PostGIS Licensing ================== This file attempts to include all licenses that apply within the PostGIS source tree, in particular any that are supposed to be exposed to the end user for credit requirements for instance. PostGIS General ---------------- In general PostGIS is licensed under GPL Version 2 terms except on files where expressly stated otherwise. Please refer to the COPYING file for licensing details. PostGIS has dependencies on other libraries which are not under GPL and that are commonly distributed with PostGIS core libraries. In general these are dynamically linked libraries. Libraries are as follows: Proj4 - -- X/MIT License GEOS - -- LGPL License LibXML - -- X/MIT License GDAL - -- X/MIT Style License -- Source files included with PostGIS not under GPL -- The following loader/dumper files are derivative works or direct ports of ShapeLib which is under an X/MIT License loader/dbfopen,safileio.*, shapefil.h, shpopen.c -- These are under AT&T public domain (someone should probably verify) loader/getopt.* -- Doc/xsl files These are under a BSD Style license