Andreas Auernhammer 999bbd3a14
crypto: generate OEK using HMAC-SHA256 instead of SHA256 (#19297)
This commit changes how MinIO generates the object encryption key (OEK)
when encrypting an object using server-side encryption.

This change is fully backwards compatible. Now, MinIO generates
the OEK as following:
Nonce = RANDOM(32)        // generate 256 bit random value
OEK = HMAC-SHA256(EK, Context || Nonce)

Before, the OEK was computed as following:
Nonce = RANDOM(32)        // generate 256 bit random value
OEK = SHA256(EK || Nonce)

The new scheme does not technically fix a security issue but
uses a more familiar scheme. The only requirement for the
OEK generation function is that it produces a (pseudo)random value
for every pair (`EK`,`Nonce`) as long as no `EK`-`Nonce` combination
is repeated. This prevents a faulty PRNG from repeating or generating
a "bad" key.

The previous scheme guarantees that the `OEK` is a (pseudo)random
value given that no pair (`EK`,`Nonce`) repeats under the assumption
that SHA256 is indistinguable from a random oracle.

The new scheme guarantees that the `OEK` is a (pseudo)random value
given that no pair (`EK`, `Nonce`) repeats under the assumption that
SHA256's underlying compression function is a PRF/PRP.

While the later is a weaker assumption, and therefore, less likely
to be false, both are considered true. SHA256 is believed to be
indistinguable from a random oracle AND its compression function
is assumed to be a PRF/PRP.

As far as the OEK generating is concerned, the OS random number
generator is not required to be pseudo-random but just non-repeating.

Apart from being more compatible to standard definitions and
descriptions for how to generate crypto. keys, this change does not
have any impact of the actual security of the OEK key generation.

Signed-off-by: Andreas Auernhammer <>
2024-03-19 13:28:10 -07:00

180 lines
6.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package crypto
import (
// ObjectKey is a 256 bit secret key used to encrypt the object.
// It must never be stored in plaintext.
type ObjectKey [32]byte
// GenerateKey generates a unique ObjectKey from a 256 bit external key
// and a source of randomness. If random is nil the default PRNG of the
// system (crypto/rand) is used.
func GenerateKey(extKey []byte, random io.Reader) (key ObjectKey) {
if random == nil {
random = rand.Reader
if len(extKey) != 32 { // safety check
logger.CriticalIf(context.Background(), errors.New("crypto: invalid key length"))
var nonce [32]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(random, nonce[:]); err != nil {
logger.CriticalIf(context.Background(), errOutOfEntropy)
const Context = "object-encryption-key generation"
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, extKey)
return key
// GenerateIV generates a new random 256 bit IV from the provided source
// of randomness. If random is nil the default PRNG of the system
// (crypto/rand) is used.
func GenerateIV(random io.Reader) (iv [32]byte) {
if random == nil {
random = rand.Reader
if _, err := io.ReadFull(random, iv[:]); err != nil {
logger.CriticalIf(context.Background(), errOutOfEntropy)
return iv
// SealedKey represents a sealed object key. It can be stored
// at an untrusted location.
type SealedKey struct {
Key [64]byte // The encrypted and authenticated object-key.
IV [32]byte // The random IV used to encrypt the object-key.
Algorithm string // The sealing algorithm used to encrypt the object key.
// Seal encrypts the ObjectKey using the 256 bit external key and IV. The sealed
// key is also cryptographically bound to the object's path (bucket/object) and the
// domain (SSE-C or SSE-S3).
func (key ObjectKey) Seal(extKey []byte, iv [32]byte, domain, bucket, object string) SealedKey {
if len(extKey) != 32 {
logger.CriticalIf(context.Background(), errors.New("crypto: invalid key length"))
var (
sealingKey [32]byte
encryptedKey bytes.Buffer
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, extKey)
mac.Write([]byte(path.Join(bucket, object))) // use path.Join for canonical 'bucket/object'
if n, err := sio.Encrypt(&encryptedKey, bytes.NewReader(key[:]), sio.Config{Key: sealingKey[:], CipherSuites: fips.DARECiphers()}); n != 64 || err != nil {
logger.CriticalIf(context.Background(), errors.New("Unable to generate sealed key"))
sealedKey := SealedKey{
IV: iv,
Algorithm: SealAlgorithm,
copy(sealedKey.Key[:], encryptedKey.Bytes())
return sealedKey
// Unseal decrypts a sealed key using the 256 bit external key. Since the sealed key
// may be cryptographically bound to the object's path the same bucket/object as during sealing
// must be provided. On success the ObjectKey contains the decrypted sealed key.
func (key *ObjectKey) Unseal(extKey []byte, sealedKey SealedKey, domain, bucket, object string) error {
var unsealConfig sio.Config
switch sealedKey.Algorithm {
return Errorf("The sealing algorithm '%s' is not supported", sealedKey.Algorithm)
case SealAlgorithm:
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, extKey)
mac.Write([]byte(path.Join(bucket, object))) // use path.Join for canonical 'bucket/object'
unsealConfig = sio.Config{MinVersion: sio.Version20, Key: mac.Sum(nil), CipherSuites: fips.DARECiphers()}
case InsecureSealAlgorithm:
sha := sha256.New()
unsealConfig = sio.Config{MinVersion: sio.Version10, Key: sha.Sum(nil), CipherSuites: fips.DARECiphers()}
if out, err := sio.DecryptBuffer(key[:0], sealedKey.Key[:], unsealConfig); len(out) != 32 || err != nil {
return ErrSecretKeyMismatch
return nil
// DerivePartKey derives an unique 256 bit key from an ObjectKey and the part index.
func (key ObjectKey) DerivePartKey(id uint32) (partKey [32]byte) {
var bin [4]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(bin[:], id)
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, key[:])
return partKey
// SealETag seals the etag using the object key.
// It does not encrypt empty ETags because such ETags indicate
// that the S3 client hasn't sent an ETag = MD5(object) and
// the backend can pick an ETag value.
func (key ObjectKey) SealETag(etag []byte) []byte {
if len(etag) == 0 { // don't encrypt empty ETag - only if client sent ETag = MD5(object)
return etag
var buffer bytes.Buffer
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, key[:])
if _, err := sio.Encrypt(&buffer, bytes.NewReader(etag), sio.Config{Key: mac.Sum(nil), CipherSuites: fips.DARECiphers()}); err != nil {
logger.CriticalIf(context.Background(), errors.New("Unable to encrypt ETag using object key"))
return buffer.Bytes()
// UnsealETag unseals the etag using the provided object key.
// It does not try to decrypt the ETag if len(etag) == 16
// because such ETags indicate that the S3 client hasn't sent
// an ETag = MD5(object) and the backend has picked an ETag value.
func (key ObjectKey) UnsealETag(etag []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if !IsETagSealed(etag) {
return etag, nil
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, key[:])
return sio.DecryptBuffer(make([]byte, 0, len(etag)), etag, sio.Config{Key: mac.Sum(nil), CipherSuites: fips.DARECiphers()})