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<chapter id="postgis_installation">
This chapter details the steps required to install PostGIS.
<title>Short Version</title>
<note><para>The raster support is currently optional, but in final release it will be required.</para></note>
<para>All the .sql files once installed will be installed in share/contrib/postgis-&last_release_version; folder
of your PostgreSQL install</para>
<para>The <varname>postgis_comments.sql</varname>, <varname>raster_comments.sql</varname>, <varname>topology_comments.sql</varname>
generate quick help tips for each function that can be accessed via pgAdmin III or psql. In psql with a command of the form e.g.<varname>\dd ST_SetPoint</varname></para>
<programlisting>tar xvfz postgis-&last_release_version;.tar.gz
cd postgis-&last_release_version;
./configure --with-raster --with-topology --with-gui
make install
createdb yourdatabase
createlang plpgsql yourdatabase
psql -d yourdatabase -f postgis.sql
psql -d yourdatabase -f postgis_comments.sql
psql -d yourdatabase -f spatial_ref_sys.sql
psql -d yourdatabase -f rtpostgis.sql
psql -d yourdatabase -f raster_comments.sql
psql -d yourdatabase -f topology/topology.sql
psql -d yourdatabase -f doc/topology_comments.sql
<note><para>topology_comments.sql since its an optional feature is not installed by make install or make comments install. However if
you do a <varname>make comments</varname> or <varname>make topology_comments.sql</varname>, it will be generated in the docs folder</para>
The rest of this chapter goes into detail each of the above installation
PostGIS has the following requirements for building and usage:
<emphasis role="bold">Required</emphasis>
PostgreSQL &min_postgres_version; or higher. A complete installation
of PostgreSQL (including server headers) is required. PostgreSQL
is available from
<ulink url="">
<para>For a full PostgreSQL / PostGIS support matrix and PostGIS/GEOS support matrix refer to
<ulink url=""></ulink>
GNU C compiler (<filename>gcc</filename>). Some other ANSI C compilers
can be used to compile PostGIS, but we find far fewer problems when
compiling with <filename>gcc</filename>.
GNU Make (<filename>gmake</filename> or <filename>make</filename>).
For many systems, GNU <filename>make</filename> is the default version
of make. Check the version by invoking <filename>make -v</filename>.
Other versions of <filename>make</filename> may not process the
PostGIS <filename>Makefile</filename> properly.
Proj4 reprojection library, version 4.6.0 or greater. The Proj4
library is used to provide coordinate reprojection support within
PostGIS. Proj4 is available for download from
<ulink url="">
GEOS geometry library, version 3.2.2 or greater, but GEOS 3.3 is recommended. Without GEOS 3.3,
you will be missing some major enhancements with handling of topological exceptions and improvements to geometry validation and
making geometries valid such as ST_ValidDetail and ST_MakeValid. GEOS is available for download from
<ulink url="">
LibXML2, version 2.5.x or higher. LibXML2 is currently used in some imports
functions (ST_GeomFromGML and ST_GeomFromKML). LibXML2 is available for download from
<ulink url=""></ulink>.
GDAL, version 1.6 or higher (1.8 or higher is preferable since some things will not work well with lower versions). This is needed for raster support and will be required in final
release of PostGIS 2.0.
<ulink url=""></ulink>.
<emphasis role="bold">Optional</emphasis>
GTK (requires GTK+2.0) to compile the shp2pgsql-gui shape file loader.
<ulink url="">
CUnit (<filename>CUnit</filename>). This is needed for regression testing. <ulink url=""></ulink>
Apache Ant (<filename>ant</filename>) is required for building any of
the drivers under the <filename>java</filename> directory. Ant is
available from
<ulink url="">
DocBook (<filename>xsltproc</filename>) is required for building the
documentation. Docbook is available from
<ulink url="">
DBLatex (<filename>dblatex</filename>) is required for building the
documentation in PDF format. DBLatex is available from
<ulink url="">
ImageMagick (<filename>convert</filename>) is required to generate the
images used in the documentation. ImageMagick is available from
<ulink url="">
<title>Getting the Source</title>
Retrieve the PostGIS source archive from the downloads website
<ulink url=";.tar.gz">;.tar.gz
tar -xvzf postgis-&last_release_version;.tar.gz</programlisting>
This will create a directory called
<varname>postgis-&last_release_version;</varname> in the current working
Alternatively, checkout the source from the
<ulink url="">
<ulink url="">
<programlisting>svn checkout postgis-&last_release_version;</programlisting>
Change into the newly created
<varname>postgis-&last_release_version;</varname> directory to continue
the installation.
<sect1 id="PGInstall">
Many OS systems now include pre-built packages for PostgreSQL/PostGIS.
In many cases compilation is only necessary if you want the most
bleeding edge versions or you are a package maintainer.
The PostGIS module is an extension to the PostgreSQL backend server. As
such, PostGIS &last_release_version; <emphasis>requires</emphasis> full
PostgreSQL server headers access in order to compile. It can be built
against PostgreSQL versions &min_postgres_version; or higher. Earlier
versions of PostgreSQL are <emphasis>not</emphasis> supported.
Refer to the PostgreSQL installation guides if you haven't already
installed PostgreSQL.
<ulink url="">
For GEOS functionality, when you install PostgresSQL you may need to
explicitly link PostgreSQL against the standard C++ library:
<programlisting>LDFLAGS=-lstdc++ ./configure [YOUR OPTIONS HERE]</programlisting>
This is a workaround for bogus C++ exceptions interaction with older
development tools. If you experience weird problems (backend
unexpectedly closed or similar things) try this trick. This will require
recompiling your PostgreSQL from scratch, of course.
The following steps outline the configuration and compilation of the
PostGIS source. They are written for Linux users and will not work on
Windows or Mac.
As with most linux installations, the first step is to generate the
Makefile that will be used to build the source code. This is done by
running the shell script
With no additional parameters, this command will attempt to
automatically locate the required components and libraries needed to
build the PostGIS source code on your system. Although this is the most
common usage of <command>./configure</command>, the script accepts
several parameters for those who have the required libraries and
programs in non-standard locations.
The following list shows only the most commonly used parameters. For a
complete list, use the <command>--help</command> or
<command>--help=short</command> parameters.
This is the location the PostGIS libraries and SQL scripts will be
installed to. By default, this location is the same as the
detected PostgreSQL installation.
This parameter is currently broken, as the package will only
install into the PostgreSQL installation directory. Visit
<ulink url="">
to track this bug.
PostgreSQL provides a utility called <command>pg_config</command>
to enable extensions like PostGIS to locate the PostgreSQL
installation directory. Use this parameter
(<command>--with-pgconfig=/path/to/pg_config</command>) to
manually specify a particular PostgreSQL installation that PostGIS
will build against.
GDAL, a required library, provides functionality needed for raster support
<command>gdal-config</command> to enable software installations to
locate the GDAL installation directory. Use this parameter
(<command>--with-gdalconfig=/path/to/gdal-config</command>) to
manually specify a particular GDAL installation that PostGIS will
build against.
GEOS, a required geometry library, provides a utility called
<command>geos-config</command> to enable software installations to
locate the GEOS installation directory. Use this parameter
(<command>--with-geosconfig=/path/to/geos-config</command>) to
manually specify a particular GEOS installation that PostGIS will
build against.
Proj4 is a reprojection library required by PostGIS. Use this
parameter (<command>--with-projdir=/path/to/projdir</command>) to
manually specify a particular Proj4 installation directory that
PostGIS will build against.
Compile the data import GUI (requires GTK+2.0). This will create shp2pgsql-gui graphical interface
to shp2pgsql.
Compile with raster support. This will build rtpostgis-&last_release_version; library and rtpostgis.sql file. This may not
be required in final release as plan is to build in raster support by default.
Compile with topology support. This will build the topology.sql file. There is no corresponding library
as all logic needed for topology is in postgis-&last_release_version; library.
If you obtained PostGIS from the SVN
<ulink url="">
, the first step is really to run the script
This script will generate the <command>configure</command> script that
in turn is used to customize the installation of PostGIS.
If you instead obtained PostGIS as a tarball, running
<command>./</command> is not necessary as
<command>configure</command> has already been generated.
Once the Makefile has been generated, building PostGIS is as simple as
The last line of the output should be "<code>PostGIS was built
successfully. Ready to install.</code>"
As of PostGIS v1.4.0, all the functions have comments generated from the
documentation. If you wish to install these comments into your spatial
databases later, run the command which requires docbook. The postgis_comments.sql and other
package comments files raster_comments.sql, topology_comments.sql are
also packaged in the tar.gz distribution in the doc folder so no need to make comments
if installing from the tar ball.
<command>make comments</command>
If you wish to test the PostGIS build, run
<command>make check</command>
The above command will run through various checks and regression tests
using the generated library against an actual PostgreSQL database.
If you configured PostGIS using non-standard PostgreSQL, GEOS, or
Proj4 locations, you may need to add their library locations to the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
Currently, the <command>make check</command> relies on the
<code>PATH</code> and <code>PGPORT</code> environment variables when
performing the checks - it does <emphasis>not</emphasis> use the
PostgreSQL version that may have been specified using the
configuration parameter <command>--with-pgconfig</command>. So make
sure to modify your PATH to match the detected PostgreSQL installation
during configuration or be prepared to deal with the impending
headaches. Visit
<ulink url="">
to track this bug.
If successful, the output of the test should be similar to the
<programlisting> CUnit - A Unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-0
Suite: print_suite
Test: test_lwprint_default_format ... passed
Test: test_lwprint_format_orders ... passed
Test: test_lwprint_optional_format ... passed
Test: test_lwprint_oddball_formats ... passed
Test: test_lwprint_bad_formats ... passed
Suite: Misc Suite
Test: test_misc_force_2d ... passed
Test: test_misc_simplify ... passed
Test: test_misc_count_vertices ... passed
Test: test_misc_area ... passed
Test: test_misc_wkb ... passed
Suite: PointArray Suite
Test: test_ptarray_append_point ... passed
Test: test_ptarray_append_ptarray ... passed
Suite: PostGIS Computational Geometry Suite
Test: test_lw_segment_side ... passed
Test: test_lw_segment_intersects ... passed
Test: test_lwline_crossing_short_lines ... passed
Test: test_lwline_crossing_long_lines ... passed
Test: test_lwline_crossing_bugs ... passed
Test: test_lwpoint_set_ordinate ... passed
Test: test_lwpoint_get_ordinate ... passed
Test: test_lwpoint_interpolate ... passed
Test: test_lwline_clip ... passed
Test: test_lwline_clip_big ... passed
Test: test_lwmline_clip ... passed
Test: test_geohash_point ... passed
Test: test_geohash_precision ... passed
Test: test_geohash ... passed
Test: test_isclosed ... passed
Suite: PostGIS Measures Suite
Test: test_mindistance2d_tolerance ... passed
Test: test_rect_tree_contains_point ... passed
Test: test_rect_tree_intersects_tree ... passed
Test: test_lwgeom_segmentize2d ... passed
Suite: WKT Out Suite
Test: test_wkt_out_point ... passed
Test: test_wkt_out_linestring ... passed
Test: test_wkt_out_polygon ... passed
Test: test_wkt_out_multipoint ... passed
Test: test_wkt_out_multilinestring ... passed
--Run Summary: Type Total Ran Passed Failed
suites 17 17 n/a 0
tests 143 143 143 0
asserts 1228 1228 1228 0
Creating spatial db postgis_reg
Postgis 2.0.0SVN - 2011-01-11 15:33:37
GEOS: 3.3.0-CAPI-1.7.0
PROJ: Rel. 4.6.1, 21 August 2008
Running tests
loader/Point.............. ok
loader/PointM.............. ok
loader/PointZ.............. ok
loader/MultiPoint.............. ok
loader/MultiPointM.............. ok
loader/MultiPointZ.............. ok
loader/Arc.............. ok
loader/ArcM.............. ok
loader/ArcZ.......... ok
loader/Polygon.............. ok
loader/PolygonM.............. ok
loader/PolygonZ.............. ok
regress. ok
regress_index. ok
regress_index_nulls. ok
lwgeom_regress. ok
regress_lrs. ok
removepoint. ok
setpoint. ok
simplify. ok
snaptogrid. ok
affine. ok
measures. ok
long_xact. ok
ctors. ok
sql-mm-serialize. ok
sql-mm-circularstring. ok
sql-mm-compoundcurve. ok
sql-mm-curvepoly. ok
sql-mm-general. ok
sql-mm-multicurve. ok
sql-mm-multisurface. ok
polyhedralsurface. ok
out_geometry. ok
out_geography. ok
in_gml. ok
in_kml. ok
iscollection. ok
regress_ogc. ok
regress_ogc_cover. ok
regress_ogc_prep. ok
regress_bdpoly. ok
regress_proj. ok
dump. ok
dumppoints. ok
wmsservers_new. ok
tickets. ok
remove_repeated_points. ok
split. ok
relatematch. ok
regress_buffer_params. ok
hausdorff. ok
clean. ok
sharedpaths. ok
snap. ok
Run tests: 55
Failed: 0
To install PostGIS, type
<command>make install</command>
This will copy the PostGIS installation files into their appropriate
subdirectory specified by the <command>--prefix</command> configuration
parameter. In particular:
The loader and dumper binaries are installed in
The SQL files, such as <filename>postgis.sql</filename>, are
installed in <filename>[prefix]/share/contrib</filename>.
The PostGIS libraries are installed in
If you previously ran the <command>make comments</command> command to
generate the <filename>postgis_comments.sql</filename>, <filename>raster_comments.sql</filename> file, install the
sql file by running
<command>make comments-install</command>
<filename>postgis_comments.sql</filename> and <filename>raster_comments.sql</filename> was separated from the
typical build and installation targets since with it comes the extra
dependency of <command>xsltproc</command>.
<sect1 id="create_new_db">
<title>Create a spatially-enabled database</title>
The first step in creating a PostGIS database is to create a simple
PostgreSQL database.
<command>createdb [yourdatabase]</command>
Many of the PostGIS functions are written in the PL/pgSQL procedural
language. As such, the next step to create a PostGIS database is to enable
the PL/pgSQL language in your new database. This is accomplish by the
command below command. For PostgreSQL 8.4+, this is generally already installed
<command>createlang plpgsql [yourdatabase]</command>
Now load the PostGIS object and function definitions into your database by
loading the <filename>postgis.sql</filename> definitions file (located in
<filename>[prefix]/share/contrib</filename> as specified during the
configuration step).
<command>psql -d [yourdatabase] -f postgis.sql</command>
For a complete set of EPSG coordinate system definition identifiers, you
can also load the <filename>spatial_ref_sys.sql</filename> definitions
file and populate the <varname>spatial_ref_sys</varname> table. This will
permit you to perform ST_Transform() operations on geometries.
<command>psql -d [yourdatabase] -f spatial_ref_sys.sql</command>
If you wish to add comments to the PostGIS functions, the final step is to
load the <filename>postgis_comments.sql</filename> into your spatial
database. The comments can be viewed by simply typing <command>\dd
[function_name]</command> from a <command>psql</command> terminal window.
<command>psql -d [yourdatabase] -f postgis_comments.sql</command>
Install raster support
<command>psql -d [yourdatabase] -f rtpostgis.sql</command>
Install raster support comments. This will provide quick help info for each raster function
using psql or PgAdmin or any other PostgreSQL tool that can show function comments
<command>psql -d [yourdatabase] -f raster_comments.sql</command>
Install topology support
<command>psql -d [yourdatabase] -f topology/topology.sql</command>
Install topology support comments. This will provide quick help info for each topology function / type
using psql or PgAdmin or any other PostgreSQL tool that can show function comments
<command>psql -d [yourdatabase] -f topology/topology_comments.sql</command>
<sect1 id="templatepostgis">
<title>Create a spatially-enabled database from a template</title>
Some packaged distributions of PostGIS (in particular the Win32 installers
for PostGIS &gt;= 1.1.5) load the PostGIS functions into a template
database called <varname>template_postgis</varname>. If the
<varname>template_postgis</varname> database exists in your PostgreSQL
installation then it is possible for users and/or applications to create
spatially-enabled databases using a single command. Note that in both
cases, the database user must have been granted the privilege to create
new databases.
From the shell:
<programlisting># createdb -T template_postgis my_spatial_db</programlisting>
From SQL:
<programlisting>postgres=# CREATE DATABASE my_spatial_db TEMPLATE=template_postgis</programlisting>
<sect1 id="upgrading">
Upgrading existing spatial databases can be tricky as it requires
replacement or introduction of new PostGIS object definitions.
Unfortunately not all definitions can be easily replaced in a live
database, so sometimes your best bet is a dump/reload process.
PostGIS provides a SOFT UPGRADE procedure for minor or bugfix releases,
and a HARD UPGRADE procedure for major releases.
Before attempting to upgrade PostGIS, it is always worth to backup your
data. If you use the -Fc flag to pg_dump you will always be able to
restore the dump with a HARD UPGRADE.
<sect2 id="soft_upgrade">
<title>Soft upgrade</title>
After compiling you should find several <filename>postgis_upgrade*.sql</filename> files. Install the one
for your version of PostGIS. For example <filename>postgis_upgrade_13_to_15.sql</filename> should be used if you are upgrading
from PostGIS 1.3 to 1.5. If you are moving from PostGIS 1.* to PostGIS 2.* or from PostGIS 2.* prior to r7409, you need to do a HARD UPGRADE.
<programlisting>psql -f postgis_upgrade_20_minor.sql -d your_spatial_database</programlisting>
If you can't find the <filename>postgis_upgrade*.sql</filename> specific for upgrading your version you are using a version too early for
a soft upgrade and need to do a HARD UPGRADE.
<sect2 id="hard_upgrade">
<title>Hard upgrade</title>
By HARD UPGRADE we mean full dump/reload of postgis-enabled databases.
You need a HARD UPGRADE when PostGIS objects' internal storage changes
or when SOFT UPGRADE is not possible. The
<link linkend="release_notes">Release Notes</link>
appendix reports for each version whether you need a dump/reload (HARD
UPGRADE) to upgrade.
Create a "custom-format" dump of the database you want to upgrade (let's
call it "olddb") include binary blobs (-b) and verbose (-v) output. The user can be the owner of the db, need not be postgres
super account.
<note><para>The following described process will show quite a few errors. DO NOT BE ALARMED. This is expected
since functions and objects already defined in the new version of postgis will fail when pg_restore tries to restore them.
This is desired. Errors you do need to be cognizant of are those of failed restore of tables other than geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys.</para>
<programlisting>pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -Fc -b -v -f "/somepath/olddb.backup" olddb</programlisting>
<para>If you made custom entries to your spatial_ref_sys.sql, you may want to backup this table separately or copy out the custom records.
The spatial_ref_sys you will end up with will be the new one packaged with the PostGIS install.</para>
<para>Do a fresh install of PostGIS in a new database -- we'll refer to this database as <varname>newdb</varname>.
Please refer to <xref linkend="create_new_db" /> for instructions on how to do this.</para>
<para>Install the <filename>legacy_compatibility_layer.sql</filename>. This installs the minimum legacy functions needed to restore
most old databases. If your database is really old or you know you've been using long
deprecated functions in your views and functions, you might need to install the <filename>legacy.sql</filename>
instead of <filename>legacy_compatbility_layer.sql</filename>
for all your functions and views etc. to properly come back.</para>
<programlisting>psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d newdb -f legacy_compatibility_layer.sql</programlisting>
<para>Restore your backup into your fresh <varname>newdb</varname> database using pg_restore.</para>
<programlisting>pg_restore -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d newdb "/somepath/olddb.backup"</programlisting>
<para>Finally run the <filename>postgis_upgrade_20_minor.sql</filename> script in this new database. NOTE: This step is
very important because many functions have been revised to use default parameters, and
your old install would therefore restore these which would result in ambiguous name conflicts when called.</para>
<programlisting>psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d newdb -f postgis_upgrade_20_minor.sql</programlisting>
<para>If your applications or GIS tools rely on old deprecated functions, you can restore these by installing the <filename>legacy.sql</filename></para>
<programlisting>psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d newdb -f legacy.sql</programlisting>
<title>Common Problems</title>
There are several things to check when your installation or upgrade
doesn't go as you expected.
Check that you have installed PostgreSQL &min_postgres_version;
or newer, and that you are compiling against the same version of the
PostgreSQL source as the version of PostgreSQL that is running.
Mix-ups can occur when your (Linux) distribution has already
installed PostgreSQL, or you have otherwise installed PostgreSQL
before and forgotten about it. PostGIS will only work with PostgreSQL
&min_postgres_version; or newer, and strange, unexpected
error messages will result if you use an older version. To check the
version of PostgreSQL which is running, connect to the database using
psql and run this query:
<programlisting>SELECT version();</programlisting>
If you are running an RPM based distribution, you can check for the
existence of pre-installed packages using the <command>rpm</command>
command as follows: <command>rpm -qa | grep postgresql</command>
<para>If your upgrade fails, make sure you are restoring into a database that already has PostGIS installed.</para>
<programlisting>SELECT postgis_full_version();</programlisting>
Also check that configure has correctly detected the location and version
of PostgreSQL, the Proj4 library and the GEOS library.
The output from configure is used to generate the
<filename>postgis_config.h</filename> file. Check that the
<varname>POSTGIS_PROJ_VERSION</varname> and
<varname>POSTGIS_GEOS_VERSION</varname> variables have been set
The JDBC extensions provide Java objects corresponding to the internal
PostGIS types. These objects can be used to write Java clients which query
the PostGIS database and draw or do calculations on the GIS data in
Enter the <filename>java/jdbc</filename> sub-directory of the PostGIS
Run the <filename>ant</filename> command. Copy the
<filename>postgis.jar</filename> file to wherever you keep your java
The JDBC extensions require a PostgreSQL JDBC driver to be present in the
current CLASSPATH during the build process. If the PostgreSQL JDBC driver
is located elsewhere, you may pass the location of the JDBC driver JAR
separately using the -D parameter like this:
<programlisting># ant -Dclasspath=/path/to/postgresql-jdbc.jar</programlisting>
PostgreSQL JDBC drivers can be downloaded from
<ulink url="">
The data loader and dumper are built and installed automatically as part
of the PostGIS build. To build and install them manually:
<programlisting># cd postgis-&last_release_version;/loader
# make
# make install</programlisting>
The loader is called <filename>shp2pgsql</filename> and converts ESRI
Shape files into SQL suitable for loading in PostGIS/PostgreSQL. The
dumper is called <filename>pgsql2shp</filename> and converts PostGIS
tables (or queries) into ESRI Shape files. For more verbose documentation,
see the online help, and the manual pages.