1,'0-32]:0,(32-100:100-255'::text, '8BUI'::text,0)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_AddBand" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Band" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_BandPixelType" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MakeEmptyRaster" />,
<xref linkend="reclassarg" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Value" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Union">
<refpurpose>Returns the union of a set of raster tiles into a single raster composed of 1 or more bands.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Union</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>setof raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Union</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>setof raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>unionarg[] </type> <parameter>unionargset</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Union</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>setof raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer</type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Union</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>setof raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text</type> <parameter>uniontype</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Union</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>setof raster</type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer</type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text</type> <parameter>uniontype</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the union of a set of raster tiles into a single raster composed of at least one band. The resulting raster's extent is the extent of the whole set. In the case of intersection, the resulting value is defined by <varname>uniontype</varname> which is one of the following: LAST (default), FIRST, MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, MEAN, RANGE.</para>
<para>In order for rasters to be unioned, they most all have the same alignment. Use <xref linkend="RT_ST_SameAlignment" /> and <xref linkend="RT_ST_NotSameAlignmentReason" /> for more details and help. One way to fix alignment issues is to use <xref linkend="RT_ST_Resample" /> and use the same reference raster for alignment.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Improved Speed (fully C-Based).</para>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0 ST_Union(rast, unionarg) variant was introduced.</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 ST_Union(rast) (variant 1) unions all bands of all input rasters. Prior versions of PostGIS assumed the first band.</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 ST_Union(rast, uniontype) (variant 4) unions all bands of all input rasters.</para>
<title>Examples: Reconstitute a single band chunked raster tile</title>
-- this creates a single band from first band of raster tiles
-- that form the original file system tile
SELECT filename, ST_Union(rast,1) As file_rast
FROM sometable WHERE filename IN('dem01', 'dem02') GROUP BY filename;
<title>Examples: Return a multi-band raster that is the union of tiles intersecting geometry</title>
-- this creates a multi band raster collecting all the tiles that intersect a line
-- Note: In 2.0, this would have just returned a single band raster
-- , new union works on all bands by default
-- this is equivalent to unionarg: ARRAY[ROW(1, 'LAST'), ROW(2, 'LAST'), ROW(3, 'LAST')]::unionarg[]
SELECT ST_Union(rast)
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(230486 887771, 230500 88772)',26986) );
<title>Examples: Return a multi-band raster that is the union of tiles intersecting geometry</title>
<para>Here we use the longer syntax if we only wanted a subset of bands or we want to change order of bands</para>
-- this creates a multi band raster collecting all the tiles that intersect a line
SELECT ST_Union(rast,ARRAY[ROW(2, 'LAST'), ROW(1, 'LAST'), ROW(3, 'LAST')]::unionarg[])
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(230486 887771, 230500 88772)',26986) );
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="unionarg" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Envelope" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_ConvexHull" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Clip" />,
<xref linkend="ST_Union" />
</sect2> <!-- /map algebra -->
<sect2 id="Raster_Processing_MapAlgebra_Callbacks">
<title>Built-in Map Algebra Callback Functions</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Distinct4ma">
<refpurpose>Raster processing function that calculates the number of unique pixel values in a neighborhood.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_Distinct4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>float8[][]</type> <parameter>matrix</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text</type> <parameter>nodatamode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Distinct4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[][][]</type> <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[][] </type> <parameter>pos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Calculate the number of unique pixel values in a neighborhood of pixels.</para>
<para>Variant 1 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />.</para>
Variant 2 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />.
Use of Variant 1 is discouraged since <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" /> has been deprecated as of 2.1.0.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Addition of Variant 2</para>
st_mapalgebrafctngb(rast, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 'st_distinct4ma(float[][],text,text[])'::regprocedure, 'ignore', NULL), 2, 2
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
rid | st_value
2 | 3
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Min4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Max4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Sum4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Mean4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Distinct4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_StdDev4ma" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_InvDistWeight4ma">
<refpurpose>Raster processing function that interpolates a pixel's value from the pixel's neighborhood.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_InvDistWeight4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[][][]</type> <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[][]</type> <parameter>pos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Calculate an interpolated value for a pixel using the Inverse Distance Weighted method.</para>
There are two optional parameters that can be passed through <varname>userargs</varname>. The first parameter is the power factor (variable k in the equation below) between 0 and 1 used in the Inverse Distance Weighted equation. If not specified, default value is 1. The second parameter is the weight percentage applied only when the value of the pixel of interest is included with the interpolated value from the neighborhood. If not specified and the pixel of interest has a value, that value is returned.
The basic inverse distance weight equation is:
<imagedata fileref="images/st_invdistweight4ma_equation.png" />
k = power factor, a real number between 0 and 1
<para>This function is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MinDist4ma" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Max4ma">
<refpurpose>Raster processing function that calculates the maximum pixel value in a neighborhood.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_Max4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>float8[][]</type> <parameter>matrix</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text</type> <parameter>nodatamode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Max4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[][][]</type> <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[][] </type> <parameter>pos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Calculate the maximum pixel value in a neighborhood of pixels.</para>
For Variant 2, a substitution value for NODATA pixels can be specified by passing that value to userargs.
<para>Variant 1 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />.</para>
Variant 2 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />.
Use of Variant 1 is discouraged since <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" /> has been deprecated as of 2.1.0.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Addition of Variant 2</para>
st_mapalgebrafctngb(rast, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 'st_max4ma(float[][],text,text[])'::regprocedure, 'ignore', NULL), 2, 2
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
rid | st_value
2 | 254
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Min4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Sum4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Mean4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Range4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Distinct4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_StdDev4ma" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Mean4ma">
<refpurpose>Raster processing function that calculates the mean pixel value in a neighborhood.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_Mean4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>float8[][]</type> <parameter>matrix</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text</type> <parameter>nodatamode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Mean4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[][][]</type> <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[][] </type> <parameter>pos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Calculate the mean pixel value in a neighborhood of pixels.</para>
For Variant 2, a substitution value for NODATA pixels can be specified by passing that value to userargs.
<para>Variant 1 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />.</para>
Variant 2 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />.
Use of Variant 1 is discouraged since <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" /> has been deprecated as of 2.1.0.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Addition of Variant 2</para>
<title>Examples: Variant 1</title>
st_mapalgebrafctngb(rast, 1, '32BF', 1, 1, 'st_mean4ma(float[][],text,text[])'::regprocedure, 'ignore', NULL), 2, 2
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
rid | st_value
2 | 253.222229003906
(1 row)
<title>Examples: Variant 2</title>
ST_MapAlgebra(rast, 1, 'st_mean4ma(double precision[][][], integer[][], text[])'::regprocedure,'32BF', 'FIRST', NULL, 1, 1)
, 2, 2)
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
rid | st_value
2 | 253.222229003906
(1 row)</programlisting>
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Min4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Max4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Sum4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Range4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_StdDev4ma" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Min4ma">
Raster processing function that calculates the minimum pixel value in a neighborhood.
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_Min4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>float8[][]</type> <parameter>matrix</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>nodatamode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Min4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[][][]</type> <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[][] </type> <parameter>pos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs</parameter></paramdef>
Calculate the minimum pixel value in a neighborhood of pixels.
For Variant 2, a substitution value for NODATA pixels can be specified by passing that value to userargs.
Variant 1 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />.
Variant 2 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />.
Use of Variant 1 is discouraged since <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" /> has been deprecated as of 2.1.0.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Addition of Variant 2</para>
st_mapalgebrafctngb(rast, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 'st_min4ma(float[][],text,text[])'::regprocedure, 'ignore', NULL), 2, 2
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
rid | st_value
2 | 250
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Max4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Sum4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Mean4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Range4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Distinct4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_StdDev4ma" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_MinDist4ma">
<refpurpose>Raster processing function that returns the minimum distance (in number of pixels) between the pixel of interest and a neighboring pixel with value.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_MinDist4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[][][]</type> <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[][]</type> <parameter>pos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Return the shortest distance (in number of pixels) between the pixel of interest and the closest pixel with value in the neighborhood.</para>
The intent of this function is to provide an informative data point that helps infer the usefulness of the pixel of interest's interpolated value from <xref linkend="RT_ST_InvDistWeight4ma" />. This function is particularly useful when the neighborhood is sparsely populated.
<para>This function is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_InvDistWeight4ma" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Range4ma">
<refpurpose>Raster processing function that calculates the range of pixel values in a neighborhood.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_Range4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>float8[][]</type> <parameter>matrix</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text</type> <parameter>nodatamode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Range4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[][][]</type> <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[][] </type> <parameter>pos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Calculate the range of pixel values in a neighborhood of pixels.</para>
For Variant 2, a substitution value for NODATA pixels can be specified by passing that value to userargs.
<para>Variant 1 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />.</para>
Variant 2 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />.
Use of Variant 1 is discouraged since <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" /> has been deprecated as of 2.1.0.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Addition of Variant 2</para>
st_mapalgebrafctngb(rast, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 'st_range4ma(float[][],text,text[])'::regprocedure, 'ignore', NULL), 2, 2
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
rid | st_value
2 | 4
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Min4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Max4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Sum4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Mean4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Distinct4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_StdDev4ma" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_StdDev4ma">
<refpurpose>Raster processing function that calculates the standard deviation of pixel values in a neighborhood.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_StdDev4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>float8[][]</type> <parameter>matrix</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text </type> <parameter>nodatamode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_StdDev4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[][][]</type> <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[][] </type> <parameter>pos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Calculate the standard deviation of pixel values in a neighborhood of pixels.</para>
<para>Variant 1 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />.</para>
Variant 2 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />.
Use of Variant 1 is discouraged since <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" /> has been deprecated as of 2.1.0.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Addition of Variant 2</para>
st_mapalgebrafctngb(rast, 1, '32BF', 1, 1, 'st_stddev4ma(float[][],text,text[])'::regprocedure, 'ignore', NULL), 2, 2
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
rid | st_value
2 | 1.30170822143555
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Min4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Max4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Sum4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Mean4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Distinct4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_StdDev4ma" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Sum4ma">
<refpurpose>Raster processing function that calculates the sum of all pixel values in a neighborhood.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>float8 <function>ST_Sum4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>float8[][]</type> <parameter>matrix</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text</type> <parameter>nodatamode</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC args</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>double precision <function>ST_Sum4ma</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>double precision[][][]</type> <parameter>value</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer[][] </type> <parameter>pos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>text[]</type> <parameter>VARIADIC userargs</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Calculate the sum of all pixel values in a neighborhood of pixels.</para>
For Variant 2, a substitution value for NODATA pixels can be specified by passing that value to userargs.
<para>Variant 1 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />.</para>
Variant 2 is a specialized callback function for use as a callback parameter to <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />.
Use of Variant 1 is discouraged since <xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" /> has been deprecated as of 2.1.0.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Addition of Variant 2</para>
st_mapalgebrafctngb(rast, 1, '32BF', 1, 1, 'st_sum4ma(float[][],text,text[])'::regprocedure, 'ignore', NULL), 2, 2
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
rid | st_value
2 | 2279
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Min4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Max4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Mean4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Range4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Distinct4ma" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_StdDev4ma" />
</sect2> <!-- /callback -->
<sect2 id="Raster_Processing_DEM">
<title>DEM (Elevation)</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Aspect">
<refpurpose>Returns the aspect (in degrees by default) of an elevation raster band. Useful for analyzing terrain.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Aspect</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>band=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=32BF</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>units=DEGREES</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>interpolate_nodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Aspect</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>customextent</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=32BF</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>units=DEGREES</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>interpolate_nodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the aspect (in degrees by default) of an elevation raster band. Utilizes map algebra and applies the aspect equation to neighboring pixels.</para>
<varname>units</varname> indicates the units of the aspect. Possible values are: RADIANS, DEGREES (default).
When <varname>units</varname> = RADIANS, values are between 0 and 2 * pi radians measured clockwise from North.
When <varname>units</varname> = DEGREES, values are between 0 and 360 degrees measured clockwise from North.
If slope of pixel is zero, aspect of pixel is -1.
For more information about Slope, Aspect and Hillshade, please refer to <ulink url="">ESRI - How hillshade works</ulink> and <ulink url=";file=Aspect_Images.html">ERDAS Field Guide - Aspect Images</ulink>.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Uses ST_MapAlgebra() and added optional <varname>interpolate_nodata</varname> function parameter</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 In prior versions, return values were in radians. Now, return values default to degrees</para>
<title>Examples: Variant 1</title>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_SetValues(
ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '32BF', 0, -9999),
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 2, 1],
[1, 2, 3, 2, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 2, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
]::double precision[][]
) AS rast
ST_DumpValues(ST_Aspect(rast, 1, '32BF'))
FROM foo
(1 row)
<title>Examples: Variant 2</title>
<para>Complete example of tiles of a coverage. This query only works with PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher.</para>
WITH foo AS (
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(6, 6, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '32BF', 0, -9999
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1],
[1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
]::double precision[]
2, 2
) AS rast
ST_Aspect(ST_Union(t2.rast), 1, t1.rast)
FROM foo t1
WHERE ST_Intersects(t1.rast, t2.rast)
GROUP BY t1.rast;
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_TRI" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_TPI" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Roughness" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_HillShade" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Slope" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_HillShade">
<refpurpose>Returns the hypothetical illumination of an elevation raster band using provided azimuth, altitude, brightness and scale inputs.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_HillShade</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>band=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=32BF</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>azimuth=315</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>altitude=45</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>max_bright=255</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scale=1.0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>interpolate_nodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_HillShade</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>band</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>customextent</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=32BF</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>azimuth=315</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>altitude=45</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>max_bright=255</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scale=1.0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>interpolate_nodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the hypothetical illumination of an elevation raster band using the azimuth, altitude, brightness, and scale inputs. Utilizes map algebra and applies the hill shade equation to neighboring pixels. Return pixel values are between 0 and 255.</para>
<varname>azimuth</varname> is a value between 0 and 360 degrees measured clockwise from North.
<varname>altitude</varname> is a value between 0 and 90 degrees where 0 degrees is at the horizon and 90 degrees is directly overhead.
<varname>max_bright</varname> is a value between 0 and 255 with 0 as no brightness and 255 as max brightness.
<varname>scale</varname> is the ratio of vertical units to horizontal. For Feet:LatLon use scale=370400, for Meters:LatLon use scale=111120.
If <varname>interpolate_nodata</varname> is TRUE, values for NODATA pixels from the input raster will be interpolated using <xref linkend="RT_ST_InvDistWeight4ma" /> before computing the hillshade illumination.
For more information about Hillshade, please refer to <ulink url="">How hillshade works</ulink>.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Uses ST_MapAlgebra() and added optional <varname>interpolate_nodata</varname> function parameter</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 In prior versions, azimuth and altitude were expressed in radians. Now, azimuth and altitude are expressed in degrees</para>
<title>Examples: Variant 1</title>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_SetValues(
ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '32BF', 0, -9999),
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 2, 1],
[1, 2, 3, 2, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 2, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
]::double precision[][]
) AS rast
ST_DumpValues(ST_Hillshade(rast, 1, '32BF'))
FROM foo
(1 row)
<title>Examples: Variant 2</title>
<para>Complete example of tiles of a coverage. This query only works with PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher.</para>
WITH foo AS (
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(6, 6, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '32BF', 0, -9999
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1],
[1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
]::double precision[]
2, 2
) AS rast
ST_Hillshade(ST_Union(t2.rast), 1, t1.rast)
FROM foo t1
WHERE ST_Intersects(t1.rast, t2.rast)
GROUP BY t1.rast;
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_TRI" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_TPI" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Roughness" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Aspect" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Slope" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Roughness">
<refpurpose>Returns a raster with the calculated "roughness" of a DEM.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Roughness</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>customextent</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype="32BF"</parameter> </paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter> interpolate_nodata=FALSE </parameter> </paramdef>
<para>Calculates the "roughness" of a DEM, by subtracting the maximum from the minimum for a given area.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
-- needs examples
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_TRI" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_TPI" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Slope" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_HillShade" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Aspect" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Slope">
<refpurpose>Returns the slope (in degrees by default) of an elevation raster band. Useful for analyzing terrain.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Slope</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=32BF</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>units=DEGREES</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scale=1.0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>interpolate_nodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_Slope</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>customextent</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype=32BF</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>units=DEGREES</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>double precision </type> <parameter>scale=1.0</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>interpolate_nodata=FALSE</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the slope (in degrees by default) of an elevation raster band. Utilizes map algebra and applies the slope equation to neighboring pixels.</para>
<varname>units</varname> indicates the units of the slope. Possible values are: RADIANS, DEGREES (default), PERCENT.
<varname>scale</varname> is the ratio of vertical units to horizontal. For Feet:LatLon use scale=370400, for Meters:LatLon use scale=111120.
If <varname>interpolate_nodata</varname> is TRUE, values for NODATA pixels from the input raster will be interpolated using <xref linkend="RT_ST_InvDistWeight4ma" /> before computing the surface slope.
For more information about Slope, Aspect and Hillshade, please refer to <ulink url="">ESRI - How hillshade works</ulink> and <ulink url=";file=Slope_Images.html">ERDAS Field Guide - Slope Images</ulink>.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 </para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Uses ST_MapAlgebra() and added optional <varname>units</varname>, <varname>scale</varname>, <varname>interpolate_nodata</varname> function parameters</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 In prior versions, return values were in radians. Now, return values default to degrees</para>
<title>Examples: Variant 1</title>
WITH foo AS (
SELECT ST_SetValues(
ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(5, 5, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '32BF', 0, -9999),
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 2, 1],
[1, 2, 3, 2, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 2, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
]::double precision[][]
) AS rast
ST_DumpValues(ST_Slope(rast, 1, '32BF'))
FROM foo
(1 row)
<title>Examples: Variant 2</title>
<para>Complete example of tiles of a coverage. This query only works with PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher.</para>
WITH foo AS (
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(6, 6, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0),
1, '32BF', 0, -9999
1, 1, 1, ARRAY[
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1],
[1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
]::double precision[]
2, 2
) AS rast
ST_Slope(ST_Union(t2.rast), 1, t1.rast)
FROM foo t1
WHERE ST_Intersects(t1.rast, t2.rast)
GROUP BY t1.rast;
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_TRI" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_TPI" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Roughness" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_HillShade" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Aspect" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_TPI">
<refpurpose>Returns a raster with the calculated Topographic Position Index.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_TPI</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>customextent</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype="32BF"</parameter> </paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter> interpolate_nodata=FALSE </parameter> </paramdef>
<para>Calculates the Topographic Position Index, which is defined as the folcal mean with radius of one minus the center cell.</para>
<para>This function only supports a focalmean radius of one.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
-- needs examples
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_TRI" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Roughness" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Slope" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_HillShade" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Aspect" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_TRI">
<refpurpose>Returns a raster with the calculated Terrain Ruggedness Index.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>raster <function>ST_TRI</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>customextent</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>text </type> <parameter>pixeltype="32BF"</parameter> </paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter> interpolate_nodata=FALSE </parameter> </paramdef>
Terrain Ruggedness Index is calculated by comparing a central pixel with its neighbors, taking the absolute values of the differences, and averaging the result.
<para>This function only supports a focalmean radius of one.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
-- needs examples
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MapAlgebra" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Roughness" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_TPI" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Slope" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_HillShade" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Aspect" />
</sect2> <!-- /DEM -->
<sect2 id="Raster_Processing_Geometry">
<title>Raster to Geometry</title>
<refentry id="RT_Box3D">
<refpurpose>Returns the box 3d representation of the enclosing box of the raster.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>box3d <function>Box3D</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the box representing the extent of the raster.</para>
The polygon is defined by the corner points of the bounding box ((<varname>MINX</varname>, <varname>MINY</varname>), (<varname>MAXX</varname>, <varname>MAXY</varname>))
<para>Changed: 2.0.0 In pre-2.0 versions, there used to be a box2d instead of box3d. Since box2d is a deprecated type, this was changed to box3d.</para>
Box3D(rast) AS rastbox
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | rastbox
1 | BOX3D(0.5 0.5 0,20.5 60.5 0)
2 | BOX3D(3427927.75 5793243.5 0,3427928 5793244 0)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Envelope" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_ConvexHull">
<refpurpose>Return the convex hull geometry of the raster including pixel values equal to BandNoDataValue.
For regular shaped and non-skewed
rasters, this gives the same result as ST_Envelope so only useful for irregularly shaped or skewed rasters.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>geometry <function>ST_ConvexHull</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Return the convex hull geometry of the raster including the NoDataBandValue band pixels. For regular shaped and non-skewed
rasters, this gives more or less the same result as ST_Envelope
so only useful for irregularly shaped or skewed rasters.</para>
<note><para>ST_Envelope floors the coordinates and hence add a little buffer around the raster so the answer is subtly
different from ST_ConvexHull which does not floor.</para>
<para>Refer to <ulink url="">PostGIS Raster Specification</ulink> for a diagram of this.</para>
-- Note envelope and convexhull are more or less the same
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ConvexHull(rast)) As convhull,
ST_AsText(ST_Envelope(rast)) As env
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=1;
convhull | env
POLYGON((0.5 0.5,20.5 0.5,20.5 60.5,0.5 60.5,0.5 0.5)) | POLYGON((0 0,20 0,20 60,0 60,0 0))
-- now we skew the raster
-- note how the convex hull and envelope are now different
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_ConvexHull(rast)) As convhull,
ST_AsText(ST_Envelope(rast)) As env
FROM (SELECT ST_SetRotation(rast, 0.1, 0.1) As rast
FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=1) As foo;
convhull | env
POLYGON((0.5 0.5,20.5 1.5,22.5 61.5,2.5 60.5,0.5 0.5)) | POLYGON((0 0,22 0,22 61,0 61,0 0))
<!-- Optionally add a "See Also" section -->
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Envelope" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MinConvexHull" />,
<xref linkend="ST_ConvexHull" />,
<xref linkend="ST_AsText" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_DumpAsPolygons">
<refpurpose>Returns a set of geomval (geom,val) rows, from a given raster band. If no band number is specified, band num defaults to 1.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>setof geomval <function>ST_DumpAsPolygons</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>band_num=1</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>boolean </type> <parameter>exclude_nodata_value=TRUE</parameter></paramdef>
<para>This is a set-returning function (SRF). It returns a set of
geomval rows, formed by a geometry (geom) and a pixel band value (val).
Each polygon is the union of all pixels for that band that have the same pixel value denoted by val.</para>
<para>ST_DumpAsPolygon is useful for polygonizing rasters. It is the
reverse of a GROUP BY in that it creates new rows. For example it
can be used to expand a single raster into multiple POLYGONS/MULTIPOLYGONS.</para>
<para>Availability: Requires GDAL 1.7 or higher.</para>
<note><para>If there is a no data value set for a band, pixels with that value will not be returned.</para></note>
<note><para>If you only care about count of pixels with a given value in a raster, it is faster to use <xref linkend="RT_ST_ValueCount" />.</para></note>
This is different than ST_PixelAsPolygons where one geometry is returned for each pixel regardless of pixel value.
SELECT val, ST_AsText(geom) As geomwkt
SELECT (ST_DumpAsPolygons(rast)).*
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2
) As foo
WHERE val BETWEEN 249 and 251
val | geomwkt
249 | POLYGON((3427927.95 5793243.95,3427927.95 5793243.85,3427928 5793243.85,
3427928 5793243.95,3427927.95 5793243.95))
250 | POLYGON((3427927.75 5793243.9,3427927.75 5793243.85,3427927.8 5793243.85,
3427927.8 5793243.9,3427927.75 5793243.9))
250 | POLYGON((3427927.8 5793243.8,3427927.8 5793243.75,3427927.85 5793243.75,
3427927.85 5793243.8, 3427927.8 5793243.8))
251 | POLYGON((3427927.75 5793243.85,3427927.75 5793243.8,3427927.8 5793243.8,
3427927.8 5793243.85,3427927.75 5793243.85))
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="geomval" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Value" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Polygon" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_ValueCount" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Envelope">
<refpurpose>Returns the polygon representation of the extent of the raster.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>geometry <function>ST_Envelope</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns the polygon representation of the extent of the raster in spatial coordinate units defined by srid. It is a float8 minimum bounding box represented as a polygon. </para>
<para>The polygon is defined by the corner points of the bounding box
((<varname>MINX</varname>, <varname>MINY</varname>),
(<varname>MINX</varname>, <varname>MAXY</varname>),
(<varname>MAXX</varname>, <varname>MAXY</varname>),
(<varname>MAXX</varname>, <varname>MINY</varname>),
(<varname>MINX</varname>, <varname>MINY</varname>))
SELECT rid, ST_AsText(ST_Envelope(rast)) As envgeomwkt
FROM dummy_rast;
rid | envgeomwkt
1 | POLYGON((0 0,20 0,20 60,0 60,0 0))
2 | POLYGON((3427927 5793243,3427928 5793243,
3427928 5793244,3427927 5793244, 3427927 5793243))
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="ST_Envelope" />,
<xref linkend="ST_AsText" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SRID" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_MinConvexHull">
Return the convex hull geometry of the raster excluding NODATA pixels.
<funcdef>geometry <function>ST_MinConvexHull</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>nband=NULL</parameter></paramdef>
Return the convex hull geometry of the raster excluding NODATA pixels. If <varname>nband</varname> is NULL, all bands of the raster are considered.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0 </para>
WITH foo AS (
ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(9, 9, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), 1, '8BUI', 0, 0), 2, '8BUI', 1, 0),
1, 1, 1,
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
]::double precision[][]
2, 1, 1,
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
]::double precision[][]
) AS rast
ST_AsText(ST_ConvexHull(rast)) AS hull,
ST_AsText(ST_MinConvexHull(rast)) AS mhull,
ST_AsText(ST_MinConvexHull(rast, 1)) AS mhull_1,
ST_AsText(ST_MinConvexHull(rast, 2)) AS mhull_2
FROM foo
hull | mhull | mhull_1 | mhull_2
POLYGON((0 0,9 0,9 -9,0 -9,0 0)) | POLYGON((0 -3,9 -3,9 -9,0 -9,0 -3)) | POLYGON((3 -3,9 -3,9 -6,3 -6,3 -3)) | POLYGON((0 -3,6 -3,6 -9,0 -9,0 -3))
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Envelope" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_ConvexHull" />,
<xref linkend="ST_ConvexHull" />,
<xref linkend="ST_AsText" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Polygon">
<refpurpose>Returns a multipolygon geometry formed by the union of pixels that have a pixel value that is not no data value. If no band number is specified, band num defaults to 1.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>geometry <function>ST_Polygon</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type> <parameter>rast</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice="opt"><type>integer </type> <parameter>band_num=1</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Availability: 0.1.6 Requires GDAL 1.7 or higher.</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 Improved Speed (fully C-Based) and the returning multipolygon is ensured to be valid.</para>
<para>Changed: 2.1.0 In prior versions would sometimes return a polygon, changed to always return multipolygon.</para>
-- by default no data band value is 0 or not set, so polygon will return a square polygon
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Polygon(rast)) As geomwkt
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
MULTIPOLYGON(((3427927.75 5793244,3427928 5793244,3427928 5793243.75,3427927.75 5793243.75,3427927.75 5793244)))
-- now we change the no data value of first band
UPDATE dummy_rast SET rast = ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,1,254)
WHERE rid = 2;
SELECt rid, ST_BandNoDataValue(rast)
from dummy_rast where rid = 2;
-- ST_Polygon excludes the pixel value 254 and returns a multipolygon
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Polygon(rast)) As geomwkt
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;
MULTIPOLYGON(((3427927.9 5793243.95,3427927.85 5793243.95,3427927.85 5793244,3427927.9 5793244,3427927.9 5793243.95)),((3427928 5793243.85,3427928 5793243.8,3427927.95 5793243.8,3427927.95 5793243.85,3427927.9 5793243.85,3427927.9 5793243.9,3427927.9 5793243.95,3427927.95 5793243.95,3427928 5793243.95,3427928 5793243.85)),((3427927.8 5793243.75,3427927.75 5793243.75,3427927.75 5793243.8,3427927.75 5793243.85,3427927.75 5793243.9,3427927.75 5793244,3427927.8 5793244,3427927.8 5793243.9,3427927.8 5793243.85,3427927.85 5793243.85,3427927.85 5793243.8,3427927.85 5793243.75,3427927.8 5793243.75)))
-- Or if you want the no data value different for just one time
) As geomwkt
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid =2;
MULTIPOLYGON(((3427928 5793243.85,3427928 5793243.8,3427928 5793243.75,3427927.85 5793243.75,3427927.8 5793243.75,3427927.8 5793243.8,3427927.75 5793243.8,3427927.75 5793243.85,3427927.75 5793243.9,3427927.75 5793244,3427927.8 5793244,3427927.85 5793244,3427927.9 5793244,3427928 5793244,3427928 5793243.95,3427928 5793243.85),(3427927.9 5793243.9,3427927.9 5793243.85,3427927.95 5793243.85,3427927.95 5793243.9,3427927.9 5793243.9)))
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Value" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DumpAsPolygons" />
</sect2> <!-- /misc -->
<sect1 id="RT_Operators">
<title>Raster Operators</title>
<refentry id="RT_Raster_Intersect">
<refpurpose>Returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if A's bounding box intersects B's bounding box.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>&amp;&amp;</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>&amp;&amp;</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>geometry </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>&amp;&amp;</function></funcdef>
<type>geometry </type>
<type>raster </type>
<para>The <varname>&amp;&amp;</varname> operator returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if the bounding box of raster/geometr A intersects the bounding box of raster/geometr B.</para>
<note><para>This operand will make use of any indexes that may be available on the
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<programlisting>SELECT A.rid As a_rid, B.rid As b_rid, A.rast &amp;&amp; B.rast As intersect
FROM dummy_rast AS A CROSS JOIN dummy_rast AS B LIMIT 3;
a_rid | b_rid | intersect
2 | 2 | t
2 | 3 | f
2 | 1 | f
<refentry id="RT_Raster_OverLeft">
<refpurpose>Returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if A's bounding box is to the left of B's.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>&amp;&lt;</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
<para>The <varname>&amp;&lt;</varname> operator returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if the bounding box of raster A
overlaps or is to the left of the bounding box of raster B, or more accurately, overlaps or is NOT to the right
of the bounding box of raster B.</para>
<note><para>This operand will make use of any indexes that may be available on the
<programlisting>SELECT A.rid As a_rid, B.rid As b_rid, A.rast &amp;&lt; B.rast As overleft
FROM dummy_rast AS A CROSS JOIN dummy_rast AS B;
a_rid | b_rid | overleft
2 | 2 | t
2 | 3 | f
2 | 1 | f
3 | 2 | t
3 | 3 | t
3 | 1 | f
1 | 2 | t
1 | 3 | t
1 | 1 | t
<refentry id="RT_Raster_OverRight">
<refpurpose>Returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if A's bounding box is to the right of B's.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>&amp;&gt;</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
<para>The <varname>&amp;&gt;</varname> operator returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if the bounding box of raster A
overlaps or is to the right of the bounding box of raster B, or more accurately, overlaps or is NOT to the left
of the bounding box of raster B.</para>
<note><para>This operand will make use of any indexes that may be available on the
<programlisting>SELECT A.rid As a_rid, B.rid As b_rid, A.rast &amp;&gt; B.rast As overright
FROM dummy_rast AS A CROSS JOIN dummy_rast AS B;
a_rid | b_rid | overright
2 | 2 | t
2 | 3 | t
2 | 1 | t
3 | 2 | f
3 | 3 | t
3 | 1 | f
1 | 2 | f
1 | 3 | t
1 | 1 | t
<refentry id="RT_Raster_EQ">
<refpurpose>Returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if A's bounding box is the same as B's. Uses double precision bounding box.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>&#61;</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
<para>The <varname>&#61;</varname> operator returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if the bounding box of raster A
is the same as the bounding box of raster B. PostgreSQL uses the =, &lt;, and &gt; operators defined for rasters to
perform internal orderings and comparison of rasters (ie. in a GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause).</para>
<caution><para>This operand will NOT make use of any indexes that may be available on the
rasters. Use <xref linkend="RT_Raster_Same" /> instead. This operator exists mostly so one can group by the raster column.</para></caution>
<para>Availability: 2.1.0 </para>
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_Raster_Same" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_Raster_Contained">
<refpurpose>Returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if A's bounding box is contained by B's. Uses double precision bounding box.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>@</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>@</function></funcdef>
<type>geometry </type>
<type>raster </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>@</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>geometry </type>
<para>The <varname>@</varname> operator returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if the bounding box of raster/geometry A
is contained by bounding box of raster/geometr B. </para>
<note><para>This operand will use spatial indexes on the rasters. </para></note>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0 raster @ raster, raster @ geometry introduced</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.5 geometry @ raster introduced </para>
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_Raster_Contains" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_Raster_Same">
<refpurpose>Returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if A's bounding box is the same as B's.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>~=</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
<para>The <varname>~=</varname> operator returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if the bounding box of raster A
is the same as the bounding box of raster B.</para>
<note><para>This operand will make use of any indexes that may be available on the
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Very useful usecase is for taking two sets of single band rasters that are of the same chunk but represent different themes and creating a multi-band raster</para>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_AddBand(prec.rast, alt.rast) As new_rast
FROM prec INNER JOIN alt ON (prec.rast ~= alt.rast);
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_ST_AddBand" />, <xref linkend="RT_Raster_EQ" /></para>
<refentry id="RT_Raster_Contains">
<refpurpose>Returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if A's bounding box is contains B's. Uses double precision bounding box.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>~</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>~</function></funcdef>
<type>geometry </type>
<type>raster </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>~</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>geometry </type>
<para>The <varname>~</varname> operator returns <varname>TRUE</varname> if the bounding box of raster/geometry A
is contains bounding box of raster/geometr B. </para>
<note><para>This operand will use spatial indexes on the rasters. </para></note>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<title>See Also</title>
<para><xref linkend="RT_Raster_Contained" /></para>
<sect1 id="Raster_Relationships">
<title>Raster and Raster Band Spatial Relationships</title>
<refentry id="RT_ST_Contains">
Return true if no points of raster rastB lie in the exterior of raster rastA and at least one point of the interior of rastB lies in the interior of rastA.
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Contains</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Contains</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
Raster rastA contains rastB if and only if no points of rastB lie in the exterior of rastA and at least one point of the interior of rastB lies in the interior of rastA. If the band number is not provided (or set to NULL), only the convex hull of the raster is considered in the test. If the band number is provided, only those pixels with value (not NODATA) are considered in the test.
This function will make use of any indexes that may be available on the rasters.
To test the spatial relationship of a raster and a geometry, use ST_Polygon on the raster, e.g. ST_Contains(ST_Polygon(raster), geometry) or ST_Contains(geometry, ST_Polygon(raster)).
ST_Contains() is the inverse of ST_Within(). So, ST_Contains(rastA, rastB) implies ST_Within(rastB, rastA).
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
-- specified band numbers
SELECT r1.rid, r2.rid, ST_Contains(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 1) FROM dummy_rast r1 CROSS JOIN dummy_rast r2 WHERE r1.rid = 1;
NOTICE: The first raster provided has no bands
rid | rid | st_contains
1 | 1 |
1 | 2 | f
-- no band numbers specified
SELECT r1.rid, r2.rid, ST_Contains(r1.rast, r2.rast) FROM dummy_rast r1 CROSS JOIN dummy_rast r2 WHERE r1.rid = 1;
rid | rid | st_contains
1 | 1 | t
1 | 2 | f
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersects" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Within" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_ContainsProperly">
Return true if rastB intersects the interior of rastA but not the boundary or exterior of rastA.
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_ContainsProperly</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_ContainsProperly</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
Raster rastA contains properly rastB if rastB intersects the interior of rastA but not the boundary or exterior of rastA. If the band number is not provided (or set to NULL), only the convex hull of the raster is considered in the test. If the band number is provided, only those pixels with value (not NODATA) are considered in the test.
Raster rastA does not contain properly itself but does contain itself.
This function will make use of any indexes that may be available on the rasters.
To test the spatial relationship of a raster and a geometry, use ST_Polygon on the raster, e.g. ST_ContainsProperly(ST_Polygon(raster), geometry) or ST_ContainsProperly(geometry, ST_Polygon(raster)).
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
SELECT r1.rid, r2.rid, ST_ContainsProperly(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 1) FROM dummy_rast r1 CROSS JOIN dummy_rast r2 WHERE r1.rid = 2;
rid | rid | st_containsproperly
2 | 1 | f
2 | 2 | f
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersects" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Contains" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Covers">
Return true if no points of raster rastB lie outside raster rastA.
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Covers</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Covers</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
Raster rastA covers rastB if and only if no points of rastB lie in the exterior of rastA. If the band number is not provided (or set to NULL), only the convex hull of the raster is considered in the test. If the band number is provided, only those pixels with value (not NODATA) are considered in the test.
This function will make use of any indexes that may be available on the rasters.
To test the spatial relationship of a raster and a geometry, use ST_Polygon on the raster, e.g. ST_Covers(ST_Polygon(raster), geometry) or ST_Covers(geometry, ST_Polygon(raster)).
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
SELECT r1.rid, r2.rid, ST_Covers(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 1) FROM dummy_rast r1 CROSS JOIN dummy_rast r2 WHERE r1.rid = 2;
rid | rid | st_covers
2 | 1 | f
2 | 2 | t
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersects" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_CoveredBy" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_CoveredBy">
Return true if no points of raster rastA lie outside raster rastB.
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_CoveredBy</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_CoveredBy</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
Raster rastA is covered by rastB if and only if no points of rastA lie in the exterior of rastB. If the band number is not provided (or set to NULL), only the convex hull of the raster is considered in the test. If the band number is provided, only those pixels with value (not NODATA) are considered in the test.
This function will make use of any indexes that may be available on the rasters.
To test the spatial relationship of a raster and a geometry, use ST_Polygon on the raster, e.g. ST_CoveredBy(ST_Polygon(raster), geometry) or ST_CoveredBy(geometry, ST_Polygon(raster)).
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
SELECT r1.rid, r2.rid, ST_CoveredBy(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 1) FROM dummy_rast r1 CROSS JOIN dummy_rast r2 WHERE r1.rid = 2;
rid | rid | st_coveredby
2 | 1 | f
2 | 2 | t
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersects" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Covers" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Disjoint">
Return true if raster rastA does not spatially intersect rastB.
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Disjoint</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Disjoint</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
Raster rastA and rastB are disjointed if they do not share any space together. If the band number is not provided (or set to NULL), only the convex hull of the raster is considered in the test. If the band number is provided, only those pixels with value (not NODATA) are considered in the test.
This function does NOT use any indexes.
To test the spatial relationship of a raster and a geometry, use ST_Polygon on the raster, e.g. ST_Disjoint(ST_Polygon(raster), geometry).
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
-- rid = 1 has no bands, hence the NOTICE and the NULL value for st_disjoint
SELECT r1.rid, r2.rid, ST_Disjoint(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 1) FROM dummy_rast r1 CROSS JOIN dummy_rast r2 WHERE r1.rid = 2;
NOTICE: The second raster provided has no bands
rid | rid | st_disjoint
2 | 1 |
2 | 2 | f
-- this time, without specifying band numbers
SELECT r1.rid, r2.rid, ST_Disjoint(r1.rast, r2.rast) FROM dummy_rast r1 CROSS JOIN dummy_rast r2 WHERE r1.rid = 2;
rid | rid | st_disjoint
2 | 1 | t
2 | 2 | f
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersects" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Intersects">
<refpurpose>Return true if raster rastA spatially intersects raster rastB.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Intersects</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Intersects</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Intersects</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>geometry </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Intersects</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>geometry </type>
<paramdef choice="opt">
<type>integer </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Intersects</function></funcdef>
<type>geometry </type>
<type>raster </type>
<paramdef choice="opt">
<type>integer </type>
Return true if raster rastA spatially intersects raster rastB. If the band number is not provided (or set to NULL), only the convex hull of the raster is considered in the test. If the band number is provided, only those pixels with value (not NODATA) are considered in the test.
This function will make use of any indexes that may be available on the rasters.
Enhanced: 2.0.0 support raster/raster intersects was introduced.
Changed: 2.1.0 The behavior of the ST_Intersects(raster, geometry) variants changed to match that of ST_Intersects(geometry, raster).
-- different bands of same raster
SELECT ST_Intersects(rast, 2, rast, 3) FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 2;
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersection" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Disjoint" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Overlaps">
Return true if raster rastA and rastB intersect but one does not completely contain the other.
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Overlaps</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Overlaps</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
Return true if raster rastA spatially overlaps raster rastB. This means that rastA and rastB intersect but one does not completely contain the other. If the band number is not provided (or set to NULL), only the convex hull of the raster is considered in the test. If the band number is provided, only those pixels with value (not NODATA) are considered in the test.
This function will make use of any indexes that may be available on the rasters.
To test the spatial relationship of a raster and a geometry, use ST_Polygon on the raster, e.g. ST_Overlaps(ST_Polygon(raster), geometry).
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
-- comparing different bands of same raster
SELECT ST_Overlaps(rast, 1, rast, 2) FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid = 2;
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersects" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Touches">
Return true if raster rastA and rastB have at least one point in common but their interiors do not intersect.
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Touches</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Touches</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
Return true if raster rastA spatially touches raster rastB. This means that rastA and rastB have at least one point in common but their interiors do not intersect. If the band number is not provided (or set to NULL), only the convex hull of the raster is considered in the test. If the band number is provided, only those pixels with value (not NODATA) are considered in the test.
This function will make use of any indexes that may be available on the rasters.
To test the spatial relationship of a raster and a geometry, use ST_Polygon on the raster, e.g. ST_Touches(ST_Polygon(raster), geometry).
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
SELECT r1.rid, r2.rid, ST_Touches(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 1) FROM dummy_rast r1 CROSS JOIN dummy_rast r2 WHERE r1.rid = 2;
rid | rid | st_touches
2 | 1 | f
2 | 2 | f
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersects" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_SameAlignment">
<refpurpose>Returns true if rasters have same skew, scale, spatial ref, and offset (pixels can be put on same grid without cutting into pixels) and false if they don't with notice detailing issue.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_SameAlignment</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_SameAlignment</function></funcdef>
<type>double precision </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_SameAlignment</function></funcdef>
<type>raster set </type>
Non-Aggregate version (Variants 1 and 2): Returns true if the two rasters (either provided directly or made using the values for upperleft, scale, skew and srid) have the same scale, skew, srid and at least one of any of the four corners of any pixel of one raster falls on any corner of the grid of the other raster. Returns false if they don't and a NOTICE detailing the alignment issue.
Aggregate version (Variant 3): From a set of rasters, returns true if all rasters in the set are aligned. The ST_SameAlignment() function is an "aggregate" function in the terminology of PostgreSQL. That means that it operates on rows of data, in the same way the SUM() and AVG() functions do.
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.1.0 addition of Aggegrate variant</para>
<title>Examples: Rasters</title>
<programlisting>SELECT ST_SameAlignment(
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0),
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
) as sm;
SELECT ST_SameAlignment(A.rast,b.rast)
FROM dummy_rast AS A CROSS JOIN dummy_rast AS B;
NOTICE: The two rasters provided have different SRIDs
NOTICE: The two rasters provided have different SRIDs
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_Loading_Rasters" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_NotSameAlignmentReason" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_MakeEmptyRaster" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_NotSameAlignmentReason">
<refpurpose>Returns text stating if rasters are aligned and if not aligned, a reason why.</refpurpose>
<funcdef>text <function>ST_NotSameAlignmentReason</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type><parameter>rastA</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef><type>raster </type><parameter>rastB</parameter></paramdef>
<para>Returns text stating if rasters are aligned and if not aligned, a reason why.</para>
If there are several reasons why the rasters are not aligned, only one reason (the first test to fail) will be returned.
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0),
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1, 1, 0, 0, 1.1, 1.1, 0, 0)
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0),
ST_MakeEmptyRaster(1, 1, 0, 0, 1.1, 1.1, 0, 0)
st_samealignment | st_notsamealignmentreason
f | The rasters have different scales on the X axis
(1 row)
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_Loading_Rasters" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_SameAlignment" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_Within">
Return true if no points of raster rastA lie in the exterior of raster rastB and at least one point of the interior of rastA lies in the interior of rastB.
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Within</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_Within</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
Raster rastA is within rastB if and only if no points of rastA lie in the exterior of rastB and at least one point of the interior of rastA lies in the interior of rastB. If the band number is not provided (or set to NULL), only the convex hull of the raster is considered in the test. If the band number is provided, only those pixels with value (not NODATA) are considered in the test.
This operand will make use of any indexes that may be available on the rasters.
To test the spatial relationship of a raster and a geometry, use ST_Polygon on the raster, e.g. ST_Within(ST_Polygon(raster), geometry) or ST_Within(geometry, ST_Polygon(raster)).
ST_Within() is the inverse of ST_Contains(). So, ST_Within(rastA, rastB) implies ST_Contains(rastB, rastA).
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
SELECT r1.rid, r2.rid, ST_Within(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 1) FROM dummy_rast r1 CROSS JOIN dummy_rast r2 WHERE r1.rid = 2;
rid | rid | st_within
2 | 1 | f
2 | 2 | t
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Intersects" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Contains" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DWithin" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DFullyWithin" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_DWithin">
Return true if rasters rastA and rastB are within the specified distance of each other.
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_DWithin</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_DWithin</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>double precision </type>
Return true if rasters rastA and rastB are within the specified distance of each other. If the band number is not provided (or set to NULL), only the convex hull of the raster is considered in the test. If the band number is provided, only those pixels with value (not NODATA) are considered in the test.
The distance is specified in units defined by the spatial reference system of the rasters. For this function to make sense, the source rasters must both be of the same coordinate projection, having the same SRID.
This operand will make use of any indexes that may be available on the rasters.
To test the spatial relationship of a raster and a geometry, use ST_Polygon on the raster, e.g. ST_DWithin(ST_Polygon(raster), geometry).
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
SELECT r1.rid, r2.rid, ST_DWithin(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 1, 3.14) FROM dummy_rast r1 CROSS JOIN dummy_rast r2 WHERE r1.rid = 2;
rid | rid | st_dwithin
2 | 1 | f
2 | 2 | t
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Within" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DFullyWithin" />
<refentry id="RT_ST_DFullyWithin">
Return true if rasters rastA and rastB are fully within the specified distance of each other.
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_DFullyWithin</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>integer </type>
<type>double precision </type>
<funcdef>boolean <function>ST_DFullyWithin</function></funcdef>
<type>raster </type>
<type>raster </type>
<type>double precision </type>
Return true if rasters rastA and rastB are fully within the specified distance of each other. If the band number is not provided (or set to NULL), only the convex hull of the raster is considered in the test. If the band number is provided, only those pixels with value (not NODATA) are considered in the test.
The distance is specified in units defined by the spatial reference system of the rasters. For this function to make sense, the source rasters must both be of the same coordinate projection, having the same SRID.
This operand will make use of any indexes that may be available on the rasters.
To test the spatial relationship of a raster and a geometry, use ST_Polygon on the raster, e.g. ST_DFullyWithin(ST_Polygon(raster), geometry).
<para>Availability: 2.1.0</para>
SELECT r1.rid, r2.rid, ST_DFullyWithin(r1.rast, 1, r2.rast, 1, 3.14) FROM dummy_rast r1 CROSS JOIN dummy_rast r2 WHERE r1.rid = 2;
rid | rid | st_dfullywithin
2 | 1 | f
2 | 2 | t
<title>See Also</title>
<xref linkend="RT_ST_Within" />,
<xref linkend="RT_ST_DWithin" />