
1604 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* $Id$
* PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
* Copyright 2001-2003 Refractions Research Inc.
* This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
* the terms of hte GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
* $Log$
* Revision 1.19 2004/03/09 00:21:02 strk
* Removed useless code blocks in histogram builder
* Revision 1.18 2004/03/09 00:09:56 strk
* estimator applies a gain of AOI/cell_area on each cell it intersects (reverted to previous behaviour)
* Revision 1.17 2004/03/04 13:50:45 strk
* postgis_gist_sel(): added warnings if search_box goes outside of histogram grid
* Revision 1.16 2004/03/04 09:44:57 strk
* The selectivity estimator does add the full value of each cell it overlaps,
* regardless of the actual overlapping area. Final gain is not applied
* (formerly 1 / minimun between average feature cells occupation and
* search_box cells occupation)
* Revision 1.15 2004/03/03 21:59:48 strk
* added check to keep selectivity value in the range of validity (suggested by m.cave)
* Revision 1.14 2004/03/01 16:02:41 strk
* histogram's boxesPerSide computed as a function of the column's statistic target
* Revision 1.13 2004/02/29 21:53:42 strk
* bug fix in postgis_gist_sel (for PG75): SysCache is not released if not acquired
* Revision 1.12 2004/02/26 16:42:59 strk
* Fixed bugs reported by Mark Cave-Ayland <>.
* Re-introduced previously removed estimate value incrementation by
* the fractional part of each of the cells' value computed as the fraction
* of overlapping area.
* Revision 1.11 2004/02/25 12:00:32 strk
* Added handling for point features in histogram creation (add 1 instead of AOI/cell_area when AOI is 0).
* Fixed a wrong cast of BOX3D to BOX (called the convertion func).
* Added some comments and an implementation on how to change evaluation
* based on the average feature and search box cells occupation.
* Revision 1.10 2004/02/25 00:46:26 strk
* initial version of && selectivity estimation for PG75
* Revision 1.9 2004/02/23 21:59:16 strk
* geometry analyzer builds the histogram
* Revision 1.8 2004/02/23 12:18:55 strk
* added skeleton functions for pg75 stats integration
* Revision 1.7 2003/11/11 10:14:57 strk
* Added support for PG74
* Revision 1.6 2003/07/25 17:08:37 pramsey
* Moved Cygwin endian define out of source files into postgis.h common
* header file.
* Revision 1.5 2003/07/01 18:30:55 pramsey
* Added CVS revision headers.
// If you're modifiying this file you should read the postgis mail list as it has
// detailed descriptions of whats happening here and why.
#include "postgres.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "access/gist.h"
#include "access/itup.h"
#include "access/rtree.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "postgis.h"
#include "utils/elog.h"
#define MAX_DIGS_DOUBLE (SHOW_DIGS_DOUBLE + 6 + 1 + 3 +1)
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "catalog/catname.h"
#include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
#include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
#include "catalog/pg_statistic.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/cost.h"
#include "optimizer/pathnode.h"
#include "optimizer/plancat.h"
#include "optimizer/prep.h"
#include "parser/parse_func.h"
#include "parser/parse_oper.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/date.h"
#include "utils/int8.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/selfuncs.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "executor/spi.h"
#if USE_VERSION >= 75
#include "commands/vacuum.h"
* Assign a number to the postgis statistics kind
* tgl suggested:
* 1-100: reserved for assignment by the core Postgres project
* 100-199: reserved for assignment by PostGIS
* 200-9999: reserved for other globally-known stats kinds
* 10000-32767: reserved for private site-local use
* Default geometry selectivity factor
#define DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_SEL 0.000005
typedef struct GEOM_STATS_T
//boxesPerSide * boxesPerSide = total boxes in grid
float4 boxesPerSide;
// average bounding box area of not-null features
float4 avgFeatureArea;
// average number of histogram cells
// covered by the sample not-null features
float4 avgFeatureCells;
// BOX of area
float4 xmin,ymin, xmax, ymax;
// variable length # of floats for histogram
float4 value[1];
//estimate_histogram2d(histogram2d, box)
// returns a % estimate of the # of features that will be returned by that box query
//For each grid cell that intersects the query box
// Calculate area of intersection (AOI)
// IF AOI < avgFeatureArea THEN set AOI = avgFeatureArea
// SUM AOI/area-of-cell*value-of-cell
// change : instead of avgFeatureArea, use avgFeatureArea or 10% of a grid cell (whichever is smaller)
Datum estimate_histogram2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
double box_area;
int x_idx_min, x_idx_max, y_idx_min, y_idx_max;
double intersect_x, intersect_y, AOI;
int x,y;
double xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax;
int32 result_sum;
double cell_area;
int total,t;
double avg_feature_size;
result_sum = 0;
xmin = histo->xmin;
ymin = histo->ymin;
xmax = histo->xmax;
ymax = histo->ymax;
cell_area = ( (xmax-xmin)*(ymax-ymin)/(histo->boxesPerSide*histo->boxesPerSide) );
avg_feature_size = histo->avgFeatureArea;
if ( avg_feature_size > cell_area*0.1)
avg_feature_size = cell_area*0.1;
//elog(NOTICE,"start estimate_histogram2d: ");
//elog(NOTICE,"box is : (%.15g,%.15g to %.15g,%.15g)",box->low.x,box->low.y, box->high.x, box->high.y);
box_area = (box->high.x-box->low.x)*(box->high.y-box->low.y);
if (box_area<0)
box_area =0; // for precision!
//check to see which boxes this intersects
x_idx_min = (box->low.x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)*histo->boxesPerSide;
if (x_idx_min <0)
x_idx_min = 0;
if (x_idx_min >= histo->boxesPerSide)
x_idx_min = histo->boxesPerSide-1;
y_idx_min = (box->low.y-ymin)/(ymax-ymin)*histo->boxesPerSide;
if (y_idx_min <0)
y_idx_min = 0;
if (y_idx_min >= histo->boxesPerSide)
y_idx_min = histo->boxesPerSide-1;
x_idx_max = (box->high.x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)*histo->boxesPerSide;
if (x_idx_max <0)
x_idx_max = 0;
if (x_idx_max >= histo->boxesPerSide)
x_idx_max = histo->boxesPerSide-1;
y_idx_max = (box->high.y-ymin)/(ymax-ymin)*histo->boxesPerSide ;
if (y_idx_max <0)
y_idx_max = 0;
if (y_idx_max >= histo->boxesPerSide)
y_idx_max = histo->boxesPerSide-1;
//the {x,y}_idx_{min,max} define the grid squares that the box intersects
//elog(NOTICE," search is in x: %i to %i y: %i to %i",x_idx_min, x_idx_max, y_idx_min,y_idx_max);
for (y= y_idx_min; y<=y_idx_max;y++)
for (x=x_idx_min;x<= x_idx_max;x++)
intersect_x = min(box->high.x, xmin+ (x+1) * (xmax-xmin)/histo->boxesPerSide ) -
max(box->low.x, xmin+ x*(xmax-xmin)/histo->boxesPerSide ) ;
intersect_y = min(box->high.y, ymin+ (y+1) * (ymax-ymin)/histo->boxesPerSide ) -
max(box->low.y, ymin+ y*(ymax-ymin)/histo->boxesPerSide ) ;
// for a point, intersect_x=0, intersect_y=0, box_area =0
//elog(NOTICE,"x=%i,y=%i, intersect_x= %.15g, intersect_y = %.15g",x,y,intersect_x,intersect_y);
if ( (intersect_x>=0) && (intersect_y>=0) )
AOI = intersect_x*intersect_y;
if (AOI< avg_feature_size)
AOI = avg_feature_size;
result_sum += AOI/cell_area* histo->value[x+y*histo->boxesPerSide];
total = 0;
if ( (histo->avgFeatureArea <=0) && (box_area <=0) )
//explode_histogram2d(histogram2d, tablename::text)
// executes CREATE TABLE tablename (the_geom geometry, id int, hits int, percent float)
// then populates it
Datum explode_histogram2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
char *tablename;
char sql[1000];
char geom[1000];
int t;
int total;
double cellx,celly;
int x,y;
int SPIcode;
cellx = (histo->xmax-histo->xmin)/histo->boxesPerSide;
celly = (histo->ymax-histo->ymin)/histo->boxesPerSide;
tablename = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout,
total = 0;
if (total==0)
SPIcode = SPI_connect();
if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
elog(ERROR,"build_histogram2d: couldnt open a connection to SPI");
sprintf(sql,"CREATE TABLE %s (the_geom geometry, id int, hits int, percent float)",tablename);
SPIcode = SPI_exec(sql, 2147483640 ); // max signed int32
if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_UTILITY )
elog(ERROR,"explode_histogram2d: couldnt create table");
sprintf(geom,"POLYGON((%.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g ))",
histo->xmin + x*cellx, histo->ymin+y*celly,
histo->xmin + (x)*cellx, histo->ymin+ (y+1)*celly,
histo->xmin + (x+1)*cellx, histo->ymin+ (y+1)*celly,
histo->xmin + (x+1)*cellx, histo->ymin+y*celly,
histo->xmin + x*cellx, histo->ymin+y*celly
sprintf(sql,"INSERT INTO %s VALUES('%s'::geometry,%i,%i,%.15g)",tablename,geom,t,histo->value[t],histo->value[t]/((double)total)*100.0);
SPIcode = SPI_exec(sql, 2147483640 ); // max signed int32
if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_INSERT )
elog(ERROR,"explode_histogram2d: couldnt insert into");
SPIcode =SPI_finish();
if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_FINISH )
elog(ERROR,"build_histogram2d: couldnt disconnect from SPI");
//build_histogram2d (HISTOGRAM2D, tablename, columnname)
// executes the SPI 'SELECT box3d(columnname) FROM tablename'
// and sticks all the results in the histogram
Datum build_histogram2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
char *tablename, *columnname;
HISTOGRAM2D *result;
int SPIcode;
char sql[1000];
SPITupleTable *tuptable;
TupleDesc tupdesc ;
int ntuples,t;
Datum datum;
bool isnull;
HeapTuple tuple ;
BOX *box;
double box_area, area_intersect, cell_area;
int x_idx_min, x_idx_max;
int y_idx_min, y_idx_max;
double xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax;
double intersect_x, intersect_y;
int x,y;
int total;
double sum_area;
int sum_area_numb;
double sum_area_new = 0;
int sum_area_numb_new =0;
int bump=0;
int tuplimit = 500000; // No. of tuples returned on each cursor fetch
bool moredata;
void *SPIplan;
void *SPIportal;
xmin = histo->xmin;
ymin = histo->ymin;
xmax = histo->xmax;
ymax = histo->ymax;
result = (HISTOGRAM2D *) malloc(histo->size);
total = 0;
sum_area = histo->avgFeatureArea * total;
sum_area_numb = total;
tablename = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout,
columnname = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout,
//elog(NOTICE,"Start build_histogram2d with %i items already existing", sum_area_numb);
//elog(NOTICE,"table=\"%s\", column = \"%s\"", tablename, columnname);
SPIcode = SPI_connect();
if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
elog(ERROR,"build_histogram2d: couldnt open a connection to SPI");
sprintf(sql,"SELECT box(\"%s\") FROM \"%s\"",columnname,tablename);
//elog(NOTICE,"executing %s",sql);
SPIplan = SPI_prepare(sql, 0, NULL);
if (SPIplan == NULL)
elog(ERROR,"build_histogram2d: couldnt create query plan via SPI");
SPIportal = SPI_cursor_open(NULL, SPIplan, NULL, NULL);
if (SPIportal == NULL)
elog(ERROR,"build_histogram2d: couldn't create cursor via SPI");
moredata = TRUE;
while (moredata==TRUE) {
//elog(NOTICE,"about to fetch...");
SPI_cursor_fetch(SPIportal, TRUE, tuplimit);
ntuples = SPI_processed;
//elog(NOTICE,"processing %d records", ntuples);
if (ntuples > 0) {
tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
tupdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc;
cell_area = ( (xmax-xmin)*(ymax-ymin)/(histo->boxesPerSide*histo->boxesPerSide) );
for (t=0;t<ntuples;t++)
tuple = tuptable->vals[t];
datum = SPI_getbinval(tuple, tupdesc, 1, &isnull);
if (!(isnull))
box = (BOX *)DatumGetPointer(datum);
box_area = (box->high.x-box->low.x)*(box->high.y-box->low.y);
sum_area_new += box_area;
sum_area_numb_new ++;
if (box_area > cell_area )
box_area = cell_area;
if (box_area<0)
box_area =0; // for precision!
//check to see which boxes this intersects
x_idx_min = (box->low.x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)*histo->boxesPerSide;
if (x_idx_min <0)
x_idx_min = 0;
if (x_idx_min >= histo->boxesPerSide)
x_idx_min = histo->boxesPerSide-1;
y_idx_min = (box->low.y-ymin)/(ymax-ymin)*histo->boxesPerSide;
if (y_idx_min <0)
y_idx_min = 0;
if (y_idx_min >= histo->boxesPerSide)
y_idx_min = histo->boxesPerSide-1;
x_idx_max = (box->high.x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)*histo->boxesPerSide;
if (x_idx_max <0)
x_idx_max = 0;
if (x_idx_max >= histo->boxesPerSide)
x_idx_max = histo->boxesPerSide-1;
y_idx_max = (box->high.y-ymin)/(ymax-ymin)*histo->boxesPerSide ;
if (y_idx_max <0)
y_idx_max = 0;
if (y_idx_max >= histo->boxesPerSide)
y_idx_max = histo->boxesPerSide-1;
//the {x,y}_idx_{min,max} define the grid squares that the box intersects
// if the area of the intersect between the box and the grid square > 5% of
//elog(NOTICE,"box is : (%.15g,%.15g to %.15g,%.15g)",box->low.x,box->low.y, box->high.x, box->high.y);
//elog(NOTICE," search is in x: %i to %i y: %i to %i",x_idx_min, x_idx_max, y_idx_min,y_idx_max);
for (y= y_idx_min; y<=y_idx_max;y++)
for (x=x_idx_min;x<= x_idx_max;x++)
intersect_x = min(box->high.x, xmin+ (x+1) * (xmax-xmin)/histo->boxesPerSide ) -
max(box->low.x, xmin+ x*(xmax-xmin)/histo->boxesPerSide ) ;
intersect_y = min(box->high.y, ymin+ (y+1) * (ymax-ymin)/histo->boxesPerSide ) -
max(box->low.y, ymin+ y*(ymax-ymin)/histo->boxesPerSide ) ;
// for a point, intersect_x=0, intersect_y=0, box_area =0
//elog(NOTICE,"x=%i,y=%i, intersect_x= %.15g, intersect_y = %.15g",x,y,intersect_x,intersect_y);
if ( (intersect_x>=0) && (intersect_y>=0) )
area_intersect = intersect_x*intersect_y;
if (area_intersect >= box_area*0.05)
} // End of y
} // End isnull
} // End of for loop
// Free all the results after each fetch, otherwise all tuples stay
// in memory until the end of the table...
} else {
moredata = FALSE;
} // End of if ntuples > 0
} // End of while loop
// Close the cursor
SPIcode =SPI_finish();
if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_FINISH )
elog(ERROR,"build_histogram2d: couldnt disconnect from SPI");
//elog(NOTICE,"finishing up build_histogram2d ");
total = 0;
//elog(NOTICE ,"histogram finishes with %i items in it - acutally added %i rows and %i bumps\n",total,sum_area_numb_new,bump);
//elog(NOTICE,"done build_histogram2d ");
//re-calculate statistics on avg bbox size
if (sum_area_numb_new >0)
result->avgFeatureArea = (sum_area_new+sum_area)/((double)(sum_area_numb_new+sum_area_numb));
#if USE_VERSION < 75
* get_restriction_var
* Examine the args of a restriction clause to see if it's of the
* form (var op something) or (something op var). If so, extract
* and return the var and the other argument.
* Inputs:
* args: clause argument list
* varRelid: see specs for restriction selectivity functions
* Outputs: (these are set only if TRUE is returned)
* *var: gets Var node
* *other: gets other clause argument
* *varonleft: set TRUE if var is on the left, FALSE if on the right
* Returns TRUE if a Var is identified, otherwise FALSE.
static bool
get_restriction_var(List *args,
int varRelid,
Var **var,
Node **other,
bool *varonleft)
Node *left,
if (length(args) != 2)
return false;
left = (Node *) lfirst(args);
right = (Node *) lsecond(args);
/* Ignore any binary-compatible relabeling */
if (IsA(left, RelabelType))
left = (Node *)((RelabelType *) left)->arg;
if (IsA(right, RelabelType))
right = (Node *)((RelabelType *) right)->arg;
/* Look for the var */
if (IsA(left, Var) &&
(varRelid == 0 || varRelid == ((Var *) left)->varno))
*var = (Var *) left;
*other = right;
*varonleft = true;
else if (IsA(right, Var) &&
(varRelid == 0 || varRelid == ((Var *) right)->varno))
*var = (Var *) right;
*other = left;
*varonleft = false;
/* Duh, it's too complicated for me... */
return false;
return true;
//restriction in the GiST && operator
Datum postgis_gist_sel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Query *root = (Query *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
// Oid operator = PG_GETARG_OID(1);
List *args = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
int varRelid = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
BOX *search_box;
char sql[1000];
SPITupleTable *tuptable;
TupleDesc tupdesc ;
HeapTuple tuple ;
Datum datum;
bool isnull;
Var *var;
Node *other;
bool varonleft;
Oid relid;
int SPIcode;
double myest;
#ifndef USE_STATS
//elog(NOTICE,"postgis_gist_sel was called");
if (!get_restriction_var(args, varRelid,
&var, &other, &varonleft))
//elog(NOTICE,"get_restriction_var FAILED -returning early");
relid = getrelid(var->varno, root->rtable);
if (relid == InvalidOid)
//elog(NOTICE,"getrelid FAILED (invalid oid) -returning early");
//elog(NOTICE,"operator's oid = %i (this should be GEOMETRY && GEOMETRY)",operator);
//elog(NOTICE,"relations' oid = %i (this should be the relation that the && is working on) ",relid);
//elog(NOTICE,"varatt oid = %i (basically relations column #) ",var->varattno);
if (IsA(other, Const) &&((Const *) other)->constisnull)
//elog(NOTICE,"other operand of && is NULL - returning early");
if (IsA(other, Const))
//elog(NOTICE,"The other side of the && is a constant with type (oid) = %i and length %i. This should be GEOMETRY with length -1 (variable length)",((Const*)other)->consttype,((Const*)other)->constlen);
//elog(NOTICE,"the other side of && isnt a constant - returning early");
//get the BOX thats being searched in
in = (GEOMETRY*)PG_DETOAST_DATUM( ((Const*)other)->constvalue );
search_box = convert_box3d_to_box(&in->bvol);
//elog(NOTICE,"requested search box is : (%.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g)",search_box->low.x,search_box->low.y,search_box->high.x,search_box->high.y);
SPIcode = SPI_connect();
if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
elog(NOTICE,"postgis_gist_sel: couldnt open a connection to SPI:%i",SPIcode);
PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.000005) ;
sprintf(sql,"SELECT stats FROM GEOMETRY_COLUMNS WHERE attrelid=%u AND varattnum=%i",relid,var->varattno);
SPIcode = SPI_exec(sql, 1 );
if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_SELECT )
elog(NOTICE,"postgis_gist_sel: couldnt execute sql via SPI");
PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.000005) ;
if (SPI_processed !=1)
//elog(NOTICE,"postgis_gist_sel: geometry_columns didnt return a unique value");
PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.000005) ;
tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
tupdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc;
tuple = tuptable->vals[0];
datum = SPI_getbinval(tuple, tupdesc, 1, &isnull);
if (isnull)
//elog(NOTICE,"postgis_gist_sel: geometry_columns returned a null histogram");
PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.000005) ;
//elog(NOTICE,"postgis_gist_sel: checking against estimate_histogram2d");
// now we have the histogram, and our search box - use the estimate_histogram2d(histo,box) to get the result!
myest =
DatumGetFloat8( DirectFunctionCall2( estimate_histogram2d, datum, PointerGetDatum(search_box) ) );
if ( (myest<0) || (myest!=myest) ) // <0? or NaN?
//elog(NOTICE,"postgis_gist_sel: got something crazy back from estimate_histogram2d");
PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.000005) ;
SPIcode =SPI_finish();
if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_FINISH )
//elog(NOTICE,"postgis_gist_sel: couldnt disconnect from SPI");
PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.000005) ;
//elog(NOTICE,"postgis_gist_sel: finished, returning with %lf",myest);
static void
genericcostestimate2(Query *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
IndexOptInfo *index, List *indexQuals,
Cost *indexStartupCost,
Cost *indexTotalCost,
Selectivity *indexSelectivity,
double *indexCorrelation)
double numIndexTuples;
double numIndexPages;
List *selectivityQuals = indexQuals;
#if USE_VERSION >= 74
QualCost index_qual_cost;
//elog(NOTICE,"in genericcostestimate");
* If the index is partial, AND the index predicate with the
* explicitly given indexquals to produce a more accurate idea of the
* index restriction. This may produce redundant clauses, which we
* hope that cnfify and clauselist_selectivity will deal with
* intelligently.
* Note that index->indpred and indexQuals are both in implicit-AND form
* to start with, which we have to make explicit to hand to
* canonicalize_qual, and then we get back implicit-AND form again.
if (index->indpred != NIL)
Expr *andedQuals;
andedQuals = make_ands_explicit(nconc(listCopy(index->indpred),
selectivityQuals = canonicalize_qual(andedQuals, true);
/* Estimate the fraction of main-table tuples that will be visited */
*indexSelectivity = clauselist_selectivity(root, selectivityQuals,
#if USE_VERSION < 74
rel->relid, JOIN_INNER);
* Estimate the number of tuples that will be visited. We do it in
* this rather peculiar-looking way in order to get the right answer
* for partial indexes. We can bound the number of tuples by the
* index size, in any case.
numIndexTuples = *indexSelectivity * rel->tuples;
//elog(NOTICE,"relation has %li pages",rel->pages);
//elog(NOTICE,"indexselectivity is %lf, ntuples = %lf, numindexTuples = %lf, index->tuples = %lf",*indexSelectivity, rel->tuples, numIndexTuples,index->tuples);
if (numIndexTuples > index->tuples)
numIndexTuples = index->tuples;
* Always estimate at least one tuple is touched, even when
* indexSelectivity estimate is tiny.
if (numIndexTuples < 1.0)
numIndexTuples = 1.0;
* Estimate the number of index pages that will be retrieved.
* For all currently-supported index types, the first page of the index
* is a metadata page, and we should figure on fetching that plus a
* pro-rated fraction of the remaining pages.
//elog(NOTICE,"index->pages = %li ",index->pages);
if (index->pages > 1 && index->tuples > 0)
numIndexPages = (numIndexTuples / index->tuples) * (index->pages - 1);
numIndexPages += 1; /* count the metapage too */
numIndexPages = ceil(numIndexPages);
numIndexPages = 1.0;
//elog(NOTICE,"numIndexPages = %lf ",numIndexPages);
* Compute the index access cost.
* Our generic assumption is that the index pages will be read
* sequentially, so they have cost 1.0 each, not random_page_cost.
* Also, we charge for evaluation of the indexquals at each index
* tuple. All the costs are assumed to be paid incrementally during
* the scan.
#if USE_VERSION < 74
*indexStartupCost = 0;
*indexTotalCost = numIndexPages +
(cpu_index_tuple_cost + cost_qual_eval(indexQuals)) *
cost_qual_eval(&index_qual_cost, indexQuals);
*indexStartupCost = index_qual_cost.startup;
*indexTotalCost = numIndexPages +
(cpu_index_tuple_cost + index_qual_cost.per_tuple) *
//elog(NOTICE,"cpu_index_tuple_cost = %lf, cost_qual_eval(indexQuals)) = %lf",
// cpu_index_tuple_cost,cost_qual_eval(indexQuals));
//elog(NOTICE,"indexTotalCost = %lf ",*indexTotalCost);
* Generic assumption about index correlation: there isn't any.
*indexCorrelation = 0.97;
//elog(NOTICE,"indexcorrelation = %lf ",*indexCorrelation);
Query *root = (Query *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
RelOptInfo *rel = (RelOptInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
IndexOptInfo *index = (IndexOptInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
List *indexQuals = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(3);
Cost *indexStartupCost = (Cost *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4);
Cost *indexTotalCost = (Cost *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(5);
Selectivity *indexSelectivity = (Selectivity *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(6);
double *indexCorrelation = (double *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(7);
//elog(NOTICE,"postgisgistcostestimate was called");
genericcostestimate2(root, rel, index, indexQuals,
indexStartupCost, indexTotalCost,
indexSelectivity, indexCorrelation);
//elog(NOTICE,"postgisgistcostestimate is going to return void");
#else // USE_VERSION >= 75
* This function should return an estimation of the number of
* rows returned by a query involving an overlap check
* ( it's the restrict function for the && operator )
* It can make use (if available) of the statistics collected
* by the geometry analyzer function.
* This is the one used for PG version >= 7.5
Datum postgis_gist_sel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
Query *root = (Query *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
//Oid operator = PG_GETARG_OID(1);
List *args = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
int varRelid = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
Oid relid;
HeapTuple stats_tuple;
GEOM_STATS *geomstats;
int geomstats_nvalues=0;
Const *other;
Var *self;
BOX *search_box;
float8 selectivity=0;
elog(NOTICE, "postgis_gist_sel called");
* Find the constant part
other = (Const *) lfirst(args);
if ( ! IsA(other, Const) )
self = (Var *)other;
other = (Const *) lsecond(args);
self = (Var *) lsecond(args);
if ( ! IsA(other, Const) )
elog(NOTICE, " no constant arguments - returning default selectivity");
* We are working on two constants..
* TODO: check if expression is true,
* returned set would be either
* the whole or none.
if ( ! IsA(self, Var) )
elog(NOTICE, " no variable argument ? - returning default selectivity");
* Convert the constant to a BOX
in = (GEOMETRY*)PG_DETOAST_DATUM( ((Const*)other)->constvalue );
search_box = convert_box3d_to_box(&in->bvol);
elog(NOTICE," requested search box is : %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g",search_box->low.x,search_box->low.y,search_box->high.x,search_box->high.y);
* Get pg_statistic row
relid = getrelid(varRelid, root->rtable);
stats_tuple = SearchSysCache(STATRELATT, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid), Int16GetDatum(self->varattno), 0, 0);
if ( ! stats_tuple )
elog(NOTICE, " SearchSysCache returned NULL - ret.def.");
if ( ! get_attstatsslot(stats_tuple, 0, 0,
(float4 **)&geomstats, &geomstats_nvalues) )
elog(NOTICE, " STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY stats not found - returning default geometry selectivity");
elog(NOTICE, " %d read from stats", geomstats_nvalues);
elog(NOTICE, " histo: xmin,ymin: %f,%f",
geomstats->xmin, geomstats->ymin);
elog(NOTICE, " histo: xmax,ymax: %f,%f",
geomstats->xmax, geomstats->ymax);
elog(NOTICE, " histo: boxesPerSide: %f", geomstats->boxesPerSide);
elog(NOTICE, " histo: avgFeatureArea: %f", geomstats->avgFeatureArea);
elog(NOTICE, " histo: avgFeatureCells: %f", geomstats->avgFeatureCells);
* Do the estimation
int x, y;
int x_idx_min, x_idx_max, y_idx_min, y_idx_max;
double intersect_x, intersect_y, AOI;
double cell_area, box_area;
double geow, geoh; // width and height of histogram
int bps; // boxesPerSide
BOX *box;
double value;
float overlapping_cells;
float avg_feat_cells;
double gain;
box = search_box;
geow = geomstats->xmax-geomstats->xmin;
geoh = geomstats->ymax-geomstats->ymin;
bps = geomstats->boxesPerSide;
cell_area = (geow*geoh) / (bps*bps);
box_area = (box->high.x-box->low.x)*(box->high.y-box->low.y);
value = 0;
/* Find first overlapping column */
x_idx_min = (box->low.x-geomstats->xmin) / geow * bps;
if (x_idx_min < 0) {
elog(NOTICE, " search_box overlaps %d columns on the left of histogram grid", -x_idx_min);
// should increment the value somehow
x_idx_min = 0;
if (x_idx_min >= bps)
elog(NOTICE, " search_box overlaps %d columns on the right of histogram grid", x_idx_min-bps+1);
// should increment the value somehow
x_idx_min = bps-1;
/* Find first overlapping row */
y_idx_min = (box->low.y-geomstats->ymin) / geoh * bps;
if (y_idx_min <0)
elog(NOTICE, " search_box overlaps %d columns on the bottom of histogram grid", -y_idx_min);
// should increment the value somehow
y_idx_min = 0;
if (y_idx_min >= bps)
elog(NOTICE, " search_box overlaps %d columns on the top of histogram grid", y_idx_min-bps+1);
// should increment the value somehow
y_idx_min = bps-1;
/* Find last overlapping column */
x_idx_max = (box->high.x-geomstats->xmin) / geow * bps;
if (x_idx_max <0)
// should increment the value somehow
x_idx_max = 0;
if (x_idx_max >= bps )
// should increment the value somehow
x_idx_max = bps-1;
/* Find last overlapping row */
y_idx_max = (box->high.y-geomstats->ymin) / geoh * bps;
if (y_idx_max <0)
// should increment the value somehow
y_idx_max = 0;
if (y_idx_max >= bps)
// should increment the value somehow
y_idx_max = bps-1;
* the {x,y}_idx_{min,max}
* define the grid squares that the box intersects
for (y=y_idx_min; y<=y_idx_max; y++)
for (x=x_idx_min; x<=x_idx_max; x++)
double val;
double gain;
val = geomstats->value[x+y*bps];
* Of the cell value we get
* only the overlap fraction.
intersect_x = min(box->high.x, geomstats->xmin + (x+1) * geow / bps) - max(box->low.x, geomstats->xmin + x * geow / bps );
intersect_y = min(box->high.y, geomstats->ymin + (y+1) * geoh / bps) - max(box->low.y, geomstats->ymin+ y * geoh / bps) ;
AOI = intersect_x*intersect_y;
gain = AOI/cell_area;
elog(NOTICE, " [%d,%d] cell val %.15f",
x, y, val);
elog(NOTICE, " [%d,%d] gain %.15f",
x, y, gain);
val *= gain;
elog(NOTICE, " [%d,%d] adding %.15f to value",
x, y, val);
value += val;
* If the search_box is a point, it will
* overlap a single cell and thus get
* it's value, which is the fraction of
* samples (we can presume of row set also)
* which bumped to that cell.
* If the table features are points, each
* of them will overlap a single histogram cell.
* Our search_box value would then be correctly
* computed as the sum of the bumped cells values.
* If both our search_box AND the sample features
* overlap more then a single histogram cell we
* need to consider the fact that our sum computation
* will have many duplicated included. E.g. each
* single sample feature would have contributed to
* raise the search_box value by as many times as
* many cells in the histogram are commonly overlapped
* by both searc_box and feature. We should then
* divide our value by the number of cells in the virtual
* 'intersection' between average feature cell occupation
* and occupation of the search_box. This is as
* fuzzy as you understand it :)
* Consistency check: whenever the number of cells is
* one of whichever part (search_box_occupation,
* avg_feature_occupation) the 'intersection' must be 1.
* If sounds that our 'intersaction' is actually the
* minimun number between search_box_occupation and
* avg_feat_occupation.
overlapping_cells = (x_idx_max-x_idx_min+1) *
avg_feat_cells = geomstats->avgFeatureCells;
elog(NOTICE, " search_box overlaps %f cells", overlapping_cells);
elog(NOTICE, " avg feat overlaps %f cells", avg_feat_cells);
gain = 1/min(overlapping_cells, avg_feat_cells);
selectivity = value*gain;
elog(NOTICE, " SUM(ov_histo_cells)=%f", value);
elog(NOTICE, " gain=%f", gain);
elog(NOTICE, " selectivity=%f", selectivity);
/* prevent rounding overflows */
if (selectivity > 1.0) selectivity = 1.0;
else if (selectivity < 0) selectivity = 0.0;
elog(NOTICE, " returning computed value: %f", selectivity);
free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geomstats, geomstats_nvalues);
* This function is called by the analyze function iff
* the geometry_analyze() function give it its pointer
* (this is always the case so far).
* The geometry_analyze() function is also responsible
* of deciding the number of "sample" rows we will receive
* here. It is able to give use other 'custom' data, but we
* won't use them so far.
* Our job is to build some statistics on the sample data
* for use by operator estimators.
* Currently we only need statistics to estimate the number of rows
* overlapping a given extent (estimation function bound
* to the && operator).
static void
compute_geometry_stats(VacAttrStats *stats, AnalyzeAttrFetchFunc fetchfunc,
int samplerows, double totalrows)
MemoryContext old_context;
int i;
int geom_stats_size;
BOX **sampleboxes;
GEOM_STATS *geomstats;
bool isnull;
int null_cnt=0, notnull_cnt=0;
BOX3D *sample_extent=NULL;
double total_width=0;
double total_boxes_area=0;
int total_boxes_cells=0;
double cell_area;
double cell_width;
double cell_height;
double geow, geoh; // width and height of histogram
int bps; // boxesPerSide (alias)
int boxesPerSide;
* This is where geometry_analyze
* should put its' custom parameters.
//void *mystats = stats->extra_data;
* We'll build an histogram having from 40 to 400 boxesPerSide
boxesPerSide = sqrt(160*stats->attr->attstattarget);
elog(NOTICE, "compute_geometry_stats called");
elog(NOTICE, " samplerows: %d", samplerows);
elog(NOTICE, " boxesPerSide: %d", boxesPerSide);
sampleboxes = palloc(sizeof(BOX *)*samplerows);
* First scan:
* o find extent of the sample rows
* o count null/not-null values
* o compute total_width
* o compute total features's box area (for avgFeatureArea)
for (i=0; i<samplerows; i++)
Datum datum;
BOX *box;
datum = fetchfunc(stats, i, &isnull);
if ( isnull ) {
sampleboxes[i] = NULL;
geom = (GEOMETRY *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(datum);
box = convert_box3d_to_box(&(geom->bvol));
sampleboxes[i] = box;
sample_extent = union_box3d(&(geom->bvol), sample_extent);
// TODO: ask if we need geom or bvol size for stawidth
total_width += geom->size;
total_boxes_area += (box->high.x-box->low.x)*(box->high.y-box->low.y);
if ( ! notnull_cnt ) {
elog(NOTICE, " no notnull values, invalid stats");
stats->stats_valid = false;
* Create the histogram (GEOM_STATS)
old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(stats->anl_context);
geomstats = palloc(geom_stats_size);
geomstats->xmin = sample_extent->LLB.x;
geomstats->ymin = sample_extent->LLB.y;
geomstats->xmax = sample_extent->URT.x;
geomstats->ymax = sample_extent->URT.y;
geomstats->boxesPerSide = boxesPerSide;
geomstats->avgFeatureArea = total_boxes_area/notnull_cnt;
// Initialize all values to 0
for (i=0;i<boxesPerSide*boxesPerSide; i++) geomstats->value[i] = 0;
geow = geomstats->xmax-geomstats->xmin;
geoh = geomstats->ymax-geomstats->ymin;
bps = geomstats->boxesPerSide;
cell_width = geow/bps;
cell_height = geoh/bps;
cell_area = cell_width*cell_height;
elog(NOTICE, "cell_width: %f", cell_width);
elog(NOTICE, "cell_height: %f", cell_height);
* Second scan:
* o fill histogram values with the number of
* features' bbox overlaps: a feature's bvol
* can fully overlap (1) or partially overlap
* (fraction of 1) an histogram cell.
* o compute total cells occupation
for (i=0; i<samplerows; i++)
BOX *box;
int x_idx_min, x_idx_max, x;
int y_idx_min, y_idx_max, y;
int numcells=0;
if ( sampleboxes[i] == NULL ) continue;
box = (BOX *)sampleboxes[i];
elog(NOTICE, " feat %d box is %f %f, %f %f",
i, box->high.x, box->high.y,
box->low.x, box->low.y);
/* Find first overlapping column */
x_idx_min = (box->low.x-geomstats->xmin) / geow * bps;
if (x_idx_min <0) x_idx_min = 0;
if (x_idx_min >= bps) x_idx_min = bps-1;
/* Find first overlapping row */
y_idx_min = (box->low.y-geomstats->ymin) / geoh * bps;
if (y_idx_min <0) y_idx_min = 0;
if (y_idx_min >= bps) y_idx_min = bps-1;
/* Find last overlapping column */
x_idx_max = (box->high.x-geomstats->xmin) / geow * bps;
if (x_idx_max <0) x_idx_max = 0;
if (x_idx_max >= bps ) x_idx_max = bps-1;
/* Find last overlapping row */
y_idx_max = (box->high.y-geomstats->ymin) / geoh * bps;
if (y_idx_max <0) y_idx_max = 0;
if (y_idx_max >= bps) y_idx_max = bps-1;
elog(NOTICE, " feat %d overlaps columns %d-%d, rows %d-%d",
i, x_idx_min, x_idx_max, y_idx_min, y_idx_max);
* the {x,y}_idx_{min,max}
* define the grid squares that the box intersects
for (y=y_idx_min; y<=y_idx_max; y++)
for (x=x_idx_min; x<=x_idx_max; x++)
geomstats->value[x+y*bps] += 1;
// before adding to the total cells
// we could decide if we really
// want this feature to count
total_boxes_cells += numcells;
// what about null features (TODO) ?
geomstats->avgFeatureCells = (float4)total_boxes_cells/notnull_cnt;
elog(NOTICE, " histo: total_boxes_cells: %d", total_boxes_cells);
elog(NOTICE, " histo: xmin,ymin: %f,%f",
geomstats->xmin, geomstats->ymin);
elog(NOTICE, " histo: xmax,ymax: %f,%f",
geomstats->xmax, geomstats->ymax);
elog(NOTICE, " histo: boxesPerSide: %f", geomstats->boxesPerSide);
elog(NOTICE, " histo: avgFeatureArea: %f", geomstats->avgFeatureArea);
elog(NOTICE, " histo: avgFeatureCells: %f", geomstats->avgFeatureCells);
* Normalize histogram
* We divide each histogram cell value
* by the number of samples examined.
for (i=0; i<boxesPerSide*boxesPerSide; i++)
geomstats->value[i] /= samplerows;
int x, y;
for (x=0; x<bps; x++)
for (y=0; y<bps; y++)
elog(NOTICE, " histo[%d,%d] = %.15f", x, y, geomstats->value[x+y*bps]);
* Write the statistics data
stats->stakind[0] = STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY;
stats->staop[0] = InvalidOid;
stats->stanumbers[0] = (float4 *)geomstats;
stats->numnumbers[0] = geom_stats_size/sizeof(float4);
stats->stanullfrac = null_cnt/samplerows;
stats->stawidth = total_width/notnull_cnt;
stats->stadistinct = -1.0;
elog(NOTICE, " out: slot 0: kind %d (STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY)",
elog(NOTICE, " out: slot 0: op %d (InvalidOid)", stats->staop[0]);
elog(NOTICE, " out: slot 0: numnumbers %d", stats->numnumbers[0]);
elog(NOTICE, " out: null fraction: %d/%d", null_cnt, samplerows);
elog(NOTICE, " out: average width: %d bytes", stats->stawidth);
elog(NOTICE, " out: distinct values: all (no check done)");
stats->stats_valid = true;
* This function will be called when the ANALYZE command is run
* on a column of the "geometry" type.
* It will need to return a stats builder function reference
* and a "minimum" sample rows to feed it.
* If we want analisys to be completely skipped we can return
* FALSE and leave output vals untouched.
* What we know from this call is:
* o The pg_attribute row referring to the specific column.
* Could be used to get reltuples from pg_class (which
* might quite inexact though...) and use them to set an
* appropriate minimum number of sample rows to feed to
* the stats builder. The stats builder will also receive
* a more accurate "estimation" of the number or rows.
* o The pg_type row for the specific column.
* Could be used to set stat builder / sample rows
* based on domain type (when postgis will be implemented
* that way).
* Being this experimental we'll stick to a static stat_builder/sample_rows
* value for now.
Datum geometry_analyze(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
VacAttrStats *stats = (VacAttrStats *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
Form_pg_attribute attr = stats->attr;
elog(NOTICE, "geometry_analyze called");
/* If the attstattarget column is negative, use the default value */
/* NB: it is okay to scribble on stats->attr since it's a copy */
if (attr->attstattarget < 0)
attr->attstattarget = default_statistics_target;
elog(NOTICE, " attribute stat target: %d", attr->attstattarget);
* There might be a reason not to analyze this column
* (can we detect the absence of an index?)
//elog(NOTICE, "compute_geometry_stats not implemented yet");
/* Setup the minimum rows and the algorithm function */
stats->minrows = 300 * stats->attr->attstattarget;
stats->compute_stats = compute_geometry_stats;
elog(NOTICE, " minrows: %d", stats->minrows);
/* Indicate we are done successfully */