Harshavardhana 80ca120088
remove checkBucketExist check entirely to avoid fan-out calls (#18917)
Each Put, List, Multipart operations heavily rely on making
GetBucketInfo() call to verify if bucket exists or not on
a regular basis. This has a large performance cost when there
are tons of servers involved.

We did optimize this part by vectorizing the bucket calls,
however its not enough, beyond 100 nodes and this becomes
fairly visible in terms of performance.
2024-01-30 12:43:25 -08:00

1933 lines
77 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package cmd
import (
// Wrapper for calling NewMultipartUpload tests for both Erasure multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestObjectNewMultipartUpload(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == globalWindowsOSName {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testObjectNewMultipartUpload)
// Tests validate creation of new multipart upload instance.
func testObjectNewMultipartUpload(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
bucket := "minio-bucket"
object := "minio-object"
opts := ObjectOptions{}
_, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), "--", object, opts)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: Expected to fail since bucket name is invalid.", instanceType)
errMsg := "Bucket not found: minio-bucket"
// operation expected to fail since the bucket on which NewMultipartUpload is being initiated doesn't exist.
_, err = obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucket, object, opts)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: Expected to fail since the NewMultipartUpload is initialized on a non-existent bucket.", instanceType)
if errMsg != err.Error() {
t.Errorf("%s, Expected to fail with Error \"%s\", but instead found \"%s\".", instanceType, errMsg, err.Error())
// Create bucket before initiating NewMultipartUpload.
err = obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), bucket, MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
res, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucket, "\\", opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
err = obj.AbortMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucket, "\\", res.UploadID, opts)
if err != nil {
switch err.(type) {
case InvalidUploadID:
t.Fatalf("%s: New Multipart upload failed to create uuid file.", instanceType)
// Wrapper for calling AbortMultipartUpload tests for both Erasure multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestObjectAbortMultipartUpload(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testObjectAbortMultipartUpload)
// Tests validate creation of abort multipart upload instance.
func testObjectAbortMultipartUpload(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
bucket := "minio-bucket"
object := "minio-object"
opts := ObjectOptions{}
// Create bucket before initiating NewMultipartUpload.
err := obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), bucket, MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
res, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
uploadID := res.UploadID
abortTestCases := []struct {
bucketName string
objName string
uploadID string
expectedErrType error
{"--", object, uploadID, BucketNameInvalid{}},
{"foo", object, uploadID, BucketNotFound{}},
{bucket, object, "foo-foo", InvalidUploadID{}},
{bucket, object, uploadID, nil},
if runtime.GOOS != globalWindowsOSName {
abortTestCases = append(abortTestCases, struct {
bucketName string
objName string
uploadID string
expectedErrType error
}{bucket, "\\", uploadID, InvalidUploadID{}})
// Iterating over creatPartCases to generate multipart chunks.
for i, testCase := range abortTestCases {
err = obj.AbortMultipartUpload(context.Background(), testCase.bucketName, testCase.objName, testCase.uploadID, opts)
if testCase.expectedErrType == nil && err != nil {
t.Errorf("Test %d, unexpected err is received: %v, expected:%v\n", i+1, err, testCase.expectedErrType)
if testCase.expectedErrType != nil && !isSameType(err, testCase.expectedErrType) {
t.Errorf("Test %d, unexpected err is received: %v, expected:%v\n", i+1, err, testCase.expectedErrType)
// Wrapper for calling isUploadIDExists tests for both Erasure multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestObjectAPIIsUploadIDExists(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testObjectAPIIsUploadIDExists)
// Tests validates the validator for existence of uploadID.
func testObjectAPIIsUploadIDExists(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
bucket := "minio-bucket"
object := "minio-object"
// Create bucket before initiating NewMultipartUpload.
err := obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), bucket, MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
_, err = obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucket, object, ObjectOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
opts := ObjectOptions{}
err = obj.AbortMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucket, object, "abc", opts)
switch err.(type) {
case InvalidUploadID:
t.Fatalf("%s: Expected uploadIDPath to exist.", instanceType)
// Wrapper for calling PutObjectPart tests for both Erasure multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestObjectAPIPutObjectPart(t *testing.T) {
ExecExtendedObjectLayerTest(t, testObjectAPIPutObjectPart)
// Tests validate correctness of PutObjectPart.
func testObjectAPIPutObjectPart(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Generating cases for which the PutObjectPart fails.
bucket := "minio-bucket"
object := "minio-object"
opts := ObjectOptions{}
// Create bucket before initiating NewMultipartUpload.
err := obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), bucket, MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Initiate Multipart Upload on the above created bucket.
res, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucket, object, opts)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
err = obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), "abc", MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
resN, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), "abc", "def", opts)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
uploadID := res.UploadID
// Creating a dummy bucket for tests.
err = obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), "unused-bucket", MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
obj.DeleteBucket(context.Background(), "abc", DeleteBucketOptions{})
// Collection of non-exhaustive PutObjectPart test cases, valid errors
// and success responses.
testCases := []struct {
bucketName string
objName string
uploadID string
PartID int
inputReaderData string
inputMd5 string
inputSHA256 string
intputDataSize int64
// flag indicating whether the test should pass.
shouldPass bool
// expected error output.
expectedMd5 string
expectedError error
// Test case 1-4.
// Cases with invalid bucket name.
{bucketName: ".test", objName: "obj", PartID: 1, expectedError: fmt.Errorf("%s", "Bucket name invalid: .test")},
{bucketName: "------", objName: "obj", PartID: 1, expectedError: fmt.Errorf("%s", "Bucket name invalid: ------")},
bucketName: "$this-is-not-valid-too", objName: "obj", PartID: 1,
expectedError: fmt.Errorf("%s", "Bucket name invalid: $this-is-not-valid-too"),
{bucketName: "a", objName: "obj", PartID: 1, expectedError: fmt.Errorf("%s", "Bucket name invalid: a")},
// Test case - 5.
// Case with invalid object names.
{bucketName: bucket, PartID: 1, expectedError: fmt.Errorf("%s", "Object name invalid: minio-bucket/")},
// Test case - 6.
// Valid object and bucket names but non-existent bucket.
{bucketName: "abc", objName: "def", uploadID: resN.UploadID, PartID: 1, expectedError: fmt.Errorf("%s", "Bucket not found: abc")},
// Test Case - 7.
// Existing bucket, but using a bucket on which NewMultipartUpload is not Initiated.
{bucketName: "unused-bucket", objName: "def", uploadID: "xyz", PartID: 1, expectedError: fmt.Errorf("%s", "Invalid upload id xyz")},
// Test Case - 8.
// Existing bucket, object name different from which NewMultipartUpload is constructed from.
// Expecting "Invalid upload id".
{bucketName: bucket, objName: "def", uploadID: "xyz", PartID: 1, expectedError: fmt.Errorf("%s", "Invalid upload id xyz")},
// Test Case - 9.
// Existing bucket, bucket and object name are the ones from which NewMultipartUpload is constructed from.
// But the uploadID is invalid.
// Expecting "Invalid upload id".
{bucketName: bucket, objName: object, uploadID: "xyz", PartID: 1, expectedError: fmt.Errorf("%s", "Invalid upload id xyz")},
// Test Case - 10.
// Case with valid UploadID, existing bucket name.
// But using the bucket name from which NewMultipartUpload is not constructed from.
{bucketName: "unused-bucket", objName: object, uploadID: uploadID, PartID: 1, expectedError: fmt.Errorf("%s", "Invalid upload id "+uploadID)},
// Test Case - 11.
// Case with valid UploadID, existing bucket name.
// But using the object name from which NewMultipartUpload is not constructed from.
{bucketName: bucket, objName: "none-object", uploadID: uploadID, PartID: 1, expectedError: fmt.Errorf("%s", "Invalid upload id "+uploadID)},
// Test case - 12.
// Input to replicate Md5 mismatch.
bucketName: bucket, objName: object, uploadID: uploadID, PartID: 1, inputMd5: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427f",
expectedError: hash.BadDigest{ExpectedMD5: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427f", CalculatedMD5: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"},
// Test case - 13.
// When incorrect sha256 is provided.
bucketName: bucket, objName: object, uploadID: uploadID, PartID: 1, inputSHA256: "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b854",
expectedError: hash.SHA256Mismatch{
ExpectedSHA256: "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b854",
CalculatedSHA256: "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855",
// Test case - 14.
// Input with size more than the size of actual data inside the reader.
bucketName: bucket, objName: object, uploadID: uploadID, PartID: 1, inputReaderData: "abcd", inputMd5: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f3335", intputDataSize: int64(len("abcd") + 1),
expectedError: hash.BadDigest{ExpectedMD5: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f3335", CalculatedMD5: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
// Test case - 15.
// Input with size less than the size of actual data inside the reader.
bucketName: bucket, objName: object, uploadID: uploadID, PartID: 1, inputReaderData: "abcd", inputMd5: "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f73", intputDataSize: int64(len("abcd") - 1),
expectedError: ioutil.ErrOverread,
// Test case - 16-19.
// Validating for success cases.
{bucketName: bucket, objName: object, uploadID: uploadID, PartID: 1, inputReaderData: "abcd", inputMd5: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", inputSHA256: "88d4266fd4e6338d13b845fcf289579d209c897823b9217da3e161936f031589", intputDataSize: int64(len("abcd")), shouldPass: true},
{bucketName: bucket, objName: object, uploadID: uploadID, PartID: 2, inputReaderData: "efgh", inputMd5: "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27", inputSHA256: "e5e088a0b66163a0a26a5e053d2a4496dc16ab6e0e3dd1adf2d16aa84a078c9d", intputDataSize: int64(len("efgh")), shouldPass: true},
{bucketName: bucket, objName: object, uploadID: uploadID, PartID: 3, inputReaderData: "ijkl", inputMd5: "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579", inputSHA256: "005c19658919186b85618c5870463eec8d9b8c1a9d00208a5352891ba5bbe086", intputDataSize: int64(len("abcd")), shouldPass: true},
{bucketName: bucket, objName: object, uploadID: uploadID, PartID: 4, inputReaderData: "mnop", inputMd5: "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef", inputSHA256: "f1afc31479522d6cff1ed068f93998f05a8cd3b22f5c37d7f307084f62d1d270", intputDataSize: int64(len("abcd")), shouldPass: true},
// Validate all the test cases.
for i, testCase := range testCases {
actualInfo, actualErr := obj.PutObjectPart(context.Background(), testCase.bucketName, testCase.objName, testCase.uploadID, testCase.PartID, mustGetPutObjReader(t, bytes.NewBufferString(testCase.inputReaderData), testCase.intputDataSize, testCase.inputMd5, testCase.inputSHA256), opts)
// All are test cases above are expected to fail.
if actualErr != nil && testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to pass, but failed with: <ERROR> %s.", i+1, instanceType, actualErr.Error())
if actualErr == nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with <ERROR> \"%s\", but passed instead.", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedError.Error())
// Failed as expected, but does it fail for the expected reason.
if actualErr != nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
if testCase.expectedError.Error() != actualErr.Error() {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with error \"%s\", but instead failed with error \"%s\" instead.", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedError.Error(), actualErr.Error())
// Test passes as expected, but the output values are verified for correctness here.
if actualErr == nil && testCase.shouldPass {
// Asserting whether the md5 output is correct.
if testCase.inputMd5 != actualInfo.ETag {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Calculated Md5 different from the actual one %s.", i+1, instanceType, actualInfo.ETag)
// Wrapper for calling TestListMultipartUploads tests for both Erasure multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestListMultipartUploads(t *testing.T) {
ExecExtendedObjectLayerTest(t, testListMultipartUploads)
// testListMultipartUploads - Tests validate listing of multipart uploads.
func testListMultipartUploads(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
bucketNames := []string{"minio-bucket", "minio-2-bucket", "minio-3-bucket"}
objectNames := []string{"minio-object-1.txt", "minio-object.txt", "neymar-1.jpeg", "neymar.jpeg", "parrot-1.png", "parrot.png"}
uploadIDs := []string{}
opts := ObjectOptions{}
// bucketnames[0].
// objectNames[0].
// uploadIds [0].
// Create bucket before initiating NewMultipartUpload.
err := obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), bucketNames[0], MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Initiate Multipart Upload on the above created bucket.
res, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], opts)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
uploadIDs = append(uploadIDs, res.UploadID)
// bucketnames[1].
// objectNames[0].
// uploadIds [1-3].
// Bucket to test for multiple upload Id's for a given object.
err = obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), bucketNames[1], MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
// Initiate Multipart Upload on bucketNames[1] for the same object 3 times.
// Used to test the listing for the case of multiple uploadID's for a given object.
res, err = obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucketNames[1], objectNames[0], opts)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
uploadIDs = append(uploadIDs, res.UploadID)
// Bucket to test for multiple objects, each with unique UUID.
// bucketnames[2].
// objectNames[0-2].
// uploadIds [4-9].
err = obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), bucketNames[2], MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Initiate Multipart Upload on bucketNames[2].
// Used to test the listing for the case of multiple objects for a given bucket.
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
res, err = obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucketNames[2], objectNames[i], opts)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// uploadIds [4-9].
uploadIDs = append(uploadIDs, res.UploadID)
// Create multipart parts.
// Need parts to be uploaded before MultipartLists can be called and tested.
createPartCases := []struct {
bucketName string
objName string
uploadID string
PartID int
inputReaderData string
inputMd5 string
intputDataSize int64
expectedMd5 string
// Case 1-4.
// Creating sequence of parts for same uploadID.
// Used to ensure that the ListMultipartResult produces one output for the four parts uploaded below for the given upload ID.
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 2, "efgh", "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27", int64(len("efgh")), "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 3, "ijkl", "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579", int64(len("abcd")), "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 4, "mnop", "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef", int64(len("abcd")), "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef"},
// Cases 5-7.
// Create parts with 3 uploadID's for the same object.
// Testing for listing of all the uploadID's for given object.
// Insertion with 3 different uploadID's are done for same bucket and object.
{bucketNames[1], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[1], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
{bucketNames[1], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[2], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
{bucketNames[1], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[3], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
// Case 8-13.
// Generating parts for different objects.
{bucketNames[2], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[4], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
{bucketNames[2], objectNames[1], uploadIDs[5], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
{bucketNames[2], objectNames[2], uploadIDs[6], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
{bucketNames[2], objectNames[3], uploadIDs[7], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
{bucketNames[2], objectNames[4], uploadIDs[8], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
{bucketNames[2], objectNames[5], uploadIDs[9], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
sha256sum := ""
// Iterating over creatPartCases to generate multipart chunks.
for _, testCase := range createPartCases {
_, err := obj.PutObjectPart(context.Background(), testCase.bucketName, testCase.objName, testCase.uploadID, testCase.PartID, mustGetPutObjReader(t, bytes.NewBufferString(testCase.inputReaderData), testCase.intputDataSize, testCase.inputMd5, sha256sum), opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Expected Results set for asserting ListObjectMultipart test.
listMultipartResults := []ListMultipartsInfo{
// listMultipartResults - 1.
// Used to check that the result produces only one output for the 4 parts uploaded in cases 1-4 of createPartCases above.
// ListMultipartUploads doesn't list the parts.
MaxUploads: 100,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
// listMultipartResults - 2.
// Used to check that the result produces if keyMarker is set to the only available object.
// `KeyMarker` is set.
// ListMultipartUploads doesn't list the parts.
MaxUploads: 100,
KeyMarker: "minio-object-1.txt",
// listMultipartResults - 3.
// `KeyMarker` is set, no MultipartInfo expected.
// ListMultipartUploads doesn't list the parts.
// `Maxupload` value is asserted.
MaxUploads: 100,
KeyMarker: "orange",
// listMultipartResults - 4.
// `KeyMarker` is set, no MultipartInfo expected.
// Maxupload value is asserted.
MaxUploads: 1,
KeyMarker: "orange",
// listMultipartResults - 5.
// `KeyMarker` is set. It contains part of the objectname as `KeyPrefix`.
// Expecting the result to contain one MultipartInfo entry and Istruncated to be false.
MaxUploads: 10,
KeyMarker: "min",
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
// listMultipartResults - 6.
// `KeyMarker` is set. It contains part of the objectname as `KeyPrefix`.
// `MaxUploads` is set equal to the number of meta data entries in the result, the result contains only one entry.
// Expecting the result to contain one MultipartInfo entry and IsTruncated to be false.
MaxUploads: 1,
KeyMarker: "min",
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
// listMultipartResults - 7.
// `KeyMarker` is set. It contains part of the objectname as `KeyPrefix`.
// Testing for the case with `MaxUploads` set to 0.
// Expecting the result to contain no MultipartInfo entry since `MaxUploads` is set to 0.
// Expecting `IsTruncated` to be true.
MaxUploads: 0,
KeyMarker: "min",
IsTruncated: true,
// listMultipartResults - 8.
// `KeyMarker` is set. It contains part of the objectname as KeyPrefix.
// Testing for the case with `MaxUploads` set to 0.
// Expecting the result to contain no MultipartInfo entry since `MaxUploads` is set to 0.
// Expecting `isTruncated` to be true.
MaxUploads: 0,
KeyMarker: "min",
IsTruncated: true,
// listMultipartResults - 9.
// `KeyMarker` is set. It contains part of the objectname as KeyPrefix.
// `KeyMarker` is set equal to the object name in the result.
// Expecting the result to contain one MultipartInfo entry and IsTruncated to be false.
MaxUploads: 2,
KeyMarker: "minio-object",
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
// listMultipartResults - 10.
// Prefix is set. It is set equal to the object name.
// MaxUploads is set more than number of meta data entries in the result.
// Expecting the result to contain one MultipartInfo entry and IsTruncated to be false.
MaxUploads: 2,
Prefix: "minio-object-1.txt",
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
// listMultipartResults - 11.
// Setting `Prefix` to contain the object name as its prefix.
// MaxUploads is set more than number of meta data entries in the result.
// Expecting the result to contain one MultipartInfo entry and IsTruncated to be false.
MaxUploads: 2,
Prefix: "min",
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
// listMultipartResults - 12.
// Setting `Prefix` to contain the object name as its prefix.
// MaxUploads is set equal to number of meta data entries in the result.
// Expecting the result to contain one MultipartInfo entry and IsTruncated to be false.
MaxUploads: 1,
Prefix: "min",
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
// listMultipartResults - 13.
// `Prefix` is set. It doesn't contain object name as its preifx.
// MaxUploads is set more than number of meta data entries in the result.
// Expecting no `Uploads` metadata.
MaxUploads: 2,
Prefix: "orange",
IsTruncated: false,
// listMultipartResults - 14.
// `Prefix` is set. It doesn't contain object name as its preifx.
// MaxUploads is set more than number of meta data entries in the result.
// Expecting the result to contain 0 uploads and isTruncated to false.
MaxUploads: 2,
Prefix: "Asia",
IsTruncated: false,
// listMultipartResults - 15.
// Setting `Delimiter`.
// MaxUploads is set more than number of meta data entries in the result.
// Expecting the result to contain one MultipartInfo entry and IsTruncated to be false.
MaxUploads: 2,
Delimiter: SlashSeparator,
Prefix: "",
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
// listMultipartResults - 16.
// Testing for listing of 3 uploadID's for a given object.
// Will be used to list on bucketNames[1].
MaxUploads: 100,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[1],
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[2],
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[3],
// listMultipartResults - 17.
// Testing for listing of 3 uploadID's (uploadIDs[1-3]) for a given object with uploadID Marker set.
// uploadIDs[1] is set as UploadMarker, Expecting it to be skipped in the result.
// uploadIDs[2] and uploadIDs[3] are expected to be in the result.
// Istruncted is expected to be false.
// Will be used to list on bucketNames[1].
MaxUploads: 100,
KeyMarker: "minio-object-1.txt",
UploadIDMarker: uploadIDs[1],
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[2],
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[3],
// listMultipartResults - 18.
// Testing for listing of 3 uploadID's (uploadIDs[1-3]) for a given object with uploadID Marker set.
// uploadIDs[2] is set as UploadMarker, Expecting it to be skipped in the result.
// Only uploadIDs[3] are expected to be in the result.
// Istruncted is expected to be false.
// Will be used to list on bucketNames[1].
MaxUploads: 100,
KeyMarker: "minio-object-1.txt",
UploadIDMarker: uploadIDs[2],
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[3],
// listMultipartResults - 19.
// Testing for listing of 3 uploadID's for a given object, setting maxKeys to be 2.
// There are 3 MultipartInfo in the result (uploadIDs[1-3]), it should be truncated to 2.
// Since there is only single object for bucketNames[1], the NextKeyMarker is set to its name.
// The last entry in the result, uploadIDs[2], that is should be set as NextUploadIDMarker.
// Will be used to list on bucketNames[1].
MaxUploads: 2,
IsTruncated: true,
NextKeyMarker: objectNames[0],
NextUploadIDMarker: uploadIDs[2],
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[1],
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[2],
// listMultipartResults - 20.
// Testing for listing of 3 uploadID's for a given object, setting maxKeys to be 1.
// There are 3 MultipartInfo in the result (uploadIDs[1-3]), it should be truncated to 1.
// The last entry in the result, uploadIDs[1], that is should be set as NextUploadIDMarker.
// Will be used to list on bucketNames[1].
MaxUploads: 1,
IsTruncated: true,
NextKeyMarker: objectNames[0],
NextUploadIDMarker: uploadIDs[1],
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[1],
// listMultipartResults - 21.
// Testing for listing of 3 uploadID's for a given object, setting maxKeys to be 3.
// There are 3 MultipartInfo in the result (uploadIDs[1-3]), hence no truncation is expected.
// Since all the MultipartInfo is listed, expecting no values for NextUploadIDMarker and NextKeyMarker.
// Will be used to list on bucketNames[1].
MaxUploads: 3,
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[1],
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[2],
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[3],
// listMultipartResults - 22.
// Testing for listing of 3 uploadID's for a given object, setting `prefix` to be "min".
// Will be used to list on bucketNames[1].
MaxUploads: 10,
IsTruncated: false,
Prefix: "min",
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[1],
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[2],
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[3],
// listMultipartResults - 23.
// Testing for listing of 3 uploadID's for a given object
// setting `prefix` to be "orange".
// Will be used to list on bucketNames[1].
MaxUploads: 10,
IsTruncated: false,
Prefix: "orange",
// listMultipartResults - 24.
// Testing for listing of 3 uploadID's for a given object.
// setting `prefix` to be "Asia".
// Will be used to list on bucketNames[1].
MaxUploads: 10,
IsTruncated: false,
Prefix: "Asia",
// listMultipartResults - 25.
// Testing for listing of 3 uploadID's for a given object.
// setting `prefix` and uploadIDMarker.
// Will be used to list on bucketNames[1].
MaxUploads: 10,
KeyMarker: "minio-object-1.txt",
IsTruncated: false,
Prefix: "min",
UploadIDMarker: uploadIDs[1],
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[2],
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[3],
// Operations on bucket 2.
// listMultipartResults - 26.
// checking listing everything.
MaxUploads: 100,
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[4],
Object: objectNames[1],
UploadID: uploadIDs[5],
Object: objectNames[2],
UploadID: uploadIDs[6],
Object: objectNames[3],
UploadID: uploadIDs[7],
Object: objectNames[4],
UploadID: uploadIDs[8],
Object: objectNames[5],
UploadID: uploadIDs[9],
// listMultipartResults - 27.
// listing with `prefix` "min".
MaxUploads: 100,
IsTruncated: false,
Prefix: "min",
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[4],
Object: objectNames[1],
UploadID: uploadIDs[5],
// listMultipartResults - 28.
// listing with `prefix` "ney".
MaxUploads: 100,
IsTruncated: false,
Prefix: "ney",
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[2],
UploadID: uploadIDs[6],
Object: objectNames[3],
UploadID: uploadIDs[7],
// listMultipartResults - 29.
// listing with `prefix` "parrot".
MaxUploads: 100,
IsTruncated: false,
Prefix: "parrot",
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[4],
UploadID: uploadIDs[8],
Object: objectNames[5],
UploadID: uploadIDs[9],
// listMultipartResults - 30.
// listing with `prefix` "neymar.jpeg".
// prefix set to object name.
MaxUploads: 100,
IsTruncated: false,
Prefix: "neymar.jpeg",
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[3],
UploadID: uploadIDs[7],
// listMultipartResults - 31.
// checking listing with marker set to 3.
// `NextUploadIDMarker` is expected to be set on last uploadID in the result.
// `NextKeyMarker` is expected to be set on the last object key in the list.
MaxUploads: 3,
IsTruncated: true,
NextUploadIDMarker: uploadIDs[6],
NextKeyMarker: objectNames[2],
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[4],
Object: objectNames[1],
UploadID: uploadIDs[5],
Object: objectNames[2],
UploadID: uploadIDs[6],
// listMultipartResults - 32.
// checking listing with marker set to no of objects in the list.
// `NextUploadIDMarker` is expected to be empty since all results are listed.
// `NextKeyMarker` is expected to be empty since all results are listed.
MaxUploads: 6,
IsTruncated: false,
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[0],
UploadID: uploadIDs[4],
Object: objectNames[1],
UploadID: uploadIDs[5],
Object: objectNames[2],
UploadID: uploadIDs[6],
Object: objectNames[3],
UploadID: uploadIDs[7],
Object: objectNames[4],
UploadID: uploadIDs[8],
Object: objectNames[5],
UploadID: uploadIDs[9],
// listMultipartResults - 33.
// checking listing with `UploadIDMarker` set.
MaxUploads: 10,
IsTruncated: false,
UploadIDMarker: uploadIDs[6],
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[3],
UploadID: uploadIDs[7],
Object: objectNames[4],
UploadID: uploadIDs[8],
Object: objectNames[5],
UploadID: uploadIDs[9],
// listMultipartResults - 34.
// checking listing with `KeyMarker` set.
MaxUploads: 10,
IsTruncated: false,
KeyMarker: objectNames[3],
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[4],
UploadID: uploadIDs[8],
Object: objectNames[5],
UploadID: uploadIDs[9],
// listMultipartResults - 35.
// Checking listing with `Prefix` and `KeyMarker`.
// No upload MultipartInfo in the result expected since KeyMarker is set to last Key in the result.
MaxUploads: 10,
IsTruncated: false,
Prefix: "minio-object",
KeyMarker: objectNames[1],
// listMultipartResults - 36.
// checking listing with `Prefix` and `UploadIDMarker` set.
MaxUploads: 10,
IsTruncated: false,
Prefix: "minio",
UploadIDMarker: uploadIDs[4],
Uploads: []MultipartInfo{
Object: objectNames[1],
UploadID: uploadIDs[5],
// listMultipartResults - 37.
// Checking listing with `KeyMarker` and `UploadIDMarker` set.
MaxUploads: 10,
IsTruncated: false,
KeyMarker: "minio-object.txt",
UploadIDMarker: uploadIDs[5],
// Collection of non-exhaustive ListMultipartUploads test cases, valid errors
// and success responses.
testCases := []struct {
// Inputs to ListMultipartUploads.
bucket string
prefix string
keyMarker string
uploadIDMarker string
delimiter string
maxUploads int
// Expected output of ListMultipartUploads.
expectedResult ListMultipartsInfo
expectedErr error
// Flag indicating whether the test is expected to pass or not.
shouldPass bool
// Test cases with invalid bucket names ( Test number 1-4 ).
{".test", "", "", "", "", 0, ListMultipartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: ".test"}, false},
{"Test", "", "", "", "", 0, ListMultipartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "Test"}, false},
{"---", "", "", "", "", 0, ListMultipartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "---"}, false},
{"ad", "", "", "", "", 0, ListMultipartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "ad"}, false},
// Valid bucket names, but they do not exist (Test number 5-7).
{"volatile-bucket-1", "", "", "", "", 0, ListMultipartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-1"}, false},
{"volatile-bucket-2", "", "", "", "", 0, ListMultipartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-2"}, false},
{"volatile-bucket-3", "", "", "", "", 0, ListMultipartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-3"}, false},
// Valid, existing bucket, delimiter not supported, returns empty values (Test number 8-9).
{bucketNames[0], "", "", "", "*", 0, ListMultipartsInfo{Delimiter: "*"}, nil, true},
{bucketNames[0], "", "", "", "-", 0, ListMultipartsInfo{Delimiter: "-"}, nil, true},
// If marker is *after* the last possible object from the prefix it should return an empty list.
bucketNames[0], "Asia", "europe-object", "", "", 0,
ListMultipartsInfo{KeyMarker: "europe-object", Prefix: "Asia", IsTruncated: false},
nil, true,
// Setting an invalid combination of uploadIDMarker and Marker (Test number 11-12).
bucketNames[0], "asia", "asia/europe/", "abc", "", 0,
fmt.Errorf("Invalid combination of uploadID marker '%s' and marker '%s'", "abc", "asia/europe/"), false,
// Contains a base64 padding character
bucketNames[0], "asia", "asia/europe", "abc=", "", 0,
fmt.Errorf("Malformed upload id %s", "abc="), false,
// Setting up valid case of ListMultiPartUploads.
// Test case with multiple parts for a single uploadID (Test number 13).
{bucketNames[0], "", "", "", "", 100, listMultipartResults[0], nil, true},
// Test with a KeyMarker (Test number 14-17).
{bucketNames[0], "", "minio-object-1.txt", "", "", 100, listMultipartResults[1], nil, true},
{bucketNames[0], "", "orange", "", "", 100, listMultipartResults[2], nil, true},
{bucketNames[0], "", "orange", "", "", 1, listMultipartResults[3], nil, true},
{bucketNames[0], "", "min", "", "", 10, listMultipartResults[4], nil, true},
// Test case with keyMarker set equal to number of parts in the result. (Test number 18).
{bucketNames[0], "", "min", "", "", 1, listMultipartResults[5], nil, true},
// Test case with keyMarker set to 0. (Test number 19).
{bucketNames[0], "", "min", "", "", 0, listMultipartResults[6], nil, true},
// Test case with keyMarker less than 0. (Test number 20).
// {bucketNames[0], "", "min", "", "", -1, listMultipartResults[7], nil, true},
// The result contains only one entry. The KeyPrefix is set to the object name in the result.
// Expecting the result to skip the KeyPrefix entry in the result (Test number 21).
{bucketNames[0], "", "minio-object", "", "", 2, listMultipartResults[8], nil, true},
// Test case containing prefix values.
// Setting prefix to be equal to object name.(Test number 22).
{bucketNames[0], "minio-object-1.txt", "", "", "", 2, listMultipartResults[9], nil, true},
// Setting `prefix` to contain the object name as its prefix (Test number 23).
{bucketNames[0], "min", "", "", "", 2, listMultipartResults[10], nil, true},
// Setting `prefix` to contain the object name as its prefix (Test number 24).
{bucketNames[0], "min", "", "", "", 1, listMultipartResults[11], nil, true},
// Setting `prefix` to not to contain the object name as its prefix (Test number 25-26).
{bucketNames[0], "orange", "", "", "", 2, listMultipartResults[12], nil, true},
{bucketNames[0], "Asia", "", "", "", 2, listMultipartResults[13], nil, true},
// setting delimiter (Test number 27).
{bucketNames[0], "", "", "", SlashSeparator, 2, listMultipartResults[14], nil, true},
// Test case with multiple uploadID listing for given object (Test number 28).
{bucketNames[1], "", "", "", "", 100, listMultipartResults[15], nil, true},
// Test case with multiple uploadID listing for given object, but uploadID marker set.
// Testing whether the marker entry is skipped (Test number 29-30).
{bucketNames[1], "", "minio-object-1.txt", uploadIDs[1], "", 100, listMultipartResults[16], nil, true},
{bucketNames[1], "", "minio-object-1.txt", uploadIDs[2], "", 100, listMultipartResults[17], nil, true},
// Test cases with multiple uploadID listing for a given object (Test number 31-32).
// MaxKeys set to values lesser than the number of entries in the MultipartInfo.
// IsTruncated is expected to be true.
{bucketNames[1], "", "", "", "", 2, listMultipartResults[18], nil, true},
{bucketNames[1], "", "", "", "", 1, listMultipartResults[19], nil, true},
// MaxKeys set to the value which is equal to no of entries in the MultipartInfo (Test number 33).
// In case of bucketNames[1], there are 3 entries.
// Since all available entries are listed, IsTruncated is expected to be false
// and NextMarkers are expected to empty.
{bucketNames[1], "", "", "", "", 3, listMultipartResults[20], nil, true},
// Adding prefix (Test number 34-36).
{bucketNames[1], "min", "", "", "", 10, listMultipartResults[21], nil, true},
{bucketNames[1], "orange", "", "", "", 10, listMultipartResults[22], nil, true},
{bucketNames[1], "Asia", "", "", "", 10, listMultipartResults[23], nil, true},
// Test case with `Prefix` and `UploadIDMarker` (Test number 37).
{bucketNames[1], "min", "minio-object-1.txt", uploadIDs[1], "", 10, listMultipartResults[24], nil, true},
// Test case for bucket with multiple objects in it.
// Bucket used : `bucketNames[2]`.
// Objects used: `objectNames[1-5]`.
// UploadId's used: uploadIds[4-8].
// (Test number 39).
{bucketNames[2], "", "", "", "", 100, listMultipartResults[25], nil, true},
// Test cases with prefixes.
// Testing listing with prefix set to "min" (Test number 40) .
{bucketNames[2], "min", "", "", "", 100, listMultipartResults[26], nil, true},
// Testing listing with prefix set to "ney" (Test number 41).
{bucketNames[2], "ney", "", "", "", 100, listMultipartResults[27], nil, true},
// Testing listing with prefix set to "par" (Test number 42).
{bucketNames[2], "parrot", "", "", "", 100, listMultipartResults[28], nil, true},
// Testing listing with prefix set to object name "neymar.jpeg" (Test number 43).
{bucketNames[2], "neymar.jpeg", "", "", "", 100, listMultipartResults[29], nil, true},
// Testing listing with `MaxUploads` set to 3 (Test number 44).
{bucketNames[2], "", "", "", "", 3, listMultipartResults[30], nil, true},
// In case of bucketNames[2], there are 6 entries (Test number 45).
// Since all available entries are listed, IsTruncated is expected to be false
// and NextMarkers are expected to empty.
{bucketNames[2], "", "", "", "", 6, listMultipartResults[31], nil, true},
// Test case with `KeyMarker` (Test number 47).
{bucketNames[2], "", objectNames[3], "", "", 10, listMultipartResults[33], nil, true},
// Test case with `prefix` and `KeyMarker` (Test number 48).
{bucketNames[2], "minio-object", objectNames[1], "", "", 10, listMultipartResults[34], nil, true},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
// fmt.Println(i+1, testCase) // uncomment to peek into the test cases.
actualResult, actualErr := obj.ListMultipartUploads(context.Background(), testCase.bucket, testCase.prefix, testCase.keyMarker, testCase.uploadIDMarker, testCase.delimiter, testCase.maxUploads)
if actualErr != nil && testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to pass, but failed with: <ERROR> %s", i+1, instanceType, actualErr.Error())
if actualErr == nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with <ERROR> \"%s\", but passed instead", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedErr.Error())
// Failed as expected, but does it fail for the expected reason.
if actualErr != nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
if !strings.Contains(actualErr.Error(), testCase.expectedErr.Error()) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with error \"%s\", but instead failed with error \"%s\" instead", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedErr.Error(), actualErr.Error())
// Passes as expected, but asserting the results.
if actualErr == nil && testCase.shouldPass {
expectedResult := testCase.expectedResult
// Asserting the MaxUploads.
if actualResult.MaxUploads != expectedResult.MaxUploads {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected the MaxUploads to be %d, but instead found it to be %d", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.MaxUploads, actualResult.MaxUploads)
// Asserting Prefix.
if actualResult.Prefix != expectedResult.Prefix {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected Prefix to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.Prefix, actualResult.Prefix)
// Asserting Delimiter.
if actualResult.Delimiter != expectedResult.Delimiter {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected Delimiter to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.Delimiter, actualResult.Delimiter)
// Asserting the keyMarker.
if actualResult.KeyMarker != expectedResult.KeyMarker {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected keyMarker to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.KeyMarker, actualResult.KeyMarker)
// Wrapper for calling TestListObjectPartsDiskNotFound tests for both Erasure multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestListObjectPartsDiskNotFound(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerDiskAlteredTest(t, testListObjectPartsDiskNotFound)
// testListObjectParts - Tests validate listing of object parts when disks go offline.
func testListObjectPartsDiskNotFound(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, disks []string, t *testing.T) {
bucketNames := []string{"minio-bucket", "minio-2-bucket"}
objectNames := []string{"minio-object-1.txt"}
uploadIDs := []string{}
RRS: storageclass.StorageClass{
Parity: 2,
Standard: storageclass.StorageClass{
Parity: 4,
// bucketnames[0].
// objectNames[0].
// uploadIds [0].
// Create bucket before initiating NewMultipartUpload.
err := obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), bucketNames[0], MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
opts := ObjectOptions{}
// Initiate Multipart Upload on the above created bucket.
res, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], opts)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
z := obj.(*erasureServerPools)
er := z.serverPools[0].sets[0]
erasureDisks := er.getDisks()
ridx := rand.Intn(len(erasureDisks))
er.getDisks = func() []StorageAPI {
erasureDisks[ridx] = newNaughtyDisk(erasureDisks[ridx], nil, errFaultyDisk)
return erasureDisks
uploadIDs = append(uploadIDs, res.UploadID)
// Create multipart parts.
// Need parts to be uploaded before MultipartLists can be called and tested.
createPartCases := []struct {
bucketName string
objName string
uploadID string
PartID int
inputReaderData string
inputMd5 string
intputDataSize int64
expectedMd5 string
// Case 1-4.
// Creating sequence of parts for same uploadID.
// Used to ensure that the ListMultipartResult produces one output for the four parts uploaded below for the given upload ID.
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 2, "efgh", "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27", int64(len("efgh")), "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 3, "ijkl", "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579", int64(len("abcd")), "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 4, "mnop", "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef", int64(len("abcd")), "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef"},
sha256sum := ""
// Iterating over creatPartCases to generate multipart chunks.
for _, testCase := range createPartCases {
_, err := obj.PutObjectPart(context.Background(), testCase.bucketName, testCase.objName, testCase.uploadID, testCase.PartID, mustGetPutObjReader(t, bytes.NewBufferString(testCase.inputReaderData), testCase.intputDataSize, testCase.inputMd5, sha256sum), opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
partInfos := []ListPartsInfo{
// partinfos - 0.
Bucket: bucketNames[0],
Object: objectNames[0],
MaxParts: 10,
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
Parts: []PartInfo{
PartNumber: 1,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f",
PartNumber: 2,
Size: 4,
ETag: "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27",
PartNumber: 3,
Size: 4,
ETag: "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579",
PartNumber: 4,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef",
// partinfos - 1.
Bucket: bucketNames[0],
Object: objectNames[0],
MaxParts: 3,
NextPartNumberMarker: 3,
IsTruncated: true,
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
Parts: []PartInfo{
PartNumber: 1,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f",
PartNumber: 2,
Size: 4,
ETag: "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27",
PartNumber: 3,
Size: 4,
ETag: "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579",
// partinfos - 2.
Bucket: bucketNames[0],
Object: objectNames[0],
MaxParts: 2,
IsTruncated: false,
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
PartNumberMarker: 3,
Parts: []PartInfo{
PartNumber: 4,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef",
// Collection of non-exhaustive ListObjectParts test cases, valid errors
// and success responses.
testCases := []struct {
bucket string
object string
uploadID string
partNumberMarker int
maxParts int
// Expected output of ListPartsInfo.
expectedResult ListPartsInfo
expectedErr error
// Flag indicating whether the test is expected to pass or not.
shouldPass bool
// Test cases with invalid bucket names (Test number 1-4).
{".test", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: ".test"}, false},
{"Test", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "Test"}, false},
{"---", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "---"}, false},
{"ad", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "ad"}, false},
// Test cases for listing uploadID with single part.
// Valid bucket names, but they do not exist (Test number 5-7).
{"volatile-bucket-1", "test1", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-1"}, false},
{"volatile-bucket-2", "test1", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-2"}, false},
{"volatile-bucket-3", "test1", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-3"}, false},
// Test case for Asserting for invalid objectName (Test number 8).
{bucketNames[0], "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, ObjectNameInvalid{Bucket: bucketNames[0]}, false},
// Asserting for Invalid UploadID (Test number 9).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], "abc", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, InvalidUploadID{UploadID: "abc"}, false},
// Test case for uploadID with multiple parts (Test number 12).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 0, 10, partInfos[0], nil, true},
// Test case with maxParts set to less than number of parts (Test number 13).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 0, 3, partInfos[1], nil, true},
// Test case with partNumberMarker set (Test number 14)-.
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 3, 2, partInfos[2], nil, true},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
actualResult, actualErr := obj.ListObjectParts(context.Background(), testCase.bucket, testCase.object, testCase.uploadID, testCase.partNumberMarker, testCase.maxParts, ObjectOptions{})
if actualErr != nil && testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to pass, but failed with: <ERROR> %s", i+1, instanceType, actualErr.Error())
if actualErr == nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with <ERROR> \"%s\", but passed instead", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedErr.Error())
// Failed as expected, but does it fail for the expected reason.
if actualErr != nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
if !strings.Contains(actualErr.Error(), testCase.expectedErr.Error()) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with error \"%s\", but instead failed with error \"%s\" instead", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedErr, actualErr)
// Passes as expected, but asserting the results.
if actualErr == nil && testCase.shouldPass {
expectedResult := testCase.expectedResult
// Asserting the MaxParts.
if actualResult.MaxParts != expectedResult.MaxParts {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected the MaxParts to be %d, but instead found it to be %d", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.MaxParts, actualResult.MaxParts)
// Asserting Object Name.
if actualResult.Object != expectedResult.Object {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected Object name to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.Object, actualResult.Object)
// Asserting UploadID.
if actualResult.UploadID != expectedResult.UploadID {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected UploadID to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.UploadID, actualResult.UploadID)
// Asserting NextPartNumberMarker.
if actualResult.NextPartNumberMarker != expectedResult.NextPartNumberMarker {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected NextPartNumberMarker to be \"%d\", but instead found it to be \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.NextPartNumberMarker, actualResult.NextPartNumberMarker)
// Asserting PartNumberMarker.
if actualResult.PartNumberMarker != expectedResult.PartNumberMarker {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected PartNumberMarker to be \"%d\", but instead found it to be \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.PartNumberMarker, actualResult.PartNumberMarker)
// Asserting the BucketName.
if actualResult.Bucket != expectedResult.Bucket {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected Bucket to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.Bucket, actualResult.Bucket)
// Asserting IsTruncated.
if actualResult.IsTruncated != testCase.expectedResult.IsTruncated {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected IsTruncated to be \"%v\", but found it to \"%v\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.IsTruncated, actualResult.IsTruncated)
// Asserting the number of Parts.
if len(expectedResult.Parts) != len(actualResult.Parts) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected the result to contain info of %d Parts, but found %d instead", i+1, instanceType, len(expectedResult.Parts), len(actualResult.Parts))
} else {
// Iterating over the partInfos and asserting the fields.
for j, actualMetaData := range actualResult.Parts {
// Asserting the PartNumber in the PartInfo.
if actualMetaData.PartNumber != expectedResult.Parts[j].PartNumber {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Part %d: Expected PartNumber to be \"%d\", but instead found \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, j+1, expectedResult.Parts[j].PartNumber, actualMetaData.PartNumber)
// Asserting the Size in the PartInfo.
if actualMetaData.Size != expectedResult.Parts[j].Size {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Part %d: Expected Part Size to be \"%d\", but instead found \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, j+1, expectedResult.Parts[j].Size, actualMetaData.Size)
// Asserting the ETag in the PartInfo.
if actualMetaData.ETag != expectedResult.Parts[j].ETag {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Part %d: Expected Etag to be \"%s\", but instead found \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, j+1, expectedResult.Parts[j].ETag, actualMetaData.ETag)
// Wrapper for calling TestListObjectParts tests for both Erasure multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestListObjectParts(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testListObjectParts)
// testListObjectParts - test validate listing of object parts.
func testListObjectParts(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
bucketNames := []string{"minio-bucket", "minio-2-bucket"}
objectNames := []string{"minio-object-1.txt"}
uploadIDs := []string{}
opts := ObjectOptions{}
// bucketnames[0].
// objectNames[0].
// uploadIds [0].
// Create bucket before initiating NewMultipartUpload.
err := obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), bucketNames[0], MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Initiate Multipart Upload on the above created bucket.
res, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], opts)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
uploadIDs = append(uploadIDs, res.UploadID)
// Create multipart parts.
// Need parts to be uploaded before MultipartLists can be called and tested.
createPartCases := []struct {
bucketName string
objName string
uploadID string
PartID int
inputReaderData string
inputMd5 string
intputDataSize int64
expectedMd5 string
// Case 1-4.
// Creating sequence of parts for same uploadID.
// Used to ensure that the ListMultipartResult produces one output for the four parts uploaded below for the given upload ID.
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd")), "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 2, "efgh", "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27", int64(len("efgh")), "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 3, "ijkl", "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579", int64(len("abcd")), "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579"},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 4, "mnop", "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef", int64(len("abcd")), "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef"},
sha256sum := ""
// Iterating over creatPartCases to generate multipart chunks.
for _, testCase := range createPartCases {
_, err := obj.PutObjectPart(context.Background(), testCase.bucketName, testCase.objName, testCase.uploadID, testCase.PartID, mustGetPutObjReader(t, bytes.NewBufferString(testCase.inputReaderData), testCase.intputDataSize, testCase.inputMd5, sha256sum), opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
partInfos := []ListPartsInfo{
// partinfos - 0.
Bucket: bucketNames[0],
Object: objectNames[0],
MaxParts: 10,
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
Parts: []PartInfo{
PartNumber: 1,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f",
PartNumber: 2,
Size: 4,
ETag: "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27",
PartNumber: 3,
Size: 4,
ETag: "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579",
PartNumber: 4,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef",
// partinfos - 1.
Bucket: bucketNames[0],
Object: objectNames[0],
MaxParts: 3,
NextPartNumberMarker: 3,
IsTruncated: true,
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
Parts: []PartInfo{
PartNumber: 1,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f",
PartNumber: 2,
Size: 4,
ETag: "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27",
PartNumber: 3,
Size: 4,
ETag: "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579",
// partinfos - 2.
Bucket: bucketNames[0],
Object: objectNames[0],
MaxParts: 2,
IsTruncated: false,
UploadID: uploadIDs[0],
PartNumberMarker: 3,
Parts: []PartInfo{
PartNumber: 4,
Size: 4,
ETag: "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef",
// Collection of non-exhaustive ListObjectParts test cases, valid errors
// and success responses.
testCases := []struct {
bucket string
object string
uploadID string
partNumberMarker int
maxParts int
// Expected output of ListPartsInfo.
expectedResult ListPartsInfo
expectedErr error
// Flag indicating whether the test is expected to pass or not.
shouldPass bool
// Test cases with invalid bucket names (Test number 1-4).
{".test", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: ".test"}, false},
{"Test", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "Test"}, false},
{"---", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "---"}, false},
{"ad", "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "ad"}, false},
// Test cases for listing uploadID with single part.
// Valid bucket names, but they do not exist (Test number 5-7).
{"volatile-bucket-1", "test1", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-1"}, false},
{"volatile-bucket-2", "test1", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-2"}, false},
{"volatile-bucket-3", "test1", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-3"}, false},
// Test case for Asserting for invalid objectName (Test number 8).
{bucketNames[0], "", "", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, ObjectNameInvalid{Bucket: bucketNames[0]}, false},
// Asserting for Invalid UploadID (Test number 9).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], "abc", 0, 0, ListPartsInfo{}, InvalidUploadID{UploadID: "abc"}, false},
// Test case for uploadID with multiple parts (Test number 12).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 0, 10, partInfos[0], nil, true},
// Test case with maxParts set to less than number of parts (Test number 13).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 0, 3, partInfos[1], nil, true},
// Test case with partNumberMarker set (Test number 14)-.
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 3, 2, partInfos[2], nil, true},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
actualResult, actualErr := obj.ListObjectParts(context.Background(), testCase.bucket, testCase.object, testCase.uploadID, testCase.partNumberMarker, testCase.maxParts, opts)
if actualErr != nil && testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to pass, but failed with: <ERROR> %s", i+1, instanceType, actualErr.Error())
if actualErr == nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with <ERROR> \"%s\", but passed instead", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedErr.Error())
// Failed as expected, but does it fail for the expected reason.
if actualErr != nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
if !strings.Contains(actualErr.Error(), testCase.expectedErr.Error()) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with error \"%s\", but instead failed with error \"%s\" instead", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedErr.Error(), actualErr.Error())
// Passes as expected, but asserting the results.
if actualErr == nil && testCase.shouldPass {
expectedResult := testCase.expectedResult
// Asserting the MaxParts.
if actualResult.MaxParts != expectedResult.MaxParts {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected the MaxParts to be %d, but instead found it to be %d", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.MaxParts, actualResult.MaxParts)
// Asserting Object Name.
if actualResult.Object != expectedResult.Object {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected Object name to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.Object, actualResult.Object)
// Asserting UploadID.
if actualResult.UploadID != expectedResult.UploadID {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected UploadID to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.UploadID, actualResult.UploadID)
// Asserting PartNumberMarker.
if actualResult.PartNumberMarker != expectedResult.PartNumberMarker {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected PartNumberMarker to be \"%d\", but instead found it to be \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.PartNumberMarker, actualResult.PartNumberMarker)
// Asserting the BucketName.
if actualResult.Bucket != expectedResult.Bucket {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected Bucket to be \"%s\", but instead found it to be \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.Bucket, actualResult.Bucket)
// Asserting IsTruncated.
if actualResult.IsTruncated != testCase.expectedResult.IsTruncated {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected IsTruncated to be \"%v\", but found it to \"%v\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.IsTruncated, actualResult.IsTruncated)
// Asserting NextPartNumberMarker.
if actualResult.NextPartNumberMarker != expectedResult.NextPartNumberMarker {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected NextPartNumberMarker to be \"%d\", but instead found it to be \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, expectedResult.NextPartNumberMarker, actualResult.NextPartNumberMarker)
// Asserting the number of Parts.
if len(expectedResult.Parts) != len(actualResult.Parts) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected the result to contain info of %d Parts, but found %d instead", i+1, instanceType, len(expectedResult.Parts), len(actualResult.Parts))
// Iterating over the partInfos and asserting the fields.
for j, actualMetaData := range actualResult.Parts {
// Asserting the PartNumber in the PartInfo.
if actualMetaData.PartNumber != expectedResult.Parts[j].PartNumber {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Part %d: Expected PartNumber to be \"%d\", but instead found \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, j+1, expectedResult.Parts[j].PartNumber, actualMetaData.PartNumber)
// Asserting the Size in the PartInfo.
if actualMetaData.Size != expectedResult.Parts[j].Size {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Part %d: Expected Part Size to be \"%d\", but instead found \"%d\"", i+1, instanceType, j+1, expectedResult.Parts[j].Size, actualMetaData.Size)
// Asserting the ETag in the PartInfo.
if actualMetaData.ETag != expectedResult.Parts[j].ETag {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Part %d: Expected Etag to be \"%s\", but instead found \"%s\"", i+1, instanceType, j+1, expectedResult.Parts[j].ETag, actualMetaData.ETag)
// Test for validating complete Multipart upload.
func TestObjectCompleteMultipartUpload(t *testing.T) {
ExecExtendedObjectLayerTest(t, testObjectCompleteMultipartUpload)
// Tests validate CompleteMultipart functionality.
func testObjectCompleteMultipartUpload(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
var err error
bucketNames := []string{"minio-bucket", "minio-2-bucket"}
objectNames := []string{"minio-object-1.txt"}
uploadIDs := []string{}
// bucketnames[0].
// objectNames[0].
// uploadIds [0].
// Create bucket before initiating NewMultipartUpload.
err = obj.MakeBucket(context.Background(), bucketNames[0], MakeBucketOptions{})
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err)
// Initiate Multipart Upload on the above created bucket.
res, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(context.Background(), bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], ObjectOptions{UserDefined: map[string]string{"X-Amz-Meta-Id": "id"}})
if err != nil {
// Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err)
uploadIDs = append(uploadIDs, res.UploadID)
// Parts with size greater than 5 MiB.
// Generating a 6MiB byte array.
validPart := bytes.Repeat([]byte("abcdef"), 1*humanize.MiByte)
validPartMD5 := getMD5Hash(validPart)
// Create multipart parts.
// Need parts to be uploaded before CompleteMultiPartUpload can be called tested.
parts := []struct {
bucketName string
objName string
uploadID string
PartID int
inputReaderData string
inputMd5 string
intputDataSize int64
// Case 1-4.
// Creating sequence of parts for same uploadID.
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 1, "abcd", "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", int64(len("abcd"))},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 2, "efgh", "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27", int64(len("efgh"))},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 3, "ijkl", "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579", int64(len("abcd"))},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 4, "mnop", "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef", int64(len("abcd"))},
// Part with size larger than 5Mb.
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 5, string(validPart), validPartMD5, int64(len(validPart))},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 6, string(validPart), validPartMD5, int64(len(validPart))},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], 7, string(validPart), validPartMD5, int64(len(validPart))},
sha256sum := ""
var opts ObjectOptions
// Iterating over creatPartCases to generate multipart chunks.
for _, part := range parts {
_, err = obj.PutObjectPart(context.Background(), part.bucketName, part.objName, part.uploadID, part.PartID, mustGetPutObjReader(t, bytes.NewBufferString(part.inputReaderData), part.intputDataSize, part.inputMd5, sha256sum), opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err)
// Parts to be sent as input for CompleteMultipartUpload.
inputParts := []struct {
parts []CompletePart
// inputParts - 0.
// Case for replicating ETag mismatch.
{ETag: "abcd", PartNumber: 1},
// inputParts - 1.
// should error out with part too small.
{ETag: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", PartNumber: 1},
{ETag: "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27", PartNumber: 2},
// inputParts - 2.
// Case with invalid Part number.
{ETag: "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f", PartNumber: 10},
// inputParts - 3.
// Case with valid part.
// Part size greater than 5MB.
{ETag: fmt.Sprintf("\"\"\"\"\"%s\"\"\"", validPartMD5), PartNumber: 5},
// inputParts - 4.
// Used to verify that the other remaining parts are deleted after
// a successful call to CompleteMultipartUpload.
{ETag: validPartMD5, PartNumber: 6},
s3MD5 := getCompleteMultipartMD5(inputParts[3].parts)
// Test cases with sample input values for CompleteMultipartUpload.
testCases := []struct {
bucket string
object string
uploadID string
parts []CompletePart
// Expected output of CompleteMultipartUpload.
expectedS3MD5 string
expectedErr error
// Flag indicating whether the test is expected to pass or not.
shouldPass bool
// Test cases with invalid bucket names (Test number 1-4).
{".test", "", "", []CompletePart{}, "", BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: ".test"}, false},
{"Test", "", "", []CompletePart{}, "", BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "Test"}, false},
{"---", "", "", []CompletePart{}, "", BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "---"}, false},
{"ad", "", "", []CompletePart{}, "", BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "ad"}, false},
// Test cases for listing uploadID with single part.
// Valid bucket names, but they do not exist (Test number 5-7).
{"volatile-bucket-1", "test1", "", []CompletePart{}, "", BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-1"}, false},
{"volatile-bucket-2", "test1", "", []CompletePart{}, "", BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-2"}, false},
{"volatile-bucket-3", "test1", "", []CompletePart{}, "", BucketNotFound{Bucket: "volatile-bucket-3"}, false},
// Test case for Asserting for invalid objectName (Test number 8).
{bucketNames[0], "", "", []CompletePart{}, "", ObjectNameInvalid{Bucket: bucketNames[0]}, false},
// Asserting for Invalid UploadID (Test number 9).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], "abc", []CompletePart{}, "", InvalidUploadID{UploadID: "abc"}, false},
// Test case with invalid Part Etag (Test number 10-11).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], []CompletePart{{ETag: "abc"}}, "", InvalidPart{}, false},
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], []CompletePart{{ETag: "abcz"}}, "", InvalidPart{}, false},
// Part number 0 doesn't exist, expecting InvalidPart error (Test number 12).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], []CompletePart{{ETag: "abcd", PartNumber: 0}}, "", InvalidPart{}, false},
// // Upload and PartNumber exists, But a deliberate ETag mismatch is introduced (Test number 13).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], inputParts[0].parts, "", InvalidPart{}, false},
// Test case with non existent object name (Test number 14).
{bucketNames[0], "my-object", uploadIDs[0], []CompletePart{{ETag: "abcd", PartNumber: 1}}, "", InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadIDs[0]}, false},
// Testing for Part being too small (Test number 15).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], inputParts[1].parts, "", PartTooSmall{PartNumber: 1}, false},
// TestCase with invalid Part Number (Test number 16).
// Should error with Invalid Part .
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], inputParts[2].parts, "", InvalidPart{}, false},
// Test case with unsorted parts (Test number 17).
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], inputParts[3].parts, s3MD5, nil, true},
// The other parts will be flushed after a successful CompletePart (Test number 18).
// the case above successfully completes CompleteMultipartUpload, the remaining Parts will be flushed.
// Expecting to fail with Invalid UploadID.
{bucketNames[0], objectNames[0], uploadIDs[0], inputParts[4].parts, "", InvalidUploadID{UploadID: uploadIDs[0]}, false},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
testCase := testCase
t.(*testing.T).Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
opts = ObjectOptions{}
actualResult, actualErr := obj.CompleteMultipartUpload(context.Background(), testCase.bucket, testCase.object, testCase.uploadID,, ObjectOptions{})
if actualErr != nil && testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("%s: Expected to pass, but failed with: <ERROR> %s", instanceType, actualErr)
if actualErr == nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("%s: Expected to fail with <ERROR> \"%s\", but passed instead", instanceType, testCase.expectedErr)
// Failed as expected, but does it fail for the expected reason.
if actualErr != nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
if reflect.TypeOf(actualErr) != reflect.TypeOf(testCase.expectedErr) {
t.Errorf("%s: Expected to fail with error \"%s\", but instead failed with error \"%s\"", instanceType, testCase.expectedErr, actualErr)
// Passes as expected, but asserting the results.
if actualErr == nil && testCase.shouldPass {
// Asserting IsTruncated.
if actualResult.ETag != testCase.expectedS3MD5 {
t.Errorf("%s: Expected the result to be \"%v\", but found it to \"%v\"", instanceType, testCase.expectedS3MD5, actualResult)
// Benchmarks for ObjectLayer.PutObjectPart().
// The intent is to benchmark PutObjectPart for various sizes ranging from few bytes to 100MB.
// Also each of these Benchmarks are run both Erasure and FS backends.
// BenchmarkPutObjectPart5MbFS - Benchmark FS.PutObjectPart() for object size of 5MB.
func BenchmarkPutObjectPart5MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectPart(b, "FS", 5*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObjectPart5MbErasure - Benchmark Erasure.PutObjectPart() for object size of 5MB.
func BenchmarkPutObjectPart5MbErasure(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectPart(b, "Erasure", 5*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObjectPart10MbFS - Benchmark FS.PutObjectPart() for object size of 10MB.
func BenchmarkPutObjectPart10MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectPart(b, "FS", 10*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObjectPart10MbErasure - Benchmark Erasure.PutObjectPart() for object size of 10MB.
func BenchmarkPutObjectPart10MbErasure(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectPart(b, "Erasure", 10*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObjectPart25MbFS - Benchmark FS.PutObjectPart() for object size of 25MB.
func BenchmarkPutObjectPart25MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectPart(b, "FS", 25*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObjectPart25MbErasure - Benchmark Erasure.PutObjectPart() for object size of 25MB.
func BenchmarkPutObjectPart25MbErasure(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectPart(b, "Erasure", 25*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObjectPart50MbFS - Benchmark FS.PutObjectPart() for object size of 50MB.
func BenchmarkPutObjectPart50MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectPart(b, "FS", 50*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObjectPart50MbErasure - Benchmark Erasure.PutObjectPart() for object size of 50MB.
func BenchmarkPutObjectPart50MbErasure(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectPart(b, "Erasure", 50*humanize.MiByte)