Harshavardhana 155a90403a fs/erasure: Rename meta 'md5Sum' as 'etag'. (#4319)
This PR also does backend format change to 1.0.1
from 1.0.0.  Backward compatible changes are still
kept to read the 'md5Sum' key. But all new objects
will be stored with the same details under 'etag'.

Fixes #4312
2017-05-14 12:05:51 -07:00

564 lines
21 KiB

* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
humanize ""
func md5Header(data []byte) map[string]string {
return map[string]string{"etag": getMD5Hash([]byte(data))}
// Wrapper for calling PutObject tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestObjectAPIPutObject(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerTest(t, testObjectAPIPutObject)
// Tests validate correctness of PutObject.
func testObjectAPIPutObject(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, t TestErrHandler) {
// Generating cases for which the PutObject fails.
bucket := "minio-bucket"
object := "minio-object"
// Create bucket.
err := obj.MakeBucket(bucket)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Creating a dummy bucket for tests.
err = obj.MakeBucket("unused-bucket")
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
var (
nilBytes []byte
data = []byte("hello")
fiveMBBytes = bytes.Repeat([]byte("a"), 5*humanize.MiByte)
invalidMD5 := getMD5Hash([]byte("meh"))
invalidMD5Header := md5Header([]byte("meh"))
testCases := []struct {
bucketName string
objName string
inputData []byte
inputMeta map[string]string
inputSHA256 string
intputDataSize int64
// expected error output.
expectedMd5 string
expectedError error
// Test case 1-4.
// Cases with invalid bucket name.
{".test", "obj", []byte(""), nil, "", 0, "", BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: ".test"}},
{"------", "obj", []byte(""), nil, "", 0, "", BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "------"}},
{"$this-is-not-valid-too", "obj", []byte(""), nil, "", 0, "",
BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "$this-is-not-valid-too"}},
{"a", "obj", []byte(""), nil, "", 0, "", BucketNameInvalid{Bucket: "a"}},
// Test case - 5.
// Case with invalid object names.
{bucket, "", []byte(""), nil, "", 0, "", ObjectNameInvalid{Bucket: bucket, Object: ""}},
// Test case - 6.
// Valid object and bucket names but non-existent bucket.
{"abc", "def", []byte(""), nil, "", 0, "", BucketNotFound{Bucket: "abc"}},
// Test case - 7.
// Input to replicate Md5 mismatch.
{bucket, object, []byte(""), map[string]string{"etag": "a35"}, "", 0, "",
BadDigest{ExpectedMD5: "a35", CalculatedMD5: "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"}},
// Test case - 8.
// With incorrect sha256.
{bucket, object, []byte("abcd"), map[string]string{"etag": "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"}, "incorrect-sha256", int64(len("abcd")), "", SHA256Mismatch{}},
// Test case - 9.
// Input with size more than the size of actual data inside the reader.
{bucket, object, []byte("abcd"), map[string]string{"etag": "a35"}, "", int64(len("abcd") + 1), "",
// Test case - 10.
// Input with size less than the size of actual data inside the reader.
{bucket, object, []byte("abcd"), map[string]string{"etag": "a35"}, "", int64(len("abcd") - 1), "",
BadDigest{ExpectedMD5: "a35", CalculatedMD5: "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72"}},
// Test case - 11-14.
// Validating for success cases.
{bucket, object, []byte("abcd"), map[string]string{"etag": "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"}, "", int64(len("abcd")), "", nil},
{bucket, object, []byte("efgh"), map[string]string{"etag": "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27"}, "", int64(len("efgh")), "", nil},
{bucket, object, []byte("ijkl"), map[string]string{"etag": "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579"}, "", int64(len("ijkl")), "", nil},
{bucket, object, []byte("mnop"), map[string]string{"etag": "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef"}, "", int64(len("mnop")), "", nil},
// Test case 15-17.
// With no metadata
{bucket, object, data, nil, "", int64(len(data)), getMD5Hash(data), nil},
{bucket, object, nilBytes, nil, "", int64(len(nilBytes)), getMD5Hash(nilBytes), nil},
{bucket, object, fiveMBBytes, nil, "", int64(len(fiveMBBytes)), getMD5Hash(fiveMBBytes), nil},
// Test case 18-20.
// With arbitrary metadata
{bucket, object, data, map[string]string{"answer": "42"}, "", int64(len(data)), getMD5Hash(data), nil},
{bucket, object, nilBytes, map[string]string{"answer": "42"}, "", int64(len(nilBytes)), getMD5Hash(nilBytes), nil},
{bucket, object, fiveMBBytes, map[string]string{"answer": "42"}, "", int64(len(fiveMBBytes)), getMD5Hash(fiveMBBytes), nil},
// Test case 21-23.
// With valid md5sum and sha256.
{bucket, object, data, md5Header(data), getSHA256Hash(data), int64(len(data)), getMD5Hash(data), nil},
{bucket, object, nilBytes, md5Header(nilBytes), getSHA256Hash(nilBytes), int64(len(nilBytes)), getMD5Hash(nilBytes), nil},
{bucket, object, fiveMBBytes, md5Header(fiveMBBytes), getSHA256Hash(fiveMBBytes), int64(len(fiveMBBytes)), getMD5Hash(fiveMBBytes), nil},
// Test case 24-26.
// data with invalid md5sum in header
{bucket, object, data, invalidMD5Header, "", int64(len(data)), getMD5Hash(data), BadDigest{invalidMD5, getMD5Hash(data)}},
{bucket, object, nilBytes, invalidMD5Header, "", int64(len(nilBytes)), getMD5Hash(nilBytes), BadDigest{invalidMD5, getMD5Hash(nilBytes)}},
{bucket, object, fiveMBBytes, invalidMD5Header, "", int64(len(fiveMBBytes)), getMD5Hash(fiveMBBytes), BadDigest{invalidMD5, getMD5Hash(fiveMBBytes)}},
// Test case 27-29.
// data with size different from the actual number of bytes available in the reader
{bucket, object, data, nil, "", int64(len(data) - 1), getMD5Hash(data[:len(data)-1]), nil},
{bucket, object, nilBytes, nil, "", int64(len(nilBytes) + 1), getMD5Hash(nilBytes), IncompleteBody{}},
{bucket, object, fiveMBBytes, nil, "", 0, getMD5Hash(fiveMBBytes), nil},
// Test case 30
// valid data with X-Amz-Meta- meta
{bucket, object, data, map[string]string{"X-Amz-Meta-AppID": "a42"}, "", int64(len(data)), getMD5Hash(data), nil},
for i, testCase := range testCases {
objInfo, actualErr := obj.PutObject(testCase.bucketName, testCase.objName, testCase.intputDataSize, bytes.NewReader(testCase.inputData), testCase.inputMeta, testCase.inputSHA256)
actualErr = errorCause(actualErr)
if actualErr != nil && testCase.expectedError == nil {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to pass, but failed with: error %s.", i+1, instanceType, actualErr.Error())
if actualErr == nil && testCase.expectedError != nil {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with error \"%s\", but passed instead.", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedError.Error())
// Failed as expected, but does it fail for the expected reason.
if actualErr != nil && actualErr != testCase.expectedError {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with error \"%s\", but instead failed with error \"%s\" instead.", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedError.Error(), actualErr.Error())
// Test passes as expected, but the output values are verified for correctness here.
if actualErr == nil {
// Asserting whether the md5 output is correct.
if expectedMD5, ok := testCase.inputMeta["etag"]; ok && expectedMD5 != objInfo.ETag {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Calculated Md5 different from the actual one %s.", i+1, instanceType, objInfo.ETag)
// Wrapper for calling PutObject tests for both XL multiple disks case
// when quorum is not available.
func TestObjectAPIPutObjectDiskNotFound(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerDiskAlteredTest(t, testObjectAPIPutObjectDiskNotFound)
// Tests validate correctness of PutObject.
func testObjectAPIPutObjectDiskNotFound(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, disks []string, t *testing.T) {
// Generating cases for which the PutObject fails.
bucket := "minio-bucket"
object := "minio-object"
// Create bucket.
err := obj.MakeBucket(bucket)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Creating a dummy bucket for tests.
err = obj.MakeBucket("unused-bucket")
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Take 8 disks down, one more we loose quorum on 16 disk node.
for _, disk := range disks[:7] {
testCases := []struct {
bucketName string
objName string
inputData []byte
inputMeta map[string]string
intputDataSize int64
// flag indicating whether the test should pass.
shouldPass bool
// expected error output.
expectedMd5 string
expectedError error
// Validating for success cases.
{bucket, object, []byte("abcd"), map[string]string{"etag": "e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f"}, int64(len("abcd")), true, "", nil},
{bucket, object, []byte("efgh"), map[string]string{"etag": "1f7690ebdd9b4caf8fab49ca1757bf27"}, int64(len("efgh")), true, "", nil},
{bucket, object, []byte("ijkl"), map[string]string{"etag": "09a0877d04abf8759f99adec02baf579"}, int64(len("ijkl")), true, "", nil},
{bucket, object, []byte("mnop"), map[string]string{"etag": "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef"}, int64(len("mnop")), true, "", nil},
sha256sum := ""
for i, testCase := range testCases {
objInfo, actualErr := obj.PutObject(testCase.bucketName, testCase.objName, testCase.intputDataSize, bytes.NewReader(testCase.inputData), testCase.inputMeta, sha256sum)
actualErr = errorCause(err)
if actualErr != nil && testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to pass, but failed with: <ERROR> %s.", i+1, instanceType, actualErr.Error())
if actualErr == nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with <ERROR> \"%s\", but passed instead.", i+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedError.Error())
// Failed as expected, but does it fail for the expected reason.
if actualErr != nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
if testCase.expectedError.Error() != actualErr.Error() {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with error \"%s\", but instead failed with error \"%s\" instead.", i+1,
instanceType, testCase.expectedError.Error(), actualErr.Error())
// Test passes as expected, but the output values are verified for correctness here.
if actualErr == nil && testCase.shouldPass {
// Asserting whether the md5 output is correct.
if testCase.inputMeta["etag"] != objInfo.ETag {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Calculated Md5 different from the actual one %s.", i+1, instanceType, objInfo.ETag)
// This causes quorum failure verify.
// Validate the last test.
testCase := struct {
bucketName string
objName string
inputData []byte
inputMeta map[string]string
intputDataSize int64
// flag indicating whether the test should pass.
shouldPass bool
// expected error output.
expectedMd5 string
expectedError error
map[string]string{"etag": "e132e96a5ddad6da8b07bba6f6131fef"},
_, actualErr := obj.PutObject(testCase.bucketName, testCase.objName, testCase.intputDataSize, bytes.NewReader(testCase.inputData), testCase.inputMeta, sha256sum)
actualErr = errorCause(actualErr)
if actualErr != nil && testCase.shouldPass {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to pass, but failed with: <ERROR> %s.", len(testCases)+1, instanceType, actualErr.Error())
// Failed as expected, but does it fail for the expected reason.
if actualErr != nil && !testCase.shouldPass {
if testCase.expectedError.Error() != actualErr.Error() {
t.Errorf("Test %d: %s: Expected to fail with error \"%s\", but instead failed with error \"%s\" instead.", len(testCases)+1, instanceType, testCase.expectedError.Error(), actualErr.Error())
// Wrapper for calling PutObject tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestObjectAPIPutObjectStaleFiles(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerStaleFilesTest(t, testObjectAPIPutObjectStaleFiles)
// Tests validate correctness of PutObject.
func testObjectAPIPutObjectStaleFiles(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, disks []string, t *testing.T) {
// Generating cases for which the PutObject fails.
bucket := "minio-bucket"
object := "minio-object"
// Create bucket.
err := obj.MakeBucket(bucket)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
data := []byte("hello, world")
sha256sum := ""
// Create object.
_, err = obj.PutObject(bucket, object, int64(len(data)), bytes.NewReader(data), nil, sha256sum)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create object, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
for _, disk := range disks {
tmpMetaDir := path.Join(disk, minioMetaTmpBucket)
if !isDirEmpty(tmpMetaDir) {
t.Fatalf("%s: expected: empty, got: non-empty", minioMetaTmpBucket)
// Wrapper for calling Multipart PutObject tests for both XL multiple disks and single node setup.
func TestObjectAPIMultipartPutObjectStaleFiles(t *testing.T) {
ExecObjectLayerStaleFilesTest(t, testObjectAPIMultipartPutObjectStaleFiles)
// Tests validate correctness of PutObject.
func testObjectAPIMultipartPutObjectStaleFiles(obj ObjectLayer, instanceType string, disks []string, t *testing.T) {
// Generating cases for which the PutObject fails.
bucket := "minio-bucket"
object := "minio-object"
// Create bucket.
err := obj.MakeBucket(bucket)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create newbucket, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Initiate Multipart Upload on the above created bucket.
uploadID, err := obj.NewMultipartUpload(bucket, object, nil)
if err != nil {
// Failed to create NewMultipartUpload, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Upload part1.
fiveMBBytes := bytes.Repeat([]byte("a"), 5*humanize.MiByte)
md5Writer := md5.New()
etag1 := hex.EncodeToString(md5Writer.Sum(nil))
sha256sum := ""
_, err = obj.PutObjectPart(bucket, object, uploadID, 1, int64(len(fiveMBBytes)), bytes.NewReader(fiveMBBytes), etag1, sha256sum)
if err != nil {
// Failed to upload object part, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Upload part2.
data := []byte("hello, world")
md5Writer = md5.New()
etag2 := hex.EncodeToString(md5Writer.Sum(nil))
_, err = obj.PutObjectPart(bucket, object, uploadID, 2, int64(len(data)), bytes.NewReader(data), etag2, sha256sum)
if err != nil {
// Failed to upload object part, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
// Complete multipart.
parts := []completePart{
{ETag: etag1, PartNumber: 1},
{ETag: etag2, PartNumber: 2},
_, err = obj.CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket, object, uploadID, parts)
if err != nil {
// Failed to complete multipart upload, abort.
t.Fatalf("%s : %s", instanceType, err.Error())
for _, disk := range disks {
tmpMetaDir := path.Join(disk, minioMetaTmpBucket)
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(tmpMetaDir)
if err != nil {
// Its OK to have non-existen tmpMetaDir.
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Print the error
t.Errorf("%s", err)
if len(files) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("%s: expected: empty, got: non-empty. content: %s", tmpMetaDir, files)
// Benchmarks for ObjectLayer.PutObject().
// The intent is to benchmark PutObject for various sizes ranging from few bytes to 100MB.
// Also each of these Benchmarks are run both XL and FS backends.
// BenchmarkPutObjectVerySmallFS - Benchmark FS.PutObject() for object size of 10 bytes.
func BenchmarkPutObjectVerySmallFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "FS", 10)
// BenchmarkPutObjectVerySmallXL - Benchmark XL.PutObject() for object size of 10 bytes.
func BenchmarkPutObjectVerySmallXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "XL", 10)
// BenchmarkPutObject10KbFS - Benchmark FS.PutObject() for object size of 10KB.
func BenchmarkPutObject10KbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "FS", 10*humanize.KiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject10KbXL - Benchmark XL.PutObject() for object size of 10KB.
func BenchmarkPutObject10KbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "XL", 10*humanize.KiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject100KbFS - Benchmark FS.PutObject() for object size of 100KB.
func BenchmarkPutObject100KbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "FS", 100*humanize.KiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject100KbXL - Benchmark XL.PutObject() for object size of 100KB.
func BenchmarkPutObject100KbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "XL", 100*humanize.KiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject1MbFS - Benchmark FS.PutObject() for object size of 1MB.
func BenchmarkPutObject1MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "FS", 1*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject1MbXL - Benchmark XL.PutObject() for object size of 1MB.
func BenchmarkPutObject1MbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "XL", 1*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject5MbFS - Benchmark FS.PutObject() for object size of 5MB.
func BenchmarkPutObject5MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "FS", 5*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject5MbXL - Benchmark XL.PutObject() for object size of 5MB.
func BenchmarkPutObject5MbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "XL", 5*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject10MbFS - Benchmark FS.PutObject() for object size of 10MB.
func BenchmarkPutObject10MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "FS", 10*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject10MbXL - Benchmark XL.PutObject() for object size of 10MB.
func BenchmarkPutObject10MbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "XL", 10*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject25MbFS - Benchmark FS.PutObject() for object size of 25MB.
func BenchmarkPutObject25MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "FS", 25*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject25MbXL - Benchmark XL.PutObject() for object size of 25MB.
func BenchmarkPutObject25MbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "XL", 25*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject50MbFS - Benchmark FS.PutObject() for object size of 50MB.
func BenchmarkPutObject50MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "FS", 50*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkPutObject50MbXL - Benchmark XL.PutObject() for object size of 50MB.
func BenchmarkPutObject50MbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObject(b, "XL", 50*humanize.MiByte)
// parallel benchmarks for ObjectLayer.PutObject() .
// BenchmarkParallelPutObjectVerySmallFS - BenchmarkParallel FS.PutObject() for object size of 10 bytes.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObjectVerySmallFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "FS", 10)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObjectVerySmallXL - BenchmarkParallel XL.PutObject() for object size of 10 bytes.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObjectVerySmallXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "XL", 10)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject10KbFS - BenchmarkParallel FS.PutObject() for object size of 10KB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject10KbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "FS", 10*humanize.KiByte)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject10KbXL - BenchmarkParallel XL.PutObject() for object size of 10KB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject10KbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "XL", 10*humanize.KiByte)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject100KbFS - BenchmarkParallel FS.PutObject() for object size of 100KB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject100KbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "FS", 100*humanize.KiByte)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject100KbXL - BenchmarkParallel XL.PutObject() for object size of 100KB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject100KbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "XL", 100*humanize.KiByte)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject1MbFS - BenchmarkParallel FS.PutObject() for object size of 1MB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject1MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "FS", 1*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject1MbXL - BenchmarkParallel XL.PutObject() for object size of 1MB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject1MbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "XL", 1*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject5MbFS - BenchmarkParallel FS.PutObject() for object size of 5MB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject5MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "FS", 5*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject5MbXL - BenchmarkParallel XL.PutObject() for object size of 5MB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject5MbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "XL", 5*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject10MbFS - BenchmarkParallel FS.PutObject() for object size of 10MB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject10MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "FS", 10*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject10MbXL - BenchmarkParallel XL.PutObject() for object size of 10MB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject10MbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "XL", 10*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject25MbFS - BenchmarkParallel FS.PutObject() for object size of 25MB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject25MbFS(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "FS", 25*humanize.MiByte)
// BenchmarkParallelPutObject25MbXL - BenchmarkParallel XL.PutObject() for object size of 25MB.
func BenchmarkParallelPutObject25MbXL(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkPutObjectParallel(b, "XL", 25*humanize.MiByte)