PostGIS WKT Raster - Seamless operations between vector and raster layers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostGIS Raster's goal is to implement the RASTER type as much as possible like the GEOMETRY type is implemented in PostGIS and to offer a single set of overlay SQL functions (like ST_Intersects) operating seamlessly on vector and raster coverages. raster/rt_core/ contains the primitives to deal with rasters in memory, the function to serialize/deserialize both in-memory and on-disk rasters, the functions to parse and output (hex)wkb. You can see raster/rt_core/testapi.c and raster/rt_core/testwkb.c for example usage. raster/rt_pg/ contains postgresql-specific wrappers, and SQL code to define the RASTER type. raster/doc/ contains technical references and RFC documents. REQUIREMENTS ------------ PostGIS Raster core lib depends on liblwgeom, as found in postgis source package as of SVN 2009-01 (latest 1.3.5 release won't work). Some PostGIS Raster functions depends on GDAL library version 1.6.0 or higher PostGIS Raster loader dependes on Python GDAL bindings. PostgreSQL interface depends on PostgreSQL version 8.3.5. BUILD ----- To build PostGIS with raster support: $ ./configure --with-raster $ make Note that the 'configure' script isn't there if you fetched the code from the SVN repository. In that case running ./ should create it for you. Under MinGW you might have to add "--with-pgconfig=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config" if configure can't find your pgsql path. PRE-INSTALL TEST ---------------- After a successful build, you can run: $ make rt-check It won't test postgresql interface, as that would require more setup then a simple make check. See POST-INSTALL TESTING for more info on how to test that part. INSTALL ------- You need to install the library to the postgresql library directory. You do it by running: $ sudo make rt-install POST-INSTALL TEST ----------------- You can run the post install tests against it: $ make rt-post-install-check USE --- In order to enable your databases to use the raster functionalities you have to feed them the enabler script: $ psql -f raster/rt_pg/rtpostgis.sql $MYDB Note that you must have loaded PostGIS in the database in order for that to work (see PostGIS documentation for how to do that).