CREDITS: 2002/05/04 The core team of PostGIS is from Refractions Research: Dave Blasby, Paul Ramsey, Jeff Lounsbury and Chris Hodgson. All versions include substantial contributions from the core team. VERSION SPECIFIC CREDITS: Version 0.1 of PostGIS was developed by Refractions Research Inc, of Victora, British Columbia, Canada (, as a research project into using PostgreSQL as a geospatial data-store. The following staff participated in the project: Dave Blasby - Core server objects and indexing (the hard stuff!) Paul Ramsey - Extensions to the PostgreSQL JDBC driver. Jeff Lounsbury - Shape file loader/dumper. Version 0.2 of PostGIS includes contributions from: Norman Vine on CygWin compilation issues Version 0.5 of PostGIS includes contributions from: Geographic Data BC (David Skea and Mark Sondheim) with funding and direction on adding calculations on a spheroid to PostGIS. Version 0.7 of PostGIS includes patches from: Steffen Macke on numerous loader/dumper bugs. Bernhard Reiter on some documentation issues and a loader limit. Mark Cave-Ayland on truly_inside(). STRK on shp2pgsql improvements