2004-08-10 21:09:59 +00:00

511 lines
12 KiB

* $Id$
* PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
* Copyright 2001-2003 Refractions Research Inc.
* This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
* $Log$
* Revision 1.20 2004/08/10 21:09:59 strk
* changed proj version extractor to support pre 4.4.8 releases
* Revision 1.19 2004/07/28 16:10:59 strk
* Changed all version functions to return text.
* Renamed postgis_scripts_version() to postgis_scripts_installed()
* Added postgis_scripts_released().
* Added postgis_full_version().
* Revision 1.18 2004/07/23 21:24:33 strk
* Added postgis_proj_version()
* Revision 1.17 2004/07/22 16:20:10 strk
* Added postgis_lib_version() and postgis_geos_version()
* Revision 1.16 2004/04/28 22:26:02 pramsey
* Fixed spelling mistake in header text.
* Revision 1.15 2004/01/14 01:52:53 pramsey
* Fix solaris alignment problem in transformations.
* Revision 1.14 2003/09/16 20:27:12 dblasby
* added ability to delete geometries.
* Revision 1.13 2003/07/01 18:30:55 pramsey
* Added CVS revision headers.
#include "postgres.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "access/gist.h"
#include "access/itup.h"
#include "access/rtree.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "postgis.h"
#include "utils/elog.h"
#define MAX_DIGS_DOUBLE (SHOW_DIGS_DOUBLE + 6 + 1 + 3 +1)
// if USE_PROJECTION undefined, we get a do-nothing transform() function
#ifdef USE_PROJ
#include "projects.h"
PJ *make_project(char *str1);
void to_rad(POINT3D *pts, int num_points);
void to_dec(POINT3D *pts, int num_points);
int pj_transform_nodatum( PJ *srcdefn, PJ *dstdefn, long point_count, int point_offset,
double *x, double *y, double *z );
//this is *exactly* the same as PROJ.4's pj_transform(), but it doesnt do the
// datum shift.
int pj_transform_nodatum( PJ *srcdefn, PJ *dstdefn, long point_count, int point_offset,
double *x, double *y, double *z )
long i;
//int need_datum_shift;
pj_errno = 0;
if( point_offset == 0 )
point_offset = 1;
if( !srcdefn->is_latlong )
for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
XY projected_loc;
LP geodetic_loc;
projected_loc.u = x[point_offset*i];
projected_loc.v = y[point_offset*i];
geodetic_loc = pj_inv( projected_loc, srcdefn );
if( pj_errno != 0 )
return pj_errno;
x[point_offset*i] = geodetic_loc.u;
y[point_offset*i] = geodetic_loc.v;
if( !dstdefn->is_latlong )
for( i = 0; i < point_count; i++ )
XY projected_loc;
LP geodetic_loc;
geodetic_loc.u = x[point_offset*i];
geodetic_loc.v = y[point_offset*i];
projected_loc = pj_fwd( geodetic_loc, dstdefn );
if( pj_errno != 0 )
return pj_errno;
x[point_offset*i] = projected_loc.u;
y[point_offset*i] = projected_loc.v;
return 0;
// convert decimal degress to radians
void to_rad(POINT3D *pts, int num_points)
int t;
pts[t].x *= PI/180.0;
pts[t].y *= PI/180.0;
// convert radians to decimal degress
void to_dec(POINT3D *pts, int num_points)
int t;
pts[t].x *= 180.0/PI;
pts[t].y *= 180.0/PI;
//given a string, make a PJ object
PJ *make_project(char *str1)
int t;
char *params[1024]; //one for each parameter
char *loc;
char *str;
PJ *result;
if (str1 == NULL)
return NULL;
if (strlen(str1) ==0)
return NULL;
str = palloc(1+strlen(str1) );
//first we split the string into a bunch of smaller strings, based on the " " separator
params[0] = str; //1st param, we'll null terminate at the " " soon
loc = str;
t =1;
while ((loc != NULL) && (*loc != 0) )
loc = strchr( loc,' ');
if (loc != NULL)
*loc = 0; // null terminate
params[t] = loc +1;
loc++; // next char
t++; //next param
if (!(result= pj_init ( t , params)))
return NULL;
return result;
//tranform_geom( GEOMETRY, TEXT (input proj4), TEXT (output proj4), INT (output srid)
// tmpPts - if there is a nadgrid error (-38), we re-try the transform on a copy of points. The transformed points
// are in an indeterminate state after the -38 error is thrown.
Datum transform_geom(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
GEOMETRY *geom ;
GEOMETRY *result;
PJ *input_pj,*output_pj;
char *o1;
int32 *offsets1;
int j,type1,gtype,i,poly_points;
POLYGON3D *poly;
LINE3D *line;
POINT3D *pt,*poly_pts;
char *input_proj4, *output_proj4;
BOX3D *bbox;
POINT3D *tmpPts;
text *input_proj4_text;
text *output_proj4_text;
int32 result_srid ;
input_proj4_text = (PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
output_proj4_text = (PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2));
result_srid = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
input_proj4 = (char *) palloc(input_proj4_text->vl_len +1-4);
memcpy(input_proj4,input_proj4_text->vl_dat, input_proj4_text->vl_len-4);
input_proj4[input_proj4_text->vl_len-4] = 0; //null terminate
output_proj4 = (char *) palloc(output_proj4_text->vl_len +1-4);
memcpy(output_proj4,output_proj4_text->vl_dat, output_proj4_text->vl_len-4);
output_proj4[output_proj4_text->vl_len-4] = 0; //null terminate
if (geom->SRID == -1)
pfree(input_proj4); pfree(output_proj4);
elog(ERROR,"tranform: source SRID = -1");
PG_RETURN_NULL(); // no srid, cannot convert
if (result_srid == -1)
pfree(input_proj4); pfree(output_proj4);
elog(ERROR,"tranform: destination SRID = -1");
PG_RETURN_NULL(); // no srid, cannot convert
//make input and output projection objects
input_pj = make_project(input_proj4);
if ( (input_pj == NULL) || pj_errno)
pfree(input_proj4); pfree(output_proj4);
elog(ERROR,"tranform: couldnt parse proj4 input string");
output_pj = make_project(output_proj4);
if ((output_pj == NULL)|| pj_errno)
pfree(input_proj4); pfree(output_proj4);
elog(ERROR,"tranform: couldnt parse proj4 output string");
//great, now we have a geometry, and input/output PJ* structs. Excellent.
//copy the geometry structure - we're only going to change the points, not the structures
result = (GEOMETRY *) palloc (geom->size);
memcpy(result,geom, geom->size);
gtype = result->type;
// allow transformations of the BOX3D type - the loop below won't be entered since for a BOX3D
// type result->nobjs will be -1 so we check for it here
if (gtype == BBOXONLYTYPE)
bbox = &(result->bvol);
pt = (POINT3D *)bbox;
if (input_pj->is_latlong)
tmpPts = palloc(sizeof(POINT3D)*2);
memcpy(tmpPts, pt, sizeof(POINT3D)*2);
pj_transform(input_pj,output_pj, 2,3, &pt->x,&pt->y, &pt->z);
if (pj_errno)
if (pj_errno == -38) //2nd chance
//couldnt do nadshift - do it without the datum
memcpy(pt,tmpPts, sizeof(POINT3D)*2);
pj_transform_nodatum(input_pj,output_pj, 2 ,3, &pt->x,&pt->y, &pt->z);
if (pj_errno)
pfree(input_proj4); pfree(output_proj4);
pj_free(input_pj); pj_free(output_pj);
elog(ERROR,"transform: couldnt project bbox point: %i (%s)",pj_errno,pj_strerrno(pj_errno));
if (output_pj->is_latlong)
//handle each sub-geometry
offsets1 = (int32 *) ( ((char *) &(result->objType[0] ))+ sizeof(int32) * result->nobjs ) ;
for (j=0; j< result->nobjs; j++) //for each object in geom1
o1 = (char *) result +offsets1[j] ;
type1= result->objType[j];
if (type1 == POINTTYPE) //point
pt = (POINT3D *) o1;
if (input_pj->is_latlong)
tmpPts = palloc(sizeof(POINT3D) );
memcpy(tmpPts,pt, sizeof(POINT3D));
pj_transform(input_pj,output_pj, 1,3, &pt->x,&pt->y, &pt->z);
if (pj_errno)
if (pj_errno == -38) //2nd chance
//couldnt do nadshift - do it without the datum
memcpy(pt,tmpPts, sizeof(POINT3D));
pj_transform_nodatum(input_pj,output_pj, 1,3, &pt->x,&pt->y, &pt->z);
if (pj_errno)
pfree(input_proj4); pfree(output_proj4);
pj_free(input_pj); pj_free(output_pj);
elog(ERROR,"transform: couldnt project point: %i (%s)",pj_errno,pj_strerrno(pj_errno));
if (output_pj->is_latlong)
if (type1 == LINETYPE) //line
line = (LINE3D *) o1;
if (input_pj->is_latlong)
tmpPts = palloc(sizeof(POINT3D)*line->npoints );
memcpy(tmpPts,&line->points[0], sizeof(POINT3D)*line->npoints);
pj_transform(input_pj,output_pj, line->npoints ,3,
&line->points[0].x,&line->points[0].y, &line->points[0].z);
if (pj_errno)
if (pj_errno == -38) //2nd chance
//couldnt do nadshift - do it without the datum
memcpy(&line->points[0],tmpPts, sizeof(POINT3D)*line->npoints);
pj_transform_nodatum(input_pj,output_pj, line->npoints ,3,
&line->points[0].x,&line->points[0].y, &line->points[0].z);
if (pj_errno)
pfree(input_proj4); pfree(output_proj4);
pj_free(input_pj); pj_free(output_pj);
elog(ERROR,"transform: couldnt project line");
if (output_pj->is_latlong)
poly = (POLYGON3D *) o1;
poly_points = 0;
for (i=0; i<poly->nrings;i++)
poly_points += poly->npoints[i];
poly_pts = (POINT3D *) ( (char *)&(poly->npoints[poly->nrings] ) );
poly_pts = (POINT3D *) MAXALIGN(poly_pts);
if (input_pj->is_latlong)
to_rad(poly_pts , poly_points);
tmpPts = palloc(sizeof(POINT3D)* poly_points );
memcpy(tmpPts,&poly_pts[0].x, sizeof(POINT3D)* poly_points);
pj_transform(input_pj,output_pj, poly_points,3,
&poly_pts[0].x,&poly_pts[0].y, &poly_pts[0].z);
if (pj_errno)
if (pj_errno == -38) //2nd chance
//couldnt do nadshift - do it without the datum
memcpy(&poly_pts[0].x,tmpPts, sizeof(POINT3D)*poly_points);
pj_transform_nodatum(input_pj,output_pj, poly_points,3,
&poly_pts[0].x,&poly_pts[0].y, &poly_pts[0].z);
if (pj_errno)
pfree(input_proj4); pfree(output_proj4);
pj_free(input_pj); pj_free(output_pj);
elog(ERROR,"transform: couldnt project polygon");
if (output_pj->is_latlong)
to_dec(poly_pts , poly_points);
// clean up
pfree(input_proj4); pfree(output_proj4);
// Generate the bounding box if necessary
if (gtype != BBOXONLYTYPE)
bbox = bbox_of_geometry(result);
memcpy(&result->bvol,bbox, sizeof(BOX3D) ); //make bounding box
result->SRID = result_srid;
PG_RETURN_POINTER(result); // new geometry
Datum postgis_proj_version(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
//const char *ver = pj_get_release();
const char *ver = pj_release;
text *result;
result = (text *) palloc(VARHDRSZ + strlen(ver));
VARATT_SIZEP(result) = VARHDRSZ + strlen(ver) ;
memcpy(VARDATA(result), ver, strlen(ver));
#else // ! defined USE_PROJ
// return the original geometry
Datum transform_geom(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
elog(ERROR,"PostGIS transform() called, but support not compiled in. Modify your makefile to add proj support, remake and re-install");
//GEOMETRY *result;
//result = (GEOMETRY *) palloc (geom1->size);
//memcpy(result,geom1, geom1->size);
///elog(NOTICE,"PostGIS transform
Datum postgis_proj_version(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)