/********************************************************************** * $Id$ * * PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL * http://postgis.refractions.net * Copyright 2001-2003 Refractions Research Inc. * Copyright 2009 Paul Ramsey * Copyright 2009 Mark Cave-Ayland * * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file. * **********************************************************************/ /* For internationalization */ #ifdef USE_NLS #include #include #define _(String) gettext(String) #define PACKAGE "shp2pgsql" #else #define _(String) String #endif /* Standard headers */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "shapefil.h" #include "shpcommon.h" #include "getopt.h" #include "../liblwgeom/stringbuffer.h" #include "../postgis_config.h" #define RCSID "$Id$" /* Number of digits of precision in WKT produced. */ #define WKT_PRECISION 15 /* Loader policy constants */ #define POLICY_NULL_ABORT 0x0 #define POLICY_NULL_INSERT 0x1 #define POLICY_NULL_SKIP 0x2 /* Error message handling */ #define SHPLOADERMSGLEN 1024 /* Error status codes */ #define SHPLOADEROK -1 #define SHPLOADERERR 0 #define SHPLOADERWARN 1 /* Record status codes */ #define SHPLOADERRECDELETED 2 #define SHPLOADERRECISNULL 3 /* * Shapefile (dbf) field name are at most 10chars + 1 NULL. * Postgresql field names are at most 63 bytes + 1 NULL. */ #define MAXFIELDNAMELEN 64 #define MAXVALUELEN 1024 /* * Default geometry column name */ #define GEOMETRY_DEFAULT "geom" #define GEOGRAPHY_DEFAULT "geog" /* * Default character encoding */ #define ENCODING_DEFAULT "UTF-8" /* * Structure to hold the loader configuration options */ typedef struct shp_loader_config { /* load mode: c = create, d = delete, a = append, p = prepare */ char opt; /* table to load into */ char *table; /* schema to load into */ char *schema; /* geometry/geography column name specified by the user, may be null. */ char *geo_col; /* the shape file (without the .shp extension) */ char *shp_file; /* 0 = SQL inserts, 1 = dump */ int dump_format; /* 0 = MULTIPOLYGON/MULTILINESTRING, 1 = force to POLYGON/LINESTRING */ int simple_geometries; /* 0 = geometry, 1 = geography */ int geography; /* 0 = columnname, 1 = "columnName" */ int quoteidentifiers; /* 0 = allow int8 fields, 1 = no int8 fields */ int forceint4; /* 0 = no index, 1 = create index after load */ int createindex; /* 0 = load DBF file only, 1 = load everything */ int readshape; /* iconv encoding name */ char *encoding; /* tablespace name for the table */ char *tablespace; /* tablespace name for the indexes */ char *idxtablespace; /* how to handle nulls */ int null_policy; /* SRID specified */ int sr_id; /* SRID of the shape file */ int shp_sr_id; /* 0 = WKB (more precise), 1 = WKT (may have coordinate drift). */ int use_wkt; /* whether to do a single transaction or run each statement on its own */ int usetransaction; } SHPLOADERCONFIG; /* * Structure to holder the current loader state */ typedef struct shp_loader_state { /* Configuration for this state */ SHPLOADERCONFIG *config; /* Shapefile handle */ SHPHandle hSHPHandle; /* Shapefile type */ int shpfiletype; /* Data file handle */ DBFHandle hDBFHandle; /* Number of rows in the shapefile */ int num_entities; /* Number of fields in the shapefile */ int num_fields; /* Number of rows in the DBF file */ int num_records; /* Pointer to an array of field names */ char **field_names; /* Field type */ DBFFieldType *types; /* Arrays of field widths and precisions */ int *widths; int *precisions; /* String containing colume name list in the form "(col1, col2, col3 ... , colN)" */ char *col_names; /* String containing the PostGIS geometry type, e.g. POINT, POLYGON etc. */ char *pgtype; /* Flag for whether the geometry has Z coordinates or not. */ int has_z; /* Flag for whether the geometry has M coordinates or not. */ int has_m; /* Number of dimensions to output */ int pgdims; /* 0 = simple geometry, 1 = multi geometry */ int istypeM; /* Last (error) message */ char message[SHPLOADERMSGLEN]; /* SRID of the shape file. If not reprojecting, will be the same as to_srid. */ int from_srid; /* SRID of the table. If not reprojecting, will be the same as from_srid. */ int to_srid; /* geometry/geography column name to use. Will be set to the default if the config did not specify a column name. */ char *geo_col; } SHPLOADERSTATE; /* Externally accessible functions */ void strtolower(char *s); void vasbappend(stringbuffer_t *sb, char *fmt, ... ); void set_loader_config_defaults(SHPLOADERCONFIG *config); SHPLOADERSTATE *ShpLoaderCreate(SHPLOADERCONFIG *config); int ShpLoaderOpenShape(SHPLOADERSTATE *state); int ShpLoaderGetSQLHeader(SHPLOADERSTATE *state, char **strheader); int ShpLoaderGetSQLCopyStatement(SHPLOADERSTATE *state, char **strheader); int ShpLoaderGetRecordCount(SHPLOADERSTATE *state); int ShpLoaderGenerateSQLRowStatement(SHPLOADERSTATE *state, int item, char **strrecord); int ShpLoaderGetSQLFooter(SHPLOADERSTATE *state, char **strfooter); void ShpLoaderDestroy(SHPLOADERSTATE *state);