Harshavardhana 6cfb1cb6fd
fix: timer usage across codebase (#14935)
it seems in some places we have been wrongly using the
timer.Reset() function, nicely exposed by an example
shared by @donatello

this PR fixes all the usage comprehensively
2022-05-17 22:42:59 -07:00

896 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package cmd
import (
// healStatusSummary - overall short summary of a healing sequence
type healStatusSummary string
// healStatusSummary constants
const (
healNotStartedStatus healStatusSummary = "not started"
healRunningStatus = "running"
healStoppedStatus = "stopped"
healFinishedStatus = "finished"
const (
// a heal sequence with this many un-consumed heal result
// items blocks until heal-status consumption resumes or is
// aborted due to timeout.
maxUnconsumedHealResultItems = 1000
// if no heal-results are consumed (via the heal-status API)
// for this timeout duration, the heal sequence is aborted.
healUnconsumedTimeout = 24 * time.Hour
// time-duration to keep heal sequence state after it
// completes.
keepHealSeqStateDuration = time.Minute * 10
// nopHeal is a no operating healing action to
// wait for the current healing operation to finish
nopHeal = ""
var (
errHealIdleTimeout = fmt.Errorf("healing results were not consumed for too long")
errHealStopSignalled = fmt.Errorf("heal stop signaled")
errFnHealFromAPIErr = func(ctx context.Context, err error) error {
apiErr := toAdminAPIErr(ctx, err)
return fmt.Errorf("Heal internal error: %s: %s",
apiErr.Code, apiErr.Description)
// healSequenceStatus - accumulated status of the heal sequence
type healSequenceStatus struct {
// summary and detail for failures
Summary healStatusSummary `json:"Summary"`
FailureDetail string `json:"Detail,omitempty"`
StartTime time.Time `json:"StartTime"`
// settings for the heal sequence
HealSettings madmin.HealOpts `json:"Settings"`
// slice of available heal result records
Items []madmin.HealResultItem `json:"Items"`
// structure to hold state of all heal sequences in server memory
type allHealState struct {
// map of heal path to heal sequence
healSeqMap map[string]*healSequence // Indexed by endpoint
healLocalDisks map[Endpoint]struct{}
healStatus map[string]healingTracker // Indexed by disk ID
// newHealState - initialize global heal state management
func newHealState(cleanup bool) *allHealState {
hstate := &allHealState{
healSeqMap: make(map[string]*healSequence),
healLocalDisks: map[Endpoint]struct{}{},
healStatus: make(map[string]healingTracker),
if cleanup {
go hstate.periodicHealSeqsClean(GlobalContext)
return hstate
func (ahs *allHealState) healDriveCount() int {
defer ahs.RUnlock()
return len(ahs.healLocalDisks)
func (ahs *allHealState) popHealLocalDisks(healLocalDisks ...Endpoint) {
defer ahs.Unlock()
for _, ep := range healLocalDisks {
delete(ahs.healLocalDisks, ep)
for id, disk := range ahs.healStatus {
for _, ep := range healLocalDisks {
if disk.Endpoint == ep.String() {
delete(ahs.healStatus, id)
// updateHealStatus will update the heal status.
func (ahs *allHealState) updateHealStatus(tracker *healingTracker) {
defer ahs.Unlock()
ahs.healStatus[tracker.ID] = *tracker
// Sort by zone, set and disk index
func sortDisks(disks []madmin.Disk) {
sort.Slice(disks, func(i, j int) bool {
a, b := &disks[i], &disks[j]
if a.PoolIndex != b.PoolIndex {
return a.PoolIndex < b.PoolIndex
if a.SetIndex != b.SetIndex {
return a.SetIndex < b.SetIndex
return a.DiskIndex < b.DiskIndex
// getLocalHealingDisks returns local healing disks indexed by endpoint.
func (ahs *allHealState) getLocalHealingDisks() map[string]madmin.HealingDisk {
defer ahs.RUnlock()
dst := make(map[string]madmin.HealingDisk, len(ahs.healStatus))
for _, v := range ahs.healStatus {
dst[v.Endpoint] = v.toHealingDisk()
return dst
func (ahs *allHealState) getHealLocalDiskEndpoints() Endpoints {
defer ahs.RUnlock()
var endpoints Endpoints
for ep := range ahs.healLocalDisks {
endpoints = append(endpoints, ep)
return endpoints
func (ahs *allHealState) pushHealLocalDisks(healLocalDisks ...Endpoint) {
defer ahs.Unlock()
for _, ep := range healLocalDisks {
ahs.healLocalDisks[ep] = struct{}{}
func (ahs *allHealState) periodicHealSeqsClean(ctx context.Context) {
// Launch clean-up routine to remove this heal sequence (after
// it ends) from the global state after timeout has elapsed.
periodicTimer := time.NewTimer(time.Minute * 5)
defer periodicTimer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-periodicTimer.C:
now := UTCNow()
for path, h := range ahs.healSeqMap {
if h.hasEnded() && h.endTime.Add(keepHealSeqStateDuration).Before(now) {
delete(ahs.healSeqMap, path)
periodicTimer.Reset(time.Minute * 5)
case <-ctx.Done():
// server could be restarting - need
// to exit immediately
// getHealSequenceByToken - Retrieve a heal sequence by token. The second
// argument returns if a heal sequence actually exists.
func (ahs *allHealState) getHealSequenceByToken(token string) (h *healSequence, exists bool) {
defer ahs.Unlock()
for _, healSeq := range ahs.healSeqMap {
if healSeq.clientToken == token {
return healSeq, true
return nil, false
// getHealSequence - Retrieve a heal sequence by path. The second
// argument returns if a heal sequence actually exists.
func (ahs *allHealState) getHealSequence(path string) (h *healSequence, exists bool) {
defer ahs.Unlock()
h, exists = ahs.healSeqMap[path]
return h, exists
func (ahs *allHealState) stopHealSequence(path string) ([]byte, APIError) {
var hsp madmin.HealStopSuccess
he, exists := ahs.getHealSequence(path)
if !exists {
hsp = madmin.HealStopSuccess{
ClientToken: "unknown",
StartTime: UTCNow(),
} else {
clientToken := he.clientToken
if globalIsDistErasure {
clientToken = fmt.Sprintf("%s@%d", he.clientToken, GetProxyEndpointLocalIndex(globalProxyEndpoints))
hsp = madmin.HealStopSuccess{
ClientToken: clientToken,
ClientAddress: he.clientAddress,
StartTime: he.startTime,
for !he.hasEnded() {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
defer ahs.Unlock()
// Heal sequence explicitly stopped, remove it.
delete(ahs.healSeqMap, path)
b, err := json.Marshal(&hsp)
return b, toAdminAPIErr(GlobalContext, err)
// LaunchNewHealSequence - launches a background routine that performs
// healing according to the healSequence argument. For each heal
// sequence, state is stored in the `globalAllHealState`, which is a
// map of the heal path to `healSequence` which holds state about the
// heal sequence.
// Heal results are persisted in server memory for
// `keepHealSeqStateDuration`. This function also launches a
// background routine to clean up heal results after the
// aforementioned duration.
func (ahs *allHealState) LaunchNewHealSequence(h *healSequence, objAPI ObjectLayer) (
respBytes []byte, apiErr APIError, errMsg string,
) {
if h.forceStarted {
_, apiErr = ahs.stopHealSequence(pathJoin(h.bucket, h.object))
if apiErr.Code != "" {
return respBytes, apiErr, ""
} else {
oh, exists := ahs.getHealSequence(pathJoin(h.bucket, h.object))
if exists && !oh.hasEnded() {
errMsg = "Heal is already running on the given path " +
"(use force-start option to stop and start afresh). " +
fmt.Sprintf("The heal was started by IP %s at %s, token is %s",
h.clientAddress, h.startTime.Format(http.TimeFormat), h.clientToken)
return nil, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrHealAlreadyRunning), errMsg
defer ahs.Unlock()
// Check if new heal sequence to be started overlaps with any
// existing, running sequence
hpath := pathJoin(h.bucket, h.object)
for k, hSeq := range ahs.healSeqMap {
if !hSeq.hasEnded() && (HasPrefix(k, hpath) || HasPrefix(hpath, k)) {
errMsg = "The provided heal sequence path overlaps with an existing " +
fmt.Sprintf("heal path: %s", k)
return nil, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrHealOverlappingPaths), errMsg
// Add heal state and start sequence
ahs.healSeqMap[hpath] = h
// Launch top-level background heal go-routine
go h.healSequenceStart(objAPI)
clientToken := h.clientToken
if globalIsDistErasure {
clientToken = fmt.Sprintf("%s@%d", h.clientToken, GetProxyEndpointLocalIndex(globalProxyEndpoints))
b, err := json.Marshal(madmin.HealStartSuccess{
ClientToken: clientToken,
ClientAddress: h.clientAddress,
StartTime: h.startTime,
if err != nil {
logger.LogIf(h.ctx, err)
return nil, toAdminAPIErr(h.ctx, err), ""
return b, noError, ""
// PopHealStatusJSON - Called by heal-status API. It fetches the heal
// status results from global state and returns its JSON
// representation. The clientToken helps ensure there aren't
// conflicting clients fetching status.
func (ahs *allHealState) PopHealStatusJSON(hpath string,
clientToken string) ([]byte, APIErrorCode,
) {
// fetch heal state for given path
h, exists := ahs.getHealSequence(hpath)
if !exists {
// heal sequence doesn't exist, must have finished.
jbytes, err := json.Marshal(healSequenceStatus{
Summary: healFinishedStatus,
return jbytes, toAdminAPIErrCode(GlobalContext, err)
// Check if client-token is valid
if clientToken != h.clientToken {
return nil, ErrHealInvalidClientToken
// Take lock to access and update the heal-sequence
defer h.mutex.Unlock()
numItems := len(h.currentStatus.Items)
// calculate index of most recently available heal result
// record.
lastResultIndex := h.lastSentResultIndex
if numItems > 0 {
lastResultIndex = h.currentStatus.Items[numItems-1].ResultIndex
h.lastSentResultIndex = lastResultIndex
jbytes, err := json.Marshal(h.currentStatus)
if err != nil {
h.currentStatus.Items = nil
logger.LogIf(h.ctx, err)
return nil, ErrInternalError
h.currentStatus.Items = nil
return jbytes, ErrNone
// healSource denotes single entity and heal option.
type healSource struct {
bucket string
object string
versionID string
opts *madmin.HealOpts // optional heal option overrides default setting
// healSequence - state for each heal sequence initiated on the
// server.
type healSequence struct {
// bucket, and object on which heal seq. was initiated
bucket, object string
// A channel of entities with heal result
respCh chan healResult
// Report healing progress
reportProgress bool
// time at which heal sequence was started
startTime time.Time
// time at which heal sequence has ended
endTime time.Time
// Heal client info
clientToken, clientAddress string
// was this heal sequence force started?
forceStarted bool
// heal settings applied to this heal sequence
settings madmin.HealOpts
// current accumulated status of the heal sequence
currentStatus healSequenceStatus
// channel signaled by background routine when traversal has
// completed
traverseAndHealDoneCh chan error
// canceler to cancel heal sequence.
cancelCtx context.CancelFunc
// the last result index sent to client
lastSentResultIndex int64
// Number of total items scanned against item type
scannedItemsMap map[madmin.HealItemType]int64
// Number of total items healed against item type
healedItemsMap map[madmin.HealItemType]int64
// Number of total items where healing failed against endpoint and drive state
healFailedItemsMap map[string]int64
// The time of the last scan/heal activity
lastHealActivity time.Time
// Holds the request-info for logging
ctx context.Context
// used to lock this structure as it is concurrently accessed
mutex sync.RWMutex
// NewHealSequence - creates healSettings, assumes bucket and
// objPrefix are already validated.
func newHealSequence(ctx context.Context, bucket, objPrefix, clientAddr string,
hs madmin.HealOpts, forceStart bool,
) *healSequence {
reqInfo := &logger.ReqInfo{RemoteHost: clientAddr, API: "Heal", BucketName: bucket}
reqInfo.AppendTags("prefix", objPrefix)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(logger.SetReqInfo(ctx, reqInfo))
clientToken := mustGetUUID()
return &healSequence{
respCh: make(chan healResult),
bucket: bucket,
object: objPrefix,
reportProgress: true,
startTime: UTCNow(),
clientToken: clientToken,
clientAddress: clientAddr,
forceStarted: forceStart,
settings: hs,
currentStatus: healSequenceStatus{
Summary: healNotStartedStatus,
HealSettings: hs,
traverseAndHealDoneCh: make(chan error),
cancelCtx: cancel,
ctx: ctx,
scannedItemsMap: make(map[madmin.HealItemType]int64),
healedItemsMap: make(map[madmin.HealItemType]int64),
healFailedItemsMap: make(map[string]int64),
// getScannedItemsCount - returns a count of all scanned items
func (h *healSequence) getScannedItemsCount() int64 {
var count int64
defer h.mutex.RUnlock()
for _, v := range h.scannedItemsMap {
count += v
return count
// getScannedItemsMap - returns map of all scanned items against type
func (h *healSequence) getScannedItemsMap() map[madmin.HealItemType]int64 {
defer h.mutex.RUnlock()
// Make a copy before returning the value
retMap := make(map[madmin.HealItemType]int64, len(h.scannedItemsMap))
for k, v := range h.scannedItemsMap {
retMap[k] = v
return retMap
// getHealedItemsMap - returns the map of all healed items against type
func (h *healSequence) getHealedItemsMap() map[madmin.HealItemType]int64 {
defer h.mutex.RUnlock()
// Make a copy before returning the value
retMap := make(map[madmin.HealItemType]int64, len(h.healedItemsMap))
for k, v := range h.healedItemsMap {
retMap[k] = v
return retMap
// gethealFailedItemsMap - returns map of all items where heal failed against
// drive endpoint and status
func (h *healSequence) gethealFailedItemsMap() map[string]int64 {
defer h.mutex.RUnlock()
// Make a copy before returning the value
retMap := make(map[string]int64, len(h.healFailedItemsMap))
for k, v := range h.healFailedItemsMap {
retMap[k] = v
return retMap
// isQuitting - determines if the heal sequence is quitting (due to an
// external signal)
func (h *healSequence) isQuitting() bool {
select {
case <-h.ctx.Done():
return true
return false
// check if the heal sequence has ended
func (h *healSequence) hasEnded() bool {
defer h.mutex.RUnlock()
// background heal never ends
if h.clientToken == bgHealingUUID {
return false
return !h.endTime.IsZero()
// stops the heal sequence - safe to call multiple times.
func (h *healSequence) stop() {
// pushHealResultItem - pushes a heal result item for consumption in
// the heal-status API. It blocks if there are
// maxUnconsumedHealResultItems. When it blocks, the heal sequence
// routine is effectively paused - this happens when the server has
// accumulated the maximum number of heal records per heal
// sequence. When the client consumes further records, the heal
// sequence automatically resumes. The return value indicates if the
// operation succeeded.
func (h *healSequence) pushHealResultItem(r madmin.HealResultItem) error {
// start a timer to keep an upper time limit to find an empty
// slot to add the given heal result - if no slot is found it
// means that the server is holding the maximum amount of
// heal-results in memory and the client has not consumed it
// for too long.
unconsumedTimer := time.NewTimer(healUnconsumedTimeout)
defer unconsumedTimer.Stop()
var itemsLen int
for {
itemsLen = len(h.currentStatus.Items)
if itemsLen == maxUnconsumedHealResultItems {
// wait for a second, or quit if an external
// stop signal is received or the
// unconsumedTimer fires.
select {
// Check after a second
case <-time.After(time.Second):
case <-h.ctx.Done():
// discard result and return.
return errHealStopSignalled
// Timeout if no results consumed for too long.
case <-unconsumedTimer.C:
return errHealIdleTimeout
// Set the correct result index for the new result item
if itemsLen > 0 {
r.ResultIndex = 1 + h.currentStatus.Items[itemsLen-1].ResultIndex
} else {
r.ResultIndex = 1 + h.lastSentResultIndex
// append to results
h.currentStatus.Items = append(h.currentStatus.Items, r)
// release lock
return nil
// healSequenceStart - this is the top-level background heal
// routine. It launches another go-routine that actually traverses
// on-disk data, checks and heals according to the selected
// settings. This go-routine itself, (1) monitors the traversal
// routine for completion, and (2) listens for external stop
// signals. When either event happens, it sets the finish status for
// the heal-sequence.
func (h *healSequence) healSequenceStart(objAPI ObjectLayer) {
// Set status as running
h.currentStatus.Summary = healRunningStatus
h.currentStatus.StartTime = UTCNow()
go h.traverseAndHeal(objAPI)
select {
case err, ok := <-h.traverseAndHealDoneCh:
if !ok {
h.endTime = UTCNow()
// Heal traversal is complete.
if err == nil {
// heal traversal succeeded.
h.currentStatus.Summary = healFinishedStatus
} else {
// heal traversal had an error.
h.currentStatus.Summary = healStoppedStatus
h.currentStatus.FailureDetail = err.Error()
case <-h.ctx.Done():
h.endTime = UTCNow()
h.currentStatus.Summary = healFinishedStatus
// drain traverse channel so the traversal
// go-routine does not leak.
go func() {
// Eventually the traversal go-routine closes
// the channel and returns, so this go-routine
// itself will not leak.
func (h *healSequence) logHeal(healType madmin.HealItemType) {
h.lastHealActivity = UTCNow()
func (h *healSequence) queueHealTask(source healSource, healType madmin.HealItemType) error {
// Send heal request
task := healTask{
bucket: source.bucket,
object: source.object,
versionID: source.versionID,
opts: h.settings,
respCh: h.respCh,
if source.opts != nil {
task.opts = *source.opts
} else {
task.opts.ScanMode = madmin.HealNormalScan
h.lastHealActivity = UTCNow()
select {
case globalBackgroundHealRoutine.tasks <- task:
if serverDebugLog {
logger.Info("Task in the queue: %#v", task)
case <-h.ctx.Done():
return nil
select {
case res := <-h.respCh:
if !h.reportProgress {
if errors.Is(res.err, errSkipFile) { // this is only sent usually by nopHeal
return nil
defer h.mutex.Unlock()
// Progress is not reported in case of background heal processing.
// Instead we increment relevant counter based on the heal result
// for prometheus reporting.
if res.err != nil {
for _, d := range res.result.After.Drives {
// For failed items we report the endpoint and drive state
// This will help users take corrective actions for drives
} else {
// Only object type reported for successful healing
// Report caller of any failure
return res.err
res.result.Type = healType
if res.err != nil {
// Only report object error
if healType != madmin.HealItemObject {
return res.err
res.result.Detail = res.err.Error()
return h.pushHealResultItem(res.result)
case <-h.ctx.Done():
return nil
func (h *healSequence) healDiskMeta(objAPI ObjectLayer) error {
// Start healing the config prefix.
return h.healMinioSysMeta(objAPI, minioConfigPrefix)()
func (h *healSequence) healItems(objAPI ObjectLayer, bucketsOnly bool) error {
if err := h.healDiskMeta(objAPI); err != nil {
return err
// Heal buckets and objects
return h.healBuckets(objAPI, bucketsOnly)
// traverseAndHeal - traverses on-disk data and performs healing
// according to settings. At each "safe" point it also checks if an
// external quit signal has been received and quits if so. Since the
// healing traversal may be mutating on-disk data when an external
// quit signal is received, this routine cannot quit immediately and
// has to wait until a safe point is reached, such as between scanning
// two objects.
func (h *healSequence) traverseAndHeal(objAPI ObjectLayer) {
bucketsOnly := false // Heals buckets and objects also.
h.traverseAndHealDoneCh <- h.healItems(objAPI, bucketsOnly)
// healMinioSysMeta - heals all files under a given meta prefix, returns a function
// which in-turn heals the respective meta directory path and any files in int.
func (h *healSequence) healMinioSysMeta(objAPI ObjectLayer, metaPrefix string) func() error {
return func() error {
// NOTE: Healing on meta is run regardless
// of any bucket being selected, this is to ensure that
// meta are always upto date and correct.
return objAPI.HealObjects(h.ctx, minioMetaBucket, metaPrefix, h.settings, func(bucket, object, versionID string) error {
if h.isQuitting() {
return errHealStopSignalled
err := h.queueHealTask(healSource{
bucket: bucket,
object: object,
versionID: versionID,
}, madmin.HealItemBucketMetadata)
return err
// healDiskFormat - heals format.json, return value indicates if a
// failure error occurred.
func (h *healSequence) healDiskFormat() error {
if h.isQuitting() {
return errHealStopSignalled
return h.queueHealTask(healSource{bucket: SlashSeparator}, madmin.HealItemMetadata)
// healBuckets - check for all buckets heal or just particular bucket.
func (h *healSequence) healBuckets(objAPI ObjectLayer, bucketsOnly bool) error {
if h.isQuitting() {
return errHealStopSignalled
// 1. If a bucket was specified, heal only the bucket.
if h.bucket != "" {
return h.healBucket(objAPI, h.bucket, bucketsOnly)
buckets, err := objAPI.ListBuckets(h.ctx)
if err != nil {
return errFnHealFromAPIErr(h.ctx, err)
// Heal latest buckets first.
sort.Slice(buckets, func(i, j int) bool {
return buckets[i].Created.After(buckets[j].Created)
for _, bucket := range buckets {
if err = h.healBucket(objAPI, bucket.Name, bucketsOnly); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// healBucket - traverses and heals given bucket
func (h *healSequence) healBucket(objAPI ObjectLayer, bucket string, bucketsOnly bool) error {
if err := h.queueHealTask(healSource{bucket: bucket}, madmin.HealItemBucket); err != nil {
return err
if bucketsOnly {
return nil
if !h.settings.Recursive {
if h.object != "" {
// Check if an object named as the objPrefix exists,
// and if so heal it.
oi, err := objAPI.GetObjectInfo(h.ctx, bucket, h.object, ObjectOptions{})
if err == nil {
if err = h.healObject(bucket, h.object, oi.VersionID); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err := objAPI.HealObjects(h.ctx, bucket, h.object, h.settings, h.healObject); err != nil {
return errFnHealFromAPIErr(h.ctx, err)
return nil
// healObject - heal the given object and record result
func (h *healSequence) healObject(bucket, object, versionID string) error {
if h.isQuitting() {
return errHealStopSignalled
err := h.queueHealTask(healSource{
bucket: bucket,
object: object,
versionID: versionID,
opts: &h.settings,
}, madmin.HealItemObject)
// Wait and proceed if there are active requests
return err