PostGIS 1.0.0RC3 2005/02/24 - transform(): missing SRID bugfix, better error handling - jdbc2: small patches, box2d/3d tests, revised docs and license. - jdbc2: bug fix and testcase in for pgjdbc 8.0 type autoregistration - few changes in autoconf - reduced precision of box2d output. - some functions made IMMUTABLE from STABLE, for performance improvement - new performance tips chapter in manual - BUILDDATE extraction made more portable - fixed bogus 72 index bindings - prefixed DEBUG macros with PGIS_ to avoid clash with pgsql one - fixes in probe_geometry_columns() to work with PG72 and support multiple geometry columns in a single table - fixed spatial_ref_sys.sql to avoid vacuuming the whole database. - jdbc2: Removed use of jdk1.4 only features to enable build with older jdk releases. - jdbc2: Added support for building against pg72jdbc2.jar - documentation updates: pgsql72 requirement, lwpostgis.sql - memory alignment handling - fixed bug in force_collection causing mapserver connector failures on simple (single) geometry types. - jdbc2: updated and cleaned makefile - plugged a leak in GEOS2POSTGIS converter - jdbc2: added BETA support for jts geometry classes - jdbc2: Skip known-to-fail tests against older PostGIS servers. - jdbc2: Fixed handling of measured geometries in EWKT. - Reduced memory usage by early releasing query-context palloced one. - Added bool::text cast in lwpostgis.sql - bug fix in GeometryFromText() missing to add a bbox cache. - spatial_ref_sys: changed Paris entries to match the ones distributed with 0.x. PostGIS 1.0.0RC2 2005/01/26 - More correct STABLE, IMMUTABLE, STRICT uses in lwpostgis.sql - GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(EMPTY) syntax support for backward compatibility - faster and more robust loader (both i18n and not) - faster binary outputs - bug fix in pointarray box3d computation - initial autoconf script - bug fix in distance_spheroid definition - stricter OGC WKB constructors - stricter OGC WKT constructors - bug fix in transform() missing to update bbox cache - LWGEOM aware JDBC driver (jdbc2) PostGIS 1.0.0RC1 2005/01/13 - New Things - Objects are all now "lightweight" with a smaller disk and index representation. Large databases should see a moderate to large performance increase. - Objects now have a hexidecimal canonical representation. To see a "user friendly" version of the objects use the AsText() function. - The loader and dumper use the hexidecimal canonical representation, so coordinate drift due to floating point string parsing is now eliminated. - New functions: UpdateGeometrySRID(), AsGML(), SnapToGrid(), ForceRHR(), estimated_extent(), Accum(). - Vertical positioning operators. - Geometry constructors/editors. - Coordinate dimensions handling (up to 4d). - API. - Join selectivity. - Bug Fixes - Numerous small fixes. PostGIS 0.9.0 2004/09/10 - New Things - GEOMETRY_COLUMNS management functions - fix_geometry_columns(), probe_geometry_columns() - Support for PgSQL 8.0 / Support for Win32 - Support for GEOS 2.0 - Bug Fixes - Schema support in shp2pgsql/pgsql2shp improved - Spatial index estimator improved - Build system streamlined PostGIS 0.8.2 2004/05/27 - New Things - PgSQL 7.5 Support - Integrated PgSQL 7.5 statistics rathering - Improved schema support - Optional experimental lightweight geometries (LWGEOM) - Faster performance - Lower disk usage - Multi() function to create MULTI* geometries - line_interpolate_point() function for linear referencing - Bug Fixes - Minor memory leaks gone - Solaris support cleaner - shp2pgsql/pgsql2shp more corner cases fixed PostGIS 0.8.1 2004/01/12 - New Things - Schema support in AddGeometryColumn and loader/dumper - Bug Fixes - Memory fixes - GEOS translation fixes PostGIS 0.8.0 2003/11/24 - New Things - Support for PostgreSQL 7.4 - Support for all OpenGIS SFSQL functions (requires GEOS) - Contains() - Within() - GeomUnion() - Intersection() - Buffer() - and many more...! - Includes OpenGIS conformance tests - Passes all OpenGIS conformance tests - Spatial aggregate functions - GeomUnion() - Collect() - Bug Fixes - shp2pgsql/pgsql2shp - Numerous special cases in rings and attributes repaired - Some OpenGIS conformance changes PostGIS 0.7.5 2003/04/08 - Bug Fixes - shp2pgsql - Z coordinate handling - M coordinate handling - Ring handling fixed in some cases - Support for large numbers in attribute tables - Some obscure operators fixed - Some cygwin build improvements PostGIS 0.7.4 2003/02/12 - Bug Fixes - Several shp2pgsql enhancements and bugs. - Cleaner compile, fewer warnings. - Better undef support. - Fixed stateplane/feet proj definitions. - New Things - Support for PostgreSQL 7.3 - Optional spatial index selectivity system PostGIS 0.7.3 2002/09/05 - Bug Fixes - Stupid bug in .sql install script breaks install for many. Squashed. New release needed. - Automatic version detection for appropriate GiST bindings - postgis_transform now supports box3d types as well as geometry PostGIS 0.7.2 2002/09/01 - Bug Fixes - Numerous subtle bugs fixed in pgsql2shp and shp2pgsql DBF and SHP file handling - Some pgsql 7.3 preparations - Patch to truly_inside() corner case - Updates to the ~ and @ operators - Update to translate() function to also translate bbox PostGIS 0.7.1 2002/05/14 - Bug Fixes - PgSQL 7.2 RTree-over-GIST bug fix. Rare data cases caused index building to fail. - Carriage returns removed from source code. Were causing compilation failures. - collect() now returns simplest homogeneous type being aggregated (e.g.M ULTIPOLYGON for collect(*POLYGON)) PostGIS 0.7.0 2002/05/04 - New Things - transform() function provides coordinate reprojection using proj4 library - spatial_ref_sys.sql has a complete set of proj4 definitions for each EPSG coordinate system - support for PostgreSQL 7.2 GiST index API - refactoring of source code to separate index support functions from other functions - max_distance() function - distance_spheroid() function - collect() aggregate function - xmin(),ymin(),zmin(),xmax(),ymax(),zmax() functions - Bug Fixes - transform() more graceful when grid shifts are missing - setsrid() made cachable - patches to loader/dumper PostGIS 0.6.2 2001/11/07 - New Things - spatial_ref_sys.sql complete set of SRID and WKT - generate postgis_undef.sql automatically at build - Bug fixes - Memory problem in shp2pgsql - Compilation problems with shp2pgsql PostGIS 0.6.1 2001/10/15 - Bug fixes - Cygwin compilation fix - Improved getopts handling in utility programs - Text casting fixes PostGIS 0.6 2001/09/19 - New functions - postgis_version() Return the PostGIS version number. - find_srid(::varchar, ::varchar, ::varchar) Return the SRID number for a particular column of a database. - AddGeometryColumn(::varchar,
::varchar, ::varchar, ::integer, ::varchar, ::integer) Appends a geometry column to an existing table and updates the metadata tables appropriately. - DropGeometryColumn(::varchar,
::varchar, ::varchar) Removes a geometry column from an existing spatial table. - Distance(::geometry, ::geometry) Returns the cartesian distance between two geometries. - AsText(::geometry) Returns the OGC well-known text version of the geometry. - SRID(::geometry) Returns the integer SRID of the geometry. - GeometryFromText(::varchar, ::integer) Creates a geometry object given the OGC well-known text and a valid SRID. - SetSRID(::geometry) Sets the SRID of a geometry to a particular value. - IsClosed(::geometry) Returns true of first and last points of geometry are coincident. - StartPoint(::geometry) Returns the first point of a geometry. - EndPoint(::geometry) Returns the last point of a geometry. - Centroid(::geometry) Returns the centroid of a geometry. - More OpenGIS SFSQL compatibility - SPATIAL_REF_SYS table - GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table - SRID integrity checking - Better Mapserver compatibility - Minor fixes/changes - Support for WKB in the tables - Miscellaneous bug fixes - Placeholders for precision grid PostGIS 0.5 2001/07/20 - New functions - Dimension() - GeometryType() - Envelope() - X(), Y(), Z() - NumPoints() - PointN() - ExteriorRing() - NumInteriorRings() - InteriorRingN() - NumGeometries() - GeometryN() - Length_Spheroid() - Length3D_Spheroid() - AsBinary() + XDR and NDR variants - force_collection() - Removed functions - wkb_ndr() - wkb_xdr() - New Objects - SPHEROID(,,) To be used with the length_spheroid functions for accurate length calculations on lat/lon data. - Minor bug fixes - Internal Functions - Extra constructors to make geometry manipulation easier - Structural Reorganization - Broke postgis.c up into four new files postgis_debug.c -- debugging functions postgis_fn.c -- generic functions (like length()) postgis_ops.c -- operators and indexing functions postgis_inout.c -- type support functions and data conversion functions PostGIS 0.2 2001/06/19 - New functions - extent() - force_2d() - force_3d() - wkb_xdr() - wkb_ndr() - translate() - Fixes - Cygwin compilation (Norman Vine) - i386 byte alignment fixed - 'VACUUM ANALYZE' fixed - Other - documentation in docbook xml - example program for WKB access - removed 'make test' until we can get regression working more cleanly PostGIS 0.1 2001/05/25 - Initial release! - 'geometry' and 'box3d' types. - Parsing routines for all possible geometries in OGIS text format (POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, MULTIPOINT, MULTILINESTRING, MULTIPOLYGON, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION). - Output routines for all possible geometries in OGIS text format. - area2d(), area3d() - length3d(), length3d() - perimeter2d(), perimeter3d() - truely_inside() - rtree index support functions - gist index support functions