## Introduction Minio is an open source object storage released under [Apache license v2](./LICENSE) . It uses ``Rubberband Erasure`` coding to dynamically protect the data. Minio's design is inspired by Amazon's S3 for its API and Facebook's Haystack for its immutable data structure. ### Install BUILD dependencies [Build Dependencies](./DEVELOPERS.md) ### Setup your Minio Github Repository     Fork [Minio upstream](https://github.com/Minio-io/minio) source repository to your own personal repository. Copy the URL and pass it to ``go get`` command. Go uses git to clone a copy into your project workspace folder. ```sh $ go get -u github.com/$USER_ID/minio $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/$USER_ID/minio/ $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/Minio-io/minio.git ``` ### Compiling Minio from source Minio use plain Makefile to wrap around some of the limitations of ``go build``. To compile Minio source, simply change to your workspace folder and type ``make``. ```sh $ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/$USER_ID/minio/ $ make Checking dependencies for Minio.. SUCCESS ... ... Installed minio into /home/harsha/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.4/global/bin Installed minio-cli into /home/harsha/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.4/global/bin ``` ### Contribute [Howto Contribute](./CONTRIB.md) ### Join Community * IRC join channel #minio @ irc.freenode.net * Google Groups - minio-dev@googlegroups.com [![Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-56860620-3/minio/readme)](https://github.com/igrigorik/ga-beacon)