Harshavardhana 661b263e77
add gocritic/ruleguard checks back again, cleanup code. (#13665)
- remove some duplicated code
- reported a bug, separately fixed in #13664
- using strings.ReplaceAll() when needed
- using filepath.ToSlash() use when needed
- remove all non-Go style comments from the codebase

Co-authored-by: Aditya Manthramurthy <>
2021-11-16 09:28:29 -08:00

1361 lines
41 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package cmd
import (
const (
dataScannerSleepPerFolder = time.Millisecond // Time to wait between folders.
dataUsageUpdateDirCycles = 16 // Visit all folders every n cycles.
dataScannerCompactLeastObject = 500 // Compact when there is less than this many objects in a branch.
dataScannerCompactAtChildren = 10000 // Compact when there are this many children in a branch.
dataScannerCompactAtFolders = dataScannerCompactAtChildren / 4 // Compact when this many subfolders in a single folder.
dataScannerStartDelay = 1 * time.Minute // Time to wait on startup and between cycles.
healDeleteDangling = true
healFolderIncludeProb = 32 // Include a clean folder one in n cycles.
healObjectSelectProb = 512 // Overall probability of a file being scanned; one in n.
var (
globalHealConfig heal.Config
dataScannerLeaderLockTimeout = newDynamicTimeout(30*time.Second, 10*time.Second)
// Sleeper values are updated when config is loaded.
scannerSleeper = newDynamicSleeper(10, 10*time.Second)
scannerCycle = &safeDuration{
t: dataScannerStartDelay,
// initDataScanner will start the scanner in the background.
func initDataScanner(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) {
go runDataScanner(ctx, objAPI)
type safeDuration struct {
t time.Duration
func (s *safeDuration) Update(t time.Duration) {
defer s.Unlock()
s.t = t
func (s *safeDuration) Get() time.Duration {
defer s.Unlock()
return s.t
// runDataScanner will start a data scanner.
// The function will block until the context is canceled.
// There should only ever be one scanner running per cluster.
func runDataScanner(pctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) {
// Make sure only 1 scanner is running on the cluster.
locker := objAPI.NewNSLock(minioMetaBucket, "runDataScanner.lock")
var ctx context.Context
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for {
lkctx, err := locker.GetLock(pctx, dataScannerLeaderLockTimeout)
if err != nil {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(r.Float64() * float64(scannerCycle.Get())))
ctx = lkctx.Context()
defer lkctx.Cancel()
// No unlock for "leader" lock.
// Load current bloom cycle
nextBloomCycle := intDataUpdateTracker.current() + 1
br, err := objAPI.GetObjectNInfo(ctx, dataUsageBucket, dataUsageBloomName, nil, http.Header{}, readLock, ObjectOptions{})
if err != nil {
if !isErrObjectNotFound(err) && !isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
} else {
if br.ObjInfo.Size == 8 {
if err = binary.Read(br, binary.LittleEndian, &nextBloomCycle); err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
scannerTimer := time.NewTimer(scannerCycle.Get())
defer scannerTimer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-scannerTimer.C:
// Reset the timer for next cycle.
if intDataUpdateTracker.debug {
console.Debugln("starting scanner cycle")
// Wait before starting next cycle and wait on startup.
results := make(chan DataUsageInfo, 1)
go storeDataUsageInBackend(ctx, objAPI, results)
bf, err := globalNotificationSys.updateBloomFilter(ctx, nextBloomCycle)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
err = objAPI.NSScanner(ctx, bf, results, uint32(nextBloomCycle))
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
if err == nil {
// Store new cycle...
var tmp [8]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(tmp[:], nextBloomCycle)
r, err := hash.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(tmp[:]), int64(len(tmp)), "", "", int64(len(tmp)))
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
_, err = objAPI.PutObject(ctx, dataUsageBucket, dataUsageBloomName, NewPutObjReader(r), ObjectOptions{})
if !isErrBucketNotFound(err) {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
type cachedFolder struct {
name string
parent *dataUsageHash
objectHealProbDiv uint32
type folderScanner struct {
root string
getSize getSizeFn
oldCache dataUsageCache
newCache dataUsageCache
updateCache dataUsageCache
withFilter *bloomFilter
dataUsageScannerDebug bool
healFolderInclude uint32 // Include a clean folder one in n cycles.
healObjectSelect uint32 // Do a heal check on an object once every n cycles. Must divide into healFolderInclude
disks []StorageAPI
// If set updates will be sent regularly to this channel.
// Will not be closed when returned.
updates chan<- dataUsageEntry
lastUpdate time.Time
type scannerStats struct {
// All fields must be accessed atomically and aligned.
accTotalObjects uint64
accTotalVersions uint64
accFolders uint64
bucketsStarted uint64
bucketsFinished uint64
ilmChecks uint64
// actions records actions performed.
actions [lifecycle.ActionCount]uint64
var globalScannerStats scannerStats
// Cache structure and compaction:
// A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages.
// The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children.
// An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the
// branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves.
// The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties.
// A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it.
// A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles,
// rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied.
// Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle.
// A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans.
// When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan.
// Compaction happens when either:
// 1) The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects.
// 2) The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders.
// 3) The folder only contains objects and no subfolders.
// A bucket root will never be compacted.
// Furthermore if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders)
// the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be
// compacted until the limit is reached.
// This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches,
// and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space.
// This keeps the cache size at a reasonable size for all buckets.
// Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted
// before it hits any of the above limits.
// This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed.
// scanDataFolder will scanner the basepath+cache.Info.Name and return an updated cache.
// The returned cache will always be valid, but may not be updated from the existing.
// Before each operation sleepDuration is called which can be used to temporarily halt the scanner.
// If the supplied context is canceled the function will return at the first chance.
func scanDataFolder(ctx context.Context, basePath string, cache dataUsageCache, getSize getSizeFn) (dataUsageCache, error) {
t := UTCNow()
logPrefix := color.Green("data-usage: ")
logSuffix := color.Blue("- %v + %v", basePath, cache.Info.Name)
atomic.AddUint64(&globalScannerStats.bucketsStarted, 1)
defer func() {
atomic.AddUint64(&globalScannerStats.bucketsFinished, 1)
if intDataUpdateTracker.debug {
defer func() {
console.Debugf(logPrefix+" Scanner time: %v %s\n", time.Since(t), logSuffix)
switch cache.Info.Name {
case "", dataUsageRoot:
return cache, errors.New("internal error: root scan attempted")
s := folderScanner{
root: basePath,
getSize: getSize,
oldCache: cache,
newCache: dataUsageCache{Info: cache.Info},
updateCache: dataUsageCache{Info: cache.Info},
dataUsageScannerDebug: intDataUpdateTracker.debug,
healFolderInclude: 0,
healObjectSelect: 0,
updates: cache.Info.updates,
// Add disks for set healing.
if len(cache.Disks) > 0 {
objAPI, ok := newObjectLayerFn().(*erasureServerPools)
if ok {
s.disks = objAPI.GetDisksID(cache.Disks...)
if len(s.disks) != len(cache.Disks) {
console.Debugf(logPrefix+"Missing disks, want %d, found %d. Cannot heal. %s\n", len(cache.Disks), len(s.disks), logSuffix)
s.disks = s.disks[:0]
// Enable healing in XL mode.
if globalIsErasure && !cache.Info.SkipHealing {
// Include a clean folder one in n cycles.
s.healFolderInclude = healFolderIncludeProb
// Do a heal check on an object once every n cycles. Must divide into healFolderInclude
s.healObjectSelect = healObjectSelectProb
if len(cache.Info.BloomFilter) > 0 {
s.withFilter = &bloomFilter{BloomFilter: &bloom.BloomFilter{}}
_, err := s.withFilter.ReadFrom(bytes.NewReader(cache.Info.BloomFilter))
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err, logPrefix+"Error reading bloom filter")
s.withFilter = nil
if s.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(logPrefix+"Start scanning. Bloom filter: %v %s\n", s.withFilter != nil, logSuffix)
done := ctx.Done()
if s.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(logPrefix+"Cycle: %v, Entries: %v %s\n", cache.Info.NextCycle, len(cache.Cache), logSuffix)
// Read top level in bucket.
select {
case <-done:
return cache, ctx.Err()
root := dataUsageEntry{}
folder := cachedFolder{name: cache.Info.Name, objectHealProbDiv: 1}
err := s.scanFolder(ctx, folder, &root)
if err != nil {
// No useful information...
return cache, err
if s.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(logPrefix+"Finished scanner, %v entries (%+v) %s \n", len(s.newCache.Cache), *s.newCache.sizeRecursive(s.newCache.Info.Name), logSuffix)
s.newCache.Info.LastUpdate = UTCNow()
s.newCache.Info.NextCycle = cache.Info.NextCycle
return s.newCache, nil
// sendUpdate() should be called on a regular basis when the newCache contains more recent total than previously.
// May or may not send an update upstream.
func (f *folderScanner) sendUpdate() {
// Send at most an update every minute.
if f.updates == nil || time.Since(f.lastUpdate) < time.Minute {
if flat := f.updateCache.sizeRecursive(f.newCache.Info.Name); flat != nil {
select {
case f.updates <- *flat:
f.lastUpdate = time.Now()
// scanFolder will scan the provided folder.
// Files found in the folders will be added to f.newCache.
// If final is provided folders will be put into f.newFolders or f.existingFolders.
// If final is not provided the folders found are returned from the function.
func (f *folderScanner) scanFolder(ctx context.Context, folder cachedFolder, into *dataUsageEntry) error {
done := ctx.Done()
scannerLogPrefix := color.Green("folder-scanner:")
thisHash := hashPath(
// Store initial compaction state.
wasCompacted := into.Compacted
atomic.AddUint64(&globalScannerStats.accFolders, 1)
for {
select {
case <-done:
return ctx.Err()
existing, ok := f.oldCache.Cache[thisHash.Key()]
var abandonedChildren dataUsageHashMap
if !into.Compacted {
abandonedChildren = f.oldCache.findChildrenCopy(thisHash)
// If there are lifecycle rules for the prefix, remove the filter.
filter := f.withFilter
_, prefix := path2BucketObjectWithBasePath(f.root,
var activeLifeCycle *lifecycle.Lifecycle
if f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle != nil && f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle.HasActiveRules(prefix, true) {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" Prefix %q has active rules\n", prefix)
activeLifeCycle = f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle
filter = nil
// If there are replication rules for the prefix, remove the filter.
var replicationCfg replicationConfig
if !f.oldCache.Info.replication.Empty() && f.oldCache.Info.replication.Config.HasActiveRules(prefix, true) {
replicationCfg = f.oldCache.Info.replication
filter = nil
// Check if we can skip it due to bloom filter...
if filter != nil && ok && existing.Compacted {
// If folder isn't in filter and we have data, skip it completely.
if != dataUsageRoot && !filter.containsDir( {
if f.healObjectSelect == 0 || !thisHash.mod(f.oldCache.Info.NextCycle, f.healFolderInclude/folder.objectHealProbDiv) {
f.newCache.copyWithChildren(&f.oldCache, thisHash, folder.parent)
f.updateCache.copyWithChildren(&f.oldCache, thisHash, folder.parent)
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" Skipping non-updated folder: %v\n",
return nil
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" Adding non-updated folder to heal check: %v\n",
// If probability was already scannerHealFolderInclude, keep it.
folder.objectHealProbDiv = f.healFolderInclude
scannerSleeper.Sleep(ctx, dataScannerSleepPerFolder)
var existingFolders, newFolders []cachedFolder
var foundObjects bool
err := readDirFn(path.Join(f.root,, func(entName string, typ os.FileMode) error {
// Parse
entName = pathClean(path.Join(, entName))
if entName == "" || entName == {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" no entity (%s,%s)\n", f.root, entName)
return nil
bucket, prefix := path2BucketObjectWithBasePath(f.root, entName)
if bucket == "" {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" no bucket (%s,%s)\n", f.root, entName)
return errDoneForNow
if isReservedOrInvalidBucket(bucket, false) {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" invalid bucket: %v, entry: %v\n", bucket, entName)
return errDoneForNow
select {
case <-done:
return errDoneForNow
if typ&os.ModeDir != 0 {
h := hashPath(entName)
_, exists := f.oldCache.Cache[h.Key()]
if h == thisHash {
return nil
this := cachedFolder{name: entName, parent: &thisHash, objectHealProbDiv: folder.objectHealProbDiv}
delete(abandonedChildren, h.Key()) // h.Key() already accounted for.
if exists {
existingFolders = append(existingFolders, this)
f.updateCache.copyWithChildren(&f.oldCache, h, &thisHash)
} else {
newFolders = append(newFolders, this)
return nil
// Dynamic time delay.
wait := scannerSleeper.Timer(ctx)
// Get file size, ignore errors.
item := scannerItem{
Path: path.Join(f.root, entName),
Typ: typ,
bucket: bucket,
prefix: path.Dir(prefix),
objectName: path.Base(entName),
debug: f.dataUsageScannerDebug,
lifeCycle: activeLifeCycle,
replication: replicationCfg,
heal: thisHash.mod(f.oldCache.Info.NextCycle, f.healObjectSelect/folder.objectHealProbDiv) && globalIsErasure,
// if the drive belongs to an erasure set
// that is already being healed, skip the
// healing attempt on this drive.
item.heal = item.heal && f.healObjectSelect > 0
sz, err := f.getSize(item)
if err != nil {
wait() // wait to proceed to next entry.
if err != errSkipFile && f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" getSize \"%v/%v\" returned err: %v\n", bucket, item.objectPath(), err)
return nil
// successfully read means we have a valid object.
foundObjects = true
// Remove filename i.e is the meta file to construct object name
// Object already accounted for, remove from heal map,
// simply because getSize() function already heals the
// object.
delete(abandonedChildren, path.Join(item.bucket, item.objectPath()))
wait() // wait to proceed to next entry.
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if foundObjects && globalIsErasure {
// If we found an object in erasure mode, we skip subdirs (only datadirs)...
// If we have many subfolders, compact ourself.
if !into.Compacted &&
f.newCache.Info.Name != &&
len(existingFolders)+len(newFolders) >= dataScannerCompactAtFolders {
into.Compacted = true
newFolders = append(newFolders, existingFolders...)
existingFolders = nil
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" Preemptively compacting: %v, entries: %v\n",, len(existingFolders)+len(newFolders))
scanFolder := func(folder cachedFolder) {
if contextCanceled(ctx) {
dst := into
if !into.Compacted {
dst = &dataUsageEntry{Compacted: false}
if err := f.scanFolder(ctx, folder, dst); err != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
if !into.Compacted {
h := dataUsageHash(
// We scanned a folder, optionally send update.
f.updateCache.copyWithChildren(&f.newCache, h, folder.parent)
// Transfer existing
if !into.Compacted {
for _, folder := range existingFolders {
h := hashPath(
f.updateCache.copyWithChildren(&f.oldCache, h, folder.parent)
// Scan new...
for _, folder := range newFolders {
h := hashPath(
// Add new folders to the update tree so totals update for these.
if !into.Compacted {
var foundAny bool
parent := thisHash
for parent != hashPath(f.updateCache.Info.Name) {
e := f.updateCache.find(parent.Key())
if e == nil || e.Compacted {
foundAny = true
if next := f.updateCache.searchParent(parent); next == nil {
foundAny = true
} else {
parent = *next
if !foundAny {
// Add non-compacted empty entry.
f.updateCache.replaceHashed(h, &thisHash, dataUsageEntry{})
// Add new folders if this is new and we don't have existing.
if !into.Compacted {
parent := f.updateCache.find(thisHash.Key())
if parent != nil && !parent.Compacted {
f.updateCache.copyWithChildren(&f.newCache, h, &thisHash)
// Scan existing...
for _, folder := range existingFolders {
h := hashPath(
// Check if we should skip scanning folder...
// We can only skip if we are not indexing into a compacted destination
// and the entry itself is compacted.
if !into.Compacted && f.oldCache.isCompacted(h) {
if !h.mod(f.oldCache.Info.NextCycle, dataUsageUpdateDirCycles) {
if f.healObjectSelect == 0 || !h.mod(f.oldCache.Info.NextCycle, f.healFolderInclude/folder.objectHealProbDiv) {
// Transfer and add as child...
f.newCache.copyWithChildren(&f.oldCache, h, folder.parent)
folder.objectHealProbDiv = dataUsageUpdateDirCycles
// Scan for healing
if f.healObjectSelect == 0 || len(abandonedChildren) == 0 {
// If we are not heal scanning, return now.
objAPI, ok := newObjectLayerFn().(*erasureServerPools)
if !ok || len(f.disks) == 0 {
bgSeq, found := globalBackgroundHealState.getHealSequenceByToken(bgHealingUUID)
if !found {
// Whatever remains in 'abandonedChildren' are folders at this level
// that existed in the previous run but wasn't found now.
// This may be because of 2 reasons:
// 1) The folder/object was deleted.
// 2) We come from another disk and this disk missed the write.
// We therefore perform a heal check.
// If that doesn't bring it back we remove the folder and assume it was deleted.
// This means that the next run will not look for it.
// How to resolve results.
resolver := metadataResolutionParams{
dirQuorum: getReadQuorum(len(f.disks)),
objQuorum: getReadQuorum(len(f.disks)),
bucket: "",
healObjectsPrefix := color.Green("healObjects:")
for k := range abandonedChildren {
bucket, prefix := path2BucketObject(k)
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" checking disappeared folder: %v/%v\n", bucket, prefix)
if bucket != resolver.bucket {
// Bucket might be missing as well with abandoned children.
// make sure it is created first otherwise healing won't proceed
// for objects.
_, _ = objAPI.HealBucket(ctx, bucket, madmin.HealOpts{})
resolver.bucket = bucket
foundObjs := false
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
err := listPathRaw(ctx, listPathRawOptions{
disks: f.disks,
bucket: bucket,
path: prefix,
recursive: true,
reportNotFound: true,
minDisks: len(f.disks), // We want full consistency.
// Weird, maybe transient error.
agreed: func(entry metaCacheEntry) {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(healObjectsPrefix+" got agreement: %v\n",
// Some disks have data for this.
partial: func(entries metaCacheEntries, nAgreed int, errs []error) {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(healObjectsPrefix+" got partial, %d agreed, errs: %v\n", nAgreed, errs)
entry, ok := entries.resolve(&resolver)
if !ok {
// check if we can get one entry atleast
// proceed to heal nonetheless, since
// this object might be dangling.
entry, _ = entries.firstFound()
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(healObjectsPrefix+" resolved to: %v, dir: %v\n",, entry.isDir())
if entry.isDir() {
// wait on timer per object.
wait := scannerSleeper.Timer(ctx)
// We got an entry which we should be able to heal.
fiv, err := entry.fileInfoVersions(bucket)
if err != nil {
err := bgSeq.queueHealTask(healSource{
bucket: bucket,
versionID: "",
}, madmin.HealItemObject)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
foundObjs = foundObjs || err == nil
for _, ver := range fiv.Versions {
// Sleep and reset.
wait = scannerSleeper.Timer(ctx)
err := bgSeq.queueHealTask(healSource{
bucket: bucket,
object: fiv.Name,
versionID: ver.VersionID,
}, madmin.HealItemObject)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
foundObjs = foundObjs || err == nil
// Too many disks failed.
finished: func(errs []error) {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(healObjectsPrefix+" too many errors: %v\n", errs)
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug && err != nil && err != errFileNotFound {
console.Debugf(healObjectsPrefix+" checking returned value %v (%T)\n", err, err)
// Add unless healing returned an error.
if foundObjs {
this := cachedFolder{name: k, parent: &thisHash, objectHealProbDiv: 1}
if !wasCompacted {
f.newCache.replaceHashed(thisHash, folder.parent, *into)
if !into.Compacted && f.newCache.Info.Name != {
flat := f.newCache.sizeRecursive(thisHash.Key())
flat.Compacted = true
var compact bool
if flat.Objects < dataScannerCompactLeastObject {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug && flat.Objects > 1 {
// Disabled, rather chatty:
// console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" Only %d objects, compacting %s -> %+v\n", flat.Objects,, flat)
compact = true
} else {
// Compact if we only have objects as children...
compact = true
for k := range into.Children {
if v, ok := f.newCache.Cache[k]; ok {
if len(v.Children) > 0 || v.Objects > 1 {
compact = false
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug && compact {
// Disabled, rather chatty:
// console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" Only objects (%d), compacting %s -> %+v\n", flat.Objects,, flat)
if compact {
f.newCache.replaceHashed(thisHash, folder.parent, *flat)
// Compact if too many children...
if !into.Compacted {
f.newCache.reduceChildrenOf(thisHash, dataScannerCompactAtChildren, f.newCache.Info.Name !=
if _, ok := f.updateCache.Cache[thisHash.Key()]; !wasCompacted && ok {
// Replace if existed before.
if flat := f.newCache.sizeRecursive(thisHash.Key()); flat != nil {
f.updateCache.replaceHashed(thisHash, folder.parent, *flat)
return nil
// scannerItem represents each file while walking.
type scannerItem struct {
Path string
bucket string // Bucket.
prefix string // Only the prefix if any, does not have final object name.
objectName string // Only the object name without prefixes.
replication replicationConfig
lifeCycle *lifecycle.Lifecycle
Typ fs.FileMode
heal bool // Has the object been selected for heal check?
debug bool
type sizeSummary struct {
totalSize int64
versions uint64
replicatedSize int64
pendingSize int64
failedSize int64
replicaSize int64
pendingCount uint64
failedCount uint64
replTargetStats map[string]replTargetSizeSummary
tiers map[string]tierStats
// replTargetSizeSummary holds summary of replication stats by target
type replTargetSizeSummary struct {
replicatedSize int64
pendingSize int64
failedSize int64
pendingCount uint64
failedCount uint64
type getSizeFn func(item scannerItem) (sizeSummary, error)
// transformMetaDir will transform a directory to prefix/file.ext
func (i *scannerItem) transformMetaDir() {
split := strings.Split(i.prefix, SlashSeparator)
if len(split) > 1 {
i.prefix = path.Join(split[:len(split)-1]...)
} else {
i.prefix = ""
// Object name is last element
i.objectName = split[len(split)-1]
var applyActionsLogPrefix = color.Green("applyActions:")
func (i *scannerItem) applyHealing(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, oi ObjectInfo) (size int64) {
if i.debug {
if oi.VersionID != "" {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" heal checking: %v/%v v(%s)\n", i.bucket, i.objectPath(), oi.VersionID)
} else {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" heal checking: %v/%v\n", i.bucket, i.objectPath())
healOpts := madmin.HealOpts{
Remove: healDeleteDangling,
ScanMode: globalHealConfig.ScanMode(),
res, err := o.HealObject(ctx, i.bucket, i.objectPath(), oi.VersionID, healOpts)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, NotImplemented{}) {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return 0
return res.ObjectSize
func (i *scannerItem) applyLifecycle(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, oi ObjectInfo) (applied bool, size int64) {
size, err := oi.GetActualSize()
if i.debug {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
if i.lifeCycle == nil {
if i.debug {
// disabled, very chatty:
// console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" no lifecycle rules to apply: %q\n", i.objectPath())
return false, size
atomic.AddUint64(&globalScannerStats.ilmChecks, 1)
versionID := oi.VersionID
action := i.lifeCycle.ComputeAction(
Name: i.objectPath(),
UserTags: oi.UserTags,
ModTime: oi.ModTime,
VersionID: oi.VersionID,
DeleteMarker: oi.DeleteMarker,
IsLatest: oi.IsLatest,
NumVersions: oi.NumVersions,
SuccessorModTime: oi.SuccessorModTime,
RestoreOngoing: oi.RestoreOngoing,
RestoreExpires: oi.RestoreExpires,
TransitionStatus: oi.TransitionedObject.Status,
if i.debug {
if versionID != "" {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: %q (version-id=%s), Initial scan: %v\n", i.objectPath(), versionID, action)
} else {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: %q Initial scan: %v\n", i.objectPath(), action)
atomic.AddUint64(&globalScannerStats.actions[action], 1)
switch action {
case lifecycle.DeleteAction, lifecycle.DeleteVersionAction, lifecycle.DeleteRestoredAction, lifecycle.DeleteRestoredVersionAction:
return applyLifecycleAction(action, oi), 0
case lifecycle.TransitionAction, lifecycle.TransitionVersionAction:
return applyLifecycleAction(action, oi), size
// No action.
return false, size
// applyTierObjSweep removes remote object pending deletion and the free-version
// tracking this information.
func (i *scannerItem) applyTierObjSweep(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, oi ObjectInfo) {
if !oi.TransitionedObject.FreeVersion {
// nothing to be done
ignoreNotFoundErr := func(err error) error {
switch {
case isErrVersionNotFound(err), isErrObjectNotFound(err):
return nil
return err
// Remove the remote object
err := deleteObjectFromRemoteTier(ctx, oi.TransitionedObject.Name, oi.TransitionedObject.VersionID, oi.TransitionedObject.Tier)
if ignoreNotFoundErr(err) != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
// Remove this free version
_, err = o.DeleteObject(ctx, oi.Bucket, oi.Name, ObjectOptions{
VersionID: oi.VersionID,
if err == nil {
auditLogLifecycle(ctx, oi, ILMFreeVersionDelete)
if ignoreNotFoundErr(err) != nil {
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
// applyActions will apply lifecycle checks on to a scanned item.
// The resulting size on disk will always be returned.
// The metadata will be compared to consensus on the object layer before any changes are applied.
// If no metadata is supplied, -1 is returned if no action is taken.
func (i *scannerItem) applyActions(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, oi ObjectInfo, sizeS *sizeSummary) int64 {
i.applyTierObjSweep(ctx, o, oi)
applied, size := i.applyLifecycle(ctx, o, oi)
// For instance, an applied lifecycle means we remove/transitioned an object
// from the current deployment, which means we don't have to call healing
// routine even if we are asked to do via heal flag.
if !applied {
if i.heal {
size = i.applyHealing(ctx, o, oi)
// replicate only if lifecycle rules are not applied.
i.healReplication(ctx, o, oi.Clone(), sizeS)
return size
func evalActionFromLifecycle(ctx context.Context, lc lifecycle.Lifecycle, obj ObjectInfo, debug bool) (action lifecycle.Action) {
action = lc.ComputeAction(obj.ToLifecycleOpts())
if debug {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: Secondary scan: %v\n", action)
if action == lifecycle.NoneAction {
return action
switch action {
case lifecycle.DeleteVersionAction, lifecycle.DeleteRestoredVersionAction:
// Defensive code, should never happen
if obj.VersionID == "" {
return lifecycle.NoneAction
if rcfg, _ := globalBucketObjectLockSys.Get(obj.Bucket); rcfg.LockEnabled {
locked := enforceRetentionForDeletion(ctx, obj)
if locked {
if debug {
if obj.VersionID != "" {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: %s v(%s) is locked, not deleting\n", obj.Name, obj.VersionID)
} else {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: %s is locked, not deleting\n", obj.Name)
return lifecycle.NoneAction
return action
func applyTransitionRule(obj ObjectInfo) bool {
if obj.DeleteMarker {
return false
return true
func applyExpiryOnTransitionedObject(ctx context.Context, objLayer ObjectLayer, obj ObjectInfo, restoredObject bool) bool {
action := expireObj
if restoredObject {
action = expireRestoredObj
if err := expireTransitionedObject(ctx, objLayer, &obj, obj.ToLifecycleOpts(), action); err != nil {
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) || isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return false
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return false
// Notification already sent in *expireTransitionedObject*, just return 'true' here.
return true
func applyExpiryOnNonTransitionedObjects(ctx context.Context, objLayer ObjectLayer, obj ObjectInfo, applyOnVersion bool) bool {
opts := ObjectOptions{
Expiration: ExpirationOptions{Expire: true},
if applyOnVersion {
opts.VersionID = obj.VersionID
if opts.VersionID == "" {
opts.Versioned = globalBucketVersioningSys.Enabled(obj.Bucket)
obj, err := objLayer.DeleteObject(ctx, obj.Bucket, obj.Name, opts)
if err != nil {
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) || isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return false
// Assume it is still there.
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
return false
// Send audit for the lifecycle delete operation
auditLogLifecycle(ctx, obj, ILMExpiry)
eventName := event.ObjectRemovedDelete
if obj.DeleteMarker {
eventName = event.ObjectRemovedDeleteMarkerCreated
// Notify object deleted event.
EventName: eventName,
BucketName: obj.Bucket,
Object: obj,
Host: "Internal: [ILM-EXPIRY]",
return true
// Apply object, object version, restored object or restored object version action on the given object
func applyExpiryRule(obj ObjectInfo, restoredObject, applyOnVersion bool) bool {
globalExpiryState.queueExpiryTask(obj, restoredObject, applyOnVersion)
return true
// Perform actions (removal or transitioning of objects), return true the action is successfully performed
func applyLifecycleAction(action lifecycle.Action, obj ObjectInfo) (success bool) {
switch action {
case lifecycle.DeleteVersionAction, lifecycle.DeleteAction:
success = applyExpiryRule(obj, false, action == lifecycle.DeleteVersionAction)
case lifecycle.DeleteRestoredAction, lifecycle.DeleteRestoredVersionAction:
success = applyExpiryRule(obj, true, action == lifecycle.DeleteRestoredVersionAction)
case lifecycle.TransitionAction, lifecycle.TransitionVersionAction:
success = applyTransitionRule(obj)
// objectPath returns the prefix and object name.
func (i *scannerItem) objectPath() string {
return path.Join(i.prefix, i.objectName)
// healReplication will heal a scanned item that has failed replication.
func (i *scannerItem) healReplication(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, oi ObjectInfo, sizeS *sizeSummary) {
roi := getHealReplicateObjectInfo(oi, i.replication)
if oi.DeleteMarker || !oi.VersionPurgeStatus.Empty() {
// heal delete marker replication failure or versioned delete replication failure
if oi.ReplicationStatus == replication.Pending ||
oi.ReplicationStatus == replication.Failed ||
oi.VersionPurgeStatus == Failed || oi.VersionPurgeStatus == Pending {
i.healReplicationDeletes(ctx, o, roi)
// if replication status is Complete on DeleteMarker and existing object resync required
if roi.ExistingObjResync.mustResync() && (oi.ReplicationStatus == replication.Completed || oi.ReplicationStatus.Empty()) {
i.healReplicationDeletes(ctx, o, roi)
if roi.ExistingObjResync.mustResync() {
roi.OpType = replication.ExistingObjectReplicationType
if roi.TargetStatuses != nil {
if sizeS.replTargetStats == nil {
sizeS.replTargetStats = make(map[string]replTargetSizeSummary)
for arn, tgtStatus := range roi.TargetStatuses {
tgtSizeS, ok := sizeS.replTargetStats[arn]
if !ok {
tgtSizeS = replTargetSizeSummary{}
switch tgtStatus {
case replication.Pending:
tgtSizeS.pendingSize += oi.Size
sizeS.pendingSize += oi.Size
case replication.Failed:
tgtSizeS.failedSize += oi.Size
sizeS.failedSize += oi.Size
case replication.Completed, "COMPLETE":
tgtSizeS.replicatedSize += oi.Size
sizeS.replicatedSize += oi.Size
sizeS.replTargetStats[arn] = tgtSizeS
switch oi.ReplicationStatus {
case replication.Pending, replication.Failed:
case replication.Replica:
sizeS.replicaSize += oi.Size
if roi.ExistingObjResync.mustResync() {
// healReplicationDeletes will heal a scanned deleted item that failed to replicate deletes.
func (i *scannerItem) healReplicationDeletes(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, roi ReplicateObjectInfo) {
// handle soft delete and permanent delete failures here.
if roi.DeleteMarker || !roi.VersionPurgeStatus.Empty() {
versionID := ""
dmVersionID := ""
if roi.VersionPurgeStatus.Empty() {
dmVersionID = roi.VersionID
} else {
versionID = roi.VersionID
doi := DeletedObjectReplicationInfo{
DeletedObject: DeletedObject{
ObjectName: roi.Name,
DeleteMarkerVersionID: dmVersionID,
VersionID: versionID,
ReplicationState: roi.getReplicationState(roi.Dsc.String(), versionID, true),
DeleteMarkerMTime: DeleteMarkerMTime{roi.ModTime},
DeleteMarker: roi.DeleteMarker,
Bucket: roi.Bucket,
if roi.ExistingObjResync.mustResync() {
doi.OpType = replication.ExistingObjectReplicationType
queueReplicateDeletesWrapper(doi, roi.ExistingObjResync)
type dynamicSleeper struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
// Sleep factor
factor float64
// maximum sleep cap,
// set to <= 0 to disable.
maxSleep time.Duration
// Don't sleep at all, if time taken is below this value.
// This is to avoid too small costly sleeps.
minSleep time.Duration
// cycle will be closed
cycle chan struct{}
// newDynamicSleeper
func newDynamicSleeper(factor float64, maxWait time.Duration) *dynamicSleeper {
return &dynamicSleeper{
factor: factor,
cycle: make(chan struct{}),
maxSleep: maxWait,
minSleep: 100 * time.Microsecond,
// Timer returns a timer that has started.
// When the returned function is called it will wait.
func (d *dynamicSleeper) Timer(ctx context.Context) func() {
t := time.Now()
return func() {
doneAt := time.Now()
for {
// Grab current values
minWait, maxWait := d.minSleep, d.maxSleep
factor := d.factor
cycle := d.cycle
elapsed := doneAt.Sub(t)
// Don't sleep for really small amount of time
wantSleep := time.Duration(float64(elapsed) * factor)
if wantSleep <= minWait {
if maxWait > 0 && wantSleep > maxWait {
wantSleep = maxWait
timer := time.NewTimer(wantSleep)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if !timer.Stop() {
case <-timer.C:
case <-cycle:
if !timer.Stop() {
// We expired.
// Sleep sleeps the specified time multiplied by the sleep factor.
// If the factor is updated the sleep will be done again with the new factor.
func (d *dynamicSleeper) Sleep(ctx context.Context, base time.Duration) {
for {
// Grab current values
minWait, maxWait := d.minSleep, d.maxSleep
factor := d.factor
cycle := d.cycle
// Don't sleep for really small amount of time
wantSleep := time.Duration(float64(base) * factor)
if wantSleep <= minWait {
if maxWait > 0 && wantSleep > maxWait {
wantSleep = maxWait
timer := time.NewTimer(wantSleep)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if !timer.Stop() {
case <-timer.C:
case <-cycle:
if !timer.Stop() {
// We expired.
// Update the current settings and cycle all waiting.
// Parameters are the same as in the contructor.
func (d *dynamicSleeper) Update(factor float64, maxWait time.Duration) error {
if math.Abs(d.factor-factor) < 1e-10 && d.maxSleep == maxWait {
return nil
// Update values and cycle waiting.
d.factor = factor
d.maxSleep = maxWait
d.cycle = make(chan struct{})
return nil
const (
// ILMExpiry - audit trail for ILM expiry
ILMExpiry = "ilm:expiry"
// ILMFreeVersionDelete - audit trail for ILM free-version delete
ILMFreeVersionDelete = "ilm:free-version-delete"
// ILMTransition - audit trail for ILM transitioning.
ILMTransition = " ilm:transition"
func auditLogLifecycle(ctx context.Context, oi ObjectInfo, trigger string) {
var apiName string
switch trigger {
case ILMExpiry:
apiName = "ILMExpiry"
case ILMFreeVersionDelete:
apiName = "ILMFreeVersionDelete"
case ILMTransition:
apiName = "ILMTransition"
auditLogInternal(ctx, oi.Bucket, oi.Name, AuditLogOptions{
Trigger: trigger,
APIName: apiName,
VersionID: oi.VersionID,