2009-10-30 20:45:50 +00:00

451 lines
12 KiB

#include "lwspheroid.h"
#define POW2(x) ((x)*(x))
static double spheroid_mu2(double alpha, double a, double b)
double b2 = POW2(b);
return POW2(cos(alpha)) * (POW2(a) - b2) / b2;
static double spheroid_big_a(double u2)
return 1.0 + (u2 / 16384.0) * (4096.0 + u2 * (-768.0 + u2 * (320.0 - 175.0 * u2)));
static double spheroid_big_b(double u2)
return (u2 / 1024.0) * (256.0 + u2 * (-128.0 + u2 * (74.0 - 47.0 * u2)));
double spheroid_distance(GEOGRAPHIC_POINT r, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT s, double a, double b)
double lambda = (s.lon - r.lon);
double f = (a - b)/a;
double omf = 1 - f;
double u1, u2;
double cos_u1, cos_u2;
double sin_u1, sin_u2;
double big_a, big_b, delta_sigma;
double alpha, sin_alpha, cos_alphasq, c;
double sigma, sin_sigma, cos_sigma, cos2_sigma_m, sqrsin_sigma, last_lambda, omega;
double cos_lambda, sin_lambda;
double distance;
int i = 0;
/* Same point => zero distance */
if( geographic_point_equals(r, s) )
return 0.0;
u1 = atan(omf * tan(;
cos_u1 = cos(u1);
sin_u1 = sin(u1);
u2 = atan(omf * tan(;
cos_u2 = cos(u2);
sin_u2 = sin(u2);
omega = lambda;
cos_lambda = cos(lambda);
sin_lambda = sin(lambda);
sqrsin_sigma = POW2(cos_u2 * sin_lambda) +
POW2((cos_u1 * sin_u2 - sin_u1 * cos_u2 * cos_lambda));
sin_sigma = sqrt(sqrsin_sigma);
cos_sigma = sin_u1 * sin_u2 + cos_u1 * cos_u2 * cos_lambda;
sigma = atan2(sin_sigma, cos_sigma);
sin_alpha = cos_u1 * cos_u2 * sin_lambda / sin(sigma);
/* Numerical stability issue, ensure asin is not NaN */
if( sin_alpha > 1.0 )
alpha = M_PI_2;
else if( sin_alpha < -1.0 )
alpha = -1.0 * M_PI_2;
alpha = asin(sin_alpha);
cos_alphasq = POW2(cos(alpha));
cos2_sigma_m = cos(sigma) - (2.0 * sin_u1 * sin_u2 / cos_alphasq);
/* Numerical stability issue, cos2 is in range */
if( cos2_sigma_m > 1.0 )
cos2_sigma_m = 1.0;
if( cos2_sigma_m < -1.0 )
cos2_sigma_m = -1.0;
c = (f / 16.0) * cos_alphasq * (4.0 + f * (4.0 - 3.0 * cos_alphasq));
last_lambda = lambda;
lambda = omega + (1.0 - c) * f * sin(alpha) * (sigma + c * sin(sigma) *
(cos2_sigma_m + c * cos(sigma) * (-1.0 + 2.0 * POW2(cos2_sigma_m))));
while ( i < 999 && lambda != 0.0 && fabs((last_lambda - lambda)/lambda) > 1.0e-9 );
u2 = spheroid_mu2(alpha, a, b);
big_a = spheroid_big_a(u2);
big_b = spheroid_big_b(u2);
delta_sigma = big_b * sin_sigma * (cos2_sigma_m + (big_b / 4.0) * (cos_sigma * (-1.0 + 2.0 * POW2(cos2_sigma_m)) -
(big_b / 6.0) * cos2_sigma_m * (-3.0 + 4.0 * sqrsin_sigma) * (-3.0 + 4.0 * POW2(cos2_sigma_m))));
distance = b * big_a * (sigma - delta_sigma);
/* Algorithm failure, distance == NaN, fallback to sphere */
if( distance != distance )
lwerror("spheroid_distance returned NaN: (%.20g %.20g) (%.20g %.20g) a = %.20g b = %.20g",, r.lon,, s.lon, a, b);
return (2.0 * a + b) * sphere_distance(r, s) / 3.0;
return distance;
double ptarray_distance_spheroid(POINTARRAY *pa1, POINTARRAY *pa2, double a, double b, double tolerance, int check_intersection)
GEOGRAPHIC_POINT nearest1, nearest2;
double radius = (2.0*a + b)/3.0;
double distance;
int i, j;
/* Make result really big, so that everything will be smaller than it */
distance = MAXFLOAT;
/* Empty point arrays? Return negative */
if ( pa1->npoints == 0 || pa1->npoints == 0 )
return -1.0;
/* Handle point/point case here */
if ( pa1->npoints == 1 && pa2->npoints == 1 )
getPoint2d_p(pa1, 0, &p);
geographic_point_init(p.x, p.y, &g1);
getPoint2d_p(pa2, 0, &p);
geographic_point_init(p.x, p.y, &g2);
return spheroid_distance(g1, g2, a, b);
/* Handle point/line case here */
if ( pa1->npoints == 1 || pa2->npoints == 1 )
/* Handle one/many case here */
int i;
POINTARRAY *pa_one, *pa_many;
if( pa1->npoints == 1 )
pa_one = pa1;
pa_many = pa2;
pa_one = pa2;
pa_many = pa1;
/* Initialize our point */
getPoint2d_p(pa_one, 0, &p);
geographic_point_init(p.x, p.y, &g1);
/* Initialize start of line */
getPoint2d_p(pa_many, 0, &p);
geographic_point_init(p.x, p.y, &(e1.start));
/* Iterate through the edges in our line */
for( i = 1; i < pa_many->npoints; i++ )
double d;
getPoint2d_p(pa_many, i, &p);
geographic_point_init(p.x, p.y, &(e1.end));
d = radius * edge_distance_to_point(e1, g1, &g2);
if( d < distance )
distance = d;
nearest2 = g2;
if( d < tolerance )
double sd = spheroid_distance(g1, nearest2, a, b);
if( sd < tolerance )
return sd;
e1.start = e1.end;
return spheroid_distance(g1, nearest2, a, b);
/* Initialize start of line 1 */
getPoint2d_p(pa1, 0, &p);
geographic_point_init(p.x, p.y, &(e1.start));
/* Handle line/line case */
for( i = 1; i < pa1->npoints; i++ )
getPoint2d_p(pa1, i, &p);
geographic_point_init(p.x, p.y, &(e1.end));
/* Initialize start of line 2 */
getPoint2d_p(pa2, 0, &p);
geographic_point_init(p.x, p.y, &(e2.start));
for( j = 1; j < pa2->npoints; j++ )
double d;
getPoint2d_p(pa2, j, &p);
geographic_point_init(p.x, p.y, &(e2.end));
LWDEBUGF(4, "e1.start == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, e1.start.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "e1.end == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, e1.end.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "e2.start == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, e2.start.lon);
LWDEBUGF(4, "e2.end == GPOINT(%.6g %.6g) ",, e2.end.lon);
if ( check_intersection && edge_intersection(e1, e2, &g) )
LWDEBUG(4,"edge intersection! returning 0.0");
return 0.0;
d = radius * edge_distance_to_edge(e1, e2, &g1, &g2);
LWDEBUGF(4,"got edge_distance_to_edge %.8g", d);
if( d < distance )
distance = d;
nearest1 = g1;
nearest2 = g2;
if( d < tolerance )
double sd = spheroid_distance(nearest1, nearest2, a, b);
if( sd < tolerance )
return sd;
/* Copy end to start to allow a new end value in next iteration */
e2.start = e2.end;
/* Copy end to start to allow a new end value in next iteration */
e1.start = e1.end;
return spheroid_distance(nearest1, nearest2, a, b);
double lwgeom_distance_spheroid(LWGEOM *lwgeom1, LWGEOM *lwgeom2, GBOX gbox1, GBOX gbox2, double a, double b, double tolerance)
int type1, type2;
int check_intersection = LW_FALSE;
LWDEBUGF(4, "entered function, tolerance %.8g", tolerance);
/* What's the distance to an empty geometry? We don't know. */
if( lwgeom_is_empty(lwgeom1) || lwgeom_is_empty(lwgeom2) )
return 0.0;
type1 = TYPE_GETTYPE(lwgeom1->type);
type2 = TYPE_GETTYPE(lwgeom2->type);
/* If the boxes aren't disjoint, we have to check for edge intersections */
if( gbox_overlaps(gbox1, gbox2) )
check_intersection = LW_TRUE;
/* Point/line combinations can all be handled with simple point array iterations */
if( ( type1 == POINTTYPE || type1 == LINETYPE ) &&
( type2 == POINTTYPE || type2 == LINETYPE ) )
POINTARRAY *pa1, *pa2;
if( type1 == POINTTYPE )
pa1 = ((LWPOINT*)lwgeom1)->point;
pa1 = ((LWLINE*)lwgeom1)->points;
if( type2 == POINTTYPE )
pa2 = ((LWPOINT*)lwgeom2)->point;
pa2 = ((LWLINE*)lwgeom2)->points;
return ptarray_distance_spheroid(pa1, pa2, a, b, tolerance, check_intersection);
/* Point/Polygon cases, if point-in-poly, return zero, else return distance. */
if( ( type1 == POLYGONTYPE && type2 == POINTTYPE ) ||
( type2 == POLYGONTYPE && type1 == POINTTYPE ) )
LWPOLY *lwpoly;
LWPOINT *lwpt;
GBOX gbox;
double distance = MAXFLOAT;
int i;
if( type1 == POINTTYPE )
lwpt = (LWPOINT*)lwgeom1;
lwpoly = (LWPOLY*)lwgeom2;
gbox = gbox2;
lwpt = (LWPOINT*)lwgeom2;
lwpoly = (LWPOLY*)lwgeom1;
gbox = gbox1;
getPoint2d_p(lwpt->point, 0, &p);
/* Point in polygon implies zero distance */
if( lwpoly_covers_point2d(lwpoly, gbox, p) )
return 0.0;
/* Not inside, so what's the actual distance? */
for( i = 0; i < lwpoly->nrings; i++ )
double ring_distance = ptarray_distance_spheroid(lwpoly->rings[i], lwpt->point, a, b, tolerance, check_intersection);
if( ring_distance < distance )
distance = ring_distance;
if( distance < tolerance )
return distance;
return distance;
/* Line/polygon case, if start point-in-poly, return zero, else return distance. */
if( ( type1 == POLYGONTYPE && type2 == LINETYPE ) ||
( type2 == POLYGONTYPE && type1 == LINETYPE ) )
LWPOLY *lwpoly;
LWLINE *lwline;
GBOX gbox;
double distance = MAXFLOAT;
int i;
if( type1 == LINETYPE )
lwline = (LWLINE*)lwgeom1;
lwpoly = (LWPOLY*)lwgeom2;
gbox = gbox2;
lwline = (LWLINE*)lwgeom2;
lwpoly = (LWPOLY*)lwgeom1;
gbox = gbox1;
getPoint2d_p(lwline->points, 0, &p);
LWDEBUG(4, "checking if a point of line is in polygon");
/* Point in polygon implies zero distance */
if( lwpoly_covers_point2d(lwpoly, gbox, p) )
return 0.0;
LWDEBUG(4, "checking ring distances");
/* Not contained, so what's the actual distance? */
for( i = 0; i < lwpoly->nrings; i++ )
double ring_distance = ptarray_distance_spheroid(lwpoly->rings[i], lwline->points, a, b, tolerance, check_intersection);
LWDEBUGF(4, "ring[%d] ring_distance = %.8g", i, ring_distance);
if( ring_distance < distance )
distance = ring_distance;
if( distance < tolerance )
return distance;
LWDEBUGF(4, "all rings checked, returning distance = %.8g", distance);
return distance;
/* Polygon/polygon case, if start point-in-poly, return zero, else return distance. */
if( ( type1 == POLYGONTYPE && type2 == POLYGONTYPE ) ||
( type2 == POLYGONTYPE && type1 == POLYGONTYPE ) )
LWPOLY *lwpoly1 = (LWPOLY*)lwgeom1;
LWPOLY *lwpoly2 = (LWPOLY*)lwgeom2;
double distance = MAXFLOAT;
int i, j;
/* Point of 2 in polygon 1 implies zero distance */
getPoint2d_p(lwpoly1->rings[0], 0, &p);
if( lwpoly_covers_point2d(lwpoly2, gbox2, p) )
return 0.0;
/* Point of 1 in polygon 2 implies zero distance */
getPoint2d_p(lwpoly2->rings[0], 0, &p);
if( lwpoly_covers_point2d(lwpoly1, gbox1, p) )
return 0.0;
/* Not contained, so what's the actual distance? */
for( i = 0; i < lwpoly1->nrings; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < lwpoly2->nrings; j++ )
double ring_distance = ptarray_distance_spheroid(lwpoly1->rings[i], lwpoly2->rings[j], a, b, tolerance, check_intersection);
if( ring_distance < distance )
distance = ring_distance;
if( distance < tolerance )
return distance;
return distance;
/* Recurse into collections */
if( lwgeom_is_collection(type1) )
int i;
double distance = MAXFLOAT;
for( i = 0; i < col->ngeoms; i++ )
double geom_distance = lwgeom_distance_spheroid(col->geoms[i], lwgeom2, gbox1, gbox2, a, b, tolerance);
if( geom_distance < distance )
distance = geom_distance;
if( distance < tolerance )
return distance;
return distance;
/* Recurse into collections */
if( lwgeom_is_collection(type2) )
int i;
double distance = MAXFLOAT;
for( i = 0; i < col->ngeoms; i++ )
double geom_distance = lwgeom_distance_spheroid(lwgeom1, col->geoms[i], gbox1, gbox2, a, b, tolerance);
if( geom_distance < distance )
distance = geom_distance;
if( distance < tolerance )
return distance;
return distance;
lwerror("arguments include unsupported geometry type (%s, %s)", lwgeom_typename(type1), lwgeom_typename(type1));
return -1.0;