
274 lines
5.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// basic LWLINE functions
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "liblwgeom.h"
// construct a new LWLINE. points will *NOT* be copied
// use SRID=-1 for unknown SRID (will have 8bit type's S = 0)
LWLINE *lwline_construct(int ndims, int SRID, POINTARRAY *points)
LWLINE *result;
result = (LWLINE*) lwalloc( sizeof(LWLINE));
result->type = LINETYPE;
result->ndims =ndims;
result->SRID = SRID;
result->points = points;
return result;
// given the LWGEOM serialized form (or a pointer into a muli* one)
// construct a proper LWLINE.
// serialized_form should point to the 8bit type format (with type = 2)
// See serialized form doc
LWLINE *lwline_deserialize(char *serialized_form)
unsigned char type;
LWLINE *result;
char *loc =NULL;
uint32 npoints;
result = (LWLINE*) lwalloc(sizeof(LWLINE)) ;
type = (unsigned char) serialized_form[0];
result->type = LINETYPE;
if ( lwgeom_getType(type) != LINETYPE)
lwerror("lwline_deserialize: attempt to deserialize a line when its not really a line");
return NULL;
loc = serialized_form+1;
if (lwgeom_hasBBOX(type))
//lwnotice("line has bbox");
loc += sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4);
result->hasbbox = 1;
result->hasbbox = 0;
//lwnotice("line has NO bbox");
if ( lwgeom_hasSRID(type))
//lwnotice("line has srid");
result->SRID = get_int32(loc);
loc +=4; // type + SRID
//lwnotice("line has NO srid");
result->SRID = -1;
// we've read the type (1 byte) and SRID (4 bytes, if present)
npoints = get_uint32(loc);
//lwnotice("line npoints = %d", npoints);
loc +=4;
pa = pointArray_construct( loc, lwgeom_ndims(type), npoints);
result->points = pa;
result->ndims = lwgeom_ndims(type);
return result;
// convert this line into its serialize form
// result's first char will be the 8bit type. See serialized form doc
char *lwline_serialize(LWLINE *line)
size_t size, retsize;
char * result;
if (line == NULL) lwerror("lwline_serialize:: given null line");
size = lwline_serialize_size(line);
result = lwalloc(size);
lwline_serialize_buf(line, result, &retsize);
if ( retsize != size )
lwerror("lwline_serialize_size returned %d, ..serialize_buf returned %d", size, retsize);
return result;
// convert this line into its serialize form writing it into
// the given buffer, and returning number of bytes written into
// the given int pointer.
// result's first char will be the 8bit type. See serialized form doc
void lwline_serialize_buf(LWLINE *line, char *buf, int *retsize)
int size=1; // type byte
char hasSRID;
int t;
char *loc;
int ptsize = sizeof(double)*line->ndims;
if (line == NULL)
lwerror("lwline_serialize:: given null line");
hasSRID = (line->SRID != -1);
if (hasSRID) size +=4; //4 byte SRID
if (line->hasbbox) size += sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4); // bvol
size += ptsize * line->points->npoints;
size+=4; // npoints
buf[0] = (unsigned char) lwgeom_makeType_full(line->ndims,
hasSRID, LINETYPE, line->hasbbox);
loc = buf+1;
if (line->hasbbox)
lwgeom_compute_bbox_p((LWGEOM *)line, (BOX2DFLOAT4 *)loc);
loc += sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4);
if (hasSRID)
memcpy(loc, &line->SRID, sizeof(int32));
loc += 4;
memcpy(loc, &line->points->npoints, sizeof(int32));
loc +=4;
//copy in points
//lwnotice(" line serialize - size = %i", size);
if (line->ndims == 3)
for (t=0; t< line->points->npoints;t++)
getPoint3d_p(line->points, t, loc);
loc += 24; // size of a 3d point
else if (line->ndims == 2)
for (t=0; t< line->points->npoints;t++)
getPoint2d_p(line->points, t, loc);
loc += 16; // size of a 2d point
else if (line->ndims == 4)
for (t=0; t< line->points->npoints;t++)
getPoint4d_p(line->points, t, loc);
loc += 32; // size of a 2d point
//printBYTES((unsigned char *)result, size);
if (retsize) *retsize = size;
// find bounding box (standard one) zmin=zmax=0 if 2d (might change to NaN)
BOX3D *lwline_findbbox(LWLINE *line)
BOX3D *ret;
if (line == NULL)
return NULL;
ret = pointArray_bbox(line->points);
return ret;
// find length of this deserialized line
lwline_serialize_size(LWLINE *line)
size_t size = 1; //type
if ( line->SRID != -1 ) size += 4; // SRID
if ( line->hasbbox ) size += sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4);
size += sizeof(double)*line->ndims*line->points->npoints; // points
return size;
void pfree_line (LWLINE *line)
// find length of this serialized line
lwgeom_size_line(const char *serialized_line)
int type = (unsigned char) serialized_line[0];
uint32 result =1; //type
const char *loc;
uint32 npoints;
if ( lwgeom_getType(type) != LINETYPE)
lwerror("lwgeom_size_line::attempt to find the length of a non-line");
loc = serialized_line+1;
if (lwgeom_hasBBOX(type))
loc += sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4);
result +=sizeof(BOX2DFLOAT4);
if ( lwgeom_hasSRID(type))
loc += 4; // type + SRID
result +=4;
// we've read the type (1 byte) and SRID (4 bytes, if present)
npoints = get_uint32(loc);
result += 4; //npoints
if (lwgeom_ndims(type) ==3)
return result + npoints * 24;
else if (lwgeom_ndims(type) ==2)
return result+ npoints * 16;
else if (lwgeom_ndims(type) ==4)
return result+ npoints * 32;
lwerror("lwgeom_size_line :: invalid ndims");
return 0; //never get here
void printLWLINE(LWLINE *line)
lwnotice("LWLINE {");
lwnotice(" ndims = %i", (int)line->ndims);
lwnotice(" SRID = %i", (int)line->SRID);
lwline_compute_bbox_p(LWLINE *line, BOX2DFLOAT4 *box)
return ptarray_compute_bbox_p(line->points, box);