Gabe Goodhart f2890a4494
IBM granite/granitemoe architecture support (#6760)
* fix(ext_server): Port llama.cpp sampling refactors to ext_server

This was a fairly large changeset. I closely followed the changes here:

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(server.cpp): Refactor server.cpp logging for llama.cpp overhaul

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat: Bump llama.cpp to the latest master with `granite` support

This does not yet have granite MoE support, but that can come in a
follow up PR

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(patches): Update all patches (except solar-pro) to work with bumped llama.cpp

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(solar): Update solar patch for llama.cpp bump

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat(llama.cpp): Bump llama.cpp for granitemoe support

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat(llama.cpp): Bump llama.cpp for granitemoe support

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(solar): Update the solar-pro patch for latest llama.cpp bump

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat(llama.cpp): Bump to the latest master of llama.cpp

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(patches): Update all patches for latest bump

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat(llama): Always run sync.sh from the right directory

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama/patches): Update llama patches

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* feat(llama)!: Rough sync with llama.cpp submodule

There are a number of changes that will need to be propagated to llama.go
before any of this works!

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama/patches): Add a patch and update for missing ggml-impl.h include

This include is where the ggml_cgraph struct is defined. It is included in
many of the .c files to define the forward declartion in ggml.h. It seems
that with the subset of code included here, the import was somehow lost (or
out-of-order) when building, so adding this include to llama.cpp fixes the
missing definition.

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama/sync): Add missing ggml-cpu-impl.h copy-over in sync.sh

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Add missing log.cpp

This was added as part of the logging overhaul done in llama.cpp

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Overhaul use of sampling module for llama.cpp changes

The changes here reflect the changes made in the big llama.cpp sampling PR

The sampling functionality is now broken into the base interface
(llama_sampler) and the generation implementation (gpt_sampler). The
changes here reflect that. Since the sampling.h/sampling.cpp code uses c++
STL headers, the sampling_ext.[h|cpp] wrapper is maintained to allow go to
access a pure-C interface.

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Fix the impl of SampleTokenGreedy for new sampling

I don't think this method is currently used, so it could probably just be
removed so that all sampling goes through the GPT interface, but in the
interest of doing no harm, this should keep the method working as expected.

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

* fix(llama): Remove unused SampleTokenGreedy

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(sync): Remove bash-specific change to sync.sh

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* chore(gofumpt): Format on llama.go to pass linting

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llm): Fix missing <thread> include in ext_server

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Remove TODO about grammar_first

This feature was not used/needed previously so should be fine without
plumbing it through now.

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Better naming for sampling wrapper and args

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Fix patch 05 to use new wrapper api and re-sync

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* runner: Flush pending responses before returning

If there are any pending reponses (such as from potential stop
tokens) then we should send them back before ending the sequence.
Otherwise, we can be missing tokens at the end of a response.

Fixes #6707

* fix(llama/sampling): Use gpt_sampler with a forward declaration

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llama): Remove unnecessary patch for gguf impl header

This was caused by an earlier mistake in the embeddings patch that was
dereferencing the pointer instead of using the wrapper API.

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>

* fix(llm): Remove use of deprecated --log-disable flag

Branch: IBMGraniteArchitectureSupport

Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>


Signed-off-by: Gabe Goodhart <ghart@us.ibm.com>
2024-10-17 11:59:52 -07:00

15779 lines
678 KiB

* llama.cpp - commit 3f1ae2e32cde00c39b96be6d01c2997c29bae555 - do not edit this file
* MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 The ggml authors
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "ggml-common.h"
#include "ggml-quants.h"
#include "ggml-impl.h"
#include "ggml-cpu-impl.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for qsort
#include <stdio.h> // for GGML_ASSERT
#define GROUP_MAX_EPS 1e-15f
#define GROUP_MAX_EPS_IQ3_XXS 1e-8f
#define GROUP_MAX_EPS_IQ2_S 1e-8f
#define GROUP_MAX_EPS_IQ1_M 1e-7f
#define GROUP_MAX_EPS_IQ1_S 1e-12f
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
// disable "possible loss of data" to avoid warnings for hundreds of casts
// we should just be careful :)
#pragma warning(disable: 4244 4267)
// some compilers don't provide _mm256_set_m128i, e.g. gcc 7
#define MM256_SET_M128I(a, b) _mm256_insertf128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(b), (a), 1)
#if defined(__AVX__) || defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__AVX512F__) || defined(__SSSE3__)
// multiply int8_t, add results pairwise twice
static inline __m128i mul_sum_i8_pairs(const __m128i x, const __m128i y) {
// Get absolute values of x vectors
const __m128i ax = _mm_sign_epi8(x, x);
// Sign the values of the y vectors
const __m128i sy = _mm_sign_epi8(y, x);
// Perform multiplication and create 16-bit values
const __m128i dot = _mm_maddubs_epi16(ax, sy);
const __m128i ones = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
return _mm_madd_epi16(ones, dot);
#if __AVX__ || __AVX2__ || __AVX512F__
// horizontally add 8 floats
static inline float hsum_float_8(const __m256 x) {
__m128 res = _mm256_extractf128_ps(x, 1);
res = _mm_add_ps(res, _mm256_castps256_ps128(x));
res = _mm_add_ps(res, _mm_movehl_ps(res, res));
res = _mm_add_ss(res, _mm_movehdup_ps(res));
return _mm_cvtss_f32(res);
// horizontally add 8 int32_t
static inline int hsum_i32_8(const __m256i a) {
const __m128i sum128 = _mm_add_epi32(_mm256_castsi256_si128(a), _mm256_extractf128_si256(a, 1));
const __m128i hi64 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(sum128, sum128);
const __m128i sum64 = _mm_add_epi32(hi64, sum128);
const __m128i hi32 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(sum64, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1));
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_add_epi32(sum64, hi32));
// horizontally add 4 int32_t
static inline int hsum_i32_4(const __m128i a) {
const __m128i hi64 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(a, a);
const __m128i sum64 = _mm_add_epi32(hi64, a);
const __m128i hi32 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(sum64, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1));
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_add_epi32(sum64, hi32));
#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__AVX512F__)
// spread 32 bits to 32 bytes { 0x00, 0xFF }
static inline __m256i bytes_from_bits_32(const uint8_t * x) {
uint32_t x32;
memcpy(&x32, x, sizeof(uint32_t));
const __m256i shuf_mask = _mm256_set_epi64x(
0x0303030303030303, 0x0202020202020202,
0x0101010101010101, 0x0000000000000000);
__m256i bytes = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(_mm256_set1_epi32(x32), shuf_mask);
const __m256i bit_mask = _mm256_set1_epi64x(0x7fbfdfeff7fbfdfe);
bytes = _mm256_or_si256(bytes, bit_mask);
return _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(bytes, _mm256_set1_epi64x(-1));
// Unpack 32 4-bit fields into 32 bytes
// The output vector contains 32 bytes, each one in [ 0 .. 15 ] interval
static inline __m256i bytes_from_nibbles_32(const uint8_t * rsi)
const __m128i tmp = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)rsi);
const __m256i bytes = MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_srli_epi16(tmp, 4), tmp);
const __m256i lowMask = _mm256_set1_epi8( 0xF );
return _mm256_and_si256(lowMask, bytes);
// add int16_t pairwise and return as float vector
static inline __m256 sum_i16_pairs_float(const __m256i x) {
const __m256i ones = _mm256_set1_epi16(1);
const __m256i summed_pairs = _mm256_madd_epi16(ones, x);
return _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(summed_pairs);
static inline __m256 mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(const __m256i ax, const __m256i sy) {
#if defined(__AVXVNNI__) || (defined(__AVX512VNNI__) && defined(__AVX512VL__))
const __m256i zero = _mm256_setzero_si256();
const __m256i summed_pairs = _mm256_dpbusd_epi32(zero, ax, sy);
return _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(summed_pairs);
// Perform multiplication and create 16-bit values
const __m256i dot = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(ax, sy);
return sum_i16_pairs_float(dot);
// multiply int8_t, add results pairwise twice and return as float vector
static inline __m256 mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(const __m256i x, const __m256i y) {
const __m256i zero = _mm256_setzero_si256();
const __m256i summed_pairs = _mm256_dpbssd_epi32(zero, x, y);
return _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(summed_pairs);
// Get absolute values of x vectors
const __m256i ax = _mm256_sign_epi8(x, x);
// Sign the values of the y vectors
const __m256i sy = _mm256_sign_epi8(y, x);
return mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(ax, sy);
static inline __m128i packNibbles( __m256i bytes )
// Move bits within 16-bit lanes from 0000_abcd_0000_efgh into 0000_0000_abcd_efgh
#if __AVX512F__
const __m256i bytes_srli_4 = _mm256_srli_epi16(bytes, 4); // 0000_0000_abcd_0000
bytes = _mm256_or_si256(bytes, bytes_srli_4); // 0000_abcd_abcd_efgh
return _mm256_cvtepi16_epi8(bytes); // abcd_efgh
const __m256i lowByte = _mm256_set1_epi16( 0xFF );
__m256i high = _mm256_andnot_si256( lowByte, bytes );
__m256i low = _mm256_and_si256( lowByte, bytes );
high = _mm256_srli_epi16( high, 4 );
bytes = _mm256_or_si256( low, high );
// Compress uint16_t lanes into bytes
__m128i r0 = _mm256_castsi256_si128( bytes );
__m128i r1 = _mm256_extracti128_si256( bytes, 1 );
return _mm_packus_epi16( r0, r1 );
#elif defined(__AVX__)
// spread 32 bits to 32 bytes { 0x00, 0xFF }
static inline __m256i bytes_from_bits_32(const uint8_t * x) {
uint32_t x32;
memcpy(&x32, x, sizeof(uint32_t));
const __m128i shuf_maskl = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0101010101010101, 0x0000000000000000);
const __m128i shuf_maskh = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0303030303030303, 0x0202020202020202);
__m128i bytesl = _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_set1_epi32(x32), shuf_maskl);
__m128i bytesh = _mm_shuffle_epi8(_mm_set1_epi32(x32), shuf_maskh);
const __m128i bit_mask = _mm_set1_epi64x(0x7fbfdfeff7fbfdfe);
bytesl = _mm_or_si128(bytesl, bit_mask);
bytesh = _mm_or_si128(bytesh, bit_mask);
bytesl = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(bytesl, _mm_set1_epi64x(-1));
bytesh = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(bytesh, _mm_set1_epi64x(-1));
return MM256_SET_M128I(bytesh, bytesl);
// Unpack 32 4-bit fields into 32 bytes
// The output vector contains 32 bytes, each one in [ 0 .. 15 ] interval
static inline __m256i bytes_from_nibbles_32(const uint8_t * rsi)
// Load 16 bytes from memory
__m128i tmpl = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)rsi);
__m128i tmph = _mm_srli_epi16(tmpl, 4);
const __m128i lowMask = _mm_set1_epi8(0xF);
tmpl = _mm_and_si128(lowMask, tmpl);
tmph = _mm_and_si128(lowMask, tmph);
return MM256_SET_M128I(tmph, tmpl);
// add int16_t pairwise and return as float vector
static inline __m256 sum_i16_pairs_float(const __m128i xh, const __m128i xl) {
const __m128i ones = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
const __m128i summed_pairsl = _mm_madd_epi16(ones, xl);
const __m128i summed_pairsh = _mm_madd_epi16(ones, xh);
const __m256i summed_pairs = MM256_SET_M128I(summed_pairsh, summed_pairsl);
return _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(summed_pairs);
static inline __m256 mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(const __m256i ax, const __m256i sy) {
const __m128i axl = _mm256_castsi256_si128(ax);
const __m128i axh = _mm256_extractf128_si256(ax, 1);
const __m128i syl = _mm256_castsi256_si128(sy);
const __m128i syh = _mm256_extractf128_si256(sy, 1);
// Perform multiplication and create 16-bit values
const __m128i dotl = _mm_maddubs_epi16(axl, syl);
const __m128i doth = _mm_maddubs_epi16(axh, syh);
return sum_i16_pairs_float(doth, dotl);
// multiply int8_t, add results pairwise twice and return as float vector
static inline __m256 mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(const __m256i x, const __m256i y) {
const __m128i xl = _mm256_castsi256_si128(x);
const __m128i xh = _mm256_extractf128_si256(x, 1);
const __m128i yl = _mm256_castsi256_si128(y);
const __m128i yh = _mm256_extractf128_si256(y, 1);
// Get absolute values of x vectors
const __m128i axl = _mm_sign_epi8(xl, xl);
const __m128i axh = _mm_sign_epi8(xh, xh);
// Sign the values of the y vectors
const __m128i syl = _mm_sign_epi8(yl, xl);
const __m128i syh = _mm_sign_epi8(yh, xh);
// Perform multiplication and create 16-bit values
const __m128i dotl = _mm_maddubs_epi16(axl, syl);
const __m128i doth = _mm_maddubs_epi16(axh, syh);
return sum_i16_pairs_float(doth, dotl);
static inline __m128i packNibbles( __m128i bytes1, __m128i bytes2 )
// Move bits within 16-bit lanes from 0000_abcd_0000_efgh into 0000_0000_abcd_efgh
const __m128i lowByte = _mm_set1_epi16( 0xFF );
__m128i high = _mm_andnot_si128( lowByte, bytes1 );
__m128i low = _mm_and_si128( lowByte, bytes1 );
high = _mm_srli_epi16( high, 4 );
bytes1 = _mm_or_si128( low, high );
high = _mm_andnot_si128( lowByte, bytes2 );
low = _mm_and_si128( lowByte, bytes2 );
high = _mm_srli_epi16( high, 4 );
bytes2 = _mm_or_si128( low, high );
return _mm_packus_epi16( bytes1, bytes2);
static inline __m128i mul_add_epi8_sse(const __m128i x, const __m128i y) {
const __m128i ax = _mm_sign_epi8(x, x);
const __m128i sy = _mm_sign_epi8(y, x);
return _mm_maddubs_epi16(ax, sy);
#elif defined(__SSSE3__)
// horizontally add 4x4 floats
static inline float hsum_float_4x4(const __m128 a, const __m128 b, const __m128 c, const __m128 d) {
__m128 res_0 =_mm_hadd_ps(a, b);
__m128 res_1 =_mm_hadd_ps(c, d);
__m128 res =_mm_hadd_ps(res_0, res_1);
res =_mm_hadd_ps(res, res);
res =_mm_hadd_ps(res, res);
return _mm_cvtss_f32(res);
#endif // __AVX__ || __AVX2__ || __AVX512F__
#endif // defined(__AVX__) || defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__AVX512F__) || defined(__SSSE3__)
#if defined(__ARM_NEON) || defined(__wasm_simd128__) || defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
#define B1(c,s,n) 0x ## n ## c , 0x ## n ## s
#define B2(c,s,n) B1(c,s,n ## c), B1(c,s,n ## s)
#define B3(c,s,n) B2(c,s,n ## c), B2(c,s,n ## s)
#define B4(c,s,n) B3(c,s,n ## c), B3(c,s,n ## s)
#define B5(c,s,n) B4(c,s,n ## c), B4(c,s,n ## s)
#define B6(c,s,n) B5(c,s,n ## c), B5(c,s,n ## s)
#define B7(c,s,n) B6(c,s,n ## c), B6(c,s,n ## s)
#define B8(c,s ) B7(c,s, c), B7(c,s, s)
// precomputed tables for expanding 8bits to 8 bytes:
static const uint64_t table_b2b_0[1 << 8] = { B8(00, 10) }; // ( b) << 4
static const uint64_t table_b2b_1[1 << 8] = { B8(10, 00) }; // (!b) << 4
#if defined(__loongarch_asx)
#ifdef __clang__
#define VREGS_PREFIX "$vr"
#define XREGS_PREFIX "$xr"
#else // GCC
#define VREGS_PREFIX "$f"
#define XREGS_PREFIX "$f"
#define __ALL_REGS "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31"
// Convert __m128i to __m256i
static inline __m256i ____m256i(__m128i in) {
__m256i out = __lasx_xvldi(0);
__asm__ volatile (
".irp i," __ALL_REGS "\n\t"
" .ifc %[out], " XREGS_PREFIX"\\i \n\t"
" .irp j," __ALL_REGS "\n\t"
" .ifc %[in], " VREGS_PREFIX "\\j \n\t"
" xvpermi.q $xr\\i, $xr\\j, 0x20 \n\t"
" .endif \n\t"
" .endr \n\t"
" .endif \n\t"
".endr \n\t"
: [out] "+f" (out) : [in] "f" (in)
return out;
// Convert two __m128i to __m256i
static inline __m256i lasx_set_q(__m128i inhi, __m128i inlo) {
__m256i out;
__asm__ volatile (
".irp i," __ALL_REGS "\n\t"
" .ifc %[hi], " VREGS_PREFIX "\\i \n\t"
" .irp j," __ALL_REGS "\n\t"
" .ifc %[lo], " VREGS_PREFIX "\\j \n\t"
" xvpermi.q $xr\\i, $xr\\j, 0x20 \n\t"
" .endif \n\t"
" .endr \n\t"
" .endif \n\t"
".endr \n\t"
".ifnc %[out], %[hi] \n\t"
".irp i," __ALL_REGS "\n\t"
" .ifc %[out], " XREGS_PREFIX "\\i \n\t"
" .irp j," __ALL_REGS "\n\t"
" .ifc %[hi], " VREGS_PREFIX "\\j \n\t"
" xvori.b $xr\\i, $xr\\j, 0 \n\t"
" .endif \n\t"
" .endr \n\t"
" .endif \n\t"
".endr \n\t"
".endif \n\t"
: [out] "=f" (out), [hi] "+f" (inhi)
: [lo] "f" (inlo)
return out;
// Convert __m256i low part to __m128i
static inline __m128i lasx_extracti128_lo(__m256i in) {
__m128i out;
__asm__ volatile (
".ifnc %[out], %[in] \n\t"
".irp i," __ALL_REGS "\n\t"
" .ifc %[out], " VREGS_PREFIX "\\i \n\t"
" .irp j," __ALL_REGS "\n\t"
" .ifc %[in], " XREGS_PREFIX "\\j \n\t"
" vori.b $vr\\i, $vr\\j, 0 \n\t"
" .endif \n\t"
" .endr \n\t"
" .endif \n\t"
".endr \n\t"
".endif \n\t"
: [out] "=f" (out) : [in] "f" (in)
return out;
// Convert __m256i high part to __m128i
static inline __m128i lasx_extracti128_hi(__m256i in) {
__m128i out;
__asm__ volatile (
".irp i," __ALL_REGS "\n\t"
" .ifc %[out], " VREGS_PREFIX "\\i \n\t"
" .irp j," __ALL_REGS "\n\t"
" .ifc %[in], " XREGS_PREFIX "\\j \n\t"
" xvpermi.q $xr\\i, $xr\\j, 0x11 \n\t"
" .endif \n\t"
" .endr \n\t"
" .endif \n\t"
".endr \n\t"
: [out] "=f" (out) : [in] "f" (in)
return out;
static __m256i lasx_set_w(int e7, int e6, int e5, int e4, int e3, int e2, int e1, int e0) {
v8i32 __ret = {e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7};
return (__m256i)__ret;
static __m128i lsx_set_w(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t c, int32_t d) {
v4i32 __ret = {d, c, b, a};
return (__m128i)__ret;
static __m256i lasx_set_d(int64_t a, int64_t b, int64_t c, int64_t d) {
v4i64 __ret = {d, c, b, a};
return (__m256i)__ret;
static __m256i lasx_insertf128( __m128i x, __m128i y) {
return lasx_set_q(x, y);
static __m128i lsx_shuffle_b(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
__m128i mask_f, zero, tmp0, tmp2, mask;
int f = 0x8f;
mask_f = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(f);
zero = __lsx_vldi(0);
tmp0 = __lsx_vand_v(b, mask_f); // get mask with low 4 bit and sign bits
tmp0 = __lsx_vori_b(tmp0, 0x10); // make each mask or with 0x10 prepare for positive
mask = __lsx_vsle_b(zero, tmp0); // if mask >= 0, set mask
tmp2 = __lsx_vand_v(tmp0, mask); // maskout the in2 < ones
return __lsx_vshuf_b(a, zero, tmp2);
static __m256i lasx_shuffle_b(__m256i a, __m256i b) {
__m256i mask_f, zero, tmp0, tmp2, mask;
int f = 0x8f;
mask_f = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(f);
zero = __lasx_xvldi(0);
tmp0 = __lasx_xvand_v(b, mask_f); // get mask with low 4 bit and sign bits
tmp0 = __lasx_xvori_b(tmp0, 0x10); // make each mask or with 0x10 prepare for positive
mask = __lasx_xvsle_b(zero, tmp0); // if mask >= 0, set mask
tmp2 = __lasx_xvand_v(tmp0, mask); // maskout the in2 < ones
return __lasx_xvshuf_b(a, zero, tmp2);
static __m256i lasx_extu8_16(__m128i a) {
__m128i zero = __lsx_vldi(0);
__m128i vlo = __lsx_vilvl_b(zero, a);
__m128i vhi = __lsx_vilvh_b(zero, a);
return lasx_set_q(vhi, vlo);
static __m256i lasx_ext8_16(__m128i a) {
__m128i sign = __lsx_vslti_b(a, 0);
__m128i vlo = __lsx_vilvl_b(sign, a);
__m128i vhi = __lsx_vilvh_b(sign, a);
return lasx_set_q(vhi, vlo);
static __m256i lasx_ext16_32(__m128i a) {
__m256i tmp1;
tmp1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_w(tmp1, __lsx_vpickve2gr_h(a, 0), 0);
tmp1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_w(tmp1, __lsx_vpickve2gr_h(a, 1), 1);
tmp1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_w(tmp1, __lsx_vpickve2gr_h(a, 2), 2);
tmp1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_w(tmp1, __lsx_vpickve2gr_h(a, 3), 3);
tmp1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_w(tmp1, __lsx_vpickve2gr_h(a, 4), 4);
tmp1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_w(tmp1, __lsx_vpickve2gr_h(a, 5), 5);
tmp1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_w(tmp1, __lsx_vpickve2gr_h(a, 6), 6);
tmp1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_w(tmp1, __lsx_vpickve2gr_h(a, 7), 7);
return tmp1;
static __m128i lasx_extracti128( __m256i a, int pos) {
__m128i ret;
if( pos == 0)
ret = lasx_extracti128_lo(a);
} else {
ret = lasx_extracti128_hi(a);
return ret;
static __m128 lasx_extractf128( __m256 a, int pos) {
__m128 ret;
if( pos == 0)
ret = (__m128)lasx_extracti128_lo((__m256i)a);
} else {
ret = (__m128)lasx_extracti128_hi((__m256i)a);
return ret;
static __m128i lsx_hadd_h(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
__m128i tmp1 = __lsx_vpickev_h(b, a);
__m128i tmp2 = __lsx_vpickod_h(b, a);
return __lsx_vadd_h(tmp1, tmp2);
static __m128i lsx_hadd_w(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
__m128i tmp1 = __lsx_vpickev_w(b, a);
__m128i tmp2 = __lsx_vpickod_w(b, a);
return __lsx_vadd_w(tmp1, tmp2);
static __m128 lsx_hadd_s(__m128 a, __m128 b) {
__m128 tmp1 = (__m128)__lsx_vpickev_w((__m128i)b, (__m128i)a);
__m128 tmp2 = (__m128)__lsx_vpickod_w((__m128i)b, (__m128i)a);
return __lsx_vfadd_s(tmp1, tmp2);
static __m256i lasx_maddubs_h(__m256i a, __m256i b) {
__m256i tmp1, tmp2;
tmp1 = __lasx_xvmulwev_h_b(a, b);
tmp2 = __lasx_xvmulwod_h_b(a, b);
return __lasx_xvsadd_h(tmp1, tmp2);
static __m256i lasx_madd_h(__m256i a, __m256i b) {
__m256i tmp1, tmp2;
tmp1 = __lasx_xvmulwev_w_h(a, b);
tmp2 = __lasx_xvmulwod_w_h(a, b);
return __lasx_xvadd_w(tmp1, tmp2);
static __m256i lasx_packs_w(__m256i a, __m256i b) {
__m256i tmp, tmp1;
tmp = __lasx_xvsat_w(a, 15);
tmp1 = __lasx_xvsat_w(b, 15);
return __lasx_xvpickev_h(tmp1, tmp);
static __m256i lasx_packs_h(__m256i a, __m256i b) {
__m256i tmp, tmp1;
tmp = __lasx_xvsat_h(a, 7);
tmp1 = __lasx_xvsat_h(b, 7);
return __lasx_xvpickev_b(tmp1, tmp);
static __m128i lsx_packs_w(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
__m128i tmp, tmp1;
tmp = __lsx_vsat_w(a, 15);
tmp1 = __lsx_vsat_w(b, 15);
return __lsx_vpickev_h(tmp1, tmp);
static __m128i lsx_packs_h(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
__m128i tmp, tmp1;
tmp = __lsx_vsat_h(a, 7);
tmp1 = __lsx_vsat_h(b, 7);
return __lsx_vpickev_b(tmp1, tmp);
static __m128i lsx_packus_h(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
__m128i tmp, tmp1;
tmp = __lsx_vsat_hu(a, 7);
tmp1 = __lsx_vsat_hu(b, 7);
return __lsx_vpickev_b(tmp1, tmp);
static __m128i lsx_maddubs_h(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
__m128i tmp1, tmp2;
tmp1 = __lsx_vmulwev_h_b(a, b);
tmp2 = __lsx_vmulwod_h_b(a, b);
return __lsx_vsadd_h(tmp1, tmp2);
static __m128i lsx_madd_h(__m128i a, __m128i b) {
__m128i tmp1, tmp2;
tmp1 = __lsx_vmulwev_w_h(a, b);
tmp2 = __lsx_vmulwod_w_h(a, b);
return __lsx_vadd_w(tmp1, tmp2);
// multiply int8_t, add results pairwise twice
static inline __m128i mul_sum_i8_pairs(const __m128i x, const __m128i y) {
// Get absolute values of x vectors
const __m128i ax = __lsx_vsigncov_b(x, x);
// Sign the values of the y vectors
const __m128i sy = __lsx_vsigncov_b(x, y);
// Perform multiplication and create 16-bit values
const __m128i dot = lsx_maddubs_h(ax, sy);
const __m128i ones = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_h(1);
return lsx_madd_h(ones, dot);
// horizontally add 8 floats
static inline float hsum_float_8(const __m256 x) {
__m128 res = lasx_extractf128(x, 1);
ft_union tmp;
res = __lsx_vfadd_s(res, lasx_extractf128(x, 0));
res = __lsx_vfadd_s(res, (__m128)__lsx_vpickod_d((__m128i)res, (__m128i)res));
res = __lsx_vfadd_s(res, (__m128)__lsx_vinsgr2vr_w(__lsx_vldi(0), __lsx_vpickve2gr_w(res, 1), 0));
tmp.i = __lsx_vpickve2gr_w(res, 0);
return tmp.f;
// horizontally add 8 int32_t
static inline int hsum_i32_8(const __m256i a) {
__m256i tmp1 = __lasx_xvpermi_q(a, a, 0x11);
__m256i tmp2 = __lasx_xvpermi_q(a, a, 0x00);
__m128i tmp1_128 = lasx_extracti128_lo(tmp1);
__m128i tmp2_128 = lasx_extracti128_lo(tmp2);
__m128i sum128 = __lsx_vadd_w(tmp1_128, tmp2_128);
__m128i ev = __lsx_vpickev_w(sum128, sum128);
__m128i od = __lsx_vpickod_w(sum128, sum128);
__m128i sum64 = __lsx_vadd_w(ev, od);
int sum64_1, sum64_2;
sum64_1 = __lsx_vpickve2gr_w(sum64, 0);
sum64_2 = __lsx_vpickve2gr_w(sum64, 1);
return sum64_1 + sum64_2;
// horizontally add 4 int32_t
static inline int hsum_i32_4(const __m128i a) {
__m128i ev = __lsx_vpickev_w(a, a);
__m128i od = __lsx_vpickod_w(a, a);
__m128i sum64 = __lsx_vadd_w(ev, od);
int sum64_1, sum64_2;
sum64_1 = __lsx_vpickve2gr_w(sum64, 0);
sum64_2 = __lsx_vpickve2gr_w(sum64, 1);
return sum64_1 + sum64_2;
// spread 32 bits to 32 bytes { 0x00, 0xFF }
static inline __m256i bytes_from_bits_32(const uint8_t * x) {
uint32_t x32;
memcpy(&x32, x, sizeof(uint32_t));
const __m256i shuf_mask = lasx_set_d(
0x0303030303030303, 0x0202020202020202,
0x0101010101010101, 0x0000000000000000);
__m256i bytes = lasx_shuffle_b(__lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(x32), shuf_mask);
const __m256i bit_mask = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_d(0x7fbfdfeff7fbfdfe);
bytes = __lasx_xvor_v(bytes, bit_mask);
return __lasx_xvseq_b(bytes, __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_d(-1));
// Unpack 32 4-bit fields into 32 bytes
// The output vector contains 32 bytes, each one in [ 0 .. 15 ] interval
static inline __m256i bytes_from_nibbles_32(const uint8_t * rsi) {
const __m128i lo = __lsx_vld((const __m128i *)rsi, 0);
__m128i hi = __lsx_vsrli_h(lo, 4);
return __lasx_xvandi_b(lasx_insertf128(hi, lo), 0xf);
// add int16_t pairwise and return as float vector
static inline __m256 sum_i16_pairs_float(const __m256i x) {
__m256i v = __lasx_xvpackod_h(x, x);
__m256i summed_pairs = __lasx_xvaddwev_w_h(x, v);
return __lasx_xvffint_s_w(summed_pairs);
static inline __m256 mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(const __m256i ax, const __m256i sy) {
// Perform multiplication and create 16-bit values
const __m256i dot = lasx_maddubs_h(ax, sy);
return sum_i16_pairs_float(dot);
// multiply int8_t, add results pairwise twice and return as float vector
static inline __m256 mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(const __m256i x, const __m256i y) {
// Get absolute values of x vectors
const __m256i ax = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(x, x);
// Sign the values of the y vectors
const __m256i sy = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(x, y);
return mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(ax, sy);
static inline __m128i packNibbles( __m256i bytes ) {
// Move bits within 16-bit lanes from 0000_abcd_0000_efgh into 0000_0000_abcd_efgh
const __m256i lowByte = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(0xFF);
__m256i high = __lasx_xvandn_v(lowByte, bytes);
__m256i low = __lasx_xvand_v(lowByte, bytes);
high = __lasx_xvsrli_h(high, 4);
bytes = __lasx_xvor_v(low, high);
// Compress uint16_t lanes into bytes
__m128i *r0 = (__m128i *)&bytes;
__m256i tmp_h128 = __lasx_xvpermi_q(bytes, bytes, 0x11);
__m128i *r1 = (__m128i *)&tmp_h128;
__m128i zero = __lsx_vldi(0);
__m128i tmp, tmp2, tmp3;
tmp = __lsx_vmax_h(zero, *r0);
tmp2 = __lsx_vsat_hu(tmp, 7);
tmp = __lsx_vmax_h(zero, *r1);
tmp3 = __lsx_vsat_hu(tmp, 7);
return __lsx_vpickev_b(tmp3, tmp2);
#endif //__loongarch_asx
// reference implementation for deterministic creation of model files
void quantize_row_q4_0_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q4_0 * restrict y, int64_t k) {
static const int qk = QK4_0;
assert(k % qk == 0);
const int nb = k / qk;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float amax = 0.0f; // absolute max
float max = 0.0f;
for (int j = 0; j < qk; j++) {
const float v = x[i*qk + j];
if (amax < fabsf(v)) {
amax = fabsf(v);
max = v;
const float d = max / -8;
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const float x0 = x[i*qk + 0 + j]*id;
const float x1 = x[i*qk + qk/2 + j]*id;
const uint8_t xi0 = MIN(15, (int8_t)(x0 + 8.5f));
const uint8_t xi1 = MIN(15, (int8_t)(x1 + 8.5f));
y[i].qs[j] = xi0;
y[i].qs[j] |= xi1 << 4;
void quantize_row_q4_0(const float * restrict x, void * restrict y, int64_t k) {
quantize_row_q4_0_ref(x, y, k);
void quantize_row_q4_1_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q4_1 * restrict y, int64_t k) {
const int qk = QK4_1;
assert(k % qk == 0);
const int nb = k / qk;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float min = FLT_MAX;
float max = -FLT_MAX;
for (int j = 0; j < qk; j++) {
const float v = x[i*qk + j];
if (v < min) min = v;
if (v > max) max = v;
const float d = (max - min) / ((1 << 4) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
y[i].m = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(min);
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const float x0 = (x[i*qk + 0 + j] - min)*id;
const float x1 = (x[i*qk + qk/2 + j] - min)*id;
const uint8_t xi0 = MIN(15, (int8_t)(x0 + 0.5f));
const uint8_t xi1 = MIN(15, (int8_t)(x1 + 0.5f));
y[i].qs[j] = xi0;
y[i].qs[j] |= xi1 << 4;
void quantize_row_q4_1(const float * restrict x, void * restrict y, int64_t k) {
quantize_row_q4_1_ref(x, y, k);
void quantize_row_q5_0_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q5_0 * restrict y, int64_t k) {
static const int qk = QK5_0;
assert(k % qk == 0);
const int nb = k / qk;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float amax = 0.0f; // absolute max
float max = 0.0f;
for (int j = 0; j < qk; j++) {
const float v = x[i*qk + j];
if (amax < fabsf(v)) {
amax = fabsf(v);
max = v;
const float d = max / -16;
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
uint32_t qh = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const float x0 = x[i*qk + 0 + j]*id;
const float x1 = x[i*qk + qk/2 + j]*id;
const uint8_t xi0 = MIN(31, (int8_t)(x0 + 16.5f));
const uint8_t xi1 = MIN(31, (int8_t)(x1 + 16.5f));
y[i].qs[j] = (xi0 & 0x0F) | ((xi1 & 0x0F) << 4);
// get the 5-th bit and store it in qh at the right position
qh |= ((xi0 & 0x10u) >> 4) << (j + 0);
qh |= ((xi1 & 0x10u) >> 4) << (j + qk/2);
memcpy(&y[i].qh, &qh, sizeof(qh));
void quantize_row_q5_0(const float * restrict x, void * restrict y, int64_t k) {
quantize_row_q5_0_ref(x, y, k);
void quantize_row_q5_1_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q5_1 * restrict y, int64_t k) {
const int qk = QK5_1;
assert(k % qk == 0);
const int nb = k / qk;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float min = FLT_MAX;
float max = -FLT_MAX;
for (int j = 0; j < qk; j++) {
const float v = x[i*qk + j];
if (v < min) min = v;
if (v > max) max = v;
const float d = (max - min) / ((1 << 5) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
y[i].m = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(min);
uint32_t qh = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const float x0 = (x[i*qk + 0 + j] - min)*id;
const float x1 = (x[i*qk + qk/2 + j] - min)*id;
const uint8_t xi0 = (uint8_t)(x0 + 0.5f);
const uint8_t xi1 = (uint8_t)(x1 + 0.5f);
y[i].qs[j] = (xi0 & 0x0F) | ((xi1 & 0x0F) << 4);
// get the 5-th bit and store it in qh at the right position
qh |= ((xi0 & 0x10u) >> 4) << (j + 0);
qh |= ((xi1 & 0x10u) >> 4) << (j + qk/2);
memcpy(&y[i].qh, &qh, sizeof(y[i].qh));
void quantize_row_q5_1(const float * restrict x, void * restrict y, int64_t k) {
quantize_row_q5_1_ref(x, y, k);
// reference implementation for deterministic creation of model files
void quantize_row_q8_0_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q8_0 * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK8_0 == 0);
const int nb = k / QK8_0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float amax = 0.0f; // absolute max
for (int j = 0; j < QK8_0; j++) {
const float v = x[i*QK8_0 + j];
amax = MAX(amax, fabsf(v));
const float d = amax / ((1 << 7) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
for (int j = 0; j < QK8_0; ++j) {
const float x0 = x[i*QK8_0 + j]*id;
y[i].qs[j] = roundf(x0);
void quantize_row_q8_0(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
assert(QK8_0 == 32);
assert(k % QK8_0 == 0);
const int nb = k / QK8_0;
block_q8_0 * restrict y = vy;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float32x4_t srcv [8];
float32x4_t asrcv[8];
float32x4_t amaxv[8];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) srcv[j] = vld1q_f32(x + i*32 + 4*j);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) asrcv[j] = vabsq_f32(srcv[j]);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) amaxv[2*j] = vmaxq_f32(asrcv[2*j], asrcv[2*j+1]);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) amaxv[4*j] = vmaxq_f32(amaxv[4*j], amaxv[4*j+2]);
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) amaxv[8*j] = vmaxq_f32(amaxv[8*j], amaxv[8*j+4]);
const float amax = vmaxvq_f32(amaxv[0]);
const float d = amax / ((1 << 7) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
const float32x4_t v = vmulq_n_f32(srcv[j], id);
const int32x4_t vi = vcvtnq_s32_f32(v);
y[i].qs[4*j + 0] = vgetq_lane_s32(vi, 0);
y[i].qs[4*j + 1] = vgetq_lane_s32(vi, 1);
y[i].qs[4*j + 2] = vgetq_lane_s32(vi, 2);
y[i].qs[4*j + 3] = vgetq_lane_s32(vi, 3);
#elif defined(__wasm_simd128__)
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
v128_t srcv [8];
v128_t asrcv[8];
v128_t amaxv[8];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) srcv[j] = wasm_v128_load(x + i*32 + 4*j);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) asrcv[j] = wasm_f32x4_abs(srcv[j]);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) amaxv[2*j] = wasm_f32x4_max(asrcv[2*j], asrcv[2*j+1]);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) amaxv[4*j] = wasm_f32x4_max(amaxv[4*j], amaxv[4*j+2]);
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) amaxv[8*j] = wasm_f32x4_max(amaxv[8*j], amaxv[8*j+4]);
const float amax = MAX(MAX(wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(amaxv[0], 0),
wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(amaxv[0], 1)),
MAX(wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(amaxv[0], 2),
wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(amaxv[0], 3)));
const float d = amax / ((1 << 7) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
const v128_t v = wasm_f32x4_mul(srcv[j], wasm_f32x4_splat(id));
const v128_t vi = wasm_i32x4_trunc_sat_f32x4(v);
y[i].qs[4*j + 0] = wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(vi, 0);
y[i].qs[4*j + 1] = wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(vi, 1);
y[i].qs[4*j + 2] = wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(vi, 2);
y[i].qs[4*j + 3] = wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(vi, 3);
#elif defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__AVX__)
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
// Load elements into 4 AVX vectors
__m256 v0 = _mm256_loadu_ps( x );
__m256 v1 = _mm256_loadu_ps( x + 8 );
__m256 v2 = _mm256_loadu_ps( x + 16 );
__m256 v3 = _mm256_loadu_ps( x + 24 );
x += 32;
// Compute max(abs(e)) for the block
const __m256 signBit = _mm256_set1_ps( -0.0f );
__m256 maxAbs = _mm256_andnot_ps( signBit, v0 );
maxAbs = _mm256_max_ps( maxAbs, _mm256_andnot_ps( signBit, v1 ) );
maxAbs = _mm256_max_ps( maxAbs, _mm256_andnot_ps( signBit, v2 ) );
maxAbs = _mm256_max_ps( maxAbs, _mm256_andnot_ps( signBit, v3 ) );
__m128 max4 = _mm_max_ps( _mm256_extractf128_ps( maxAbs, 1 ), _mm256_castps256_ps128( maxAbs ) );
max4 = _mm_max_ps( max4, _mm_movehl_ps( max4, max4 ) );
max4 = _mm_max_ss( max4, _mm_movehdup_ps( max4 ) );
const float maxScalar = _mm_cvtss_f32( max4 );
// Quantize these floats
const float d = maxScalar / 127.f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
const float id = ( maxScalar != 0.0f ) ? 127.f / maxScalar : 0.0f;
const __m256 mul = _mm256_set1_ps( id );
// Apply the multiplier
v0 = _mm256_mul_ps( v0, mul );
v1 = _mm256_mul_ps( v1, mul );
v2 = _mm256_mul_ps( v2, mul );
v3 = _mm256_mul_ps( v3, mul );
// Round to nearest integer
v0 = _mm256_round_ps( v0, _MM_ROUND_NEAREST );
v1 = _mm256_round_ps( v1, _MM_ROUND_NEAREST );
v2 = _mm256_round_ps( v2, _MM_ROUND_NEAREST );
v3 = _mm256_round_ps( v3, _MM_ROUND_NEAREST );
// Convert floats to integers
__m256i i0 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32( v0 );
__m256i i1 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32( v1 );
__m256i i2 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32( v2 );
__m256i i3 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32( v3 );
#if defined(__AVX2__)
// Convert int32 to int16
i0 = _mm256_packs_epi32( i0, i1 ); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15
i2 = _mm256_packs_epi32( i2, i3 ); // 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31
// Convert int16 to int8
i0 = _mm256_packs_epi16( i0, i2 ); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31
// We got our precious signed bytes, but the order is now wrong
// These AVX2 pack instructions process 16-byte pieces independently
// The following instruction is fixing the order
const __m256i perm = _mm256_setr_epi32( 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7 );
i0 = _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32( i0, perm );
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)y[i].qs, i0);
// Since we don't have in AVX some necessary functions,
// we split the registers in half and call AVX2 analogs from SSE
__m128i ni0 = _mm256_castsi256_si128( i0 );
__m128i ni1 = _mm256_extractf128_si256( i0, 1);
__m128i ni2 = _mm256_castsi256_si128( i1 );
__m128i ni3 = _mm256_extractf128_si256( i1, 1);
__m128i ni4 = _mm256_castsi256_si128( i2 );
__m128i ni5 = _mm256_extractf128_si256( i2, 1);
__m128i ni6 = _mm256_castsi256_si128( i3 );
__m128i ni7 = _mm256_extractf128_si256( i3, 1);
// Convert int32 to int16
ni0 = _mm_packs_epi32( ni0, ni1 );
ni2 = _mm_packs_epi32( ni2, ni3 );
ni4 = _mm_packs_epi32( ni4, ni5 );
ni6 = _mm_packs_epi32( ni6, ni7 );
// Convert int16 to int8
ni0 = _mm_packs_epi16( ni0, ni2 );
ni4 = _mm_packs_epi16( ni4, ni6 );
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(y[i].qs + 0), ni0);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(y[i].qs + 16), ni4);
#elif defined(__riscv_v_intrinsic)
size_t vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e32m4(QK8_0);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
// load elements
vfloat32m4_t v_x = __riscv_vle32_v_f32m4(x+i*QK8_0, vl);
vfloat32m4_t vfabs = __riscv_vfabs_v_f32m4(v_x, vl);
vfloat32m1_t tmp = __riscv_vfmv_v_f_f32m1(0.0f, vl);
vfloat32m1_t vmax = __riscv_vfredmax_vs_f32m4_f32m1(vfabs, tmp, vl);
float amax = __riscv_vfmv_f_s_f32m1_f32(vmax);
const float d = amax / ((1 << 7) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
vfloat32m4_t x0 = __riscv_vfmul_vf_f32m4(v_x, id, vl);
// convert to integer
vint16m2_t vi = __riscv_vfncvt_x_f_w_i16m2(x0, vl);
vint8m1_t vs = __riscv_vncvt_x_x_w_i8m1(vi, vl);
// store result
__riscv_vse8_v_i8m1(y[i].qs , vs, vl);
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
vector float srcv [8];
vector float asrcv[8];
vector float amaxv[8];
vector signed int vi[8];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) srcv[j] = vec_xl(0, x + i*32 + 4*j);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) asrcv[j] = vec_abs(srcv[j]);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) amaxv[2*j] = vec_max(asrcv[2*j], asrcv[2*j+1]);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) amaxv[4*j] = vec_max(amaxv[4*j], amaxv[4*j+2]);
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) amaxv[8*j] = vec_max(amaxv[8*j], amaxv[8*j+4]);
const float amax = MAX(MAX(vec_extract(amaxv[0], 0),
vec_extract(amaxv[0], 1)),
MAX(vec_extract(amaxv[0], 2),
vec_extract(amaxv[0], 3)));
const float d = amax / ((1 << 7) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
const vector float vid = vec_splats(id);
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
const vector float v = vec_round(vec_mul(srcv[j], vid));
vi[j] = vec_cts(v, 0);
vec_xst(vec_pack(vec_pack(vi[0], vi[1]), vec_pack(vi[2], vi[3])), 0, &y[i].qs[0]);
vec_xst(vec_pack(vec_pack(vi[4], vi[5]), vec_pack(vi[6], vi[7])), 16, &y[i].qs[0]);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
ft_union fi;
__m256 v0 = (__m256)__lasx_xvld( x , 0);
__m256 v1 = (__m256)__lasx_xvld( x , 32);
__m256 v2 = (__m256)__lasx_xvld( x , 64);
__m256 v3 = (__m256)__lasx_xvld( x , 96);
x += 32;
// Compute max(abs(e)) for the block
const __m256 sign_bit = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s( -0.0f );
__m256 max_abs = (__m256)__lasx_xvandn_v( (__m256i)sign_bit, (__m256i)v0 );
max_abs = __lasx_xvfmax_s( max_abs, (__m256)__lasx_xvandn_v( (__m256i)sign_bit, (__m256i)v1 ) );
max_abs = __lasx_xvfmax_s( max_abs, (__m256)__lasx_xvandn_v( (__m256i)sign_bit, (__m256i)v2 ) );
max_abs = __lasx_xvfmax_s( max_abs, (__m256)__lasx_xvandn_v( (__m256i)sign_bit, (__m256i)v3 ) );
__m128 max4 = __lsx_vfmax_s( lasx_extractf128( max_abs, 1 ), lasx_extractf128( max_abs , 0) );
max4 = __lsx_vfmax_s( max4, (__m128)__lsx_vpickod_d((__m128i) max4, (__m128i)max4 ) );
__m128 tmp = max4;
max4 = __lsx_vfmax_s( max4, (__m128)__lsx_vinsgr2vr_w(tmp, __lsx_vpickve2gr_w( max4, 1 ), 0 ));
fi.i = __lsx_vpickve2gr_w( (__m128i)max4, 0 );
const float max_scalar = fi.f;
// Quantize these floats
const float d = max_scalar / 127.f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
const float id = ( max_scalar != 0.0f ) ? 127.f / max_scalar : 0.0f;
const __m256 mul = (__m256)__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s( id );
// Apply the multiplier
v0 = __lasx_xvfmul_s( v0, mul );
v1 = __lasx_xvfmul_s( v1, mul );
v2 = __lasx_xvfmul_s( v2, mul );
v3 = __lasx_xvfmul_s( v3, mul );
// Round to nearest integer
__m256i i0 = __lasx_xvftintrne_w_s( v0 );
__m256i i1 = __lasx_xvftintrne_w_s( v1 );
__m256i i2 = __lasx_xvftintrne_w_s( v2 );
__m256i i3 = __lasx_xvftintrne_w_s( v3 );
__m128i ni0 = lasx_extracti128( i0, 0 );
__m128i ni1 = lasx_extracti128( i0, 1);
__m128i ni2 = lasx_extracti128( i1, 0);
__m128i ni3 = lasx_extracti128( i1, 1);
__m128i ni4 = lasx_extracti128( i2, 0);
__m128i ni5 = lasx_extracti128( i2, 1);
__m128i ni6 = lasx_extracti128( i3, 0);
__m128i ni7 = lasx_extracti128( i3, 1);
// Convert int32 to int16
ni0 = lsx_packs_w( ni0, ni1 );
ni2 = lsx_packs_w( ni2, ni3 );
ni4 = lsx_packs_w( ni4, ni5 );
ni6 = lsx_packs_w( ni6, ni7 );
// Convert int16 to int8
ni0 = lsx_packs_h( ni0, ni2 );
ni4 = lsx_packs_h( ni4, ni6 );
__lsx_vst(ni0, (__m128i *)(y[i].qs + 0), 0);
__lsx_vst(ni4, (__m128i *)(y[i].qs + 16), 0);
// scalar
quantize_row_q8_0_ref(x, y, k);
// reference implementation for deterministic creation of model files
void quantize_row_q8_1_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q8_1 * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(QK8_1 == 32);
assert(k % QK8_1 == 0);
const int nb = k / QK8_1;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float amax = 0.0f; // absolute max
for (int j = 0; j < QK8_1; j++) {
const float v = x[i*QK8_1 + j];
amax = MAX(amax, fabsf(v));
const float d = amax / ((1 << 7) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
int sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK8_1/2; ++j) {
const float v0 = x[i*QK8_1 + j]*id;
const float v1 = x[i*QK8_1 + QK8_1/2 + j]*id;
y[i].qs[ j] = roundf(v0);
y[i].qs[QK8_1/2 + j] = roundf(v1);
sum += y[i].qs[ j];
sum += y[i].qs[QK8_1/2 + j];
y[i].s = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(sum*d);
void quantize_row_q8_1(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK8_1 == 0);
const int nb = k / QK8_1;
block_q8_1 * restrict y = vy;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float32x4_t srcv [8];
float32x4_t asrcv[8];
float32x4_t amaxv[8];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) srcv[j] = vld1q_f32(x + i*32 + 4*j);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) asrcv[j] = vabsq_f32(srcv[j]);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) amaxv[2*j] = vmaxq_f32(asrcv[2*j], asrcv[2*j+1]);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) amaxv[4*j] = vmaxq_f32(amaxv[4*j], amaxv[4*j+2]);
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) amaxv[8*j] = vmaxq_f32(amaxv[8*j], amaxv[8*j+4]);
const float amax = vmaxvq_f32(amaxv[0]);
const float d = amax / ((1 << 7) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
int32x4_t accv = vdupq_n_s32(0);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
const float32x4_t v = vmulq_n_f32(srcv[j], id);
const int32x4_t vi = vcvtnq_s32_f32(v);
y[i].qs[4*j + 0] = vgetq_lane_s32(vi, 0);
y[i].qs[4*j + 1] = vgetq_lane_s32(vi, 1);
y[i].qs[4*j + 2] = vgetq_lane_s32(vi, 2);
y[i].qs[4*j + 3] = vgetq_lane_s32(vi, 3);
accv = vaddq_s32(accv, vi);
y[i].s = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d * vaddvq_s32(accv));
#elif defined(__wasm_simd128__)
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
v128_t srcv [8];
v128_t asrcv[8];
v128_t amaxv[8];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) srcv[j] = wasm_v128_load(x + i*32 + 4*j);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) asrcv[j] = wasm_f32x4_abs(srcv[j]);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) amaxv[2*j] = wasm_f32x4_max(asrcv[2*j], asrcv[2*j+1]);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) amaxv[4*j] = wasm_f32x4_max(amaxv[4*j], amaxv[4*j+2]);
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) amaxv[8*j] = wasm_f32x4_max(amaxv[8*j], amaxv[8*j+4]);
const float amax = MAX(MAX(wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(amaxv[0], 0),
wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(amaxv[0], 1)),
MAX(wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(amaxv[0], 2),
wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(amaxv[0], 3)));
const float d = amax / ((1 << 7) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
v128_t accv = wasm_i32x4_splat(0);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
const v128_t v = wasm_f32x4_mul(srcv[j], wasm_f32x4_splat(id));
const v128_t vi = wasm_i32x4_trunc_sat_f32x4(v);
y[i].qs[4*j + 0] = wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(vi, 0);
y[i].qs[4*j + 1] = wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(vi, 1);
y[i].qs[4*j + 2] = wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(vi, 2);
y[i].qs[4*j + 3] = wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(vi, 3);
accv = wasm_i32x4_add(accv, vi);
y[i].s = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(
d * (wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(accv, 0) +
wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(accv, 1) +
wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(accv, 2) +
wasm_i32x4_extract_lane(accv, 3)));
#elif defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__AVX__)
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
// Load elements into 4 AVX vectors
__m256 v0 = _mm256_loadu_ps( x );
__m256 v1 = _mm256_loadu_ps( x + 8 );
__m256 v2 = _mm256_loadu_ps( x + 16 );
__m256 v3 = _mm256_loadu_ps( x + 24 );
x += 32;
// Compute max(abs(e)) for the block
const __m256 signBit = _mm256_set1_ps( -0.0f );
__m256 maxAbs = _mm256_andnot_ps( signBit, v0 );
maxAbs = _mm256_max_ps( maxAbs, _mm256_andnot_ps( signBit, v1 ) );
maxAbs = _mm256_max_ps( maxAbs, _mm256_andnot_ps( signBit, v2 ) );
maxAbs = _mm256_max_ps( maxAbs, _mm256_andnot_ps( signBit, v3 ) );
__m128 max4 = _mm_max_ps( _mm256_extractf128_ps( maxAbs, 1 ), _mm256_castps256_ps128( maxAbs ) );
max4 = _mm_max_ps( max4, _mm_movehl_ps( max4, max4 ) );
max4 = _mm_max_ss( max4, _mm_movehdup_ps( max4 ) );
const float max_scalar = _mm_cvtss_f32( max4 );
// Quantize these floats
const float d = max_scalar / 127.f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
const float id = ( max_scalar != 0.0f ) ? 127.f / max_scalar : 0.0f;
const __m256 mul = _mm256_set1_ps( id );
// Apply the multiplier
v0 = _mm256_mul_ps( v0, mul );
v1 = _mm256_mul_ps( v1, mul );
v2 = _mm256_mul_ps( v2, mul );
v3 = _mm256_mul_ps( v3, mul );
// Round to nearest integer
v0 = _mm256_round_ps( v0, _MM_ROUND_NEAREST );
v1 = _mm256_round_ps( v1, _MM_ROUND_NEAREST );
v2 = _mm256_round_ps( v2, _MM_ROUND_NEAREST );
v3 = _mm256_round_ps( v3, _MM_ROUND_NEAREST );
// Convert floats to integers
__m256i i0 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32( v0 );
__m256i i1 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32( v1 );
__m256i i2 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32( v2 );
__m256i i3 = _mm256_cvtps_epi32( v3 );
#if defined(__AVX2__)
// Compute the sum of the quants and set y[i].s
y[i].s = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d * hsum_i32_8(_mm256_add_epi32(_mm256_add_epi32(i0, i1), _mm256_add_epi32(i2, i3))));
// Convert int32 to int16
i0 = _mm256_packs_epi32( i0, i1 ); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15
i2 = _mm256_packs_epi32( i2, i3 ); // 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31
// Convert int16 to int8
i0 = _mm256_packs_epi16( i0, i2 ); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31
// We got our precious signed bytes, but the order is now wrong
// These AVX2 pack instructions process 16-byte pieces independently
// The following instruction is fixing the order
const __m256i perm = _mm256_setr_epi32( 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7 );
i0 = _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32( i0, perm );
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)y[i].qs, i0);
// Since we don't have in AVX some necessary functions,
// we split the registers in half and call AVX2 analogs from SSE
__m128i ni0 = _mm256_castsi256_si128( i0 );
__m128i ni1 = _mm256_extractf128_si256( i0, 1);
__m128i ni2 = _mm256_castsi256_si128( i1 );
__m128i ni3 = _mm256_extractf128_si256( i1, 1);
__m128i ni4 = _mm256_castsi256_si128( i2 );
__m128i ni5 = _mm256_extractf128_si256( i2, 1);
__m128i ni6 = _mm256_castsi256_si128( i3 );
__m128i ni7 = _mm256_extractf128_si256( i3, 1);
// Compute the sum of the quants and set y[i].s
const __m128i s0 = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(ni0, ni1), _mm_add_epi32(ni2, ni3));
const __m128i s1 = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(ni4, ni5), _mm_add_epi32(ni6, ni7));
y[i].s = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d * hsum_i32_4(_mm_add_epi32(s0, s1)));
// Convert int32 to int16
ni0 = _mm_packs_epi32( ni0, ni1 );
ni2 = _mm_packs_epi32( ni2, ni3 );
ni4 = _mm_packs_epi32( ni4, ni5 );
ni6 = _mm_packs_epi32( ni6, ni7 );
// Convert int16 to int8
ni0 = _mm_packs_epi16( ni0, ni2 );
ni4 = _mm_packs_epi16( ni4, ni6 );
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(y[i].qs + 0), ni0);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(y[i].qs + 16), ni4);
#elif defined(__riscv_v_intrinsic)
size_t vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e32m4(QK8_1);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
// load elements
vfloat32m4_t v_x = __riscv_vle32_v_f32m4(x+i*QK8_1, vl);
vfloat32m4_t vfabs = __riscv_vfabs_v_f32m4(v_x, vl);
vfloat32m1_t tmp = __riscv_vfmv_v_f_f32m1(0.0, vl);
vfloat32m1_t vmax = __riscv_vfredmax_vs_f32m4_f32m1(vfabs, tmp, vl);
float amax = __riscv_vfmv_f_s_f32m1_f32(vmax);
const float d = amax / ((1 << 7) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
vfloat32m4_t x0 = __riscv_vfmul_vf_f32m4(v_x, id, vl);
// convert to integer
vint16m2_t vi = __riscv_vfncvt_x_f_w_i16m2(x0, vl);
vint8m1_t vs = __riscv_vncvt_x_x_w_i8m1(vi, vl);
// store result
__riscv_vse8_v_i8m1(y[i].qs , vs, vl);
// compute sum for y[i].s
vint16m1_t tmp2 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i16m1(0, vl);
vint16m1_t vwrs = __riscv_vwredsum_vs_i8m1_i16m1(vs, tmp2, vl);
// set y[i].s
int sum = __riscv_vmv_x_s_i16m1_i16(vwrs);
y[i].s = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(sum*d);
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
vector float srcv [8];
vector float asrcv[8];
vector float amaxv[8];
vector signed int vi[8];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) srcv[j] = vec_xl(0, x + i*32 + 4*j);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) asrcv[j] = vec_abs(srcv[j]);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) amaxv[2*j] = vec_max(asrcv[2*j], asrcv[2*j+1]);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) amaxv[4*j] = vec_max(amaxv[4*j], amaxv[4*j+2]);
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) amaxv[8*j] = vec_max(amaxv[8*j], amaxv[8*j+4]);
const float amax = MAX(MAX(vec_extract(amaxv[0], 0),
vec_extract(amaxv[0], 1)),
MAX(vec_extract(amaxv[0], 2),
vec_extract(amaxv[0], 3)));
const float d = amax / ((1 << 7) - 1);
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
const vector float vid = vec_splats(id);
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
vector int accv = vec_splats(0);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
const vector float v = vec_round(vec_mul(srcv[j], vid));
vi[j] = vec_cts(v, 0);
accv = vec_add(accv, vi[j]);
vec_xst(vec_pack(vec_pack(vi[0], vi[1]), vec_pack(vi[2], vi[3])), 0, &y[i].qs[0]);
vec_xst(vec_pack(vec_pack(vi[4], vi[5]), vec_pack(vi[6], vi[7])), 16, &y[i].qs[0]);
accv = vec_add(accv, vec_sld(accv, accv, 4));
accv = vec_add(accv, vec_sld(accv, accv, 8));
y[i].s = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d * vec_extract(accv, 0));
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
ft_union ft;
__m256 v0 = (__m256)__lasx_xvld( x , 0 );
__m256 v1 = (__m256)__lasx_xvld( x , 32 );
__m256 v2 = (__m256)__lasx_xvld( x , 64 );
__m256 v3 = (__m256)__lasx_xvld( x , 96 );
x += 32;
// Compute max(abs(e)) for the block
const __m256 sign_bit = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s( -0.0f );
__m256 max_abs = (__m256)__lasx_xvandn_v( (__m256i)sign_bit, (__m256i)v0 );
max_abs = __lasx_xvfmax_s( max_abs, (__m256)__lasx_xvandn_v( (__m256i)sign_bit, (__m256i)v1 ) );
max_abs = __lasx_xvfmax_s( max_abs, (__m256)__lasx_xvandn_v( (__m256i)sign_bit, (__m256i)v2 ) );
max_abs = __lasx_xvfmax_s( max_abs, (__m256)__lasx_xvandn_v( (__m256i)sign_bit, (__m256i)v3 ) );
__m128 max4 = __lsx_vfmax_s( lasx_extractf128( max_abs, 1 ), lasx_extractf128( max_abs, 0) );
max4 = __lsx_vfmax_s( max4, (__m128)__lsx_vpickod_d((__m128i) max4, (__m128i)max4 ) );
__m128 tmp = max4;
max4 = __lsx_vfmax_s( max4, (__m128)__lsx_vextrins_w((__m128i)tmp, (__m128i)max4, 0x10 ));
ft.i = __lsx_vpickve2gr_w( (__m128i)max4, 0 );
const float max_scalar = ft.f;
// Quantize these floats
const float d = max_scalar / 127.f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
const float id = ( max_scalar != 0.0f ) ? 127.f / max_scalar : 0.0f;
const __m256 mul = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s( id );
// Apply the multiplier
v0 = __lasx_xvfmul_s( v0, mul );
v1 = __lasx_xvfmul_s( v1, mul );
v2 = __lasx_xvfmul_s( v2, mul );
v3 = __lasx_xvfmul_s( v3, mul );
// Round to nearest integer
__m256i i0 = __lasx_xvftintrne_w_s( v0 );
__m256i i1 = __lasx_xvftintrne_w_s( v1 );
__m256i i2 = __lasx_xvftintrne_w_s( v2 );
__m256i i3 = __lasx_xvftintrne_w_s( v3 );
__m128i ni0 = lasx_extracti128(i0, 0);
__m128i ni1 = lasx_extracti128( i0, 1);
__m128i ni2 = lasx_extracti128( i1, 0);
__m128i ni3 = lasx_extracti128( i1, 1);
__m128i ni4 = lasx_extracti128( i2, 0 );
__m128i ni5 = lasx_extracti128( i2, 1);
__m128i ni6 = lasx_extracti128( i3, 0);
__m128i ni7 = lasx_extracti128( i3, 1);
// Compute the sum of the quants and set y[i].s
const __m128i s0 = __lsx_vadd_w(__lsx_vadd_w(ni0, ni1), __lsx_vadd_w(ni2, ni3));
const __m128i s1 = __lsx_vadd_w(__lsx_vadd_w(ni4, ni5), __lsx_vadd_w(ni6, ni7));
y[i].s = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d * hsum_i32_4(__lsx_vadd_w(s0, s1)));
// Convert int32 to int16
ni0 = lsx_packs_w( ni0, ni1 );
ni2 = lsx_packs_w( ni2, ni3 );
ni4 = lsx_packs_w( ni4, ni5 );
ni6 = lsx_packs_w( ni6, ni7 );
// Convert int16 to int8
ni0 = lsx_packs_h( ni0, ni2 );
ni4 = lsx_packs_h( ni4, ni6 );
__lsx_vst(ni0, (__m128i *)(y[i].qs + 0), 0);
__lsx_vst(ni4, (__m128i *)(y[i].qs + 16), 0);
// scalar
quantize_row_q8_1_ref(x, y, k);
void dequantize_row_q4_0(const block_q4_0 * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
static const int qk = QK4_0;
assert(k % qk == 0);
const int nb = k / qk;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const int x0 = (x[i].qs[j] & 0x0F) - 8;
const int x1 = (x[i].qs[j] >> 4) - 8;
y[i*qk + j + 0 ] = x0*d;
y[i*qk + j + qk/2] = x1*d;
void dequantize_row_q4_1(const block_q4_1 * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
static const int qk = QK4_1;
assert(k % qk == 0);
const int nb = k / qk;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float m = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].m);
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const int x0 = (x[i].qs[j] & 0x0F);
const int x1 = (x[i].qs[j] >> 4);
y[i*qk + j + 0 ] = x0*d + m;
y[i*qk + j + qk/2] = x1*d + m;
void dequantize_row_q5_0(const block_q5_0 * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
static const int qk = QK5_0;
assert(k % qk == 0);
const int nb = k / qk;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
uint32_t qh;
memcpy(&qh, x[i].qh, sizeof(qh));
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const uint8_t xh_0 = ((qh >> (j + 0)) << 4) & 0x10;
const uint8_t xh_1 = ((qh >> (j + 12)) ) & 0x10;
const int32_t x0 = ((x[i].qs[j] & 0x0F) | xh_0) - 16;
const int32_t x1 = ((x[i].qs[j] >> 4) | xh_1) - 16;
y[i*qk + j + 0 ] = x0*d;
y[i*qk + j + qk/2] = x1*d;
void dequantize_row_q5_1(const block_q5_1 * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
static const int qk = QK5_1;
assert(k % qk == 0);
const int nb = k / qk;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float m = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].m);
uint32_t qh;
memcpy(&qh, x[i].qh, sizeof(qh));
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const uint8_t xh_0 = ((qh >> (j + 0)) << 4) & 0x10;
const uint8_t xh_1 = ((qh >> (j + 12)) ) & 0x10;
const int x0 = (x[i].qs[j] & 0x0F) | xh_0;
const int x1 = (x[i].qs[j] >> 4) | xh_1;
y[i*qk + j + 0 ] = x0*d + m;
y[i*qk + j + qk/2] = x1*d + m;
void dequantize_row_q8_0(const block_q8_0 * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
static const int qk = QK8_0;
assert(k % qk == 0);
const int nb = k / qk;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
for (int j = 0; j < qk; ++j) {
y[i*qk + j] = x[i].qs[j]*d;
// 2-6 bit quantization in super-blocks
// ===================== Helper functions
static inline int nearest_int(float fval) {
assert(fabsf(fval) <= 4194303.f);
float val = fval + 12582912.f;
int i; memcpy(&i, &val, sizeof(int));
return (i & 0x007fffff) - 0x00400000;
static float make_qx_quants(int n, int nmax, const float * restrict x, int8_t * restrict L, int rmse_type,
const float * restrict qw) {
float max = 0;
float amax = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
float ax = fabsf(x[i]);
if (ax > amax) { amax = ax; max = x[i]; }
if (amax < GROUP_MAX_EPS) { // all zero
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
L[i] = 0;
return 0.f;
float iscale = -nmax / max;
if (rmse_type == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale * x[i]);
L[i] = nmax + MAX(-nmax, MIN(nmax-1, l));
return 1/iscale;
bool return_early = false;
if (rmse_type < 0) {
rmse_type = -rmse_type;
return_early = true;
float sumlx = 0;
float suml2 = 0;
// use 'volatile' to prevent unroll and work around a bug in Apple ld64 1015.7
for (volatile int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale * x[i]);
l = MAX(-nmax, MIN(nmax-1, l));
L[i] = l + nmax;
float w = qw ? qw[i] : rmse_type == 1 ? x[i] * x[i] : rmse_type == 2 ? 1 : rmse_type == 3 ? fabsf(x[i]) : sqrtf(fabsf(x[i]));
sumlx += w*x[i]*l;
suml2 += w*l*l;
float scale = suml2 ? sumlx/suml2 : 0.0f;
if (return_early) return suml2 > 0 ? 0.5f*(scale + 1/iscale) : 1/iscale;
float best = scale * sumlx;
for (int is = -9; is <= 9; ++is) {
if (is == 0) {
iscale = -(nmax + 0.1f*is) / max;
sumlx = suml2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale * x[i]);
l = MAX(-nmax, MIN(nmax-1, l));
float w = qw ? qw[i] : rmse_type == 1 ? x[i] * x[i] : rmse_type == 2 ? 1 : rmse_type == 3 ? fabsf(x[i]) : sqrtf(fabsf(x[i]));
sumlx += w*x[i]*l;
suml2 += w*l*l;
if (suml2 > 0 && sumlx*sumlx > best*suml2) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale * x[i]);
L[i] = nmax + MAX(-nmax, MIN(nmax-1, l));
scale = sumlx/suml2; best = scale*sumlx;
return scale;
static float make_q3_quants(int n, int nmax, const float * restrict x, int8_t * restrict L, bool do_rmse) {
float max = 0;
float amax = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
float ax = fabsf(x[i]);
if (ax > amax) { amax = ax; max = x[i]; }
if (amax < GROUP_MAX_EPS) { // all zero
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { L[i] = 0; }
return 0.f;
float iscale = -nmax / max;
if (do_rmse) {
float sumlx = 0;
float suml2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale * x[i]);
l = MAX(-nmax, MIN(nmax-1, l));
L[i] = l;
float w = x[i]*x[i];
sumlx += w*x[i]*l;
suml2 += w*l*l;
for (int itry = 0; itry < 5; ++itry) {
int n_changed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
float w = x[i]*x[i];
float slx = sumlx - w*x[i]*L[i];
if (slx > 0) {
float sl2 = suml2 - w*L[i]*L[i];
int new_l = nearest_int(x[i] * sl2 / slx);
new_l = MAX(-nmax, MIN(nmax-1, new_l));
if (new_l != L[i]) {
slx += w*x[i]*new_l;
sl2 += w*new_l*new_l;
if (sl2 > 0 && slx*slx*suml2 > sumlx*sumlx*sl2) {
L[i] = new_l; sumlx = slx; suml2 = sl2;
if (!n_changed) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
L[i] += nmax;
return sumlx / suml2;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale * x[i]);
l = MAX(-nmax, MIN(nmax-1, l));
L[i] = l + nmax;
return 1/iscale;
static float make_qkx1_quants(int n, int nmax, const float * restrict x, uint8_t * restrict L, float * restrict the_min,
int ntry, float alpha) {
float min = x[0];
float max = x[0];
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
if (x[i] < min) min = x[i];
if (x[i] > max) max = x[i];
if (max == min) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) L[i] = 0;
*the_min = 0;
return 0.f;
if (min > 0) min = 0;
float iscale = nmax/(max - min);
float scale = 1/iscale;
for (int itry = 0; itry < ntry; ++itry) {
float sumlx = 0; int suml2 = 0;
bool did_change = false;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale*(x[i] - min));
l = MAX(0, MIN(nmax, l));
if (l != L[i]) {
L[i] = l;
did_change = true;
sumlx += (x[i] - min)*l;
suml2 += l*l;
scale = sumlx/suml2;
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sum += x[i] - scale*L[i];
min = alpha*min + (1 - alpha)*sum/n;
if (min > 0) min = 0;
iscale = 1/scale;
if (!did_change) break;
*the_min = -min;
return scale;
static float make_qkx2_quants(int n, int nmax, const float * restrict x, const float * restrict weights,
uint8_t * restrict L, float * restrict the_min, uint8_t * restrict Laux,
float rmin, float rdelta, int nstep, bool use_mad) {
float min = x[0];
float max = x[0];
float sum_w = weights[0];
float sum_x = sum_w * x[0];
// use 'volatile' to prevent unroll and work around a bug in Apple ld64 1015.7
for (volatile int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
if (x[i] < min) min = x[i];
if (x[i] > max) max = x[i];
float w = weights[i];
sum_w += w;
sum_x += w * x[i];
if (min > 0) min = 0;
if (max == min) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) L[i] = 0;
*the_min = -min;
return 0.f;
float iscale = nmax/(max - min);
float scale = 1/iscale;
float best_mad = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale*(x[i] - min));
L[i] = MAX(0, MIN(nmax, l));
float diff = scale * L[i] + min - x[i];
diff = use_mad ? fabsf(diff) : diff * diff;
float w = weights[i];
best_mad += w * diff;
if (nstep < 1) {
*the_min = -min;
return scale;
for (int is = 0; is <= nstep; ++is) {
iscale = (rmin + rdelta*is + nmax)/(max - min);
float sum_l = 0, sum_l2 = 0, sum_xl = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale*(x[i] - min));
l = MAX(0, MIN(nmax, l));
Laux[i] = l;
float w = weights[i];
sum_l += w*l;
sum_l2 += w*l*l;
sum_xl += w*l*x[i];
float D = sum_w * sum_l2 - sum_l * sum_l;
if (D > 0) {
float this_scale = (sum_w * sum_xl - sum_x * sum_l)/D;
float this_min = (sum_l2 * sum_x - sum_l * sum_xl)/D;
if (this_min > 0) {
this_min = 0;
this_scale = sum_xl / sum_l2;
float mad = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
float diff = this_scale * Laux[i] + this_min - x[i];
diff = use_mad ? fabsf(diff) : diff * diff;
float w = weights[i];
mad += w * diff;
if (mad < best_mad) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
L[i] = Laux[i];
best_mad = mad;
scale = this_scale;
min = this_min;
*the_min = -min;
return scale;
static inline void get_scale_min_k4(int j, const uint8_t * restrict q, uint8_t * restrict d, uint8_t * restrict m) {
if (j < 4) {
*d = q[j] & 63; *m = q[j + 4] & 63;
} else {
*d = (q[j+4] & 0xF) | ((q[j-4] >> 6) << 4);
*m = (q[j+4] >> 4) | ((q[j-0] >> 6) << 4);
//========================- 2-bit (de)-quantization
void quantize_row_q2_K_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q2_K * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int nb = k / QK_K;
uint8_t L[QK_K];
uint8_t Laux[16];
float weights[16];
float mins[QK_K/16];
float scales[QK_K/16];
const float q4scale = 15.f;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float max_scale = 0; // as we are deducting the min, scales are always positive
float max_min = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) weights[l] = fabsf(x[16*j + l]);
scales[j] = make_qkx2_quants(16, 3, x + 16*j, weights, L + 16*j, &mins[j], Laux, -0.5f, 0.1f, 15, true);
float scale = scales[j];
if (scale > max_scale) {
max_scale = scale;
float min = mins[j];
if (min > max_min) {
max_min = min;
if (max_scale > 0) {
float iscale = q4scale/max_scale;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale*scales[j]);
y[i].scales[j] = l;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(max_scale/q4scale);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) y[i].scales[j] = 0;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
if (max_min > 0) {
float iscale = q4scale/max_min;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale*mins[j]);
y[i].scales[j] |= (l << 4);
y[i].dmin = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(max_min/q4scale);
} else {
y[i].dmin = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].d) * (y[i].scales[j] & 0xF);
if (!d) continue;
const float dm = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].dmin) * (y[i].scales[j] >> 4);
for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ++ii) {
int l = nearest_int((x[16*j + ii] + dm)/d);
l = MAX(0, MIN(3, l));
L[16*j + ii] = l;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 128) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) {
y[i].qs[j/4 + l] = L[j + l] | (L[j + l + 32] << 2) | (L[j + l + 64] << 4) | (L[j + l + 96] << 6);
x += QK_K;
void dequantize_row_q2_K(const block_q2_K * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int nb = k / QK_K;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float min = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
const uint8_t * q = x[i].qs;
int is = 0;
float dl, ml;
for (int n = 0; n < QK_K; n += 128) {
int shift = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
uint8_t sc = x[i].scales[is++];
dl = d * (sc & 0xF); ml = min * (sc >> 4);
for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) *y++ = dl * ((int8_t)((q[l] >> shift) & 3)) - ml;
sc = x[i].scales[is++];
dl = d * (sc & 0xF); ml = min * (sc >> 4);
for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) *y++ = dl * ((int8_t)((q[l+16] >> shift) & 3)) - ml;
shift += 2;
q += 32;
void quantize_row_q2_K(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
quantize_row_q2_K_ref(x, vy, k);
static float make_qkx3_quants(int n, int nmax, const float * restrict x, const float * restrict weights,
uint8_t * restrict L, float * restrict the_min, uint8_t * restrict Laux,
float rmin, float rdelta, int nstep, bool use_mad) {
float min = x[0];
float max = x[0];
float sum_w = weights ? weights[0] : x[0]*x[0];
float sum_x = sum_w * x[0];
// use 'volatile' to prevent unroll and work around a bug in Apple ld64 1015.7
for (volatile int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
if (x[i] < min) min = x[i];
if (x[i] > max) max = x[i];
float w = weights ? weights[i] : x[i]*x[i];
sum_w += w;
sum_x += w * x[i];
if (min > 0) {
min = 0;
if (max <= min) {
memset(L, 0, n);
*the_min = -min;
return 0.f;
float iscale = nmax/(max - min);
float scale = 1/iscale;
float best_mad = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale*(x[i] - min));
L[i] = MAX(0, MIN(nmax, l));
float diff = scale * L[i] + min - x[i];
diff = use_mad ? fabsf(diff) : diff*diff;
float w = weights ? weights[i] : x[i]*x[i];
best_mad += w * diff;
if (nstep < 1) {
*the_min = -min;
return scale;
for (int is = 0; is <= nstep; ++is) {
iscale = (rmin + rdelta*is + nmax)/(max - min);
float sum_l = 0, sum_l2 = 0, sum_xl = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale*(x[i] - min));
l = MAX(0, MIN(nmax, l));
Laux[i] = l;
float w = weights ? weights[i] : x[i]*x[i];
sum_l += w*l;
sum_l2 += w*l*l;
sum_xl += w*l*x[i];
float D = sum_w * sum_l2 - sum_l * sum_l;
if (D > 0) {
float this_scale = (sum_w * sum_xl - sum_x * sum_l)/D;
float this_min = (sum_l2 * sum_x - sum_l * sum_xl)/D;
if (this_min > 0) {
this_min = 0;
this_scale = sum_xl / sum_l2;
float mad = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
float diff = this_scale * Laux[i] + this_min - x[i];
diff = use_mad ? fabsf(diff) : diff*diff;
float w = weights ? weights[i] : x[i]*x[i];
mad += w * diff;
if (mad < best_mad) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
L[i] = Laux[i];
best_mad = mad;
scale = this_scale;
min = this_min;
*the_min = -min;
return scale;
static float make_qp_quants(int n, int nmax, const float * restrict x, uint8_t * restrict L, const float * quant_weights) {
float max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
max = MAX(max, x[i]);
if (!max) { // all zero
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { L[i] = 0; }
return 0.f;
float iscale = nmax / max;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
L[i] = nearest_int(iscale * x[i]);
float scale = 1/iscale;
float best_mse = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
float diff = x[i] - scale*L[i];
float w = quant_weights[i];
best_mse += w*diff*diff;
for (int is = -4; is <= 4; ++is) {
if (is == 0) continue;
float iscale_is = (0.1f*is + nmax)/max;
float scale_is = 1/iscale_is;
float mse = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale_is*x[i]);
l = MIN(nmax, l);
float diff = x[i] - scale_is*l;
float w = quant_weights[i];
mse += w*diff*diff;
if (mse < best_mse) {
best_mse = mse;
iscale = iscale_is;
float sumlx = 0;
float suml2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(iscale * x[i]);
l = MIN(nmax, l);
L[i] = l;
float w = quant_weights[i];
sumlx += w*x[i]*l;
suml2 += w*l*l;
for (int itry = 0; itry < 5; ++itry) {
int n_changed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
float w = quant_weights[i];
float slx = sumlx - w*x[i]*L[i];
float sl2 = suml2 - w*L[i]*L[i];
if (slx > 0 && sl2 > 0) {
int new_l = nearest_int(x[i] * sl2 / slx);
new_l = MIN(nmax, new_l);
if (new_l != L[i]) {
slx += w*x[i]*new_l;
sl2 += w*new_l*new_l;
if (slx*slx*suml2 > sumlx*sumlx*sl2) {
L[i] = new_l; sumlx = slx; suml2 = sl2;
if (!n_changed) {
return sumlx/suml2;
static void quantize_row_q2_K_impl(const float * restrict x, block_q2_K * restrict y, int k, const float * restrict quant_weights) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int nb = k / QK_K;
const bool requantize = true;
uint8_t L[QK_K];
uint8_t Laux[16];
float mins[QK_K/16];
float scales[QK_K/16];
float sw[QK_K/16];
float weight[16];
uint8_t Ls[QK_K/16], Lm[QK_K/16];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
memset(sw, 0, QK_K/16*sizeof(float));
float sumx2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; ++j) sumx2 += x[j]*x[j];
float sigma2 = sumx2/QK_K;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
const float * restrict qw = quant_weights + QK_K * i + 16*j;
for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) weight[l] = qw[l] * sqrtf(sigma2 + x[16*j + l]*x[16*j + l]);
for (int l = 0; l < QK_K/16; ++l) sw[j] += weight[l];
scales[j] = make_qkx3_quants(16, 3, x + 16*j, weight, L + 16*j, &mins[j], Laux, -0.9f, 0.05f, 36, false);
float dm, mm;
dm = make_qp_quants(QK_K/16, 15, scales, Ls, sw);
mm = make_qp_quants(QK_K/16, 15, mins, Lm, sw);
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(dm);
y[i].dmin = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(mm);
dm = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].d);
mm = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].dmin);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
y[i].scales[j] = Ls[j] | (Lm[j] << 4);
if (requantize) {
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
const float d = dm * (y[i].scales[j] & 0xF);
if (!d) continue;
const float m = mm * (y[i].scales[j] >> 4);
for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ++ii) {
int l = nearest_int((x[16*j + ii] + m)/d);
l = MAX(0, MIN(3, l));
L[16*j + ii] = l;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 128) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) {
y[i].qs[j/4 + l] = L[j + l] | (L[j + l + 32] << 2) | (L[j + l + 64] << 4) | (L[j + l + 96] << 6);
x += QK_K;
size_t quantize_q2_K(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q2_K, n_per_row);
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q2_K_ref(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
else {
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_q2_K_impl(src, (block_q2_K*)qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += row_size;
return nrow * row_size;
//========================= 3-bit (de)-quantization
void quantize_row_q3_K_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q3_K * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int nb = k / QK_K;
int8_t L[QK_K];
float scales[QK_K / 16];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float max_scale = 0;
float amax = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
scales[j] = make_q3_quants(16, 4, x + 16*j, L + 16*j, true);
float scale = fabsf(scales[j]);
if (scale > amax) {
amax = scale; max_scale = scales[j];
memset(y[i].scales, 0, 12);
if (max_scale) {
float iscale = -32.f/max_scale;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
int8_t l = nearest_int(iscale*scales[j]);
l = MAX(-32, MIN(31, l)) + 32;
if (j < 8) {
y[i].scales[j] = l & 0xF;
} else {
y[i].scales[j-8] |= ((l & 0xF) << 4);
l >>= 4;
y[i].scales[j%4 + 8] |= (l << (2*(j/4)));
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(1/iscale);
} else {
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
int8_t sc;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
sc = j < 8 ? y[i].scales[j] & 0xF : y[i].scales[j-8] >> 4;
sc = (sc | (((y[i].scales[8 + j%4] >> (2*(j/4))) & 3) << 4)) - 32;
float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].d) * sc;
if (!d) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ++ii) {
int l = nearest_int(x[16*j + ii]/d);
l = MAX(-4, MIN(3, l));
L[16*j + ii] = l + 4;
memset(y[i].hmask, 0, QK_K/8);
// We put the high-bit for the 1st 8 quants into bit 0, the next 8 into bit 1, etc.
int m = 0;
uint8_t hm = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; ++j) {
if (L[j] > 3) {
y[i].hmask[m] |= hm;
L[j] -= 4;
if (++m == QK_K/8) {
m = 0; hm <<= 1;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 128) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) {
y[i].qs[j/4 + l] = L[j + l] | (L[j + l + 32] << 2) | (L[j + l + 64] << 4) | (L[j + l + 96] << 6);
x += QK_K;
void dequantize_row_q3_K(const block_q3_K * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int nb = k / QK_K;
const uint32_t kmask1 = 0x03030303;
const uint32_t kmask2 = 0x0f0f0f0f;
uint32_t aux[4];
const int8_t * scales = (const int8_t*)aux;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d_all = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * restrict q = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict hm = x[i].hmask;
uint8_t m = 1;
memcpy(aux, x[i].scales, 12);
uint32_t tmp = aux[2];
aux[2] = ((aux[0] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((tmp >> 4) & kmask1) << 4);
aux[3] = ((aux[1] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((tmp >> 6) & kmask1) << 4);
aux[0] = (aux[0] & kmask2) | (((tmp >> 0) & kmask1) << 4);
aux[1] = (aux[1] & kmask2) | (((tmp >> 2) & kmask1) << 4);
int is = 0;
float dl;
for (int n = 0; n < QK_K; n += 128) {
int shift = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
dl = d_all * (scales[is++] - 32);
for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) {
*y++ = dl * ((int8_t)((q[l+ 0] >> shift) & 3) - ((hm[l+ 0] & m) ? 0 : 4));
dl = d_all * (scales[is++] - 32);
for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) {
*y++ = dl * ((int8_t)((q[l+16] >> shift) & 3) - ((hm[l+16] & m) ? 0 : 4));
shift += 2;
m <<= 1;
q += 32;
void quantize_row_q3_K(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
quantize_row_q3_K_ref(x, vy, k);
static void quantize_row_q3_K_impl(const float * restrict x, block_q3_K * restrict y, int64_t n_per_row, const float * restrict quant_weights) {
assert(n_per_row % QK_K == 0);
const int nb = n_per_row / QK_K;
int8_t L[QK_K];
float scales[QK_K / 16];
float weight[16];
float sw[QK_K / 16];
int8_t Ls[QK_K / 16];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float sumx2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; ++j) sumx2 += x[j]*x[j];
float sigma2 = 2*sumx2/QK_K;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
if (quant_weights) {
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K * i + 16*j;
for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) weight[l] = qw[l] * sqrtf(sigma2 + x[16*j+l]*x[16*j+l]);
} else {
for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) weight[l] = x[16*j+l]*x[16*j+l];
float sumw = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) sumw += weight[l];
sw[j] = sumw;
scales[j] = make_qx_quants(16, 4, x + 16*j, L + 16*j, 1, weight);
memset(y[i].scales, 0, 12);
float d_block = make_qx_quants(QK_K/16, 32, scales, Ls, 1, sw);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
int l = Ls[j];
if (j < 8) {
y[i].scales[j] = l & 0xF;
} else {
y[i].scales[j-8] |= ((l & 0xF) << 4);
l >>= 4;
y[i].scales[j%4 + 8] |= (l << (2*(j/4)));
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d_block);
int8_t sc;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
sc = j < 8 ? y[i].scales[j] & 0xF : y[i].scales[j-8] >> 4;
sc = (sc | (((y[i].scales[8 + j%4] >> (2*(j/4))) & 3) << 4)) - 32;
float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].d) * sc;
if (!d) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ++ii) {
int l = nearest_int(x[16*j + ii]/d);
l = MAX(-4, MIN(3, l));
L[16*j + ii] = l + 4;
memset(y[i].hmask, 0, QK_K/8);
// We put the high-bit for the 1st 8 quants into bit 0, the next 8 into bit 1, etc.
int m = 0;
uint8_t hm = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; ++j) {
if (L[j] > 3) {
y[i].hmask[m] |= hm;
L[j] -= 4;
if (++m == QK_K/8) {
m = 0; hm <<= 1;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 128) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) {
y[i].qs[j/4 + l] = L[j + l] | (L[j + l + 32] << 2) | (L[j + l + 64] << 4) | (L[j + l + 96] << 6);
x += QK_K;
size_t quantize_q3_K(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q3_K, n_per_row);
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q3_K_ref(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
else {
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_q3_K_impl(src, (block_q3_K*)qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += row_size;
return nrow * row_size;
// ====================== 4-bit (de)-quantization
void quantize_row_q4_K_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q4_K * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int nb = k / QK_K;
uint8_t L[QK_K];
uint8_t Laux[32];
float weights[32];
float mins[QK_K/32];
float scales[QK_K/32];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float max_scale = 0; // as we are deducting the min, scales are always positive
float max_min = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
//scales[j] = make_qkx1_quants(32, 15, x + 32*j, L + 32*j, &mins[j], 9, 0.5f);
float sum_x2 = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) sum_x2 += x[32*j + l] * x[32*j + l];
float av_x = sqrtf(sum_x2/32);
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) weights[l] = av_x + fabsf(x[32*j + l]);
scales[j] = make_qkx2_quants(32, 15, x + 32*j, weights, L + 32*j, &mins[j], Laux, -1.f, 0.1f, 20, false);
float scale = scales[j];
if (scale > max_scale) {
max_scale = scale;
float min = mins[j];
if (min > max_min) {
max_min = min;
float inv_scale = max_scale > 0 ? 63.f/max_scale : 0.f;
float inv_min = max_min > 0 ? 63.f/max_min : 0.f;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
uint8_t ls = nearest_int(inv_scale*scales[j]);
uint8_t lm = nearest_int(inv_min*mins[j]);
ls = MIN(63, ls);
lm = MIN(63, lm);
if (j < 4) {
y[i].scales[j] = ls;
y[i].scales[j+4] = lm;
} else {
y[i].scales[j+4] = (ls & 0xF) | ((lm & 0xF) << 4);
y[i].scales[j-4] |= ((ls >> 4) << 6);
y[i].scales[j-0] |= ((lm >> 4) << 6);
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(max_scale/63.f);
y[i].dmin = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(max_min/63.f);
uint8_t sc, m;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
get_scale_min_k4(j, y[i].scales, &sc, &m);
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].d) * sc;
if (!d) continue;
const float dm = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].dmin) * m;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 32; ++ii) {
int l = nearest_int((x[32*j + ii] + dm)/d);
l = MAX(0, MIN(15, l));
L[32*j + ii] = l;
uint8_t * q = y[i].qs;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 64) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) q[l] = L[j + l] | (L[j + l + 32] << 4);
q += 32;
x += QK_K;
void dequantize_row_q4_K(const block_q4_K * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int nb = k / QK_K;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const uint8_t * q = x[i].qs;
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float min = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
int is = 0;
uint8_t sc, m;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 64) {
get_scale_min_k4(is + 0, x[i].scales, &sc, &m);
const float d1 = d * sc; const float m1 = min * m;
get_scale_min_k4(is + 1, x[i].scales, &sc, &m);
const float d2 = d * sc; const float m2 = min * m;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) *y++ = d1 * (q[l] & 0xF) - m1;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) *y++ = d2 * (q[l] >> 4) - m2;
q += 32; is += 2;
void quantize_row_q4_K(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
block_q4_K * restrict y = vy;
quantize_row_q4_K_ref(x, y, k);
static void quantize_row_q4_K_impl(const float * restrict x, block_q4_K * restrict y, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
assert(n_per_row % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = n_per_row / QK_K;
uint8_t L[QK_K];
uint8_t Laux[32];
uint8_t Ls[QK_K/32];
uint8_t Lm[QK_K/32];
float weights[32];
float sw[QK_K/32];
float mins[QK_K/32];
float scales[QK_K/32];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float sum_x2 = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < QK_K; ++l) sum_x2 += x[l] * x[l];
float sigma2 = 2*sum_x2/QK_K;
float av_x = sqrtf(sigma2);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
if (quant_weights) {
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K*i + 32*j;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) weights[l] = qw[l] * sqrtf(sigma2 + x[32*j + l]*x[32*j + l]);
} else {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) weights[l] = av_x + fabsf(x[32*j + l]);
float sumw = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) sumw += weights[l];
sw[j] = sumw;
scales[j] = make_qkx3_quants(32, 15, x + 32*j, weights, L + 32*j, &mins[j], Laux, -0.9f, 0.05f, 36, false);
float d_block = make_qp_quants(QK_K/32, 63, scales, Ls, sw);
float m_block = make_qp_quants(QK_K/32, 63, mins, Lm, sw);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
uint8_t ls = Ls[j];
uint8_t lm = Lm[j];
if (j < 4) {
y[i].scales[j] = ls;
y[i].scales[j+4] = lm;
} else {
y[i].scales[j+4] = (ls & 0xF) | ((lm & 0xF) << 4);
y[i].scales[j-4] |= ((ls >> 4) << 6);
y[i].scales[j-0] |= ((lm >> 4) << 6);
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d_block);
y[i].dmin = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(m_block);
uint8_t sc, m;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
get_scale_min_k4(j, y[i].scales, &sc, &m);
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].d) * sc;
if (!d) continue;
const float dm = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].dmin) * m;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 32; ++ii) {
int l = nearest_int((x[32*j + ii] + dm)/d);
l = MAX(0, MIN(15, l));
L[32*j + ii] = l;
uint8_t * q = y[i].qs;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 64) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) q[l] = L[j + l] | (L[j + l + 32] << 4);
q += 32;
x += QK_K;
size_t quantize_q4_K(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q4_K, n_per_row);
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q4_K_ref(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
else {
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_q4_K_impl(src, (block_q4_K*)qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += row_size;
return nrow * row_size;
// ====================== 5-bit (de)-quantization
void quantize_row_q5_K_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q5_K * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
uint8_t L[QK_K];
float mins[QK_K/32];
float scales[QK_K/32];
float weights[32];
uint8_t Laux[32];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float max_scale = 0; // as we are deducting the min, scales are always positive
float max_min = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
//scales[j] = make_qkx1_quants(32, 31, x + 32*j, L + 32*j, &mins[j], 9, 0.5f);
float sum_x2 = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) sum_x2 += x[32*j + l] * x[32*j + l];
float av_x = sqrtf(sum_x2/32);
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) weights[l] = av_x + fabsf(x[32*j + l]);
scales[j] = make_qkx2_quants(32, 31, x + 32*j, weights, L + 32*j, &mins[j], Laux, -0.5f, 0.1f, 15, false);
float scale = scales[j];
if (scale > max_scale) {
max_scale = scale;
float min = mins[j];
if (min > max_min) {
max_min = min;
float inv_scale = max_scale > 0 ? 63.f/max_scale : 0.f;
float inv_min = max_min > 0 ? 63.f/max_min : 0.f;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
uint8_t ls = nearest_int(inv_scale*scales[j]);
uint8_t lm = nearest_int(inv_min*mins[j]);
ls = MIN(63, ls);
lm = MIN(63, lm);
if (j < 4) {
y[i].scales[j] = ls;
y[i].scales[j+4] = lm;
} else {
y[i].scales[j+4] = (ls & 0xF) | ((lm & 0xF) << 4);
y[i].scales[j-4] |= ((ls >> 4) << 6);
y[i].scales[j-0] |= ((lm >> 4) << 6);
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(max_scale/63.f);
y[i].dmin = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(max_min/63.f);
uint8_t sc, m;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
get_scale_min_k4(j, y[i].scales, &sc, &m);
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].d) * sc;
if (!d) continue;
const float dm = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].dmin) * m;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 32; ++ii) {
int l = nearest_int((x[32*j + ii] + dm)/d);
l = MAX(0, MIN(31, l));
L[32*j + ii] = l;
uint8_t * restrict qh = y[i].qh;
uint8_t * restrict ql = y[i].qs;
memset(qh, 0, QK_K/8);
uint8_t m1 = 1, m2 = 2;
for (int n = 0; n < QK_K; n += 64) {
for (int j = 0; j < 32; ++j) {
int l1 = L[n + j];
if (l1 > 15) {
l1 -= 16; qh[j] |= m1;
int l2 = L[n + j + 32];
if (l2 > 15) {
l2 -= 16; qh[j] |= m2;
ql[j] = l1 | (l2 << 4);
m1 <<= 2; m2 <<= 2;
ql += 32;
x += QK_K;
void dequantize_row_q5_K(const block_q5_K * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const uint8_t * ql = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qh = x[i].qh;
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float min = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
int is = 0;
uint8_t sc, m;
uint8_t u1 = 1, u2 = 2;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 64) {
get_scale_min_k4(is + 0, x[i].scales, &sc, &m);
const float d1 = d * sc; const float m1 = min * m;
get_scale_min_k4(is + 1, x[i].scales, &sc, &m);
const float d2 = d * sc; const float m2 = min * m;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) *y++ = d1 * ((ql[l] & 0xF) + (qh[l] & u1 ? 16 : 0)) - m1;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) *y++ = d2 * ((ql[l] >> 4) + (qh[l] & u2 ? 16 : 0)) - m2;
ql += 32; is += 2;
u1 <<= 2; u2 <<= 2;
void quantize_row_q5_K(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
block_q5_K * restrict y = vy;
quantize_row_q5_K_ref(x, y, k);
static void quantize_row_q5_K_impl(const float * restrict x, block_q5_K * restrict y, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
assert(n_per_row % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = n_per_row / QK_K;
uint8_t L[QK_K];
uint8_t Laux[32];
uint8_t Ls[QK_K/32];
uint8_t Lm[QK_K/32];
float mins[QK_K/32];
float scales[QK_K/32];
float sw[QK_K/32];
float weights[32];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float sum_x2 = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < QK_K; ++l) sum_x2 += x[l] * x[l];
float sigma2 = 2*sum_x2/QK_K;
float av_x = sqrtf(sigma2);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
if (quant_weights) {
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K*i + 32*j;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) weights[l] = qw[l] * sqrtf(sigma2 + x[32*j + l]*x[32*j + l]);
} else {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) weights[l] = av_x + fabsf(x[32*j + l]);
float sumw = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) sumw += weights[l];
sw[j] = sumw;
scales[j] = make_qkx3_quants(32, 31, x + 32*j, weights, L + 32*j, &mins[j], Laux, -0.9f, 0.05f, 36, false);
float d_block = make_qp_quants(QK_K/32, 63, scales, Ls, sw);
float m_block = make_qp_quants(QK_K/32, 63, mins, Lm, sw);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
uint8_t ls = Ls[j];
uint8_t lm = Lm[j];
ls = MIN(63, ls);
lm = MIN(63, lm);
if (j < 4) {
y[i].scales[j] = ls;
y[i].scales[j+4] = lm;
} else {
y[i].scales[j+4] = (ls & 0xF) | ((lm & 0xF) << 4);
y[i].scales[j-4] |= ((ls >> 4) << 6);
y[i].scales[j-0] |= ((lm >> 4) << 6);
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d_block);
y[i].dmin = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(m_block);
uint8_t sc, m;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
get_scale_min_k4(j, y[i].scales, &sc, &m);
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].d) * sc;
if (!d) continue;
const float dm = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].dmin) * m;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 32; ++ii) {
int l = nearest_int((x[32*j + ii] + dm)/d);
l = MAX(0, MIN(31, l));
L[32*j + ii] = l;
uint8_t * restrict qh = y[i].qh;
uint8_t * restrict ql = y[i].qs;
memset(qh, 0, QK_K/8);
uint8_t m1 = 1, m2 = 2;
for (int n = 0; n < QK_K; n += 64) {
for (int j = 0; j < 32; ++j) {
int l1 = L[n + j];
if (l1 > 15) {
l1 -= 16; qh[j] |= m1;
int l2 = L[n + j + 32];
if (l2 > 15) {
l2 -= 16; qh[j] |= m2;
ql[j] = l1 | (l2 << 4);
m1 <<= 2; m2 <<= 2;
ql += 32;
x += QK_K;
size_t quantize_q5_K(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q5_K, n_per_row);
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q5_K_ref(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
else {
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_q5_K_impl(src, (block_q5_K*)qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += row_size;
return nrow * row_size;
// ====================== 6-bit (de)-quantization
void quantize_row_q6_K_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q6_K * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
int8_t L[QK_K];
float scales[QK_K/16];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float max_scale = 0;
float max_abs_scale = 0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/16; ++ib) {
const float scale = make_qx_quants(16, 32, x + 16*ib, L + 16*ib, 1, NULL);
scales[ib] = scale;
const float abs_scale = fabsf(scale);
if (abs_scale > max_abs_scale) {
max_abs_scale = abs_scale;
max_scale = scale;
if (max_abs_scale < GROUP_MAX_EPS) {
memset(&y[i], 0, sizeof(block_q6_K));
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
x += QK_K;
float iscale = -128.f/max_scale;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(1/iscale);
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/16; ++ib) {
y[i].scales[ib] = MIN(127, nearest_int(iscale*scales[ib]));
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].d) * y[i].scales[j];
if (!d) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ++ii) {
int l = nearest_int(x[16*j + ii]/d);
l = MAX(-32, MIN(31, l));
L[16*j + ii] = l + 32;
uint8_t * restrict ql = y[i].ql;
uint8_t * restrict qh = y[i].qh;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 128) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) {
const uint8_t q1 = L[j + l + 0] & 0xF;
const uint8_t q2 = L[j + l + 32] & 0xF;
const uint8_t q3 = L[j + l + 64] & 0xF;
const uint8_t q4 = L[j + l + 96] & 0xF;
ql[l+ 0] = q1 | (q3 << 4);
ql[l+32] = q2 | (q4 << 4);
qh[l] = (L[j + l] >> 4) | ((L[j + l + 32] >> 4) << 2) | ((L[j + l + 64] >> 4) << 4) | ((L[j + l + 96] >> 4) << 6);
ql += 64;
qh += 32;
x += QK_K;
void dequantize_row_q6_K(const block_q6_K * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * restrict ql = x[i].ql;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict sc = x[i].scales;
for (int n = 0; n < QK_K; n += 128) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) {
int is = l/16;
const int8_t q1 = (int8_t)((ql[l + 0] & 0xF) | (((qh[l] >> 0) & 3) << 4)) - 32;
const int8_t q2 = (int8_t)((ql[l + 32] & 0xF) | (((qh[l] >> 2) & 3) << 4)) - 32;
const int8_t q3 = (int8_t)((ql[l + 0] >> 4) | (((qh[l] >> 4) & 3) << 4)) - 32;
const int8_t q4 = (int8_t)((ql[l + 32] >> 4) | (((qh[l] >> 6) & 3) << 4)) - 32;
y[l + 0] = d * sc[is + 0] * q1;
y[l + 32] = d * sc[is + 2] * q2;
y[l + 64] = d * sc[is + 4] * q3;
y[l + 96] = d * sc[is + 6] * q4;
y += 128;
ql += 64;
qh += 32;
sc += 8;
void quantize_row_q6_K(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
block_q6_K * restrict y = vy;
quantize_row_q6_K_ref(x, y, k);
static void quantize_row_q6_K_impl(const float * restrict x, block_q6_K * restrict y, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
assert(n_per_row % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = n_per_row / QK_K;
int8_t L[QK_K];
float scales[QK_K/16];
//float weights[16];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
//float sum_x2 = 0;
//for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; ++j) sum_x2 += x[j]*x[j];
//float sigma2 = sum_x2/QK_K;
float max_scale = 0;
float max_abs_scale = 0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/16; ++ib) {
float scale;
if (quant_weights) {
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K*i + 16*ib;
//for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) weights[j] = qw[j] * sqrtf(sigma2 + x[16*ib + j]*x[16*ib + j]);
//scale = make_qx_quants(16, 32, x + 16*ib, L + 16*ib, 1, weights);
scale = make_qx_quants(16, 32, x + 16*ib, L + 16*ib, 1, qw);
} else {
scale = make_qx_quants(16, 32, x + 16*ib, L + 16*ib, 1, NULL);
scales[ib] = scale;
const float abs_scale = fabsf(scale);
if (abs_scale > max_abs_scale) {
max_abs_scale = abs_scale;
max_scale = scale;
if (max_abs_scale < GROUP_MAX_EPS) {
memset(&y[i], 0, sizeof(block_q6_K));
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
x += QK_K;
float iscale = -128.f/max_scale;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(1/iscale);
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/16; ++ib) {
y[i].scales[ib] = MIN(127, nearest_int(iscale*scales[ib]));
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[i].d) * y[i].scales[j];
if (!d) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ++ii) {
int l = nearest_int(x[16*j + ii]/d);
l = MAX(-32, MIN(31, l));
L[16*j + ii] = l + 32;
uint8_t * restrict ql = y[i].ql;
uint8_t * restrict qh = y[i].qh;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 128) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) {
const uint8_t q1 = L[j + l + 0] & 0xF;
const uint8_t q2 = L[j + l + 32] & 0xF;
const uint8_t q3 = L[j + l + 64] & 0xF;
const uint8_t q4 = L[j + l + 96] & 0xF;
ql[l+ 0] = q1 | (q3 << 4);
ql[l+32] = q2 | (q4 << 4);
qh[l] = (L[j + l] >> 4) | ((L[j + l + 32] >> 4) << 2) | ((L[j + l + 64] >> 4) << 4) | ((L[j + l + 96] >> 4) << 6);
ql += 64;
qh += 32;
x += QK_K;
size_t quantize_q6_K(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q6_K, n_per_row);
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q6_K_ref(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
else {
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_q6_K_impl(src, (block_q6_K*)qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += row_size;
return nrow * row_size;
static void quantize_row_q4_0_impl(const float * restrict x, block_q4_0 * restrict y, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
static_assert(QK4_0 == 32, "QK4_0 must be 32");
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q4_0_ref(x, y, n_per_row);
float weight[QK4_0];
int8_t L[QK4_0];
float sum_x2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_per_row; ++j) sum_x2 += x[j]*x[j];
float sigma2 = sum_x2/n_per_row;
const int64_t nb = n_per_row/QK4_0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const float * xb = x + QK4_0 * ib;
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK4_0 * ib;
for (int j = 0; j < QK4_0; ++j) weight[j] = qw[j] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[j]*xb[j]);
float d = make_qx_quants(QK4_0, 8, xb, L, 1, weight);
y[ib].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
y[ib].qs[j] = L[j] | (L[j+16] << 4);
size_t quantize_q4_0(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q4_0_ref(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
return nrow * ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q4_0, n_per_row);
size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q4_0, n_per_row);
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_q4_0_impl(src, (block_q4_0*)qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += row_size;
return nrow * row_size;
static void quantize_row_q4_1_impl(const float * restrict x, block_q4_1 * restrict y, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
static_assert(QK4_1 == 32, "QK4_1 must be 32");
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q4_1_ref(x, y, n_per_row);
float weight[QK4_1];
uint8_t L[QK4_1], Laux[QK4_1];
float sum_x2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_per_row; ++j) sum_x2 += x[j]*x[j];
float sigma2 = sum_x2/n_per_row;
const int64_t nb = n_per_row/QK4_1;
for (int ib = 0; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const float * xb = x + QK4_1 * ib;
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK4_1 * ib;
for (int j = 0; j < QK4_1; ++j) weight[j] = qw[j] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[j]*xb[j]);
float min;
float d = make_qkx3_quants(QK4_1, 15, xb, weight, L, &min, Laux, -0.9f, 0.05f, 36, false);
y[ib].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
y[ib].m = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(-min);
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
y[ib].qs[j] = L[j] | (L[j+16] << 4);
size_t quantize_q4_1(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q4_1_ref(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
return nrow * ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q4_1, n_per_row);
size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q4_1, n_per_row);
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_q4_1_impl(src, (block_q4_1*)qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += row_size;
return nrow * row_size;
static void quantize_row_q5_0_impl(const float * restrict x, block_q5_0 * restrict y, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
static_assert(QK5_0 == 32, "QK5_0 must be 32");
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q5_0_ref(x, y, n_per_row);
float weight[QK5_0];
int8_t L[QK5_0];
float sum_x2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_per_row; ++j) sum_x2 += x[j]*x[j];
float sigma2 = sum_x2/n_per_row;
const int64_t nb = n_per_row/QK5_0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const float * xb = x + QK5_0 * ib;
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK5_0 * ib;
for (int j = 0; j < QK5_0; ++j) weight[j] = qw[j] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[j]*xb[j]);
float d = make_qx_quants(QK5_0, 16, xb, L, 1, weight);
y[ib].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
uint32_t qh = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
const uint8_t xi0 = L[j];
const uint8_t xi1 = L[j+16];
y[ib].qs[j] = (xi0 & 0x0F) | ((xi1 & 0x0F) << 4);
// get the 5-th bit and store it in qh at the right position
qh |= ((xi0 & 0x10u) >> 4) << (j + 0);
qh |= ((xi1 & 0x10u) >> 4) << (j + QK5_0/2);
memcpy(&y[ib].qh, &qh, sizeof(qh));
size_t quantize_q5_0(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q5_0_ref(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
return nrow * ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q5_0, n_per_row);
size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q5_0, n_per_row);
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_q5_0_impl(src, (block_q5_0*)qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += row_size;
return nrow * row_size;
static void quantize_row_q5_1_impl(const float * restrict x, block_q5_1 * restrict y, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
static_assert(QK5_1 == 32, "QK5_1 must be 32");
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q5_1_ref(x, y, n_per_row);
float weight[QK5_1];
uint8_t L[QK5_1], Laux[QK5_1];
float sum_x2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n_per_row; ++j) sum_x2 += x[j]*x[j];
float sigma2 = sum_x2/n_per_row;
const int64_t nb = n_per_row/QK5_1;
for (int ib = 0; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const float * xb = x + QK5_1 * ib;
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK5_1 * ib;
for (int j = 0; j < QK5_1; ++j) weight[j] = qw[j] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[j]*xb[j]);
float min;
float d = make_qkx3_quants(QK5_1, 31, xb, weight, L, &min, Laux, -0.9f, 0.05f, 36, false);
y[ib].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
y[ib].m = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(-min);
uint32_t qh = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
const uint8_t xi0 = L[j];
const uint8_t xi1 = L[j+16];
y[ib].qs[j] = (xi0 & 0x0F) | ((xi1 & 0x0F) << 4);
// get the 5-th bit and store it in qh at the right position
qh |= ((xi0 & 0x10u) >> 4) << (j + 0);
qh |= ((xi1 & 0x10u) >> 4) << (j + QK5_0/2);
memcpy(&y[ib].qh, &qh, sizeof(qh));
size_t quantize_q5_1(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
if (!quant_weights) {
quantize_row_q5_1_ref(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
return nrow * ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q5_1, n_per_row);
size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q5_1, n_per_row);
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_q5_1_impl(src, (block_q5_1*)qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += row_size;
return nrow * row_size;
size_t quantize_q8_0(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
(void)quant_weights; // not used
const size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_Q8_0, n_per_row);
quantize_row_q8_0_ref(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
return nrow * row_size;
// ====================== Ternary (de)-quantization (BitNet b1.58 and TriLMs)
void quantize_row_tq1_0_ref(const float * restrict x, block_tq1_0 * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float amax = 0.0f; // absolute max
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j++) {
const float v = x[j];
amax = MAX(amax, fabsf(v));
const float d = amax;
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
// 5 elements per byte, along 32 bytes
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(y->qs) - sizeof(y->qs) % 32; j += 32) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < 32; ++m) {
uint8_t q = 0;
for (size_t n = 0; n < 5; ++n) {
int xi = lroundf(x[m + n*32] * id) + 1; // -1, 0, 1 -> 0, 1, 2
q *= 3;
q += xi;
// ceiling division (243 == pow(3, 5))
q = ((uint16_t)q * 256 + (243 - 1)) / 243;
y[i].qs[j + m] = q;
x += 5*32;
// along 16 bytes
for (size_t j = sizeof(y->qs) - sizeof(y->qs) % 32; j < sizeof(y->qs); j += 16) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < 16; ++m) {
uint8_t q = 0;
for (size_t n = 0; n < 5; ++n) {
int xi = lroundf(x[m + n*16] * id) + 1; // -1, 0, 1 -> 0, 1, 2
q *= 3;
q += xi;
// ceiling division (243 == pow(3, 5))
q = ((uint16_t)q * 256 + (243 - 1)) / 243;
y[i].qs[j + m] = q;
x += 5*16;
// 4 elements per byte
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(y->qh); ++j) {
uint8_t q = 0;
for (size_t m = 0; m < 4; ++m) {
// -1, 0, 1 -> 0, 1, 2
int xi = lroundf(x[j + m*sizeof(y->qh)] * id) + 1;
q *= 3;
q += xi;
// shift the first value to the most significant trit
q *= 3;
// ceiling division (243 == pow(3, 5))
q = ((uint16_t)q * 256 + (243 - 1)) / 243;
y[i].qh[j] = q;
x += 4*sizeof(y->qh);
void quantize_row_tq2_0_ref(const float * restrict x, block_tq2_0 * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float amax = 0.0f; // absolute max
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j++) {
const float v = x[j];
amax = MAX(amax, fabsf(v));
const float d = amax;
const float id = d ? 1.0f/d : 0.0f;
y[i].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(y->qs); j += 32) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < 32; ++m) {
uint8_t q = 0;
for (size_t n = 0; n < 4; ++n) {
// -1, 0, 1 -> 0, 1, 2
int xi = lroundf(x[m + n*32] * id) + 1;
q += (xi & 3) << (2*n);
y[i].qs[j + m] = q;
x += 4*32;
void quantize_row_tq1_0(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
block_tq1_0 * restrict y = vy;
quantize_row_tq1_0_ref(x, y, k);
void quantize_row_tq2_0(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
block_tq2_0 * restrict y = vy;
quantize_row_tq2_0_ref(x, y, k);
size_t quantize_tq1_0(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
(void)quant_weights; // not used
const size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_TQ1_0, n_per_row);
quantize_row_tq1_0(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
return nrow * row_size;
size_t quantize_tq2_0(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
(void)quant_weights; // not used
const size_t row_size = ggml_row_size(GGML_TYPE_TQ2_0, n_per_row);
quantize_row_tq2_0(src, dst, (int64_t)nrow*n_per_row);
return nrow * row_size;
void dequantize_row_tq1_0(const block_tq1_0 * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
const uint8_t pow3[6] = {1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243};
for (int64_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(x->qs) - sizeof(x->qs) % 32; j += 32) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < 5; ++n) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < 32; ++m) {
uint8_t q = x[i].qs[j + m] * pow3[n];
int16_t xi = ((uint16_t) q * 3) >> 8;
*y++ = (float) (xi - 1) * d;
for (size_t j = sizeof(x->qs) - sizeof(x->qs) % 32; j < sizeof(x->qs); j += 16) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < 5; ++n) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < 16; ++m) {
uint8_t q = x[i].qs[j + m] * pow3[n];
int16_t xi = ((uint16_t) q * 3) >> 8;
*y++ = (float) (xi - 1) * d;
for (size_t n = 0; n < 4; ++n) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(x->qh); ++j) {
uint8_t q = x[i].qh[j] * pow3[n];
int16_t xi = ((uint16_t) q * 3) >> 8;
*y++ = (float) (xi - 1) * d;
void dequantize_row_tq2_0(const block_tq2_0 * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(x->qs); j += 32) {
for (size_t l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < 32; ++m) {
int8_t q = (x[i].qs[j + m] >> (l*2)) & 3;
*y++ = (float) (q - 1) * d;
// ====================== "True" 2-bit (de)-quantization
void dequantize_row_iq2_xxs(const block_iq2_xxs * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
uint32_t aux32[2];
const uint8_t * aux8 = (const uint8_t *)aux32;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ++ib32) {
memcpy(aux32, x[i].qs + 4*ib32, 2*sizeof(uint32_t));
const float db = d * (0.5f + (aux32[1] >> 28)) * 0.25f;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid = (const uint8_t *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[l]);
const uint8_t signs = ksigns_iq2xs[(aux32[1] >> 7*l) & 127];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
y[j] = db * grid[j] * (signs & kmask_iq2xs[j] ? -1.f : 1.f);
y += 8;
// ====================== 2.3125 bpw (de)-quantization
void dequantize_row_iq2_xs(const block_iq2_xs * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
float db[2];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ++ib32) {
db[0] = d * (0.5f + (x[i].scales[ib32] & 0xf)) * 0.25f;
db[1] = d * (0.5f + (x[i].scales[ib32] >> 4)) * 0.25f;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid = (const uint8_t *)(iq2xs_grid + (x[i].qs[4*ib32 + l] & 511));
const uint8_t signs = ksigns_iq2xs[x[i].qs[4*ib32 + l] >> 9];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
y[j] = db[l/2] * grid[j] * (signs & kmask_iq2xs[j] ? -1.f : 1.f);
y += 8;
// ====================== 2.5625 bpw (de)-quantization
void dequantize_row_iq2_s(const block_iq2_s * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
float db[2];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qh = x[i].qh;
const uint8_t * signs = qs + QK_K/8;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ++ib32) {
db[0] = d * (0.5f + (x[i].scales[ib32] & 0xf)) * 0.25f;
db[1] = d * (0.5f + (x[i].scales[ib32] >> 4)) * 0.25f;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const float dl = db[l/2];
const uint8_t * grid = (const uint8_t *)(iq2s_grid + (qs[l] | (qh[ib32] << (8-2*l) & 0x300)));
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
y[j] = dl * grid[j] * (signs[l] & kmask_iq2xs[j] ? -1.f : 1.f);
y += 8;
qs += 4;
signs += 4;
// ====================== 3.0625 bpw (de)-quantization
void dequantize_row_iq3_xxs(const block_iq3_xxs * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
uint32_t aux32;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * scales_and_signs = qs + QK_K/4;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ++ib32) {
memcpy(&aux32, scales_and_signs + 4*ib32, sizeof(uint32_t));
const float db = d * (0.5f + (aux32 >> 28)) * 0.5f;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const uint8_t signs = ksigns_iq2xs[(aux32 >> 7*l) & 127];
const uint8_t * grid1 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3xxs_grid + qs[2*l+0]);
const uint8_t * grid2 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3xxs_grid + qs[2*l+1]);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
y[j+0] = db * grid1[j] * (signs & kmask_iq2xs[j+0] ? -1.f : 1.f);
y[j+4] = db * grid2[j] * (signs & kmask_iq2xs[j+4] ? -1.f : 1.f);
y += 8;
qs += 8;
// ====================== 3.3125 bpw (de)-quantization
void dequantize_row_iq3_s(const block_iq3_s * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qh = x[i].qh;
const uint8_t * signs = x[i].signs;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const float db1 = d * (1 + 2*(x[i].scales[ib32/2] & 0xf));
const float db2 = d * (1 + 2*(x[i].scales[ib32/2] >> 4));
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid1 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3s_grid + (qs[2*l+0] | ((qh[0] << (8-2*l)) & 256)));
const uint8_t * grid2 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3s_grid + (qs[2*l+1] | ((qh[0] << (7-2*l)) & 256)));
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
y[j+0] = db1 * grid1[j] * (signs[l] & kmask_iq2xs[j+0] ? -1.f : 1.f);
y[j+4] = db1 * grid2[j] * (signs[l] & kmask_iq2xs[j+4] ? -1.f : 1.f);
y += 8;
qs += 8;
signs += 4;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid1 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3s_grid + (qs[2*l+0] | ((qh[1] << (8-2*l)) & 256)));
const uint8_t * grid2 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3s_grid + (qs[2*l+1] | ((qh[1] << (7-2*l)) & 256)));
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
y[j+0] = db2 * grid1[j] * (signs[l] & kmask_iq2xs[j+0] ? -1.f : 1.f);
y[j+4] = db2 * grid2[j] * (signs[l] & kmask_iq2xs[j+4] ? -1.f : 1.f);
y += 8;
qh += 2;
qs += 8;
signs += 4;
// ====================== 1.5625 bpw (de)-quantization
void dequantize_row_iq1_s(const block_iq1_s * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint16_t * qh = x[i].qh;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ++ib) {
const float dl = d * (2*((qh[ib] >> 12) & 7) + 1);
const float delta = qh[ib] & 0x8000 ? -IQ1S_DELTA : IQ1S_DELTA;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const int8_t * grid = (const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[l] | (((qh[ib] >> 3*l) & 7) << 8)));
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
y[j] = dl * (grid[j] + delta);
y += 8;
qs += 4;
void dequantize_row_iq1_m(const block_iq1_m * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
float delta[4];
uint16_t idx[4];
iq1m_scale_t scale;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const uint16_t * sc = (const uint16_t *)x[i].scales;
scale.u16 = (sc[0] >> 12) | ((sc[1] >> 8) & 0x00f0) | ((sc[2] >> 4) & 0x0f00) | (sc[3] & 0xf000);
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(scale.f16);
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qh = x[i].qh;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ++ib) {
const float dl1 = d * (2*((sc[ib/2] >> (6*(ib%2)+0)) & 0x7) + 1);
const float dl2 = d * (2*((sc[ib/2] >> (6*(ib%2)+3)) & 0x7) + 1);
idx[0] = qs[0] | ((qh[0] << 8) & 0x700);
idx[1] = qs[1] | ((qh[0] << 4) & 0x700);
idx[2] = qs[2] | ((qh[1] << 8) & 0x700);
idx[3] = qs[3] | ((qh[1] << 4) & 0x700);
delta[0] = qh[0] & 0x08 ? -IQ1S_DELTA : IQ1S_DELTA;
delta[1] = qh[0] & 0x80 ? -IQ1S_DELTA : IQ1S_DELTA;
delta[2] = qh[1] & 0x08 ? -IQ1S_DELTA : IQ1S_DELTA;
delta[3] = qh[1] & 0x80 ? -IQ1S_DELTA : IQ1S_DELTA;
for (int l = 0; l < 2; ++l) {
const int8_t * grid = (const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + idx[l]);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
y[j] = dl1 * (grid[j] + delta[l]);
y += 8;
for (int l = 2; l < 4; ++l) {
const int8_t * grid = (const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + idx[l]);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
y[j] = dl2 * (grid[j] + delta[l]);
y += 8;
qs += 4;
qh += 2;
static const int8_t kvalues_iq4nl[16] = {-127, -104, -83, -65, -49, -35, -22, -10, 1, 13, 25, 38, 53, 69, 89, 113};
void dequantize_row_iq4_nl(const block_iq4_nl * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK4_NL == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK4_NL;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
for (int j = 0; j < QK4_NL/2; ++j) {
y[j+ 0] = d * kvalues_iq4nl[qs[j] & 0xf];
y[j+QK4_NL/2] = d * kvalues_iq4nl[qs[j] >> 4];
y += QK4_NL;
qs += QK4_NL/2;
void dequantize_row_iq4_xs(const block_iq4_xs * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ++ib) {
const int ls = ((x[i].scales_l[ib/2] >> 4*(ib%2)) & 0xf) | (((x[i].scales_h >> 2*ib) & 3) << 4);
const float dl = d * (ls - 32);
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
y[j+ 0] = dl * kvalues_iq4nl[qs[j] & 0xf];
y[j+16] = dl * kvalues_iq4nl[qs[j] >> 4];
y += 32;
qs += 16;
//===================================== Q8_K ==============================================
void quantize_row_q8_K_ref(const float * restrict x, block_q8_K * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
float max = 0;
float amax = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; ++j) {
float ax = fabsf(x[j]);
if (ax > amax) {
amax = ax; max = x[j];
if (!amax) {
y[i].d = 0;
memset(y[i].qs, 0, QK_K);
x += QK_K;
//const float iscale = -128.f/max;
// We need this change for IQ2_XXS, else the AVX implementation becomes very awkward
const float iscale = -127.f/max;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; ++j) {
int v = nearest_int(iscale*x[j]);
y[i].qs[j] = MIN(127, v);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
int sum = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ++ii) {
sum += y[i].qs[j*16 + ii];
y[i].bsums[j] = sum;
y[i].d = 1/iscale;
x += QK_K;
void dequantize_row_q8_K(const block_q8_K * restrict x, float * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
const int64_t nb = k / QK_K;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; ++j) {
*y++ = x[i].d * x[i].qs[j];
void quantize_row_q8_K(const float * restrict x, void * restrict y, int64_t k) {
quantize_row_q8_K_ref(x, y, k);
//===================================== Dot products =================================
// Helper functions
#if __AVX__ || __AVX2__ || __AVX512F__
// shuffles to pick the required scales in dot products
static inline __m256i get_scale_shuffle_q3k(int i) {
static const uint8_t k_shuffle[128] = {
0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3,
4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7,
8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 10,11,10,11,10,11,10,11,10,11,10,11,10,11,10,11,
12,13,12,13,12,13,12,13,12,13,12,13,12,13,12,13, 14,15,14,15,14,15,14,15,14,15,14,15,14,15,14,15,
return _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)k_shuffle + i);
static inline __m256i get_scale_shuffle_k4(int i) {
static const uint8_t k_shuffle[256] = {
0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3,
4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5,
6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7,
8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9,
return _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)k_shuffle + i);
static inline __m128i get_scale_shuffle(int i) {
static const uint8_t k_shuffle[128] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10, 11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,
12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12, 13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,
14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14, 15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15
return _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)k_shuffle + i);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
// shuffles to pick the required scales in dot products
static inline __m256i get_scale_shuffle_q3k(int i) {
static const uint8_t k_shuffle[128] = {
0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3,
4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7,
8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 10,11,10,11,10,11,10,11,10,11,10,11,10,11,10,11,
12,13,12,13,12,13,12,13,12,13,12,13,12,13,12,13, 14,15,14,15,14,15,14,15,14,15,14,15,14,15,14,15,
return __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)k_shuffle + i, 0);
static inline __m256i get_scale_shuffle_k4(int i) {
static const uint8_t k_shuffle[256] = {
0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3,
4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5,
6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7,
8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9,
return __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)k_shuffle + i, 0);
static inline __m128i get_scale_shuffle(int i) {
static const uint8_t k_shuffle[128] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10, 11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,
12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12, 13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,
14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14, 15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15
return __lsx_vld((const __m128i*)k_shuffle + i, 0);
void ggml_vec_dot_q4_0_q8_0(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
const int qk = QK8_0;
const int nb = n / qk;
assert(n % qk == 0);
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_MATMUL_INT8)
assert((nrc == 2) || (nrc == 1));
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_q4_0 * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_0 * restrict y = vy;
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_MATMUL_INT8)
if (nrc == 2) {
const block_q4_0 * restrict vx0 = vx;
const block_q4_0 * restrict vx1 = (const block_q4_0 *) ((const uint8_t*)vx + bx);
const block_q8_0 * restrict vy0 = vy;
const block_q8_0 * restrict vy1 = (const block_q8_0 *) ((const uint8_t*)vy + by);
float32x4_t sumv0 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const block_q4_0 * restrict b_x0 = &vx0[i];
const block_q4_0 * restrict b_x1 = &vx1[i];
const block_q8_0 * restrict b_y0 = &vy0[i];
const block_q8_0 * restrict b_y1 = &vy1[i];
const uint8x16_t m4b = vdupq_n_u8(0x0F);
const int8x16_t s8b = vdupq_n_s8(0x8);
const uint8x16_t v0_0 = vld1q_u8(b_x0->qs);
const uint8x16_t v0_1 = vld1q_u8(b_x1->qs);
// 4-bit -> 8-bit
const int8x16_t v0_0l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_0, m4b));
const int8x16_t v0_0h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_0, 4));
const int8x16_t v0_1l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_1, m4b));
const int8x16_t v0_1h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_1, 4));
// sub 8
const int8x16_t x0_l = vsubq_s8(v0_0l, s8b);
const int8x16_t x0_h = vsubq_s8(v0_0h, s8b);
const int8x16_t x1_l = vsubq_s8(v0_1l, s8b);
const int8x16_t x1_h = vsubq_s8(v0_1h, s8b);
// load y
const int8x16_t y0_l = vld1q_s8(b_y0->qs);
const int8x16_t y0_h = vld1q_s8(b_y0->qs + 16);
const int8x16_t y1_l = vld1q_s8(b_y1->qs);
const int8x16_t y1_h = vld1q_s8(b_y1->qs + 16);
float32_t _scale[4] = { GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_y0->d),
float32x4_t scale = vld1q_f32(_scale);
int8x16_t l0 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_l)));
int8x16_t l1 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_l)));
int8x16_t l2 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_h)));
int8x16_t l3 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_h)));
int8x16_t r0 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_l)));
int8x16_t r1 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_l)));
int8x16_t r2 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_h)));
int8x16_t r3 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_h)));
sumv0 = vmlaq_f32(sumv0,(vcvtq_f32_s32(vmmlaq_s32((vmmlaq_s32((vmmlaq_s32((vmmlaq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), l0, r0)),
l1, r1)), l2, r2)), l3, r3))), scale);
float32x4_t sumv1 = vextq_f32(sumv0, sumv0, 2);
float32x4_t sumv2 = vzip1q_f32(sumv0, sumv1);
vst1_f32(s, vget_low_f32(sumv2));
vst1_f32(s + bs, vget_high_f32(sumv2));
int ib = 0;
float sumf = 0;
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_SVE)
svfloat32_t sumv0 = svdup_n_f32(0.0f);
svfloat32_t sumv1 = svdup_n_f32(0.0f);
const int vector_length = ggml_cpu_get_sve_cnt()*8;
// VLA Implementation using switch case
switch (vector_length) {
case 128:
// predicate for activating higher lanes for 4 float32 elements
const svbool_t ph4 = svptrue_pat_b32(SV_VL4);
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const block_q4_0 * restrict x0 = &x[ib + 0];
const block_q4_0 * restrict x1 = &x[ib + 1];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y0 = &y[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y1 = &y[ib + 1];
// load x
const svuint8_t qx0r = svld1rq_u8(svptrue_b8(), x0->qs);
const svuint8_t qx1r = svld1rq_u8(svptrue_b8(), x1->qs);
// 4-bit -> 8-bit
const svint8_t qx0l = svreinterpret_s8_u8(svand_n_u8_m(svptrue_b8(), qx0r, 0x0F));
const svint8_t qx0h = svreinterpret_s8_u8(svlsr_n_u8_m(svptrue_b8(), qx0r, 0x04));
const svint8_t qx1l = svreinterpret_s8_u8(svand_n_u8_m(svptrue_b8(), qx1r, 0x0F));
const svint8_t qx1h = svreinterpret_s8_u8(svlsr_n_u8_m(svptrue_b8(), qx1r, 0x04));
// sub 8
const svint8_t qx0ls = svsub_n_s8_x(svptrue_b8(), qx0h, 8);
const svint8_t qx0hs = svsub_n_s8_x(svptrue_b8(), qx0l, 8);
const svint8_t qx1ls = svsub_n_s8_x(svptrue_b8(), qx1h, 8);
const svint8_t qx1hs = svsub_n_s8_x(svptrue_b8(), qx1l, 8);
// load y
const svint8_t qy0h = svld1_s8(svptrue_b8(), y0->qs);
const svint8_t qy0l = svld1_s8(svptrue_b8(), y0->qs + 16);
const svint8_t qy1h = svld1_s8(svptrue_b8(), y1->qs);
const svint8_t qy1l = svld1_s8(svptrue_b8(), y1->qs + 16);
// dot product
sumv0 = svmla_n_f32_x(ph4, sumv0, svcvt_f32_s32_x(ph4, svadd_x(ph4,
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx0ls, qy0l),
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx0hs, qy0h))), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d));
sumv1 = svmla_n_f32_x(ph4, sumv1, svcvt_f32_s32_x(ph4, svadd_x(ph4,
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx1ls, qy1l),
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx1hs, qy1h))), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->d));
sumf = svaddv_f32(svptrue_b32(), svadd_f32_x(svptrue_b32(), sumv0, sumv1));
} break;
case 256:
// predicate for activating higher lanes for 16 int8 elements
const svbool_t ph16 = svptrue_pat_b8(SV_VL16);
// predicate for activating lower lanes for 16 int8 elements
const svbool_t pl16 = svnot_b_z(svptrue_b8(), ph16);
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const block_q4_0 * restrict x0 = &x[ib + 0];
const block_q4_0 * restrict x1 = &x[ib + 1];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y0 = &y[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y1 = &y[ib + 1];
// load x
const svuint8_t qx0r = svld1rq_u8(svptrue_b8(), x0->qs);
const svuint8_t qx1r = svld1rq_u8(svptrue_b8(), x1->qs);
// 4-bit -> 8-bit
const svint8_t qx0 = svreinterpret_s8_u8(svlsr_n_u8_m(pl16, svand_n_u8_m(ph16, qx0r, 0x0F), 0x04));
const svint8_t qx1 = svreinterpret_s8_u8(svlsr_n_u8_m(pl16, svand_n_u8_m(ph16, qx1r, 0x0F), 0x04));
// sub 8
const svint8_t qx0s = svsub_n_s8_x(svptrue_b8(), qx0, 8);
const svint8_t qx1s = svsub_n_s8_x(svptrue_b8(), qx1, 8);
// load y
const svint8_t qy0 = svld1_s8(svptrue_b8(), y0->qs);
const svint8_t qy1 = svld1_s8(svptrue_b8(), y1->qs);
// dot product
sumv0 = svmla_n_f32_x(svptrue_b32(), sumv0, svcvt_f32_s32_x(svptrue_b32(),
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx0s, qy0)), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d));
sumv1 = svmla_n_f32_x(svptrue_b32(), sumv1, svcvt_f32_s32_x(svptrue_b32(),
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx1s, qy1)), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->d));
sumf = svaddv_f32(svptrue_b32(), svadd_f32_x(svptrue_b32(), sumv0, sumv1));
} break;
case 512:
// predicate for activating higher lanes for 32 int8 elements
const svbool_t ph32 = svptrue_pat_b8(SV_VL32);
// predicate for activating higher lanes for 16 int8 elements
const svbool_t ph16 = svptrue_pat_b8(SV_VL16);
// predicate for activating lower lanes for 16 int8 elements from first 32 int8 activated lanes
const svbool_t pl16 = svnot_b_z(ph32, ph16);
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const block_q4_0 * restrict x0 = &x[ib + 0];
const block_q4_0 * restrict x1 = &x[ib + 1];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y0 = &y[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y1 = &y[ib + 1];
// load x
const svuint8_t qx0r = svld1rq_u8(ph32, x0->qs);
const svuint8_t qx1r = svld1rq_u8(ph32, x1->qs);
// 4-bit -> 8-bit
const svint8_t qx0 = svreinterpret_s8_u8(svlsr_n_u8_m(pl16, svand_n_u8_m(ph16, qx0r, 0x0F), 0x04));
const svint8_t qx1 = svreinterpret_s8_u8(svlsr_n_u8_m(pl16, svand_n_u8_m(ph16, qx1r, 0x0F), 0x04));
// sub 8
const svint8_t qx0s = svsub_n_s8_x(ph32, qx0, 8);
const svint8_t qx1s = svsub_n_s8_x(ph32, qx1, 8);
// load y
const svint8_t qy0 = svld1_s8(ph32, y0->qs);
const svint8_t qy1 = svld1_s8(ph32, y1->qs);
// dot product
sumv0 = svmla_n_f32_x(ph32, sumv0, svcvt_f32_s32_x(ph32,
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx0s, qy0)), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d));
sumv1 = svmla_n_f32_x(ph32, sumv1, svcvt_f32_s32_x(ph32,
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx1s, qy1)), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->d));
sumf = svaddv_f32(ph32, svadd_f32_x(ph32, sumv0, sumv1));
} break;
assert(false && "Unsupported vector length");
#elif defined(__ARM_NEON)
float32x4_t sumv0 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
float32x4_t sumv1 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const block_q4_0 * restrict x0 = &x[ib + 0];
const block_q4_0 * restrict x1 = &x[ib + 1];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y0 = &y[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y1 = &y[ib + 1];
const uint8x16_t m4b = vdupq_n_u8(0x0F);
const int8x16_t s8b = vdupq_n_s8(0x8);
const uint8x16_t v0_0 = vld1q_u8(x0->qs);
const uint8x16_t v0_1 = vld1q_u8(x1->qs);
// 4-bit -> 8-bit
const int8x16_t v0_0l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_0, m4b));
const int8x16_t v0_0h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_0, 4));
const int8x16_t v0_1l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_1, m4b));
const int8x16_t v0_1h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_1, 4));
// sub 8
const int8x16_t v0_0ls = vsubq_s8(v0_0l, s8b);
const int8x16_t v0_0hs = vsubq_s8(v0_0h, s8b);
const int8x16_t v0_1ls = vsubq_s8(v0_1l, s8b);
const int8x16_t v0_1hs = vsubq_s8(v0_1h, s8b);
// load y
const int8x16_t v1_0l = vld1q_s8(y0->qs);
const int8x16_t v1_0h = vld1q_s8(y0->qs + 16);
const int8x16_t v1_1l = vld1q_s8(y1->qs);
const int8x16_t v1_1h = vld1q_s8(y1->qs + 16);
// dot product into int32x4_t
const int32x4_t p_0 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_0ls, v1_0l), v0_0hs, v1_0h);
const int32x4_t p_1 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_1ls, v1_1l), v0_1hs, v1_1h);
sumv0 = vmlaq_n_f32(sumv0, vcvtq_f32_s32(p_0), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d));
sumv1 = vmlaq_n_f32(sumv1, vcvtq_f32_s32(p_1), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->d));
sumf = vaddvq_f32(sumv0) + vaddvq_f32(sumv1);
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
/* Compute combined scale for the block */
const __m256 d = _mm256_set1_ps( GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d) );
__m256i qx = bytes_from_nibbles_32(x[ib].qs);
// Now we have a vector with bytes in [ 0 .. 15 ] interval. Offset them into [ -8 .. +7 ] interval.
const __m256i off = _mm256_set1_epi8( 8 );
qx = _mm256_sub_epi8( qx, off );
__m256i qy = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)y[ib].qs);
const __m256 q = mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(qx, qy);
/* Multiply q with scale and accumulate */
acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps( d, q, acc );
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc);
#elif defined(__AVX__)
const __m128i mone = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
__m256 accum1 = _mm256_setzero_ps();
__m256 accum2 = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const __m128i q4bits_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)x[ib + 0].qs);
const __m128i q4bits_2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)x[ib + 1].qs);
const __m128i q8b_1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)y[ib + 0].qs);
const __m128i q8b_1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)y[ib + 0].qs + 1);
const __m128i q8b_2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)y[ib + 1].qs);
const __m128i q8b_2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)y[ib + 1].qs + 1);
const __m128i q4b_1_0 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_and_si128(_mm_set1_epi8(15), q4bits_1), _mm_set1_epi8(8));
const __m128i q4b_1_1 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_and_si128(_mm_set1_epi8(15), _mm_srli_epi16(q4bits_1, 4)), _mm_set1_epi8(8));
const __m128i q4b_2_0 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_and_si128(_mm_set1_epi8(15), q4bits_2), _mm_set1_epi8(8));
const __m128i q4b_2_1 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_and_si128(_mm_set1_epi8(15), _mm_srli_epi16(q4bits_2, 4)), _mm_set1_epi8(8));
const __m128i p16_1_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_1_0, q8b_1_0);
const __m128i p16_1_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_1_1, q8b_1_1);
const __m128i p16_2_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_2_0, q8b_2_0);
const __m128i p16_2_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_2_1, q8b_2_1);
const __m128i p_1_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_1_0, mone);
const __m128i p_1_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_1_1, mone);
const __m128i p_2_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_2_0, mone);
const __m128i p_2_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_2_1, mone);
accum1 = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 0].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib + 0].d)),
_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(p_1_1, p_1_0))), accum1);
accum2 = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 1].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib + 1].d)),
_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(p_2_1, p_2_0))), accum2);
sumf = hsum_float_8(_mm256_add_ps(accum1, accum2));
#elif defined(__SSSE3__)
// set constants
const __m128i lowMask = _mm_set1_epi8(0xF);
const __m128i off = _mm_set1_epi8(8);
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m128 acc_0 = _mm_setzero_ps();
__m128 acc_1 = _mm_setzero_ps();
__m128 acc_2 = _mm_setzero_ps();
__m128 acc_3 = _mm_setzero_ps();
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
_mm_prefetch(&x[ib] + sizeof(block_q4_0), _MM_HINT_T0);
_mm_prefetch(&y[ib] + sizeof(block_q8_0), _MM_HINT_T0);
// Compute combined scale for the block 0 and 1
const __m128 d_0_1 = _mm_set1_ps( GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d) );
const __m128i tmp_0_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)x[ib].qs);
__m128i bx_0 = _mm_and_si128(lowMask, tmp_0_1);
__m128i by_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)y[ib].qs);
bx_0 = _mm_sub_epi8(bx_0, off);
const __m128i i32_0 = mul_sum_i8_pairs(bx_0, by_0);
__m128i bx_1 = _mm_and_si128(lowMask, _mm_srli_epi64(tmp_0_1, 4));
__m128i by_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(y[ib].qs + 16));
bx_1 = _mm_sub_epi8(bx_1, off);
const __m128i i32_1 = mul_sum_i8_pairs(bx_1, by_1);
_mm_prefetch(&x[ib] + 2 * sizeof(block_q4_0), _MM_HINT_T0);
_mm_prefetch(&y[ib] + 2 * sizeof(block_q8_0), _MM_HINT_T0);
// Compute combined scale for the block 2 and 3
const __m128 d_2_3 = _mm_set1_ps( GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib + 1].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 1].d) );
const __m128i tmp_2_3 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)x[ib + 1].qs);
__m128i bx_2 = _mm_and_si128(lowMask, tmp_2_3);
__m128i by_2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)y[ib + 1].qs);
bx_2 = _mm_sub_epi8(bx_2, off);
const __m128i i32_2 = mul_sum_i8_pairs(bx_2, by_2);
__m128i bx_3 = _mm_and_si128(lowMask, _mm_srli_epi64(tmp_2_3, 4));
__m128i by_3 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(y[ib + 1].qs + 16));
bx_3 = _mm_sub_epi8(bx_3, off);
const __m128i i32_3 = mul_sum_i8_pairs(bx_3, by_3);
// Convert int32_t to float
__m128 p0 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(i32_0);
__m128 p1 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(i32_1);
__m128 p2 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(i32_2);
__m128 p3 = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(i32_3);
// Apply the scale
__m128 p0_d = _mm_mul_ps( d_0_1, p0 );
__m128 p1_d = _mm_mul_ps( d_0_1, p1 );
__m128 p2_d = _mm_mul_ps( d_2_3, p2 );
__m128 p3_d = _mm_mul_ps( d_2_3, p3 );
// Acummulate
acc_0 = _mm_add_ps(p0_d, acc_0);
acc_1 = _mm_add_ps(p1_d, acc_1);
acc_2 = _mm_add_ps(p2_d, acc_2);
acc_3 = _mm_add_ps(p3_d, acc_3);
sumf = hsum_float_4x4(acc_0, acc_1, acc_2, acc_3);
#elif defined(__riscv_v_intrinsic)
size_t vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e8m1(qk/2);
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
// load elements
vuint8mf2_t tx = __riscv_vle8_v_u8mf2(x[ib].qs, vl);
vint8mf2_t y0 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8mf2(y[ib].qs, vl);
vint8mf2_t y1 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8mf2(y[ib].qs+16, vl);
// mask and store lower part of x, and then upper part
vuint8mf2_t x_a = __riscv_vand_vx_u8mf2(tx, 0x0F, vl);
vuint8mf2_t x_l = __riscv_vsrl_vx_u8mf2(tx, 0x04, vl);
vint8mf2_t x_ai = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8mf2_i8mf2(x_a);
vint8mf2_t x_li = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8mf2_i8mf2(x_l);
// subtract offset
vint8mf2_t v0 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8mf2(x_ai, 8, vl);
vint8mf2_t v1 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8mf2(x_li, 8, vl);
vint16m1_t vec_mul1 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m1(v0, y0, vl);
vint16m1_t vec_mul2 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m1(v1, y1, vl);
vint32m1_t vec_zero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, vl);
vint32m1_t vs1 = __riscv_vwredsum_vs_i16m1_i32m1(vec_mul1, vec_zero, vl);
vint32m1_t vs2 = __riscv_vwredsum_vs_i16m1_i32m1(vec_mul2, vs1, vl);
int sumi = __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(vs2);
sumf += sumi*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d);
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed char lowMask = vec_splats((signed char)0xF);
const vector signed int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
const vector unsigned char v4 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x4);
const vector signed char v8 = vec_splats((signed char)0x8);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
#pragma GCC unroll 8
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
__builtin_prefetch(x[ib].qs, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(y[ib].qs, 0, 1);
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed char qxs = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, x[ib].qs);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, y[ib].qs);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl(16, y[ib].qs);
vector signed char q4x0 = vec_and(qxs, lowMask);
vector signed char q4x1 = vec_sr(qxs, v4);
q4x0 = vec_sub(q4x0, v8);
q4x1 = vec_sub(q4x1, v8);
vector signed short qv0 = vec_add(vec_mule(q4x0, q8y0), vec_mulo(q4x0, q8y0));
vector signed short qv1 = vec_add(vec_mule(q4x1, q8y1), vec_mulo(q4x1, q8y1));
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vsumi0 = vec_sum4s(qv0, vsumi0);
vsumi0 = vec_sum4s(qv1, vsumi0);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
sumf = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
/* Compute combined scale for the block */
const __m256 d = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s( GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d) );
__m256i qx = bytes_from_nibbles_32(x[ib].qs);
// Now we have a vector with bytes in [ 0 .. 15 ] interval. Offset them into [ -8 .. +7 ] interval.
const __m256i off = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b( 8 );
qx = __lasx_xvsub_b( qx, off );
__m256i qy = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)y[ib].qs, 0);
const __m256 q = mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(qx, qy);
/* Multiply q with scale and accumulate */
acc = __lasx_xvfmadd_s( d, q, acc );
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc);
#elif defined(__loongarch_sx)
// set constants
const __m128i low_mask = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(0xF);
const __m128i off = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(8);
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m128 acc_0 = __lsx_vldi(0);
__m128 acc_1 = __lsx_vldi(0);
__m128 acc_2 = __lsx_vldi(0);
__m128 acc_3 = __lsx_vldi(0);
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
// Compute combined scale for the block 0 and 1
const __m128 d_0_1 = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_w( GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d) );
const __m128i tmp_0_1 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i *)x[ib].qs, 0);
__m128i bx_0 = __lsx_vand_v(low_mask, tmp_0_1);
__m128i by_0 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i *)y[ib].qs, 0);
bx_0 = __lsx_vsub_b(bx_0, off);
const __m128i i32_0 = mul_sum_i8_pairs(bx_0, by_0);
__m128i bx_1 = __lsx_vand_v(low_mask, __lsx_vsrli_d(tmp_0_1, 4));
__m128i by_1 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i *)(y[ib].qs + 16), 0);
bx_1 = __lsx_vsub_b(bx_1, off);
const __m128i i32_1 = mul_sum_i8_pairs(bx_1, by_1);
//_mm_prefetch(&x[ib] + 2 * sizeof(block_q4_0), _MM_HINT_T0);
//_mm_prefetch(&y[ib] + 2 * sizeof(block_q8_0), _MM_HINT_T0);
// Compute combined scale for the block 2 and 3
const __m128 d_2_3 = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_w( GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib + 1].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 1].d) );
const __m128i tmp_2_3 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i *)x[ib + 1].qs, 0);
__m128i bx_2 = __lsx_vand_v(low_mask, tmp_2_3);
__m128i by_2 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i *)y[ib + 1].qs, 0);
bx_2 = __lsx_vsub_b(bx_2, off);
const __m128i i32_2 = mul_sum_i8_pairs(bx_2, by_2);
__m128i bx_3 = __lsx_vand_v(low_mask, __lsx_vsrli_d(tmp_2_3, 4));
__m128i by_3 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i *)(y[ib + 1].qs + 16), 0);
bx_3 = __lsx_vsub_b(bx_3, off);
const __m128i i32_3 = mul_sum_i8_pairs(bx_3, by_3);
// Convert int32_t to float
__m128 p0 = __lsx_vffint_s_w(i32_0);
__m128 p1 = __lsx_vffint_s_w(i32_1);
__m128 p2 = __lsx_vffint_s_w(i32_2);
__m128 p3 = __lsx_vffint_s_w(i32_3);
// Apply the scale
__m128 p0_d = __lsx_vfmul_s( d_0_1, p0 );
__m128 p1_d = __lsx_vfmul_s( d_0_1, p1 );
__m128 p2_d = __lsx_vfmul_s( d_2_3, p2 );
__m128 p3_d = __lsx_vfmul_s( d_2_3, p3 );
// Acummulate
acc_0 = __lsx_vfadd_s(p0_d, acc_0);
acc_1 = __lsx_vfadd_s(p1_d, acc_1);
acc_2 = __lsx_vfadd_s(p2_d, acc_2);
acc_3 = __lsx_vfadd_s(p3_d, acc_3);
sumf = hsum_float_4x4(acc_0, acc_1, acc_2, acc_3);
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
int sumi0 = 0;
int sumi1 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const int v0 = (x[ib].qs[j] & 0x0F) - 8;
const int v1 = (x[ib].qs[j] >> 4) - 8;
sumi0 += (v0 * y[ib].qs[j]);
sumi1 += (v1 * y[ib].qs[j + qk/2]);
int sumi = sumi0 + sumi1;
sumf += sumi*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d);
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_q4_1_q8_1(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
const int qk = QK8_1;
const int nb = n / qk;
assert(n % qk == 0);
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_MATMUL_INT8)
assert((nrc == 2) || (nrc == 1));
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_q4_1 * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_1 * restrict y = vy;
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_MATMUL_INT8)
if (nrc == 2) {
const block_q4_1 * restrict vx0 = vx;
const block_q4_1 * restrict vx1 = (const block_q4_1 *) ((const uint8_t*)vx + bx);
const block_q8_1 * restrict vy0 = vy;
const block_q8_1 * restrict vy1 = (const block_q8_1 *) ((const uint8_t*)vy + by);
float32x4_t sumv0 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
float32x4_t summs0 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const block_q4_1 * restrict b_x0 = &vx0[i];
const block_q4_1 * restrict b_x1 = &vx1[i];
const block_q8_1 * restrict b_y0 = &vy0[i];
const block_q8_1 * restrict b_y1 = &vy1[i];
float32_t summs_t[4] = {GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_x0->m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_y0->s),
GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_x1->m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_y0->s),
GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_x0->m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_y1->s),
GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_x1->m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_y1->s)};
summs0 = vaddq_f32(summs0, vld1q_f32(summs_t));
const uint8x16_t m4b = vdupq_n_u8(0x0F);
const uint8x16_t v0_0 = vld1q_u8(b_x0->qs);
const uint8x16_t v0_1 = vld1q_u8(b_x1->qs);
// 4-bit -> 8-bit
const int8x16_t x0_l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_0, m4b));
const int8x16_t x0_h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_0, 4));
const int8x16_t x1_l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_1, m4b));
const int8x16_t x1_h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_1, 4));
// load y
const int8x16_t y0_l = vld1q_s8(b_y0->qs);
const int8x16_t y0_h = vld1q_s8(b_y0->qs + 16);
const int8x16_t y1_l = vld1q_s8(b_y1->qs);
const int8x16_t y1_h = vld1q_s8(b_y1->qs + 16);
// mmla into int32x4_t
float32_t _scale[4] = {GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_x0->d)*b_y0->d,
float32x4_t scale = vld1q_f32(_scale);
int8x16_t l0 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_l)));
int8x16_t l1 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_l)));
int8x16_t l2 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_h)));
int8x16_t l3 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_h)));
int8x16_t r0 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_l)));
int8x16_t r1 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_l)));
int8x16_t r2 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_h)));
int8x16_t r3 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_h)));
sumv0 = vmlaq_f32(sumv0,(vcvtq_f32_s32(vmmlaq_s32((vmmlaq_s32((vmmlaq_s32((vmmlaq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), l0, r0)),
l1, r1)), l2, r2)), l3, r3))), scale);
float32x4_t sumv1 = vextq_f32(sumv0, sumv0, 2);
float32x4_t sumv2 = vzip1q_f32(sumv0, sumv1);
sumv2 = vaddq_f32(sumv2, summs0);
vst1_f32(s, vget_low_f32 (sumv2));
vst1_f32(s + bs, vget_high_f32(sumv2));
int ib = 0;
float sumf = 0;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
float32x4_t sumv0 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
float32x4_t sumv1 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
float summs = 0;
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const block_q4_1 * restrict x0 = &x[ib + 0];
const block_q4_1 * restrict x1 = &x[ib + 1];
const block_q8_1 * restrict y0 = &y[ib + 0];
const block_q8_1 * restrict y1 = &y[ib + 1];
summs += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->s) + GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->s);
const uint8x16_t m4b = vdupq_n_u8(0x0F);
const uint8x16_t v0_0 = vld1q_u8(x0->qs);
const uint8x16_t v0_1 = vld1q_u8(x1->qs);
// 4-bit -> 8-bit
const int8x16_t v0_0l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_0, m4b));
const int8x16_t v0_0h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_0, 4));
const int8x16_t v0_1l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_1, m4b));
const int8x16_t v0_1h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_1, 4));
// load y
const int8x16_t v1_0l = vld1q_s8(y0->qs);
const int8x16_t v1_0h = vld1q_s8(y0->qs + 16);
const int8x16_t v1_1l = vld1q_s8(y1->qs);
const int8x16_t v1_1h = vld1q_s8(y1->qs + 16);
// dot product into int32x4_t
const int32x4_t p_0 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_0l, v1_0l), v0_0h, v1_0h);
const int32x4_t p_1 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_1l, v1_1l), v0_1h, v1_1h);
sumv0 = vmlaq_n_f32(sumv0, vcvtq_f32_s32(p_0), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d));
sumv1 = vmlaq_n_f32(sumv1, vcvtq_f32_s32(p_1), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->d));
sumf = vaddvq_f32(sumv0) + vaddvq_f32(sumv1) + summs;
#elif defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__AVX__)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
float summs = 0;
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const float d0 = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d);
const float d1 = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d);
summs += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].s);
const __m256 d0v = _mm256_set1_ps( d0 );
const __m256 d1v = _mm256_set1_ps( d1 );
// Compute combined scales
const __m256 d0d1 = _mm256_mul_ps( d0v, d1v );
// Load 16 bytes, and unpack 4 bit fields into bytes, making 32 bytes
const __m256i qx = bytes_from_nibbles_32(x[ib].qs);
const __m256i qy = _mm256_loadu_si256( (const __m256i *)y[ib].qs );
const __m256 xy = mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(qx, qy);
// Accumulate d0*d1*x*y
#if defined(__AVX2__)
acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps( d0d1, xy, acc );
acc = _mm256_add_ps( _mm256_mul_ps( d0d1, xy ), acc );
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc) + summs;
#elif defined(__riscv_v_intrinsic)
size_t vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e8m1(qk/2);
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
// load elements
vuint8mf2_t tx = __riscv_vle8_v_u8mf2(x[ib].qs, vl);
vint8mf2_t y0 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8mf2(y[ib].qs, vl);
vint8mf2_t y1 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8mf2(y[ib].qs+16, vl);
// mask and store lower part of x, and then upper part
vuint8mf2_t x_a = __riscv_vand_vx_u8mf2(tx, 0x0F, vl);
vuint8mf2_t x_l = __riscv_vsrl_vx_u8mf2(tx, 0x04, vl);
vint8mf2_t v0 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8mf2_i8mf2(x_a);
vint8mf2_t v1 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8mf2_i8mf2(x_l);
vint16m1_t vec_mul1 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m1(v0, y0, vl);
vint16m1_t vec_mul2 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m1(v1, y1, vl);
vint32m1_t vec_zero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, vl);
vint32m1_t vs1 = __riscv_vwredsum_vs_i16m1_i32m1(vec_mul1, vec_zero, vl);
vint32m1_t vs2 = __riscv_vwredsum_vs_i16m1_i32m1(vec_mul2, vs1, vl);
int sumi = __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(vs2);
sumf += (GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d))*sumi + GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].m)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].s);
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed char lowMask = vec_splats((signed char)0xF);
const vector signed int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
const vector unsigned char v4 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x4);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
#pragma GCC unroll 4
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
__builtin_prefetch(x[ib].qs, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(y[ib].qs, 0, 1);
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector float vxmin = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].m));
vector float vys = {GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].s), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vxmin, vys, vsumf0);
vector signed char qxs = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, x[ib].qs);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, y[ib].qs);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl(16, y[ib].qs);
vector unsigned char q4x0 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(qxs, lowMask);
vector unsigned char q4x1 = (vector unsigned char)vec_sr(qxs, v4);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vsumi0 = vec_msum(q8y0, q4x0, vsumi0);
vsumi0 = vec_msum(q8y1, q4x1, vsumi0);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
sumf = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
float summs = 0;
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const float d0 = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d);
const float d1 = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d);
summs += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].s);
const __m256 d0v = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s( d0 );
const __m256 d1v = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s( d1 );
// Compute combined scales
const __m256 d0d1 = __lasx_xvfmul_s( d0v, d1v );
// Load 16 bytes, and unpack 4 bit fields into bytes, making 32 bytes
const __m256i qx = bytes_from_nibbles_32(x[ib].qs);
const __m256i qy = __lasx_xvld( (const __m256i *)y[ib].qs, 0);
const __m256 xy = mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(qx, qy);
// Accumulate d0*d1*x*y
acc = __lasx_xvfmadd_s( d0d1, xy, acc );
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc) + summs;
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
int sumi0 = 0;
int sumi1 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const int v0 = (x[ib].qs[j] & 0x0F);
const int v1 = (x[ib].qs[j] >> 4);
sumi0 += (v0 * y[ib].qs[j]);
sumi1 += (v1 * y[ib].qs[j + qk/2]);
int sumi = sumi0 + sumi1;
sumf += (GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d))*sumi + GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].m)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].s);
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_q5_0_q8_0(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
const int qk = QK8_0;
const int nb = n / qk;
int ib = 0;
float sumf = 0;
assert(n % qk == 0);
assert(qk == QK5_0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_q5_0 * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_0 * restrict y = vy;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
float32x4_t sumv0 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
float32x4_t sumv1 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
uint32_t qh0;
uint32_t qh1;
uint64_t tmp0[4];
uint64_t tmp1[4];
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const block_q5_0 * restrict x0 = &x[ib];
const block_q5_0 * restrict x1 = &x[ib + 1];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y0 = &y[ib];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y1 = &y[ib + 1];
const uint8x16_t m4b = vdupq_n_u8(0x0F);
// extract the 5th bit via lookup table ((!b) << 4)
memcpy(&qh0, x0->qh, sizeof(qh0));
memcpy(&qh1, x1->qh, sizeof(qh1));
tmp0[0] = table_b2b_1[(qh0 >> 0) & 0xFF];
tmp0[1] = table_b2b_1[(qh0 >> 8) & 0xFF];
tmp0[2] = table_b2b_1[(qh0 >> 16) & 0xFF];
tmp0[3] = table_b2b_1[(qh0 >> 24) ];
tmp1[0] = table_b2b_1[(qh1 >> 0) & 0xFF];
tmp1[1] = table_b2b_1[(qh1 >> 8) & 0xFF];
tmp1[2] = table_b2b_1[(qh1 >> 16) & 0xFF];
tmp1[3] = table_b2b_1[(qh1 >> 24) ];
const int8x16_t qhl0 = vld1q_s8((const int8_t *)(tmp0 + 0));
const int8x16_t qhh0 = vld1q_s8((const int8_t *)(tmp0 + 2));
const int8x16_t qhl1 = vld1q_s8((const int8_t *)(tmp1 + 0));
const int8x16_t qhh1 = vld1q_s8((const int8_t *)(tmp1 + 2));
const uint8x16_t v0_0 = vld1q_u8(x0->qs);
const uint8x16_t v0_1 = vld1q_u8(x1->qs);
// 4-bit -> 8-bit
int8x16_t v0_0l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_0, m4b));
int8x16_t v0_0h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_0, 4));
int8x16_t v0_1l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_1, m4b));
int8x16_t v0_1h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_1, 4));
// add high bit and sub 16 (equivalent to sub 0x10 when bit is zero)
const int8x16_t v0_0lf = vsubq_s8(v0_0l, qhl0);
const int8x16_t v0_0hf = vsubq_s8(v0_0h, qhh0);
const int8x16_t v0_1lf = vsubq_s8(v0_1l, qhl1);
const int8x16_t v0_1hf = vsubq_s8(v0_1h, qhh1);
// load y
const int8x16_t v1_0l = vld1q_s8(y0->qs);
const int8x16_t v1_0h = vld1q_s8(y0->qs + 16);
const int8x16_t v1_1l = vld1q_s8(y1->qs);
const int8x16_t v1_1h = vld1q_s8(y1->qs + 16);
sumv0 = vmlaq_n_f32(sumv0, vcvtq_f32_s32(vaddq_s32(
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_0lf, v1_0l),
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_0hf, v1_0h))), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d));
sumv1 = vmlaq_n_f32(sumv1, vcvtq_f32_s32(vaddq_s32(
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_1lf, v1_1l),
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_1hf, v1_1h))), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->d));
sumf = vaddvq_f32(sumv0) + vaddvq_f32(sumv1);
#elif defined(__wasm_simd128__)
v128_t sumv = wasm_f32x4_splat(0.0f);
uint32_t qh;
uint64_t tmp[4];
// TODO: check if unrolling this is better
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const block_q5_0 * restrict x0 = &x[ib];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y0 = &y[ib];
const v128_t m4b = wasm_i8x16_splat(0x0F);
// extract the 5th bit
memcpy(&qh, x0->qh, sizeof(qh));
tmp[0] = table_b2b_1[(qh >> 0) & 0xFF];
tmp[1] = table_b2b_1[(qh >> 8) & 0xFF];
tmp[2] = table_b2b_1[(qh >> 16) & 0xFF];
tmp[3] = table_b2b_1[(qh >> 24) ];
const v128_t qhl = wasm_v128_load(tmp + 0);
const v128_t qhh = wasm_v128_load(tmp + 2);
const v128_t v0 = wasm_v128_load(x0->qs);
// 4-bit -> 8-bit
const v128_t v0l = wasm_v128_and (v0, m4b);
const v128_t v0h = wasm_u8x16_shr(v0, 4);
// add high bit and sub 16 (equivalent to sub 0x10 when bit is zero)
const v128_t v0lf = wasm_i8x16_sub(v0l, qhl);
const v128_t v0hf = wasm_i8x16_sub(v0h, qhh);
// load y
const v128_t v1l = wasm_v128_load(y0->qs);
const v128_t v1h = wasm_v128_load(y0->qs + 16);
// int8x16 -> int16x8
const v128_t v0lfl = wasm_i16x8_extend_low_i8x16 (v0lf);
const v128_t v0lfh = wasm_i16x8_extend_high_i8x16(v0lf);
const v128_t v0hfl = wasm_i16x8_extend_low_i8x16 (v0hf);
const v128_t v0hfh = wasm_i16x8_extend_high_i8x16(v0hf);
const v128_t v1ll = wasm_i16x8_extend_low_i8x16 (v1l);
const v128_t v1lh = wasm_i16x8_extend_high_i8x16(v1l);
const v128_t v1hl = wasm_i16x8_extend_low_i8x16 (v1h);
const v128_t v1hh = wasm_i16x8_extend_high_i8x16(v1h);
// dot product
sumv = wasm_f32x4_add(sumv, wasm_f32x4_mul(wasm_f32x4_convert_i32x4(
wasm_i32x4_add(wasm_i32x4_dot_i16x8(v0lfl, v1ll),
wasm_i32x4_dot_i16x8(v0lfh, v1lh)),
wasm_i32x4_add(wasm_i32x4_dot_i16x8(v0hfl, v1hl),
wasm_i32x4_dot_i16x8(v0hfh, v1hh)))),
wasm_f32x4_splat(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d))));
sumf = wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(sumv, 0) + wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(sumv, 1) +
wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(sumv, 2) + wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(sumv, 3);
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
/* Compute combined scale for the block */
const __m256 d = _mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
__m256i qx = bytes_from_nibbles_32(x[ib].qs);
__m256i bxhi = bytes_from_bits_32(x[ib].qh);
bxhi = _mm256_andnot_si256(bxhi, _mm256_set1_epi8((char)0xF0));
qx = _mm256_or_si256(qx, bxhi);
__m256i qy = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)y[ib].qs);
const __m256 q = mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(qx, qy);
/* Multiply q with scale and accumulate */
acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(d, q, acc);
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc);
#elif defined(__AVX__)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
__m128i mask = _mm_set1_epi8((char)0xF0);
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
/* Compute combined scale for the block */
const __m256 d = _mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
__m256i bx_0 = bytes_from_nibbles_32(x[ib].qs);
const __m256i bxhi = bytes_from_bits_32(x[ib].qh);
__m128i bxhil = _mm256_castsi256_si128(bxhi);
__m128i bxhih = _mm256_extractf128_si256(bxhi, 1);
bxhil = _mm_andnot_si128(bxhil, mask);
bxhih = _mm_andnot_si128(bxhih, mask);
__m128i bxl = _mm256_castsi256_si128(bx_0);
__m128i bxh = _mm256_extractf128_si256(bx_0, 1);
bxl = _mm_or_si128(bxl, bxhil);
bxh = _mm_or_si128(bxh, bxhih);
bx_0 = MM256_SET_M128I(bxh, bxl);
const __m256i by_0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)y[ib].qs);
const __m256 q = mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(bx_0, by_0);
/* Multiply q with scale and accumulate */
acc = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(d, q), acc);
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc);
#elif defined(__riscv_v_intrinsic)
uint32_t qh;
size_t vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e8m1(qk/2);
// These temporary registers are for masking and shift operations
vuint32m2_t vt_1 = __riscv_vid_v_u32m2(vl);
vuint32m2_t vt_2 = __riscv_vsll_vv_u32m2(__riscv_vmv_v_x_u32m2(1, vl), vt_1, vl);
vuint32m2_t vt_3 = __riscv_vsll_vx_u32m2(vt_2, 16, vl);
vuint32m2_t vt_4 = __riscv_vadd_vx_u32m2(vt_1, 12, vl);
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
memcpy(&qh, x[ib].qh, sizeof(uint32_t));
// ((qh & (1u << (j + 0 ))) >> (j + 0 )) << 4;
vuint32m2_t xha_0 = __riscv_vand_vx_u32m2(vt_2, qh, vl);
vuint32m2_t xhr_0 = __riscv_vsrl_vv_u32m2(xha_0, vt_1, vl);
vuint32m2_t xhl_0 = __riscv_vsll_vx_u32m2(xhr_0, 4, vl);
// ((qh & (1u << (j + 16))) >> (j + 12));
vuint32m2_t xha_1 = __riscv_vand_vx_u32m2(vt_3, qh, vl);
vuint32m2_t xhl_1 = __riscv_vsrl_vv_u32m2(xha_1, vt_4, vl);
// narrowing
vuint16m1_t xhc_0 = __riscv_vncvt_x_x_w_u16m1(xhl_0, vl);
vuint8mf2_t xh_0 = __riscv_vncvt_x_x_w_u8mf2(xhc_0, vl);
vuint16m1_t xhc_1 = __riscv_vncvt_x_x_w_u16m1(xhl_1, vl);
vuint8mf2_t xh_1 = __riscv_vncvt_x_x_w_u8mf2(xhc_1, vl);
// load
vuint8mf2_t tx = __riscv_vle8_v_u8mf2(x[ib].qs, vl);
vint8mf2_t y0 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8mf2(y[ib].qs, vl);
vint8mf2_t y1 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8mf2(y[ib].qs+16, vl);
vuint8mf2_t x_at = __riscv_vand_vx_u8mf2(tx, 0x0F, vl);
vuint8mf2_t x_lt = __riscv_vsrl_vx_u8mf2(tx, 0x04, vl);
vuint8mf2_t x_a = __riscv_vor_vv_u8mf2(x_at, xh_0, vl);
vuint8mf2_t x_l = __riscv_vor_vv_u8mf2(x_lt, xh_1, vl);
vint8mf2_t x_ai = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8mf2_i8mf2(x_a);
vint8mf2_t x_li = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8mf2_i8mf2(x_l);
vint8mf2_t v0 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8mf2(x_ai, 16, vl);
vint8mf2_t v1 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8mf2(x_li, 16, vl);
vint16m1_t vec_mul1 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m1(v0, y0, vl);
vint16m1_t vec_mul2 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m1(v1, y1, vl);
vint32m1_t vec_zero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, vl);
vint32m1_t vs1 = __riscv_vwredsum_vs_i16m1_i32m1(vec_mul1, vec_zero, vl);
vint32m1_t vs2 = __riscv_vwredsum_vs_i16m1_i32m1(vec_mul2, vs1, vl);
int sumi = __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(vs2);
sumf += (GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d)) * sumi;
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed char lowMask = vec_splats((signed char)0xF);
const vector unsigned char v4 = vec_splats((unsigned char)4);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
#pragma GCC unroll 4
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
__builtin_prefetch(x[ib].qs, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(y[ib].qs, 0, 1);
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed long long aux64x2_0 = {(uint64_t)(table_b2b_1[x[ib].qh[0]]), (uint64_t)(table_b2b_1[x[ib].qh[1]])};
vector signed long long aux64x2_1 = {(uint64_t)(table_b2b_1[x[ib].qh[2]]), (uint64_t)(table_b2b_1[x[ib].qh[3]])};
vector signed char qh0 = (vector signed char)aux64x2_0;
vector signed char qh1 = (vector signed char)aux64x2_1;
vector signed char qxs = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, x[ib].qs);
vector signed char q5x0 = vec_sub(vec_and (qxs, lowMask), qh0);
vector signed char q5x1 = vec_sub(vec_sr(qxs, v4), qh1);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, y[ib].qs);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl( 16, y[ib].qs);
vector signed short qv0 = vec_add(vec_mule(q5x0, q8y0), vec_mulo(q5x0, q8y0));
vector signed short qv1 = vec_add(vec_mule(q5x1, q8y1), vec_mulo(q5x1, q8y1));
qv0 = vec_add(qv0, qv1);
vector signed int vsumi0 = vec_add(vec_unpackh(qv0), vec_unpackl(qv0));
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
sumf = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
/* Compute combined scale for the block */
const __m256 d = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d)); //FIXME
__m256i qx = bytes_from_nibbles_32(x[ib].qs);
__m256i bxhi = bytes_from_bits_32(x[ib].qh);
bxhi = __lasx_xvandn_v(bxhi, __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b((char)0xF0));
qx = __lasx_xvor_v(qx, bxhi);
__m256i qy = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)y[ib].qs, 0);
const __m256 q = mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(qx, qy);
/* Multiply q with scale and accumulate */
acc = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(d, q, acc);
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc);
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
uint32_t qh;
memcpy(&qh, x[ib].qh, sizeof(qh));
int sumi0 = 0;
int sumi1 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const uint8_t xh_0 = ((qh & (1u << (j + 0 ))) >> (j + 0 )) << 4;
const uint8_t xh_1 = ((qh & (1u << (j + 16))) >> (j + 12));
const int32_t x0 = (int8_t)(((x[ib].qs[j] & 0x0F) | xh_0) - 16);
const int32_t x1 = (int8_t)(((x[ib].qs[j] >> 4) | xh_1) - 16);
sumi0 += (x0 * y[ib].qs[j]);
sumi1 += (x1 * y[ib].qs[j + qk/2]);
int sumi = sumi0 + sumi1;
sumf += (GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d)) * sumi;
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_q5_1_q8_1(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
const int qk = QK8_1;
const int nb = n / qk;
int ib = 0;
float sumf = 0;
assert(n % qk == 0);
assert(qk == QK5_1);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_q5_1 * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_1 * restrict y = vy;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
float32x4_t sumv0 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
float32x4_t sumv1 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
float summs0 = 0.0f;
float summs1 = 0.0f;
uint32_t qh0;
uint32_t qh1;
uint64_t tmp0[4];
uint64_t tmp1[4];
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const block_q5_1 * restrict x0 = &x[ib];
const block_q5_1 * restrict x1 = &x[ib + 1];
const block_q8_1 * restrict y0 = &y[ib];
const block_q8_1 * restrict y1 = &y[ib + 1];
const uint8x16_t m4b = vdupq_n_u8(0x0F);
summs0 += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->s);
summs1 += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->s);
// extract the 5th bit via lookup table ((b) << 4)
memcpy(&qh0, x0->qh, sizeof(qh0));
memcpy(&qh1, x1->qh, sizeof(qh1));
tmp0[0] = table_b2b_0[(qh0 >> 0) & 0xFF];
tmp0[1] = table_b2b_0[(qh0 >> 8) & 0xFF];
tmp0[2] = table_b2b_0[(qh0 >> 16) & 0xFF];
tmp0[3] = table_b2b_0[(qh0 >> 24) ];
tmp1[0] = table_b2b_0[(qh1 >> 0) & 0xFF];
tmp1[1] = table_b2b_0[(qh1 >> 8) & 0xFF];
tmp1[2] = table_b2b_0[(qh1 >> 16) & 0xFF];
tmp1[3] = table_b2b_0[(qh1 >> 24) ];
const int8x16_t qhl0 = vld1q_s8((const int8_t *)(tmp0 + 0));
const int8x16_t qhh0 = vld1q_s8((const int8_t *)(tmp0 + 2));
const int8x16_t qhl1 = vld1q_s8((const int8_t *)(tmp1 + 0));
const int8x16_t qhh1 = vld1q_s8((const int8_t *)(tmp1 + 2));
const uint8x16_t v0_0 = vld1q_u8(x0->qs);
const uint8x16_t v0_1 = vld1q_u8(x1->qs);
// 4-bit -> 8-bit
const int8x16_t v0_0l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_0, m4b));
const int8x16_t v0_0h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_0, 4));
const int8x16_t v0_1l = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (v0_1, m4b));
const int8x16_t v0_1h = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(v0_1, 4));
// add high bit
const int8x16_t v0_0lf = vorrq_s8(v0_0l, qhl0);
const int8x16_t v0_0hf = vorrq_s8(v0_0h, qhh0);
const int8x16_t v0_1lf = vorrq_s8(v0_1l, qhl1);
const int8x16_t v0_1hf = vorrq_s8(v0_1h, qhh1);
// load y
const int8x16_t v1_0l = vld1q_s8(y0->qs);
const int8x16_t v1_0h = vld1q_s8(y0->qs + 16);
const int8x16_t v1_1l = vld1q_s8(y1->qs);
const int8x16_t v1_1h = vld1q_s8(y1->qs + 16);
sumv0 = vmlaq_n_f32(sumv0, vcvtq_f32_s32(vaddq_s32(
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_0lf, v1_0l),
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_0hf, v1_0h))), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d));
sumv1 = vmlaq_n_f32(sumv1, vcvtq_f32_s32(vaddq_s32(
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_1lf, v1_1l),
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), v0_1hf, v1_1h))), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->d));
sumf = vaddvq_f32(sumv0) + vaddvq_f32(sumv1) + summs0 + summs1;
#elif defined(__wasm_simd128__)
v128_t sumv = wasm_f32x4_splat(0.0f);
float summs = 0.0f;
uint32_t qh;
uint64_t tmp[4];
// TODO: check if unrolling this is better
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const block_q5_1 * restrict x0 = &x[ib];
const block_q8_1 * restrict y0 = &y[ib];
summs += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->s);
const v128_t m4b = wasm_i8x16_splat(0x0F);
// extract the 5th bit
memcpy(&qh, x0->qh, sizeof(qh));
tmp[0] = table_b2b_0[(qh >> 0) & 0xFF];
tmp[1] = table_b2b_0[(qh >> 8) & 0xFF];
tmp[2] = table_b2b_0[(qh >> 16) & 0xFF];
tmp[3] = table_b2b_0[(qh >> 24) ];
const v128_t qhl = wasm_v128_load(tmp + 0);
const v128_t qhh = wasm_v128_load(tmp + 2);
const v128_t v0 = wasm_v128_load(x0->qs);
// 4-bit -> 8-bit
const v128_t v0l = wasm_v128_and (v0, m4b);
const v128_t v0h = wasm_u8x16_shr(v0, 4);
// add high bit
const v128_t v0lf = wasm_v128_or(v0l, qhl);
const v128_t v0hf = wasm_v128_or(v0h, qhh);
// load y
const v128_t v1l = wasm_v128_load(y0->qs);
const v128_t v1h = wasm_v128_load(y0->qs + 16);
// int8x16 -> int16x8
const v128_t v0lfl = wasm_i16x8_extend_low_i8x16 (v0lf);
const v128_t v0lfh = wasm_i16x8_extend_high_i8x16(v0lf);
const v128_t v0hfl = wasm_i16x8_extend_low_i8x16 (v0hf);
const v128_t v0hfh = wasm_i16x8_extend_high_i8x16(v0hf);
const v128_t v1ll = wasm_i16x8_extend_low_i8x16 (v1l);
const v128_t v1lh = wasm_i16x8_extend_high_i8x16(v1l);
const v128_t v1hl = wasm_i16x8_extend_low_i8x16 (v1h);
const v128_t v1hh = wasm_i16x8_extend_high_i8x16(v1h);
// dot product
sumv = wasm_f32x4_add(sumv,
wasm_i32x4_add(wasm_i32x4_dot_i16x8(v0lfl, v1ll),
wasm_i32x4_dot_i16x8(v0lfh, v1lh)),
wasm_i32x4_add(wasm_i32x4_dot_i16x8(v0hfl, v1hl),
wasm_i32x4_dot_i16x8(v0hfh, v1hh)))),
wasm_f32x4_splat(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d))));
sumf = wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(sumv, 0) + wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(sumv, 1) +
wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(sumv, 2) + wasm_f32x4_extract_lane(sumv, 3) + summs;
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
float summs = 0.0f;
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const __m256 dx = _mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d));
summs += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].s);
__m256i qx = bytes_from_nibbles_32(x[ib].qs);
__m256i bxhi = bytes_from_bits_32(x[ib].qh);
bxhi = _mm256_and_si256(bxhi, _mm256_set1_epi8(0x10));
qx = _mm256_or_si256(qx, bxhi);
const __m256 dy = _mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
const __m256i qy = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)y[ib].qs);
const __m256 q = mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(qx, qy);
acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(q, _mm256_mul_ps(dx, dy), acc);
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc) + summs;
#elif defined(__AVX__)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
__m128i mask = _mm_set1_epi8(0x10);
float summs = 0.0f;
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const __m256 dx = _mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d));
summs += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].s);
__m256i bx_0 = bytes_from_nibbles_32(x[ib].qs);
const __m256i bxhi = bytes_from_bits_32(x[ib].qh);
__m128i bxhil = _mm256_castsi256_si128(bxhi);
__m128i bxhih = _mm256_extractf128_si256(bxhi, 1);
bxhil = _mm_and_si128(bxhil, mask);
bxhih = _mm_and_si128(bxhih, mask);
__m128i bxl = _mm256_castsi256_si128(bx_0);
__m128i bxh = _mm256_extractf128_si256(bx_0, 1);
bxl = _mm_or_si128(bxl, bxhil);
bxh = _mm_or_si128(bxh, bxhih);
bx_0 = MM256_SET_M128I(bxh, bxl);
const __m256 dy = _mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
const __m256i by_0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)y[ib].qs);
const __m256 q = mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(bx_0, by_0);
acc = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(q, _mm256_mul_ps(dx, dy)), acc);
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc) + summs;
#elif defined(__riscv_v_intrinsic)
uint32_t qh;
size_t vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e8m1(qk/2);
// temporary registers for shift operations
vuint32m2_t vt_1 = __riscv_vid_v_u32m2(vl);
vuint32m2_t vt_2 = __riscv_vadd_vx_u32m2(vt_1, 12, vl);
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
memcpy(&qh, x[ib].qh, sizeof(uint32_t));
// load qh
vuint32m2_t vqh = __riscv_vmv_v_x_u32m2(qh, vl);
// ((qh >> (j + 0)) << 4) & 0x10;
vuint32m2_t xhr_0 = __riscv_vsrl_vv_u32m2(vqh, vt_1, vl);
vuint32m2_t xhl_0 = __riscv_vsll_vx_u32m2(xhr_0, 4, vl);
vuint32m2_t xha_0 = __riscv_vand_vx_u32m2(xhl_0, 0x10, vl);
// ((qh >> (j + 12)) ) & 0x10;
vuint32m2_t xhr_1 = __riscv_vsrl_vv_u32m2(vqh, vt_2, vl);
vuint32m2_t xha_1 = __riscv_vand_vx_u32m2(xhr_1, 0x10, vl);
// narrowing
vuint16m1_t xhc_0 = __riscv_vncvt_x_x_w_u16m1(xha_0, vl);
vuint8mf2_t xh_0 = __riscv_vncvt_x_x_w_u8mf2(xhc_0, vl);
vuint16m1_t xhc_1 = __riscv_vncvt_x_x_w_u16m1(xha_1, vl);
vuint8mf2_t xh_1 = __riscv_vncvt_x_x_w_u8mf2(xhc_1, vl);
// load
vuint8mf2_t tx = __riscv_vle8_v_u8mf2(x[ib].qs, vl);
vint8mf2_t y0 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8mf2(y[ib].qs, vl);
vint8mf2_t y1 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8mf2(y[ib].qs+16, vl);
vuint8mf2_t x_at = __riscv_vand_vx_u8mf2(tx, 0x0F, vl);
vuint8mf2_t x_lt = __riscv_vsrl_vx_u8mf2(tx, 0x04, vl);
vuint8mf2_t x_a = __riscv_vor_vv_u8mf2(x_at, xh_0, vl);
vuint8mf2_t x_l = __riscv_vor_vv_u8mf2(x_lt, xh_1, vl);
vint8mf2_t v0 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8mf2_i8mf2(x_a);
vint8mf2_t v1 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8mf2_i8mf2(x_l);
vint16m1_t vec_mul1 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m1(v0, y0, vl);
vint16m1_t vec_mul2 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m1(v1, y1, vl);
vint32m1_t vec_zero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, vl);
vint32m1_t vs1 = __riscv_vwredsum_vs_i16m1_i32m1(vec_mul1, vec_zero, vl);
vint32m1_t vs2 = __riscv_vwredsum_vs_i16m1_i32m1(vec_mul2, vs1, vl);
int sumi = __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(vs2);
sumf += (GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d))*sumi + GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].m)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].s);
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed char lowMask = vec_splats((signed char)0xF);
const vector signed int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
const vector unsigned char v4 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x4);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
#pragma GCC unroll 4
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
__builtin_prefetch(x[ib].qs, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(y[ib].qs, 0, 1);
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector float vxmin = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].m));
vector float vys = {GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].s), 0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vxmin, vys, vsumf0);
vector unsigned long long aux64x2_0 = {(uint64_t)(table_b2b_0[x[ib].qh[0]]), (uint64_t)(table_b2b_0[x[ib].qh[1]])};
vector unsigned long long aux64x2_1 = {(uint64_t)(table_b2b_0[x[ib].qh[2]]), (uint64_t)(table_b2b_0[x[ib].qh[3]])};
vector signed char qh0 = (vector signed char)aux64x2_0;
vector signed char qh1 = (vector signed char)aux64x2_1;
vector signed char qxs = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, x[ib].qs);
vector unsigned char q5x0 = (vector unsigned char)vec_or(vec_and(qxs, lowMask), qh0);
vector unsigned char q5x1 = (vector unsigned char)vec_or(vec_sr(qxs, v4), qh1);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, y[ib].qs);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl( 16, y[ib].qs);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vsumi0 = vec_msum(q8y0, q5x0, vsumi0);
vsumi0 = vec_msum(q8y1, q5x1, vsumi0);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
sumf = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
float summs = 0.0f;
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const __m256 dx = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d));
summs += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].m) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].s);
__m256i qx = bytes_from_nibbles_32(x[ib].qs);
__m256i bxhi = bytes_from_bits_32(x[ib].qh);
bxhi = __lasx_xvand_v(bxhi, __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(0x10));
qx = __lasx_xvor_v(qx, bxhi);
const __m256 dy = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
const __m256i qy = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)y[ib].qs, 0);
const __m256 q = mul_sum_us8_pairs_float(qx, qy);
acc = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(q, __lasx_xvfmul_s(dx, dy), acc);
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc) + summs;
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
uint32_t qh;
memcpy(&qh, x[ib].qh, sizeof(qh));
int sumi0 = 0;
int sumi1 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < qk/2; ++j) {
const uint8_t xh_0 = ((qh >> (j + 0)) << 4) & 0x10;
const uint8_t xh_1 = ((qh >> (j + 12)) ) & 0x10;
const int32_t x0 = (x[ib].qs[j] & 0xF) | xh_0;
const int32_t x1 = (x[ib].qs[j] >> 4) | xh_1;
sumi0 += (x0 * y[ib].qs[j]);
sumi1 += (x1 * y[ib].qs[j + qk/2]);
int sumi = sumi0 + sumi1;
sumf += (GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d))*sumi + GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].m)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].s);
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_q8_0_q8_0(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
const int qk = QK8_0;
const int nb = n / qk;
assert(n % qk == 0);
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_MATMUL_INT8)
assert((nrc == 2) || (nrc == 1));
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_q8_0 * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_0 * restrict y = vy;
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_MATMUL_INT8)
if (nrc == 2) {
const block_q8_0 * restrict vx0 = vx;
const block_q8_0 * restrict vx1 = (const block_q8_0 *) ((const uint8_t*)vx + bx);
const block_q8_0 * restrict vy0 = vy;
const block_q8_0 * restrict vy1 = (const block_q8_0 *) ((const uint8_t*)vy + by);
float32x4_t sumv0 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const block_q8_0 * restrict b_x0 = &vx0[i];
const block_q8_0 * restrict b_y0 = &vy0[i];
const block_q8_0 * restrict b_x1 = &vx1[i];
const block_q8_0 * restrict b_y1 = &vy1[i];
const int8x16_t x0_l = vld1q_s8(b_x0->qs);
const int8x16_t x0_h = vld1q_s8(b_x0->qs + 16);
const int8x16_t x1_l = vld1q_s8(b_x1->qs);
const int8x16_t x1_h = vld1q_s8(b_x1->qs + 16);
// load y
const int8x16_t y0_l = vld1q_s8(b_y0->qs);
const int8x16_t y0_h = vld1q_s8(b_y0->qs + 16);
const int8x16_t y1_l = vld1q_s8(b_y1->qs);
const int8x16_t y1_h = vld1q_s8(b_y1->qs + 16);
float32_t _scale[4] = {GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(b_y0->d),
float32x4_t scale = vld1q_f32(_scale);
int8x16_t l0 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_l)));
int8x16_t l1 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_l)));
int8x16_t l2 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_h)));
int8x16_t l3 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(x1_h)));
int8x16_t r0 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_l)));
int8x16_t r1 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_l), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_l)));
int8x16_t r2 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip1q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_h)));
int8x16_t r3 = vreinterpretq_s8_s64(vzip2q_s64(vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y0_h), vreinterpretq_s64_s8(y1_h)));
sumv0 = vmlaq_f32(sumv0,(vcvtq_f32_s32(vmmlaq_s32((vmmlaq_s32((vmmlaq_s32((vmmlaq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), l0, r0)),
l1, r1)), l2, r2)), l3, r3))), scale);
float32x4_t sumv1 = vextq_f32(sumv0, sumv0, 2);
float32x4_t sumv2 = vzip1q_f32(sumv0, sumv1);
vst1_f32(s, vget_low_f32(sumv2));
vst1_f32(s + bs, vget_high_f32(sumv2));
int ib = 0;
float sumf = 0;
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_SVE)
svfloat32_t sumv0 = svdup_n_f32(0.0f);
svfloat32_t sumv1 = svdup_n_f32(0.0f);
const int vector_length = ggml_cpu_get_sve_cnt()*8;
//VLA Implemenation for SVE
switch (vector_length) {
case 128:
// predicate for activating lanes for 16 Int8 elements
const svbool_t ph16 = svptrue_pat_b8 (SV_VL16);
const svbool_t pl16 = svptrue_pat_b32(SV_VL4);
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const block_q8_0 * restrict x0 = &x[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict x1 = &x[ib + 1];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y0 = &y[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y1 = &y[ib + 1];
// load x
const svint8_t qx0_0 = svld1_s8(ph16, x0->qs);
const svint8_t qx0_1 = svld1_s8(ph16, x0->qs+16);
const svint8_t qx1_0 = svld1_s8(ph16, x1->qs);
const svint8_t qx1_1 = svld1_s8(ph16, x1->qs+16);
// load y
const svint8_t qy0_0 = svld1_s8(ph16, y0->qs);
const svint8_t qy0_1 = svld1_s8(ph16, y0->qs+16);
const svint8_t qy1_0 = svld1_s8(ph16, y1->qs);
const svint8_t qy1_1 = svld1_s8(ph16, y1->qs+16);
sumv0 = svmla_n_f32_x(pl16, sumv0, svcvt_f32_s32_x(pl16, svadd_x(pl16,
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx0_0, qy0_0),
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx0_1, qy0_1))), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d));
sumv1 = svmla_n_f32_x(pl16, sumv1, svcvt_f32_s32_x(pl16, svadd_x(pl16,
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx1_0, qy1_0),
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx1_1, qy1_1))), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->d));
sumf = svaddv_f32(pl16, svadd_f32_x(pl16, sumv0, sumv1));
} break;
case 256:
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const block_q8_0 * restrict x0 = &x[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict x1 = &x[ib + 1];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y0 = &y[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y1 = &y[ib + 1];
// load x
const svint8_t qx0 = svld1_s8(svptrue_b8(), x0->qs);
const svint8_t qx1 = svld1_s8(svptrue_b8(), x1->qs);
// load y
const svint8_t qy0 = svld1_s8(svptrue_b8(), y0->qs);
const svint8_t qy1 = svld1_s8(svptrue_b8(), y1->qs);
sumv0 = svmla_n_f32_x(svptrue_b32(), sumv0, svcvt_f32_s32_x(svptrue_b32(),
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx0, qy0)), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d));
sumv1 = svmla_n_f32_x(svptrue_b32(), sumv1, svcvt_f32_s32_x(svptrue_b32(),
svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx1, qy1)), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->d));
sumf = svaddv_f32(svptrue_b32(), svadd_f32_x(svptrue_b32(), sumv0, sumv1));
} break;
case 512:
// predicate for activating high 256 bit
const svbool_t ph32 = svptrue_pat_b8(SV_VL32);
// predicate for activating low 256 bit
const svbool_t pl32 = svnot_b_z(svptrue_b8(), ph32);
// predicate for activating high lanes for 8 float32 elements
const svbool_t ph8 = svptrue_pat_b32(SV_VL8);
// predicate for activating low lanes for 8 float32 elements
const svbool_t pl8 = svnot_b_z(svptrue_b32(), ph8);
svfloat32_t sumv00 = svdup_n_f32(0.0f);
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const block_q8_0 * restrict x0 = &x[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict x1 = &x[ib + 1];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y0 = &y[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y1 = &y[ib + 1];
//load 32 int8_t in first half of vector and put another 32 int8_t in second vector lower bits
// and add them to make one 64 element vector
// load x
const svint8_t qx_32 = svld1_s8(ph32, x0->qs);
svint8_t qx_64 = svld1_s8(pl32, x0->qs + 2);
qx_64 = svadd_s8_x(svptrue_b8(), qx_32, qx_64);
// load y
const svint8_t qy_32 = svld1_s8(ph32, y0->qs);
svint8_t qy_64 = svld1_s8(pl32, y0->qs + 2);
qy_64 = svadd_s8_x(svptrue_b8(), qy_32, qy_64);
// scale creation
const float32_t deq1 = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d);
const float32_t deq2 = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->d);
// duplicate deq1 in first half of vector and deq2 in second half of vector
const svfloat32_t temp = svdup_f32_m(svdup_f32_z(ph8, deq1), pl8, deq2);
const svfloat32_t sumvt = svcvt_f32_s32_x(svptrue_b32(), svdot_s32(svdup_n_s32(0), qx_64, qy_64));
sumv00 = svmla_f32_m(svptrue_b32(), sumv00, sumvt, temp);
sumf = svaddv_f32(svptrue_b32(), sumv00);
assert(false && "Unsupported vector length");
#elif defined(__ARM_NEON)
float32x4_t sumv0 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
float32x4_t sumv1 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0f);
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const block_q8_0 * restrict x0 = &x[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict x1 = &x[ib + 1];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y0 = &y[ib + 0];
const block_q8_0 * restrict y1 = &y[ib + 1];
const int8x16_t x0_0 = vld1q_s8(x0->qs);
const int8x16_t x0_1 = vld1q_s8(x0->qs + 16);
const int8x16_t x1_0 = vld1q_s8(x1->qs);
const int8x16_t x1_1 = vld1q_s8(x1->qs + 16);
// load y
const int8x16_t y0_0 = vld1q_s8(y0->qs);
const int8x16_t y0_1 = vld1q_s8(y0->qs + 16);
const int8x16_t y1_0 = vld1q_s8(y1->qs);
const int8x16_t y1_1 = vld1q_s8(y1->qs + 16);
sumv0 = vmlaq_n_f32(sumv0, vcvtq_f32_s32(vaddq_s32(
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), x0_0, y0_0),
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), x0_1, y0_1))), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x0->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y0->d));
sumv1 = vmlaq_n_f32(sumv1, vcvtq_f32_s32(vaddq_s32(
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), x1_0, y1_0),
ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), x1_1, y1_1))), GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x1->d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y1->d));
sumf = vaddvq_f32(sumv0) + vaddvq_f32(sumv1);
#elif defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__AVX__)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
// Compute combined scale for the block
const __m256 d = _mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
__m256i qx = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)x[ib].qs);
__m256i qy = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)y[ib].qs);
const __m256 q = mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(qx, qy);
// Multiply q with scale and accumulate
#if defined(__AVX2__)
acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps( d, q, acc );
acc = _mm256_add_ps( _mm256_mul_ps( d, q ), acc );
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc);
#elif defined(__riscv_v_intrinsic)
size_t vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e8m1(qk);
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
// load elements
vint8m1_t bx_0 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(x[ib].qs, vl);
vint8m1_t by_0 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(y[ib].qs, vl);
vint16m2_t vw_mul = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(bx_0, by_0, vl);
vint32m1_t v_zero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, vl);
vint32m1_t v_sum = __riscv_vwredsum_vs_i16m2_i32m1(vw_mul, v_zero, vl);
int sumi = __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(v_sum);
sumf += sumi*(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
#pragma GCC unroll 8
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
__builtin_prefetch(x[ib].qs, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(y[ib].qs, 0, 1);
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed char q8x0 = vec_xl( 0, x[ib].qs);
vector signed char q8x1 = vec_xl(16, x[ib].qs);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, y[ib].qs);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl(16, y[ib].qs);
vector signed short qv0 = vec_mule(q8x0, q8y0);
vector signed short qv1 = vec_mulo(q8x0, q8y0);
vector signed short qv2 = vec_mule(q8x1, q8y1);
vector signed short qv3 = vec_mulo(q8x1, q8y1);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vsumi0 = vec_sum4s(qv0, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_sum4s(qv1, vsumi1);
vsumi0 = vec_sum4s(qv2, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_sum4s(qv3, vsumi1);
vsumi0 = vec_add(vsumi0, vsumi1);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
sumf = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
// Initialize accumulator with zeros
__m256 acc = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
// Main loop
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
// Compute combined scale for the block
const __m256 d = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
__m256i qx = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)x[ib].qs, 0);
__m256i qy = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)y[ib].qs, 0);
const __m256 q = mul_sum_i8_pairs_float(qx, qy);
// Multiply q with scale and accumulate
acc = __lasx_xvfmadd_s( d, q, acc );
sumf = hsum_float_8(acc);
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
int sumi = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < qk; j++) {
sumi += x[ib].qs[j]*y[ib].qs[j];
sumf += sumi*(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_tq1_0_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_tq1_0 * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
float sumf = 0.0f;
uint8_t k_shift[16] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 27, 27, 27, 27};
const uint8x16_t shift = vld1q_u8(k_shift);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_DOTPROD)
int32x4_t sumi0 = vdupq_n_s32(0);
int32x4_t sumi1 = vdupq_n_s32(0);
int16x8_t sumi0 = vdupq_n_s16(0);
int16x8_t sumi1 = vdupq_n_s16(0);
// first 32 bytes of 5 elements
uint8x16_t qx0 = vld1q_u8(x[i].qs + 0);
uint8x16_t qx1 = vld1q_u8(x[i].qs + 16);
uint8x16_t qx2 = vmulq_u8(qx0, vdupq_n_u8(3));
uint8x16_t qx3 = vmulq_u8(qx1, vdupq_n_u8(3));
uint8x16_t qx4 = vmulq_u8(qx0, vdupq_n_u8(9));
uint8x16_t qx5 = vmulq_u8(qx1, vdupq_n_u8(9));
uint8x16_t qx6 = vmulq_u8(qx0, vdupq_n_u8(27));
uint8x16_t qx7 = vmulq_u8(qx1, vdupq_n_u8(27));
uint8x16_t qx8 = vmulq_u8(qx0, vdupq_n_u8(81));
uint8x16_t qx9 = vmulq_u8(qx1, vdupq_n_u8(81));
// multiply by 3 and keep the 2 bits above 8 bits
int8x16_t sqx0 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx0, vshrq_n_u8(qx0, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx1 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx1, vshrq_n_u8(qx1, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx2 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx2, vshrq_n_u8(qx2, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx3 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx3, vshrq_n_u8(qx3, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx4 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx4, vshrq_n_u8(qx4, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx5 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx5, vshrq_n_u8(qx5, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx6 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx6, vshrq_n_u8(qx6, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx7 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx7, vshrq_n_u8(qx7, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx8 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx8, vshrq_n_u8(qx8, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx9 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx9, vshrq_n_u8(qx9, 1)), 6));
const int8x16_t qy0 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 0);
const int8x16_t qy1 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 16);
const int8x16_t qy2 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 32);
const int8x16_t qy3 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 48);
const int8x16_t qy4 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 64);
const int8x16_t qy5 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 80);
const int8x16_t qy6 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 96);
const int8x16_t qy7 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 112);
const int8x16_t qy8 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 128);
const int8x16_t qy9 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 144);
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_DOTPROD)
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx0, qy0);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx1, qy1);
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx2, qy2);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx3, qy3);
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx4, qy4);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx5, qy5);
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx6, qy6);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx7, qy7);
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx8, qy8);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx9, qy9);
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx0), vget_low_s8(qy0));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx0), vget_high_s8(qy0));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx1), vget_low_s8(qy1));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx1), vget_high_s8(qy1));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx2), vget_low_s8(qy2));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx2), vget_high_s8(qy2));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx3), vget_low_s8(qy3));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx3), vget_high_s8(qy3));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx4), vget_low_s8(qy4));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx4), vget_high_s8(qy4));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx5), vget_low_s8(qy5));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx5), vget_high_s8(qy5));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx6), vget_low_s8(qy6));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx6), vget_high_s8(qy6));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx7), vget_low_s8(qy7));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx7), vget_high_s8(qy7));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx8), vget_low_s8(qy8));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx8), vget_high_s8(qy8));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx9), vget_low_s8(qy9));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx9), vget_high_s8(qy9));
// last 16 bytes of 5-element, along with the 4 bytes of 4 elements
uint8x16_t qx0 = vld1q_u8(x[i].qs + 32);
uint8x16_t qx1 = vmulq_u8(qx0, vdupq_n_u8(3));
uint8x16_t qx2 = vmulq_u8(qx0, vdupq_n_u8(9));
uint8x16_t qx3 = vmulq_u8(qx0, vdupq_n_u8(27));
uint8x16_t qx4 = vmulq_u8(qx0, vdupq_n_u8(81));
uint32_t qh;
memcpy(&qh, x[i].qh, sizeof(qh)); // potentially unaligned
uint8x16_t qx5 = vreinterpretq_u8_u32(vdupq_n_u32(qh));
qx5 = vmulq_u8(qx5, shift);
// multiply by 3 and keep the 2 bits above 8 bits
int8x16_t sqx0 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx0, vshrq_n_u8(qx0, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx1 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx1, vshrq_n_u8(qx1, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx2 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx2, vshrq_n_u8(qx2, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx3 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx3, vshrq_n_u8(qx3, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx4 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx4, vshrq_n_u8(qx4, 1)), 6));
int8x16_t sqx5 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vhaddq_u8(qx5, vshrq_n_u8(qx5, 1)), 6));
const int8x16_t qy0 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 160);
const int8x16_t qy1 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 176);
const int8x16_t qy2 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 192);
const int8x16_t qy3 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 208);
const int8x16_t qy4 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 224);
const int8x16_t qy5 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + 240);
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_DOTPROD)
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx0, qy0);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx1, qy1);
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx2, qy2);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx3, qy3);
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx4, qy4);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx5, qy5);
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx0), vget_low_s8(qy0));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx0), vget_high_s8(qy0));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx1), vget_low_s8(qy1));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx1), vget_high_s8(qy1));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx2), vget_low_s8(qy2));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx2), vget_high_s8(qy2));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx3), vget_low_s8(qy3));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx3), vget_high_s8(qy3));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx4), vget_low_s8(qy4));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx4), vget_high_s8(qy4));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx5), vget_low_s8(qy5));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx5), vget_high_s8(qy5));
const int16x8_t ysum0 = vld1q_s16(y[i].bsums);
const int16x8_t ysum1 = vld1q_s16(y[i].bsums + 8);
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_DOTPROD)
sumi0 = vaddq_s32(sumi0, sumi1);
sumi0 = vsubq_s32(sumi0, vpaddlq_s16(vaddq_s16(ysum0, ysum1)));
sumf += d * (float) vaddvq_s32(sumi0);
sumi0 = vaddq_s16(sumi0, sumi1);
sumi0 = vsubq_s16(sumi0, vaddq_s16(ysum0, ysum1));
sumf += d * (float) vaddlvq_s16(sumi0);
*s = sumf;
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
__m256 sumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
// 16-bit sums
__m256i sumi0 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256i sumi1 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256i sumi2 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
// first 32 bytes of 5 elements
__m256i qx0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (x[i].qs));
// 8-bit multiplies with shifts, masks and adds
__m256i qx1 = _mm256_add_epi8(qx0, _mm256_add_epi8(qx0, qx0)); // 1 * 3
__m256i qx2 = _mm256_add_epi8(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_slli_epi16(qx0, 3), _mm256_set1_epi8(-8)), qx0); // 1 * 9
__m256i qx3 = _mm256_add_epi8(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_slli_epi16(qx1, 3), _mm256_set1_epi8(-8)), qx1); // 3 * 9
__m256i qx4 = _mm256_add_epi8(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_slli_epi16(qx2, 3), _mm256_set1_epi8(-8)), qx2); // 9 * 9
// TODO: can _mm256_mulhi_epu16 be faster even if 16-bits?
// Cancel the +1 from avg so that it behaves like a halving add
qx0 = _mm256_subs_epu8(qx0, _mm256_set1_epi8(1));
qx1 = _mm256_subs_epu8(qx1, _mm256_set1_epi8(1));
qx2 = _mm256_subs_epu8(qx2, _mm256_set1_epi8(1));
qx3 = _mm256_subs_epu8(qx3, _mm256_set1_epi8(1));
qx4 = _mm256_subs_epu8(qx4, _mm256_set1_epi8(1));
// Multiply by 3 and get the top 2 bits
qx0 = _mm256_avg_epu8(qx0, _mm256_avg_epu8(qx0, _mm256_setzero_si256()));
qx1 = _mm256_avg_epu8(qx1, _mm256_avg_epu8(qx1, _mm256_setzero_si256()));
qx2 = _mm256_avg_epu8(qx2, _mm256_avg_epu8(qx2, _mm256_setzero_si256()));
qx3 = _mm256_avg_epu8(qx3, _mm256_avg_epu8(qx3, _mm256_setzero_si256()));
qx4 = _mm256_avg_epu8(qx4, _mm256_avg_epu8(qx4, _mm256_setzero_si256()));
qx0 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(qx0, 6), _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
qx1 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(qx1, 6), _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
qx2 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(qx2, 6), _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
qx3 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(qx3, 6), _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
qx4 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(qx4, 6), _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
const __m256i qy0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + 0));
const __m256i qy1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + 32));
const __m256i qy2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + 64));
const __m256i qy3 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + 96));
const __m256i qy4 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + 128));
qx0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx0, qy0);
qx1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx1, qy1);
qx2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx2, qy2);
qx3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx3, qy3);
qx4 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx4, qy4);
sumi0 = _mm256_add_epi16(sumi0, _mm256_add_epi16(qx0, qx1));
sumi1 = _mm256_add_epi16(sumi1, _mm256_add_epi16(qx2, qx3));
sumi2 = _mm256_add_epi16(sumi2, qx4);
// last 16 bytes of 5-element, along with the 4 bytes of 4 elements
__m128i qx0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *) (x[i].qs + 32));
uint32_t qh;
memcpy(&qh, x[i].qh, sizeof(qh)); // potentially unaligned
__m256i qx5_l = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_set1_epi32(qh));
__m128i qx1 = _mm_add_epi8(qx0, _mm_add_epi8(qx0, qx0)); // 1 * 3
__m128i qx2 = _mm_add_epi8(_mm_and_si128(_mm_slli_epi16(qx0, 3), _mm_set1_epi8(-8)), qx0); // 1 * 9
__m128i qx3 = _mm_add_epi8(_mm_and_si128(_mm_slli_epi16(qx1, 3), _mm_set1_epi8(-8)), qx1); // 3 * 9
__m128i qx4 = _mm_add_epi8(_mm_and_si128(_mm_slli_epi16(qx2, 3), _mm_set1_epi8(-8)), qx2); // 9 * 9
__m256i qx01 = MM256_SET_M128I(qx1, qx0);
__m256i qx23 = MM256_SET_M128I(qx3, qx2);
// avx2 does not have 8-bit multiplies, so 16-bit it is.
qx5_l = _mm256_mullo_epi16(qx5_l, _mm256_set_epi16(27, 27, 27, 27, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1));
qx5_l = _mm256_and_si256(qx5_l, _mm256_set1_epi16(0xFF));
__m128i qx5 = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm256_castsi256_si128(qx5_l), _mm256_extracti128_si256(qx5_l, 1));
__m256i qx45 = MM256_SET_M128I(qx5, qx4);
// Cancel the +1 from avg so that it behaves like a halving add
qx01 = _mm256_subs_epu8(qx01, _mm256_set1_epi8(1));
qx23 = _mm256_subs_epu8(qx23, _mm256_set1_epi8(1));
qx45 = _mm256_subs_epu8(qx45, _mm256_set1_epi8(1));
// Multiply by 3 and get the top 2 bits
qx01 = _mm256_avg_epu8(qx01, _mm256_avg_epu8(qx01, _mm256_setzero_si256()));
qx23 = _mm256_avg_epu8(qx23, _mm256_avg_epu8(qx23, _mm256_setzero_si256()));
qx45 = _mm256_avg_epu8(qx45, _mm256_avg_epu8(qx45, _mm256_setzero_si256()));
qx01 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(qx01, 6), _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
qx23 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(qx23, 6), _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
qx45 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(qx45, 6), _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
const __m256i qy01 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + 160));
const __m256i qy23 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + 192));
const __m256i qy45 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + 224));
qx01 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx01, qy01);
qx23 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx23, qy23);
qx45 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx45, qy45);
sumi0 = _mm256_add_epi16(sumi0, qx01);
sumi1 = _mm256_add_epi16(sumi1, qx23);
sumi2 = _mm256_add_epi16(sumi2, qx45);
const __m256i ysum = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) y[i].bsums);
const __m256 d = _mm256_set1_ps(y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
sumi0 = _mm256_sub_epi16(sumi0, ysum);
sumi0 = _mm256_add_epi16(sumi0, _mm256_add_epi16(sumi1, sumi2));
sumi0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(sumi0, _mm256_set1_epi16(1));
sumf = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi0), d), sumf);
*s = hsum_float_8(sumf);
const uint8_t pow3[6] = {1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243};
float sumf = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
int sum = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(x->qs) - sizeof(x->qs) % 32; j += 32) {
for (size_t l = 0; l < 5; ++l) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < 32; ++m) {
uint8_t q = x[i].qs[j + m] * pow3[l];
uint16_t xi = ((uint16_t) q * 3) >> 8;
sum += (xi - 1) * y[i].qs[j*5 + l*32 + m];
for (size_t j = sizeof(x->qs) - sizeof(x->qs) % 32; j < sizeof(x->qs); j += 16) {
for (size_t l = 0; l < 5; ++l) {
for (size_t m = 0; m < 16; ++m) {
uint8_t q = x[i].qs[j + m] * pow3[l];
uint16_t xi = ((uint16_t) q * 3) >> 8;
sum += (xi - 1) * y[i].qs[j*5 + l*16 + m];
for (size_t l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(x->qh); ++j) {
uint8_t q = x[i].qh[j] * pow3[l];
uint16_t xi = ((uint16_t) q * 3) >> 8;
sum += (xi - 1) * y[i].qs[sizeof(x->qs)*5 + l*sizeof(x->qh) + j];
sumf += (float) sum * (GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d);
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_tq2_0_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_tq2_0 * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
float sumf = 0.0f;
const uint8x16_t m3 = vdupq_n_u8(3);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_DOTPROD)
int32x4_t sumi0 = vdupq_n_s32(0);
int32x4_t sumi1 = vdupq_n_s32(0);
int16x8_t sumi0 = vdupq_n_s16(0);
int16x8_t sumi1 = vdupq_n_s16(0);
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(x->qs); j += 32) {
uint8x16_t qx0 = vld1q_u8(x[i].qs + j);
uint8x16_t qx1 = vld1q_u8(x[i].qs + j + 16);
uint8x16_t qx2 = vshrq_n_u8(qx0, 2);
uint8x16_t qx3 = vshrq_n_u8(qx1, 2);
uint8x16_t qx4 = vshrq_n_u8(qx0, 4);
uint8x16_t qx5 = vshrq_n_u8(qx1, 4);
uint8x16_t qx6 = vshrq_n_u8(qx0, 6);
uint8x16_t qx7 = vshrq_n_u8(qx1, 6);
int8x16_t sqx0 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(qx0, m3));
int8x16_t sqx1 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(qx1, m3));
int8x16_t sqx2 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(qx2, m3));
int8x16_t sqx3 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(qx3, m3));
int8x16_t sqx4 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(qx4, m3));
int8x16_t sqx5 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(qx5, m3));
int8x16_t sqx6 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(qx6, m3));
int8x16_t sqx7 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(qx7, m3));
const int8x16_t qy0 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + j*4 + 0);
const int8x16_t qy1 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + j*4 + 16);
const int8x16_t qy2 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + j*4 + 32);
const int8x16_t qy3 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + j*4 + 48);
const int8x16_t qy4 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + j*4 + 64);
const int8x16_t qy5 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + j*4 + 80);
const int8x16_t qy6 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + j*4 + 96);
const int8x16_t qy7 = vld1q_s8(y[i].qs + j*4 + 112);
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_DOTPROD)
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx0, qy0);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx1, qy1);
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx2, qy2);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx3, qy3);
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx4, qy4);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx5, qy5);
sumi0 = vdotq_s32(sumi0, sqx6, qy6);
sumi1 = vdotq_s32(sumi1, sqx7, qy7);
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx0), vget_low_s8(qy0));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx0), vget_high_s8(qy0));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx1), vget_low_s8(qy1));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx1), vget_high_s8(qy1));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx2), vget_low_s8(qy2));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx2), vget_high_s8(qy2));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx3), vget_low_s8(qy3));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx3), vget_high_s8(qy3));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx4), vget_low_s8(qy4));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx4), vget_high_s8(qy4));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx5), vget_low_s8(qy5));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx5), vget_high_s8(qy5));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx6), vget_low_s8(qy6));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx6), vget_high_s8(qy6));
sumi0 = vmlal_s8(sumi0, vget_low_s8(sqx7), vget_low_s8(qy7));
sumi1 = vmlal_s8(sumi1, vget_high_s8(sqx7), vget_high_s8(qy7));
const int16x8_t ysum0 = vld1q_s16(y[i].bsums);
const int16x8_t ysum1 = vld1q_s16(y[i].bsums + 8);
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_DOTPROD)
sumi0 = vaddq_s32(sumi0, sumi1);
sumi0 = vsubq_s32(sumi0, vpaddlq_s16(vaddq_s16(ysum0, ysum1)));
sumf += d * (float) vaddvq_s32(sumi0);
sumi0 = vaddq_s16(sumi0, sumi1);
sumi0 = vsubq_s16(sumi0, vaddq_s16(ysum0, ysum1));
sumf += d * (float) vaddlvq_s16(sumi0);
*s = sumf;
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
__m256 sumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
// 16-bit sums, because 256*127 still fits
__m256i sumi0 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256i sumi1 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(x->qs); j += 32) {
__m256i qx0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (x[i].qs + j));
__m256i qx1 = _mm256_srli_epi16(qx0, 2);
__m256i qx2 = _mm256_srli_epi16(qx0, 4);
__m256i qx3 = _mm256_srli_epi16(qx0, 6);
// 0, 1, 2 (should not be 3)
qx0 = _mm256_and_si256(qx0, _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
qx1 = _mm256_and_si256(qx1, _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
qx2 = _mm256_and_si256(qx2, _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
qx3 = _mm256_and_si256(qx3, _mm256_set1_epi8(3));
const __m256i qy0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + j*4 + 0));
const __m256i qy1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + j*4 + 32));
const __m256i qy2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + j*4 + 64));
const __m256i qy3 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) (y[i].qs + j*4 + 96));
qx0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx0, qy0);
qx1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx1, qy1);
qx2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx2, qy2);
qx3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(qx3, qy3);
sumi0 = _mm256_add_epi16(sumi0, _mm256_add_epi16(qx0, qx1));
sumi1 = _mm256_add_epi16(sumi1, _mm256_add_epi16(qx2, qx3));
const __m256i ysum = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *) y[i].bsums);
const __m256 d = _mm256_set1_ps(y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
sumi0 = _mm256_add_epi16(sumi0, sumi1);
sumi0 = _mm256_sub_epi16(sumi0, ysum);
sumi0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(sumi0, _mm256_set1_epi16(1));
sumf = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi0), d), sumf);
*s = hsum_float_8(sumf);
float sumf = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
int32_t sumi = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(x->qs); j += 32) {
for (size_t l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < 32; ++k) {
sumi += y[i].qs[j*4 + l*32 + k] * (((x[i].qs[j + k] >> (l*2)) & 3) - 1);
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
sumf += (float) sumi * d;
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_q2_K_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_q2_K * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#ifdef __ARM_NEON
const uint8x16_t m3 = vdupq_n_u8(0x3);
const uint8x16_t m4 = vdupq_n_u8(0xF);
const int32x4_t vzero = vdupq_n_s32(0);
ggml_int8x16x2_t q2bytes;
uint8_t aux[16];
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = -y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
const uint8_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict sc = x[i].scales;
const uint8x16_t mins_and_scales = vld1q_u8(sc);
const uint8x16_t scales = vandq_u8(mins_and_scales, m4);
vst1q_u8(aux, scales);
const uint8x16_t mins = vshrq_n_u8(mins_and_scales, 4);
const ggml_int16x8x2_t q8sums = ggml_vld1q_s16_x2(y[i].bsums);
const ggml_int16x8x2_t mins16 = {{vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8(mins))), vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_high_u8(mins)))}};
const int32x4_t s0 = vaddq_s32(vmull_s16(vget_low_s16 (mins16.val[0]), vget_low_s16 (q8sums.val[0])),
vmull_s16(vget_high_s16(mins16.val[0]), vget_high_s16(q8sums.val[0])));
const int32x4_t s1 = vaddq_s32(vmull_s16(vget_low_s16 (mins16.val[1]), vget_low_s16 (q8sums.val[1])),
vmull_s16(vget_high_s16(mins16.val[1]), vget_high_s16(q8sums.val[1])));
sum += dmin * vaddvq_s32(vaddq_s32(s0, s1));
int isum = 0;
int is = 0;
// We use this macro instead of a function call because for some reason
// the code runs 2-3% slower, even if the function is declared inline
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q2bytes.val[0], q8bytes.val[0])) * aux[is+(index)];\
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q2bytes.val[1], q8bytes.val[1])) * aux[is+1+(index)];
#define SHIFT_MULTIPLY_ACCUM_WITH_SCALE(shift, index)\
q8bytes = ggml_vld1q_s8_x2(q8); q8 += 32;\
q2bytes.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q2bits.val[0], (shift)), m3));\
q2bytes.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q2bits.val[1], (shift)), m3));\
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
const ggml_uint8x16x2_t q2bits = ggml_vld1q_u8_x2(q2); q2 += 32;
ggml_int8x16x2_t q8bytes = ggml_vld1q_s8_x2(q8); q8 += 32;
q2bytes.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(q2bits.val[0], m3));
q2bytes.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(q2bits.val[1], m3));
is += 8;
sum += d * isum;
*s = sum;
#elif defined __AVX2__
const __m256i m3 = _mm256_set1_epi8(3);
const __m128i m4 = _mm_set1_epi8(0xF);
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = -y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
const uint8_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const __m128i mins_and_scales = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)x[i].scales);
const __m128i scales8 = _mm_and_si128(mins_and_scales, m4);
const __m128i mins8 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(mins_and_scales, 4), m4);
const __m256i mins = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(mins8);
const __m256i prod = _mm256_madd_epi16(mins, _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)y[i].bsums));
acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&dmin), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(prod), acc);
const __m256i all_scales = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scales8);
const __m128i l_scales = _mm256_extracti128_si256(all_scales, 0);
const __m128i h_scales = _mm256_extracti128_si256(all_scales, 1);
const __m256i scales[2] = {MM256_SET_M128I(l_scales, l_scales), MM256_SET_M128I(h_scales, h_scales)};
__m256i sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256();
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
const __m256i q2bits = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q2); q2 += 32;
const __m256i q8_0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_3 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q2_0 = _mm256_and_si256(q2bits, m3);
const __m256i q2_1 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q2bits, 2), m3);
const __m256i q2_2 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q2bits, 4), m3);
const __m256i q2_3 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q2bits, 6), m3);
__m256i p0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_0, q8_0);
__m256i p1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_1, q8_1);
__m256i p2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_2, q8_2);
__m256i p3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_3, q8_3);
p0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(0)), p0);
p1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(1)), p1);
p2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(2)), p2);
p3 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(3)), p3);
p0 = _mm256_add_epi32(p0, p1);
p2 = _mm256_add_epi32(p2, p3);
sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_add_epi32(p0, p2));
acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), acc);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc);
#elif defined __AVX__
const __m128i m3 = _mm_set1_epi8(0x3);
const __m128i m4 = _mm_set1_epi8(0xF);
const __m128i m2 = _mm_set1_epi8(0x2);
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float dall = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = -y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
const uint8_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
// load mins and scales from block_q2_K.scales[QK_K/16]
const __m128i mins_and_scales = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)x[i].scales);
const __m128i scales16 = _mm_and_si128(mins_and_scales, m4);
const __m128i mins16 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(mins_and_scales, 4), m4);
const __m128i mins_0 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(mins16);
const __m128i mins_1 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi64(mins16, mins16));
// summs = y[i].bsums * (x[i].scales >> 4) in 16bits*8*2 to 32bits*4*2
const __m128i summs_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(mins_0, _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&y[i].bsums[0]));
const __m128i summs_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mins_1, _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&y[i].bsums[8]));
// sumf += -dmin * summs in 32bits*8
acc = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&dmin), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(summs_1, summs_0))), acc);
const __m128i scales_0 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(scales16);
const __m128i scales_1 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi64(scales16, scales16));
const __m128i scales[2] = { scales_0, scales_1 };
__m128i sumi_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
// load Q8 quants int8*16*8 from block_q8_K.qs[QK_K]
const __m128i q8_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_3 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_4 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_5 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_6 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_7 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
// load 2bits*16*8 from block_q2_K.qs[QK_K/4]
__m128i q2bits = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q2); q2 += 16;
const __m128i q2_0 = _mm_and_si128(q2bits, m3);
const __m128i q2_2 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q2bits, 2), m3);
const __m128i q2_4 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q2bits, 4), m3);
const __m128i q2_6 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q2bits, 6), m3);
q2bits = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q2); q2 += 16;
const __m128i q2_1 = _mm_and_si128(q2bits, m3);
const __m128i q2_3 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q2bits, 2), m3);
const __m128i q2_5 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q2bits, 4), m3);
const __m128i q2_7 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q2bits, 6), m3);
// isuml = q8[l] * ((q2[l] >> shift) & 3) in 8bits*16*8 to 16bits*8*8
__m128i p0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_0, q8_0);
__m128i p1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_1, q8_1);
__m128i p2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_2, q8_2);
__m128i p3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_3, q8_3);
__m128i p4 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_4, q8_4);
__m128i p5 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_5, q8_5);
__m128i p6 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_6, q8_6);
__m128i p7 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_7, q8_7);
// isum += (x[i].scales[is++] & 0xF) * isuml in 16bits*8*8 to 32bits*4*8
__m128i shuffle = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0100);
p0 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p0);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p1 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p1);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p2 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p2);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p3 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p3);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p4 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p4);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p5 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p5);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p6 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p6);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p7 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p7);
p0 = _mm_add_epi32(p0, p1);
p2 = _mm_add_epi32(p2, p3);
p4 = _mm_add_epi32(p4, p5);
p6 = _mm_add_epi32(p6, p7);
// isum in 32bits*4*2
sumi_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_0, _mm_add_epi32(p0, p2));
sumi_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_1, _mm_add_epi32(p4, p6));
// sumf += dall * isum - dmin * summs in 32bits
__m256i sumi = MM256_SET_M128I(sumi_1, sumi_0);
acc = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&dall), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi)), acc);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc);
#elif defined __riscv_v_intrinsic
float sumf = 0;
uint8_t temp_01[32] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const uint8_t * q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * sc = x[i].scales;
const float dall = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = -y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
size_t vl = 16;
vuint8m1_t scales = __riscv_vle8_v_u8m1(sc, vl);
vuint8m1_t aux = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(scales, 0x0F, vl);
vint16m1_t q8sums = __riscv_vle16_v_i16m1(y[i].bsums, vl);
vuint8mf2_t scales_2 = __riscv_vle8_v_u8mf2(sc, vl);
vuint8mf2_t mins8 = __riscv_vsrl_vx_u8mf2(scales_2, 0x4, vl);
vint16m1_t mins = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u16m1_i16m1(__riscv_vzext_vf2_u16m1(mins8, vl));
vint32m2_t prod = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i32m2(q8sums, mins, vl);
vint32m1_t vsums = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1(prod, __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, 1), vl);
sumf += dmin * __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(vsums);
vl = 32;
vint32m1_t vzero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, 1);
vuint8m1_t v_b = __riscv_vle8_v_u8m1(temp_01, vl);
uint8_t is=0;
int isum=0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
// load Q2
vuint8m1_t q2_x = __riscv_vle8_v_u8m1(q2, vl);
vuint8m1_t q2_0 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(q2_x, 0x03, vl);
vuint8m1_t q2_1 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(__riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(q2_x, 0x2, vl), 0x03 , vl);
vuint8m1_t q2_2 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(__riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(q2_x, 0x4, vl), 0x03 , vl);
vuint8m1_t q2_3 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(__riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(q2_x, 0x6, vl), 0x03 , vl);
// duplicate scale elements for product
vuint8m1_t sc0 = __riscv_vrgather_vv_u8m1(aux, __riscv_vadd_vx_u8m1(v_b, 0+is, vl), vl);
vuint8m1_t sc1 = __riscv_vrgather_vv_u8m1(aux, __riscv_vadd_vx_u8m1(v_b, 2+is, vl), vl);
vuint8m1_t sc2 = __riscv_vrgather_vv_u8m1(aux, __riscv_vadd_vx_u8m1(v_b, 4+is, vl), vl);
vuint8m1_t sc3 = __riscv_vrgather_vv_u8m1(aux, __riscv_vadd_vx_u8m1(v_b, 6+is, vl), vl);
vint16m2_t p0 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u16m2_i16m2(__riscv_vwmulu_vv_u16m2(q2_0, sc0, vl));
vint16m2_t p1 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u16m2_i16m2(__riscv_vwmulu_vv_u16m2(q2_1, sc1, vl));
vint16m2_t p2 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u16m2_i16m2(__riscv_vwmulu_vv_u16m2(q2_2, sc2, vl));
vint16m2_t p3 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u16m2_i16m2(__riscv_vwmulu_vv_u16m2(q2_3, sc3, vl));
// load Q8
vint8m1_t q8_0 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8, vl);
vint8m1_t q8_1 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8+32, vl);
vint8m1_t q8_2 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8+64, vl);
vint8m1_t q8_3 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8+96, vl);
vint32m4_t s0 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i32m4(p0, __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m2(q8_0, vl), vl);
vint32m4_t s1 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i32m4(p1, __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m2(q8_1, vl), vl);
vint32m4_t s2 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i32m4(p2, __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m2(q8_2, vl), vl);
vint32m4_t s3 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i32m4(p3, __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m2(q8_3, vl), vl);
vint32m1_t isum0 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m4_i32m1(__riscv_vadd_vv_i32m4(s0, s1, vl), vzero, vl);
vint32m1_t isum1 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m4_i32m1(__riscv_vadd_vv_i32m4(s2, s3, vl), isum0, vl);
isum += __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(isum1);
q2+=32; q8+=128; is=8;
sumf += dall * isum;
*s = sumf;
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed char lowMask = vec_splats((signed char)0x3);
const vector signed char lowScaleMask = vec_splats((signed char)0xF);
const vector int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
const vector unsigned char v2 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x2);
const vector unsigned char v6 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x6);
const vector unsigned char v4 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x4);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[i].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector float vxmin = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin));
vector float vdmin = vec_mul(vxmin, vyd);
vector signed short q8ysums0 = vec_xl( 0, y[i].bsums);
vector signed short q8ysums1 = vec_xl(16, y[i].bsums);
vector signed char q2xmins = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, x[i].scales);
vector signed char vscales = vec_and(q2xmins, lowScaleMask);
q2xmins = vec_sr(q2xmins, v4);
vector signed short q2xmins0 = vec_unpackh(q2xmins);
vector signed short q2xmins1 = vec_unpackl(q2xmins);
vector signed int prod0 = vec_mule(q2xmins0, q8ysums0);
vector signed int prod1 = vec_mulo(q2xmins0, q8ysums0);
vector signed int prod2 = vec_mule(q2xmins1, q8ysums1);
vector signed int prod3 = vec_mulo(q2xmins1, q8ysums1);
vsumf0 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod0, 0), vdmin, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod1, 0), vdmin, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod2, 0), vdmin, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod3, 0), vdmin, vsumf3);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi2 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi3 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi4 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi5 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi6 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi7 = v0;
const uint8_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
__builtin_prefetch(q2, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 1);
vector signed char qxs0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, q2);
vector signed char qxs1 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(16, q2);
q2 += 32;
vector unsigned char q2x00 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(qxs0, lowMask);
vector unsigned char q2x01 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(vec_sr(qxs0, v2), lowMask);
vector unsigned char q2x02 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(vec_sr(qxs0, v4), lowMask);
vector unsigned char q2x03 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(vec_sr(qxs0, v6), lowMask);
vector unsigned char q2x10 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(qxs1, lowMask);
vector unsigned char q2x11 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(vec_sr(qxs1, v2), lowMask);
vector unsigned char q2x12 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(vec_sr(qxs1, v4), lowMask);
vector unsigned char q2x13 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(vec_sr(qxs1, v6), lowMask);
vector signed char q8y00 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y10 = vec_xl( 16, q8);
vector signed char q8y01 = vec_xl( 32, q8);
vector signed char q8y11 = vec_xl( 48, q8);
vector signed char q8y02 = vec_xl( 64, q8);
vector signed char q8y12 = vec_xl( 80, q8);
vector signed char q8y03 = vec_xl( 96, q8);
vector signed char q8y13 = vec_xl(112, q8);
q8 += 128;
vector signed int qv0 = vec_msum(q8y00, q2x00, v0);
vector signed int qv1 = vec_msum(q8y01, q2x01, v0);
vector signed int qv2 = vec_msum(q8y02, q2x02, v0);
vector signed int qv3 = vec_msum(q8y03, q2x03, v0);
vector signed int qv4 = vec_msum(q8y10, q2x10, v0);
vector signed int qv5 = vec_msum(q8y11, q2x11, v0);
vector signed int qv6 = vec_msum(q8y12, q2x12, v0);
vector signed int qv7 = vec_msum(q8y13, q2x13, v0);
vector signed short vscales_07 = vec_unpackh(vscales);
vector signed int vscales_03 = vec_unpackh(vscales_07);
vector signed int vscales_47 = vec_unpackl(vscales_07);
vector signed int vs0 = vec_splat(vscales_03, 0);
vector signed int vs1 = vec_splat(vscales_03, 1);
vector signed int vs2 = vec_splat(vscales_03, 2);
vector signed int vs3 = vec_splat(vscales_03, 3);
vector signed int vs4 = vec_splat(vscales_47, 0);
vector signed int vs5 = vec_splat(vscales_47, 1);
vector signed int vs6 = vec_splat(vscales_47, 2);
vector signed int vs7 = vec_splat(vscales_47, 3);
vscales = vec_sld(vscales, vscales, 8);
vsumi0 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv0, vs0), vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv1, vs2), vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv2, vs4), vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv3, vs6), vsumi3);
vsumi4 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv4, vs1), vsumi4);
vsumi5 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv5, vs3), vsumi5);
vsumi6 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv6, vs5), vsumi6);
vsumi7 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv7, vs7), vsumi7);
vsumi0 = vec_add(vsumi0, vsumi4);
vsumi1 = vec_add(vsumi1, vsumi5);
vsumi2 = vec_add(vsumi2, vsumi6);
vsumi3 = vec_add(vsumi3, vsumi7);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined __loongarch_asx
const __m256i m3 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(3);
const __m128i m4 = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(0xF);
__m256 acc = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = -y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
const uint8_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const __m128i mins_and_scales = __lsx_vld((const __m128i*)x[i].scales, 0);
const __m128i scales8 = __lsx_vand_v(mins_and_scales, m4);
const __m128i mins8 = __lsx_vand_v(__lsx_vsrli_h(mins_and_scales, 4), m4);
const __m256i mins = lasx_ext8_16(mins8);
const __m256i prod = lasx_madd_h(mins, __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)y[i].bsums, 0));
acc = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(dmin), __lasx_xvffint_s_w(prod), acc);
const __m256i all_scales = lasx_ext8_16(scales8);
const __m128i l_scales = lasx_extracti128(all_scales, 0);
const __m128i h_scales = lasx_extracti128(all_scales, 1);
const __m256i scales[2] = {lasx_insertf128(l_scales, l_scales), lasx_insertf128(h_scales, h_scales)};
__m256i sumi = __lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
const __m256i q2bits = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q2, 0); q2 += 32;
const __m256i q8_0 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_3 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q2_0 = __lasx_xvand_v(q2bits, m3);
const __m256i q2_1 = __lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q2bits, 2), m3);
const __m256i q2_2 = __lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q2bits, 4), m3);
const __m256i q2_3 = __lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q2bits, 6), m3);
__m256i p0 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_0, q8_0);
__m256i p1 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_1, q8_1);
__m256i p2 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_2, q8_2);
__m256i p3 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_3, q8_3);
p0 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_shuffle_b(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(0)), p0);
p1 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_shuffle_b(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(1)), p1);
p2 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_shuffle_b(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(2)), p2);
p3 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_shuffle_b(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(3)), p3);
p0 = __lasx_xvadd_w(p0, p1);
p2 = __lasx_xvadd_w(p2, p3);
sumi = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi, __lasx_xvadd_w(p0, p2));
acc = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(d), __lasx_xvffint_s_w(sumi), acc);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc);
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const uint8_t * q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * sc = x[i].scales;
int summs = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
summs += y[i].bsums[j] * (sc[j] >> 4);
const float dall = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
int isum = 0;
int is = 0;
int d;
for (int k = 0; k < QK_K/128; ++k) {
int shift = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
d = sc[is++] & 0xF;
int isuml = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 16; ++l) isuml += q8[l] * ((q2[l] >> shift) & 3);
isum += d * isuml;
d = sc[is++] & 0xF;
isuml = 0;
for (int l = 16; l < 32; ++l) isuml += q8[l] * ((q2[l] >> shift) & 3);
isum += d * isuml;
shift += 2;
q8 += 32;
q2 += 32;
sumf += dall * isum - dmin * summs;
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_q3_K_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const uint32_t kmask1 = 0x03030303;
const uint32_t kmask2 = 0x0f0f0f0f;
const block_q3_K * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#ifdef __ARM_NEON
uint32_t aux[3];
uint32_t utmp[4];
const uint8x16_t m3b = vdupq_n_u8(0x3);
const int32x4_t vzero = vdupq_n_s32(0);
const uint8x16_t m0 = vdupq_n_u8(1);
const uint8x16_t m1 = vshlq_n_u8(m0, 1);
const uint8x16_t m2 = vshlq_n_u8(m0, 2);
const uint8x16_t m3 = vshlq_n_u8(m0, 3);
const int8_t m32 = 32;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q3bytes;
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].hmask;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
ggml_uint8x16x2_t qhbits = ggml_vld1q_u8_x2(qh);
ggml_uint8x16x4_t q3h;
int32_t isum = 0;
// Set up scales
memcpy(aux, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((aux[1] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 6) & kmask1) << 4);
utmp[2] = ((aux[0] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 4) & kmask1) << 4);
utmp[1] = (aux[1] & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 2) & kmask1) << 4);
utmp[0] = (aux[0] & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 0) & kmask1) << 4);
int8_t * scale = (int8_t *)utmp;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) scale[j] -= m32;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
const ggml_uint8x16x2_t q3bits = ggml_vld1q_u8_x2(q3); q3 += 32;
const ggml_int8x16x4_t q8bytes_1 = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
const ggml_int8x16x4_t q8bytes_2 = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
q3h.val[0] = vshlq_n_u8(vbicq_u8(m0, qhbits.val[0]), 2);
q3h.val[1] = vshlq_n_u8(vbicq_u8(m0, qhbits.val[1]), 2);
q3h.val[2] = vshlq_n_u8(vbicq_u8(m1, qhbits.val[0]), 1);
q3h.val[3] = vshlq_n_u8(vbicq_u8(m1, qhbits.val[1]), 1);
q3bytes.val[0] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(q3bits.val[0], m3b)), vreinterpretq_s8_u8(q3h.val[0]));
q3bytes.val[1] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(q3bits.val[1], m3b)), vreinterpretq_s8_u8(q3h.val[1]));
q3bytes.val[2] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q3bits.val[0], 2), m3b)), vreinterpretq_s8_u8(q3h.val[2]));
q3bytes.val[3] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q3bits.val[1], 2), m3b)), vreinterpretq_s8_u8(q3h.val[3]));
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q3bytes.val[0], q8bytes_1.val[0])) * scale[0];
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q3bytes.val[1], q8bytes_1.val[1])) * scale[1];
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q3bytes.val[2], q8bytes_1.val[2])) * scale[2];
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q3bytes.val[3], q8bytes_1.val[3])) * scale[3];
scale += 4;
q3h.val[0] = vbicq_u8(m2, qhbits.val[0]);
q3h.val[1] = vbicq_u8(m2, qhbits.val[1]);
q3h.val[2] = vshrq_n_u8(vbicq_u8(m3, qhbits.val[0]), 1);
q3h.val[3] = vshrq_n_u8(vbicq_u8(m3, qhbits.val[1]), 1);
q3bytes.val[0] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q3bits.val[0], 4), m3b)), vreinterpretq_s8_u8(q3h.val[0]));
q3bytes.val[1] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q3bits.val[1], 4), m3b)), vreinterpretq_s8_u8(q3h.val[1]));
q3bytes.val[2] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q3bits.val[0], 6), m3b)), vreinterpretq_s8_u8(q3h.val[2]));
q3bytes.val[3] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q3bits.val[1], 6), m3b)), vreinterpretq_s8_u8(q3h.val[3]));
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q3bytes.val[0], q8bytes_2.val[0])) * scale[0];
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q3bytes.val[1], q8bytes_2.val[1])) * scale[1];
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q3bytes.val[2], q8bytes_2.val[2])) * scale[2];
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q3bytes.val[3], q8bytes_2.val[3])) * scale[3];
scale += 4;
if (j == 0) {
qhbits.val[0] = vshrq_n_u8(qhbits.val[0], 4);
qhbits.val[1] = vshrq_n_u8(qhbits.val[1], 4);
sum += d * isum;
*s = sum;
#elif defined __AVX2__
const __m256i m3 = _mm256_set1_epi8(3);
const __m256i mone = _mm256_set1_epi8(1);
const __m128i m32 = _mm_set1_epi8(32);
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
uint32_t aux[3];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
// Set up scales
memcpy(aux, x[i].scales, 12);
__m128i scales128 = _mm_set_epi32(
((aux[1] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 6) & kmask1) << 4),
((aux[0] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 4) & kmask1) << 4),
(aux[1] & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 2) & kmask1) << 4),
(aux[0] & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 0) & kmask1) << 4));
scales128 = _mm_sub_epi8(scales128, m32);
const __m256i all_scales = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scales128);
const __m128i l_scales = _mm256_extracti128_si256(all_scales, 0);
const __m128i h_scales = _mm256_extracti128_si256(all_scales, 1);
const __m256i scales[2] = {MM256_SET_M128I(l_scales, l_scales), MM256_SET_M128I(h_scales, h_scales)};
// high bit
const __m256i hbits = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)x[i].hmask);
// integer accumulator
__m256i sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256();
int bit = 0;
int is = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
// load low 2 bits
const __m256i q3bits = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q3); q3 += 32;
// prepare low and high bits
const __m256i q3l_0 = _mm256_and_si256(q3bits, m3);
const __m256i q3h_0 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, bit)), bit), 2);
const __m256i q3l_1 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q3bits, 2), m3);
const __m256i q3h_1 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, bit)), bit), 2);
const __m256i q3l_2 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q3bits, 4), m3);
const __m256i q3h_2 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, bit)), bit), 2);
const __m256i q3l_3 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q3bits, 6), m3);
const __m256i q3h_3 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_andnot_si256(hbits, _mm256_slli_epi16(mone, bit)), bit), 2);
// load Q8 quants
const __m256i q8_0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_3 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
// Dot product: we multiply the 2 low bits and 1 high bit part separately, so we can use _mm256_maddubs_epi16,
// and then subtract. The high bit part has the 2 already subtracted (and so, it is zero if the high bit was not set,
// and 2 if the high bit was set)
__m256i q8s_0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3h_0, q8_0);
__m256i q8s_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3h_1, q8_1);
__m256i q8s_2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3h_2, q8_2);
__m256i q8s_3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3h_3, q8_3);
__m256i p16_0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3l_0, q8_0);
__m256i p16_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3l_1, q8_1);
__m256i p16_2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3l_2, q8_2);
__m256i p16_3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q3l_3, q8_3);
p16_0 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_0, q8s_0);
p16_1 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_1, q8s_1);
p16_2 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_2, q8s_2);
p16_3 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_3, q8s_3);
// multiply with scales
p16_0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(is + 0)), p16_0);
p16_1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(is + 1)), p16_1);
p16_2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(is + 2)), p16_2);
p16_3 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(is + 3)), p16_3);
// accumulate
p16_0 = _mm256_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_1);
p16_2 = _mm256_add_epi32(p16_2, p16_3);
sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_2));
// multiply with block scale and accumulate
acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), acc);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc);
#elif defined __AVX__
const __m128i m3 = _mm_set1_epi8(3);
const __m128i mone = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
const __m128i m32 = _mm_set1_epi8(32);
const __m128i m2 = _mm_set1_epi8(2);
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
const uint32_t *aux;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
// Set up scales
aux = (const uint32_t *)x[i].scales;
__m128i scales128 = _mm_set_epi32(
((aux[1] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 6) & kmask1) << 4),
((aux[0] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 4) & kmask1) << 4),
(aux[1] & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 2) & kmask1) << 4),
(aux[0] & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 0) & kmask1) << 4));
scales128 = _mm_sub_epi8(scales128, m32);
const __m128i scales_0 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(scales128);
const __m128i scales_1 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi64(scales128, scales128));
const __m128i scales[2] = { scales_0, scales_1 };
// high bit *128*2 from block_q3_K.hmask[QK_K/8]
const __m128i hbits_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&x[i].hmask[0]);
const __m128i hbits_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&x[i].hmask[16]);
// integer accumulator
__m128i sumi_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
// load low 2 bits *64*2 from block_q3_K.qs[QK_K/4]
const __m128i q3bits_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q3); q3 += 16;
const __m128i q3bits_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q3); q3 += 16;
// prepare low and high bits
const int bit = j << 2;
const __m128i q3l_0 = _mm_and_si128(q3bits_0, m3);
const __m128i q3l_1 = _mm_and_si128(q3bits_1, m3);
const __m128i q3h_0 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_andnot_si128(hbits_0, _mm_slli_epi16(mone, bit)), bit), 2);
const __m128i q3h_1 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_andnot_si128(hbits_1, _mm_slli_epi16(mone, bit)), bit), 2);
const __m128i q3l_2 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q3bits_0, 2), m3);
const __m128i q3l_3 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q3bits_1, 2), m3);
const __m128i q3h_2 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_andnot_si128(hbits_0, _mm_slli_epi16(mone, bit+1)), bit+1), 2);
const __m128i q3h_3 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_andnot_si128(hbits_1, _mm_slli_epi16(mone, bit+1)), bit+1), 2);
const __m128i q3l_4 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q3bits_0, 4), m3);
const __m128i q3l_5 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q3bits_1, 4), m3);
const __m128i q3h_4 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_andnot_si128(hbits_0, _mm_slli_epi16(mone, bit+2)), bit+2), 2);
const __m128i q3h_5 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_andnot_si128(hbits_1, _mm_slli_epi16(mone, bit+2)), bit+2), 2);
const __m128i q3l_6 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q3bits_0, 6), m3);
const __m128i q3l_7 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q3bits_1, 6), m3);
const __m128i q3h_6 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_andnot_si128(hbits_0, _mm_slli_epi16(mone, bit+3)), bit+3), 2);
const __m128i q3h_7 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_andnot_si128(hbits_1, _mm_slli_epi16(mone, bit+3)), bit+3), 2);
// load Q8 quants from block_q8_K.qs[QK_K]
const __m128i q8_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_3 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_4 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_5 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_6 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_7 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
// Dot product: we multiply the 2 low bits and 1 high bit part separately, so we can use _mm256_maddubs_epi16,
// and then subtract. The high bit part has the 2 already subtracted (and so, it is zero if the high bit was not set,
// and 2 if the high bit was set)
__m128i q8s_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3h_0, q8_0);
__m128i q8s_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3h_1, q8_1);
__m128i q8s_2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3h_2, q8_2);
__m128i q8s_3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3h_3, q8_3);
__m128i q8s_4 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3h_4, q8_4);
__m128i q8s_5 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3h_5, q8_5);
__m128i q8s_6 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3h_6, q8_6);
__m128i q8s_7 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3h_7, q8_7);
__m128i p16_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3l_0, q8_0);
__m128i p16_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3l_1, q8_1);
__m128i p16_2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3l_2, q8_2);
__m128i p16_3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3l_3, q8_3);
__m128i p16_4 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3l_4, q8_4);
__m128i p16_5 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3l_5, q8_5);
__m128i p16_6 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3l_6, q8_6);
__m128i p16_7 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q3l_7, q8_7);
p16_0 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_0, q8s_0);
p16_1 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_1, q8s_1);
p16_2 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_2, q8s_2);
p16_3 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_3, q8s_3);
p16_4 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_4, q8s_4);
p16_5 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_5, q8s_5);
p16_6 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_6, q8s_6);
p16_7 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_7, q8s_7);
// multiply with scales
__m128i shuffle = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0100);
p16_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p16_0);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p16_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p16_1);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p16_2 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p16_2);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p16_3 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p16_3);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p16_4 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p16_4);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p16_5 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p16_5);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p16_6 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p16_6);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
p16_7 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales[j], shuffle), p16_7);
// accumulate
p16_0 = _mm_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_1);
p16_2 = _mm_add_epi32(p16_2, p16_3);
p16_4 = _mm_add_epi32(p16_4, p16_5);
p16_6 = _mm_add_epi32(p16_6, p16_7);
sumi_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_0, _mm_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_2));
sumi_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_1, _mm_add_epi32(p16_4, p16_6));
// multiply with block scale and accumulate
__m256i sumi = MM256_SET_M128I(sumi_1, sumi_0);
acc = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi)), acc);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc);
#elif defined __riscv_v_intrinsic
uint32_t aux[3];
uint32_t utmp[4];
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].hmask;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memcpy(aux, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((aux[1] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 6) & kmask1) << 4);
utmp[2] = ((aux[0] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 4) & kmask1) << 4);
utmp[1] = (aux[1] & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 2) & kmask1) << 4);
utmp[0] = (aux[0] & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 0) & kmask1) << 4);
int8_t * scale = (int8_t *)utmp;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) scale[j] -= 32;
size_t vl = 32;
uint8_t m = 1;
vint32m1_t vzero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, 1);
vuint8m1_t vqh = __riscv_vle8_v_u8m1(qh, vl);
int sum_t = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 128) {
vl = 32;
// load Q3
vuint8m1_t q3_x = __riscv_vle8_v_u8m1(q3, vl);
vint8m1_t q3_0 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(__riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(q3_x, 0x03, vl));
vint8m1_t q3_1 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(__riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(__riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(q3_x, 0x2, vl), 0x03 , vl));
vint8m1_t q3_2 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(__riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(__riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(q3_x, 0x4, vl), 0x03 , vl));
vint8m1_t q3_3 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(__riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(__riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(q3_x, 0x6, vl), 0x03 , vl));
// compute mask for subtraction
vuint8m1_t qh_m0 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(vqh, m, vl);
vbool8_t vmask_0 = __riscv_vmseq_vx_u8m1_b8(qh_m0, 0, vl);
vint8m1_t q3_m0 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8m1_mu(vmask_0, q3_0, q3_0, 0x4, vl);
m <<= 1;
vuint8m1_t qh_m1 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(vqh, m, vl);
vbool8_t vmask_1 = __riscv_vmseq_vx_u8m1_b8(qh_m1, 0, vl);
vint8m1_t q3_m1 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8m1_mu(vmask_1, q3_1, q3_1, 0x4, vl);
m <<= 1;
vuint8m1_t qh_m2 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(vqh, m, vl);
vbool8_t vmask_2 = __riscv_vmseq_vx_u8m1_b8(qh_m2, 0, vl);
vint8m1_t q3_m2 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8m1_mu(vmask_2, q3_2, q3_2, 0x4, vl);
m <<= 1;
vuint8m1_t qh_m3 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(vqh, m, vl);
vbool8_t vmask_3 = __riscv_vmseq_vx_u8m1_b8(qh_m3, 0, vl);
vint8m1_t q3_m3 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8m1_mu(vmask_3, q3_3, q3_3, 0x4, vl);
m <<= 1;
// load Q8 and take product with Q3
vint16m2_t a0 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(q3_m0, __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8, vl), vl);
vint16m2_t a1 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(q3_m1, __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8+32, vl), vl);
vint16m2_t a2 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(q3_m2, __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8+64, vl), vl);
vint16m2_t a3 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(q3_m3, __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8+96, vl), vl);
vl = 16;
// retrieve lane to multiply with scale
vint32m2_t aux0_0 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(a0, 0), (scale[0]), vl);
vint32m2_t aux0_1 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(a0, 1), (scale[1]), vl);
vint32m2_t aux1_0 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(a1, 0), (scale[2]), vl);
vint32m2_t aux1_1 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(a1, 1), (scale[3]), vl);
vint32m2_t aux2_0 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(a2, 0), (scale[4]), vl);
vint32m2_t aux2_1 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(a2, 1), (scale[5]), vl);
vint32m2_t aux3_0 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(a3, 0), (scale[6]), vl);
vint32m2_t aux3_1 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(a3, 1), (scale[7]), vl);
vint32m1_t isum0 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1(__riscv_vadd_vv_i32m2(aux0_0, aux0_1, vl), vzero, vl);
vint32m1_t isum1 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1(__riscv_vadd_vv_i32m2(aux1_0, aux1_1, vl), isum0, vl);
vint32m1_t isum2 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1(__riscv_vadd_vv_i32m2(aux2_0, aux2_1, vl), isum1, vl);
vint32m1_t isum3 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1(__riscv_vadd_vv_i32m2(aux3_0, aux3_1, vl), isum2, vl);
sum_t += __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(isum3);
q3 += 32; q8 += 128; scale += 8;
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
sumf += d*sum_t;
*s = sumf;
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed char lowMask = vec_splats((signed char)0x3);
const vector signed char lowMask1 = vec_splats((int8_t)0xf);
const vector signed char lowMask2 = vec_splats((int8_t)0x30);
const vector int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
const vector signed char v1 = vec_splats((signed char)0x1);
const vector unsigned char v2 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x2);
const vector unsigned char v3 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x3);
const vector unsigned char v4 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x4);
const vector unsigned char v6 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x6);
const vector signed char off = vec_splats((signed char)0x20);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[i].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed char u0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl_len(x[i].scales, 8);
vector signed char u1 = vec_and(u0, lowMask1);
vector signed char u2 = (vector signed char)vec_xl_len(x[i].scales + 8, 4);
vector signed char u3 = (vector signed char)vec_mergeh((vector signed int)u2, (vector signed int)vec_sr(u2, v2));
vector signed char u30 = vec_sl(vec_and(u3, lowMask), v4);
vector signed char u31 = vec_and(u3, lowMask2);
u1 = vec_or(u1, u30);
u2 = vec_or(vec_sr(u0, v4), u31);
vector signed char vscales = (vector signed char)vec_mergeh((vector signed long long)u1, (vector signed long long)u2);
vector signed char qxhs0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, x[i].hmask);
vector signed char qxhs1 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(16, x[i].hmask);
vscales = vec_sub(vscales, off);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi2 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi3 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi4 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi5 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi6 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi7 = v0;
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
__builtin_prefetch(q3, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 1);
vector signed char qxs0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, q3);
vector signed char qxs1 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(16, q3);
q3 += 32;
//the low 2 bits
vector signed char qxs00 = vec_and(qxs0, lowMask);
vector signed char qxs01 = vec_and(vec_sr(qxs0, v2), lowMask);
vector signed char qxs02 = vec_and(vec_sr(qxs0, v4), lowMask);
vector signed char qxs03 = vec_and(vec_sr(qxs0, v6), lowMask);
vector signed char qxs10 = vec_and(qxs1, lowMask);
vector signed char qxs11 = vec_and(vec_sr(qxs1, v2), lowMask);
vector signed char qxs12 = vec_and(vec_sr(qxs1, v4), lowMask);
vector signed char qxs13 = vec_and(vec_sr(qxs1, v6), lowMask);
//the 3rd bit
vector signed char qxh00 = vec_sl(vec_andc(v1, qxhs0), v2);
vector signed char qxh01 = vec_sl(vec_andc(v1, vec_sr(qxhs0, (vector unsigned char)v1)), v2);
vector signed char qxh02 = vec_sl(vec_andc(v1, vec_sr(qxhs0, v2)), v2);
vector signed char qxh03 = vec_sl(vec_andc(v1, vec_sr(qxhs0, v3)), v2);
vector signed char qxh10 = vec_sl(vec_andc(v1, qxhs1), v2);
vector signed char qxh11 = vec_sl(vec_andc(v1, vec_sr(qxhs1, (vector unsigned char)v1)), v2);
vector signed char qxh12 = vec_sl(vec_andc(v1, vec_sr(qxhs1, v2)), v2);
vector signed char qxh13 = vec_sl(vec_andc(v1, vec_sr(qxhs1, v3)), v2);
qxhs0 = vec_sr(qxhs0, v4);
qxhs1 = vec_sr(qxhs1, v4);
vector signed char q3x00 = vec_sub(qxs00, qxh00);
vector signed char q3x01 = vec_sub(qxs01, qxh01);
vector signed char q3x02 = vec_sub(qxs02, qxh02);
vector signed char q3x03 = vec_sub(qxs03, qxh03);
vector signed char q3x10 = vec_sub(qxs10, qxh10);
vector signed char q3x11 = vec_sub(qxs11, qxh11);
vector signed char q3x12 = vec_sub(qxs12, qxh12);
vector signed char q3x13 = vec_sub(qxs13, qxh13);
vector signed char q8y00 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y10 = vec_xl( 16, q8);
vector signed char q8y01 = vec_xl( 32, q8);
vector signed char q8y11 = vec_xl( 48, q8);
vector signed char q8y02 = vec_xl( 64, q8);
vector signed char q8y12 = vec_xl( 80, q8);
vector signed char q8y03 = vec_xl( 96, q8);
vector signed char q8y13 = vec_xl(112, q8);
q8 += 128;
vector signed short vscales_h = vec_unpackh(vscales);
vector signed short vs0 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 0);
vector signed short vs1 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 1);
vector signed short vs2 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 2);
vector signed short vs3 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 3);
vector signed short vs4 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 4);
vector signed short vs5 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 5);
vector signed short vs6 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 6);
vector signed short vs7 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 7);
vscales = vec_sld(vscales, vscales, 8);
vector signed short qv00 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x00, q8y00), vec_mulo(q3x00, q8y00));
vector signed short qv01 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x01, q8y01), vec_mulo(q3x01, q8y01));
vector signed short qv02 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x02, q8y02), vec_mulo(q3x02, q8y02));
vector signed short qv03 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x03, q8y03), vec_mulo(q3x03, q8y03));
vector signed short qv10 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x10, q8y10), vec_mulo(q3x10, q8y10));
vector signed short qv11 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x11, q8y11), vec_mulo(q3x11, q8y11));
vector signed short qv12 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x12, q8y12), vec_mulo(q3x12, q8y12));
vector signed short qv13 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x13, q8y13), vec_mulo(q3x13, q8y13));
vsumi0 = vec_msum(qv00, vs0, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_msum(qv01, vs2, vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_msum(qv02, vs4, vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_msum(qv03, vs6, vsumi3);
vsumi4 = vec_msum(qv10, vs1, vsumi4);
vsumi5 = vec_msum(qv11, vs3, vsumi5);
vsumi6 = vec_msum(qv12, vs5, vsumi6);
vsumi7 = vec_msum(qv13, vs7, vsumi7);
vsumi0 = vec_add(vsumi0, vsumi4);
vsumi1 = vec_add(vsumi1, vsumi5);
vsumi2 = vec_add(vsumi2, vsumi6);
vsumi3 = vec_add(vsumi3, vsumi7);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined __loongarch_asx
const __m256i m3 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(3);
const __m256i mone = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(1);
const __m128i m32 = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(32);
__m256 acc = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
uint32_t aux[3];
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
// Set up scales
memcpy(aux, x[i].scales, 12);
__m128i scales128 = lsx_set_w(
((aux[1] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 6) & kmask1) << 4),
((aux[0] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 4) & kmask1) << 4),
(aux[1] & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 2) & kmask1) << 4),
(aux[0] & kmask2) | (((aux[2] >> 0) & kmask1) << 4));
scales128 = __lsx_vsub_b(scales128, m32);
const __m256i all_scales = lasx_ext8_16(scales128);
const __m128i l_scales = lasx_extracti128(all_scales, 0);
const __m128i h_scales = lasx_extracti128(all_scales, 1);
const __m256i scales[2] = {lasx_insertf128(l_scales, l_scales), lasx_insertf128(h_scales, h_scales)};
// high bit
const __m256i hbits = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)x[i].hmask, 0);
// integer accumulator
__m256i sumi = __lasx_xvldi(0);
int bit = 0;
int is = 0;
__m256i xvbit;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
// load low 2 bits
const __m256i q3bits = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q3, 0); q3 += 32;
xvbit = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(bit);
// prepare low and high bits
const __m256i q3l_0 = __lasx_xvand_v(q3bits, m3);
const __m256i q3h_0 = __lasx_xvslli_h(__lasx_xvsrl_h(__lasx_xvandn_v(hbits, __lasx_xvsll_h(mone, xvbit)), xvbit), 2);
xvbit = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(bit);
const __m256i q3l_1 = __lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q3bits, 2), m3);
const __m256i q3h_1 = __lasx_xvslli_h(__lasx_xvsrl_h(__lasx_xvandn_v(hbits, __lasx_xvsll_h(mone, xvbit)), xvbit), 2);
xvbit = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(bit);
const __m256i q3l_2 = __lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q3bits, 4), m3);
const __m256i q3h_2 = __lasx_xvslli_h(__lasx_xvsrl_h(__lasx_xvandn_v(hbits, __lasx_xvsll_h(mone, xvbit)), xvbit), 2);
xvbit = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(bit);
const __m256i q3l_3 = __lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q3bits, 6), m3);
const __m256i q3h_3 = __lasx_xvslli_h(__lasx_xvsrl_h(__lasx_xvandn_v(hbits, __lasx_xvsll_h(mone, xvbit)), xvbit), 2);
// load Q8 quants
const __m256i q8_0 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_3 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
// Dot product: we multiply the 2 low bits and 1 high bit part separately, so we can use lasx_maddubs_h,
// and then subtract. The high bit part has the 2 already subtracted (and so, it is zero if the high bit was not set,
// and 2 if the high bit was set)
__m256i q8s_0 = lasx_maddubs_h(q3h_0, q8_0);
__m256i q8s_1 = lasx_maddubs_h(q3h_1, q8_1);
__m256i q8s_2 = lasx_maddubs_h(q3h_2, q8_2);
__m256i q8s_3 = lasx_maddubs_h(q3h_3, q8_3);
__m256i p16_0 = lasx_maddubs_h(q3l_0, q8_0);
__m256i p16_1 = lasx_maddubs_h(q3l_1, q8_1);
__m256i p16_2 = lasx_maddubs_h(q3l_2, q8_2);
__m256i p16_3 = lasx_maddubs_h(q3l_3, q8_3);
p16_0 = __lasx_xvsub_h(p16_0, q8s_0);
p16_1 = __lasx_xvsub_h(p16_1, q8s_1);
p16_2 = __lasx_xvsub_h(p16_2, q8s_2);
p16_3 = __lasx_xvsub_h(p16_3, q8s_3);
// multiply with scales
p16_0 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_shuffle_b(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(is + 0)), p16_0);
p16_1 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_shuffle_b(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(is + 1)), p16_1);
p16_2 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_shuffle_b(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(is + 2)), p16_2);
p16_3 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_shuffle_b(scales[j], get_scale_shuffle_q3k(is + 3)), p16_3);
// accumulate
p16_0 = __lasx_xvadd_w(p16_0, p16_1);
p16_2 = __lasx_xvadd_w(p16_2, p16_3);
sumi = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi, __lasx_xvadd_w(p16_0, p16_2));
// multiply with block scale and accumulate
acc = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(d), __lasx_xvffint_s_w(sumi), acc);//FIXME
*s = hsum_float_8(acc);
// scalar version
// This function is written like this so the compiler can manage to vectorize most of it
// Using -Ofast, GCC and clang manage to produce code that is within a factor of 2 or so from the
// manually vectorized version above. Every other version I tried would run at least 4 times slower.
// The ideal situation would be if we could just write the code once, and the compiler would
// automatically produce the best possible set of machine instructions, instead of us having to manually
// write vectorized versions for AVX, ARM_NEON, etc.
int8_t aux8[QK_K];
int16_t aux16[8];
float sums [8];
int32_t aux32[8];
memset(sums, 0, 8*sizeof(float));
uint32_t auxs[4];
const int8_t * scales = (const int8_t*)auxs;
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict hm = x[i].hmask;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memset(aux32, 0, 8*sizeof(int32_t));
int8_t * restrict a = aux8;
uint8_t m = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 128) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] = q3[l] & 3;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] -= (hm[l] & m ? 0 : 4);
a += 32; m <<= 1;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] = (q3[l] >> 2) & 3;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] -= (hm[l] & m ? 0 : 4);
a += 32; m <<= 1;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] = (q3[l] >> 4) & 3;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] -= (hm[l] & m ? 0 : 4);
a += 32; m <<= 1;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] = (q3[l] >> 6) & 3;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] -= (hm[l] & m ? 0 : 4);
a += 32; m <<= 1;
q3 += 32;
a = aux8;
memcpy(auxs, x[i].scales, 12);
uint32_t tmp = auxs[2];
auxs[2] = ((auxs[0] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((tmp >> 4) & kmask1) << 4);
auxs[3] = ((auxs[1] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((tmp >> 6) & kmask1) << 4);
auxs[0] = (auxs[0] & kmask2) | (((tmp >> 0) & kmask1) << 4);
auxs[1] = (auxs[1] & kmask2) | (((tmp >> 2) & kmask1) << 4);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += (scales[j] - 32) * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += (scales[j] - 32) * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) sums[l] += d * aux32[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) sumf += sums[l];
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_q4_K_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_q4_K * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
static const uint32_t kmask1 = 0x3f3f3f3f;
static const uint32_t kmask2 = 0x0f0f0f0f;
static const uint32_t kmask3 = 0x03030303;
uint32_t utmp[4];
#ifdef __ARM_NEON
const uint8x16_t m4b = vdupq_n_u8(0xf);
const int32x4_t mzero = vdupq_n_s32(0);
ggml_int8x16x2_t q4bytes;
ggml_int8x16x2_t q8bytes;
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
const int16x8_t q8sums = vpaddq_s16(vld1q_s16(y[i].bsums), vld1q_s16(y[i].bsums + 8));
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
uint32x2_t mins8 = { 0 };
mins8 = vset_lane_u32(utmp[1] & kmask1, mins8, 0);
mins8 = vset_lane_u32(((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4), mins8, 1);
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
const int16x8_t mins = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vreinterpret_u8_u32(mins8)));
const int32x4_t prod = vaddq_s32(vmull_s16(vget_low_s16 (q8sums), vget_low_s16 (mins)),
vmull_s16(vget_high_s16(q8sums), vget_high_s16(mins)));
sumf -= dmin * vaddvq_s32(prod);
const uint8_t * scales = (const uint8_t *)utmp;
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
int32_t sumi1 = 0;
int32_t sumi2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
const ggml_uint8x16x2_t q4bits = ggml_vld1q_u8_x2(q4); q4 += 32;
q8bytes = ggml_vld1q_s8_x2(q8); q8 += 32;
q4bytes.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (q4bits.val[0], m4b));
q4bytes.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8 (q4bits.val[1], m4b));
const int32x4_t p1 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, q4bytes.val[0], q8bytes.val[0]), q4bytes.val[1], q8bytes.val[1]);
sumi1 += vaddvq_s32(p1) * scales[2*j+0];
q8bytes = ggml_vld1q_s8_x2(q8); q8 += 32;
q4bytes.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q4bits.val[0], 4));
q4bytes.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q4bits.val[1], 4));
const int32x4_t p2 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, q4bytes.val[0], q8bytes.val[0]), q4bytes.val[1], q8bytes.val[1]);
sumi2 += vaddvq_s32(p2) * scales[2*j+1];
sumf += d * (sumi1 + sumi2);
*s = sumf;
#elif defined __AVX2__
const __m256i m4 = _mm256_set1_epi8(0xF);
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
__m128 acc_m = _mm_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = -y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
const uint32_t uaux = utmp[1] & kmask1;
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[2] = uaux;
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const __m256i mins_and_scales = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_set_epi32(utmp[3], utmp[2], utmp[1], utmp[0]));
const __m256i q8sums = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)y[i].bsums);
const __m128i q8s = _mm_hadd_epi16(_mm256_extracti128_si256(q8sums, 0), _mm256_extracti128_si256(q8sums, 1));
const __m128i prod = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm256_extracti128_si256(mins_and_scales, 1), q8s);
acc_m = _mm_fmadd_ps(_mm_set1_ps(dmin), _mm_cvtepi32_ps(prod), acc_m);
const __m128i sc128 = _mm256_extracti128_si256(mins_and_scales, 0);
const __m256i scales = MM256_SET_M128I(sc128, sc128);
__m256i sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256();
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
const __m256i scale_l = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2*j+0));
const __m256i scale_h = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2*j+1));
const __m256i q4bits = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q4); q4 += 32;
const __m256i q4l = _mm256_and_si256(q4bits, m4);
const __m256i q4h = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bits, 4), m4);
const __m256i q8l = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
__m256i p16l = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4l, q8l);
p16l = _mm256_madd_epi16(scale_l, p16l);
const __m256i q8h = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
__m256i p16h = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4h, q8h);
p16h = _mm256_madd_epi16(scale_h, p16h);
const __m256i sumj = _mm256_add_epi32(p16l, p16h);
sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, sumj);
__m256 vd = _mm256_set1_ps(d);
acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(vd, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), acc);
acc_m = _mm_add_ps(acc_m, _mm_movehl_ps(acc_m, acc_m));
acc_m = _mm_add_ss(acc_m, _mm_movehdup_ps(acc_m));
*s = hsum_float_8(acc) + _mm_cvtss_f32(acc_m);
#elif defined __AVX__
const __m128i m4 = _mm_set1_epi8(0xF);
const __m128i m2 = _mm_set1_epi8(0x2);
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
__m128 acc_m = _mm_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = -y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
const uint32_t uaux = utmp[1] & kmask1;
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[2] = uaux;
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
const __m128i utmps = _mm_set_epi32(utmp[3], utmp[2], utmp[1], utmp[0]);
const __m128i scales = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(utmps);
const __m128i mins = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi64(utmps, utmps));
const __m128i q8sums_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&y[i].bsums[0]);
const __m128i q8sums_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&y[i].bsums[8]);
const __m128i q8s = _mm_hadd_epi16(q8sums_0, q8sums_1);
const __m128i prod = _mm_madd_epi16(mins, q8s);
acc_m = _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(dmin), _mm_cvtepi32_ps(prod)), acc_m);
__m128i sumi_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i shuffle = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0100);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
const __m128i scale_l = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, shuffle);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
const __m128i scale_h = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, shuffle);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
__m128i q4bits = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q4); q4 += 16;
const __m128i q4l_0 = _mm_and_si128(q4bits, m4);
const __m128i q4h_0 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits, 4), m4);
q4bits = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q4); q4 += 16;
const __m128i q4l_1 = _mm_and_si128(q4bits, m4);
const __m128i q4h_1 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits, 4), m4);
const __m128i q8l_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
__m128i p16l = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4l_0, q8l_0);
p16l = _mm_madd_epi16(scale_l, p16l);
sumi_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_0, p16l);
const __m128i q8l_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
p16l = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4l_1, q8l_1);
p16l = _mm_madd_epi16(scale_l, p16l);
sumi_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_1, p16l);
const __m128i q8h_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
__m128i p16h = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4h_0, q8h_0);
p16h = _mm_madd_epi16(scale_h, p16h);
sumi_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_0, p16h);
const __m128i q8h_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
p16h = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4h_1, q8h_1);
p16h = _mm_madd_epi16(scale_h, p16h);
sumi_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_1, p16h);
__m256 vd = _mm256_set1_ps(d);
__m256i sumi = MM256_SET_M128I(sumi_1, sumi_0);
acc = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vd, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi)), acc);
acc_m = _mm_add_ps(acc_m, _mm_movehl_ps(acc_m, acc_m));
acc_m = _mm_add_ss(acc_m, _mm_movehdup_ps(acc_m));
*s = hsum_float_8(acc) + _mm_cvtss_f32(acc_m);
#elif defined __riscv_v_intrinsic
const uint8_t * scales = (const uint8_t*)&utmp[0];
const uint8_t * mins = (const uint8_t*)&utmp[2];
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
size_t vl = 8;
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
vint16mf2_t q8sums_0 = __riscv_vlse16_v_i16mf2(y[i].bsums, 4, vl);
vint16mf2_t q8sums_1 = __riscv_vlse16_v_i16mf2(y[i].bsums+1, 4, vl);
vint16mf2_t q8sums = __riscv_vadd_vv_i16mf2(q8sums_0, q8sums_1, vl);
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
const uint32_t uaux = utmp[1] & kmask1;
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[2] = uaux;
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
vuint8mf4_t mins8 = __riscv_vle8_v_u8mf4(mins, vl);
vint16mf2_t v_mins = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u16mf2_i16mf2(__riscv_vzext_vf2_u16mf2(mins8, vl));
vint32m1_t prod = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i32m1(q8sums, v_mins, vl);
vint32m1_t sumi = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m1_i32m1(prod, __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, 1), vl);
sumf -= dmin * __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(sumi);
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
vl = 32;
int32_t sum_1 = 0;
int32_t sum_2 = 0;
vint16m1_t vzero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i16m1(0, 1);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
// load Q4
vuint8m1_t q4_x = __riscv_vle8_v_u8m1(q4, vl);
// load Q8 and multiply it with lower Q4 nibble
vint8m1_t q8_0 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8, vl);
vint8m1_t q4_0 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(__riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(q4_x, 0x0F, vl));
vint16m2_t qv_0 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(q4_0, q8_0, vl);
vint16m1_t vs_0 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i16m2_i16m1(qv_0, vzero, vl);
sum_1 += __riscv_vmv_x_s_i16m1_i16(vs_0) * scales[2*j+0];
// load Q8 and multiply it with upper Q4 nibble
vint8m1_t q8_1 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8+32, vl);
vint8m1_t q4_1 = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(__riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(q4_x, 0x04, vl));
vint16m2_t qv_1 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(q4_1, q8_1, vl);
vint16m1_t vs_1 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i16m2_i16m1(qv_1, vzero, vl);
sum_2 += __riscv_vmv_x_s_i16m1_i16(vs_1) * scales[2*j+1];
q4 += 32; q8 += 64;
sumf += d*(sum_1 + sum_2);
*s = sumf;
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed char lowMask = vec_splats((signed char)0xF);
const vector signed char lowMask1 = vec_splats((int8_t)0x3f);
const vector signed char lowMask2 = vec_splats((int8_t)0x30);
const vector int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
const vector unsigned char v2 = vec_splats((uint8_t)2);
const vector unsigned char v4 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x4);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[i].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector float vxmin = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin));
vector float vdmin = vec_mul(vxmin, vyd);
vector signed short q8ysums0 = vec_xl( 0, y[i].bsums);
vector signed short q8ysums1 = vec_xl(16, y[i].bsums);
vector signed char u0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl_len(x[i].scales, 8);
vector signed char u1 = vec_and(vec_sr(u0, v2), lowMask2);
vector signed char u2 = (vector signed char)vec_xl_len(x[i].scales + 8, 4);
vector signed char u3 = vec_sr(u2, v4);
vector signed char u30 = u1;
vector signed char u31 = (vector signed char)vec_mergeh((vector signed int)vec_and(u2, lowMask), (vector signed int)u3);
u1 = vec_and(u0, lowMask1);
u2 = vec_or(u30, u31);
vector signed char utmps = (vector signed char)vec_mergeh((vector signed int)u1, (vector signed int)u2);
vector signed short vscales = vec_unpackh(utmps);
vector signed short q4xmins = vec_unpackl(utmps);
vector signed short q4xmins0 = vec_mergeh(q4xmins, q4xmins);
vector signed short q4xmins1 = vec_mergel(q4xmins, q4xmins);
vector signed int prod0 = vec_mule(q4xmins0, q8ysums0);
vector signed int prod1 = vec_mule(q4xmins1, q8ysums1);
vector signed int prod2 = vec_mulo(q4xmins0, q8ysums0);
vector signed int prod3 = vec_mulo(q4xmins1, q8ysums1);
vsumf0 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod0, 0), vdmin, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod1, 0), vdmin, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod2, 0), vdmin, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod3, 0), vdmin, vsumf3);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi2 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi3 = v0;
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; j+=2) {
__builtin_prefetch(q4, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 1);
vector signed char qxs0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, q4);
vector signed char qxs1 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(16, q4);
vector signed char qxs2 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(32, q4);
vector signed char qxs3 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(48, q4);
q4 += 64;
vector unsigned char q4x00 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(qxs0, lowMask);
vector unsigned char q4x01 = (vector unsigned char)vec_sr(qxs0, v4);
vector unsigned char q4x10 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(qxs1, lowMask);
vector unsigned char q4x11 = (vector unsigned char)vec_sr(qxs1, v4);
vector unsigned char q4x20 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(qxs2, lowMask);
vector unsigned char q4x21 = (vector unsigned char)vec_sr(qxs2, v4);
vector unsigned char q4x30 = (vector unsigned char)vec_and(qxs3, lowMask);
vector unsigned char q4x31 = (vector unsigned char)vec_sr(qxs3, v4);
vector signed char q8y00 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y10 = vec_xl( 16, q8);
vector signed char q8y01 = vec_xl( 32, q8);
vector signed char q8y11 = vec_xl( 48, q8);
vector signed char q8y20 = vec_xl( 64, q8);
vector signed char q8y30 = vec_xl( 80, q8);
vector signed char q8y21 = vec_xl( 96, q8);
vector signed char q8y31 = vec_xl(112, q8);
q8 += 128;
vector signed int qv00 = vec_msum(q8y00, q4x00, v0);
vector signed int qv01 = vec_msum(q8y01, q4x01, v0);
vector signed int qv10 = vec_msum(q8y10, q4x10, v0);
vector signed int qv11 = vec_msum(q8y11, q4x11, v0);
vector signed int qv20 = vec_msum(q8y20, q4x20, v0);
vector signed int qv21 = vec_msum(q8y21, q4x21, v0);
vector signed int qv30 = vec_msum(q8y30, q4x30, v0);
vector signed int qv31 = vec_msum(q8y31, q4x31, v0);
vector signed int vscales_h = vec_unpackh(vscales);
vector signed int vs0 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 0);
vector signed int vs1 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 1);
vector signed int vs2 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 2);
vector signed int vs3 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 3);
vscales = vec_sld(vscales, vscales, 8);
vsumi0 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv00, vs0), vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv01, vs1), vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv20, vs2), vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv21, vs3), vsumi3);
vsumi0 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv10, vs0), vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv11, vs1), vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv30, vs2), vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv31, vs3), vsumi3);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined __loongarch_asx
const __m256i m4 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(0xF);
__m256 acc = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
__m128 acc_m = (__m128)__lsx_vldi(0);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = -y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
const uint32_t uaux = utmp[1] & kmask1;
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[2] = uaux;
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const __m256i mins_and_scales = lasx_extu8_16(lsx_set_w(utmp[3], utmp[2], utmp[1], utmp[0]));
const __m256i q8sums = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)y[i].bsums, 0);
const __m128i q8s = lsx_hadd_h(lasx_extracti128(q8sums, 0), lasx_extracti128(q8sums, 1));
const __m128i prod = lsx_madd_h(lasx_extracti128(mins_and_scales, 1), q8s);
acc_m = __lsx_vfmadd_s(__lsx_vreplfr2vr_s(dmin), __lsx_vffint_s_w(prod), acc_m);
const __m128i sc128 = lasx_extracti128(mins_and_scales, 0);
const __m256i scales = lasx_insertf128(sc128, sc128);
__m256i sumi = __lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
const __m256i scale_l = lasx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2*j+0));
const __m256i scale_h = lasx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2*j+1));
const __m256i q4bits = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q4, 0); q4 += 32;
const __m256i q4l = __lasx_xvand_v(q4bits, m4);
const __m256i q4h = __lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q4bits, 4), m4);
const __m256i q8l = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
__m256i p16l = lasx_maddubs_h(q4l, q8l);
p16l = lasx_madd_h(scale_l, p16l);
const __m256i q8h = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
__m256i p16h = lasx_maddubs_h(q4h, q8h);
p16h = lasx_madd_h(scale_h, p16h);
const __m256i sumj = __lasx_xvadd_w(p16l, p16h);
sumi = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi, sumj);
__m256 vd = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(d);
acc = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(vd, __lasx_xvffint_s_w(sumi), acc);
acc_m = __lsx_vfadd_s(acc_m, (__m128)__lsx_vpermi_w((__m128i)acc_m, (__m128i)acc_m, 0xee));
__m128i tmp1 = __lsx_vinsgr2vr_w(__lsx_vldi(0), __lsx_vpickve2gr_w((__m128i)acc_m, 1), 0);
acc_m = __lsx_vfadd_s(acc_m, (__m128)tmp1);
ft_union fi;
fi.i = __lsx_vpickve2gr_w(acc_m, 0);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc) + fi.f ;
const uint8_t * scales = (const uint8_t*)&utmp[0];
const uint8_t * mins = (const uint8_t*)&utmp[2];
int8_t aux8[QK_K];
int16_t aux16[8];
float sums [8];
int32_t aux32[8];
memset(sums, 0, 8*sizeof(float));
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memset(aux32, 0, 8*sizeof(int32_t));
int8_t * restrict a = aux8;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] = (int8_t)(q4[l] & 0xF);
a += 32;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] = (int8_t)(q4[l] >> 4);
a += 32; q4 += 32;
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
const uint32_t uaux = utmp[1] & kmask1;
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[2] = uaux;
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
int sumi = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) sumi += y[i].bsums[j] * mins[j/2];
a = aux8;
int is = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
int32_t scale = scales[is++];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += scale * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += scale * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += scale * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += scale * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) sums[l] += d * aux32[l];
const float dmin = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin) * y[i].d;
sumf -= dmin * sumi;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) sumf += sums[l];
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_q5_K_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_q5_K * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
static const uint32_t kmask1 = 0x3f3f3f3f;
static const uint32_t kmask2 = 0x0f0f0f0f;
static const uint32_t kmask3 = 0x03030303;
uint32_t utmp[4];
#ifdef __ARM_NEON
const uint8x16_t m4b = vdupq_n_u8(0xf);
const uint8x16_t mone = vdupq_n_u8(1);
const uint8x16_t mtwo = vdupq_n_u8(2);
const int32x4_t mzero = vdupq_n_s32(0);
ggml_int8x16x4_t q5bytes;
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
const int16x8_t q8sums = vpaddq_s16(vld1q_s16(y[i].bsums), vld1q_s16(y[i].bsums + 8));
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
const uint32_t uaux = utmp[1] & kmask1;
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[2] = uaux;
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
const uint8x8_t mins8 = vld1_u8((const uint8_t*)utmp + 8);
const int16x8_t mins = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(mins8));
const int32x4_t prod = vaddq_s32(vmull_s16(vget_low_s16 (q8sums), vget_low_s16 (mins)),
vmull_s16(vget_high_s16(q8sums), vget_high_s16(mins)));
int32_t sumi_mins = vaddvq_s32(prod);
const uint8_t * scales = (const uint8_t *)utmp;
const uint8_t * restrict q5 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
ggml_uint8x16x2_t qhbits = ggml_vld1q_u8_x2(qh);
ggml_uint8x16x4_t q5h;
int32_t sumi = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
const ggml_uint8x16x2_t q5bits = ggml_vld1q_u8_x2(q5); q5 += 32;
const ggml_int8x16x4_t q8bytes = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
q5h.val[0] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mone, qhbits.val[0]), 4);
q5h.val[1] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mone, qhbits.val[1]), 4);
q5h.val[2] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mtwo, qhbits.val[0]), 3);
q5h.val[3] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mtwo, qhbits.val[1]), 3);
qhbits.val[0] = vshrq_n_u8(qhbits.val[0], 2);
qhbits.val[1] = vshrq_n_u8(qhbits.val[1], 2);
q5bytes.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vandq_u8(q5bits.val[0], m4b), q5h.val[0]));
q5bytes.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vandq_u8(q5bits.val[1], m4b), q5h.val[1]));
q5bytes.val[2] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q5bits.val[0], 4), q5h.val[2]));
q5bytes.val[3] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q5bits.val[1], 4), q5h.val[3]));
sumi += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, q5bytes.val[0], q8bytes.val[0]), q5bytes.val[1], q8bytes.val[1])) * *scales++;
sumi += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, q5bytes.val[2], q8bytes.val[2]), q5bytes.val[3], q8bytes.val[3])) * *scales++;
sumf += d * sumi - dmin * sumi_mins;
*s = sumf;
#elif defined __AVX2__
const __m256i m4 = _mm256_set1_epi8(0xF);
const __m128i mzero = _mm_setzero_si128();
const __m256i mone = _mm256_set1_epi8(1);
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
float summs = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const uint8_t * restrict q5 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = -y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
const uint32_t uaux = utmp[1] & kmask1;
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[2] = uaux;
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
const __m256i mins_and_scales = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_set_epi32(utmp[3], utmp[2], utmp[1], utmp[0]));
const __m256i q8sums = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)y[i].bsums);
const __m128i q8s = _mm_hadd_epi16(_mm256_extracti128_si256(q8sums, 0), _mm256_extracti128_si256(q8sums, 1));
const __m128i prod = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm256_extracti128_si256(mins_and_scales, 1), q8s);
const __m128i hsum = _mm_hadd_epi32(_mm_hadd_epi32(prod, mzero), mzero);
summs += dmin * _mm_extract_epi32(hsum, 0);
const __m128i sc128 = _mm256_extracti128_si256(mins_and_scales, 0);
const __m256i scales = MM256_SET_M128I(sc128, sc128);
const __m256i hbits = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)x[i].qh);
__m256i hmask = mone;
__m256i sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256();
int bit = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
const __m256i scale_0 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2*j+0));
const __m256i scale_1 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2*j+1));
const __m256i q5bits = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q5); q5 += 32;
const __m256i q5l_0 = _mm256_and_si256(q5bits, m4);
const __m256i q5h_0 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(hbits, hmask), bit++), 4);
const __m256i q5_0 = _mm256_add_epi8(q5l_0, q5h_0);
hmask = _mm256_slli_epi16(hmask, 1);
const __m256i q5l_1 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q5bits, 4), m4);
const __m256i q5h_1 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_srli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(hbits, hmask), bit++), 4);
const __m256i q5_1 = _mm256_add_epi8(q5l_1, q5h_1);
hmask = _mm256_slli_epi16(hmask, 1);
const __m256i q8_0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
__m256i p16_0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q5_0, q8_0);
__m256i p16_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q5_1, q8_1);
p16_0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(scale_0, p16_0);
p16_1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(scale_1, p16_1);
sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_1));
__m256 vd = _mm256_set1_ps(d);
acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(vd, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), acc);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc) + summs;
#elif defined __AVX__
const __m128i m4 = _mm_set1_epi8(0xF);
const __m128i mzero = _mm_setzero_si128();
const __m128i mone = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
const __m128i m2 = _mm_set1_epi8(2);
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
float summs = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = -y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
const uint8_t * restrict q5 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
const uint32_t uaux = utmp[1] & kmask1;
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[2] = uaux;
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
const __m128i utmps = _mm_set_epi32(utmp[3], utmp[2], utmp[1], utmp[0]);
const __m128i scales = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(utmps);
const __m128i mins = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi64(utmps, utmps));
const __m128i q8sums_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&y[i].bsums[0]);
const __m128i q8sums_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&y[i].bsums[8]);
const __m128i q8s = _mm_hadd_epi16(q8sums_0, q8sums_1);
const __m128i prod = _mm_madd_epi16(mins, q8s);
const __m128i hsum = _mm_hadd_epi32(_mm_hadd_epi32(prod, mzero), mzero);
summs += dmin * _mm_extract_epi32(hsum, 0);
const __m128i hbits_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&x[i].qh[0]);
const __m128i hbits_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)&x[i].qh[16]);
__m128i hmask = mone;
__m128i sumi_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
int bit = 0;
__m128i shuffle = _mm_set1_epi16(0x0100);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
const __m128i scale_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, shuffle);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
const __m128i scale_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, shuffle);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi16(shuffle, m2);
const __m128i q5bits_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q5); q5 += 16;
const __m128i q5bits_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q5); q5 += 16;
__m128i q5l_0 = _mm_and_si128(q5bits_0, m4);
__m128i q5l_1 = _mm_and_si128(q5bits_1, m4);
__m128i q5h_0 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(hbits_0, hmask), bit), 4);
__m128i q5h_1 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(hbits_1, hmask), bit++), 4);
__m128i q5_0 = _mm_add_epi8(q5l_0, q5h_0);
__m128i q5_1 = _mm_add_epi8(q5l_1, q5h_1);
hmask = _mm_slli_epi16(hmask, 1);
__m128i q8_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
__m128i q8_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
__m128i p16_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q5_0, q8_0);
__m128i p16_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q5_1, q8_1);
p16_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(scale_0, p16_0);
p16_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(scale_0, p16_1);
q5l_0 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q5bits_0, 4), m4);
q5l_1 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q5bits_1, 4), m4);
q5h_0 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(hbits_0, hmask), bit), 4);
q5h_1 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(hbits_1, hmask), bit++), 4);
q5_0 = _mm_add_epi8(q5l_0, q5h_0);
q5_1 = _mm_add_epi8(q5l_1, q5h_1);
hmask = _mm_slli_epi16(hmask, 1);
q8_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
q8_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
__m128i p16_2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q5_0, q8_0);
__m128i p16_3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q5_1, q8_1);
p16_2 = _mm_madd_epi16(scale_1, p16_2);
p16_3 = _mm_madd_epi16(scale_1, p16_3);
sumi_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_0, _mm_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_2));
sumi_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_1, _mm_add_epi32(p16_1, p16_3));
__m256 vd = _mm256_set1_ps(d);
__m256i sumi = MM256_SET_M128I(sumi_1, sumi_0);
acc = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(vd, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi)), acc);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc) + summs;
#elif defined __riscv_v_intrinsic
const uint8_t * scales = (const uint8_t*)&utmp[0];
const uint8_t * mins = (const uint8_t*)&utmp[2];
float sumf = 0;
float sums = 0.0;
size_t vl;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vl = 8;
const uint8_t * restrict q5 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict hm = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const float dmin = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin) * y[i].d;
vint16mf2_t q8sums_0 = __riscv_vlse16_v_i16mf2(y[i].bsums, 4, vl);
vint16mf2_t q8sums_1 = __riscv_vlse16_v_i16mf2(y[i].bsums+1, 4, vl);
vint16mf2_t q8sums = __riscv_vadd_vv_i16mf2(q8sums_0, q8sums_1, vl);
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
const uint32_t uaux = utmp[1] & kmask1;
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[2] = uaux;
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
vuint8mf4_t mins8 = __riscv_vle8_v_u8mf4(mins, vl);
vint16mf2_t v_mins = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u16mf2_i16mf2(__riscv_vzext_vf2_u16mf2(mins8, vl));
vint32m1_t prod = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i32m1(q8sums, v_mins, vl);
vint32m1_t sumi = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m1_i32m1(prod, __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, 1), vl);
sumf -= dmin * __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(sumi);
vl = 32;
int32_t aux32 = 0;
int is = 0;
uint8_t m = 1;
vint32m1_t vzero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, 1);
vuint8m1_t vqh = __riscv_vle8_v_u8m1(hm, vl);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
// load Q5 and Q8
vuint8m1_t q5_x = __riscv_vle8_v_u8m1(q5, vl);
vint8m1_t q8_y1 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8, vl);
vint8m1_t q8_y2 = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8+32, vl);
// compute mask for addition
vint8m1_t q5_a = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(__riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(q5_x, 0x0F, vl));
vuint8m1_t qh_m1 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(vqh, m, vl);
vbool8_t vmask_1 = __riscv_vmsne_vx_u8m1_b8(qh_m1, 0, vl);
vint8m1_t q5_m1 = __riscv_vadd_vx_i8m1_mu(vmask_1, q5_a, q5_a, 16, vl);
m <<= 1;
vint8m1_t q5_l = __riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(__riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(q5_x, 0x04, vl));
vuint8m1_t qh_m2 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(vqh, m, vl);
vbool8_t vmask_2 = __riscv_vmsne_vx_u8m1_b8(qh_m2, 0, vl);
vint8m1_t q5_m2 = __riscv_vadd_vx_i8m1_mu(vmask_2, q5_l, q5_l, 16, vl);
m <<= 1;
vint16m2_t v0 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(q5_m1, q8_y1, vl);
vint16m2_t v1 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(q5_m2, q8_y2, vl);
vint32m4_t vs1 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m4(v0, scales[is++], vl);
vint32m4_t vs2 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m4(v1, scales[is++], vl);
vint32m1_t vacc1 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m4_i32m1(vs1, vzero, vl);
vint32m1_t vacc2 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m4_i32m1(vs2, vzero, vl);
aux32 += __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(vacc1) + __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(vacc2);
q5 += 32; q8 += 64;
vfloat32m1_t vaux = __riscv_vfmul_vf_f32m1(__riscv_vfmv_v_f_f32m1(aux32, 1), d, 1);
sums += __riscv_vfmv_f_s_f32m1_f32(vaux);
*s = sumf+sums;
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed char lowMask = vec_splats((signed char)0xF);
const vector signed char lowMask1 = vec_splats((int8_t)0x3f);
const vector signed char lowMask2 = vec_splats((int8_t)0x30);
const vector int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
const vector unsigned char v1 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x1);
const vector unsigned char v2 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x2);
const vector unsigned char v3 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x3);
const vector unsigned char v4 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x4);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[i].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector float vxmin = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin));
vector float vdmin = vec_mul(vxmin, vyd);
vector signed char u0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl_len(x[i].scales, 8);
vector signed char u1 = vec_and(vec_sr(u0, v2), lowMask2);
vector signed char u2 = (vector signed char)vec_xl_len(x[i].scales + 8, 4);
vector signed char u3 = vec_sr(u2, v4);
vector signed char u30 = u1;
vector signed char u31 = (vector signed char)vec_mergeh((vector signed int)vec_and(u2, lowMask), (vector signed int)u3);
u1 = vec_and(u0, lowMask1);
u2 = vec_or(u30, u31);
vector signed char utmps = (vector signed char)vec_mergeh((vector signed int)u1, (vector signed int)u2);
vector signed short q8ysums0 = vec_xl( 0, y[i].bsums);
vector signed short q8ysums1 = vec_xl(16, y[i].bsums);
vector signed short vscales = vec_unpackh(utmps);
vector signed short q5xmins = vec_unpackl(utmps);
vector signed short q5xmins0 = vec_mergeh(q5xmins, q5xmins);
vector signed short q5xmins1 = vec_mergel(q5xmins, q5xmins);
vector signed int prod0 = vec_mule(q5xmins0, q8ysums0);
vector signed int prod1 = vec_mule(q5xmins1, q8ysums1);
vector signed int prod2 = vec_mulo(q5xmins0, q8ysums0);
vector signed int prod3 = vec_mulo(q5xmins1, q8ysums1);
vsumf0 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod0, 0), vdmin, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod1, 0), vdmin, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod2, 0), vdmin, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_nmsub(vec_ctf(prod3, 0), vdmin, vsumf3);
vector signed char qxhs0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, x[i].qh);
vector signed char qxhs1 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(16, x[i].qh);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi2 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi3 = v0;
const uint8_t * restrict q5 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
__builtin_prefetch(q5, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 1);
vector signed char qxs0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, q5);
vector signed char qxs1 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(16, q5);
q5 += 32;
vector signed char qxs00 = vec_and(qxs0, lowMask);
vector signed char qxs01 = vec_sr(qxs0, v4);
vector signed char qxs10 = vec_and(qxs1, lowMask);
vector signed char qxs11 = vec_sr(qxs1, v4);
vector signed char q5h00 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v1, qxhs0), v4);
vector signed char q5h01 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v2, qxhs0), v3);
vector signed char q5h10 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v1, qxhs1), v4);
vector signed char q5h11 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v2, qxhs1), v3);
qxhs0 = vec_sr(qxhs0, v2);
qxhs1 = vec_sr(qxhs1, v2);
vector unsigned char q5x00 = (vector unsigned char)vec_or(q5h00, qxs00);
vector unsigned char q5x01 = (vector unsigned char)vec_or(q5h01, qxs01);
vector unsigned char q5x10 = (vector unsigned char)vec_or(q5h10, qxs10);
vector unsigned char q5x11 = (vector unsigned char)vec_or(q5h11, qxs11);
vector signed char q8y00 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y10 = vec_xl(16, q8);
vector signed char q8y01 = vec_xl(32, q8);
vector signed char q8y11 = vec_xl(48, q8);
q8 += 64;
vector signed int qv00 = vec_msum(q8y00, q5x00, v0);
vector signed int qv01 = vec_msum(q8y01, q5x01, v0);
vector signed int qv10 = vec_msum(q8y10, q5x10, v0);
vector signed int qv11 = vec_msum(q8y11, q5x11, v0);
vector signed int vscales_h = vec_unpackh(vscales);
vector signed int vs0 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 0);
vector signed int vs1 = vec_splat(vscales_h, 1);
vscales = vec_sld(vscales, vscales, 12);
vsumi0 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv00, vs0), vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv10, vs0), vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv01, vs1), vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_add(vec_mul(qv11, vs1), vsumi3);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined __loongarch_asx
const __m256i m4 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(0xF);
const __m128i mzero = __lsx_vldi(0);
const __m256i mone = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(1);
__m256 acc = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
float summs = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const uint8_t * restrict q5 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const float dmin = -y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin);
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
const uint32_t uaux = utmp[1] & kmask1;
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[2] = uaux;
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
const __m256i mins_and_scales = lasx_extu8_16(lsx_set_w(utmp[3], utmp[2], utmp[1], utmp[0]));
const __m256i q8sums = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)y[i].bsums, 0);
const __m128i q8s = lsx_hadd_h(lasx_extracti128(q8sums, 0), lasx_extracti128(q8sums, 1));
const __m128i prod = lsx_madd_h(lasx_extracti128(mins_and_scales, 1), q8s);
const __m128i hsum = lsx_hadd_w(lsx_hadd_w(prod, mzero), mzero);
summs += dmin * __lsx_vpickve2gr_w(hsum, 0); //TODO check
const __m128i sc128 = lasx_extracti128(mins_and_scales, 0);
const __m256i scales = lasx_insertf128(sc128, sc128);
const __m256i hbits = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)x[i].qh, 0);
__m256i hmask = mone;
__m256i sumi = __lasx_xvldi(0);
int bit = 0;
__m256i xvbit;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
const __m256i scale_0 = lasx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2*j+0));
const __m256i scale_1 = lasx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle_k4(2*j+1));
const __m256i q5bits = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q5, 0); q5 += 32;
xvbit = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(bit++);
const __m256i q5l_0 = __lasx_xvand_v(q5bits, m4);
const __m256i q5h_0 = __lasx_xvslli_h(__lasx_xvsrl_h(__lasx_xvand_v(hbits, hmask), xvbit), 4);
const __m256i q5_0 = __lasx_xvadd_b(q5l_0, q5h_0);
hmask = __lasx_xvslli_h(hmask, 1);
xvbit = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(bit++);
const __m256i q5l_1 = __lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q5bits, 4), m4);
const __m256i q5h_1 = __lasx_xvslli_h(__lasx_xvsrl_h(__lasx_xvand_v(hbits, hmask), xvbit), 4);
const __m256i q5_1 = __lasx_xvadd_b(q5l_1, q5h_1);
hmask = __lasx_xvslli_h(hmask, 1);
const __m256i q8_0 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
__m256i p16_0 = lasx_maddubs_h(q5_0, q8_0);
__m256i p16_1 = lasx_maddubs_h(q5_1, q8_1);
p16_0 = lasx_madd_h(scale_0, p16_0);
p16_1 = lasx_madd_h(scale_1, p16_1);
sumi = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi, __lasx_xvadd_w(p16_0, p16_1));
__m256 vd = __lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(d);
acc = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(vd, __lasx_xvffint_s_w(sumi), acc);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc) + summs;
const uint8_t * scales = (const uint8_t*)&utmp[0];
const uint8_t * mins = (const uint8_t*)&utmp[2];
int8_t aux8[QK_K];
int16_t aux16[8];
float sums [8];
int32_t aux32[8];
memset(sums, 0, 8*sizeof(float));
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict hm = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memset(aux32, 0, 8*sizeof(int32_t));
int8_t * restrict a = aux8;
uint8_t m = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] = (int8_t)(q4[l] & 0xF);
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] += (hm[l] & m ? 16 : 0);
a += 32; m <<= 1;
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] = (int8_t)(q4[l] >> 4);
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) a[l] += (hm[l] & m ? 16 : 0);
a += 32; m <<= 1;
q4 += 32;
memcpy(utmp, x[i].scales, 12);
utmp[3] = ((utmp[2] >> 4) & kmask2) | (((utmp[1] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
const uint32_t uaux = utmp[1] & kmask1;
utmp[1] = (utmp[2] & kmask2) | (((utmp[0] >> 6) & kmask3) << 4);
utmp[2] = uaux;
utmp[0] &= kmask1;
int sumi = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) sumi += y[i].bsums[j] * mins[j/2];
a = aux8;
int is = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; ++j) {
int32_t scale = scales[is++];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += scale * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += scale * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += scale * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += scale * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) sums[l] += d * aux32[l];
const float dmin = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].dmin) * y[i].d;
sumf -= dmin * sumi;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) sumf += sums[l];
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_q6_K_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_q6_K * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#ifdef __ARM_NEON
float sum = 0;
const uint8x16_t m4b = vdupq_n_u8(0xF);
const int32x4_t vzero = vdupq_n_s32(0);
//const int8x16_t m32s = vdupq_n_s8(32);
const uint8x16_t mone = vdupq_n_u8(3);
ggml_int8x16x4_t q6bytes;
ggml_uint8x16x4_t q6h;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d_all = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * restrict q6 = x[i].ql;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict scale = x[i].scales;
const ggml_int16x8x2_t q8sums = ggml_vld1q_s16_x2(y[i].bsums);
const int8x16_t scales = vld1q_s8(scale);
const ggml_int16x8x2_t q6scales = {{vmovl_s8(vget_low_s8(scales)), vmovl_s8(vget_high_s8(scales))}};
const int32x4_t prod = vaddq_s32(vaddq_s32(vmull_s16(vget_low_s16 (q8sums.val[0]), vget_low_s16 (q6scales.val[0])),
vmull_s16(vget_high_s16(q8sums.val[0]), vget_high_s16(q6scales.val[0]))),
vaddq_s32(vmull_s16(vget_low_s16 (q8sums.val[1]), vget_low_s16 (q6scales.val[1])),
vmull_s16(vget_high_s16(q8sums.val[1]), vget_high_s16(q6scales.val[1]))));
int32_t isum_mins = vaddvq_s32(prod);
int32_t isum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
ggml_uint8x16x2_t qhbits = ggml_vld1q_u8_x2(qh); qh += 32;
ggml_uint8x16x4_t q6bits = ggml_vld1q_u8_x4(q6); q6 += 64;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q8bytes = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
q6h.val[0] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mone, qhbits.val[0]), 4);
q6h.val[1] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mone, qhbits.val[1]), 4);
uint8x16_t shifted = vshrq_n_u8(qhbits.val[0], 2);
q6h.val[2] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mone, shifted), 4);
shifted = vshrq_n_u8(qhbits.val[1], 2);
q6h.val[3] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mone, shifted), 4);
//q6bytes.val[0] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vandq_u8(q6bits.val[0], m4b), q6h.val[0])), m32s);
//q6bytes.val[1] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vandq_u8(q6bits.val[1], m4b), q6h.val[1])), m32s);
//q6bytes.val[2] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vandq_u8(q6bits.val[2], m4b), q6h.val[2])), m32s);
//q6bytes.val[3] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vandq_u8(q6bits.val[3], m4b), q6h.val[3])), m32s);
q6bytes.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vandq_u8(q6bits.val[0], m4b), q6h.val[0]));
q6bytes.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vandq_u8(q6bits.val[1], m4b), q6h.val[1]));
q6bytes.val[2] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vandq_u8(q6bits.val[2], m4b), q6h.val[2]));
q6bytes.val[3] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vandq_u8(q6bits.val[3], m4b), q6h.val[3]));
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q6bytes.val[0], q8bytes.val[0])) * scale[0] +
vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q6bytes.val[1], q8bytes.val[1])) * scale[1] +
vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q6bytes.val[2], q8bytes.val[2])) * scale[2] +
vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q6bytes.val[3], q8bytes.val[3])) * scale[3];
scale += 4;
q8bytes = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
shifted = vshrq_n_u8(qhbits.val[0], 4);
q6h.val[0] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mone, shifted), 4);
shifted = vshrq_n_u8(qhbits.val[1], 4);
q6h.val[1] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mone, shifted), 4);
shifted = vshrq_n_u8(qhbits.val[0], 6);
q6h.val[2] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mone, shifted), 4);
shifted = vshrq_n_u8(qhbits.val[1], 6);
q6h.val[3] = vshlq_n_u8(vandq_u8(mone, shifted), 4);
//q6bytes.val[0] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q6bits.val[0], 4), q6h.val[0])), m32s);
//q6bytes.val[1] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q6bits.val[1], 4), q6h.val[1])), m32s);
//q6bytes.val[2] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q6bits.val[2], 4), q6h.val[2])), m32s);
//q6bytes.val[3] = vsubq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q6bits.val[3], 4), q6h.val[3])), m32s);
q6bytes.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q6bits.val[0], 4), q6h.val[0]));
q6bytes.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q6bits.val[1], 4), q6h.val[1]));
q6bytes.val[2] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q6bits.val[2], 4), q6h.val[2]));
q6bytes.val[3] = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vshrq_n_u8(q6bits.val[3], 4), q6h.val[3]));
isum += vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q6bytes.val[0], q8bytes.val[0])) * scale[0] +
vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q6bytes.val[1], q8bytes.val[1])) * scale[1] +
vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q6bytes.val[2], q8bytes.val[2])) * scale[2] +
vaddvq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q6bytes.val[3], q8bytes.val[3])) * scale[3];
scale += 4;
//sum += isum * d_all * y[i].d;
sum += d_all * y[i].d * (isum - 32 * isum_mins);
*s = sum;
#elif defined __AVX2__
const __m256i m4 = _mm256_set1_epi8(0xF);
const __m256i m2 = _mm256_set1_epi8(3);
const __m256i m32s = _mm256_set1_epi8(32);
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].ql;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const __m128i scales = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)x[i].scales);
__m256i sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256();
int is = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
const __m128i scale_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is + 0));
const __m128i scale_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is + 1));
const __m128i scale_2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is + 2));
const __m128i scale_3 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is + 3));
is += 4;
const __m256i q4bits1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q4); q4 += 32;
const __m256i q4bits2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q4); q4 += 32;
const __m256i q4bitsH = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)qh); qh += 32;
const __m256i q4h_0 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(q4bitsH, m2), 4);
const __m256i q4h_1 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bitsH, 2), m2), 4);
const __m256i q4h_2 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bitsH, 4), m2), 4);
const __m256i q4h_3 = _mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bitsH, 6), m2), 4);
const __m256i q4_0 = _mm256_or_si256(_mm256_and_si256(q4bits1, m4), q4h_0);
const __m256i q4_1 = _mm256_or_si256(_mm256_and_si256(q4bits2, m4), q4h_1);
const __m256i q4_2 = _mm256_or_si256(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bits1, 4), m4), q4h_2);
const __m256i q4_3 = _mm256_or_si256(_mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(q4bits2, 4), m4), q4h_3);
const __m256i q8_0 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_3 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
__m256i q8s_0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_0);
__m256i q8s_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_1);
__m256i q8s_2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_2);
__m256i q8s_3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_3);
__m256i p16_0 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4_0, q8_0);
__m256i p16_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4_1, q8_1);
__m256i p16_2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4_2, q8_2);
__m256i p16_3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q4_3, q8_3);
p16_0 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_0, q8s_0);
p16_1 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_1, q8s_1);
p16_2 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_2, q8s_2);
p16_3 = _mm256_sub_epi16(p16_3, q8s_3);
p16_0 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_0), p16_0);
p16_1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_1), p16_1);
p16_2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_2), p16_2);
p16_3 = _mm256_madd_epi16(_mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_3), p16_3);
sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_1));
sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_add_epi32(p16_2, p16_3));
acc = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), acc);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc);
#elif defined __AVX__
const __m128i m4 = _mm_set1_epi8(0xF);
const __m128i m3 = _mm_set1_epi8(3);
const __m128i m32s = _mm_set1_epi8(32);
const __m128i m2 = _mm_set1_epi8(2);
__m256 acc = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].ql;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const __m128i scales = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)x[i].scales);
__m128i sumi_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i shuffle = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0101010101010101, 0x0000000000000000);
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
const __m128i q4bitsH_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)qh); qh += 16;
const __m128i q4bitsH_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)qh); qh += 16;
const __m128i q4h_0 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(q4bitsH_0, m3), 4);
const __m128i q4h_1 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(q4bitsH_1, m3), 4);
const __m128i q4h_2 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bitsH_0, 2), m3), 4);
const __m128i q4h_3 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bitsH_1, 2), m3), 4);
const __m128i q4h_4 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bitsH_0, 4), m3), 4);
const __m128i q4h_5 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bitsH_1, 4), m3), 4);
const __m128i q4h_6 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bitsH_0, 6), m3), 4);
const __m128i q4h_7 = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bitsH_1, 6), m3), 4);
const __m128i q4bits1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q4); q4 += 16;
const __m128i q4bits1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q4); q4 += 16;
const __m128i q4bits2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q4); q4 += 16;
const __m128i q4bits2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q4); q4 += 16;
const __m128i q4_0 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(q4bits1_0, m4), q4h_0);
const __m128i q4_1 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(q4bits1_1, m4), q4h_1);
const __m128i q4_2 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(q4bits2_0, m4), q4h_2);
const __m128i q4_3 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(q4bits2_1, m4), q4h_3);
const __m128i q4_4 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits1_0, 4), m4), q4h_4);
const __m128i q4_5 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits1_1, 4), m4), q4h_5);
const __m128i q4_6 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits2_0, 4), m4), q4h_6);
const __m128i q4_7 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits2_1, 4), m4), q4h_7);
const __m128i q8_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_3 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_4 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_5 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_6 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_7 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q8); q8 += 16;
__m128i q8s_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_0);
__m128i q8s_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_1);
__m128i q8s_2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_2);
__m128i q8s_3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_3);
__m128i q8s_4 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_4);
__m128i q8s_5 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_5);
__m128i q8s_6 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_6);
__m128i q8s_7 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(m32s, q8_7);
__m128i p16_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4_0, q8_0);
__m128i p16_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4_1, q8_1);
__m128i p16_2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4_2, q8_2);
__m128i p16_3 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4_3, q8_3);
__m128i p16_4 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4_4, q8_4);
__m128i p16_5 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4_5, q8_5);
__m128i p16_6 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4_6, q8_6);
__m128i p16_7 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q4_7, q8_7);
p16_0 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_0, q8s_0);
p16_1 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_1, q8s_1);
p16_2 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_2, q8s_2);
p16_3 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_3, q8s_3);
p16_4 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_4, q8s_4);
p16_5 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_5, q8s_5);
p16_6 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_6, q8s_6);
p16_7 = _mm_sub_epi16(p16_7, q8s_7);
const __m128i scale_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, shuffle);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi8(shuffle, m2);
const __m128i scale_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, shuffle);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi8(shuffle, m2);
const __m128i scale_2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, shuffle);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi8(shuffle, m2);
const __m128i scale_3 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, shuffle);
shuffle = _mm_add_epi8(shuffle, m2);
p16_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_0), p16_0);
p16_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi64(scale_0, scale_0)), p16_1);
p16_2 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_1), p16_2);
p16_3 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi64(scale_1, scale_1)), p16_3);
p16_4 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_2), p16_4);
p16_5 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi64(scale_2, scale_2)), p16_5);
p16_6 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_cvtepi8_epi16(scale_3), p16_6);
p16_7 = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_unpackhi_epi64(scale_3, scale_3)), p16_7);
sumi_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_0, _mm_add_epi32(p16_0, p16_2));
sumi_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_1, _mm_add_epi32(p16_1, p16_3));
sumi_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_0, _mm_add_epi32(p16_4, p16_6));
sumi_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi_1, _mm_add_epi32(p16_5, p16_7));
__m256i sumi = MM256_SET_M128I(sumi_1, sumi_0);
acc = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_broadcast_ss(&d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi)), acc);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc);
#elif defined __riscv_v_intrinsic
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict q6 = x[i].ql;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict scale = x[i].scales;
size_t vl;
vint32m1_t vzero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1(0, 1);
int sum_t = 0;
int is = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
vl = 32;
// load qh
vuint8m1_t qh_x = __riscv_vle8_v_u8m1(qh, vl);
// load Q6
vuint8m1_t q6_0 = __riscv_vle8_v_u8m1(q6, vl);
vuint8m1_t q6_1 = __riscv_vle8_v_u8m1(q6+32, vl);
vuint8m1_t q6a_0 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(q6_0, 0x0F, vl);
vuint8m1_t q6a_1 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(q6_1, 0x0F, vl);
vuint8m1_t q6s_0 = __riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(q6_0, 0x04, vl);
vuint8m1_t q6s_1 = __riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(q6_1, 0x04, vl);
vuint8m1_t qh_0 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(qh_x, 0x03, vl);
vuint8m1_t qh_1 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(__riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(qh_x, 0x2, vl), 0x03 , vl);
vuint8m1_t qh_2 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(__riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(qh_x, 0x4, vl), 0x03 , vl);
vuint8m1_t qh_3 = __riscv_vand_vx_u8m1(__riscv_vsrl_vx_u8m1(qh_x, 0x6, vl), 0x03 , vl);
vuint8m1_t qhi_0 = __riscv_vor_vv_u8m1(q6a_0, __riscv_vsll_vx_u8m1(qh_0, 0x04, vl), vl);
vuint8m1_t qhi_1 = __riscv_vor_vv_u8m1(q6a_1, __riscv_vsll_vx_u8m1(qh_1, 0x04, vl), vl);
vuint8m1_t qhi_2 = __riscv_vor_vv_u8m1(q6s_0, __riscv_vsll_vx_u8m1(qh_2, 0x04, vl), vl);
vuint8m1_t qhi_3 = __riscv_vor_vv_u8m1(q6s_1, __riscv_vsll_vx_u8m1(qh_3, 0x04, vl), vl);
vint8m1_t a_0 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8m1(__riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(qhi_0), 32, vl);
vint8m1_t a_1 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8m1(__riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(qhi_1), 32, vl);
vint8m1_t a_2 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8m1(__riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(qhi_2), 32, vl);
vint8m1_t a_3 = __riscv_vsub_vx_i8m1(__riscv_vreinterpret_v_u8m1_i8m1(qhi_3), 32, vl);
// load Q8 and take product
vint16m2_t va_q_0 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(a_0, __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8, vl), vl);
vint16m2_t va_q_1 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(a_1, __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8+32, vl), vl);
vint16m2_t va_q_2 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(a_2, __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8+64, vl), vl);
vint16m2_t va_q_3 = __riscv_vwmul_vv_i16m2(a_3, __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1(q8+96, vl), vl);
vl = 16;
vint32m2_t vaux_0 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(va_q_0, 0), scale[is+0], vl);
vint32m2_t vaux_1 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(va_q_0, 1), scale[is+1], vl);
vint32m2_t vaux_2 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(va_q_1, 0), scale[is+2], vl);
vint32m2_t vaux_3 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(va_q_1, 1), scale[is+3], vl);
vint32m2_t vaux_4 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(va_q_2, 0), scale[is+4], vl);
vint32m2_t vaux_5 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(va_q_2, 1), scale[is+5], vl);
vint32m2_t vaux_6 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(va_q_3, 0), scale[is+6], vl);
vint32m2_t vaux_7 = __riscv_vwmul_vx_i32m2(__riscv_vget_v_i16m2_i16m1(va_q_3, 1), scale[is+7], vl);
vint32m1_t isum0 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1(__riscv_vadd_vv_i32m2(vaux_0, vaux_1, vl), vzero, vl);
vint32m1_t isum1 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1(__riscv_vadd_vv_i32m2(vaux_2, vaux_3, vl), isum0, vl);
vint32m1_t isum2 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1(__riscv_vadd_vv_i32m2(vaux_4, vaux_5, vl), isum1, vl);
vint32m1_t isum3 = __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1(__riscv_vadd_vv_i32m2(vaux_6, vaux_7, vl), isum2, vl);
sum_t += __riscv_vmv_x_s_i32m1_i32(isum3);
q6 += 64; qh += 32; q8 += 128; is=8;
sumf += d * sum_t;
*s = sumf;
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed char lowMask = vec_splats((signed char)0xF);
const vector int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
const vector unsigned char v2 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x2);
const vector unsigned char v3 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x3);
const vector unsigned char v4 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x4);
const vector unsigned char v6 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x6);
const vector signed char off = vec_splats((signed char)0x20);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[i].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi2 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi3 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi4 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi5 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi6 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi7 = v0;
const uint8_t * restrict q6 = x[i].ql;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict qs = x[i].scales;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
__builtin_prefetch(q6, 0, 0);
__builtin_prefetch(qh, 0, 0);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 0);
vector signed char qxs0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, q6);
vector signed char qxs1 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(16, q6);
vector signed char qxs2 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(32, q6);
vector signed char qxs3 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(48, q6);
q6 += 64;
vector signed char qxs00 = vec_and(qxs0, lowMask);
vector signed char qxs01 = vec_sr(qxs0, v4);
vector signed char qxs10 = vec_and(qxs1, lowMask);
vector signed char qxs11 = vec_sr(qxs1, v4);
vector signed char qxs20 = vec_and(qxs2, lowMask);
vector signed char qxs21 = vec_sr(qxs2, v4);
vector signed char qxs30 = vec_and(qxs3, lowMask);
vector signed char qxs31 = vec_sr(qxs3, v4);
vector signed char qxhs0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, qh);
vector signed char qxhs1 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(16, qh);
qh += 32;
vector signed char qxh00 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v3, qxhs0), v4);
vector signed char qxh01 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v3, vec_sr(qxhs0, v4)), v4);
vector signed char qxh10 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v3, qxhs1), v4);
vector signed char qxh11 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v3, vec_sr(qxhs1, v4)), v4);
vector signed char qxh20 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v3, vec_sr(qxhs0, v2)), v4);
vector signed char qxh21 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v3, vec_sr(qxhs0, v6)), v4);
vector signed char qxh30 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v3, vec_sr(qxhs1, v2)), v4);
vector signed char qxh31 = vec_sl(vec_and((vector signed char)v3, vec_sr(qxhs1, v6)), v4);
vector signed char q6x00 = vec_sub(vec_or(qxh00, qxs00), off);
vector signed char q6x01 = vec_sub(vec_or(qxh01, qxs01), off);
vector signed char q6x10 = vec_sub(vec_or(qxh10, qxs10), off);
vector signed char q6x11 = vec_sub(vec_or(qxh11, qxs11), off);
vector signed char q6x20 = vec_sub(vec_or(qxh20, qxs20), off);
vector signed char q6x21 = vec_sub(vec_or(qxh21, qxs21), off);
vector signed char q6x30 = vec_sub(vec_or(qxh30, qxs30), off);
vector signed char q6x31 = vec_sub(vec_or(qxh31, qxs31), off);
vector signed char q8y00 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y10 = vec_xl( 16, q8);
vector signed char q8y20 = vec_xl( 32, q8);
vector signed char q8y30 = vec_xl( 48, q8);
vector signed char q8y01 = vec_xl( 64, q8);
vector signed char q8y11 = vec_xl( 80, q8);
vector signed char q8y21 = vec_xl( 96, q8);
vector signed char q8y31 = vec_xl(112, q8);
q8 += 128;
vector signed short qv00 = vec_add(vec_mule(q6x00, q8y00), vec_mulo(q6x00, q8y00));
vector signed short qv10 = vec_add(vec_mule(q6x10, q8y10), vec_mulo(q6x10, q8y10));
vector signed short qv20 = vec_add(vec_mule(q6x20, q8y20), vec_mulo(q6x20, q8y20));
vector signed short qv30 = vec_add(vec_mule(q6x30, q8y30), vec_mulo(q6x30, q8y30));
vector signed short qv01 = vec_add(vec_mule(q6x01, q8y01), vec_mulo(q6x01, q8y01));
vector signed short qv11 = vec_add(vec_mule(q6x11, q8y11), vec_mulo(q6x11, q8y11));
vector signed short qv21 = vec_add(vec_mule(q6x21, q8y21), vec_mulo(q6x21, q8y21));
vector signed short qv31 = vec_add(vec_mule(q6x31, q8y31), vec_mulo(q6x31, q8y31));
vector signed short vscales = vec_unpackh(vec_xl_len(qs, 8));
qs += 8;
vector signed short vs0 = vec_splat(vscales, 0);
vector signed short vs1 = vec_splat(vscales, 1);
vector signed short vs2 = vec_splat(vscales, 2);
vector signed short vs3 = vec_splat(vscales, 3);
vector signed short vs4 = vec_splat(vscales, 4);
vector signed short vs5 = vec_splat(vscales, 5);
vector signed short vs6 = vec_splat(vscales, 6);
vector signed short vs7 = vec_splat(vscales, 7);
vsumi0 = vec_msum(qv00, vs0, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_msum(qv01, vs4, vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_msum(qv10, vs1, vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_msum(qv11, vs5, vsumi3);
vsumi4 = vec_msum(qv20, vs2, vsumi4);
vsumi5 = vec_msum(qv21, vs6, vsumi5);
vsumi6 = vec_msum(qv30, vs3, vsumi6);
vsumi7 = vec_msum(qv31, vs7, vsumi7);
vsumi0 = vec_add(vsumi0, vsumi4);
vsumi1 = vec_add(vsumi1, vsumi5);
vsumi2 = vec_add(vsumi2, vsumi6);
vsumi3 = vec_add(vsumi3, vsumi7);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined __loongarch_asx
const __m256i m4 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(0xF);
const __m256i m2 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(3);
const __m256i m32s = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(32);
__m256 acc = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].ql;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const __m128i scales = __lsx_vld((const __m128i*)x[i].scales, 0);
__m256i sumi = __lasx_xvldi(0);
int is = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/128; ++j) {
const __m128i scale_0 = lsx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is + 0));
const __m128i scale_1 = lsx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is + 1));
const __m128i scale_2 = lsx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is + 2));
const __m128i scale_3 = lsx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle(is + 3));
is += 4;
const __m256i q4bits1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q4, 0); q4 += 32;
const __m256i q4bits2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q4, 0); q4 += 32;
const __m256i q4bitsH = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)qh, 0); qh += 32;
const __m256i q4h_0 = __lasx_xvslli_h(__lasx_xvand_v(q4bitsH, m2), 4);
const __m256i q4h_1 = __lasx_xvslli_h(__lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q4bitsH, 2), m2), 4);
const __m256i q4h_2 = __lasx_xvslli_h(__lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q4bitsH, 4), m2), 4);
const __m256i q4h_3 = __lasx_xvslli_h(__lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q4bitsH, 6), m2), 4);
const __m256i q4_0 = __lasx_xvor_v(__lasx_xvand_v(q4bits1, m4), q4h_0);
const __m256i q4_1 = __lasx_xvor_v(__lasx_xvand_v(q4bits2, m4), q4h_1);
const __m256i q4_2 = __lasx_xvor_v(__lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q4bits1, 4), m4), q4h_2);
const __m256i q4_3 = __lasx_xvor_v(__lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsrli_h(q4bits2, 4), m4), q4h_3);
const __m256i q8_0 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_3 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
__m256i q8s_0 = lasx_maddubs_h(m32s, q8_0);
__m256i q8s_1 = lasx_maddubs_h(m32s, q8_1);
__m256i q8s_2 = lasx_maddubs_h(m32s, q8_2);
__m256i q8s_3 = lasx_maddubs_h(m32s, q8_3);
__m256i p16_0 = lasx_maddubs_h(q4_0, q8_0);
__m256i p16_1 = lasx_maddubs_h(q4_1, q8_1);
__m256i p16_2 = lasx_maddubs_h(q4_2, q8_2);
__m256i p16_3 = lasx_maddubs_h(q4_3, q8_3);
p16_0 = __lasx_xvsub_h(p16_0, q8s_0);
p16_1 = __lasx_xvsub_h(p16_1, q8s_1);
p16_2 = __lasx_xvsub_h(p16_2, q8s_2);
p16_3 = __lasx_xvsub_h(p16_3, q8s_3);
p16_0 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_ext8_16(scale_0), p16_0);
p16_1 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_ext8_16(scale_1), p16_1);
p16_2 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_ext8_16(scale_2), p16_2);
p16_3 = lasx_madd_h(lasx_ext8_16(scale_3), p16_3);
sumi = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi, __lasx_xvadd_w(p16_0, p16_1));
sumi = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi, __lasx_xvadd_w(p16_2, p16_3));
acc = __lasx_xvfmadd_s((__m256)__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(d), __lasx_xvffint_s_w(sumi), acc);
*s = hsum_float_8(acc);
int8_t aux8[QK_K];
int16_t aux16[8];
float sums [8];
int32_t aux32[8];
memset(sums, 0, 8*sizeof(float));
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[i].ql;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memset(aux32, 0, 8*sizeof(int32_t));
int8_t * restrict a = aux8;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K; j += 128) {
for (int l = 0; l < 32; ++l) {
a[l + 0] = (int8_t)((q4[l + 0] & 0xF) | (((qh[l] >> 0) & 3) << 4)) - 32;
a[l + 32] = (int8_t)((q4[l + 32] & 0xF) | (((qh[l] >> 2) & 3) << 4)) - 32;
a[l + 64] = (int8_t)((q4[l + 0] >> 4) | (((qh[l] >> 4) & 3) << 4)) - 32;
a[l + 96] = (int8_t)((q4[l + 32] >> 4) | (((qh[l] >> 6) & 3) << 4)) - 32;
a += 128;
q4 += 64;
qh += 32;
a = aux8;
int is = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/16; ++j) {
int scale = x[i].scales[is++];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += scale * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux16[l] = q8[l] * a[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) aux32[l] += scale * aux16[l];
q8 += 8; a += 8;
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) sums[l] += d * aux32[l];
for (int l = 0; l < 8; ++l) sumf += sums[l];
*s = sumf;
#if defined (__AVX__) || defined (__AVX2__) || defined (__ARM_NEON) || defined (__POWER9_VECTOR__) || defined(__loongarch_asx)
static const int8_t keven_signs_q2xs[1024] = {
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1,
1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1,
1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1,
1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1,
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void ggml_vec_dot_iq2_xxs_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_iq2_xxs * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
uint32_t aux32[4];
const uint8_t * aux8 = (const uint8_t *)aux32;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q2u;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q2s;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q8b;
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
float sumf1 = 0, sumf2 = 0;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
q8b = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
memcpy(aux32, q2, 4*sizeof(uint32_t)); q2 += 8;
q2u.val[0] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 0])), vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 1])));
q2u.val[1] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 2])), vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 3])));
q2u.val[2] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 8])), vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 9])));
q2u.val[3] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[10])), vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[11])));
q2s.val[0] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 0) & 127))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 7) & 127))));
q2s.val[1] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 14) & 127))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 21) & 127))));
q2s.val[2] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[3] >> 0) & 127))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[3] >> 7) & 127))));
q2s.val[3] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[3] >> 14) & 127))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[3] >> 21) & 127))));
q2u.val[0] = vmulq_s8(q2u.val[0], q2s.val[0]);
q2u.val[1] = vmulq_s8(q2u.val[1], q2s.val[1]);
q2u.val[2] = vmulq_s8(q2u.val[2], q2s.val[2]);
q2u.val[3] = vmulq_s8(q2u.val[3], q2s.val[3]);
const int32x4_t p1 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q2u.val[0], q8b.val[0]), q2u.val[1], q8b.val[1]);
const int32x4_t p2 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q2u.val[2], q8b.val[2]), q2u.val[3], q8b.val[3]);
sumf1 += vaddvq_s32(p1) * (0.5f + (aux32[1] >> 28));
sumf2 += vaddvq_s32(p2) * (0.5f + (aux32[3] >> 28));
sumf += d*(sumf1 + sumf2);
*s = 0.25f * sumf;
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
uint32_t aux32[4];
const uint8_t * aux8 = (const uint8_t *)aux32;
__m256 accumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
__m256i sumi1 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256i sumi2 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m256i q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
memcpy(aux32, q2, 4*sizeof(uint32_t)); q2 += 8;
const __m256i q2_1 = _mm256_set_epi64x(iq2xxs_grid[aux8[ 3]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[ 2]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[1]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[0]]);
const __m256i q2_2 = _mm256_set_epi64x(iq2xxs_grid[aux8[11]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[10]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[9]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[8]]);
const __m256i s2_1 = _mm256_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[1] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 14) & 127],
signs64[(aux32[1] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m256i s2_2 = _mm256_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[3] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[3] >> 14) & 127],
signs64[(aux32[3] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[3] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m256i q8s_1 = _mm256_sign_epi8(q8_1, s2_1);
const __m256i q8s_2 = _mm256_sign_epi8(q8_2, s2_2);
const __m256i dot1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_1, q8s_1);
const __m256i dot2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_2, q8s_2);
const uint16_t ls1 = aux32[1] >> 28;
const uint16_t ls2 = aux32[3] >> 28;
const __m256i p1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot1, _mm256_set1_epi16(2*ls1+1));
const __m256i p2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot2, _mm256_set1_epi16(2*ls2+1));
sumi1 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, p1);
sumi2 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi2, p2);
accumf = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(_mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, sumi2)), accumf);
*s = 0.125f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
#elif defined(__AVX__)
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
uint32_t aux32[4];
const uint8_t * aux8 = (const uint8_t *)aux32;
__m256 accumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
__m128i sumi1_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi1_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m128i q8_1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
memcpy(aux32, q2, 4*sizeof(uint32_t)); q2 += 8;
const __m128i q2_1_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xxs_grid[aux8[1]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[0]]);
const __m128i q2_1_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xxs_grid[aux8[3]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[2]]);
const __m128i q2_2_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xxs_grid[aux8[9]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[8]]);
const __m128i q2_2_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xxs_grid[aux8[11]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[10]]);
const __m128i s2_1_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[1] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m128i s2_1_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[1] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 14) & 127]);
const __m128i s2_2_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[3] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[3] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m128i s2_2_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[3] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[3] >> 14) & 127]);
const __m128i q8s_1_0 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_1_0, s2_1_0);
const __m128i q8s_1_1 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_1_1, s2_1_1);
const __m128i q8s_2_0 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_2_0, s2_2_0);
const __m128i q8s_2_1 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_2_1, s2_2_1);
const __m128i dot1_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_1_0, q8s_1_0);
const __m128i dot1_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_1_1, q8s_1_1);
const __m128i dot2_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_2_0, q8s_2_0);
const __m128i dot2_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_2_1, q8s_2_1);
const uint16_t ls1 = aux32[1] >> 28;
const uint16_t ls2 = aux32[3] >> 28;
const __m128i p1_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_0, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls1+1));
const __m128i p1_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_1, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls1+1));
const __m128i p2_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_0, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls2+1));
const __m128i p2_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_1, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls2+1));
sumi1_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, p1_0);
sumi1_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, p1_1);
sumi2_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_0, p2_0);
sumi2_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_1, p2_1);
accumf = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, sumi2_1), _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, sumi2_0)))), accumf);
*s = 0.125f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[i].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi2 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi3 = v0;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; j += 2) {
__builtin_prefetch(q2, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 1);
uint32_t aux32[4];
const uint8_t * aux8 = (const uint8_t *)aux32;
memcpy(aux32, q2, 4*sizeof(uint32_t));
q2 += 8;
vector signed long long aux64x2_0 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 0]), *(const int64_t *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 1])};
vector signed long long aux64x2_1 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 2]), *(const int64_t *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 3])};
vector signed long long aux64x2_2 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 8]), *(const int64_t *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[ 9])};
vector signed long long aux64x2_3 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[10]), *(const int64_t *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[11])};
vector signed long long vsigns0 = {*(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 0) & 127)), *(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 7) & 127))};
vector signed long long vsigns1 = {*(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 14) & 127)), *(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 21) & 127))};
vector signed long long vsigns2 = {*(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((aux32[3] >> 0) & 127)), *(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((aux32[3] >> 7) & 127))};
vector signed long long vsigns3 = {*(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((aux32[3] >> 14) & 127)), *(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((aux32[3] >> 21) & 127))};
vector signed char q2x0 = (vector signed char)vec_mul((vector signed char)vsigns0, (vector signed char)aux64x2_0);
vector signed char q2x1 = (vector signed char)vec_mul((vector signed char)vsigns1, (vector signed char)aux64x2_1);
vector signed char q2x2 = (vector signed char)vec_mul((vector signed char)vsigns2, (vector signed char)aux64x2_2);
vector signed char q2x3 = (vector signed char)vec_mul((vector signed char)vsigns3, (vector signed char)aux64x2_3);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl(16, q8);
vector signed char q8y2 = vec_xl(32, q8);
vector signed char q8y3 = vec_xl(48, q8);
q8 += 64;
vector signed short qv0 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x0, q8y0), vec_mulo(q2x0, q8y0));
vector signed short qv1 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x1, q8y1), vec_mulo(q2x1, q8y1));
vector signed short qv2 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x2, q8y2), vec_mulo(q2x2, q8y2));
vector signed short qv3 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x3, q8y3), vec_mulo(q2x3, q8y3));
const uint16_t ls0 = aux32[1] >> 28;
const uint16_t ls1 = aux32[3] >> 28;
vector signed short vscales01 = vec_splats((int16_t)(2*ls0+1));
vector signed short vscales23 = vec_splats((int16_t)(2*ls1+1));
vsumi0 = vec_msum(qv0, vscales01, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_msum(qv1, vscales01, vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_msum(qv2, vscales23, vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_msum(qv3, vscales23, vsumi3);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = 0.125f * vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
uint32_t aux32[4];
const uint8_t * aux8 = (const uint8_t *)aux32;
__m256 accumf = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
__m256i sumi1 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
__m256i sumi2 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m256i q8_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
memcpy(aux32, q2, 4*sizeof(uint32_t)); q2 += 8;
const __m256i q2_1 = lasx_set_d(iq2xxs_grid[aux8[ 3]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[ 2]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[1]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[0]]);
const __m256i q2_2 = lasx_set_d(iq2xxs_grid[aux8[11]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[10]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[9]], iq2xxs_grid[aux8[8]]);
const __m256i s2_1 = lasx_set_d(signs64[(aux32[1] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 14) & 127],
signs64[(aux32[1] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m256i s2_2 = lasx_set_d(signs64[(aux32[3] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[3] >> 14) & 127],
signs64[(aux32[3] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[3] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m256i q8s_1 = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(s2_1, q8_1);
const __m256i q8s_2 = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(s2_2, q8_2);
const __m256i dot1 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_1, q8s_1);
const __m256i dot2 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_2, q8s_2);
const uint16_t ls1 = aux32[1] >> 28;
const uint16_t ls2 = aux32[3] >> 28;
const __m256i p1 = lasx_madd_h(dot1, __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(2*ls1+1));
const __m256i p2 = lasx_madd_h(dot2, __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(2*ls2+1));
sumi1 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, p1);
sumi2 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi2, p2);
accumf = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(d), __lasx_xvffint_s_w(__lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, sumi2)), accumf);
*s = 0.125f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
uint32_t aux32[2];
const uint8_t * aux8 = (const uint8_t *)aux32;
float sumf = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
int32_t bsum = 0;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ++ib32) {
memcpy(aux32, q2, 2*sizeof(uint32_t));
q2 += 4;
const uint32_t ls = 2*(aux32[1] >> 28) + 1;
int32_t sumi = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid = (const uint8_t *)(iq2xxs_grid + aux8[l]);
const uint8_t signs = ksigns_iq2xs[(aux32[1] >> 7*l) & 127];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
sumi += grid[j] * q8[j] * (signs & kmask_iq2xs[j] ? -1 : 1);
q8 += 8;
bsum += sumi * ls;
sumf += d * bsum;
*s = 0.125f * sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_iq2_xs_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_iq2_xs * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q2u;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q2s;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q8b;
int32x4x4_t scales32;
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8x8_t scales8 = vld1_u8(x[i].scales);
const uint8x8_t scales_l = vand_u8(scales8, vdup_n_u8(0xf));
const uint8x8_t scales_h = vshr_n_u8(scales8, 4);
uint8x16_t scales = vcombine_u8(vzip1_u8(scales_l, scales_h), vzip2_u8(scales_l, scales_h));
scales = vaddq_u8(vshlq_n_u8(scales, 1), vdupq_n_u8(1));
const uint16x8_t scales1 = vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8(scales));
const uint16x8_t scales2 = vmovl_u8(vget_high_u8(scales));
scales32.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_low_u16(scales1)));
scales32.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_high_u16(scales1)));
scales32.val[2] = vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_low_u16(scales2)));
scales32.val[3] = vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vmovl_u16(vget_high_u16(scales2)));
int32x4_t sumi = vdupq_n_s32(0);
for (int ib64 = 0; ib64 < QK_K/64; ++ib64) {
q8b = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
q2u.val[0] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[0] & 511))), vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[1] & 511))));
q2u.val[1] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[2] & 511))), vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[3] & 511))));
q2u.val[2] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[4] & 511))), vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[5] & 511))));
q2u.val[3] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[6] & 511))), vld1_s8((const void *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[7] & 511))));
q2s.val[0] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + (q2[0] >> 9))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + (q2[1] >> 9))));
q2s.val[1] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + (q2[2] >> 9))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + (q2[3] >> 9))));
q2s.val[2] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + (q2[4] >> 9))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + (q2[5] >> 9))));
q2s.val[3] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + (q2[6] >> 9))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + (q2[7] >> 9))));
q2u.val[0] = vmulq_s8(q2u.val[0], q2s.val[0]);
q2u.val[1] = vmulq_s8(q2u.val[1], q2s.val[1]);
q2u.val[2] = vmulq_s8(q2u.val[2], q2s.val[2]);
q2u.val[3] = vmulq_s8(q2u.val[3], q2s.val[3]);
const int32x4_t p1 = ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q2u.val[0], q8b.val[0]);
const int32x4_t p2 = ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q2u.val[1], q8b.val[1]);
const int32x4_t p3 = ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q2u.val[2], q8b.val[2]);
const int32x4_t p4 = ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q2u.val[3], q8b.val[3]);
const int32x4_t p = vpaddq_s32(vpaddq_s32(p1, p2), vpaddq_s32(p3, p4));
sumi = vmlaq_s32(sumi, p, scales32.val[ib64]);
q2 += 8;
sumf += d*vaddvq_s32(sumi);
*s = 0.125f * sumf;
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
const __m256i mone = _mm256_set1_epi8(1);
static const char block_sign_shuffle_mask_1[32] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02,
0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06,
static const char block_sign_shuffle_mask_2[32] = {
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a,
0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e,
static const uint8_t bit_selector_mask_bytes[32] = {
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
const __m256i bit_selector_mask = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)bit_selector_mask_bytes);
const __m256i block_sign_shuffle_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)block_sign_shuffle_mask_1);
const __m256i block_sign_shuffle_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)block_sign_shuffle_mask_2);
static const uint8_t k_bit_helper[32] = {
0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00,
0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00,
const __m256i bit_helper = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)k_bit_helper);
const __m256i m511 = _mm256_set1_epi16(511);
const __m128i m4 = _mm_set1_epi8(0xf);
const __m128i m1 = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
uint64_t aux64;
// somewhat hacky, but gives a significant boost in performance
__m256i aux_gindex;
const uint16_t * gindex = (const uint16_t *)&aux_gindex;
__m256 accumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memcpy(&aux64, x[i].scales, 8);
__m128i stmp = _mm_set1_epi64x(aux64);
stmp = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_and_si128(stmp, m4), _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(stmp, 4), m4));
const __m128i scales = _mm_add_epi8(_mm_slli_epi16(stmp, 1), m1);
__m256i sumi1 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256i sumi2 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 4) {
const __m256i q2_data = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q2); q2 += 16;
aux_gindex = _mm256_and_si256(q2_data, m511);
const __m256i partial_sign_bits = _mm256_srli_epi16(q2_data, 9);
const __m256i partial_sign_bits_upper = _mm256_srli_epi16(q2_data, 13);
const __m256i partial_sign_bits_for_counting = _mm256_xor_si256(partial_sign_bits, partial_sign_bits_upper);
const __m256i odd_bits = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(bit_helper, partial_sign_bits_for_counting);
const __m256i full_sign_bits = _mm256_or_si256(partial_sign_bits, odd_bits);
const __m256i q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_3 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_4 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q2_1 = _mm256_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 3]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 2]],
iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 1]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 0]]);
const __m256i q2_2 = _mm256_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 7]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 6]],
iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 5]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 4]]);
const __m256i q2_3 = _mm256_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[11]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[10]],
iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 9]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 8]]);
const __m256i q2_4 = _mm256_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[15]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[14]],
iq2xs_grid[gindex[13]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[12]]);
const __m128i full_signs_l = _mm256_castsi256_si128(full_sign_bits);
const __m128i full_signs_h = _mm256_extractf128_si256(full_sign_bits, 1);
const __m256i full_signs_1 = MM256_SET_M128I(full_signs_l, full_signs_l);
const __m256i full_signs_2 = MM256_SET_M128I(full_signs_h, full_signs_h);
__m256i signs;
signs = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(full_signs_1, block_sign_shuffle_1);
signs = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(_mm256_and_si256(signs, bit_selector_mask), bit_selector_mask);
const __m256i q8s_1 = _mm256_sign_epi8(q8_1, _mm256_or_si256(signs, mone));
signs = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(full_signs_1, block_sign_shuffle_2);
signs = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(_mm256_and_si256(signs, bit_selector_mask), bit_selector_mask);
const __m256i q8s_2 = _mm256_sign_epi8(q8_2, _mm256_or_si256(signs, mone));
signs = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(full_signs_2, block_sign_shuffle_1);
signs = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(_mm256_and_si256(signs, bit_selector_mask), bit_selector_mask);
const __m256i q8s_3 = _mm256_sign_epi8(q8_3, _mm256_or_si256(signs, mone));
signs = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(full_signs_2, block_sign_shuffle_2);
signs = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(_mm256_and_si256(signs, bit_selector_mask), bit_selector_mask);
const __m256i q8s_4 = _mm256_sign_epi8(q8_4, _mm256_or_si256(signs, mone));
const __m256i dot1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_1, q8s_1);
const __m256i dot2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_2, q8s_2);
const __m256i dot3 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_3, q8s_3);
const __m256i dot4 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_4, q8s_4);
const __m256i sc1 = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+0)));
const __m256i sc2 = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+1)));
const __m256i sc3 = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+2)));
const __m256i sc4 = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+3)));
sumi1 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, _mm256_madd_epi16(dot1, sc1));
sumi2 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi2, _mm256_madd_epi16(dot2, sc2));
sumi1 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, _mm256_madd_epi16(dot3, sc3));
sumi2 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi2, _mm256_madd_epi16(dot4, sc4));
accumf = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(_mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, sumi2)), accumf);
*s = 0.125f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
#elif defined(__AVX__)
const __m128i mone = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
static const char block_sign_shuffle_mask_1[32] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02,
0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06,
static const char block_sign_shuffle_mask_2[32] = {
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a,
0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e,
static const uint8_t bit_selector_mask_bytes[32] = {
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
const __m128i bit_selector_mask_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)bit_selector_mask_bytes);
const __m128i bit_selector_mask_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)bit_selector_mask_bytes + 1);
const __m128i block_sign_shuffle_1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)block_sign_shuffle_mask_1);
const __m128i block_sign_shuffle_1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)block_sign_shuffle_mask_1 + 1);
const __m128i block_sign_shuffle_2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)block_sign_shuffle_mask_2);
const __m128i block_sign_shuffle_2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)block_sign_shuffle_mask_2 + 1);
static const uint8_t k_bit_helper[32] = {
0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00,
0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00,
const __m128i bit_helper_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)k_bit_helper);
const __m128i bit_helper_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)k_bit_helper + 1);
const __m128i m511 = _mm_set1_epi16(511);
const __m128i m4 = _mm_set1_epi8(0xf);
const __m128i m1 = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
uint64_t aux64;
// somewhat hacky, but gives a significant boost in performance
__m256i aux_gindex;
const uint16_t * gindex = (const uint16_t *)&aux_gindex;
__m256 accumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memcpy(&aux64, x[i].scales, 8);
__m128i stmp = _mm_set1_epi64x(aux64);
stmp = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_and_si128(stmp, m4), _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(stmp, 4), m4));
const __m128i scales = _mm_add_epi8(_mm_slli_epi16(stmp, 1), m1);
__m128i sumi1_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi1_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 4) {
const __m128i q2_data_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q2);
const __m128i q2_data_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q2 + 1); q2 += 16;
aux_gindex = MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_and_si128(q2_data_1, m511), _mm_and_si128(q2_data_0, m511));
const __m128i partial_sign_bits_0 = _mm_srli_epi16(q2_data_0, 9);
const __m128i partial_sign_bits_1 = _mm_srli_epi16(q2_data_1, 9);
const __m128i partial_sign_bits_upper_0 = _mm_srli_epi16(q2_data_0, 13);
const __m128i partial_sign_bits_upper_1 = _mm_srli_epi16(q2_data_1, 13);
const __m128i partial_sign_bits_for_counting_0 = _mm_xor_si128(partial_sign_bits_0, partial_sign_bits_upper_0);
const __m128i partial_sign_bits_for_counting_1 = _mm_xor_si128(partial_sign_bits_1, partial_sign_bits_upper_1);
const __m128i odd_bits_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(bit_helper_0, partial_sign_bits_for_counting_0);
const __m128i odd_bits_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(bit_helper_1, partial_sign_bits_for_counting_1);
const __m128i full_sign_bits_0 = _mm_or_si128(partial_sign_bits_0, odd_bits_0);
const __m128i full_sign_bits_1 = _mm_or_si128(partial_sign_bits_1, odd_bits_1);
const __m128i q8_1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_3_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_3_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_4_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_4_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q2_1_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[1]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[0]]);
const __m128i q2_1_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[3]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[2]]);
const __m128i q2_2_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[5]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[4]]);
const __m128i q2_2_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[7]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[6]]);
const __m128i q2_3_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[9]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[8]]);
const __m128i q2_3_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[11]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[10]]);
const __m128i q2_4_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[13]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[12]]);
const __m128i q2_4_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2xs_grid[gindex[15]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[14]]);
// AVX2 full_signs_1 is full_sign_bits_0 here
// AVX2 full_signs_2 is full_sign_bits_1 here
__m128i signs_0, signs_1;
signs_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(full_sign_bits_0, block_sign_shuffle_1_0);
signs_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(full_sign_bits_0, block_sign_shuffle_1_1);
signs_0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_and_si128(signs_0, bit_selector_mask_0), bit_selector_mask_0);
signs_1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_and_si128(signs_1, bit_selector_mask_1), bit_selector_mask_1);
const __m128i q8s_1_0 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_1_0, _mm_or_si128(signs_0, mone));
const __m128i q8s_1_1 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_1_1, _mm_or_si128(signs_1, mone));
signs_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(full_sign_bits_0, block_sign_shuffle_2_0);
signs_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(full_sign_bits_0, block_sign_shuffle_2_1);
signs_0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_and_si128(signs_0, bit_selector_mask_0), bit_selector_mask_0);
signs_1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_and_si128(signs_1, bit_selector_mask_1), bit_selector_mask_1);
const __m128i q8s_2_0 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_2_0, _mm_or_si128(signs_0, mone));
const __m128i q8s_2_1 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_2_1, _mm_or_si128(signs_1, mone));
signs_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(full_sign_bits_1, block_sign_shuffle_1_0);
signs_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(full_sign_bits_1, block_sign_shuffle_1_1);
signs_0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_and_si128(signs_0, bit_selector_mask_0), bit_selector_mask_0);
signs_1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_and_si128(signs_1, bit_selector_mask_1), bit_selector_mask_1);
const __m128i q8s_3_0 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_3_0, _mm_or_si128(signs_0, mone));
const __m128i q8s_3_1 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_3_1, _mm_or_si128(signs_1, mone));
signs_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(full_sign_bits_1, block_sign_shuffle_2_0);
signs_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(full_sign_bits_1, block_sign_shuffle_2_1);
signs_0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_and_si128(signs_0, bit_selector_mask_0), bit_selector_mask_0);
signs_1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_and_si128(signs_1, bit_selector_mask_1), bit_selector_mask_1);
const __m128i q8s_4_0 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_4_0, _mm_or_si128(signs_0, mone));
const __m128i q8s_4_1 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_4_1, _mm_or_si128(signs_1, mone));
const __m128i dot1_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_1_0, q8s_1_0);
const __m128i dot1_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_1_1, q8s_1_1);
const __m128i dot2_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_2_0, q8s_2_0);
const __m128i dot2_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_2_1, q8s_2_1);
const __m128i dot3_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_3_0, q8s_3_0);
const __m128i dot3_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_3_1, q8s_3_1);
const __m128i dot4_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_4_0, q8s_4_0);
const __m128i dot4_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_4_1, q8s_4_1);
__m128i sc_tmp = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+0));
const __m128i sc1_0 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(sc_tmp);
const __m128i sc1_1 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(sc_tmp, 8));
sc_tmp = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+1));
const __m128i sc2_0 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(sc_tmp);
const __m128i sc2_1 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(sc_tmp, 8));
sc_tmp = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+2));
const __m128i sc3_0 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(sc_tmp);
const __m128i sc3_1 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(sc_tmp, 8));
sc_tmp = _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+3));
const __m128i sc4_0 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(sc_tmp);
const __m128i sc4_1 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(sc_tmp, 8));
sumi1_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_0, sc1_0));
sumi1_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_1, sc1_1));
sumi2_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_0, _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_0, sc2_0));
sumi2_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_1, _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_1, sc2_1));
sumi1_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, _mm_madd_epi16(dot3_0, sc3_0));
sumi1_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, _mm_madd_epi16(dot3_1, sc3_1));
sumi2_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_0, _mm_madd_epi16(dot4_0, sc4_0));
sumi2_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_1, _mm_madd_epi16(dot4_1, sc4_1));
accumf = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, sumi2_1), _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, sumi2_0)))), accumf);
*s = 0.125f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
const __m256i mone = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_b(1);
static const char block_sign_shuffle_mask_1[32] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02,
0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06,
static const char block_sign_shuffle_mask_2[32] = {
0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a,
0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e,
static const uint8_t bit_selector_mask_bytes[32] = {
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
const __m256i bit_selector_mask = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)bit_selector_mask_bytes, 0);
const __m256i block_sign_shuffle_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)block_sign_shuffle_mask_1, 0);
const __m256i block_sign_shuffle_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)block_sign_shuffle_mask_2, 0);
static const uint8_t k_bit_helper[32] = {
0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00,
0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00,
const __m256i bit_helper = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)k_bit_helper, 0);
const __m256i m511 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(511);
const __m128i m4 = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(0xf);
const __m128i m1 = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(1);
uint64_t aux64;
// somewhat hacky, but gives a significant boost in performance
__m256i aux_gindex;
const uint16_t * gindex = (const uint16_t *)&aux_gindex;
__m256 accumf = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memcpy(&aux64, x[i].scales, 8);
__m128i stmp = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_d(aux64);
stmp = __lsx_vilvl_b( __lsx_vand_v(__lsx_vsrli_h(stmp, 4), m4), __lsx_vand_v(stmp, m4));
const __m128i scales = __lsx_vadd_b(__lsx_vslli_h(stmp, 1), m1);
__m256i sumi1 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
__m256i sumi2 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 4) {
const __m256i q2_data = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q2, 0); q2 += 16;
aux_gindex = __lasx_xvand_v(q2_data, m511);
const __m256i partial_sign_bits = __lasx_xvsrli_h(q2_data, 9);
const __m256i partial_sign_bits_upper = __lasx_xvsrli_h(q2_data, 13);
const __m256i partial_sign_bits_for_counting = __lasx_xvxor_v(partial_sign_bits, partial_sign_bits_upper);
const __m256i odd_bits = lasx_shuffle_b(bit_helper, partial_sign_bits_for_counting);
const __m256i full_sign_bits = __lasx_xvor_v(partial_sign_bits, odd_bits);
const __m256i q8_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_3 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_4 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q2_1 = lasx_set_d(iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 3]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 2]],
iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 1]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 0]]);
const __m256i q2_2 = lasx_set_d(iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 7]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 6]],
iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 5]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 4]]);
const __m256i q2_3 = lasx_set_d(iq2xs_grid[gindex[11]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[10]],
iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 9]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[ 8]]);
const __m256i q2_4 = lasx_set_d(iq2xs_grid[gindex[15]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[14]],
iq2xs_grid[gindex[13]], iq2xs_grid[gindex[12]]);
const __m128i full_signs_l = lasx_extracti128(full_sign_bits, 0);
const __m128i full_signs_h = lasx_extracti128(full_sign_bits, 1);
const __m256i full_signs_1 = lasx_insertf128(full_signs_l, full_signs_l);
const __m256i full_signs_2 = lasx_insertf128(full_signs_h, full_signs_h);
__m256i signs;
signs = lasx_shuffle_b(full_signs_1, block_sign_shuffle_1);
signs = __lasx_xvseq_b(__lasx_xvand_v(signs, bit_selector_mask), bit_selector_mask);
const __m256i q8s_1 = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(__lasx_xvor_v(signs, mone), q8_1);
signs = lasx_shuffle_b(full_signs_1, block_sign_shuffle_2);
signs = __lasx_xvseq_b(__lasx_xvand_v(signs, bit_selector_mask), bit_selector_mask);
const __m256i q8s_2 = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(__lasx_xvor_v(signs, mone), q8_2);
signs = lasx_shuffle_b(full_signs_2, block_sign_shuffle_1);
signs = __lasx_xvseq_b(__lasx_xvand_v(signs, bit_selector_mask), bit_selector_mask);
const __m256i q8s_3 = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(__lasx_xvor_v(signs, mone), q8_3);
signs = lasx_shuffle_b(full_signs_2, block_sign_shuffle_2);
signs = __lasx_xvseq_b(__lasx_xvand_v(signs, bit_selector_mask), bit_selector_mask);
const __m256i q8s_4 = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(__lasx_xvor_v(signs, mone), q8_4);
const __m256i dot1 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_1, q8s_1);
const __m256i dot2 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_2, q8s_2);
const __m256i dot3 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_3, q8s_3);
const __m256i dot4 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_4, q8s_4);
const __m256i sc1 = lasx_ext8_16(lsx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+0)));
const __m256i sc2 = lasx_ext8_16(lsx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+1)));
const __m256i sc3 = lasx_ext8_16(lsx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+2)));
const __m256i sc4 = lasx_ext8_16(lsx_shuffle_b(scales, get_scale_shuffle(ib32+3)));
sumi1 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, lasx_madd_h(dot1, sc1));
sumi2 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi2, lasx_madd_h(dot2, sc2));
sumi1 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, lasx_madd_h(dot3, sc3));
sumi2 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi2, lasx_madd_h(dot4, sc4));
accumf = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(d), __lasx_xvffint_s_w(__lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, sumi2)), accumf);
*s = 0.125f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[i].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi2 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi3 = v0;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict sc = x[i].scales;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/64; ++j) {
__builtin_prefetch(q2, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 1);
vector signed long long aux64x2_0 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[0] & 511)), *(const int64_t *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[1] & 511))};
vector signed long long aux64x2_1 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[2] & 511)), *(const int64_t *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[3] & 511))};
vector signed long long aux64x2_2 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[4] & 511)), *(const int64_t *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[5] & 511))};
vector signed long long aux64x2_3 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[6] & 511)), *(const int64_t *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[7] & 511))};
vector signed long long vsigns0 = {*(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((q2[0] >> 9))), *(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((q2[1] >> 9)))};
vector signed long long vsigns1 = {*(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((q2[2] >> 9))), *(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((q2[3] >> 9)))};
vector signed long long vsigns2 = {*(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((q2[4] >> 9))), *(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((q2[5] >> 9)))};
vector signed long long vsigns3 = {*(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((q2[6] >> 9))), *(const int64_t *)(signs64 + ((q2[7] >> 9)))};
q2 += 8;
vector signed char q2x0 = (vector signed char)vec_mul((vector signed char)vsigns0, (vector signed char)aux64x2_0);
vector signed char q2x1 = (vector signed char)vec_mul((vector signed char)vsigns1, (vector signed char)aux64x2_1);
vector signed char q2x2 = (vector signed char)vec_mul((vector signed char)vsigns2, (vector signed char)aux64x2_2);
vector signed char q2x3 = (vector signed char)vec_mul((vector signed char)vsigns3, (vector signed char)aux64x2_3);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl(16, q8);
vector signed char q8y2 = vec_xl(32, q8);
vector signed char q8y3 = vec_xl(48, q8);
q8 += 64;
vector signed short qv0 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x0, q8y0), vec_mulo(q2x0, q8y0));
vector signed short qv1 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x1, q8y1), vec_mulo(q2x1, q8y1));
vector signed short qv2 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x2, q8y2), vec_mulo(q2x2, q8y2));
vector signed short qv3 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x3, q8y3), vec_mulo(q2x3, q8y3));
const uint16_t ls0 = (uint16_t)(sc[0] & 0xf);
const uint16_t ls1 = (uint16_t)(sc[0] >> 4);
const uint16_t ls2 = (uint16_t)(sc[1] & 0xf);
const uint16_t ls3 = (uint16_t)(sc[1] >> 4);
sc += 2;
vector signed short vscales0 = vec_splats((int16_t)(2*ls0+1));
vector signed short vscales1 = vec_splats((int16_t)(2*ls1+1));
vector signed short vscales2 = vec_splats((int16_t)(2*ls2+1));
vector signed short vscales3 = vec_splats((int16_t)(2*ls3+1));
vsumi0 = vec_msum(qv0, vscales0, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_msum(qv1, vscales1, vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_msum(qv2, vscales2, vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_msum(qv3, vscales3, vsumi3);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = 0.125f * vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
float sumf = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint16_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict sc = x[i].scales;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
int32_t bsum = 0;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ++ib32) {
const uint16_t ls1 = 2*(sc[ib32] & 0xf) + 1;
const uint16_t ls2 = 2*(sc[ib32] >> 4) + 1;
int32_t sumi = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 2; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid = (const uint8_t *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[l] & 511));
const uint8_t signs = ksigns_iq2xs[q2[l] >> 9];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
sumi += grid[j] * q8[j] * (signs & kmask_iq2xs[j] ? -1 : 1);
q8 += 8;
bsum += sumi * ls1;
sumi = 0;
for (int l = 2; l < 4; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid = (const uint8_t *)(iq2xs_grid + (q2[l] & 511));
const uint8_t signs = ksigns_iq2xs[q2[l] >> 9];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
sumi += grid[j] * q8[j] * (signs & kmask_iq2xs[j] ? -1 : 1);
q8 += 8;
bsum += sumi * ls2;
q2 += 4;
sumf += d * bsum;
*s = 0.125f * sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_iq2_s_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_iq2_s * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
static const uint8_t k_mask1[32] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03
static const uint8_t k_mask2[16] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,};
const ggml_uint8x16x2_t mask1 = ggml_vld1q_u8_x2(k_mask1);
const uint8x16_t mask2 = vld1q_u8(k_mask2);
const uint8x16_t m1 = vdupq_n_u8(1);
const int32x4_t vzero = vdupq_n_s32(0);
uint8x16x2_t vs;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q2s;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q8b;
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * restrict signs = (const uint16_t *)(x[i].qs + QK_K/8);
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
int sumi1 = 0, sumi2 = 0;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
q8b = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
q2s.val[0] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq2s_grid + (qs[0] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 8) & 0x300)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq2s_grid + (qs[1] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 6) & 0x300)))));
q2s.val[1] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq2s_grid + (qs[2] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 4) & 0x300)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq2s_grid + (qs[3] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 2) & 0x300)))));
q2s.val[2] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq2s_grid + (qs[4] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 8) & 0x300)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq2s_grid + (qs[5] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 6) & 0x300)))));
q2s.val[3] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq2s_grid + (qs[6] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 4) & 0x300)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq2s_grid + (qs[7] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 2) & 0x300)))));
qs += 8;
vs.val[0] = vreinterpretq_u8_u32(vdupq_n_u32(signs[0] | ((uint32_t) signs[1] << 16)));
vs.val[1] = vandq_u8(ggml_vqtbl1q_u8(vs.val[0], mask1.val[1]), mask2);
vs.val[0] = vandq_u8(ggml_vqtbl1q_u8(vs.val[0], mask1.val[0]), mask2);
vs.val[0] = vceqq_u8(vs.val[0], mask2);
vs.val[1] = vceqq_u8(vs.val[1], mask2);
q2s.val[0] = vmulq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vs.val[0], m1)), q2s.val[0]);
q2s.val[1] = vmulq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vs.val[1], m1)), q2s.val[1]);
vs.val[0] = vreinterpretq_u8_u32(vdupq_n_u32(signs[2] | ((uint32_t) signs[3] << 16)));
vs.val[1] = vandq_u8(ggml_vqtbl1q_u8(vs.val[0], mask1.val[1]), mask2);
vs.val[0] = vandq_u8(ggml_vqtbl1q_u8(vs.val[0], mask1.val[0]), mask2);
vs.val[0] = vceqq_u8(vs.val[0], mask2);
vs.val[1] = vceqq_u8(vs.val[1], mask2);
signs += 4;
q2s.val[2] = vmulq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vs.val[0], m1)), q2s.val[2]);
q2s.val[3] = vmulq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(vs.val[1], m1)), q2s.val[3]);
const int32x4_t p1 = ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q2s.val[0], q8b.val[0]);
const int32x4_t p2 = ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q2s.val[1], q8b.val[1]);
const int32x4_t p3 = ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q2s.val[2], q8b.val[2]);
const int32x4_t p4 = ggml_vdotq_s32(vzero, q2s.val[3], q8b.val[3]);
sumi1 += vaddvq_s32(p1) * (1 + 2*(x[i].scales[ib32+0] & 0xf));
sumi2 += vaddvq_s32(p2) * (1 + 2*(x[i].scales[ib32+0] >> 4));
sumi1 += vaddvq_s32(p3) * (1 + 2*(x[i].scales[ib32+1] & 0xf));
sumi2 += vaddvq_s32(p4) * (1 + 2*(x[i].scales[ib32+1] >> 4));
sumf += d*(sumi1 + sumi2);
*s = 0.125f * sumf;
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
static const uint8_t k_mask1[32] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03
static const uint8_t k_mask2[32] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
const __m128i m4 = _mm_set1_epi8(0xf);
const __m128i m1 = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
const __m256i mask1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)k_mask1);
const __m256i mask2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)k_mask2);
uint64_t aux64;
__m256 accumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * restrict signs = (const uint16_t *)(x[i].qs + QK_K/8);
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memcpy(&aux64, x[i].scales, 8);
const __m128i scales8 = _mm_add_epi8(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(_mm_set_epi64x(aux64 >> 4, aux64), m4), 1), m1);
const __m256i scales16 = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi16(scales8); // 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
__m256i sumi1 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256i sumi2 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m256i q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q2_1 = _mm256_set_epi64x(iq2s_grid[qs[3] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 2) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[2] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 4) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[1] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 6) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[0] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 8) & 0x300)]);
const __m256i q2_2 = _mm256_set_epi64x(iq2s_grid[qs[7] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 2) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[6] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 4) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[5] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 6) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[4] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 8) & 0x300)]);
qs += 8;
__m256i aux256 = _mm256_set1_epi32(signs[0] | ((uint32_t) signs[1] << 16));
aux256 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(aux256,mask1), mask2);
const __m256i s2_1 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(aux256, mask2);
const __m256i q8s_1 = _mm256_sub_epi8(_mm256_xor_si256(s2_1, q8_1), s2_1);
aux256 = _mm256_set1_epi32(signs[2] | ((uint32_t) signs[3] << 16));
aux256 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(aux256,mask1), mask2);
const __m256i s2_2 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(aux256, mask2);
const __m256i q8s_2 = _mm256_sub_epi8(_mm256_xor_si256(s2_2, q8_2), s2_2);
signs += 4;
const __m256i dot1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_1, q8s_1); // blocks 2*ib32+0, 2*ib32+1
const __m256i dot2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_2, q8s_2); // blocks 2*ib32+2, 2*ib32+3
const __m256i p1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot1, _mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales16, get_scale_shuffle_k4(ib32+0)));
const __m256i p2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot2, _mm256_shuffle_epi8(scales16, get_scale_shuffle_k4(ib32+1)));
sumi1 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, p1);
sumi2 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi2, p2);
accumf = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(_mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, sumi2)), accumf);
*s = 0.125f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
#elif defined(__AVX__)
static const uint8_t k_mask1[32] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03
static const uint8_t k_mask2[32] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
const __m128i m4 = _mm_set1_epi8(0xf);
const __m128i m1 = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
const __m128i mask1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)k_mask1);
const __m128i mask1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)k_mask1 + 1);
const __m128i mask2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)k_mask2);
const __m128i mask2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)k_mask2 + 1);
uint64_t aux64;
__m256 accumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * restrict signs = (const uint16_t *)(x[i].qs + QK_K/8);
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memcpy(&aux64, x[i].scales, 8);
const __m128i scales8 = _mm_add_epi8(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(_mm_set_epi64x(aux64 >> 4, aux64), m4), 1), m1);
const __m128i scales16_0 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(scales8);
const __m128i scales16_1 = _mm_cvtepi8_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(scales8, 8));
__m128i sumi1_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi1_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m128i q8_1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q2_1_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2s_grid[qs[1] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 6) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[0] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 8) & 0x300)]);
const __m128i q2_1_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2s_grid[qs[3] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 2) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[2] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 4) & 0x300)]);
const __m128i q2_2_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2s_grid[qs[5] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 6) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[4] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 8) & 0x300)]);
const __m128i q2_2_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq2s_grid[qs[7] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 2) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[6] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 4) & 0x300)]);
qs += 8;
__m128i aux128_0 = _mm_set1_epi32(signs[0] | ((uint32_t) signs[1] << 16));
__m128i aux128_1 = aux128_0;
aux128_0 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_shuffle_epi8(aux128_0,mask1_0), mask2_0);
aux128_1 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_shuffle_epi8(aux128_1,mask1_1), mask2_1);
const __m128i s2_1_0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(aux128_0, mask2_0);
const __m128i s2_1_1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(aux128_1, mask2_1);
const __m128i q8s_1_0 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_xor_si128(s2_1_0, q8_1_0), s2_1_0);
const __m128i q8s_1_1 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_xor_si128(s2_1_1, q8_1_1), s2_1_1);
aux128_0 = _mm_set1_epi32(signs[2] | ((uint32_t) signs[3] << 16));
aux128_1 = aux128_0;
aux128_0 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_shuffle_epi8(aux128_0,mask1_0), mask2_0);
aux128_1 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_shuffle_epi8(aux128_1,mask1_1), mask2_1);
const __m128i s2_2_0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(aux128_0, mask2_0);
const __m128i s2_2_1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(aux128_1, mask2_1);
const __m128i q8s_2_0 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_xor_si128(s2_2_0, q8_2_0), s2_2_0);
const __m128i q8s_2_1 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_xor_si128(s2_2_1, q8_2_1), s2_2_1);
signs += 4;
const __m128i dot1_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_1_0, q8s_1_0);
const __m128i dot1_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_1_1, q8s_1_1);
const __m128i dot2_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_2_0, q8s_2_0);
const __m128i dot2_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_2_1, q8s_2_1);
const __m128i p1_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_0, _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales16_0, _mm256_extractf128_si256(get_scale_shuffle_k4(ib32+0), 0)));
const __m128i p1_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_1, _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales16_1, _mm256_extractf128_si256(get_scale_shuffle_k4(ib32+0), 1)));
const __m128i p2_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_0, _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales16_0, _mm256_extractf128_si256(get_scale_shuffle_k4(ib32+1), 0)));
const __m128i p2_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_1, _mm_shuffle_epi8(scales16_1, _mm256_extractf128_si256(get_scale_shuffle_k4(ib32+1), 1)));
sumi1_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, p1_0);
sumi1_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, p1_1);
sumi2_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_0, p2_0);
sumi2_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_1, p2_1);
accumf = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, sumi2_1), _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, sumi2_0)))), accumf);
*s = 0.125f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
static const uint8_t k_mask1[32] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03
static const uint8_t k_mask2[16] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,};
const vector int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
const vector unsigned char mask0 = vec_xl( 0, k_mask1);
const vector unsigned char mask1 = vec_xl(16, k_mask1);
const vector signed char mask2 = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, k_mask2);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[i].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi2 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi3 = v0;
const uint8_t * restrict q2 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * restrict signs = (const uint16_t *)(x[i].qs + QK_K/8);
const uint8_t * restrict sc = x[i].scales;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; j += 2) {
__builtin_prefetch(q2, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 1);
vector signed long long aux64x2_0 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2s_grid + (q2[0] | ((qh[0] << 8) & 0x300))), *(const int64_t *)(iq2s_grid + (q2[1] | ((qh[0] << 6) & 0x300)))};
vector signed long long aux64x2_1 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2s_grid + (q2[2] | ((qh[0] << 4) & 0x300))), *(const int64_t *)(iq2s_grid + (q2[3] | ((qh[0] << 2) & 0x300)))};
vector signed long long aux64x2_2 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2s_grid + (q2[4] | ((qh[1] << 8) & 0x300))), *(const int64_t *)(iq2s_grid + (q2[5] | ((qh[1] << 6) & 0x300)))};
vector signed long long aux64x2_3 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq2s_grid + (q2[6] | ((qh[1] << 4) & 0x300))), *(const int64_t *)(iq2s_grid + (q2[7] | ((qh[1] << 2) & 0x300)))};
q2 += 8;
qh += 2;
vector signed char vsigns01 = (vector signed char)vec_splats(*(const uint32_t *)&signs[0]);
vector signed char vsigns23 = (vector signed char)vec_splats(*(const uint32_t *)&signs[2]);
signs += 4;
vector signed char vsigns0 = vec_perm(vsigns01, vsigns01, mask0);
vector signed char vsigns1 = vec_perm(vsigns01, vsigns01, mask1);
vector signed char vsigns2 = vec_perm(vsigns23, vsigns23, mask0);
vector signed char vsigns3 = vec_perm(vsigns23, vsigns23, mask1);
vsigns0 = (vector signed char)vec_cmpeq(vec_and(vsigns0, mask2), mask2);
vsigns1 = (vector signed char)vec_cmpeq(vec_and(vsigns1, mask2), mask2);
vsigns2 = (vector signed char)vec_cmpeq(vec_and(vsigns2, mask2), mask2);
vsigns3 = (vector signed char)vec_cmpeq(vec_and(vsigns3, mask2), mask2);
vector signed char q2x0 = vec_sub(vec_xor(vsigns0, (vector signed char)aux64x2_0), vsigns0);
vector signed char q2x1 = vec_sub(vec_xor(vsigns1, (vector signed char)aux64x2_1), vsigns1);
vector signed char q2x2 = vec_sub(vec_xor(vsigns2, (vector signed char)aux64x2_2), vsigns2);
vector signed char q2x3 = vec_sub(vec_xor(vsigns3, (vector signed char)aux64x2_3), vsigns3);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl(16, q8);
vector signed char q8y2 = vec_xl(32, q8);
vector signed char q8y3 = vec_xl(48, q8);
q8 += 64;
vector signed short qv0 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x0, q8y0), vec_mulo(q2x0, q8y0));
vector signed short qv1 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x1, q8y1), vec_mulo(q2x1, q8y1));
vector signed short qv2 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x2, q8y2), vec_mulo(q2x2, q8y2));
vector signed short qv3 = vec_add(vec_mule(q2x3, q8y3), vec_mulo(q2x3, q8y3));
const uint16_t ls0 = (uint16_t)(sc[0] & 0xf);
const uint16_t ls1 = (uint16_t)(sc[0] >> 4);
const uint16_t ls2 = (uint16_t)(sc[1] & 0xf);
const uint16_t ls3 = (uint16_t)(sc[1] >> 4);
sc += 2;
vector signed short vscales0 = vec_splats((int16_t)(2*ls0+1));
vector signed short vscales1 = vec_splats((int16_t)(2*ls1+1));
vector signed short vscales2 = vec_splats((int16_t)(2*ls2+1));
vector signed short vscales3 = vec_splats((int16_t)(2*ls3+1));
vsumi0 = vec_msum(qv0, vscales0, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_msum(qv1, vscales1, vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_msum(qv2, vscales2, vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_msum(qv3, vscales3, vsumi3);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = 0.125f * vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
static const uint8_t k_mask1[32] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03
static const uint8_t k_mask2[32] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
const __m128i m4 = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(0xf);
const __m128i m1 = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(1);
const __m256i mask1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)k_mask1, 0);
const __m256i mask2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)k_mask2, 0);
uint64_t aux64;
__m256 accumf = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * restrict signs = (const uint16_t *)(x[i].qs + QK_K/8);
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
__m128i tmp1;
memcpy(&aux64, x[i].scales, 8);
tmp1 = __lsx_vinsgr2vr_d(tmp1, aux64, 0);
tmp1 = __lsx_vinsgr2vr_d(tmp1, aux64 >> 4, 1);
const __m128i scales8 = __lsx_vadd_b(__lsx_vslli_h(__lsx_vand_v(tmp1, m4), 1), m1);
const __m256i scales16 = lasx_ext8_16(scales8); // 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
__m256i sumi1 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
__m256i sumi2 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m256i q8_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q2_1 = lasx_set_d(iq2s_grid[qs[3] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 2) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[2] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 4) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[1] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 6) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[0] | ((qh[ib32+0] << 8) & 0x300)]);
const __m256i q2_2 = lasx_set_d(iq2s_grid[qs[7] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 2) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[6] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 4) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[5] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 6) & 0x300)],
iq2s_grid[qs[4] | ((qh[ib32+1] << 8) & 0x300)]);
qs += 8;
__m256i aux256 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(signs[0] | ((uint32_t) signs[1] << 16));
aux256 = __lasx_xvand_v(lasx_shuffle_b(aux256,mask1), mask2);
const __m256i s2_1 = __lasx_xvseq_b(aux256, mask2);
const __m256i q8s_1 = __lasx_xvsub_b(__lasx_xvxor_v(s2_1, q8_1), s2_1);
aux256 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(signs[2] | ((uint32_t) signs[3] << 16));
aux256 = __lasx_xvand_v(lasx_shuffle_b(aux256,mask1), mask2);
const __m256i s2_2 = __lasx_xvseq_b(aux256, mask2);
const __m256i q8s_2 = __lasx_xvsub_b(__lasx_xvxor_v(s2_2, q8_2), s2_2);
signs += 4;
const __m256i dot1 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_1, q8s_1); // blocks 2*ib32+0, 2*ib32+1
const __m256i dot2 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_2, q8s_2); // blocks 2*ib32+2, 2*ib32+3
const __m256i p1 = lasx_madd_h(dot1, lasx_shuffle_b(scales16, get_scale_shuffle_k4(ib32+0)));
const __m256i p2 = lasx_madd_h(dot2, lasx_shuffle_b(scales16, get_scale_shuffle_k4(ib32+1)));
sumi1 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, p1);
sumi2 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi2, p2);
accumf = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(d), __lasx_xvffint_s_w(__lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, sumi2)), accumf);
*s = 0.125f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qh = x[i].qh;
const uint8_t * signs = qs + QK_K/8;
int bsum = 0;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ++ib32) {
int ls1 = 1 + 2*(x[i].scales[ib32] & 0xf);
int ls2 = 1 + 2*(x[i].scales[ib32] >> 4);
int sumi1 = 0, sumi2 = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 2; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid = (const uint8_t *)(iq2s_grid + (qs[l] | (qh[ib32] << (8-2*l) & 0x300)));
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
sumi1 += q8[j] * grid[j] * (signs[l] & kmask_iq2xs[j] ? -1 : 1);
q8 += 8;
for (int l = 2; l < 4; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid = (const uint8_t *)(iq2s_grid + (qs[l] | (qh[ib32] << (8-2*l) & 0x300)));
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
sumi2 += q8[j] * grid[j] * (signs[l] & kmask_iq2xs[j] ? -1 : 1);
q8 += 8;
bsum += ls1 * sumi1 + ls2 * sumi2;
qs += 4;
signs += 4;
sumf += d * bsum;
*s = 0.125f * sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_iq3_xxs_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_iq3_xxs * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
uint32_t aux32[2];
ggml_int8x16x4_t q3s;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q8b;
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict gas = x[i].qs + QK_K/4;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
float sumf1 = 0, sumf2 = 0;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
q8b = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
memcpy(aux32, gas, 2*sizeof(uint32_t)); gas += 2*sizeof(uint32_t);
const uint32x4_t aux32x4_0 = ggml_vld1q_u32(iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 0]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 1]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 2]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 3]]);
const uint32x4_t aux32x4_1 = ggml_vld1q_u32(iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 4]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 5]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 6]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 7]]);
const uint32x4_t aux32x4_2 = ggml_vld1q_u32(iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 8]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 9]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[10]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[11]]);
const uint32x4_t aux32x4_3 = ggml_vld1q_u32(iq3xxs_grid[q3[12]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[13]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[14]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[15]]);
q3 += 16;
q3s.val[0] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[0] >> 0) & 127))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[0] >> 7) & 127))));
q3s.val[1] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[0] >> 14) & 127))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[0] >> 21) & 127))));
q3s.val[2] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 0) & 127))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 7) & 127))));
q3s.val[3] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 14) & 127))), vld1_s8((const void *)(signs64 + ((aux32[1] >> 21) & 127))));
q3s.val[0] = vmulq_s8(q3s.val[0], vreinterpretq_s8_u32(aux32x4_0));
q3s.val[1] = vmulq_s8(q3s.val[1], vreinterpretq_s8_u32(aux32x4_1));
q3s.val[2] = vmulq_s8(q3s.val[2], vreinterpretq_s8_u32(aux32x4_2));
q3s.val[3] = vmulq_s8(q3s.val[3], vreinterpretq_s8_u32(aux32x4_3));
const int32x4_t p1 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q3s.val[0], q8b.val[0]), q3s.val[1], q8b.val[1]);
const int32x4_t p2 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q3s.val[2], q8b.val[2]), q3s.val[3], q8b.val[3]);
sumf1 += vaddvq_s32(p1) * (0.5f + (aux32[0] >> 28));
sumf2 += vaddvq_s32(p2) * (0.5f + (aux32[1] >> 28));
sumf += d*(sumf1 + sumf2);
*s = 0.5f * sumf;
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
uint32_t aux32[2];
__m256 accumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict gas = x[i].qs + QK_K/4;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
__m256i sumi1 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256i sumi2 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m256i q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q2_1 = _mm256_set_epi32(iq3xxs_grid[q3[7]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[6]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[5]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[4]],
iq3xxs_grid[q3[3]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[2]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[1]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[0]]);
q3 += 8;
const __m256i q2_2 = _mm256_set_epi32(iq3xxs_grid[q3[7]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[6]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[5]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[4]],
iq3xxs_grid[q3[3]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[2]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[1]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[0]]);
q3 += 8;
memcpy(aux32, gas, 8); gas += 8;
const __m256i s2_1 = _mm256_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[0] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[0] >> 14) & 127],
signs64[(aux32[0] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[0] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m256i s2_2 = _mm256_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[1] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 14) & 127],
signs64[(aux32[1] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m256i q8s_1 = _mm256_sign_epi8(q8_1, s2_1);
const __m256i q8s_2 = _mm256_sign_epi8(q8_2, s2_2);
const __m256i dot1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_1, q8s_1);
const __m256i dot2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_2, q8s_2);
const uint16_t ls1 = aux32[0] >> 28;
const uint16_t ls2 = aux32[1] >> 28;
const __m256i p1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot1, _mm256_set1_epi16(2*ls1+1));
const __m256i p2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot2, _mm256_set1_epi16(2*ls2+1));
sumi1 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, p1);
sumi2 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi2, p2);
accumf = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(_mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, sumi2)), accumf);
*s = 0.25f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
#elif defined(__AVX__)
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
uint32_t aux32[2];
__m256 accumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict gas = x[i].qs + QK_K/4;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
__m128i sumi1_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi1_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m128i q8_1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q2_1_0 = _mm_set_epi32(iq3xxs_grid[q3[3]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[2]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[1]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[0]]);
const __m128i q2_1_1 = _mm_set_epi32(iq3xxs_grid[q3[7]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[6]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[5]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[4]]);
q3 += 8;
const __m128i q2_2_0 = _mm_set_epi32(iq3xxs_grid[q3[3]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[2]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[1]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[0]]);
const __m128i q2_2_1 = _mm_set_epi32(iq3xxs_grid[q3[7]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[6]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[5]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[4]]);
q3 += 8;
memcpy(aux32, gas, 8); gas += 8;
const __m128i s2_1_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[0] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[0] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m128i s2_1_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[0] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[0] >> 14) & 127]);
const __m128i s2_2_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[1] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m128i s2_2_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(signs64[(aux32[1] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 14) & 127]);
const __m128i q8s_1_0 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_1_0, s2_1_0);
const __m128i q8s_1_1 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_1_1, s2_1_1);
const __m128i q8s_2_0 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_2_0, s2_2_0);
const __m128i q8s_2_1 = _mm_sign_epi8(q8_2_1, s2_2_1);
const __m128i dot1_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_1_0, q8s_1_0);
const __m128i dot1_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_1_1, q8s_1_1);
const __m128i dot2_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_2_0, q8s_2_0);
const __m128i dot2_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_2_1, q8s_2_1);
const uint16_t ls1 = aux32[0] >> 28;
const uint16_t ls2 = aux32[1] >> 28;
const __m128i p1_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_0, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls1+1));
const __m128i p1_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_1, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls1+1));
const __m128i p2_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_0, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls2+1));
const __m128i p2_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_1, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls2+1));
sumi1_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, p1_0);
sumi1_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, p1_1);
sumi2_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_0, p2_0);
sumi2_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_1, p2_1);
accumf = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, sumi2_1), _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, sumi2_0)))), accumf);
*s = 0.25f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
const vector int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[i].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi2 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi3 = v0;
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const uint32_t * restrict signs = (const uint32_t *)(x[i].qs + QK_K/4);
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
#pragma GCC unroll 1
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; j += 2) {
__builtin_prefetch(q3, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 1);
vector unsigned int aux32x4_0 = {iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 0]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 1]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 2]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 3]]};
vector unsigned int aux32x4_1 = {iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 4]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 5]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 6]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 7]]};
vector unsigned int aux32x4_2 = {iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 8]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[ 9]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[10]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[11]]};
vector unsigned int aux32x4_3 = {iq3xxs_grid[q3[12]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[13]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[14]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[15]]};
q3 += 16;
vector unsigned long long aux64x2_0 = {(uint64_t)(signs64[(signs[0] >> 0) & 127]), (uint64_t)(signs64[(signs[0] >> 7) & 127])};
vector unsigned long long aux64x2_1 = {(uint64_t)(signs64[(signs[0] >> 14) & 127]), (uint64_t)(signs64[(signs[0] >> 21) & 127])};
vector unsigned long long aux64x2_2 = {(uint64_t)(signs64[(signs[1] >> 0) & 127]), (uint64_t)(signs64[(signs[1] >> 7) & 127])};
vector unsigned long long aux64x2_3 = {(uint64_t)(signs64[(signs[1] >> 14) & 127]), (uint64_t)(signs64[(signs[1] >> 21) & 127])};
vector signed char q3x0 = vec_mul((vector signed char)aux64x2_0, (vector signed char)aux32x4_0);
vector signed char q3x1 = vec_mul((vector signed char)aux64x2_1, (vector signed char)aux32x4_1);
vector signed char q3x2 = vec_mul((vector signed char)aux64x2_2, (vector signed char)aux32x4_2);
vector signed char q3x3 = vec_mul((vector signed char)aux64x2_3, (vector signed char)aux32x4_3);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl(16, q8);
vector signed char q8y2 = vec_xl(32, q8);
vector signed char q8y3 = vec_xl(48, q8);
q8 += 64;
vector signed short qv0 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x0, q8y0), vec_mulo(q3x0, q8y0));
vector signed short qv1 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x1, q8y1), vec_mulo(q3x1, q8y1));
vector signed short qv2 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x2, q8y2), vec_mulo(q3x2, q8y2));
vector signed short qv3 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x3, q8y3), vec_mulo(q3x3, q8y3));
const uint16_t ls0 = (uint16_t)(signs[0] >> 28);
const uint16_t ls1 = (uint16_t)(signs[1] >> 28);
signs += 2;
vector signed short vscales01 = (vector signed short)vec_splats((uint16_t)(2*ls0+1));
vector signed short vscales23 = (vector signed short)vec_splats((uint16_t)(2*ls1+1));
vsumi0 = vec_msum(qv0, vscales01, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_msum(qv1, vscales01, vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_msum(qv2, vscales23, vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_msum(qv3, vscales23, vsumi3);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = 0.25f * vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
const uint64_t * signs64 = (const uint64_t *)keven_signs_q2xs;
uint32_t aux32[2];
__m256 accumf = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict gas = x[i].qs + QK_K/4;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
__m256i sumi1 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
__m256i sumi2 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m256i q8_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q2_1 = lasx_set_w(iq3xxs_grid[q3[7]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[6]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[5]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[4]],
iq3xxs_grid[q3[3]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[2]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[1]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[0]]);
q3 += 8;
const __m256i q2_2 = lasx_set_w(iq3xxs_grid[q3[7]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[6]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[5]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[4]],
iq3xxs_grid[q3[3]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[2]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[1]], iq3xxs_grid[q3[0]]);
q3 += 8;
memcpy(aux32, gas, 8); gas += 8;
const __m256i s2_1 = lasx_set_d(signs64[(aux32[0] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[0] >> 14) & 127],
signs64[(aux32[0] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[0] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m256i s2_2 = lasx_set_d(signs64[(aux32[1] >> 21) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 14) & 127],
signs64[(aux32[1] >> 7) & 127], signs64[(aux32[1] >> 0) & 127]);
const __m256i q8s_1 = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(s2_1, q8_1);
const __m256i q8s_2 = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(s2_2, q8_2);
const __m256i dot1 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_1, q8s_1);
const __m256i dot2 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_2, q8s_2);
const uint16_t ls1 = aux32[0] >> 28;
const uint16_t ls2 = aux32[1] >> 28;
const __m256i p1 = lasx_madd_h(dot1, __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(2*ls1+1));
const __m256i p2 = lasx_madd_h(dot2, __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(2*ls2+1));
sumi1 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, p1);
sumi2 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi2, p2);
accumf = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(d), __lasx_xvffint_s_w(__lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, sumi2)), accumf);
*s = 0.25f * hsum_float_8(accumf);
uint32_t aux32;
float sumf = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict gas = x[i].qs + QK_K/4;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
int32_t bsum = 0;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ++ib32) {
memcpy(&aux32, gas, sizeof(uint32_t)); gas += sizeof(uint32_t);
const uint32_t ls = 2*(aux32 >> 28) + 1;
int32_t sumi = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid1 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3xxs_grid + q3[2*l+0]);
const uint8_t * grid2 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3xxs_grid + q3[2*l+1]);
const uint8_t signs = ksigns_iq2xs[(aux32 >> 7*l) & 127];
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
sumi += grid1[j] * q8[j+0] * (signs & kmask_iq2xs[j+0] ? -1 : 1);
sumi += grid2[j] * q8[j+4] * (signs & kmask_iq2xs[j+4] ? -1 : 1);
q8 += 8;
q3 += 8;
bsum += sumi * ls;
sumf += d * bsum;
*s = 0.25f * sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_iq3_s_q8_K (int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_iq3_s * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON)
typedef union {
uint16x8_t vec_index;
uint16_t index[8];
} vec_index_t;
static const uint8_t k_mask1[32] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03
static const uint8_t k_mask2[16] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,};
static const int16_t k_shift[8] = {8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
const ggml_uint8x16x2_t mask1 = ggml_vld1q_u8_x2(k_mask1);
const uint8x16_t mask2 = vld1q_u8(k_mask2);
const int16x8_t hshift = vld1q_s16(k_shift);
const uint16x8_t m256 = vdupq_n_u16(256);
const uint8x16_t m1 = vdupq_n_u8(1);
uint8x16x2_t vs;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q3s;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q8b;
vec_index_t idx;
uint32_t scales32[2];
const uint8_t * scales8 = (const uint8_t *)scales32;
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * restrict signs = (const uint16_t *)x[i].signs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
memcpy(scales32, x[i].scales, 4);
scales32[1] = (((scales32[0] >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 1) | 0x01010101;
scales32[0] = ((scales32[0] & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 1) | 0x01010101;
int sumi1 = 0, sumi2 = 0;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
q8b = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
const uint8x16_t idx_l = vld1q_u8(qs); qs += 16;
idx.vec_index = vorrq_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8 (idx_l)), vandq_u16(vshlq_u16(vdupq_n_u16(qh[ib32+0]), hshift), m256));
const uint32x4_t aux32x4_0 = ggml_vld1q_u32(iq3s_grid[idx.index[0]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[1]],
iq3s_grid[idx.index[2]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[3]]);
const uint32x4_t aux32x4_1 = ggml_vld1q_u32(iq3s_grid[idx.index[4]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[5]],
iq3s_grid[idx.index[6]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[7]]);
idx.vec_index = vorrq_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_high_u8(idx_l)), vandq_u16(vshlq_u16(vdupq_n_u16(qh[ib32+1]), hshift), m256));
const uint32x4_t aux32x4_2 = ggml_vld1q_u32(iq3s_grid[idx.index[0]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[1]],
iq3s_grid[idx.index[2]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[3]]);
const uint32x4_t aux32x4_3 = ggml_vld1q_u32(iq3s_grid[idx.index[4]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[5]],
iq3s_grid[idx.index[6]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[7]]);
vs.val[0] = vreinterpretq_u8_u32(vdupq_n_u32(signs[0] | ((uint32_t) signs[1] << 16)));
vs.val[1] = vandq_u8(ggml_vqtbl1q_u8(vs.val[0], mask1.val[1]), mask2);
vs.val[0] = vandq_u8(ggml_vqtbl1q_u8(vs.val[0], mask1.val[0]), mask2);
vs.val[0] = vorrq_u8(vceqq_u8(vs.val[0], mask2), m1);
vs.val[1] = vorrq_u8(vceqq_u8(vs.val[1], mask2), m1);
q3s.val[0] = vmulq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vs.val[0]), vreinterpretq_s8_u32(aux32x4_0));
q3s.val[1] = vmulq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vs.val[1]), vreinterpretq_s8_u32(aux32x4_1));
vs.val[0] = vreinterpretq_u8_u32(vdupq_n_u32(signs[2] | ((uint32_t) signs[3] << 16)));
vs.val[1] = vandq_u8(ggml_vqtbl1q_u8(vs.val[0], mask1.val[1]), mask2);
vs.val[0] = vandq_u8(ggml_vqtbl1q_u8(vs.val[0], mask1.val[0]), mask2);
vs.val[0] = vorrq_u8(vceqq_u8(vs.val[0], mask2), m1);
vs.val[1] = vorrq_u8(vceqq_u8(vs.val[1], mask2), m1);
signs += 4;
q3s.val[2] = vmulq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vs.val[0]), vreinterpretq_s8_u32(aux32x4_2));
q3s.val[3] = vmulq_s8(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vs.val[1]), vreinterpretq_s8_u32(aux32x4_3));
const int32x4_t p1 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q3s.val[0], q8b.val[0]), q3s.val[1], q8b.val[1]);
const int32x4_t p2 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q3s.val[2], q8b.val[2]), q3s.val[3], q8b.val[3]);
sumi1 += vaddvq_s32(p1) * scales8[ib32/2+0];
sumi2 += vaddvq_s32(p2) * scales8[ib32/2+4];
sumf += d*(sumi1 + sumi2);
*s = sumf;
#elif defined(__AVX2__)
static const uint8_t k_mask1[32] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03
static const uint8_t k_mask2[32] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
const __m256i mask1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)k_mask1);
const __m256i mask2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)k_mask2);
const __m256i idx_shift = _mm256_set_epi32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
const __m256i idx_mask = _mm256_set1_epi32(256);
typedef union {
__m256i vec[2];
uint32_t index[16];
} index_t;
index_t idx;
__m256 accumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * restrict signs = (const uint16_t *)x[i].signs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
__m256i sumi1 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256i sumi2 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m256i q8_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i idx_l = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)qs)); qs += 16;
idx.vec[0] = _mm256_set1_epi32(qh[ib32+0]);
idx.vec[1] = _mm256_set1_epi32(qh[ib32+1]);
idx.vec[0] = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_sllv_epi32(idx.vec[0], idx_shift), idx_mask);
idx.vec[1] = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_sllv_epi32(idx.vec[1], idx_shift), idx_mask);
idx.vec[0] = _mm256_or_si256(idx.vec[0], _mm256_cvtepi16_epi32(_mm256_castsi256_si128(idx_l)));
idx.vec[1] = _mm256_or_si256(idx.vec[1], _mm256_cvtepi16_epi32(_mm256_extractf128_si256(idx_l, 1)));
// At leat on my CPU (Ryzen 7950X), using _mm256_i32gather_epi32 is slower than _mm256_set_epi32. Strange.
//const __m256i q2_1 = _mm256_i32gather_epi32((const int *)iq3s_grid, idx.vec[0], 4);
//const __m256i q2_2 = _mm256_i32gather_epi32((const int *)iq3s_grid, idx.vec[1], 4);
const __m256i q2_1 = _mm256_set_epi32(
iq3s_grid[idx.index[7]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[6]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[5]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[4]],
iq3s_grid[idx.index[3]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[2]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[1]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[0]]
const __m256i q2_2 = _mm256_set_epi32(
iq3s_grid[idx.index[15]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[14]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[13]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[12]],
iq3s_grid[idx.index[11]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[10]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[ 9]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[ 8]]
__m256i aux256 = _mm256_set1_epi32(signs[0] | (signs[1] << 16));
aux256 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(aux256,mask1), mask2);
const __m256i s2_1 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(aux256, mask2);
const __m256i q8s_1 = _mm256_sub_epi8(_mm256_xor_si256(s2_1, q8_1), s2_1);
aux256 = _mm256_set1_epi32(signs[2] | (signs[3] << 16));
aux256 = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(aux256,mask1), mask2);
const __m256i s2_2 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(aux256, mask2);
const __m256i q8s_2 = _mm256_sub_epi8(_mm256_xor_si256(s2_2, q8_2), s2_2);
signs += 4;
const __m256i dot1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_1, q8s_1);
const __m256i dot2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(q2_2, q8s_2);
const uint16_t ls1 = x[i].scales[ib32/2] & 0xf;
const uint16_t ls2 = x[i].scales[ib32/2] >> 4;
const __m256i p1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot1, _mm256_set1_epi16(2*ls1+1));
const __m256i p2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot2, _mm256_set1_epi16(2*ls2+1));
sumi1 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, p1);
sumi2 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi2, p2);
accumf = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(_mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, sumi2)), accumf);
*s = hsum_float_8(accumf);
#elif defined(__AVX__)
static const uint8_t k_mask1[32] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03
static const uint8_t k_mask2[32] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
const __m128i mask1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)k_mask1);
const __m128i mask1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)k_mask1 + 1);
const __m128i mask2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)k_mask2);
const __m128i mask2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)k_mask2 + 1);
const __m128i idx_mul_0 = _mm_set_epi32(32, 64, 128, 256);
const __m128i idx_mul_1 = _mm_set_epi32(2, 4, 8, 16);
const __m128i idx_mask = _mm_set1_epi32(256);
typedef union {
__m128i vec[4];
uint32_t index[16];
} index_t;
index_t idx;
__m256 accumf = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * restrict signs = (const uint16_t *)x[i].signs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
__m128i sumi1_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi1_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m128i q8_1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8_2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i qs_tmp = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)qs);
const __m128i idx_l_0 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(qs_tmp);
const __m128i idx_l_1 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(qs_tmp, 8)); qs += 16;
idx.vec[0] = _mm_set1_epi32(qh[ib32+0]);
idx.vec[1] = idx.vec[0];
idx.vec[2] = _mm_set1_epi32(qh[ib32+1]);
idx.vec[3] = idx.vec[2];
idx.vec[0] = _mm_and_si128(_mm_mullo_epi32(idx.vec[0], idx_mul_0), idx_mask);
idx.vec[1] = _mm_and_si128(_mm_mullo_epi32(idx.vec[1], idx_mul_1), idx_mask);
idx.vec[2] = _mm_and_si128(_mm_mullo_epi32(idx.vec[2], idx_mul_0), idx_mask);
idx.vec[3] = _mm_and_si128(_mm_mullo_epi32(idx.vec[3], idx_mul_1), idx_mask);
idx.vec[0] = _mm_or_si128(idx.vec[0], _mm_cvtepi16_epi32(idx_l_0));
idx.vec[1] = _mm_or_si128(idx.vec[1], _mm_cvtepi16_epi32(_mm_srli_si128(idx_l_0, 8)));
idx.vec[2] = _mm_or_si128(idx.vec[2], _mm_cvtepi16_epi32(idx_l_1));
idx.vec[3] = _mm_or_si128(idx.vec[3], _mm_cvtepi16_epi32(_mm_srli_si128(idx_l_1, 8)));
const __m128i q2_1_0 = _mm_set_epi32(iq3s_grid[idx.index[3]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[2]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[1]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[0]]);
const __m128i q2_1_1 = _mm_set_epi32(iq3s_grid[idx.index[7]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[6]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[5]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[4]]);
const __m128i q2_2_0 = _mm_set_epi32(iq3s_grid[idx.index[11]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[10]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[9]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[8]]);
const __m128i q2_2_1 = _mm_set_epi32(iq3s_grid[idx.index[15]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[14]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[13]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[12]]);
__m128i aux128_0 = _mm_set1_epi32(signs[0] | (signs[1] << 16));
__m128i aux128_1 = aux128_0;
aux128_0 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_shuffle_epi8(aux128_0,mask1_0), mask2_0);
aux128_1 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_shuffle_epi8(aux128_1,mask1_1), mask2_1);
const __m128i s2_1_0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(aux128_0, mask2_0);
const __m128i s2_1_1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(aux128_1, mask2_1);
const __m128i q8s_1_0 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_xor_si128(s2_1_0, q8_1_0), s2_1_0);
const __m128i q8s_1_1 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_xor_si128(s2_1_1, q8_1_1), s2_1_1);
aux128_0 = _mm_set1_epi32(signs[2] | (signs[3] << 16));
aux128_1 = aux128_0;
aux128_0 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_shuffle_epi8(aux128_0,mask1_0), mask2_0);
aux128_1 = _mm_and_si128(_mm_shuffle_epi8(aux128_1,mask1_1), mask2_1);
const __m128i s2_2_0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(aux128_0, mask2_0);
const __m128i s2_2_1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(aux128_1, mask2_1);
const __m128i q8s_2_0 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_xor_si128(s2_2_0, q8_2_0), s2_2_0);
const __m128i q8s_2_1 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_xor_si128(s2_2_1, q8_2_1), s2_2_1);
signs += 4;
const __m128i dot1_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_1_0, q8s_1_0);
const __m128i dot1_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_1_1, q8s_1_1);
const __m128i dot2_0 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_2_0, q8s_2_0);
const __m128i dot2_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(q2_2_1, q8s_2_1);
const uint16_t ls1 = x[i].scales[ib32/2] & 0xf;
const uint16_t ls2 = x[i].scales[ib32/2] >> 4;
const __m128i p1_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_0, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls1+1));
const __m128i p1_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_1, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls1+1));
const __m128i p2_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_0, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls2+1));
const __m128i p2_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_1, _mm_set1_epi16(2*ls2+1));
sumi1_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, p1_0);
sumi1_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, p1_1);
sumi2_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_0, p2_0);
sumi2_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_1, p2_1);
accumf = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, sumi2_1), _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, sumi2_0)))), accumf);
*s = hsum_float_8(accumf);
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
static const uint8_t k_mask1[32] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03
static const uint8_t k_mask2[16] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,};
const vector int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
const vector unsigned char mask0 = vec_xl( 0, k_mask1);
const vector unsigned char mask1 = vec_xl(16, k_mask1);
const vector signed char mask2 = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, k_mask2);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[i].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
const uint8_t * restrict q3 = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * restrict signs = (const uint16_t *)(x[i].signs);
const uint8_t * restrict sc = x[i].scales;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi2 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi3 = v0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; j += 2) {
__builtin_prefetch(q3, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 1);
vector unsigned int aux32x4_0 = {iq3s_grid[q3[ 0] | ((qh[0] << 8) & 256)], iq3s_grid[q3[ 1] | ((qh[0] << 7) & 256)],
iq3s_grid[q3[ 2] | ((qh[0] << 6) & 256)], iq3s_grid[q3[ 3] | ((qh[0] << 5) & 256)]};
vector unsigned int aux32x4_1 = {iq3s_grid[q3[ 4] | ((qh[0] << 4) & 256)], iq3s_grid[q3[ 5] | ((qh[0] << 3) & 256)],
iq3s_grid[q3[ 6] | ((qh[0] << 2) & 256)], iq3s_grid[q3[ 7] | ((qh[0] << 1) & 256)]};
vector unsigned int aux32x4_2 = {iq3s_grid[q3[ 8] | ((qh[1] << 8) & 256)], iq3s_grid[q3[ 9] | ((qh[1] << 7) & 256)],
iq3s_grid[q3[10] | ((qh[1] << 6) & 256)], iq3s_grid[q3[11] | ((qh[1] << 5) & 256)]};
vector unsigned int aux32x4_3 = {iq3s_grid[q3[12] | ((qh[1] << 4) & 256)], iq3s_grid[q3[13] | ((qh[1] << 3) & 256)],
iq3s_grid[q3[14] | ((qh[1] << 2) & 256)], iq3s_grid[q3[15] | ((qh[1] << 1) & 256)]};
q3 += 16;
qh += 2;
vector signed char vsigns01 = (vector signed char)vec_splats(*(const uint32_t *)&signs[0]);
vector signed char vsigns02 = (vector signed char)vec_splats(*(const uint32_t *)&signs[2]);
signs += 4;
vector signed char vsigns0 = vec_perm(vsigns01, vsigns01, mask0);
vector signed char vsigns1 = vec_perm(vsigns01, vsigns01, mask1);
vector signed char vsigns2 = vec_perm(vsigns02, vsigns02, mask0);
vector signed char vsigns3 = vec_perm(vsigns02, vsigns02, mask1);
vsigns0 = (vector signed char)vec_cmpeq(vec_and(vsigns0, mask2), mask2);
vsigns1 = (vector signed char)vec_cmpeq(vec_and(vsigns1, mask2), mask2);
vsigns2 = (vector signed char)vec_cmpeq(vec_and(vsigns2, mask2), mask2);
vsigns3 = (vector signed char)vec_cmpeq(vec_and(vsigns3, mask2), mask2);
vector signed char q3x0 = vec_sub(vec_xor(vsigns0, (vector signed char)aux32x4_0), vsigns0);
vector signed char q3x1 = vec_sub(vec_xor(vsigns1, (vector signed char)aux32x4_1), vsigns1);
vector signed char q3x2 = vec_sub(vec_xor(vsigns2, (vector signed char)aux32x4_2), vsigns2);
vector signed char q3x3 = vec_sub(vec_xor(vsigns3, (vector signed char)aux32x4_3), vsigns3);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl(16, q8);
vector signed char q8y2 = vec_xl(32, q8);
vector signed char q8y3 = vec_xl(48, q8);
q8 += 64;
vector signed short qv0 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x0, q8y0), vec_mulo(q3x0, q8y0));
vector signed short qv1 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x1, q8y1), vec_mulo(q3x1, q8y1));
vector signed short qv2 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x2, q8y2), vec_mulo(q3x2, q8y2));
vector signed short qv3 = vec_add(vec_mule(q3x3, q8y3), vec_mulo(q3x3, q8y3));
const uint16_t ls0 = (uint16_t)(sc[0] & 0xf);
const uint16_t ls1 = (uint16_t)(sc[0] >> 4);
sc ++;
vector signed short vscales01 = (vector signed short)vec_splats((uint16_t)(2*ls0+1));
vector signed short vscales23 = (vector signed short)vec_splats((uint16_t)(2*ls1+1));
vsumi0 = vec_msum(qv0, vscales01, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_msum(qv1, vscales01, vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_msum(qv2, vscales23, vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_msum(qv3, vscales23, vsumi3);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
static const uint8_t k_mask1[32] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03
static const uint8_t k_mask2[32] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
const __m256i mask1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)k_mask1, 0);
const __m256i mask2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)k_mask2, 0);
__m256i idx_shift = lasx_set_w(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
const __m256i idx_mask = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(256);
typedef union {
__m256i vec[2];
uint32_t index[16];
} index_t;
index_t idx;
__m256 accumf = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * restrict signs = (const uint16_t *)x[i].signs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
__m256i sumi1 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
__m256i sumi2 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const __m256i q8_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i idx_l = lasx_extu8_16(__lsx_vld(qs, 0)); qs += 16;
idx.vec[0] = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(qh[ib32+0]);
idx.vec[1] = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(qh[ib32+1]);
idx.vec[0] = __lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsll_w(idx.vec[0], idx_shift), idx_mask);
idx.vec[1] = __lasx_xvand_v(__lasx_xvsll_w(idx.vec[1], idx_shift), idx_mask);
idx.vec[0] = __lasx_xvor_v(idx.vec[0], lasx_ext16_32(lasx_extracti128(idx_l, 0)));
idx.vec[1] = __lasx_xvor_v(idx.vec[1], lasx_ext16_32(lasx_extracti128(idx_l, 1)));
// At leat on my CPU (Ryzen 7950X), using _mm256_i32gather_epi32 is slower than _mm256_set_epi32. Strange.
//const __m256i q2_1 = _mm256_i32gather_epi32((const int *)iq3s_grid, idx.vec[0], 4);
//const __m256i q2_2 = _mm256_i32gather_epi32((const int *)iq3s_grid, idx.vec[1], 4);
const __m256i q2_1 = lasx_set_w(
iq3s_grid[idx.index[7]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[6]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[5]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[4]],
iq3s_grid[idx.index[3]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[2]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[1]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[0]]
const __m256i q2_2 = lasx_set_w(
iq3s_grid[idx.index[15]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[14]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[13]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[12]],
iq3s_grid[idx.index[11]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[10]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[ 9]], iq3s_grid[idx.index[ 8]]
__m256i aux256 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(signs[0] | (signs[1] << 16));
aux256 = __lasx_xvand_v(lasx_shuffle_b(aux256,mask1), mask2);
const __m256i s2_1 = __lasx_xvseq_b(aux256, mask2);
const __m256i q8s_1 = __lasx_xvsub_b(__lasx_xvxor_v(s2_1, q8_1), s2_1);
aux256 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_w(signs[2] | (signs[3] << 16));
aux256 = __lasx_xvand_v(lasx_shuffle_b(aux256,mask1), mask2);
const __m256i s2_2 = __lasx_xvseq_b(aux256, mask2);
const __m256i q8s_2 = __lasx_xvsub_b(__lasx_xvxor_v(s2_2, q8_2), s2_2);
signs += 4;
const __m256i dot1 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_1, q8s_1);
const __m256i dot2 = lasx_maddubs_h(q2_2, q8s_2);
const uint16_t ls1 = x[i].scales[ib32/2] & 0xf;
const uint16_t ls2 = x[i].scales[ib32/2] >> 4;
const __m256i p1 = lasx_madd_h(dot1, __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(2*ls1+1));
const __m256i p2 = lasx_madd_h(dot2, __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(2*ls2+1));
sumi1 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, p1);
sumi2 = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi2, p2);
accumf = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(d), __lasx_xvffint_s_w(__lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, sumi2)), accumf);
*s = hsum_float_8(accumf);
float sumf = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d;
const uint8_t * restrict qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const uint8_t * restrict signs = x[i].signs;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
int32_t bsum = 0;
for (int ib32 = 0; ib32 < QK_K/32; ib32 += 2) {
const uint32_t ls1 = 2*(x[i].scales[ib32/2] & 0xf) + 1;
const uint32_t ls2 = 2*(x[i].scales[ib32/2] >> 4) + 1;
int32_t sumi = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid1 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3s_grid + (qs[2*l+0] | ((qh[ib32+0] << (8-2*l)) & 256)));
const uint8_t * grid2 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3s_grid + (qs[2*l+1] | ((qh[ib32+0] << (7-2*l)) & 256)));
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
sumi += grid1[j] * q8[j+0] * (signs[l] & kmask_iq2xs[j+0] ? -1 : 1);
sumi += grid2[j] * q8[j+4] * (signs[l] & kmask_iq2xs[j+4] ? -1 : 1);
q8 += 8;
qs += 8;
signs += 4;
bsum += sumi * ls1;
sumi = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const uint8_t * grid1 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3s_grid + (qs[2*l+0] | ((qh[ib32+1] << (8-2*l)) & 256)));
const uint8_t * grid2 = (const uint8_t *)(iq3s_grid + (qs[2*l+1] | ((qh[ib32+1] << (7-2*l)) & 256)));
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
sumi += grid1[j] * q8[j+0] * (signs[l] & kmask_iq2xs[j+0] ? -1 : 1);
sumi += grid2[j] * q8[j+4] * (signs[l] & kmask_iq2xs[j+4] ? -1 : 1);
q8 += 8;
qs += 8;
signs += 4;
bsum += sumi * ls2;
sumf += d * bsum;
*s = sumf;
#if defined(__AVX2__)
static inline __m256i mul_add_epi8(const __m256i x, const __m256i y) {
const __m256i ax = _mm256_sign_epi8(x, x);
const __m256i sy = _mm256_sign_epi8(y, x);
return _mm256_maddubs_epi16(ax, sy);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
static inline __m256i mul_add_epi8(const __m256i x, const __m256i y) {
const __m256i ax = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(x, x);
const __m256i sy = __lasx_xvsigncov_b(x, y);
__m256i tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
tmp1 = __lasx_xvmulwev_h_bu_b(ax, sy);
tmp2 = __lasx_xvmulwod_h_bu_b(ax, sy);
tmp3 = __lasx_xvadd_h(tmp1, tmp2);
return __lasx_xvsat_h(tmp3, 15);
void ggml_vec_dot_iq1_s_q8_K (int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_iq1_s * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#if defined __ARM_NEON
ggml_int8x16x4_t q1b;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q8b;
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint16_t * qh = x[i].qh;
int sumi1 = 0, sumi2 = 0, sumi3 = 0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ib += 2) {
q1b.val[0] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[0] | ((qh[ib+0] << 8) & 0x700)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[1] | ((qh[ib+0] << 5) & 0x700)))));
q1b.val[1] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[2] | ((qh[ib+0] << 2) & 0x700)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[3] | ((qh[ib+0] >> 1) & 0x700)))));
q1b.val[2] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[4] | ((qh[ib+1] << 8) & 0x700)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[5] | ((qh[ib+1] << 5) & 0x700)))));
q1b.val[3] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[6] | ((qh[ib+1] << 2) & 0x700)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[7] | ((qh[ib+1] >> 1) & 0x700)))));
qs += 8;
q8b = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
const int32x4_t p1 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q1b.val[0], q8b.val[0]), q1b.val[1], q8b.val[1]);
const int32x4_t p2 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q1b.val[2], q8b.val[2]), q1b.val[3], q8b.val[3]);
const int ls1 = 2*((qh[ib+0] >> 12) & 7) + 1;
const int ls2 = 2*((qh[ib+1] >> 12) & 7) + 1;
sumi1 += vaddvq_s32(p1) * ls1;
sumi2 += vaddvq_s32(p2) * ls2;
sumi3 += (y[i].bsums[2*ib+0] + y[i].bsums[2*ib+1]) * ls1 * (qh[ib+0] & 0x8000 ? -1 : 1)
+ (y[i].bsums[2*ib+2] + y[i].bsums[2*ib+3]) * ls2 * (qh[ib+1] & 0x8000 ? -1 : 1);
sumf += y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * (sumi1 + sumi2 + IQ1S_DELTA * sumi3);
*s = sumf;
#elif defined __AVX2__
__m256 accum = _mm256_setzero_ps();
float accum1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint16_t * qh = x[i].qh;
__m256i sumi = _mm256_setzero_si256();
int sumi1 = 0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ib += 2) {
const __m256i q1b_1 = _mm256_set_epi64x(iq1s_grid[qs[3] | ((qh[ib+0] >> 1) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[2] | ((qh[ib+0] << 2) & 0x700)],
iq1s_grid[qs[1] | ((qh[ib+0] << 5) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[0] | ((qh[ib+0] << 8) & 0x700)]);
const __m256i q1b_2 = _mm256_set_epi64x(iq1s_grid[qs[7] | ((qh[ib+1] >> 1) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[6] | ((qh[ib+1] << 2) & 0x700)],
iq1s_grid[qs[5] | ((qh[ib+1] << 5) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[4] | ((qh[ib+1] << 8) & 0x700)]);
qs += 8;
const __m256i q8b_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8b_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i dot1 = mul_add_epi8(q1b_1, q8b_1);
const __m256i dot2 = mul_add_epi8(q1b_2, q8b_2);
const int16_t ls1 = 2*((qh[ib+0] >> 12) & 7) + 1;
const int16_t ls2 = 2*((qh[ib+1] >> 12) & 7) + 1;
const __m256i p1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot1, _mm256_set1_epi16(ls1));
const __m256i p2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot2, _mm256_set1_epi16(ls2));
sumi = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi, _mm256_add_epi32(p1, p2));
sumi1 += (y[i].bsums[2*ib+0] + y[i].bsums[2*ib+1]) * (qh[ib+0] & 0x8000 ? -1 : 1) * ls1
+ (y[i].bsums[2*ib+2] + y[i].bsums[2*ib+3]) * (qh[ib+1] & 0x8000 ? -1 : 1) * ls2;
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
accum = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi), accum);
accum1 += d * sumi1;
*s = hsum_float_8(accum) + IQ1S_DELTA * accum1;
#elif defined __AVX__
__m256 accum = _mm256_setzero_ps();
float accum1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint16_t * qh = x[i].qh;
__m128i sumi1_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi1_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
int sumi1 = 0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ib += 2) {
const __m128i q1b_1_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq1s_grid[qs[1] | ((qh[ib+0] << 5) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[0] | ((qh[ib+0] << 8) & 0x700)]);
const __m128i q1b_1_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq1s_grid[qs[3] | ((qh[ib+0] >> 1) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[2] | ((qh[ib+0] << 2) & 0x700)]);
const __m128i q1b_2_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq1s_grid[qs[5] | ((qh[ib+1] << 5) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[4] | ((qh[ib+1] << 8) & 0x700)]);
const __m128i q1b_2_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(iq1s_grid[qs[7] | ((qh[ib+1] >> 1) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[6] | ((qh[ib+1] << 2) & 0x700)]);
qs += 8;
const __m128i q8b_1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8b_1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8b_2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8b_2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i dot1_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q1b_1_0, q8b_1_0);
const __m128i dot1_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q1b_1_1, q8b_1_1);
const __m128i dot2_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q1b_2_0, q8b_2_0);
const __m128i dot2_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q1b_2_1, q8b_2_1);
const int16_t ls1 = 2*((qh[ib+0] >> 12) & 7) + 1;
const int16_t ls2 = 2*((qh[ib+1] >> 12) & 7) + 1;
const __m128i p1_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_0, _mm_set1_epi16(ls1));
const __m128i p1_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_1, _mm_set1_epi16(ls1));
const __m128i p2_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_0, _mm_set1_epi16(ls2));
const __m128i p2_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_1, _mm_set1_epi16(ls2));
sumi1_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, _mm_add_epi32(p1_0, p2_0));
sumi1_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, _mm_add_epi32(p1_1, p2_1));
sumi1 += (y[i].bsums[2*ib+0] + y[i].bsums[2*ib+1]) * (qh[ib+0] & 0x8000 ? -1 : 1) * ls1
+ (y[i].bsums[2*ib+2] + y[i].bsums[2*ib+3]) * (qh[ib+1] & 0x8000 ? -1 : 1) * ls2;
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
accum = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(d), _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(sumi1_1, sumi1_0))), accum);
accum1 += d * sumi1;
*s = hsum_float_8(accum) + IQ1S_DELTA * accum1;
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector unsigned char v0 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x0);
const vector unsigned short vsign = vec_splats((unsigned short)0x8000);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[i].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed int vsumi0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
vector signed int vsumi1 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
vector signed int vsumi2 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
vector signed int vsumi3 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
vector signed int vsumi8 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
const uint8_t * restrict q1 = x[i].qs;
const uint16_t * restrict qh = x[i].qh;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[i].qs;
const int16_t * restrict qs = y[i].bsums;
for (int j = 0; j < QK_K/32; j += 2) {
__builtin_prefetch(q1, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(qh, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 1);
vector signed long long aux64x2_0 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq1s_grid + (q1[0] | ((qh[0] << 8) & 0x700))), *(const int64_t *)(iq1s_grid + (q1[1] | ((qh[0] << 5) & 0x700)))};
vector signed long long aux64x2_1 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq1s_grid + (q1[2] | ((qh[0] << 2) & 0x700))), *(const int64_t *)(iq1s_grid + (q1[3] | ((qh[0] >> 1) & 0x700)))};
vector signed long long aux64x2_2 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq1s_grid + (q1[4] | ((qh[1] << 8) & 0x700))), *(const int64_t *)(iq1s_grid + (q1[5] | ((qh[1] << 5) & 0x700)))};
vector signed long long aux64x2_3 = {*(const int64_t *)(iq1s_grid + (q1[6] | ((qh[1] << 2) & 0x700))), *(const int64_t *)(iq1s_grid + (q1[7] | ((qh[1] >> 1) & 0x700)))};
q1 += 8;
vector signed char q1x0 = (vector signed char)aux64x2_0;
vector signed char q1x1 = (vector signed char)aux64x2_1;
vector signed char q1x2 = (vector signed char)aux64x2_2;
vector signed char q1x3 = (vector signed char)aux64x2_3;
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl(16, q8);
vector signed char q8y2 = vec_xl(32, q8);
vector signed char q8y3 = vec_xl(48, q8);
q8 += 64;
vector signed short qv0 = vec_add(vec_mule(q1x0, q8y0), vec_mulo(q1x0, q8y0));
vector signed short qv1 = vec_add(vec_mule(q1x1, q8y1), vec_mulo(q1x1, q8y1));
vector signed short qv2 = vec_add(vec_mule(q1x2, q8y2), vec_mulo(q1x2, q8y2));
vector signed short qv3 = vec_add(vec_mule(q1x3, q8y3), vec_mulo(q1x3, q8y3));
const uint16_t ls0 = (uint16_t)((qh[0] >> 12) & 7);
const uint16_t ls1 = (uint16_t)((qh[1] >> 12) & 7);
vector signed short vscales01 = (vector signed short)vec_splats((uint16_t)(2*ls0+1));
vector signed short vscales23 = (vector signed short)vec_splats((uint16_t)(2*ls1+1));
vector signed short vscales = vec_sld(vscales23, vscales01, 8);
vsumi0 = vec_msum(qv0, vscales01, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_msum(qv1, vscales01, vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_msum(qv2, vscales23, vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_msum(qv3, vscales23, vsumi3);
vector signed short q8ysums = vec_xl_len(qs, 8);
qs += 4;
q8ysums = vec_mergeh(q8ysums, (vector signed short)v0);
vector signed short qxh = (vector signed short)vec_sld(vec_splats(qh[1]), vec_splats(qh[0]), 8);
qh += 2;
vector __bool short vsel = vec_cmpge(qxh, (vector signed short)v0);
vector signed short q8ysum = vec_sel((vector signed short)vec_xor((vector unsigned short)q8ysums, vsign), q8ysums, vsel);
vsumi8 = vec_add(vec_mule(q8ysum, vscales), vsumi8);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi8, 0), vec_mul(vd, vec_splats(IQ1S_DELTA)), vsumf0);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
__m256 accum = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
float accum1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint16_t * qh = x[i].qh;
__m256i sumi = __lasx_xvldi(0);
int sumi1 = 0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ib += 2) {
__m256i q1b_1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_d(q1b_1, iq1s_grid[qs[0] | ((qh[ib+0] << 8) & 0x700)], 0);
q1b_1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_d(q1b_1, iq1s_grid[qs[1] | ((qh[ib+0] << 5) & 0x700)], 1);
q1b_1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_d(q1b_1, iq1s_grid[qs[2] | ((qh[ib+0] << 2) & 0x700)], 2);
q1b_1 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_d(q1b_1, iq1s_grid[qs[3] | ((qh[ib+0] >> 1) & 0x700)], 3);
__m256i q1b_2 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_d(q1b_2, iq1s_grid[qs[4] | ((qh[ib+1] << 8) & 0x700)], 0);
q1b_2 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_d(q1b_2, iq1s_grid[qs[5] | ((qh[ib+1] << 5) & 0x700)], 1);
q1b_2 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_d(q1b_2, iq1s_grid[qs[6] | ((qh[ib+1] << 2) & 0x700)], 2);
q1b_2 = __lasx_xvinsgr2vr_d(q1b_2, iq1s_grid[qs[7] | ((qh[ib+1] >> 1) & 0x700)], 3);
qs += 8;
const __m256i q8b_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8b_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i*)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i dot1 = mul_add_epi8(q1b_1, q8b_1);
const __m256i dot2 = mul_add_epi8(q1b_2, q8b_2);
const int16_t ls1 = 2*((qh[ib+0] >> 12) & 7) + 1;
const int16_t ls2 = 2*((qh[ib+1] >> 12) & 7) + 1;
__m256i tmp1, tmp5, tmp6;
tmp1 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(ls1);
tmp5 = __lasx_xvmulwev_w_h(dot1, tmp1);
tmp6 = __lasx_xvmulwod_w_h(dot1, tmp1);
const __m256i p1 = __lasx_xvadd_w(tmp5, tmp6);
tmp1 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(ls2);
tmp5 = __lasx_xvmulwev_w_h(dot2, tmp1);
tmp6 = __lasx_xvmulwod_w_h(dot2, tmp1);
const __m256i p2 = __lasx_xvadd_w(tmp5, tmp6);
sumi = __lasx_xvadd_w(sumi, __lasx_xvadd_w(p1, p2));
sumi1 += (y[i].bsums[2*ib+0] + y[i].bsums[2*ib+1]) * (qh[ib+0] & 0x8000 ? -1 : 1) * ls1
+ (y[i].bsums[2*ib+2] + y[i].bsums[2*ib+3]) * (qh[ib+1] & 0x8000 ? -1 : 1) * ls2;
const float d = y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d);
accum = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(d), __lasx_xvffint_s_w(sumi), accum);
accum1 += d * sumi1;
*s = hsum_float_8(accum) + IQ1S_DELTA * accum1;
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint16_t * qh = x[i].qh;
int sumi = 0, sumi1 = 0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ++ib) {
const int ls = 2*((qh[ib] >> 12) & 7) + 1;
const int delta = qh[ib] & 0x8000 ? -1 : 1;
int lsum = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const int8_t * grid = (const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[l] | (((qh[ib] >> 3*l) & 7) << 8)));
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
lsum += q8[j] * grid[j];
q8 += 8;
sumi += ls * lsum;
sumi1 += ls * delta * (y[i].bsums[2*ib+0] + y[i].bsums[2*ib+1]);
qs += 4;
sumf += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[i].d) * y[i].d * (sumi + IQ1S_DELTA * sumi1);
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_iq1_m_q8_K (int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
assert(nrc == 1);
const block_iq1_m * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
iq1m_scale_t scale;
#if defined __ARM_NEON
const int32x4_t mask = vdupq_n_s32(0x7);
const int32x4_t mone = vdupq_n_s32(1);
const int32x4_t mzero = vdupq_n_s32(0);
ggml_int8x16x4_t deltas;
deltas.val[0] = vcombine_s8(vdup_n_s8(+1), vdup_n_s8(+1));
deltas.val[1] = vcombine_s8(vdup_n_s8(-1), vdup_n_s8(+1));
deltas.val[2] = vcombine_s8(vdup_n_s8(+1), vdup_n_s8(-1));
deltas.val[3] = vcombine_s8(vdup_n_s8(-1), vdup_n_s8(-1));
ggml_int8x16x4_t q1b;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q8b;
uint32_t aux32;
const uint8_t * aux8 = (const uint8_t *)&aux32;
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * sc = (const uint16_t *)x[i].scales;
scale.u16 = (sc[0] >> 12) | ((sc[1] >> 8) & 0x00f0) | ((sc[2] >> 4) & 0x0f00) | (sc[3] & 0xf000);
int32x4_t sumi1 = mzero;
int32x4_t sumi2 = mzero;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ib += 2) {
q1b.val[0] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[0] | ((qh[0] << 8) & 0x700)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[1] | ((qh[0] << 4) & 0x700)))));
q1b.val[1] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[2] | ((qh[1] << 8) & 0x700)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[3] | ((qh[1] << 4) & 0x700)))));
q1b.val[2] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[4] | ((qh[2] << 8) & 0x700)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[5] | ((qh[2] << 4) & 0x700)))));
q1b.val[3] = vcombine_s8(vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[6] | ((qh[3] << 8) & 0x700)))),
vld1_s8((const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[7] | ((qh[3] << 4) & 0x700)))));
q8b = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
const int32x4_t p1 = vpaddq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, q1b.val[0], q8b.val[0]), ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, q1b.val[1], q8b.val[1]));
const int32x4_t p2 = vpaddq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, q1b.val[2], q8b.val[2]), ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, q1b.val[3], q8b.val[3]));
const int32x4_t p12 = vpaddq_s32(p1, p2);
const uint32_t * qh32 = (const uint32_t *)qh; // we are 4-byte aligned, so we can do that
aux32 = ((qh32[0] >> 3) & 0x01010101) | ((qh32[0] >> 6) & 0x02020202);
const int32x4_t p3 = vpaddq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, deltas.val[aux8[0]], q8b.val[0]), ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, deltas.val[aux8[1]], q8b.val[1]));
const int32x4_t p4 = vpaddq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, deltas.val[aux8[2]], q8b.val[2]), ggml_vdotq_s32(mzero, deltas.val[aux8[3]], q8b.val[3]));
const int32x4_t p34 = vpaddq_s32(p3, p4);
int32x4_t scales_4 = ggml_vld1q_u32(sc[ib/2] >> 0, sc[ib/2] >> 3, sc[ib/2] >> 6, sc[ib/2] >> 9);
scales_4 = vaddq_s32(vshlq_n_s32(vandq_s32(scales_4, mask), 1), mone);
sumi1 = vmlaq_s32(sumi1, scales_4, p12);
sumi2 = vmlaq_s32(sumi2, scales_4, p34);
qs += 8; qh += 4;
sumf += y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(scale.f16) * (vaddvq_s32(sumi1) + IQ1M_DELTA * vaddvq_s32(sumi2));
*s = sumf;
#elif defined __AVX2__
const __m256i mask = _mm256_set1_epi16(0x7);
const __m256i mone = _mm256_set1_epi16(1);
__m256 accum1 = _mm256_setzero_ps();
__m256 accum2 = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * sc = (const uint16_t *)x[i].scales;
scale.u16 = (sc[0] >> 12) | ((sc[1] >> 8) & 0x00f0) | ((sc[2] >> 4) & 0x0f00) | (sc[3] & 0xf000);
__m256i sumi1 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256i sumi2 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ib += 2) {
const __m256i q1b_1 = _mm256_set_epi64x(
iq1s_grid[qs[3] | (((uint16_t)qh[1] << 4) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[2] | (((uint16_t)qh[1] << 8) & 0x700)],
iq1s_grid[qs[1] | (((uint16_t)qh[0] << 4) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[0] | (((uint16_t)qh[0] << 8) & 0x700)]
const __m256i q1b_2 = _mm256_set_epi64x(
iq1s_grid[qs[7] | (((uint16_t)qh[3] << 4) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[6] | (((uint16_t)qh[3] << 8) & 0x700)],
iq1s_grid[qs[5] | (((uint16_t)qh[2] << 4) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[4] | (((uint16_t)qh[2] << 8) & 0x700)]
const __m256i q8b_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8b_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i*)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i dot1 = mul_add_epi8(q1b_1, q8b_1);
const __m256i dot2 = mul_add_epi8(q1b_2, q8b_2);
const __m256i delta1 = _mm256_set_epi64x(qh[1] & 0x80 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101,
qh[1] & 0x08 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101,
qh[0] & 0x80 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101,
qh[0] & 0x08 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101);
const __m256i delta2 = _mm256_set_epi64x(qh[3] & 0x80 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101,
qh[3] & 0x08 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101,
qh[2] & 0x80 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101,
qh[2] & 0x08 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101);
const __m256i dot3 = mul_add_epi8(delta1, q8b_1);
const __m256i dot4 = mul_add_epi8(delta2, q8b_2);
__m256i scale1 = MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_set1_epi16(sc[ib/2] >> 3), _mm_set1_epi16(sc[ib/2] >> 0));
__m256i scale2 = MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_set1_epi16(sc[ib/2] >> 9), _mm_set1_epi16(sc[ib/2] >> 6));
scale1 = _mm256_add_epi16(_mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(scale1, mask), 1), mone);
scale2 = _mm256_add_epi16(_mm256_slli_epi16(_mm256_and_si256(scale2, mask), 1), mone);
const __m256i p1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot1, scale1);
const __m256i p2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot2, scale2);
const __m256i p3 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot3, scale1);
const __m256i p4 = _mm256_madd_epi16(dot4, scale2);
sumi1 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, _mm256_add_epi32(p1, p2));
sumi2 = _mm256_add_epi32(sumi2, _mm256_add_epi32(p3, p4));
qs += 8; qh += 4;
const __m256 d = _mm256_set1_ps(y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(scale.f16));
accum1 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(d, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi1), accum1);
accum2 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(d, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(sumi2), accum2);
*s = hsum_float_8(accum1) + IQ1M_DELTA * hsum_float_8(accum2);
#elif defined __AVX__
const __m128i mask = _mm_set1_epi16(0x7);
const __m128i mone = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
__m256 accum1 = _mm256_setzero_ps();
__m256 accum2 = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * sc = (const uint16_t *)x[i].scales;
scale.u16 = (sc[0] >> 12) | ((sc[1] >> 8) & 0x00f0) | ((sc[2] >> 4) & 0x0f00) | (sc[3] & 0xf000);
__m128i sumi1_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi1_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ib += 2) {
const __m128i q1b_1_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(
iq1s_grid[qs[1] | (((uint16_t)qh[0] << 4) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[0] | (((uint16_t)qh[0] << 8) & 0x700)]);
const __m128i q1b_1_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(
iq1s_grid[qs[3] | (((uint16_t)qh[1] << 4) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[2] | (((uint16_t)qh[1] << 8) & 0x700)]);
const __m128i q1b_2_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(
iq1s_grid[qs[5] | (((uint16_t)qh[2] << 4) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[4] | (((uint16_t)qh[2] << 8) & 0x700)]);
const __m128i q1b_2_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(
iq1s_grid[qs[7] | (((uint16_t)qh[3] << 4) & 0x700)], iq1s_grid[qs[6] | (((uint16_t)qh[3] << 8) & 0x700)]);
const __m128i q8b_1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8b_1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8b_2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8b_2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i dot1_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q1b_1_0, q8b_1_0);
const __m128i dot1_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q1b_1_1, q8b_1_1);
const __m128i dot2_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q1b_2_0, q8b_2_0);
const __m128i dot2_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q1b_2_1, q8b_2_1);
const __m128i delta1_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(qh[0] & 0x80 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101,
qh[0] & 0x08 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101);
const __m128i delta1_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(qh[1] & 0x80 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101,
qh[1] & 0x08 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101);
const __m128i delta2_0 = _mm_set_epi64x(qh[2] & 0x80 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101,
qh[2] & 0x08 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101);
const __m128i delta2_1 = _mm_set_epi64x(qh[3] & 0x80 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101,
qh[3] & 0x08 ? 0xffffffffffffffff : 0x0101010101010101);
const __m128i dot3_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(delta1_0, q8b_1_0);
const __m128i dot3_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(delta1_1, q8b_1_1);
const __m128i dot4_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(delta2_0, q8b_2_0);
const __m128i dot4_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(delta2_1, q8b_2_1);
__m128i scale1_0 = _mm_set1_epi16(sc[ib/2] >> 0);
__m128i scale1_1 = _mm_set1_epi16(sc[ib/2] >> 3);
__m128i scale2_0 = _mm_set1_epi16(sc[ib/2] >> 6);
__m128i scale2_1 = _mm_set1_epi16(sc[ib/2] >> 9);
scale1_0 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(scale1_0, mask), 1), mone);
scale1_1 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(scale1_1, mask), 1), mone);
scale2_0 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(scale2_0, mask), 1), mone);
scale2_1 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_and_si128(scale2_1, mask), 1), mone);
const __m128i p1_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_0, scale1_0);
const __m128i p1_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot1_1, scale1_1);
const __m128i p2_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_0, scale2_0);
const __m128i p2_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot2_1, scale2_1);
const __m128i p3_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot3_0, scale1_0);
const __m128i p3_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot3_1, scale1_1);
const __m128i p4_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot4_0, scale2_0);
const __m128i p4_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(dot4_1, scale2_1);
sumi1_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, _mm_add_epi32(p1_0, p2_0));
sumi1_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, _mm_add_epi32(p1_1, p2_1));
sumi2_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_0, _mm_add_epi32(p3_0, p4_0));
sumi2_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi2_1, _mm_add_epi32(p3_1, p4_1));
qs += 8; qh += 4;
const __m256 d = _mm256_set1_ps(y[i].d * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(scale.f16));
accum1 = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(d, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(sumi1_1, sumi1_0))), accum1);
accum2 = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(d, _mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(sumi2_1, sumi2_0))), accum2);
*s = hsum_float_8(accum1) + IQ1M_DELTA * hsum_float_8(accum2);
int sum1[2], sum2[2], delta[4];
float sumf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
const int8_t * q8 = y[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qs = x[i].qs;
const uint8_t * qh = x[i].qh;
const uint16_t * sc = (const uint16_t *)x[i].scales;
scale.u16 = (sc[0] >> 12) | ((sc[1] >> 8) & 0x00f0) | ((sc[2] >> 4) & 0x0f00) | (sc[3] & 0xf000);
int sumi1 = 0, sumi2 = 0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ++ib) {
delta[0] = qh[0] & 0x08 ? -1 : 1;
delta[1] = qh[0] & 0x80 ? -1 : 1;
delta[2] = qh[1] & 0x08 ? -1 : 1;
delta[3] = qh[1] & 0x80 ? -1 : 1;
sum1[0] = sum1[1] = sum2[0] = sum2[1] = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
const int8_t * grid = (const int8_t *)(iq1s_grid + (qs[l] | (((uint16_t)qh[l/2] << (8 - 4*(l%2))) & 0x700)));
int lsum1 = 0, lsum2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
lsum1 += q8[j] * grid[j];
lsum2 += q8[j];
q8 += 8;
sum1[l/2] += lsum1;
sum2[l/2] += lsum2*delta[l];
const int ls1 = 2*((sc[ib/2] >> (6*(ib%2)+0)) & 0x7) + 1;
const int ls2 = 2*((sc[ib/2] >> (6*(ib%2)+3)) & 0x7) + 1;
sumi1 += sum1[0] * ls1 + sum1[1] * ls2;
sumi2 += sum2[0] * ls1 + sum2[1] * ls2;
qs += 4;
qh += 2;
sumf += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(scale.f16) * y[i].d * (sumi1 + IQ1M_DELTA * sumi2);
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_iq4_nl_q8_0(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(nrc == 1);
assert(n % QK4_NL == 0);
static_assert(QK4_NL == QK8_0, "QK4_NL and QK8_0 must be the same");
const block_iq4_nl * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_0 * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK4_NL;
int ib = 0;
float sumf = 0;
#if defined __ARM_NEON
const int8x16_t values = vld1q_s8(kvalues_iq4nl);
const uint8x16_t m4b = vdupq_n_u8(0x0f);
uint8x16x2_t q4bits;
int8x16x4_t q4b;
int8x16x4_t q8b;
int32x4_t prod_1, prod_2;
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
q4bits.val[0] = vld1q_u8(x[ib + 0].qs);
q4bits.val[1] = vld1q_u8(x[ib + 1].qs);
q8b.val[0] = vld1q_s8(y[ib + 0].qs);
q8b.val[1] = vld1q_s8(y[ib + 0].qs + 16);
q8b.val[2] = vld1q_s8(y[ib + 1].qs);
q8b.val[3] = vld1q_s8(y[ib + 1].qs + 16);
q4b.val[0] = ggml_vqtbl1q_s8(values, vandq_u8 (q4bits.val[0], m4b));
q4b.val[1] = ggml_vqtbl1q_s8(values, vshrq_n_u8(q4bits.val[0], 4));
q4b.val[2] = ggml_vqtbl1q_s8(values, vandq_u8 (q4bits.val[1], m4b));
q4b.val[3] = ggml_vqtbl1q_s8(values, vshrq_n_u8(q4bits.val[1], 4));
prod_1 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q4b.val[0], q8b.val[0]), q4b.val[1], q8b.val[1]);
prod_2 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q4b.val[2], q8b.val[2]), q4b.val[3], q8b.val[3]);
sumf +=
GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib+0].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 0].d) * vaddvq_s32(prod_1) +
GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib+1].d) * GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 1].d) * vaddvq_s32(prod_2);
#elif defined __AVX2__
const __m128i values128 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)kvalues_iq4nl);
const __m128i m4b = _mm_set1_epi8(0x0f);
const __m256i mone = _mm256_set1_epi16(1);
__m256 accum1 = _mm256_setzero_ps();
__m256 accum2 = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const __m128i q4bits_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)x[ib + 0].qs);
const __m128i q4bits_2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)x[ib + 1].qs);
const __m256i q8b_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)y[ib + 0].qs);
const __m256i q8b_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)y[ib + 1].qs);
const __m256i q4b_1 = MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits_1, 4), m4b)),
_mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(q4bits_1, m4b)));
const __m256i q4b_2 = MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits_2, 4), m4b)),
_mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(q4bits_2, m4b)));
const __m256i p16_1 = mul_add_epi8(q4b_1, q8b_1);
const __m256i p16_2 = mul_add_epi8(q4b_2, q8b_2);
const __m256i p_1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(p16_1, mone);
const __m256i p_2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(p16_2, mone);
accum1 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 0].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib + 0].d)),
_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(p_1), accum1);
accum2 = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 1].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib + 1].d)),
_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(p_2), accum2);
sumf = hsum_float_8(_mm256_add_ps(accum1, accum2));
#elif defined __AVX__
const __m128i values128 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)kvalues_iq4nl);
const __m128i m4b = _mm_set1_epi8(0x0f);
const __m128i mone = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
__m256 accum1 = _mm256_setzero_ps();
__m256 accum2 = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const __m128i q4bits_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)x[ib + 0].qs);
const __m128i q4bits_2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)x[ib + 1].qs);
const __m128i q8b_1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)y[ib + 0].qs);
const __m128i q8b_1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)y[ib + 0].qs + 1);
const __m128i q8b_2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)y[ib + 1].qs);
const __m128i q8b_2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)y[ib + 1].qs + 1);
const __m128i q4b_1_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(q4bits_1, m4b));
const __m128i q4b_1_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits_1, 4), m4b));
const __m128i q4b_2_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(q4bits_2, m4b));
const __m128i q4b_2_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits_2, 4), m4b));
const __m128i p16_1_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_1_0, q8b_1_0);
const __m128i p16_1_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_1_1, q8b_1_1);
const __m128i p16_2_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_2_0, q8b_2_0);
const __m128i p16_2_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_2_1, q8b_2_1);
const __m128i p_1_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_1_0, mone);
const __m128i p_1_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_1_1, mone);
const __m128i p_2_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_2_0, mone);
const __m128i p_2_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_2_1, mone);
accum1 = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 0].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib + 0].d)),
_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(p_1_1, p_1_0))), accum1);
accum2 = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 1].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib + 1].d)),
_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(p_2_1, p_2_0))), accum2);
sumf = hsum_float_8(_mm256_add_ps(accum1, accum2));
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed char lowMask = vec_splats((signed char)0xF);
const vector signed int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
const vector unsigned char v4 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x4);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
const vector signed char values = vec_xl( 0, kvalues_iq4nl);
#pragma GCC unroll 4
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
__builtin_prefetch(x[ib].qs, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(y[ib].qs, 0, 1);
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d));
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed char qxs = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, x[ib].qs);
vector signed char q4x0 = vec_and(qxs, lowMask);
vector signed char q4x1 = vec_sr(qxs, v4);
q4x0 = vec_perm(values, values, (vector unsigned char)q4x0);
q4x1 = vec_perm(values, values, (vector unsigned char)q4x1);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, y[ib].qs);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl(16, y[ib].qs);
vector signed short qv0 = vec_add(vec_mule(q4x0, q8y0), vec_mulo(q4x0, q8y0));
vector signed short qv1 = vec_add(vec_mule(q4x1, q8y1), vec_mulo(q4x1, q8y1));
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vsumi0 = vec_sum4s(qv0, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_sum4s(qv1, vsumi1);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
sumf = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined (__loongarch_asx)
const __m128i values128 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i*)kvalues_iq4nl, 0);
const __m128i m4b = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(0x0f);
const __m256i mone = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(1);
__m256 accum1 = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
__m256 accum2 = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
for (; ib + 1 < nb; ib += 2) {
const __m128i q4bits_1 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i*)x[ib + 0].qs, 0);
const __m128i q4bits_2 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i*)x[ib + 1].qs, 0);
const __m256i q8b_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)y[ib + 0].qs, 0);
const __m256i q8b_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)y[ib + 1].qs, 0);
const __m256i q4b_1 = lasx_insertf128(lsx_shuffle_b(values128, __lsx_vand_v(__lsx_vsrli_h(q4bits_1, 4), m4b)),
lsx_shuffle_b(values128, __lsx_vand_v(q4bits_1, m4b)));
const __m256i q4b_2 = lasx_insertf128(lsx_shuffle_b(values128, __lsx_vand_v(__lsx_vsrli_h(q4bits_2, 4), m4b)),
lsx_shuffle_b(values128, __lsx_vand_v(q4bits_2, m4b)));
const __m256i p16_1 = mul_add_epi8(q4b_1, q8b_1);
const __m256i p16_2 = mul_add_epi8(q4b_2, q8b_2);
const __m256i p_1 = lasx_madd_h(p16_1, mone);
const __m256i p_2 = lasx_madd_h(p16_2, mone);
accum1 = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 0].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib + 0].d)),
__lasx_xvffint_s_w(p_1), accum1);
accum2 = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib + 1].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib + 1].d)),
__lasx_xvffint_s_w(p_2), accum2);
sumf = hsum_float_8(__lasx_xvfadd_s(accum1, accum2));
for (; ib < nb; ++ib) {
const float d = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(y[ib].d)*GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ib].d);
int sumi1 = 0, sumi2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < QK4_NL/2; ++j) {
sumi1 += y[ib].qs[j+ 0] * kvalues_iq4nl[x[ib].qs[j] & 0xf];
sumi2 += y[ib].qs[j+QK4_NL/2] * kvalues_iq4nl[x[ib].qs[j] >> 4];
sumf += d * (sumi1 + sumi2);
*s = sumf;
void ggml_vec_dot_iq4_xs_q8_K(int n, float * restrict s, size_t bs, const void * restrict vx, size_t bx, const void * restrict vy, size_t by, int nrc) {
assert(nrc == 1);
assert(n % QK_K == 0);
const block_iq4_xs * restrict x = vx;
const block_q8_K * restrict y = vy;
const int nb = n / QK_K;
#if defined __ARM_NEON
const int8x16_t values = vld1q_s8(kvalues_iq4nl);
const uint8x16_t m4b = vdupq_n_u8(0x0f);
ggml_uint8x16x2_t q4bits;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q4b;
ggml_int8x16x4_t q8b;
int32x4_t prod_1, prod_2;
float sumf = 0;
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nb; ++ibl) {
const int8_t * q8 = y[ibl].qs;
const uint8_t * q4 = x[ibl].qs;
uint16_t h = x[ibl].scales_h;
int sumi1 = 0, sumi2 = 0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/64; ++ib) {
q4bits = ggml_vld1q_u8_x2(q4); q4 += 32;
q8b = ggml_vld1q_s8_x4(q8); q8 += 64;
q4b.val[0] = ggml_vqtbl1q_s8(values, vandq_u8 (q4bits.val[0], m4b));
q4b.val[1] = ggml_vqtbl1q_s8(values, vshrq_n_u8(q4bits.val[0], 4));
q4b.val[2] = ggml_vqtbl1q_s8(values, vandq_u8 (q4bits.val[1], m4b));
q4b.val[3] = ggml_vqtbl1q_s8(values, vshrq_n_u8(q4bits.val[1], 4));
prod_1 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q4b.val[0], q8b.val[0]), q4b.val[1], q8b.val[1]);
prod_2 = ggml_vdotq_s32(ggml_vdotq_s32(vdupq_n_s32(0), q4b.val[2], q8b.val[2]), q4b.val[3], q8b.val[3]);
int ls1 = ((x[ibl].scales_l[ib] & 0xf) | ((h << 4) & 0x30)) - 32;
int ls2 = ((x[ibl].scales_l[ib] >> 4) | ((h << 2) & 0x30)) - 32;
h >>= 4;
sumi1 += vaddvq_s32(prod_1) * ls1;
sumi2 += vaddvq_s32(prod_2) * ls2;
sumf += GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ibl].d) * y[ibl].d * (sumi1 + sumi2);
*s = sumf;
#elif defined __AVX2__
const __m128i values128 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)kvalues_iq4nl);
const __m128i m4b = _mm_set1_epi8(0x0f);
__m256 accum = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nb; ++ibl) {
const uint8_t * qs = x[ibl].qs;
const int8_t * q8 = y[ibl].qs;
uint16_t sh = x[ibl].scales_h;
__m256i sumi1 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
__m256i sumi2 = _mm256_setzero_si256();
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ib += 2) {
const __m128i q4bits_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)qs); qs += 16;
const __m128i q4bits_2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)qs); qs += 16;
const __m256i q8b_1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8b_2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)q8); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q4b_1 = MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits_1, 4), m4b)),
_mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(q4bits_1, m4b)));
const __m256i q4b_2 = MM256_SET_M128I(_mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits_2, 4), m4b)),
_mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(q4bits_2, m4b)));
const __m256i p16_1 = mul_add_epi8(q4b_1, q8b_1);
const __m256i p16_2 = mul_add_epi8(q4b_2, q8b_2);
const int16_t ls1 = ((x[ibl].scales_l[ib/2] & 0xf) | ((sh << 4) & 0x30)) - 32;
const int16_t ls2 = ((x[ibl].scales_l[ib/2] >> 4) | ((sh << 2) & 0x30)) - 32;
sh >>= 4;
const __m256i p_1 = _mm256_madd_epi16(p16_1, _mm256_set1_epi16(ls1));
const __m256i p_2 = _mm256_madd_epi16(p16_2, _mm256_set1_epi16(ls2));
sumi1 = _mm256_add_epi32(p_1, sumi1);
sumi2 = _mm256_add_epi32(p_2, sumi2);
accum = _mm256_fmadd_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ibl].d)*y[ibl].d),
_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(_mm256_add_epi32(sumi1, sumi2)), accum);
*s = hsum_float_8(accum);
#elif defined __AVX__
const __m128i values128 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)kvalues_iq4nl);
const __m128i m4b = _mm_set1_epi8(0x0f);
__m256 accum = _mm256_setzero_ps();
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nb; ++ibl) {
const uint8_t * qs = x[ibl].qs;
const int8_t * q8 = y[ibl].qs;
uint16_t sh = x[ibl].scales_h;
__m128i sumi1_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi1_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i sumi2_1 = _mm_setzero_si128();
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ib += 2) {
const __m128i q4bits_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)qs); qs += 16;
const __m128i q4bits_2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)qs); qs += 16;
const __m128i q8b_1_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8b_1_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8b_2_0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q8b_2_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)q8); q8 += 16;
const __m128i q4b_1_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(q4bits_1, m4b));
const __m128i q4b_1_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits_1, 4), m4b));
const __m128i q4b_2_0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(q4bits_2, m4b));
const __m128i q4b_2_1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(values128, _mm_and_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(q4bits_2, 4), m4b));
const __m128i p16_1_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_1_0, q8b_1_0);
const __m128i p16_1_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_1_1, q8b_1_1);
const __m128i p16_2_0 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_2_0, q8b_2_0);
const __m128i p16_2_1 = mul_add_epi8_sse(q4b_2_1, q8b_2_1);
const int16_t ls1 = ((x[ibl].scales_l[ib/2] & 0xf) | ((sh << 4) & 0x30)) - 32;
const int16_t ls2 = ((x[ibl].scales_l[ib/2] >> 4) | ((sh << 2) & 0x30)) - 32;
sh >>= 4;
const __m128i p_1_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_1_0, _mm_set1_epi16(ls1));
const __m128i p_1_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_1_1, _mm_set1_epi16(ls1));
const __m128i p_2_0 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_2_0, _mm_set1_epi16(ls2));
const __m128i p_2_1 = _mm_madd_epi16(p16_2_1, _mm_set1_epi16(ls2));
sumi1_0 = _mm_add_epi32(p_1_0, sumi1_0);
sumi1_1 = _mm_add_epi32(p_1_1, sumi1_1);
sumi2_0 = _mm_add_epi32(p_2_0, sumi2_0);
sumi2_1 = _mm_add_epi32(p_2_1, sumi2_1);
__m128i sumi12_0 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_0, sumi2_0);
__m128i sumi12_1 = _mm_add_epi32(sumi1_1, sumi2_1);
accum = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_set1_ps(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ibl].d)*y[ibl].d),
_mm256_cvtepi32_ps(MM256_SET_M128I(sumi12_1, sumi12_0))), accum);
*s = hsum_float_8(accum);
#elif defined(__POWER9_VECTOR__)
const vector signed char lowMask = vec_splats((signed char)0xF);
const vector int v0 = vec_splats((int32_t)0);
const vector unsigned char v4 = vec_splats((unsigned char)0x4);
vector float vsumf0 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf1 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf2 = vec_splats(0.0f);
vector float vsumf3 = vec_splats(0.0f);
const vector signed char values = vec_xl( 0, kvalues_iq4nl);
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nb; ++ibl) {
vector float vxd = vec_splats(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ibl].d));
vector float vyd = vec_splats(y[ibl].d);
vector float vd = vec_mul(vxd, vyd);
vector signed int vsumi0 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi1 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi2 = v0;
vector signed int vsumi3 = v0;
uint16_t h = x[ibl].scales_h;
const uint8_t * restrict q4 = x[ibl].qs;
const uint8_t * restrict sc = x[ibl].scales_l;
const int8_t * restrict q8 = y[ibl].qs;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/64; ib ++ ) {
__builtin_prefetch(q4, 0, 1);
__builtin_prefetch(q8, 0, 1);
vector signed char qxs0 = (vector signed char)vec_xl( 0, q4);
vector signed char qxs1 = (vector signed char)vec_xl(16, q4);
q4 += 32;
vector signed char q4x00 = (vector signed char)vec_and(qxs0, lowMask);
vector signed char q4x01 = (vector signed char)vec_sr(qxs0, v4);
vector signed char q4x10 = (vector signed char)vec_and(qxs1, lowMask);
vector signed char q4x11 = (vector signed char)vec_sr(qxs1, v4);
q4x00 = vec_perm(values, values, (vector unsigned char)q4x00);
q4x01 = vec_perm(values, values, (vector unsigned char)q4x01);
q4x10 = vec_perm(values, values, (vector unsigned char)q4x10);
q4x11 = vec_perm(values, values, (vector unsigned char)q4x11);
vector signed char q8y0 = vec_xl( 0, q8);
vector signed char q8y1 = vec_xl(16, q8);
vector signed char q8y2 = vec_xl(32, q8);
vector signed char q8y3 = vec_xl(48, q8);
q8 += 64;
vector signed short qv0 = vec_add(vec_mule(q4x00, q8y0), vec_mulo(q4x00, q8y0));
vector signed short qv1 = vec_add(vec_mule(q4x01, q8y1), vec_mulo(q4x01, q8y1));
vector signed short qv2 = vec_add(vec_mule(q4x10, q8y2), vec_mulo(q4x10, q8y2));
vector signed short qv3 = vec_add(vec_mule(q4x11, q8y3), vec_mulo(q4x11, q8y3));
const uint16_t ls0 = (uint16_t)(((sc[0] & 0xf) | ((h << 4) & 0x30)) - 32);
const uint16_t ls1 = (uint16_t)(((sc[0] >> 4) | ((h << 2) & 0x30)) - 32);
h >>= 4;
sc ++;
vector signed short vscales01 = vec_splats((int16_t)ls0);
vector signed short vscales23 = vec_splats((int16_t)ls1);
vsumi0 = vec_msum(qv0, vscales01, vsumi0);
vsumi1 = vec_msum(qv1, vscales01, vsumi1);
vsumi2 = vec_msum(qv2, vscales23, vsumi2);
vsumi3 = vec_msum(qv3, vscales23, vsumi3);
vsumf0 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi0, 0), vd, vsumf0);
vsumf1 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi1, 0), vd, vsumf1);
vsumf2 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi2, 0), vd, vsumf2);
vsumf3 = vec_madd(vec_ctf(vsumi3, 0), vd, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf2);
vsumf1 = vec_add(vsumf1, vsumf3);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vsumf1);
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 4));
vsumf0 = vec_add(vsumf0, vec_sld(vsumf0, vsumf0, 8));
*s = vec_extract(vsumf0, 0);
#elif defined(__loongarch_asx)
const __m128i values128 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i*)kvalues_iq4nl, 0);
const __m128i m4b = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(0x0f);
__m256 accum = (__m256)__lasx_xvldi(0);
__m256i tmp1;
__m128i tmp0, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, mask_8f, mask;
mask_8f = __lsx_vreplgr2vr_b(0x8f);
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nb; ++ibl) {
const uint8_t * qs = x[ibl].qs;
const int8_t * q8 = y[ibl].qs;
uint16_t sh = x[ibl].scales_h;
__m256i sumi1 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
__m256i sumi2 = __lasx_xvldi(0);
__m128i zero = __lsx_vldi(0);
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ib += 2) {
const __m128i q4bits_1 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i*)qs, 0); qs += 16;
const __m128i q4bits_2 = __lsx_vld((const __m128i*)qs, 0); qs += 16;
const __m256i q8b_1 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
const __m256i q8b_2 = __lasx_xvld((const __m256i *)q8, 0); q8 += 32;
tmp2 = __lsx_vand_v(__lsx_vand_v(__lsx_vsrli_h(q4bits_1, 4), m4b), mask_8f);
tmp0 = __lsx_vori_b(tmp2, 0x10);
mask = __lsx_vsle_b(zero, tmp2);
tmp3 = __lsx_vand_v(tmp0, mask);
tmp3 = __lsx_vshuf_b(values128, zero, tmp3);
tmp2 = __lsx_vand_v(__lsx_vand_v(q4bits_1, m4b), mask_8f);
tmp0 = __lsx_vori_b(tmp2, 0x10);
mask = __lsx_vsle_b(zero, tmp2);
tmp4 = __lsx_vand_v(tmp0, mask);
tmp4 = __lsx_vshuf_b(values128, zero, tmp4);
const __m256i q4b_1 = lasx_insertf128(tmp3, tmp4);
tmp2 = __lsx_vand_v(__lsx_vand_v(__lsx_vsrli_h(q4bits_2, 4), m4b), mask_8f);
tmp0 = __lsx_vori_b(tmp2, 0x10);
mask = __lsx_vsle_b(zero, tmp2);
tmp3 = __lsx_vand_v(tmp0, mask);
tmp3 = __lsx_vshuf_b(values128, zero, tmp3);
tmp2 = __lsx_vand_v(__lsx_vand_v(q4bits_2, m4b), mask_8f);
tmp0 = __lsx_vori_b(tmp2, 0x10);
mask = __lsx_vsle_b(zero, tmp2);
tmp4 = __lsx_vand_v(tmp0, mask);
tmp4 = __lsx_vshuf_b(values128, zero, tmp4);
const __m256i q4b_2 = lasx_insertf128(tmp3, tmp4);
const __m256i p16_1 = mul_add_epi8(q4b_1, q8b_1);
const __m256i p16_2 = mul_add_epi8(q4b_2, q8b_2);
const int16_t ls1 = ((x[ibl].scales_l[ib/2] & 0xf) | ((sh << 4) & 0x30)) - 32;
const int16_t ls2 = ((x[ibl].scales_l[ib/2] >> 4) | ((sh << 2) & 0x30)) - 32;
sh >>= 4;
__m256i tmp5, tmp6;
tmp1 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(ls1);
tmp5 = __lasx_xvmulwev_w_h(p16_1, tmp1);
tmp6 = __lasx_xvmulwod_w_h(p16_1, tmp1);
const __m256i p_1 = __lasx_xvadd_w(tmp5, tmp6);
tmp1 = __lasx_xvreplgr2vr_h(ls2);
tmp5 = __lasx_xvmulwev_w_h(p16_2, tmp1);
tmp6 = __lasx_xvmulwod_w_h(p16_2, tmp1);
const __m256i p_2 = __lasx_xvadd_w(tmp5, tmp6);
sumi1 = __lasx_xvadd_w(p_1, sumi1);
sumi2 = __lasx_xvadd_w(p_2, sumi2);
accum = __lasx_xvfmadd_s(__lasx_xvreplfr2vr_s(GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ibl].d)*y[ibl].d),
__lasx_xvffint_s_w(__lasx_xvadd_w(sumi1, sumi2)), accum);
*s = hsum_float_8(accum);
float sumf = 0;
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nb; ++ibl) {
const float d4d8 = GGML_FP16_TO_FP32(x[ibl].d) * y[ibl].d;
uint16_t h = x[ibl].scales_h;
const uint8_t * qs = x[ibl].qs;
const int8_t * q8 = y[ibl].qs;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ib += 2) {
const uint8_t ls1 = (x[ibl].scales_l[ib/2] & 0xf) | ((h << 4) & 0x30);
const uint8_t ls2 = (x[ibl].scales_l[ib/2] >> 4) | ((h << 2) & 0x30);
h >>= 4;
const float d1 = d4d8*(ls1 - 32);
const float d2 = d4d8*(ls2 - 32);
int sumi1 = 0, sumi2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
sumi1 += q8[j+ 0] * kvalues_iq4nl[qs[j] & 0xf];
sumi2 += q8[j+16] * kvalues_iq4nl[qs[j] >> 4];
sumf += d1 * (sumi1 + sumi2);
qs += 16;
q8 += 32;
sumi1 = sumi2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
sumi1 += q8[j+ 0] * kvalues_iq4nl[qs[j] & 0xf];
sumi2 += q8[j+16] * kvalues_iq4nl[qs[j] >> 4];
sumf += d2 * (sumi1 + sumi2);
qs += 16;
q8 += 32;
*s = sumf;
// ================================ IQ2 quantization =============================================
typedef struct {
uint64_t * grid;
int * map;
uint16_t * neighbours;
} iq2_entry_t;
static iq2_entry_t iq2_data[4] = {
static inline int iq2_data_index(enum ggml_type type) {
GGML_ASSERT(type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XXS || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XS || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_S || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_M || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_S);
return type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XXS ? 0 :
type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XS ? 1 :
type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_S || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_M ? 2 : 3;
static inline int iq2_grid_size(enum ggml_type type) {
GGML_ASSERT(type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XXS || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XS || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_S || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_M || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_S);
return type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XXS ? 256 :
type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XS ? 512 :
type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_S || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_M ? NGRID_IQ1S : 1024;
static int iq2_compare_func(const void * left, const void * right) {
const int * l = (const int *)left;
const int * r = (const int *)right;
return l[0] < r[0] ? -1 : l[0] > r[0] ? 1 : l[1] < r[1] ? -1 : l[1] > r[1] ? 1 : 0;
void iq2xs_init_impl(enum ggml_type type) {
const int gindex = iq2_data_index(type);
const int grid_size = iq2_grid_size(type);
if (iq2_data[gindex].grid) {
static const uint16_t kgrid_2bit_256[256] = {
0, 2, 5, 8, 10, 17, 20, 32, 34, 40, 42, 65, 68, 80, 88, 97,
100, 128, 130, 138, 162, 257, 260, 272, 277, 320, 388, 408, 512, 514, 546, 642,
1025, 1028, 1040, 1057, 1060, 1088, 1090, 1096, 1120, 1153, 1156, 1168, 1188, 1280, 1282, 1288,
1312, 1350, 1385, 1408, 1425, 1545, 1552, 1600, 1668, 1700, 2048, 2053, 2056, 2068, 2088, 2113,
2116, 2128, 2130, 2184, 2308, 2368, 2562, 2580, 4097, 4100, 4112, 4129, 4160, 4192, 4228, 4240,
4245, 4352, 4360, 4384, 4432, 4442, 4480, 4644, 4677, 5120, 5128, 5152, 5157, 5193, 5248, 5400,
5474, 5632, 5654, 6145, 6148, 6160, 6208, 6273, 6400, 6405, 6560, 6737, 8192, 8194, 8202, 8260,
8289, 8320, 8322, 8489, 8520, 8704, 8706, 9217, 9220, 9232, 9280, 9302, 9472, 9537, 9572, 9872,
10248, 10272, 10388, 10820, 16385, 16388, 16400, 16408, 16417, 16420, 16448, 16456, 16470, 16480, 16513, 16516,
16528, 16640, 16672, 16737, 16768, 16773, 16897, 16912, 16968, 16982, 17000, 17408, 17416, 17440, 17536, 17561,
17682, 17700, 17920, 18433, 18436, 18448, 18496, 18501, 18688, 18776, 18785, 18818, 19013, 19088, 20480, 20488,
20497, 20505, 20512, 20608, 20616, 20740, 20802, 20900, 21137, 21648, 21650, 21770, 22017, 22100, 22528, 22545,
22553, 22628, 22848, 23048, 24580, 24592, 24640, 24680, 24832, 24917, 25112, 25184, 25600, 25605, 25872, 25874,
25988, 26690, 32768, 32770, 32778, 32833, 32898, 33028, 33048, 33088, 33297, 33793, 33796, 33808, 33813, 33856,
33888, 34048, 34118, 34196, 34313, 34368, 34400, 34818, 35076, 35345, 36868, 36880, 36900, 36928, 37025, 37142,
37248, 37445, 37888, 37922, 37956, 38225, 39041, 39200, 40962, 41040, 41093, 41225, 41472, 42008, 43088, 43268,
static const uint16_t kgrid_2bit_512[512] = {
0, 2, 5, 8, 10, 17, 20, 22, 25, 32, 34, 37, 40, 65, 68, 70,
73, 80, 82, 85, 88, 97, 100, 128, 130, 133, 136, 145, 148, 153, 160, 257,
260, 262, 265, 272, 274, 277, 280, 282, 289, 292, 320, 322, 325, 328, 337, 340,
352, 360, 385, 388, 400, 512, 514, 517, 520, 529, 532, 544, 577, 580, 592, 597,
640, 650, 1025, 1028, 1030, 1033, 1040, 1042, 1045, 1048, 1057, 1060, 1088, 1090, 1093, 1096,
1105, 1108, 1110, 1120, 1153, 1156, 1168, 1280, 1282, 1285, 1288, 1297, 1300, 1312, 1345, 1348,
1360, 1377, 1408, 1537, 1540, 1552, 1574, 1600, 1602, 1668, 2048, 2050, 2053, 2056, 2058, 2065,
2068, 2080, 2085, 2113, 2116, 2128, 2136, 2176, 2208, 2218, 2305, 2308, 2320, 2368, 2433, 2441,
2560, 2592, 2600, 2710, 2720, 4097, 4100, 4102, 4105, 4112, 4114, 4117, 4120, 4129, 4132, 4160,
4162, 4165, 4168, 4177, 4180, 4192, 4202, 4225, 4228, 4240, 4352, 4354, 4357, 4360, 4369, 4372,
4384, 4417, 4420, 4432, 4480, 4500, 4502, 4609, 4612, 4614, 4624, 4672, 4704, 5120, 5122, 5125,
5128, 5137, 5140, 5152, 5185, 5188, 5193, 5200, 5220, 5248, 5377, 5380, 5392, 5440, 5632, 5652,
5705, 6145, 6148, 6160, 6162, 6208, 6228, 6278, 6400, 6405, 6502, 6737, 6825, 8192, 8194, 8197,
8200, 8202, 8209, 8212, 8224, 8257, 8260, 8272, 8320, 8352, 8449, 8452, 8464, 8512, 8520, 8549,
8704, 8738, 8832, 8872, 9217, 9220, 9232, 9257, 9280, 9472, 9537, 9554, 9625, 9729, 9754, 9894,
10240, 10248, 10250, 10272, 10325, 10376, 10402, 10600, 10640, 10760, 10784, 10882, 10888, 10890, 16385, 16388,
16390, 16393, 16400, 16402, 16405, 16408, 16417, 16420, 16448, 16450, 16453, 16456, 16458, 16465, 16468, 16480,
16485, 16513, 16516, 16528, 16640, 16642, 16645, 16648, 16657, 16660, 16672, 16705, 16708, 16720, 16768, 16773,
16802, 16897, 16900, 16912, 16914, 16937, 16960, 17408, 17410, 17413, 17416, 17425, 17428, 17433, 17440, 17473,
17476, 17488, 17536, 17556, 17665, 17668, 17680, 17700, 17728, 17818, 17920, 17930, 17988, 18000, 18433, 18436,
18448, 18496, 18501, 18516, 18530, 18688, 18705, 18756, 18768, 18793, 18948, 20480, 20482, 20485, 20488, 20497,
20500, 20512, 20520, 20545, 20548, 20560, 20608, 20737, 20740, 20752, 20757, 20800, 20802, 20992, 21060, 21162,
21505, 21508, 21520, 21537, 21568, 21600, 21633, 21665, 21760, 21768, 21888, 21896, 22049, 22120, 22177, 22528,
22548, 22593, 22608, 22681, 22810, 22848, 22850, 23173, 24577, 24580, 24592, 24640, 24660, 24674, 24710, 24745,
24832, 25124, 25162, 25234, 25600, 25622, 25872, 25920, 25925, 26020, 26625, 26730, 26917, 27142, 27220, 27234,
32768, 32770, 32773, 32776, 32785, 32788, 32800, 32810, 32833, 32836, 32848, 32896, 32898, 32936, 32938, 33025,
33028, 33030, 33040, 33088, 33105, 33113, 33280, 33312, 33408, 33410, 33440, 33448, 33793, 33796, 33808, 33810,
33813, 33856, 33888, 33929, 34048, 34116, 34213, 34328, 34410, 34816, 34824, 34853, 34906, 34944, 34946, 34984,
35078, 35362, 35456, 35464, 35478, 35496, 36865, 36868, 36880, 36928, 36950, 36996, 37120, 37154, 37220, 37462,
37513, 37888, 37893, 37956, 37968, 37976, 38185, 38288, 38290, 38465, 38993, 39078, 39241, 39445, 39520, 40960,
40962, 40968, 40970, 40992, 41002, 41120, 41297, 41305, 41382, 41472, 41474, 41480, 41514, 41600, 41632, 42048,
42133, 42597, 42648, 43018, 43040, 43042, 43048, 43168, 43176, 43268, 43396, 43398, 43560, 43562, 43665, 43690,
static const uint16_t kgrid_1bit_2048[NGRID_IQ1S] = {
0, 2, 5, 8, 10, 17, 21, 32, 34, 40, 42, 69, 81, 84, 86, 101,
128, 130, 136, 138, 149, 160, 162, 168, 170, 260, 261, 273, 276, 278, 281, 282,
293, 321, 326, 329, 338, 341, 346, 353, 356, 358, 360, 389, 401, 404, 406, 421,
512, 514, 520, 522, 533, 544, 546, 552, 554, 581, 593, 601, 612, 617, 640, 642,
648, 650, 657, 661, 665, 672, 674, 680, 682, 1041, 1044, 1046, 1061, 1089, 1097, 1109,
1114, 1124, 1125, 1169, 1177, 1189, 1281, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1301, 1304, 1306, 1321, 1344, 1349,
1354, 1360, 1361, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1369, 1376, 1378, 1381, 1384, 1386, 1409, 1425, 1429, 1432,
1434, 1441, 1444, 1445, 1446, 1449, 1556, 1561, 1601, 1604, 1616, 1618, 1621, 1624, 1632, 1633,
1638, 1641, 1669, 1681, 1684, 1689, 2048, 2050, 2056, 2058, 2069, 2080, 2082, 2088, 2090, 2117,
2129, 2134, 2149, 2176, 2178, 2184, 2186, 2197, 2208, 2210, 2216, 2218, 2309, 2321, 2324, 2329,
2340, 2341, 2369, 2384, 2385, 2389, 2401, 2404, 2409, 2449, 2452, 2454, 2457, 2469, 2560, 2562,
2568, 2570, 2581, 2592, 2594, 2600, 2602, 2629, 2641, 2649, 2657, 2661, 2688, 2690, 2693, 2696,
2698, 2709, 2720, 2722, 2728, 2730, 4112, 4113, 4116, 4121, 4132, 4133, 4161, 4164, 4176, 4181,
4184, 4193, 4196, 4197, 4201, 4241, 4244, 4246, 4257, 4261, 4353, 4356, 4358, 4361, 4368, 4370,
4373, 4376, 4385, 4388, 4393, 4421, 4426, 4432, 4433, 4434, 4436, 4437, 4438, 4441, 4448, 4453,
4484, 4498, 4501, 4513, 4516, 4625, 4628, 4630, 4645, 4672, 4678, 4681, 4690, 4693, 4696, 4698,
4708, 4710, 4741, 4753, 4756, 4758, 4773, 5121, 5126, 5129, 5140, 5141, 5144, 5145, 5153, 5158,
5185, 5189, 5190, 5192, 5194, 5201, 5204, 5205, 5206, 5209, 5218, 5221, 5224, 5252, 5257, 5264,
5268, 5269, 5272, 5273, 5274, 5281, 5284, 5285, 5289, 5378, 5381, 5386, 5393, 5396, 5397, 5398,
5401, 5408, 5410, 5413, 5416, 5418, 5441, 5444, 5445, 5446, 5457, 5458, 5460, 5461, 5462, 5465,
5466, 5473, 5476, 5477, 5478, 5481, 5504, 5506, 5508, 5509, 5512, 5514, 5520, 5521, 5524, 5525,
5526, 5529, 5530, 5536, 5538, 5541, 5633, 5636, 5637, 5638, 5653, 5654, 5656, 5658, 5665, 5670,
5696, 5698, 5700, 5701, 5704, 5706, 5713, 5717, 5718, 5720, 5721, 5729, 5732, 5733, 5736, 5737,
5738, 5766, 5770, 5778, 5781, 5796, 5801, 6161, 6166, 6181, 6209, 6212, 6214, 6217, 6224, 6229,
6232, 6234, 6240, 6241, 6244, 6246, 6249, 6277, 6289, 6292, 6309, 6416, 6418, 6421, 6426, 6433,
6437, 6466, 6468, 6469, 6472, 6481, 6484, 6485, 6486, 6489, 6490, 6496, 6501, 6506, 6537, 6545,
6546, 6549, 6552, 6561, 6566, 6569, 6665, 6678, 6692, 6694, 6724, 6726, 6729, 6736, 6738, 6741,
6744, 6753, 6758, 6761, 6789, 6801, 6806, 6810, 8192, 8194, 8200, 8202, 8213, 8224, 8226, 8229,
8232, 8234, 8261, 8273, 8281, 8289, 8293, 8320, 8322, 8328, 8330, 8341, 8352, 8354, 8357, 8360,
8362, 8453, 8465, 8468, 8473, 8485, 8514, 8516, 8521, 8533, 8536, 8538, 8545, 8548, 8549, 8550,
8581, 8592, 8598, 8601, 8613, 8705, 8712, 8714, 8721, 8725, 8736, 8738, 8744, 8746, 8773, 8785,
8790, 8793, 8805, 8833, 8840, 8842, 8849, 8853, 8864, 8866, 8872, 8874, 9221, 9236, 9238, 9241,
9253, 9284, 9285, 9286, 9289, 9298, 9301, 9304, 9306, 9318, 9349, 9361, 9364, 9369, 9377, 9381,
9481, 9493, 9505, 9513, 9536, 9541, 9544, 9553, 9556, 9557, 9561, 9570, 9573, 9576, 9609, 9616,
9620, 9621, 9624, 9626, 9633, 9636, 9638, 9641, 9733, 9744, 9746, 9753, 9765, 9793, 9801, 9813,
9824, 9825, 9833, 9860, 9862, 9872, 9882, 10240, 10242, 10248, 10250, 10261, 10272, 10274, 10280, 10282,
10309, 10321, 10324, 10341, 10368, 10370, 10376, 10378, 10400, 10402, 10408, 10410, 10505, 10513, 10516, 10521,
10533, 10566, 10569, 10578, 10581, 10593, 10596, 10598, 10601, 10629, 10640, 10646, 10649, 10660, 10661, 10752,
10754, 10760, 10762, 10784, 10786, 10792, 10794, 10821, 10833, 10838, 10841, 10853, 10880, 10882, 10888, 10890,
10901, 10912, 10914, 10920, 10922, 16389, 16401, 16406, 16421, 16457, 16466, 16469, 16472, 16474, 16481, 16484,
16486, 16532, 16537, 16545, 16550, 16640, 16641, 16644, 16646, 16649, 16658, 16661, 16662, 16664, 16666, 16673,
16678, 16681, 16709, 16712, 16714, 16721, 16724, 16725, 16726, 16729, 16730, 16741, 16744, 16746, 16769, 16772,
16774, 16784, 16786, 16789, 16800, 16801, 16802, 16901, 16913, 16916, 16918, 16933, 16961, 16978, 16981, 16986,
16996, 17001, 17033, 17044, 17061, 17409, 17429, 17433, 17449, 17477, 17480, 17482, 17489, 17492, 17493, 17494,
17505, 17506, 17509, 17512, 17514, 17537, 17542, 17545, 17552, 17554, 17557, 17568, 17569, 17577, 17665, 17666,
17669, 17674, 17681, 17684, 17685, 17686, 17689, 17696, 17701, 17706, 17729, 17732, 17733, 17734, 17737, 17744,
17745, 17748, 17749, 17750, 17752, 17753, 17761, 17764, 17765, 17766, 17769, 17794, 17796, 17797, 17800, 17809,
17812, 17813, 17814, 17817, 17818, 17829, 17832, 17834, 17921, 17925, 17929, 17940, 17941, 17944, 17946, 17953,
17956, 17961, 17984, 17986, 17989, 17992, 18000, 18001, 18002, 18005, 18006, 18009, 18018, 18021, 18024, 18049,
18053, 18058, 18068, 18069, 18081, 18084, 18086, 18437, 18449, 18453, 18458, 18469, 18498, 18505, 18512, 18517,
18520, 18529, 18532, 18534, 18537, 18565, 18577, 18580, 18582, 18585, 18597, 18689, 18693, 18694, 18698, 18704,
18708, 18709, 18712, 18721, 18724, 18726, 18752, 18757, 18762, 18769, 18770, 18772, 18773, 18774, 18777, 18784,
18786, 18789, 18790, 18794, 18822, 18825, 18834, 18837, 18838, 18840, 18849, 18852, 18854, 18857, 18966, 19012,
19014, 19017, 19029, 19032, 19034, 19044, 19049, 19092, 19109, 20481, 20484, 20485, 20486, 20489, 20498, 20501,
20506, 20513, 20516, 20521, 20544, 20549, 20552, 20561, 20564, 20565, 20566, 20569, 20581, 20584, 20614, 20617,
20629, 20632, 20640, 20641, 20646, 20649, 20741, 20744, 20745, 20746, 20753, 20756, 20757, 20758, 20760, 20761,
20768, 20773, 20774, 20776, 20778, 20801, 20804, 20805, 20806, 20809, 20816, 20817, 20818, 20820, 20821, 20822,
20824, 20825, 20826, 20833, 20836, 20837, 20838, 20841, 20866, 20869, 20881, 20884, 20885, 20886, 20889, 20896,
20901, 20906, 20993, 20998, 21010, 21013, 21018, 21025, 21028, 21058, 21061, 21066, 21073, 21076, 21077, 21078,
21081, 21090, 21093, 21125, 21136, 21138, 21141, 21145, 21146, 21156, 21508, 21509, 21521, 21524, 21525, 21526,
21528, 21529, 21537, 21541, 21544, 21546, 21569, 21572, 21573, 21574, 21577, 21578, 21584, 21585, 21588, 21589,
21590, 21592, 21593, 21594, 21601, 21602, 21604, 21605, 21606, 21609, 21632, 21640, 21642, 21649, 21652, 21653,
21654, 21657, 21665, 21668, 21669, 21674, 21761, 21762, 21764, 21765, 21766, 21769, 21776, 21777, 21778, 21780,
21781, 21782, 21785, 21786, 21793, 21796, 21797, 21798, 21801, 21824, 21825, 21826, 21828, 21829, 21830, 21832,
21833, 21840, 21841, 21842, 21844, 21845, 21846, 21848, 21849, 21850, 21856, 21857, 21860, 21861, 21862, 21864,
21865, 21866, 21889, 21892, 21893, 21897, 21898, 21904, 21905, 21908, 21909, 21910, 21912, 21913, 21921, 21924,
21925, 21926, 21929, 22016, 22017, 22018, 22020, 22022, 22024, 22025, 22033, 22036, 22037, 22040, 22041, 22048,
22049, 22050, 22052, 22053, 22054, 22056, 22057, 22081, 22085, 22086, 22088, 22089, 22090, 22096, 22097, 22098,
22100, 22101, 22102, 22104, 22105, 22106, 22113, 22116, 22117, 22121, 22146, 22149, 22150, 22152, 22153, 22154,
22161, 22165, 22170, 22178, 22181, 22182, 22184, 22185, 22532, 22533, 22534, 22537, 22544, 22549, 22552, 22561,
22570, 22597, 22600, 22602, 22609, 22612, 22613, 22614, 22616, 22617, 22624, 22626, 22628, 22629, 22658, 22665,
22672, 22674, 22677, 22680, 22689, 22697, 22785, 22786, 22789, 22794, 22801, 22804, 22805, 22806, 22809, 22821,
22849, 22852, 22853, 22854, 22857, 22864, 22865, 22866, 22868, 22869, 22870, 22872, 22873, 22874, 22881, 22884,
22885, 22886, 22889, 22913, 22917, 22921, 22929, 22932, 22933, 22934, 22936, 22937, 22949, 23044, 23048, 23061,
23066, 23072, 23077, 23078, 23081, 23109, 23112, 23113, 23121, 23125, 23126, 23128, 23129, 23138, 23141, 23144,
23146, 23169, 23178, 23186, 23189, 23190, 23192, 23194, 23201, 24581, 24596, 24598, 24601, 24613, 24644, 24656,
24661, 24662, 24664, 24666, 24673, 24676, 24678, 24681, 24705, 24726, 24741, 24833, 24836, 24838, 24841, 24850,
24853, 24865, 24866, 24870, 24873, 24901, 24905, 24913, 24917, 24918, 24921, 24933, 24934, 24938, 24964, 24970,
24978, 24981, 24993, 24998, 25001, 25105, 25110, 25113, 25152, 25153, 25158, 25173, 25174, 25176, 25184, 25221,
25233, 25238, 25253, 25617, 25618, 25621, 25622, 25626, 25633, 25638, 25641, 25664, 25666, 25669, 25672, 25674,
25681, 25684, 25685, 25686, 25689, 25690, 25696, 25698, 25701, 25732, 25733, 25737, 25744, 25746, 25748, 25749,
25750, 25752, 25754, 25761, 25764, 25769, 25861, 25864, 25866, 25873, 25877, 25878, 25881, 25924, 25925, 25926,
25929, 25936, 25937, 25940, 25941, 25942, 25945, 25953, 25956, 25957, 25958, 25961, 25990, 25993, 25994, 26001,
26005, 26006, 26009, 26010, 26018, 26021, 26022, 26024, 26114, 26121, 26133, 26144, 26150, 26152, 26153, 26176,
26181, 26184, 26186, 26193, 26196, 26197, 26198, 26200, 26202, 26208, 26213, 26216, 26240, 26242, 26245, 26250,
26260, 26262, 26264, 26265, 26272, 26276, 26278, 26282, 26646, 26649, 26661, 26689, 26706, 26709, 26714, 26721,
26729, 26757, 26769, 26776, 26790, 26881, 26884, 26896, 26901, 26913, 26916, 26918, 26921, 26944, 26945, 26949,
26950, 26952, 26961, 26964, 26965, 26966, 26969, 26976, 26981, 26986, 27010, 27012, 27018, 27029, 27041, 27044,
27045, 27049, 27153, 27158, 27160, 27201, 27204, 27209, 27216, 27221, 27224, 27226, 27236, 27237, 27241, 27270,
27284, 27288, 27290, 27302, 32768, 32770, 32776, 32778, 32800, 32802, 32808, 32810, 32837, 32848, 32849, 32852,
32854, 32857, 32869, 32896, 32898, 32904, 32906, 32917, 32928, 32930, 32936, 32938, 33029, 33041, 33044, 33046,
33049, 33061, 33089, 33092, 33097, 33104, 33106, 33109, 33110, 33112, 33113, 33124, 33126, 33129, 33157, 33161,
33172, 33174, 33177, 33189, 33280, 33282, 33288, 33290, 33301, 33312, 33314, 33320, 33322, 33361, 33364, 33369,
33381, 33408, 33410, 33416, 33418, 33429, 33440, 33442, 33448, 33450, 33812, 33817, 33857, 33860, 33873, 33877,
33882, 33889, 33892, 33897, 33940, 33945, 34049, 34057, 34066, 34069, 34074, 34086, 34089, 34112, 34113, 34117,
34120, 34129, 34132, 34133, 34134, 34137, 34138, 34149, 34150, 34152, 34154, 34177, 34180, 34182, 34185, 34192,
34194, 34197, 34200, 34214, 34321, 34326, 34329, 34341, 34369, 34372, 34377, 34378, 34384, 34389, 34393, 34394,
34401, 34406, 34410, 34437, 34449, 34458, 34468, 34816, 34818, 34824, 34826, 34837, 34848, 34850, 34856, 34858,
34881, 34885, 34897, 34900, 34905, 34917, 34921, 34944, 34946, 34952, 34954, 34965, 34976, 34978, 34984, 34986,
35077, 35078, 35089, 35092, 35094, 35109, 35137, 35140, 35142, 35145, 35152, 35154, 35157, 35162, 35169, 35172,
35205, 35222, 35225, 35237, 35328, 35330, 35336, 35338, 35349, 35360, 35362, 35368, 35370, 35397, 35409, 35412,
35414, 35456, 35458, 35464, 35466, 35477, 35488, 35490, 35496, 35498, 36869, 36881, 36886, 36888, 36889, 36901,
36929, 36934, 36937, 36949, 36952, 36954, 36969, 36970, 36997, 37009, 37012, 37014, 37017, 37029, 37121, 37124,
37126, 37129, 37136, 37141, 37144, 37146, 37153, 37156, 37158, 37161, 37184, 37189, 37200, 37201, 37204, 37205,
37206, 37209, 37218, 37221, 37252, 37254, 37266, 37269, 37272, 37281, 37284, 37286, 37289, 37381, 37393, 37396,
37401, 37413, 37444, 37446, 37449, 37456, 37458, 37461, 37464, 37478, 37481, 37509, 37524, 37526, 37545, 37889,
37892, 37894, 37904, 37909, 37912, 37926, 37952, 37962, 37969, 37972, 37973, 37974, 37976, 37977, 37984, 37985,
37986, 37989, 38020, 38022, 38034, 38036, 38037, 38040, 38049, 38057, 38144, 38149, 38152, 38154, 38160, 38161,
38164, 38165, 38166, 38169, 38177, 38181, 38185, 38186, 38209, 38212, 38213, 38214, 38217, 38224, 38225, 38226,
38228, 38229, 38230, 38232, 38233, 38234, 38241, 38244, 38245, 38246, 38249, 38273, 38277, 38280, 38289, 38290,
38292, 38293, 38294, 38297, 38298, 38304, 38306, 38309, 38312, 38314, 38401, 38404, 38416, 38421, 38425, 38432,
38438, 38441, 38469, 38472, 38473, 38481, 38482, 38485, 38486, 38489, 38501, 38504, 38530, 38532, 38537, 38538,
38546, 38548, 38549, 38564, 38566, 38569, 38917, 38934, 38937, 38949, 38977, 38982, 38992, 38994, 38997, 38998,
39002, 39012, 39013, 39045, 39057, 39062, 39065, 39077, 39172, 39174, 39177, 39184, 39186, 39189, 39192, 39194,
39200, 39201, 39204, 39206, 39232, 39234, 39237, 39240, 39242, 39249, 39252, 39253, 39254, 39257, 39266, 39269,
39270, 39274, 39297, 39300, 39312, 39314, 39317, 39322, 39329, 39334, 39429, 39445, 39461, 39492, 39494, 39497,
39504, 39509, 39512, 39521, 39557, 39569, 39572, 39573, 39574, 40960, 40962, 40968, 40970, 40981, 40992, 40994,
41000, 41002, 41029, 41041, 41044, 41046, 41049, 41088, 41090, 41096, 41098, 41109, 41120, 41122, 41128, 41130,
41221, 41225, 41233, 41236, 41238, 41241, 41242, 41286, 41289, 41297, 41301, 41304, 41306, 41313, 41316, 41349,
41360, 41362, 41366, 41369, 41474, 41480, 41482, 41488, 41497, 41506, 41512, 41514, 41541, 41553, 41558, 41561,
41573, 41600, 41602, 41608, 41610, 41621, 41632, 41634, 41640, 41642, 42009, 42021, 42049, 42052, 42064, 42068,
42069, 42072, 42074, 42081, 42085, 42086, 42088, 42089, 42117, 42246, 42249, 42256, 42258, 42261, 42264, 42278,
42281, 42306, 42309, 42321, 42324, 42325, 42326, 42329, 42341, 42346, 42369, 42372, 42373, 42374, 42377, 42386,
42389, 42392, 42501, 42513, 42518, 42522, 42529, 42533, 42564, 42566, 42570, 42578, 42581, 42582, 42584, 42592,
42594, 42630, 42640, 42645, 42646, 42649, 42657, 42660, 42662, 43008, 43010, 43016, 43018, 43040, 43042, 43048,
43050, 43089, 43092, 43094, 43097, 43136, 43138, 43144, 43146, 43157, 43168, 43170, 43176, 43178, 43269, 43284,
43289, 43297, 43301, 43329, 43344, 43349, 43354, 43361, 43366, 43369, 43408, 43414, 43520, 43522, 43528, 43530,
43552, 43554, 43560, 43562, 43601, 43604, 43606, 43648, 43650, 43656, 43658, 43669, 43680, 43682, 43688, 43690,
static const uint16_t kgrid_2bit_1024[1024] = {
0, 2, 5, 8, 10, 17, 20, 22, 25, 32, 34, 37, 40, 65, 68, 70,
73, 80, 82, 85, 88, 97, 100, 102, 105, 128, 130, 133, 136, 145, 148, 160,
165, 170, 257, 260, 262, 265, 272, 274, 277, 280, 289, 292, 320, 322, 325, 328,
337, 340, 342, 345, 352, 357, 360, 385, 388, 400, 402, 405, 417, 420, 512, 514,
517, 520, 529, 532, 544, 554, 577, 580, 582, 585, 592, 597, 640, 645, 650, 660,
674, 1025, 1028, 1030, 1033, 1040, 1042, 1045, 1048, 1057, 1060, 1062, 1065, 1088, 1090, 1093,
1096, 1098, 1105, 1108, 1110, 1113, 1120, 1122, 1125, 1153, 1156, 1158, 1161, 1168, 1173, 1176,
1185, 1188, 1280, 1282, 1285, 1288, 1290, 1297, 1300, 1302, 1305, 1312, 1317, 1320, 1345, 1348,
1350, 1353, 1360, 1362, 1365, 1368, 1377, 1380, 1408, 1410, 1413, 1416, 1425, 1428, 1440, 1537,
1540, 1542, 1545, 1552, 1557, 1600, 1605, 1608, 1617, 1620, 1632, 1665, 1668, 1680, 2048, 2050,
2053, 2056, 2065, 2068, 2070, 2073, 2080, 2085, 2090, 2113, 2116, 2118, 2121, 2128, 2130, 2133,
2136, 2145, 2148, 2176, 2181, 2196, 2218, 2305, 2308, 2320, 2322, 2325, 2328, 2337, 2368, 2373,
2376, 2385, 2388, 2400, 2433, 2448, 2560, 2577, 2580, 2594, 2600, 2602, 2640, 2713, 4097, 4100,
4102, 4105, 4112, 4114, 4117, 4120, 4129, 4132, 4134, 4160, 4162, 4165, 4168, 4177, 4180, 4182,
4185, 4192, 4194, 4197, 4200, 4225, 4228, 4230, 4240, 4245, 4248, 4257, 4260, 4352, 4354, 4357,
4360, 4362, 4369, 4372, 4374, 4377, 4384, 4386, 4389, 4392, 4417, 4420, 4422, 4425, 4432, 4434,
4437, 4440, 4449, 4452, 4480, 4482, 4485, 4488, 4497, 4500, 4609, 4612, 4617, 4624, 4629, 4641,
4644, 4672, 4677, 4689, 4692, 4737, 4740, 4752, 5120, 5122, 5125, 5128, 5137, 5140, 5142, 5145,
5152, 5157, 5160, 5185, 5188, 5190, 5193, 5200, 5202, 5205, 5208, 5217, 5220, 5248, 5250, 5253,
5256, 5265, 5268, 5280, 5377, 5380, 5382, 5385, 5392, 5394, 5397, 5400, 5409, 5412, 5440, 5442,
5445, 5448, 5457, 5460, 5472, 5505, 5508, 5520, 5632, 5637, 5640, 5649, 5652, 5664, 5697, 5700,
5712, 5760, 5802, 6145, 6148, 6150, 6153, 6160, 6165, 6168, 6177, 6208, 6210, 6213, 6216, 6225,
6228, 6240, 6273, 6276, 6400, 6402, 6405, 6408, 6417, 6420, 6432, 6465, 6468, 6480, 6505, 6562,
6660, 6672, 6720, 6742, 8192, 8194, 8197, 8200, 8209, 8212, 8214, 8217, 8224, 8229, 8234, 8257,
8260, 8272, 8274, 8277, 8292, 8320, 8330, 8340, 8362, 8449, 8452, 8464, 8466, 8469, 8481, 8512,
8514, 8517, 8529, 8532, 8544, 8577, 8580, 8592, 8704, 8714, 8738, 8744, 8746, 8772, 8784, 8840,
8842, 8872, 9217, 9220, 9222, 9225, 9232, 9237, 9240, 9249, 9252, 9280, 9282, 9285, 9288, 9297,
9300, 9312, 9345, 9348, 9360, 9472, 9477, 9480, 9489, 9492, 9504, 9537, 9540, 9552, 9574, 9600,
9729, 9732, 9744, 9792, 9817, 10240, 10245, 10257, 10260, 10305, 10308, 10320, 10378, 10410, 10497, 10500,
10512, 10645, 10762, 10786, 10852, 10888, 10890, 16385, 16388, 16390, 16393, 16400, 16402, 16405, 16408, 16410,
16417, 16420, 16422, 16448, 16450, 16453, 16456, 16458, 16465, 16468, 16470, 16473, 16480, 16482, 16485, 16513,
16516, 16528, 16533, 16536, 16545, 16548, 16640, 16642, 16645, 16648, 16657, 16660, 16662, 16665, 16672, 16674,
16677, 16705, 16708, 16710, 16713, 16720, 16722, 16725, 16728, 16737, 16740, 16768, 16770, 16773, 16776, 16785,
16788, 16800, 16897, 16900, 16912, 16914, 16917, 16920, 16932, 16960, 16965, 16968, 16977, 16980, 16992, 17025,
17028, 17408, 17410, 17413, 17416, 17418, 17425, 17428, 17430, 17433, 17440, 17442, 17445, 17448, 17473, 17476,
17478, 17481, 17488, 17490, 17493, 17496, 17505, 17508, 17536, 17538, 17541, 17544, 17553, 17556, 17568, 17665,
17668, 17670, 17673, 17680, 17682, 17685, 17688, 17697, 17700, 17728, 17730, 17733, 17736, 17745, 17748, 17760,
17770, 17793, 17796, 17808, 17920, 17922, 17925, 17928, 17937, 17940, 17952, 17985, 17988, 18000, 18048, 18085,
18433, 18436, 18441, 18448, 18450, 18453, 18456, 18465, 18468, 18496, 18498, 18501, 18504, 18513, 18516, 18528,
18564, 18576, 18688, 18690, 18693, 18696, 18705, 18708, 18720, 18753, 18756, 18768, 18816, 18838, 18945, 18948,
18960, 19008, 20480, 20482, 20485, 20488, 20497, 20500, 20502, 20505, 20512, 20514, 20517, 20520, 20545, 20548,
20550, 20553, 20560, 20562, 20565, 20568, 20577, 20580, 20608, 20610, 20613, 20616, 20625, 20628, 20737, 20740,
20742, 20745, 20752, 20754, 20757, 20760, 20769, 20772, 20800, 20802, 20805, 20808, 20817, 20820, 20832, 20865,
20868, 20880, 20992, 20997, 21000, 21009, 21012, 21024, 21057, 21060, 21072, 21097, 21120, 21505, 21508, 21510,
21513, 21520, 21522, 21525, 21528, 21537, 21540, 21568, 21570, 21573, 21576, 21585, 21588, 21600, 21633, 21636,
21648, 21760, 21762, 21765, 21768, 21777, 21780, 21792, 21825, 21828, 21840, 21888, 22017, 22020, 22032, 22054,
22080, 22528, 22530, 22533, 22536, 22545, 22548, 22560, 22593, 22596, 22608, 22618, 22656, 22785, 22788, 22800,
22848, 23040, 23065, 23173, 23208, 24577, 24580, 24582, 24592, 24594, 24597, 24600, 24609, 24612, 24640, 24645,
24648, 24657, 24660, 24672, 24708, 24720, 24832, 24834, 24837, 24840, 24849, 24852, 24864, 24897, 24900, 24912,
24960, 24985, 25092, 25104, 25152, 25174, 25249, 25600, 25605, 25608, 25617, 25620, 25632, 25665, 25668, 25680,
25728, 25857, 25860, 25872, 25920, 25930, 25960, 26002, 26112, 26260, 26625, 26628, 26640, 26725, 26776, 26880,
26922, 27202, 27297, 32768, 32770, 32773, 32776, 32785, 32788, 32793, 32800, 32805, 32833, 32836, 32848, 32850,
32853, 32856, 32865, 32896, 32901, 32913, 32916, 33025, 33028, 33033, 33040, 33042, 33045, 33048, 33057, 33060,
33088, 33090, 33093, 33096, 33105, 33108, 33153, 33156, 33168, 33193, 33280, 33285, 33290, 33297, 33300, 33345,
33348, 33360, 33793, 33796, 33798, 33801, 33808, 33810, 33813, 33816, 33825, 33856, 33858, 33861, 33864, 33873,
33876, 33888, 33921, 33924, 33936, 34048, 34050, 34053, 34056, 34065, 34068, 34080, 34113, 34116, 34128, 34176,
34186, 34305, 34308, 34320, 34345, 34368, 34816, 34821, 34833, 34836, 34881, 34884, 34896, 34978, 35073, 35076,
35136, 35173, 35362, 35416, 35418, 35458, 35490, 36865, 36868, 36873, 36880, 36882, 36885, 36888, 36900, 36928,
36930, 36933, 36936, 36945, 36948, 36960, 36993, 36996, 37008, 37120, 37125, 37137, 37140, 37185, 37188, 37200,
37210, 37377, 37380, 37392, 37440, 37542, 37888, 37890, 37893, 37896, 37905, 37908, 37920, 37953, 37956, 37968,
38016, 38038, 38145, 38148, 38160, 38208, 38296, 38305, 38400, 38470, 38500, 38913, 38916, 38928, 38950, 38976,
39081, 39168, 39241, 39250, 39568, 40960, 40965, 40970, 40980, 40994, 41002, 41025, 41028, 41040, 41122, 41130,
41280, 41317, 41474, 41482, 41506, 41512, 41514, 41602, 41608, 41610, 41640, 41985, 41988, 42000, 42048, 42121,
42148, 42240, 42265, 42577, 43018, 43048, 43170, 43348, 43398, 43528, 43530, 43552, 43554, 43560, 43656, 43690,
const int kmap_size = 43692;
//const int nwant = type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_S ? 3 : 2;
const int nwant = type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_S || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_M ? 3 : type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_S ? 1 : 2;
const uint16_t * kgrid = type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XXS ? kgrid_2bit_256 :
type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XS ? kgrid_2bit_512 :
type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_S || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_M ? kgrid_1bit_2048 : kgrid_2bit_1024;
uint64_t * kgrid_q2xs;
int * kmap_q2xs;
uint16_t * kneighbors_q2xs;
//printf("================================================================= %s(grid_size = %d)\n", __func__, grid_size);
uint64_t * the_grid = (uint64_t *)malloc(grid_size*sizeof(uint64_t));
for (int k = 0; k < grid_size; ++k) {
int8_t * pos = (int8_t *)(the_grid + k);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
int l = (kgrid[k] >> 2*i) & 0x3;
pos[i] = 2*l + 1;
kgrid_q2xs = the_grid;
iq2_data[gindex].grid = the_grid;
kmap_q2xs = (int *)malloc(kmap_size*sizeof(int));
iq2_data[gindex].map = kmap_q2xs;
for (int i = 0; i < kmap_size; ++i) kmap_q2xs[i] = -1;
uint64_t aux64;
uint8_t * aux8 = (uint8_t *)&aux64;
for (int i = 0; i < grid_size; ++i) {
aux64 = kgrid_q2xs[i];
uint16_t index = 0;
for (int k=0; k<8; ++k) {
uint16_t q = (aux8[k] - 1)/2;
index |= (q << 2*k);
kmap_q2xs[index] = i;
int8_t pos[8];
int * dist2 = (int *)malloc(2*grid_size*sizeof(int));
int num_neighbors = 0, num_not_in_map = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kmap_size; ++i) {
if (kmap_q2xs[i] >= 0) continue;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
int l = (i >> 2*k) & 0x3;
pos[k] = 2*l + 1;
for (int j = 0; j < grid_size; ++j) {
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(kgrid_q2xs + j);
int d2 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) d2 += (pg[k] - pos[k])*(pg[k] - pos[k]);
dist2[2*j+0] = d2;
dist2[2*j+1] = j;
qsort(dist2, grid_size, 2*sizeof(int), iq2_compare_func);
int n = 0; int d2 = dist2[0];
int nhave = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < grid_size; ++j) {
if (dist2[2*j] > d2) {
if (nhave == nwant) break;
d2 = dist2[2*j];
num_neighbors += n;
//printf("%s: %d neighbours in total\n", __func__, num_neighbors);
kneighbors_q2xs = (uint16_t *)malloc((num_neighbors + num_not_in_map)*sizeof(uint16_t));
iq2_data[gindex].neighbours = kneighbors_q2xs;
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kmap_size; ++i) {
if (kmap_q2xs[i] >= 0) continue;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
int l = (i >> 2*k) & 0x3;
pos[k] = 2*l + 1;
for (int j = 0; j < grid_size; ++j) {
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(kgrid_q2xs + j);
int d2 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) d2 += (pg[k] - pos[k])*(pg[k] - pos[k]);
dist2[2*j+0] = d2;
dist2[2*j+1] = j;
qsort(dist2, grid_size, 2*sizeof(int), iq2_compare_func);
kmap_q2xs[i] = -(counter + 1);
int d2 = dist2[0];
uint16_t * start = &kneighbors_q2xs[counter++];
int n = 0, nhave = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < grid_size; ++j) {
if (dist2[2*j] > d2) {
if (nhave == nwant) break;
d2 = dist2[2*j];
kneighbors_q2xs[counter++] = dist2[2*j+1];
*start = n;
void iq2xs_free_impl(enum ggml_type type) {
GGML_ASSERT(type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XXS || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XS || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_S || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ1_M || type == GGML_TYPE_IQ2_S);
const int gindex = iq2_data_index(type);
if (iq2_data[gindex].grid) {
free(iq2_data[gindex].grid); iq2_data[gindex].grid = NULL;
free(iq2_data[gindex].map); iq2_data[gindex].map = NULL;
free(iq2_data[gindex].neighbours); iq2_data[gindex].neighbours = NULL;
static int iq2_find_best_neighbour(const uint16_t * restrict neighbours, const uint64_t * restrict grid,
const float * restrict xval, const float * restrict weight, float scale, int8_t * restrict L) {
int num_neighbors = neighbours[0];
GGML_ASSERT(num_neighbors > 0);
float best_d2 = FLT_MAX;
int grid_index = -1;
for (int j = 1; j <= num_neighbors; ++j) {
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(grid + neighbours[j]);
float d2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
float q = pg[i];
float diff = scale*q - xval[i];
d2 += weight[i]*diff*diff;
if (d2 < best_d2) {
best_d2 = d2; grid_index = neighbours[j];
GGML_ASSERT(grid_index >= 0);
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(grid + grid_index);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) L[i] = (pg[i] - 1)/2;
return grid_index;
static void quantize_row_iq2_xxs_impl(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t n, const float * restrict quant_weights) {
const int gindex = iq2_data_index(GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XXS);
const uint64_t * kgrid_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].grid;
const int * kmap_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].map;
const uint16_t * kneighbors_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].neighbours;
GGML_ASSERT(quant_weights && "missing quantization weights");
GGML_ASSERT(kgrid_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kmap_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kneighbors_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
const int kMaxQ = 3;
const int64_t nbl = n/QK_K;
block_iq2_xxs * y = vy;
float scales[QK_K/32];
float weight[32];
float xval[32];
int8_t L[32];
int8_t Laux[32];
float waux[32];
uint8_t block_signs[4];
uint32_t q2[2*(QK_K/32)];
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nbl; ++ibl) {
y[ibl].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
memset(q2, 0, QK_K/4);
float max_scale = 0;
const float * xbl = x + QK_K*ibl;
float sumx2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < QK_K; ++i) sumx2 += xbl[i]*xbl[i];
float sigma2 = sumx2/QK_K;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ++ib) {
const float * xb = xbl + 32*ib;
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K*ibl + 32*ib;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) weight[i] = qw[i] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[i]*xb[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) waux[i] = sqrtf(weight[i]);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
int nflip = 0;
uint8_t s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (xb[8*k + i] >= 0) xval[8*k + i] = xb[8*k + i];
else {
xval[8*k + i] = -xb[8*k + i]; ++nflip; s |= (1 << i);
if (nflip%2) {
int imin = 0; float min = weight[8*k+imin]*xb[8*k+imin]*xb[8*k+imin];
for (int i = 1; i < 8; ++i) {
float ax = weight[8*k+i]*xb[8*k+i]*xb[8*k+i];
if (ax < min) {
min = ax; imin = i;
xval[8*k+imin] = -xval[8*k+imin];
s ^= (1 << imin);
block_signs[k] = s & 127;
float max = xval[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 32; ++i) max = MAX(max, xval[i]);
if (max < GROUP_MAX_EPS) {
scales[ib] = 0;
memset(L, 0, 32);
float scale = make_qp_quants(32, kMaxQ+1, xval, (uint8_t*)L, weight);
float eff_max = scale*kMaxQ;
float best = 0;
for (int is = -6; is <= 6; ++is) {
float id = (2*kMaxQ-1+is*0.1f)/eff_max;
float this_scale = 1/id;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*xval[8*k+i]-1));
Laux[8*k+i] = MAX(0, MIN(kMaxQ-1, l));
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) u |= (Laux[8*k+i] << 2*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q2xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q2xs - kmap_q2xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq2_find_best_neighbour(neighbours, kgrid_q2xs, xval + 8*k, waux + 8*k, this_scale, Laux + 8*k);
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
float w = weight[i];
float q = 2*Laux[i] + 1;
sumqx += w*xval[i]*q;
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumq2 > 0 && sumqx*sumqx > best*sumq2) {
scale = sumqx/sumq2; best = scale*sumqx;
memcpy(L, Laux, 32);
if (scale > 0) {
float id = 1/scale;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*xval[8*k+i]-1));
l = MAX(0, MIN(kMaxQ-1, l));
u |= (l << 2*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q2xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q2xs - kmap_q2xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq2_find_best_neighbour(neighbours, kgrid_q2xs, xval + 8*k, waux + 8*k, scale, L + 8*k);
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(kgrid_q2xs + grid_index);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) L[8*k+i] = (pg[i] - 1)/2;
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
float w = weight[i];
float q = 2*L[i] + 1;
sumqx += w*xval[i]*q;
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumq2 > 0) scale = sumqx/sumq2;
if (scale < 0) {
// This should never happen, but just in case, flip scale so that it is positive (we use uint's to encode the scale)
// and correspondingly flip quant signs.
scale = -scale;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) block_signs[k] = (~block_signs[k]) & 127;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) u |= (L[8*k+i] << 2*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q2xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
printf("Oops: found point %u not on grid:", u);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) printf(" %d", L[8*k+i]);
GGML_ABORT("fatal error");
q2[2*ib+0] |= ((uint32_t) grid_index << 8*k);
q2[2*ib+1] |= (block_signs[k] << 7*k);
GGML_ASSERT(scale >= 0);
scales[ib] = scale;
max_scale = MAX(max_scale, scale);
if (!max_scale) {
memset(y[ibl].qs, 0, QK_K/4);
float d = max_scale/31;
y[ibl].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
float id = 1/d;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ++ib) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*scales[ib]-1));
l = MAX(0, MIN(15, l));
q2[2*ib+1] |= ((uint32_t)l << 28);
memcpy(y[ibl].qs, q2, QK_K/4);
static void quantize_row_iq2_xs_impl(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t n, const float * restrict quant_weights) {
const int gindex = iq2_data_index(GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XS);
const uint64_t * kgrid_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].grid;
const int * kmap_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].map;
const uint16_t * kneighbors_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].neighbours;
GGML_ASSERT(quant_weights && "missing quantization weights");
GGML_ASSERT(kmap_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kgrid_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kneighbors_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
const int kMaxQ = 3;
const int64_t nbl = n/QK_K;
block_iq2_xs * y = vy;
float scales[QK_K/16];
float weight[16];
float xval[16];
int8_t L[16];
int8_t Laux[16];
float waux[16];
bool is_on_grid[2];
bool is_on_grid_aux[2];
uint8_t block_signs[2];
uint16_t q2[2*(QK_K/16)];
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nbl; ++ibl) {
y[ibl].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
memset(q2, 0, QK_K/4);
memset(y[ibl].scales, 0, QK_K/32);
float max_scale = 0;
const float * xbl = x + QK_K*ibl;
float sumx2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < QK_K; ++i) sumx2 += xbl[i]*xbl[i];
float sigma2 = sumx2/QK_K;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/16; ++ib) {
const float * xb = xbl + 16*ib;
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K*ibl + 16*ib;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) weight[i] = qw[i] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[i]*xb[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) waux[i] = sqrtf(weight[i]);
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
int nflip = 0;
uint8_t s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (xb[8*k + i] >= 0) xval[8*k + i] = xb[8*k + i];
else {
xval[8*k + i] = -xb[8*k + i]; ++nflip; s |= (1 << i);
if (nflip%2) {
int imin = 0; float min = weight[8*k+imin]*xb[8*k+imin]*xb[8*k+imin];
for (int i = 1; i < 8; ++i) {
float ax = weight[8*k+i]*xb[8*k+i]*xb[8*k+i];
if (ax < min) {
min = ax; imin = i;
xval[8*k+imin] = -xval[8*k+imin];
s ^= (1 << imin);
block_signs[k] = s & 127;
float max = xval[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 16; ++i) max = MAX(max, xval[i]);
if (max < GROUP_MAX_EPS) {
scales[ib] = 0;
memset(L, 0, 16);
float best = 0;
float scale = max/(2*kMaxQ-1);
is_on_grid[0] = is_on_grid[1] = true;
for (int is = -9; is <= 9; ++is) {
float id = (2*kMaxQ-1+is*0.1f)/max;
float this_scale = 1/id;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*xval[8*k+i]-1));
Laux[8*k+i] = MAX(0, MIN(kMaxQ-1, l));
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) u |= (Laux[8*k+i] << 2*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q2xs[u];
is_on_grid_aux[k] = true;
if (grid_index < 0) {
is_on_grid_aux[k] = false;
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q2xs - kmap_q2xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq2_find_best_neighbour(neighbours, kgrid_q2xs, xval + 8*k, waux + 8*k, this_scale, Laux + 8*k);
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
float w = weight[i];
float q = 2*Laux[i] + 1;
sumqx += w*xval[i]*q;
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumq2 > 0 && sumqx*sumqx > best*sumq2) {
scale = sumqx/sumq2; best = scale*sumqx;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) L[i] = Laux[i];
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) is_on_grid[k] = is_on_grid_aux[k];
int n_not_ongrid = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) if (!is_on_grid[k]) ++n_not_ongrid;
if (n_not_ongrid > 0 && scale > 0) {
float id = 1/scale;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
if (is_on_grid[k]) continue;
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*xval[8*k+i]-1));
l = MAX(0, MIN(kMaxQ-1, l));
u |= (l << 2*i);
L[8*k + i] = l;
int grid_index = kmap_q2xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q2xs - kmap_q2xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq2_find_best_neighbour(neighbours, kgrid_q2xs, xval + 8*k, waux + 8*k, scale, L + 8*k);
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
float w = weight[i];
float q = 2*L[i] + 1;
sumqx += w*xval[i]*q;
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumq2 > 0) scale = sumqx/sumq2;
if (scale < 0) {
scale = -scale;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) block_signs[k] = (~block_signs[k]) & 127;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) u |= (L[8*k+i] << 2*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q2xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
printf("Oops: found point %u not on grid:", u);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) printf(" %d", L[8*k+i]);
GGML_ABORT("fatal error");
q2[2*ib+k] = grid_index | (block_signs[k] << 9);
GGML_ASSERT(scale >= 0);
scales[ib] = scale;
max_scale = MAX(max_scale, scale);
if (!max_scale) {
memset(y[ibl].qs, 0, QK_K/4);
float d = max_scale/31;
y[ibl].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
float id = 1/d;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/16; ++ib) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*scales[ib]-1));
l = MAX(0, MIN(15, l));
if (ib%2 == 0) y[ibl].scales[ib/2] = l;
else y[ibl].scales[ib/2] |= (l << 4);
memcpy(y[ibl].qs, q2, QK_K/4);
size_t quantize_iq2_xxs(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
GGML_ASSERT(n_per_row%QK_K == 0);
int64_t nblock = n_per_row/QK_K;
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_iq2_xxs_impl(src, qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += nblock*sizeof(block_iq2_xxs);
return nrow * nblock * sizeof(block_iq2_xxs);
size_t quantize_iq2_xs(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
GGML_ASSERT(n_per_row%QK_K == 0);
int64_t nblock = n_per_row/QK_K;
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_iq2_xs_impl(src, qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += nblock*sizeof(block_iq2_xs);
return nrow * nblock * sizeof(block_iq2_xs);
// ============================================= 3-bit using D4 lattice
typedef struct {
uint32_t * grid;
int * map;
uint16_t * neighbours;
} iq3_entry_t;
static iq3_entry_t iq3_data[2] = {
static inline int iq3_data_index(int grid_size) {
GGML_ASSERT(grid_size == 256 || grid_size == 512);
return grid_size == 256 ? 0 : 1;
static int iq3_compare_func(const void * left, const void * right) {
const int * l = (const int *)left;
const int * r = (const int *)right;
return l[0] < r[0] ? -1 : l[0] > r[0] ? 1 : l[1] < r[1] ? -1 : l[1] > r[1] ? 1 : 0;
void iq3xs_init_impl(int grid_size) {
const int gindex = iq3_data_index(grid_size);
if (iq3_data[gindex].grid) {
static const uint16_t kgrid_256[256] = {
0, 2, 4, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 25, 34, 59, 61, 65, 67, 72, 74,
81, 85, 88, 90, 97, 108, 120, 128, 130, 132, 137, 144, 146, 153, 155, 159,
169, 175, 189, 193, 199, 200, 202, 213, 248, 267, 287, 292, 303, 315, 317, 321,
327, 346, 362, 413, 436, 456, 460, 462, 483, 497, 513, 515, 520, 522, 529, 531,
536, 538, 540, 551, 552, 576, 578, 585, 592, 594, 641, 643, 648, 650, 657, 664,
698, 704, 706, 720, 729, 742, 758, 769, 773, 808, 848, 852, 870, 889, 901, 978,
992, 1024, 1026, 1033, 1035, 1040, 1042, 1046, 1049, 1058, 1089, 1091, 1093, 1096, 1098, 1105,
1112, 1139, 1143, 1144, 1152, 1154, 1161, 1167, 1168, 1170, 1183, 1184, 1197, 1217, 1224, 1228,
1272, 1276, 1309, 1323, 1347, 1367, 1377, 1404, 1473, 1475, 1486, 1509, 1537, 1544, 1546, 1553,
1555, 1576, 1589, 1594, 1600, 1602, 1616, 1625, 1636, 1638, 1665, 1667, 1672, 1685, 1706, 1722,
1737, 1755, 1816, 1831, 1850, 1856, 1862, 1874, 1901, 1932, 1950, 1971, 2011, 2032, 2052, 2063,
2077, 2079, 2091, 2095, 2172, 2192, 2207, 2208, 2224, 2230, 2247, 2277, 2308, 2345, 2356, 2389,
2403, 2424, 2501, 2504, 2506, 2520, 2570, 2593, 2616, 2624, 2630, 2646, 2669, 2700, 2714, 2746,
2754, 2795, 2824, 2835, 2839, 2874, 2882, 2905, 2984, 3028, 3042, 3092, 3108, 3110, 3124, 3153,
3185, 3215, 3252, 3288, 3294, 3364, 3397, 3434, 3483, 3523, 3537, 3587, 3589, 3591, 3592, 3610,
3626, 3670, 3680, 3722, 3749, 3754, 3776, 3789, 3803, 3824, 3857, 3873, 3904, 3906, 3924, 3992,
static const uint16_t kgrid_512[512] = {
0, 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 27, 32, 34,
37, 39, 41, 43, 48, 50, 57, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 72, 73, 77,
80, 83, 87, 89, 93, 100, 113, 117, 122, 128, 129, 133, 135, 136, 139, 142,
145, 149, 152, 156, 162, 165, 167, 169, 171, 184, 187, 195, 201, 205, 208, 210,
217, 219, 222, 228, 232, 234, 247, 249, 253, 256, 267, 271, 273, 276, 282, 288,
291, 297, 312, 322, 324, 336, 338, 342, 347, 353, 357, 359, 374, 379, 390, 393,
395, 409, 426, 441, 448, 450, 452, 464, 466, 470, 475, 488, 492, 512, 513, 514,
516, 520, 521, 523, 525, 527, 528, 530, 537, 540, 542, 556, 558, 561, 570, 576,
577, 579, 582, 584, 588, 593, 600, 603, 609, 616, 618, 632, 638, 640, 650, 653,
655, 656, 660, 666, 672, 675, 685, 688, 698, 705, 708, 711, 712, 715, 721, 727,
728, 732, 737, 754, 760, 771, 773, 778, 780, 793, 795, 802, 806, 808, 812, 833,
840, 843, 849, 856, 858, 873, 912, 916, 919, 932, 934, 961, 963, 968, 970, 977,
989, 993, 1010, 1016, 1024, 1025, 1027, 1029, 1031, 1032, 1034, 1036, 1038, 1041, 1043, 1047,
1048, 1050, 1057, 1059, 1061, 1064, 1066, 1079, 1080, 1083, 1085, 1088, 1090, 1096, 1099, 1103,
1106, 1109, 1113, 1116, 1122, 1129, 1153, 1156, 1159, 1169, 1171, 1176, 1183, 1185, 1195, 1199,
1209, 1212, 1216, 1218, 1221, 1225, 1234, 1236, 1241, 1243, 1250, 1256, 1270, 1281, 1287, 1296,
1299, 1306, 1309, 1313, 1338, 1341, 1348, 1353, 1362, 1375, 1376, 1387, 1400, 1408, 1410, 1415,
1425, 1453, 1457, 1477, 1481, 1494, 1496, 1507, 1512, 1538, 1545, 1547, 1549, 1551, 1554, 1561,
1563, 1565, 1570, 1572, 1575, 1577, 1587, 1593, 1601, 1603, 1605, 1612, 1617, 1619, 1632, 1648,
1658, 1662, 1664, 1674, 1680, 1690, 1692, 1704, 1729, 1736, 1740, 1745, 1747, 1751, 1752, 1761,
1763, 1767, 1773, 1787, 1795, 1801, 1806, 1810, 1817, 1834, 1840, 1844, 1857, 1864, 1866, 1877,
1882, 1892, 1902, 1915, 1934, 1953, 1985, 1987, 2000, 2002, 2013, 2048, 2052, 2058, 2064, 2068,
2071, 2074, 2081, 2088, 2104, 2114, 2119, 2121, 2123, 2130, 2136, 2141, 2147, 2153, 2157, 2177,
2179, 2184, 2189, 2193, 2203, 2208, 2223, 2226, 2232, 2244, 2249, 2251, 2256, 2258, 2265, 2269,
2304, 2306, 2324, 2335, 2336, 2361, 2373, 2375, 2385, 2418, 2443, 2460, 2480, 2504, 2509, 2520,
2531, 2537, 2562, 2568, 2572, 2578, 2592, 2596, 2599, 2602, 2614, 2620, 2625, 2627, 2629, 2634,
2641, 2650, 2682, 2688, 2697, 2707, 2712, 2718, 2731, 2754, 2759, 2760, 2775, 2788, 2793, 2805,
2811, 2817, 2820, 2832, 2842, 2854, 2890, 2902, 2921, 2923, 2978, 3010, 3012, 3026, 3081, 3083,
3085, 3097, 3099, 3120, 3136, 3152, 3159, 3188, 3210, 3228, 3234, 3245, 3250, 3256, 3264, 3276,
3281, 3296, 3349, 3363, 3378, 3392, 3395, 3420, 3440, 3461, 3488, 3529, 3531, 3584, 3588, 3591,
3600, 3602, 3614, 3616, 3628, 3634, 3650, 3657, 3668, 3683, 3685, 3713, 3716, 3720, 3726, 3729,
3736, 3753, 3778, 3802, 3805, 3819, 3841, 3845, 3851, 3856, 3880, 3922, 3938, 3970, 3993, 4032,
const int kmap_size = 4096;
const int nwant = grid_size == 256 ? 2 : 3;
const uint16_t * kgrid = grid_size == 256 ? kgrid_256 : kgrid_512;
uint32_t * kgrid_q3xs;
int * kmap_q3xs;
uint16_t * kneighbors_q3xs;
//printf("================================================================= %s(grid_size = %d)\n", __func__, grid_size);
uint32_t * the_grid = (uint32_t *)malloc(grid_size*sizeof(uint32_t));
for (int k = 0; k < grid_size; ++k) {
int8_t * pos = (int8_t *)(the_grid + k);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
int l = (kgrid[k] >> 3*i) & 0x7;
pos[i] = 2*l + 1;
kgrid_q3xs = the_grid;
iq3_data[gindex].grid = the_grid;
kmap_q3xs = (int *)malloc(kmap_size*sizeof(int));
iq3_data[gindex].map = kmap_q3xs;
for (int i = 0; i < kmap_size; ++i) kmap_q3xs[i] = -1;
uint32_t aux32;
uint8_t * aux8 = (uint8_t *)&aux32;
for (int i = 0; i < grid_size; ++i) {
aux32 = kgrid_q3xs[i];
uint16_t index = 0;
for (int k=0; k<4; ++k) {
uint16_t q = (aux8[k] - 1)/2;
index |= (q << 3*k);
kmap_q3xs[index] = i;
int8_t pos[4];
int * dist2 = (int *)malloc(2*grid_size*sizeof(int));
int num_neighbors = 0, num_not_in_map = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kmap_size; ++i) {
if (kmap_q3xs[i] >= 0) continue;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
int l = (i >> 3*k) & 0x7;
pos[k] = 2*l + 1;
for (int j = 0; j < grid_size; ++j) {
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(kgrid_q3xs + j);
int d2 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) d2 += (pg[k] - pos[k])*(pg[k] - pos[k]);
dist2[2*j+0] = d2;
dist2[2*j+1] = j;
qsort(dist2, grid_size, 2*sizeof(int), iq3_compare_func);
int n = 0; int d2 = dist2[0];
int nhave = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < grid_size; ++j) {
if (dist2[2*j] > d2) {
if (nhave == nwant) break;
d2 = dist2[2*j];
num_neighbors += n;
//printf("%s: %d neighbours in total\n", __func__, num_neighbors);
kneighbors_q3xs = (uint16_t *)malloc((num_neighbors + num_not_in_map)*sizeof(uint16_t));
iq3_data[gindex].neighbours = kneighbors_q3xs;
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kmap_size; ++i) {
if (kmap_q3xs[i] >= 0) continue;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
int l = (i >> 3*k) & 0x7;
pos[k] = 2*l + 1;
for (int j = 0; j < grid_size; ++j) {
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(kgrid_q3xs + j);
int d2 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) d2 += (pg[k] - pos[k])*(pg[k] - pos[k]);
dist2[2*j+0] = d2;
dist2[2*j+1] = j;
qsort(dist2, grid_size, 2*sizeof(int), iq3_compare_func);
kmap_q3xs[i] = -(counter + 1);
int d2 = dist2[0];
uint16_t * start = &kneighbors_q3xs[counter++];
int n = 0, nhave = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < grid_size; ++j) {
if (dist2[2*j] > d2) {
if (nhave == nwant) break;
d2 = dist2[2*j];
kneighbors_q3xs[counter++] = dist2[2*j+1];
*start = n;
void iq3xs_free_impl(int grid_size) {
GGML_ASSERT(grid_size == 256 || grid_size == 512);
const int gindex = iq3_data_index(grid_size);
if (iq3_data[gindex].grid) {
free(iq3_data[gindex].grid); iq3_data[gindex].grid = NULL;
free(iq3_data[gindex].map); iq3_data[gindex].map = NULL;
free(iq3_data[gindex].neighbours); iq3_data[gindex].neighbours = NULL;
static int iq3_find_best_neighbour(const uint16_t * restrict neighbours, const uint32_t * restrict grid,
const float * restrict xval, const float * restrict weight, float scale, int8_t * restrict L) {
int num_neighbors = neighbours[0];
GGML_ASSERT(num_neighbors > 0);
float best_d2 = FLT_MAX;
int grid_index = -1;
for (int j = 1; j <= num_neighbors; ++j) {
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(grid + neighbours[j]);
float d2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
float q = pg[i];
float diff = scale*q - xval[i];
d2 += weight[i]*diff*diff;
if (d2 < best_d2) {
best_d2 = d2; grid_index = neighbours[j];
GGML_ASSERT(grid_index >= 0);
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(grid + grid_index);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) L[i] = (pg[i] - 1)/2;
return grid_index;
static void quantize_row_iq3_xxs_impl(int grid_size, const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t n,
const float * restrict quant_weights) {
const int gindex = iq3_data_index(grid_size);
const uint32_t * kgrid_q3xs = iq3_data[gindex].grid;
const int * kmap_q3xs = iq3_data[gindex].map;
const uint16_t * kneighbors_q3xs = iq3_data[gindex].neighbours;
//GGML_ASSERT(quant_weights && "missing quantization weights");
GGML_ASSERT(kgrid_q3xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kmap_q3xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kneighbors_q3xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
const int kMaxQ = 8;
const int64_t nbl = n/QK_K;
ggml_fp16_t * dh;
uint8_t * qs;
int block_size;
if (grid_size == 256) {
block_iq3_xxs * y = vy;
dh = &y->d;
qs = y->qs;
block_size = sizeof(block_iq3_xxs);
} else {
block_iq3_s * y = vy;
dh = &y->d;
qs = y->qs;
block_size = sizeof(block_iq3_s);
int quant_size = block_size - sizeof(ggml_fp16_t);
float scales[QK_K/32];
float weight[32];
float xval[32];
int8_t L[32];
int8_t Laux[32];
float waux[32];
bool is_on_grid[8];
bool is_on_grid_aux[8];
uint8_t block_signs[8];
uint8_t q3[3*(QK_K/8)+QK_K/32];
uint32_t * scales_and_signs = (uint32_t *)(q3 + QK_K/4);
uint8_t * qh = q3 + 3*(QK_K/8);
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nbl; ++ibl) {
dh[0] = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
memset(q3, 0, 3*QK_K/8+QK_K/32);
float max_scale = 0;
const float * xbl = x + QK_K*ibl;
float sumx2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < QK_K; ++i) sumx2 += xbl[i]*xbl[i];
float sigma2 = 2*sumx2/QK_K;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ++ib) {
const float * xb = xbl + 32*ib;
if (quant_weights) {
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K*ibl + 32*ib;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) weight[i] = qw[i] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[i]*xb[i]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) weight[i] = xb[i]*xb[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) waux[i] = sqrtf(weight[i]);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
int nflip = 0;
uint8_t s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (xb[8*k + i] >= 0) xval[8*k + i] = xb[8*k + i];
else {
xval[8*k + i] = -xb[8*k + i]; ++nflip; s |= (1 << i);
if (nflip%2) {
int imin = 0; float min = weight[8*k+imin]*xb[8*k+imin]*xb[8*k+imin];
for (int i = 1; i < 8; ++i) {
float ax = weight[8*k+i]*xb[8*k+i]*xb[8*k+i];
if (ax < min) {
min = ax; imin = i;
xval[8*k+imin] = -xval[8*k+imin];
s ^= (1 << imin);
block_signs[k] = s & 127;
float max = xval[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 32; ++i) max = MAX(max, xval[i]);
if (max < GROUP_MAX_EPS_IQ3_XXS) {
scales[ib] = 0;
memset(L, 0, 32);
float best = 0;
float scale = max/(2*kMaxQ-1);
for (int is = -15; is <= 15; ++is) {
float id = (2*kMaxQ-1+is*0.2f)/max;
float this_scale = 1/id;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*xval[4*k+i]-1));
Laux[4*k+i] = MAX(0, MIN(kMaxQ-1, l));
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) u |= (Laux[4*k+i] << 3*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q3xs[u];
is_on_grid_aux[k] = true;
if (grid_index < 0) {
is_on_grid_aux[k] = false;
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q3xs - kmap_q3xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq3_find_best_neighbour(neighbours, kgrid_q3xs, xval + 4*k, waux + 4*k, this_scale, Laux + 4*k);
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
float w = weight[i];
float q = 2*Laux[i] + 1;
sumqx += w*xval[i]*q;
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumq2 > 0 && sumqx*sumqx > best*sumq2) {
scale = sumqx/sumq2; best = scale*sumqx;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) L[i] = Laux[i];
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) is_on_grid[k] = is_on_grid_aux[k];
int n_not_ongrid = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) if (!is_on_grid[k]) ++n_not_ongrid;
if (n_not_ongrid > 0 && scale > 0) {
float id = 1/scale;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
if (is_on_grid[k]) continue;
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*xval[4*k+i]-1));
l = MAX(0, MIN(kMaxQ-1, l));
u |= (l << 3*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q3xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q3xs - kmap_q3xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq3_find_best_neighbour(neighbours, kgrid_q3xs, xval + 4*k, waux + 4*k, scale, L + 4*k);
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(kgrid_q3xs + grid_index);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) L[4*k+i] = (pg[i] - 1)/2;
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
float w = weight[i];
float q = 2*L[i] + 1;
sumqx += w*xval[i]*q;
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumq2 > 0) scale = sumqx/sumq2;
if (scale < 0) {
// This should never happen, but just in case, flip scale so that it is positive (we use uint's to encode the scale)
// and correspondingly flip quant signs.
scale = -scale;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) block_signs[k] = (~block_signs[k]) & 127;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) u |= (L[4*k+i] << 3*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q3xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
printf("Oops: found point %u not on grid:", u);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) printf(" %d", L[4*k+i]);
GGML_ABORT("fatal error");
if (grid_size == 256) {
q3[8*ib+k] = grid_index;
} else {
q3[8*ib+k] = grid_index & 255;
qh[ib] |= ((grid_index >> 8) << k);
scales_and_signs[ib] = block_signs[0] | (block_signs[1] << 7) | (block_signs[2] << 14) | (block_signs[3] << 21);
GGML_ASSERT(scale >= 0);
scales[ib] = scale;
max_scale = MAX(max_scale, scale);
if (!max_scale) {
memset(qs, 0, quant_size);
dh += block_size/sizeof(ggml_fp16_t);
qs += block_size;
float d = max_scale/31;
dh[0] = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d * 1.0125f); // small improvement via this fudge factor
float id = 1/d;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/32; ++ib) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*scales[ib]-1));
l = MAX(0, MIN(15, l));
scales_and_signs[ib] |= ((uint32_t)l << 28);
memcpy(qs, q3, quant_size);
dh += block_size/sizeof(ggml_fp16_t);
qs += block_size;
size_t quantize_iq3_xxs(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
GGML_ASSERT(n_per_row%QK_K == 0);
int64_t nblock = n_per_row/QK_K;
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_iq3_xxs_impl(256, src, qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += nblock*sizeof(block_iq3_xxs);
return nrow * nblock * sizeof(block_iq3_xxs);
void quantize_row_iq3_xxs(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
block_iq3_xxs * restrict y = vy;
quantize_row_iq3_xxs_ref(x, y, k);
void quantize_row_iq3_xxs_ref(const float * restrict x, block_iq3_xxs * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
quantize_row_iq3_xxs_impl(256, x, y, k, NULL);
static void quantize_row_iq3_s_impl(int block_size, const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int n,
const float * restrict quant_weights,
float * scales,
float * weight,
float * xval,
int8_t * L,
int8_t * Laux,
float * waux,
bool * is_on_grid,
bool * is_on_grid_aux,
uint8_t * block_signs) {
const int gindex = iq3_data_index(512);
const uint32_t * kgrid_q3xs = iq3_data[gindex].grid;
const int * kmap_q3xs = iq3_data[gindex].map;
const uint16_t * kneighbors_q3xs = iq3_data[gindex].neighbours;
//GGML_ASSERT(quant_weights && "missing quantization weights");
GGML_ASSERT(kgrid_q3xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kmap_q3xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kneighbors_q3xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
const int kMaxQ = 8;
const int64_t nbl = n/QK_K;
block_iq3_s * y = vy;
const int bs4 = block_size/4;
const int bs8 = block_size/8;
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nbl; ++ibl) {
memset(&y[ibl], 0, sizeof(block_iq3_s));
y[ibl].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
uint8_t * qs = y[ibl].qs;
uint8_t * qh = y[ibl].qh;
uint8_t * signs = y[ibl].signs;
float max_scale = 0;
const float * xbl = x + QK_K*ibl;
float sumx2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < QK_K; ++i) sumx2 += xbl[i]*xbl[i];
float sigma2 = 2*sumx2/QK_K;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/block_size; ++ib) {
const float * xb = xbl + block_size*ib;
if (quant_weights) {
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K*ibl + block_size*ib;
for (int i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) weight[i] = qw[i] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[i]*xb[i]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) weight[i] = xb[i]*xb[i];
for (int i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) waux[i] = sqrtf(weight[i]);
for (int k = 0; k < bs8; ++k) {
uint8_t s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (xb[8*k + i] >= 0) xval[8*k + i] = xb[8*k + i];
else {
xval[8*k + i] = -xb[8*k + i]; s |= (1 << i);
block_signs[k] = s;
float max = xval[0];
for (int i = 1; i < block_size; ++i) max = MAX(max, xval[i]);
if (!max) {
scales[ib] = 0;
float best = 0;
float scale = max/(2*kMaxQ-1);
for (int k = 0; k < bs4; ++k) is_on_grid[k] = false;
for (int is = -9; is <= 9; ++is) {
float id = (2*kMaxQ-1+is*0.2f)/max;
float this_scale = 1/id;
for (int k = 0; k < bs4; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*xval[4*k+i]-1));
Laux[4*k+i] = MAX(0, MIN(kMaxQ-1, l));
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) u |= (Laux[4*k+i] << 3*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q3xs[u];
is_on_grid_aux[k] = true;
if (grid_index < 0) {
is_on_grid_aux[k] = false;
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q3xs - kmap_q3xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq3_find_best_neighbour(neighbours, kgrid_q3xs, xval + 4*k, waux + 4*k, this_scale, Laux + 4*k);
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) {
float w = weight[i];
float q = 2*Laux[i] + 1;
sumqx += w*xval[i]*q;
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumq2 > 0 && sumqx*sumqx > best*sumq2) {
scale = sumqx/sumq2; best = scale*sumqx;
for (int i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) L[i] = Laux[i];
for (int k = 0; k < bs4; ++k) is_on_grid[k] = is_on_grid_aux[k];
int n_not_ongrid = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < bs4; ++k) if (!is_on_grid[k]) ++n_not_ongrid;
if (n_not_ongrid > 0 && scale > 0) {
float id = 1/scale;
for (int k = 0; k < bs4; ++k) {
//if (is_on_grid[k]) continue;
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*xval[4*k+i]-1));
l = MAX(0, MIN(kMaxQ-1, l));
u |= (l << 3*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q3xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q3xs - kmap_q3xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq3_find_best_neighbour(neighbours, kgrid_q3xs, xval + 4*k, waux + 4*k, scale, L + 4*k);
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(kgrid_q3xs + grid_index);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) L[4*k+i] = (pg[i] - 1)/2;
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) {
float w = weight[i];
float q = 2*L[i] + 1;
sumqx += w*xval[i]*q;
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumq2 > 0) scale = sumqx/sumq2;
if (scale < 0) {
// This should never happen, but just in case, flip scale so that it is positive (we use uint's to encode the scale)
// and correspondingly flip quant signs.
scale = -scale;
for (int k = 0; k < bs8; ++k) block_signs[k] = ~block_signs[k];
for (int k = 0; k < bs4; ++k) {
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) u |= (L[4*k+i] << 3*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q3xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
printf("Oops: found point %u not on grid:", u);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) printf(" %d", L[4*k+i]);
GGML_ABORT("fatal error");
qs[k] = grid_index & 255;
qh[(ib*bs4+k)/8] |= ((grid_index >> 8) << ((ib*bs4+k)%8));
qs += bs4;
for (int k = 0; k < bs8; ++k) signs[k] = block_signs[k];
signs += bs8;
GGML_ASSERT(scale >= 0);
scales[ib] = scale;
max_scale = MAX(max_scale, scale);
if (!max_scale) {
float d = max_scale/31;
y[ibl].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d * 1.033f);
float id = 1/d;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/block_size; ib += 2) {
int l1 = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*scales[ib+0]-1));
l1 = MAX(0, MIN(15, l1));
int l2 = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*scales[ib+1]-1));
l2 = MAX(0, MIN(15, l2));
y[ibl].scales[ib/2] = l1 | (l2 << 4);
#define IQ3S_BLOCK_SIZE 32
size_t quantize_iq3_s(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
GGML_ASSERT(n_per_row%QK_K == 0);
int64_t nblock = n_per_row/QK_K;
float scales[QK_K/IQ3S_BLOCK_SIZE];
float weight[IQ3S_BLOCK_SIZE];
float xval[IQ3S_BLOCK_SIZE];
int8_t L[IQ3S_BLOCK_SIZE];
int8_t Laux[IQ3S_BLOCK_SIZE];
float waux[IQ3S_BLOCK_SIZE];
bool is_on_grid[IQ3S_BLOCK_SIZE/4];
bool is_on_grid_aux[IQ3S_BLOCK_SIZE/4];
uint8_t block_signs[IQ3S_BLOCK_SIZE/8];
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_iq3_s_impl(IQ3S_BLOCK_SIZE, src, qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights,
scales, weight, xval, L, Laux, waux, is_on_grid, is_on_grid_aux, block_signs);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += nblock*sizeof(block_iq3_s);
return nrow * nblock * sizeof(block_iq3_s);
void quantize_row_iq3_s(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
block_iq3_s * restrict y = vy;
quantize_row_iq3_s_ref(x, y, k);
void quantize_row_iq3_s_ref(const float * restrict x, block_iq3_s * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
quantize_iq3_s(x, y, 1, k, NULL);
// =================================== 1.5 bpw ===================================================
static int iq1_find_best_neighbour(const uint16_t * restrict neighbours, const uint64_t * restrict grid,
const float * restrict xval, const float * restrict weight, float * scale, int8_t * restrict L, int ngrid) {
int num_neighbors = neighbours[0];
GGML_ASSERT(num_neighbors > 0);
float best_score = -FLT_MAX;
int grid_index = -1;
for (int j = 1; j <= num_neighbors; ++j) {
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(grid + neighbours[j]);
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
float q = (pg[i] - 3)/2;
float w = weight[i];
sumqx += w*q*xval[i];
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumqx > 0 && sumq2 > 0 && sumqx*sumqx > best_score*sumq2) {
*scale = sumqx/sumq2; best_score = *scale * sumqx;
grid_index = neighbours[j];
if (grid_index < 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < ngrid; ++i) {
const int8_t * grid_i = (const int8_t *)(grid + i);
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
float w = weight[j];
float q = (grid_i[j] - 3)/2;
sumqx += w*q*xval[j];
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumqx > 0 && sumq2 > 0 && sumqx*sumqx > best_score*sumq2) {
*scale = sumqx/sumq2; best_score = *scale*sumqx;
grid_index = i;
if (grid_index < 0) {
printf("Oops, did not find grid point\n");
printf("Have %d neighbours\n", num_neighbors);
for (int j = 1; j <= num_neighbors; ++j) {
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(grid + neighbours[j]);
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
float q = (pg[i] - 3)/2;
float w = weight[i];
sumqx += w*q*xval[i];
sumq2 += w*q*q;
printf(" neighbour %d: sumqx = %g sumq2 = %g\n", j, (double)sumqx, (double)sumq2);
GGML_ASSERT(grid_index >= 0);
*scale *= 1.05f; // This is a fudge factor. Don't ask me why it improves the result.
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(grid + grid_index);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) L[i] = (pg[i] - 1)/2;
return grid_index;
static int iq1_find_best_neighbour2(const uint16_t * restrict neighbours, const uint64_t * restrict grid,
const float * restrict xval, const float * restrict weight, float scale, const float * restrict xg, int8_t * restrict L, int ngrid) {
int num_neighbors = neighbours[0];
GGML_ASSERT(num_neighbors > 0);
float best_score = FLT_MAX;
int grid_index = -1;
for (int j = 1; j <= num_neighbors; ++j) {
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(grid + neighbours[j]);
float d2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
float q = xg[(pg[i] - 1)/2];
float w = weight[i];
float diff = scale*q - xval[i];
d2 += w*diff*diff;
if (d2 < best_score) {
best_score = d2;
grid_index = neighbours[j];
if (grid_index < 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < ngrid; ++i) {
const int8_t * grid_i = (const int8_t *)(grid + i);
float d2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
float w = weight[j];
float q = xg[(grid_i[j] - 1)/2];
float diff = scale*q - xval[i];
d2 += w*diff*diff;
if (d2 < best_score) {
best_score = d2;
grid_index = i;
if (grid_index < 0) {
printf("Oops, did not find grid point\n");
printf("Have %d neighbours\n", num_neighbors);
for (int j = 1; j <= num_neighbors; ++j) {
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(grid + neighbours[j]);
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
float q = xg[(pg[i] - 1)/2];
float w = weight[i];
sumqx += w*q*xval[i];
sumq2 += w*q*q;
printf(" neighbour %d: sumqx = %g sumq2 = %g\n", j, (double)sumqx, (double)sumq2);
GGML_ASSERT(grid_index >= 0);
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(grid + grid_index);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) L[i] = (pg[i] - 1)/2;
return grid_index;
static int iq1_sort_helper(const void * left, const void * right) {
const float * l = left;
const float * r = right;
return *l < *r ? -1 : *l > *r ? 1 : 0;
#define IQ1S_BLOCK_SIZE 32
#define IQ1M_BLOCK_SIZE 16
static void quantize_row_iq1_s_impl(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t n, const float * restrict quant_weights,
float * scales,
float * weight,
float * sumx,
float * sumw,
float * pairs,
int8_t * L,
uint16_t * index,
int8_t * shifts) {
const int gindex = iq2_data_index(GGML_TYPE_IQ1_S);
const uint64_t * kgrid_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].grid;
const int * kmap_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].map;
const uint16_t * kneighbors_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].neighbours;
GGML_ASSERT(quant_weights && "missing quantization weights");
GGML_ASSERT(kgrid_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kmap_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kneighbors_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
block_iq1_s * y = vy;
const int64_t nbl = n/QK_K;
const int block_size = IQ1S_BLOCK_SIZE;
const float x_p[3] = {-1 + IQ1S_DELTA, IQ1S_DELTA, 1 + IQ1S_DELTA};
const float x_m[3] = {-1 - IQ1S_DELTA, -IQ1S_DELTA, 1 - IQ1S_DELTA};
int * idx = (int *)(pairs + 1);
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nbl; ++ibl) {
y[ibl].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
memset(y[ibl].qs, 0, QK_K/8);
memset(y[ibl].qh, 0, QK_K/16);
float max_scale = 0;
const float * xbl = x + QK_K*ibl;
float sumx2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < QK_K; ++i) sumx2 += xbl[i]*xbl[i];
float sigma2 = 2*sumx2/QK_K;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/block_size; ++ib) {
const float * xb = xbl + block_size*ib;
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K*ibl + block_size*ib;
for (int i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) weight[i] = qw[i] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[i]*xb[i]);
float max = fabsf(xb[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < block_size; ++i) max = MAX(max, fabsf(xb[i]));
if (max < GROUP_MAX_EPS_IQ1_S) {
scales[ib] = 0;
memset(L, 1, block_size);
// Here we solve exactly the sum of squared difference (SSD) weighted minimization problem.
// With just 3 allowed quant values (-1, 0, 1), we can search exhaustively for the two
// boundaries that split the weights xb[i] into 3 groups. To do so, we sort the weights
// in ascending order, compute Si = sum[weight[j] xb[j], j = 0...i] and
// Wi = sum[weight[j], j = 0...i], and use these to quckly get get the optimum scale
// for each possible and score for each split.
for (int j = 0; j < block_size; ++j) {
pairs[2*j] = xb[j];
idx[2*j] = j;
qsort(pairs, block_size, 2*sizeof(float), iq1_sort_helper);
sumx[0] = sumw[0] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < block_size; ++j) {
int i = idx[2*j];
sumx[j+1] = sumx[j] + weight[i]*xb[i];
sumw[j+1] = sumw[j] + weight[i];
float best_score = -FLT_MIN, scale = max;
int besti1 = -1, besti2 = -1, best_shift = 0;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= block_size; ++i1) {
for (int i2 = i1; i2 <= block_size; ++i2) {
float sumqx = (sumx[i1] - sumx[0])*x_p[0] + (sumx[i2] - sumx[i1])*x_p[1] + (sumx[block_size] - sumx[i2])*x_p[2];
float sumq2 = (sumw[i1] - sumw[0])*x_p[0]*x_p[0] + (sumw[i2] - sumw[i1])*x_p[1]*x_p[1] + (sumw[block_size] - sumw[i2])*x_p[2]*x_p[2];
if (sumq2 > 0 && sumqx*sumqx > best_score*sumq2) {
scale = sumqx/sumq2; best_score = scale*sumqx;
besti1 = i1; besti2 = i2; best_shift = 1;
sumqx = (sumx[i1] - sumx[0])*x_m[0] + (sumx[i2] - sumx[i1])*x_m[1] + (sumx[block_size] - sumx[i2])*x_m[2];
sumq2 = (sumw[i1] - sumw[0])*x_m[0]*x_m[0] + (sumw[i2] - sumw[i1])*x_m[1]*x_m[1] + (sumw[block_size] - sumw[i2])*x_m[2]*x_m[2];
if (sumq2 > 0 && sumqx*sumqx > best_score*sumq2) {
scale = sumqx/sumq2; best_score = scale*sumqx;
besti1 = i1; besti2 = i2; best_shift = -1;
GGML_ASSERT(besti1 >= 0 && besti2 >= 0 && best_shift != 0);
for (int j = 0; j < besti1; ++j) L[idx[2*j]] = 0;
for (int j = besti1; j < besti2; ++j) L[idx[2*j]] = 1;
for (int j = besti2; j < block_size; ++j) L[idx[2*j]] = 2;
if (scale < 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < block_size; ++j) L[j] = 2 - L[j];
scale = -scale; best_shift = -best_shift;
bool all_on_grid = true;
const float * xx = best_shift == 1 ? x_p : x_m;
for (int k = 0; k < block_size/8; ++k) {
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) u |= (L[8*k+j] << 2*j);
int grid_index = kmap_q2xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
all_on_grid = false;
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q2xs - kmap_q2xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq1_find_best_neighbour2(neighbours, kgrid_q2xs, xb + 8*k, weight + 8*k, scale, xx, L + 8*k, NGRID_IQ1S);
GGML_ASSERT(grid_index >= 0);
index[k] = grid_index;
if (!all_on_grid) {
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < block_size/8; ++k) {
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(kgrid_q2xs + index[k]);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
float w = weight[8*k + j];
float q = xx[(pg[j] - 1)/2];
sumqx += w*q*xb[8*k+j];
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumqx > 0 && sumq2 > 0) scale = sumqx/sumq2;
uint16_t h = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < block_size/8; ++k) {
y[ibl].qs[(block_size/8)*ib + k] = index[k] & 255;
h |= (index[k] >> 8) << 3*k;
y[ibl].qh[ib] = h;
GGML_ASSERT(scale >= 0);
scales[ib] = scale;
shifts[ib] = best_shift;
max_scale = MAX(max_scale, scale);
if (!max_scale) {
float d = max_scale/15;
y[ibl].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d*1.125f); // 1.125f is another fudge factor. Don't ask me why it is needed.
float id = 1/d;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/block_size; ++ib) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*scales[ib]-1));
l = MAX(0, MIN(7, l));
if (shifts[ib] == -1) l |= 8;
y[ibl].qh[ib] |= (l << 12);
size_t quantize_iq1_s(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
GGML_ASSERT(n_per_row%QK_K == 0);
float scales[QK_K/IQ1S_BLOCK_SIZE];
float weight[IQ1S_BLOCK_SIZE];
int8_t L[IQ1S_BLOCK_SIZE];
float sumx[IQ1S_BLOCK_SIZE+1];
float sumw[IQ1S_BLOCK_SIZE+1];
float pairs[2*IQ1S_BLOCK_SIZE];
uint16_t index[IQ1S_BLOCK_SIZE/8];
int8_t shifts[QK_K/IQ1S_BLOCK_SIZE];
int64_t nblock = n_per_row/QK_K;
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_iq1_s_impl(src, qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights, scales, weight, sumx, sumw, pairs, L, index, shifts);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += nblock*sizeof(block_iq1_s);
return nrow * nblock * sizeof(block_iq1_s);
static void quantize_row_iq1_m_impl(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t n, const float * restrict quant_weights,
float * scales,
float * weight,
float * pairs,
int8_t * L,
uint16_t * index,
int8_t * shifts) {
const int gindex = iq2_data_index(GGML_TYPE_IQ1_M);
const uint64_t * kgrid_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].grid;
const int * kmap_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].map;
const uint16_t * kneighbors_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].neighbours;
//GGML_ASSERT(quant_weights && "missing quantization weights");
GGML_ASSERT(kgrid_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kmap_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kneighbors_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
block_iq1_m * y = vy;
const int64_t nbl = n/QK_K;
const int block_size = IQ1M_BLOCK_SIZE;
const float x_p[3] = {-1 + IQ1M_DELTA, IQ1M_DELTA, 1 + IQ1M_DELTA};
const float x_m[3] = {-1 - IQ1M_DELTA, -IQ1M_DELTA, 1 - IQ1M_DELTA};
const uint8_t masks[4] = {0x00, 0x80, 0x08, 0x88};
int * idx = (int *)(pairs + 1);
float sumqx[4], sumq2[4];
iq1m_scale_t s;
const float * xx;
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nbl; ++ibl) {
memset(y[ibl].qs, 0, QK_K/8);
memset(y[ibl].qh, 0, QK_K/16);
memset(y[ibl].scales, 0, QK_K/32);
float max_scale = 0;
const float * xbl = x + QK_K*ibl;
float sumx2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < QK_K; ++i) sumx2 += xbl[i]*xbl[i];
float sigma2 = 2*sumx2/QK_K;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/block_size; ++ib) {
const float * xb = xbl + block_size*ib;
if (quant_weights) {
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K*ibl + block_size*ib;
for (int i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) weight[i] = qw[i] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[i]*xb[i]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) weight[i] = xb[i]*xb[i];
float max = fabsf(xb[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < block_size; ++i) max = MAX(max, fabsf(xb[i]));
if (max < GROUP_MAX_EPS_IQ1_M) {
scales[ib] = 0;
memset(L, 1, block_size);
// Here we solve exactly the sum of squared difference (SSD) weighted minimization problem.
// With just 3 allowed quant values (-1, 0, 1), we can search exhaustively for the two
// boundaries that split the weights xb[i] into 3 groups. To do so, we sort the weights
// in ascending order, compute Si = sum[weight[j] xb[j], j = 0...i] and
// Wi = sum[weight[j], j = 0...i], and use these to quckly get get the optimum scale
// for each possible and score for each split.
for (int j = 0; j < block_size; ++j) {
pairs[2*j] = xb[j];
idx[2*j] = j;
qsort(pairs, block_size, 2*sizeof(float), iq1_sort_helper);
float best_score = -FLT_MIN, scale = max;
int besti1 = -1, besti2 = -1, best_k = -1;
// 0: +, +
// 1: +, -
// 2: -, +
// 3: -, -
for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= block_size; ++i1) {
for (int i2 = i1; i2 <= block_size; ++i2) {
memset(sumqx, 0, 4*sizeof(float));
memset(sumq2, 0, 4*sizeof(float));
for (int j = 0; j < i1; ++j) {
int i = idx[2*j];
if (i < block_size/2) {
sumqx[0] += weight[i]*x_p[0]*xb[i];
sumqx[1] += weight[i]*x_p[0]*xb[i];
sumqx[2] += weight[i]*x_m[0]*xb[i];
sumqx[3] += weight[i]*x_m[0]*xb[i];
sumq2[0] += weight[i]*x_p[0]*x_p[0];
sumq2[1] += weight[i]*x_p[0]*x_p[0];
sumq2[2] += weight[i]*x_m[0]*x_m[0];
sumq2[3] += weight[i]*x_m[0]*x_m[0];
} else {
sumqx[0] += weight[i]*x_p[0]*xb[i];
sumqx[2] += weight[i]*x_p[0]*xb[i];
sumqx[1] += weight[i]*x_m[0]*xb[i];
sumqx[3] += weight[i]*x_m[0]*xb[i];
sumq2[0] += weight[i]*x_p[0]*x_p[0];
sumq2[2] += weight[i]*x_p[0]*x_p[0];
sumq2[1] += weight[i]*x_m[0]*x_m[0];
sumq2[3] += weight[i]*x_m[0]*x_m[0];
for (int j = i1; j < i2; ++j) {
int i = idx[2*j];
if (i < block_size/2) {
sumqx[0] += weight[i]*x_p[1]*xb[i];
sumqx[1] += weight[i]*x_p[1]*xb[i];
sumqx[2] += weight[i]*x_m[1]*xb[i];
sumqx[3] += weight[i]*x_m[1]*xb[i];
sumq2[0] += weight[i]*x_p[1]*x_p[1];
sumq2[1] += weight[i]*x_p[1]*x_p[1];
sumq2[2] += weight[i]*x_m[1]*x_m[1];
sumq2[3] += weight[i]*x_m[1]*x_m[1];
} else {
sumqx[0] += weight[i]*x_p[1]*xb[i];
sumqx[2] += weight[i]*x_p[1]*xb[i];
sumqx[1] += weight[i]*x_m[1]*xb[i];
sumqx[3] += weight[i]*x_m[1]*xb[i];
sumq2[0] += weight[i]*x_p[1]*x_p[1];
sumq2[2] += weight[i]*x_p[1]*x_p[1];
sumq2[1] += weight[i]*x_m[1]*x_m[1];
sumq2[3] += weight[i]*x_m[1]*x_m[1];
for (int j = i2; j < block_size; ++j) {
int i = idx[2*j];
if (i < block_size/2) {
sumqx[0] += weight[i]*x_p[2]*xb[i];
sumqx[1] += weight[i]*x_p[2]*xb[i];
sumqx[2] += weight[i]*x_m[2]*xb[i];
sumqx[3] += weight[i]*x_m[2]*xb[i];
sumq2[0] += weight[i]*x_p[2]*x_p[2];
sumq2[1] += weight[i]*x_p[2]*x_p[2];
sumq2[2] += weight[i]*x_m[2]*x_m[2];
sumq2[3] += weight[i]*x_m[2]*x_m[2];
} else {
sumqx[0] += weight[i]*x_p[2]*xb[i];
sumqx[2] += weight[i]*x_p[2]*xb[i];
sumqx[1] += weight[i]*x_m[2]*xb[i];
sumqx[3] += weight[i]*x_m[2]*xb[i];
sumq2[0] += weight[i]*x_p[2]*x_p[2];
sumq2[2] += weight[i]*x_p[2]*x_p[2];
sumq2[1] += weight[i]*x_m[2]*x_m[2];
sumq2[3] += weight[i]*x_m[2]*x_m[2];
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
if (sumq2[k] > 0 && sumqx[k]*sumqx[k] > best_score*sumq2[k]) {
scale = sumqx[k]/sumq2[k]; best_score = scale*sumqx[k];
besti1 = i1; besti2 = i2; best_k = k;
GGML_ASSERT(besti1 >= 0 && besti2 >= 0 && best_k >= 0);
for (int j = 0; j < besti1; ++j) L[idx[2*j]] = 0;
for (int j = besti1; j < besti2; ++j) L[idx[2*j]] = 1;
for (int j = besti2; j < block_size; ++j) L[idx[2*j]] = 2;
if (scale < 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < block_size; ++j) L[j] = 2 - L[j];
scale = -scale;
best_k = best_k == 0 ? 3 : best_k == 1 ? 2 : best_k == 2 ? 1 : 0;
bool all_on_grid = true;
for (int k = 0; k < block_size/8; ++k) {
if (k == 0) xx = best_k < 2 ? x_p : x_m;
else xx = best_k%2 == 0 ? x_p : x_m;
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) u |= (L[8*k+j] << 2*j);
int grid_index = kmap_q2xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
all_on_grid = false;
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q2xs - kmap_q2xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq1_find_best_neighbour2(neighbours, kgrid_q2xs, xb + 8*k, weight + 8*k, scale, xx, L + 8*k, NGRID_IQ1S);
GGML_ASSERT(grid_index >= 0);
index[k] = grid_index;
if (!all_on_grid) {
float sumqx_f = 0, sumq2_f = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < block_size/8; ++k) {
if (k == 0) xx = best_k < 2 ? x_p : x_m;
else xx = best_k%2 == 0 ? x_p : x_m;
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(kgrid_q2xs + index[k]);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
float w = weight[8*k + j];
float q = xx[(pg[j] - 1)/2];
sumqx_f += w*q*xb[8*k+j];
sumq2_f += w*q*q;
if (sumqx_f > 0 && sumq2_f > 0) scale = sumqx_f/sumq2_f;
y[ibl].qs[2*ib + 0] = index[0] & 255;
y[ibl].qs[2*ib + 1] = index[1] & 255;
y[ibl].qh[ib] = (index[0] >> 8) | ((index[1] >> 8) << 4);
GGML_ASSERT(scale >= 0);
scales[ib] = scale;
shifts[ib] = best_k;
max_scale = MAX(max_scale, scale);
if (!max_scale) {
uint16_t * sc = (uint16_t *)y[ibl].scales;
float d = max_scale/15;
float id = 1/d;
float sumqx_f = 0, sumq2_f = 0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/block_size; ++ib) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*scales[ib+0]-1));
l = MAX(0, MIN(7, l));
sc[ib/4] |= (l << 3*(ib%4));
y[ibl].qh[ib] |= masks[shifts[ib]];
const float * xb = xbl + block_size*ib;
if (quant_weights) {
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K*ibl + block_size*ib;
for (int i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) weight[i] = qw[i] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[i]*xb[i]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < block_size; ++i) weight[i] = xb[i]*xb[i];
for (int k = 0; k < block_size/8; ++k) {
if (k == 0) xx = shifts[ib] < 2 ? x_p : x_m;
else xx = shifts[ib]%2 == 0 ? x_p : x_m;
const int8_t * pg = (const int8_t *)(kgrid_q2xs + y[ibl].qs[2*ib+k] + ((y[ibl].qh[ib] << (8 - 4*k)) & 0x700));
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
float w = weight[8*k + j];
float q = xx[(pg[j] - 1)/2]*(2*l+1);
sumqx_f += w*q*xb[8*k+j];
sumq2_f += w*q*q;
if (sumq2_f > 0) d = sumqx_f/sumq2_f;
s.f16 = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d*1.1125f); // 1.1125f is another fudge factor. Don't ask me why it is needed.
sc[0] |= ((s.u16 & 0x000f) << 12);
sc[1] |= ((s.u16 & 0x00f0) << 8);
sc[2] |= ((s.u16 & 0x0f00) << 4);
sc[3] |= ((s.u16 & 0xf000) << 0);
size_t quantize_iq1_m(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
GGML_ASSERT(n_per_row%QK_K == 0);
float scales[QK_K/IQ1M_BLOCK_SIZE];
float weight[IQ1M_BLOCK_SIZE];
int8_t L[IQ1M_BLOCK_SIZE];
float pairs[2*IQ1M_BLOCK_SIZE];
uint16_t index[IQ1M_BLOCK_SIZE/8];
int8_t shifts[QK_K/IQ1M_BLOCK_SIZE];
int64_t nblock = n_per_row/QK_K;
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_iq1_m_impl(src, qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights, scales, weight, pairs, L, index, shifts);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += nblock*sizeof(block_iq1_m);
return nrow * nblock * sizeof(block_iq1_m);
// ============================ 4-bit non-linear quants
static inline int best_index_int8(int n, const int8_t * val, float x) {
if (x <= val[0]) return 0;
if (x >= val[n-1]) return n-1;
int ml = 0, mu = n-1;
while (mu-ml > 1) {
int mav = (ml+mu)/2;
if (x < val[mav]) mu = mav; else ml = mav;
return x - val[mu-1] < val[mu] - x ? mu-1 : mu;
static void quantize_row_iq4_nl_impl(const int super_block_size, const int block_size, const float * restrict x,
ggml_fp16_t * dh, uint8_t * q4, uint16_t * scales_h, uint8_t * scales_l,
float * scales, float * weight, uint8_t * L,
const int8_t * values,
const float * quant_weights,
const int ntry) {
float sigma2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < super_block_size; ++j) sigma2 += x[j]*x[j];
sigma2 *= 2.f/super_block_size;
memset(q4, 0, super_block_size/2);
dh[0] = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
float max_scale = 0, amax_scale = 0;
for (int ib = 0; ib < super_block_size/block_size; ++ib) {
const float * xb = x + ib*block_size;
uint8_t * Lb = L + ib*block_size;
if (quant_weights) {
const float * qw = quant_weights + ib*block_size;
for (int j = 0; j < block_size; ++j) weight[j] = qw[j] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[j]*xb[j]);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < block_size; ++j) weight[j] = xb[j]*xb[j];
float amax = 0, max = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < block_size; ++j) {
float ax = fabsf(xb[j]);
if (ax > amax) {
amax = ax; max = xb[j];
if (amax < GROUP_MAX_EPS) {
scales[ib] = 0;
float d = ntry > 0 ? -max/values[0] : max/values[0];
float id = 1/d;
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < block_size; ++j) {
float al = id*xb[j];
int l = best_index_int8(16, values, al);
Lb[j] = l;
float q = values[l];
float w = weight[j];
sumqx += w*q*xb[j];
sumq2 += w*q*q;
d = sumqx/sumq2;
float best = d*sumqx;
for (int itry = -ntry; itry <= ntry; ++itry) {
id = (itry + values[0])/max;
sumqx = sumq2 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < block_size; ++j) {
float al = id*xb[j];
int l = best_index_int8(16, values, al);
float q = values[l];
float w = weight[j];
sumqx += w*q*xb[j];
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumq2 > 0 && sumqx*sumqx > best*sumq2) {
d = sumqx/sumq2; best = d * sumqx;
scales[ib] = d;
float abs_d = fabsf(d);
if (abs_d > amax_scale) {
amax_scale = abs_d; max_scale = d;
if (super_block_size/block_size > 1) {
int nb = super_block_size/block_size;
memset(scales_h, 0, ((nb+7)/8)*sizeof(uint16_t));
float d = -max_scale/32;
dh[0] = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d);
float id = d ? 1/d : 0.f;
for (int ib = 0; ib < super_block_size/block_size; ++ib) {
int l = nearest_int(id*scales[ib]);
l = MAX(-32, MIN(31, l));
float dl = d * l;
float idl = dl ? 1/dl : 0.f;
uint8_t * Lb = L + ib*block_size;
const float * xb = x + ib*block_size;
for (int j = 0; j < block_size; ++j) {
Lb[j] = best_index_int8(16, values, idl*xb[j]);
l += 32;
uint8_t l_l = l & 0xf;
uint8_t l_h = l >> 4;
if (ib%2 == 0) scales_l[ib/2] = l_l;
else scales_l[ib/2] |= (l_l << 4);
scales_h[ib/8] |= (l_h << 2*(ib%8));
} else {
dh[0] = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(scales[0]);
if (ntry > 0) {
float id = scales[0] ? 1/scales[0] : 0;
for (int j = 0; j < super_block_size; ++j) {
L[j] = best_index_int8(16, values, id*x[j]);
for (int i = 0; i < super_block_size/32; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
q4[16*i + j] = L[32*i + j] | (L[32*i + 16 + j] << 4);
size_t quantize_iq4_nl(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
GGML_ASSERT(n_per_row%QK4_NL == 0);
int64_t nblock = n_per_row/QK4_NL;
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
uint8_t L[QK4_NL];
float weight[QK4_NL];
uint16_t unused_h;
uint8_t * unused_l = NULL;
float scale;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
block_iq4_nl * iq4 = (block_iq4_nl *)qrow;
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nblock; ++ibl) {
const float * qw = quant_weights ? quant_weights + QK4_NL*ibl : NULL;
quantize_row_iq4_nl_impl(QK4_NL, 32, src + QK4_NL*ibl, &iq4[ibl].d, iq4[ibl].qs, &unused_h, unused_l,
&scale, weight, L, kvalues_iq4nl, qw, 7);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += nblock*sizeof(block_iq4_nl);
return nrow * nblock * sizeof(block_iq4_nl);
void quantize_row_iq4_nl(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
int64_t nblock = k/QK4_NL;
uint8_t L[QK4_NL];
float weight[QK4_NL];
uint16_t unused_h;
uint8_t * unused_l = NULL;
float scale;
block_iq4_nl * iq4 = (block_iq4_nl *)vy;
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nblock; ++ibl) {
quantize_row_iq4_nl_impl(QK4_NL, 32, x + QK4_NL*ibl, &iq4[ibl].d, iq4[ibl].qs, &unused_h, unused_l,
&scale, weight, L, kvalues_iq4nl, NULL, -1);
void quantize_row_iq4_nl_ref(const float * restrict x, block_iq4_nl * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK4_NL == 0);
quantize_row_iq4_nl(x, y, k);
size_t quantize_iq4_xs(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
GGML_ASSERT(n_per_row%QK_K == 0);
int64_t nblock = n_per_row/QK_K;
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
uint8_t L[QK_K];
float weight[32];
float scales[QK_K/32];
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
block_iq4_xs * iq4 = (block_iq4_xs *)qrow;
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nblock; ++ibl) {
const float * qw = quant_weights ? quant_weights + QK_K*ibl : NULL;
quantize_row_iq4_nl_impl(QK_K, 32, src + QK_K*ibl, &iq4[ibl].d, iq4[ibl].qs, &iq4[ibl].scales_h, iq4[ibl].scales_l,
scales, weight, L, kvalues_iq4nl, qw, 7);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += nblock*sizeof(block_iq4_xs);
return nrow * nblock * sizeof(block_iq4_xs);
void quantize_row_iq4_xs(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
block_iq4_xs * restrict y = vy;
quantize_row_iq4_xs_ref(x, y, k);
void quantize_row_iq4_xs_ref(const float * restrict x, block_iq4_xs * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
quantize_iq4_xs(x, y, 1, k, NULL);
// =============================== 2.5625 bpw
static void quantize_row_iq2_s_impl(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t n, const float * restrict quant_weights) {
const int gindex = iq2_data_index(GGML_TYPE_IQ2_S);
const uint64_t * kgrid_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].grid;
const int * kmap_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].map;
const uint16_t * kneighbors_q2xs = iq2_data[gindex].neighbours;
GGML_ASSERT(kmap_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kgrid_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
GGML_ASSERT(kneighbors_q2xs && "forgot to call ggml_quantize_init()?");
const int kMaxQ = 3;
const int64_t nbl = n/QK_K;
block_iq2_s * y = vy;
float scales[QK_K/16];
float weight[16];
float xval[16];
int8_t L[16];
int8_t Laux[16];
float waux[16];
bool is_on_grid[2];
bool is_on_grid_aux[2];
uint8_t block_signs[2];
for (int ibl = 0; ibl < nbl; ++ibl) {
memset(&y[ibl], 0, sizeof(block_iq2_s));
y[ibl].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(0.f);
float max_scale = 0;
const float * xbl = x + QK_K*ibl;
float sumx2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < QK_K; ++i) sumx2 += xbl[i]*xbl[i];
float sigma2 = 2*sumx2/QK_K;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/16; ++ib) {
const float * xb = xbl + 16*ib;
if (quant_weights) {
const float * qw = quant_weights + QK_K*ibl + 16*ib;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) weight[i] = qw[i] * sqrtf(sigma2 + xb[i]*xb[i]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) weight[i] = 0.25f*sigma2 + xb[i]*xb[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) waux[i] = sqrtf(weight[i]);
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
uint8_t s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (xb[8*k + i] >= 0) xval[8*k + i] = xb[8*k + i];
else {
xval[8*k + i] = -xb[8*k + i]; s |= (1 << i);
block_signs[k] = s;
float max = xval[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 16; ++i) max = MAX(max, xval[i]);
if (max < GROUP_MAX_EPS_IQ2_S) {
scales[ib] = 0;
float best = 0;
float scale = max/(2*kMaxQ-1);
is_on_grid[0] = is_on_grid[1] = true;
for (int is = -9; is <= 9; ++is) {
float id = (2*kMaxQ-1+is*0.1f)/max;
float this_scale = 1/id;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*xval[8*k+i]-1));
Laux[8*k+i] = MAX(0, MIN(kMaxQ-1, l));
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) u |= (Laux[8*k+i] << 2*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q2xs[u];
is_on_grid_aux[k] = true;
if (grid_index < 0) {
is_on_grid_aux[k] = false;
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q2xs - kmap_q2xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq2_find_best_neighbour(neighbours, kgrid_q2xs, xval + 8*k, waux + 8*k, this_scale, Laux + 8*k);
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
float w = weight[i];
float q = 2*Laux[i] + 1;
sumqx += w*xval[i]*q;
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumq2 > 0 && sumqx*sumqx > best*sumq2) {
scale = sumqx/sumq2; best = scale*sumqx;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) L[i] = Laux[i];
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) is_on_grid[k] = is_on_grid_aux[k];
int n_not_ongrid = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) if (!is_on_grid[k]) ++n_not_ongrid;
if (n_not_ongrid > 0 && scale > 0) {
float id = 1/scale;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
if (is_on_grid[k]) continue;
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*xval[8*k+i]-1));
l = MAX(0, MIN(kMaxQ-1, l));
u |= (l << 2*i);
L[8*k + i] = l;
int grid_index = kmap_q2xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
const uint16_t * neighbours = kneighbors_q2xs - kmap_q2xs[u] - 1;
grid_index = iq2_find_best_neighbour(neighbours, kgrid_q2xs, xval + 8*k, waux + 8*k, scale, L + 8*k);
float sumqx = 0, sumq2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
float w = weight[i];
float q = 2*L[i] + 1;
sumqx += w*xval[i]*q;
sumq2 += w*q*q;
if (sumq2 > 0) scale = sumqx/sumq2;
if (scale < 0) {
scale = -scale;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) block_signs[k] = ~block_signs[k];
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
uint16_t u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) u |= (L[8*k+i] << 2*i);
int grid_index = kmap_q2xs[u];
if (grid_index < 0) {
printf("Oops: found point %u not on grid:", u);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) printf(" %d", L[8*k+i]);
GGML_ABORT("fatal error");
const int i8 = 2*ib + k;
y[ibl].qs[i8] = grid_index & 255;
y[ibl].qh[i8/4] |= ((grid_index >> 8) << 2*(i8%4));
y[ibl].qs[QK_K/8 + i8] = block_signs[k];
GGML_ASSERT(scale >= 0);
scales[ib] = scale;
max_scale = MAX(max_scale, scale);
if (!max_scale) {
float d = max_scale/31;
y[ibl].d = GGML_FP32_TO_FP16(d * 0.9875f);
float id = 1/d;
for (int ib = 0; ib < QK_K/16; ++ib) {
int l = nearest_int(0.5f*(id*scales[ib]-1));
l = MAX(0, MIN(15, l));
if (ib%2 == 0) y[ibl].scales[ib/2] = l;
else y[ibl].scales[ib/2] |= (l << 4);
size_t quantize_iq2_s(const float * restrict src, void * restrict dst, int64_t nrow, int64_t n_per_row, const float * quant_weights) {
GGML_ASSERT(n_per_row%QK_K == 0);
int64_t nblock = n_per_row/QK_K;
char * qrow = (char *)dst;
for (int64_t row = 0; row < nrow; ++row) {
quantize_row_iq2_s_impl(src, qrow, n_per_row, quant_weights);
src += n_per_row;
qrow += nblock*sizeof(block_iq2_s);
return nrow * nblock * sizeof(block_iq2_s);
void quantize_row_iq2_s_ref(const float * restrict x, block_iq2_s * restrict y, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
quantize_iq2_s(x, y, 1, k, NULL);
void quantize_row_iq2_s(const float * restrict x, void * restrict vy, int64_t k) {
assert(k % QK_K == 0);
block_iq2_s * restrict y = vy;
quantize_row_iq2_s_ref(x, y, k);
static bool validate_float(float f, size_t i) {
if (isinf(f)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ggml_validate_row_data: found inf value at block %zu\n", i);
return false;
if (isnan(f)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ggml_validate_row_data: found nan value at block %zu\n", i);
return false;
return true;
static bool isinf_fp16(ggml_fp16_t f) {
return (f & 0x7c00) == 0x7c00 && (f & 0x03ff) == 0;
static bool isnan_fp16(ggml_fp16_t f) {
return (f & 0x7c00) == 0x7c00 && (f & 0x03ff) != 0;
static bool validate_fp16(ggml_fp16_t f, size_t i) {
if (isinf_fp16(f)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ggml_validate_row_data: found inf value at block %zu\n", i);
return false;
if (isnan_fp16(f)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ggml_validate_row_data: found nan value at block %zu\n", i);
return false;
return true;
#define VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(type, data, nb) \
const type * q = (const type *) (data); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < (nb); ++i) { \
if (!validate_fp16(q[i].d, i)) { \
return false; \
} \
#define VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_DM_F16_IMPL(type, data, nb, d, m) \
const type * q = (const type *) (data); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < (nb); ++i) { \
if (!validate_fp16(q[i].d, i) || !validate_fp16(q[i].m, i)) { \
return false; \
} \
#define VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_DVEC_F16_IMPL(type, data, nb, nr) \
const type * q = (const type *) (data); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < (nb); ++i) { \
for (size_t j = 0; j < (nr); ++j) { \
if (!validate_fp16(q[i].d[j], i)) { \
return false; \
} \
} \
bool ggml_validate_row_data(enum ggml_type type, const void * data, size_t nbytes) {
if (type < 0 || type >= GGML_TYPE_COUNT) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid type %d\n", __func__, type);
return false;
if (nbytes % ggml_type_size(type) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid size %zu for type %s (type size = %zu)\n", __func__, nbytes, ggml_type_name(type), ggml_type_size(type));
return false;
const size_t nb = nbytes/ggml_type_size(type);
switch (type) {
case GGML_TYPE_BF16:
int nans = 0;
int infs = 0;
const unsigned short * f = (const unsigned short *) data;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
nans += (f[i] & 0x7fff) > 0x7f80;
infs += (f[i] & 0x7fff) == 0x7f80;
if (nans) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: found %d NaNs in row of %zu BF16 values\n", __func__, nans, nb);
return false;
if (infs) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: found %d infinities in row of %zu BF16 values\n", __func__, infs, nb);
return false;
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_F16:
const ggml_fp16_t * f = (const ggml_fp16_t *) data;
size_t i = 0;
#if defined(__AVX2__)
for (; i + 15 < nb; i += 16) {
__m256i v = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)(f + i));
__m256i vexp = _mm256_and_si256(v, _mm256_set1_epi16(0x7c00));
__m256i cmp = _mm256_cmpeq_epi16(vexp, _mm256_set1_epi16(0x7c00));
int mask = _mm256_movemask_epi8(cmp);
if (mask) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
if (!validate_fp16(f[i + j], i + j)) {
return false;
#elif defined(__ARM_NEON)
for (; i + 7 < nb; i += 8) {
uint16x8_t v = vld1q_u16(f + i);
uint16x8_t vexp = vandq_u16(v, vdupq_n_u16(0x7c00));
uint16x8_t cmp = vceqq_u16(vexp, vdupq_n_u16(0x7c00));
uint64_t mask = vget_lane_u64(vreinterpret_u64_u8(vshrn_n_u16(cmp, 4)), 0);
if (mask) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
if (!validate_fp16(f[i + j], i + j)) {
return false;
for (; i < nb; ++i) {
if (!validate_fp16(f[i], i)) {
return false;
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_F32:
const float * f = (const float *) data;
size_t i = 0;
#if defined(__AVX2__)
for (; i + 7 < nb; i += 8) {
__m256i v = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)(f + i));
__m256i vexp = _mm256_and_si256(v, _mm256_set1_epi32(0x7f800000));
__m256i cmp = _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(vexp, _mm256_set1_epi32(0x7f800000));
int mask = _mm256_movemask_epi8(cmp);
if (mask) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
if (!validate_float(f[i + j], i + j)) {
return false;
#elif defined(__ARM_NEON)
for (; i + 3 < nb; i += 4) {
uint32x4_t v = vld1q_u32((const uint32_t *)f + i);
uint32x4_t vexp = vandq_u32(v, vdupq_n_u32(0x7f800000));
uint32x4_t cmp = vceqq_u32(vexp, vdupq_n_u32(0x7f800000));
uint64_t mask = vget_lane_u64(vreinterpret_u64_u16(vshrn_n_u32(cmp, 8)), 0);
if (mask) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
if (!validate_float(f[i + j], i + j)) {
return false;
for (; i < nb; ++i) {
if (!validate_float(f[i], i)) {
return false;
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_F64:
const double * f = (const double *) data;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
if (!validate_float(f[i], i)) {
return false;
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_q4_0, data, nb);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_1:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_DM_F16_IMPL(block_q4_1, data, nb, d, m);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q5_0:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_q5_0, data, nb);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q5_1:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_DM_F16_IMPL(block_q5_1, data, nb, d, m);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q8_0:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_q8_0, data, nb);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q2_K:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_DM_F16_IMPL(block_q2_K, data, nb, d, dmin);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q3_K:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_q3_K, data, nb);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_K:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_DM_F16_IMPL(block_q4_K, data, nb, d, dmin);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q5_K:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_DM_F16_IMPL(block_q5_K, data, nb, d, dmin);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q6_K:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_q6_K, data, nb);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q8_K:
const block_q8_K * q = (const block_q8_K *) data;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
if (!validate_float(q[i].d, i)) {
return false;
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_TQ1_0:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_tq1_0, data, nb);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_TQ2_0:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_tq2_0, data, nb);
} break;
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_iq1_s, data, nb);
} break;
const block_iq1_m * q = (const block_iq1_m *) data;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
iq1m_scale_t scale;
const uint16_t * sc = (const uint16_t *)q[i].scales;
scale.u16 = (sc[0] >> 12) | ((sc[1] >> 8) & 0x00f0) | ((sc[2] >> 4) & 0x0f00) | (sc[3] & 0xf000);
if (!validate_fp16(scale.f16, i)) {
return false;
} break;
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_iq2_xxs, data, nb);
} break;
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_iq2_xs, data, nb);
} break;
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_iq2_s, data, nb);
} break;
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_iq3_xxs, data, nb);
} break;
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_iq3_s, data, nb);
} break;
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_iq4_xs, data, nb);
} break;
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_D_F16_IMPL(block_iq4_nl, data, nb);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0_4_4:
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0_4_8:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_DVEC_F16_IMPL(block_q4_0x4, data, nbytes / sizeof(block_q4_0x4), 4);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0_8_8:
VALIDATE_ROW_DATA_DVEC_F16_IMPL(block_q4_0x8, data, nbytes / sizeof(block_q4_0x8), 8);
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_I8:
case GGML_TYPE_I16:
case GGML_TYPE_I32:
case GGML_TYPE_I64:
// nothing to validate
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid type %d\n", __func__, type);
return false;
return true;