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* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2017-2019 MinIO, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
humanize ""
// EndpointType - enum for endpoint type.
type EndpointType int
const (
// PathEndpointType - path style endpoint type enum.
PathEndpointType EndpointType = iota + 1
// URLEndpointType - URL style endpoint type enum.
retryInterval = 5 // In Seconds.
// Endpoint - any type of endpoint.
type Endpoint struct {
IsLocal bool
SetIndex int
HostName string
func (endpoint Endpoint) String() string {
if endpoint.Host == "" {
return endpoint.Path
return endpoint.URL.String()
// Type - returns type of endpoint.
func (endpoint Endpoint) Type() EndpointType {
if endpoint.Host == "" {
return PathEndpointType
return URLEndpointType
// IsHTTPS - returns true if secure for URLEndpointType.
func (endpoint Endpoint) IsHTTPS() bool {
return endpoint.Scheme == "https"
// UpdateIsLocal - resolves the host and updates if it is local or not.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) UpdateIsLocal() error {
if !endpoint.IsLocal {
isLocal, err := isLocalHost(endpoint.HostName)
if err != nil {
return err
endpoint.IsLocal = isLocal
return nil
// NewEndpoint - returns new endpoint based on given arguments.
func NewEndpoint(arg string) (ep Endpoint, e error) {
// isEmptyPath - check whether given path is not empty.
isEmptyPath := func(path string) bool {
return path == "" || path == SlashSeparator || path == `\`
if isEmptyPath(arg) {
return ep, fmt.Errorf("empty or root endpoint is not supported")
var isLocal bool
var host string
u, err := url.Parse(arg)
if err == nil && u.Host != "" {
// URL style of endpoint.
// Valid URL style endpoint is
// - Scheme field must contain "http" or "https"
// - All field should be empty except Host and Path.
if !((u.Scheme == "http" || u.Scheme == "https") &&
u.User == nil && u.Opaque == "" && !u.ForceQuery && u.RawQuery == "" && u.Fragment == "") {
return ep, fmt.Errorf("invalid URL endpoint format")
var port string
host, port, err = net.SplitHostPort(u.Host)
if err != nil {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "missing port in address") {
return ep, fmt.Errorf("invalid URL endpoint format: %s", err)
host = u.Host
} else {
var p int
p, err = strconv.Atoi(port)
if err != nil {
return ep, fmt.Errorf("invalid URL endpoint format: invalid port number")
} else if p < 1 || p > 65535 {
return ep, fmt.Errorf("invalid URL endpoint format: port number must be between 1 to 65535")
if i := strings.Index(host, "%"); i > -1 {
host = host[:i]
if host == "" {
return ep, fmt.Errorf("invalid URL endpoint format: empty host name")
// As this is path in the URL, we should use path package, not filepath package.
// On MS Windows, filepath.Clean() converts into Windows path style ie `/foo` becomes `\foo`
u.Path = path.Clean(u.Path)
if isEmptyPath(u.Path) {
return ep, fmt.Errorf("empty or root path is not supported in URL endpoint")
// On windows having a preceding SlashSeparator will cause problems, if the
// command line already has C:/<export-folder/ in it. Final resulting
// path on windows might become C:/C:/ this will cause problems
// of starting minio server properly in distributed mode on windows.
// As a special case make sure to trim the separator.
// NOTE: It is also perfectly fine for windows users to have a path
// without C:/ since at that point we treat it as relative path
// and obtain the full filesystem path as well. Providing C:/
// style is necessary to provide paths other than C:/,
// such as F:/, D:/ etc.
// Another additional benefit here is that this style also
// supports providing \\host\share support as well.
if runtime.GOOS == globalWindowsOSName {
if filepath.VolumeName(u.Path[1:]) != "" {
u.Path = u.Path[1:]
} else {
// Only check if the arg is an ip address and ask for scheme since its absent.
// localhost,, any FQDN cannot be disambiguated from a regular file path such as
// /mnt/export1. So we go ahead and start the minio server in FS modes in these cases.
if isHostIP(arg) {
return ep, fmt.Errorf("invalid URL endpoint format: missing scheme http or https")
u = &url.URL{Path: path.Clean(arg)}
isLocal = true
return Endpoint{
URL: u,
IsLocal: isLocal,
HostName: host,
}, nil
// EndpointList - list of same type of endpoint.
type EndpointList []Endpoint
// Nodes - returns number of unique servers.
func (endpoints EndpointList) Nodes() int {
uniqueNodes := set.NewStringSet()
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
if uniqueNodes.Contains(endpoint.Host) {
return len(uniqueNodes)
// IsHTTPS - returns true if secure for URLEndpointType.
func (endpoints EndpointList) IsHTTPS() bool {
return endpoints[0].IsHTTPS()
Move admin APIs to new path and add redesigned heal APIs (#5351) - Changes related to moving admin APIs - admin APIs now have an endpoint under /minio/admin - admin APIs are now versioned - a new API to server the version is added at "GET /minio/admin/version" and all API operations have the path prefix /minio/admin/v1/<operation> - new service stop API added - credentials change API is moved to /minio/admin/v1/config/credential - credentials change API and configuration get/set API now require TLS so that credentials are protected - all API requests now receive JSON - heal APIs are disabled as they will be changed substantially - Heal API changes Heal API is now provided at a single endpoint with the ability for a client to start a heal sequence on all the data in the server, a single bucket, or under a prefix within a bucket. When a heal sequence is started, the server returns a unique token that needs to be used for subsequent 'status' requests to fetch heal results. On each status request from the client, the server returns heal result records that it has accumulated since the previous status request. The server accumulates upto 1000 records and pauses healing further objects until the client requests for status. If the client does not request any further records for a long time, the server aborts the heal sequence automatically. A heal result record is returned for each entity healed on the server, such as system metadata, object metadata, buckets and objects, and has information about the before and after states on each disk. A client may request to force restart a heal sequence - this causes the running heal sequence to be aborted at the next safe spot and starts a new heal sequence.
2018-01-22 22:54:55 +00:00
// GetString - returns endpoint string of i-th endpoint (0-based),
// and empty string for invalid indexes.
func (endpoints EndpointList) GetString(i int) string {
if i < 0 || i >= len(endpoints) {
return ""
return endpoints[i].String()
// UpdateIsLocal - resolves the host and discovers the local host.
func (endpoints EndpointList) UpdateIsLocal() error {
var epsResolved int
var foundLocal bool
resolvedList := make([]bool, len(endpoints))
// Mark the starting time
startTime := time.Now()
keepAliveTicker := time.NewTicker(retryInterval * time.Second)
defer keepAliveTicker.Stop()
for {
// Break if the local endpoint is found already. Or all the endpoints are resolved.
if foundLocal || (epsResolved == len(endpoints)) {
// Retry infinitely on Kubernetes and Docker swarm.
// This is needed as the remote hosts are sometime
// not available immediately.
select {
case <-globalOSSignalCh:
return fmt.Errorf("The endpoint resolution got interrupted")
for i, resolved := range resolvedList {
if resolved {
// return err if not Docker or Kubernetes
// We use IsDocker() method to check for Docker Swarm environment
// as there is no reliable way to clearly identify Swarm from
// Docker environment.
isLocal, err := isLocalHost(endpoints[i].HostName)
if err != nil {
if !IsDocker() && !IsKubernetes() {
return err
// time elapsed
timeElapsed := time.Since(startTime)
// log error only if more than 1s elapsed
if timeElapsed > time.Second {
// log the message to console about the host not being
// resolveable.
reqInfo := (&logger.ReqInfo{}).AppendTags("host", endpoints[i].HostName)
reqInfo.AppendTags("elapsedTime", humanize.RelTime(startTime, startTime.Add(timeElapsed), "elapsed", ""))
ctx := logger.SetReqInfo(context.Background(), reqInfo)
logger.LogIf(ctx, err)
} else {
resolvedList[i] = true
endpoints[i].IsLocal = isLocal
if !foundLocal {
foundLocal = isLocal
// Wait for the tick, if the there exist a local endpoint in discovery.
// Non docker/kubernetes environment does not need to wait.
if !foundLocal && (IsDocker() && IsKubernetes()) {
return nil
// NewEndpointList - returns new endpoint list based on input args.
func NewEndpointList(args ...string) (endpoints EndpointList, err error) {
var endpointType EndpointType
var scheme string
uniqueArgs := set.NewStringSet()
// Loop through args and adds to endpoint list.
for i, arg := range args {
endpoint, err := NewEndpoint(arg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("'%s': %s", arg, err.Error())
// All endpoints have to be same type and scheme if applicable.
if i == 0 {
endpointType = endpoint.Type()
scheme = endpoint.Scheme
} else if endpoint.Type() != endpointType {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mixed style endpoints are not supported")
} else if endpoint.Scheme != scheme {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mixed scheme is not supported")
arg = endpoint.String()
if uniqueArgs.Contains(arg) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate endpoints found")
endpoints = append(endpoints, endpoint)
return endpoints, nil
func checkEndpointsSubOptimal(ctx *cli.Context, setupType SetupType, endpoints EndpointList) (err error) {
// Validate sub optimal ordering only for distributed setup.
if setupType != DistXLSetupType {
return nil
var endpointOrder int
err = fmt.Errorf("Too many disk args are local, input is in sub-optimal order. Please review input args: %s", ctx.Args())
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
if endpoint.IsLocal {
} else {
if endpointOrder >= 2 {
return err
return nil
// Checks if there are any cross device mounts.
func checkCrossDeviceMounts(endpoints EndpointList) (err error) {
var absPaths []string
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
if endpoint.IsLocal {
var absPath string
absPath, err = filepath.Abs(endpoint.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
absPaths = append(absPaths, absPath)
return mountinfo.CheckCrossDevice(absPaths)
// CreateEndpoints - validates and creates new endpoints for given args.
func CreateEndpoints(serverAddr string, args ...[]string) (string, EndpointList, SetupType, error) {
var endpoints EndpointList
var setupType SetupType
var err error
// Check whether serverAddr is valid for this host.
if err = CheckLocalServerAddr(serverAddr); err != nil {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, err
_, serverAddrPort := mustSplitHostPort(serverAddr)
// For single arg, return FS setup.
if len(args) == 1 && len(args[0]) == 1 {
var endpoint Endpoint
endpoint, err = NewEndpoint(args[0][0])
if err != nil {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, err
if err := endpoint.UpdateIsLocal(); err != nil {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, err
if endpoint.Type() != PathEndpointType {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, config.ErrInvalidFSEndpoint(nil).Msg("use path style endpoint for FS setup")
endpoints = append(endpoints, endpoint)
setupType = FSSetupType
// Check for cross device mounts if any.
if err = checkCrossDeviceMounts(endpoints); err != nil {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, config.ErrInvalidFSEndpoint(nil).Msg(err.Error())
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, nil
for i, iargs := range args {
var newEndpoints EndpointList
// Convert args to endpoints
var eps EndpointList
eps, err = NewEndpointList(iargs...)
if err != nil {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, config.ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints(nil).Msg(err.Error())
// Check for cross device mounts if any.
if err = checkCrossDeviceMounts(eps); err != nil {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, config.ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints(nil).Msg(err.Error())
for _, ep := range eps {
ep.SetIndex = i
newEndpoints = append(newEndpoints, ep)
endpoints = append(endpoints, newEndpoints...)
// Return XL setup when all endpoints are path style.
if endpoints[0].Type() == PathEndpointType {
setupType = XLSetupType
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, nil
if err := endpoints.UpdateIsLocal(); err != nil {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, config.ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints(nil).Msg(err.Error())
// Here all endpoints are URL style.
endpointPathSet := set.NewStringSet()
localEndpointCount := 0
localServerAddrSet := set.NewStringSet()
localPortSet := set.NewStringSet()
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
if endpoint.IsLocal {
var port string
_, port, err = net.SplitHostPort(endpoint.Host)
if err != nil {
port = serverAddrPort
// No local endpoint found.
if localEndpointCount == 0 {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, config.ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints(nil).Msg("no endpoint pointing to the local machine is found")
// Check whether same path is not used in endpoints of a host on different port.
pathIPMap := make(map[string]set.StringSet)
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
var host string
host, _, err = net.SplitHostPort(endpoint.Host)
if err != nil {
host = endpoint.Host
hostIPSet, _ := getHostIP(host)
if IPSet, ok := pathIPMap[endpoint.Path]; ok {
if !IPSet.Intersection(hostIPSet).IsEmpty() {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType,
config.ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints(nil).Msg(fmt.Sprintf("path '%s' can not be served by different port on same address", endpoint.Path))
pathIPMap[endpoint.Path] = IPSet.Union(hostIPSet)
} else {
pathIPMap[endpoint.Path] = hostIPSet
// Check whether same path is used for more than 1 local endpoints.
localPathSet := set.CreateStringSet()
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
if !endpoint.IsLocal {
if localPathSet.Contains(endpoint.Path) {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType,
config.ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints(nil).Msg(fmt.Sprintf("path '%s' cannot be served by different address on same server", endpoint.Path))
// Check whether serverAddrPort matches at least in one of port used in local endpoints.
if !localPortSet.Contains(serverAddrPort) {
if len(localPortSet) > 1 {
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType,
config.ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints(nil).Msg("port number in server address must match with one of the port in local endpoints")
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType,
config.ErrInvalidErasureEndpoints(nil).Msg("server address and local endpoint have different ports")
// All endpoints are pointing to local host
if len(endpoints) == localEndpointCount {
// If all endpoints have same port number, then this is XL setup using URL style endpoints.
if len(localPortSet) == 1 {
if len(localServerAddrSet) > 1 {
// TODO: Even though all endpoints are local, the local host is referred by different IP/name.
// eg '', 'localhost' and 'mylocalhostname' point to same local host.
// In this case, we bind to ie to all interfaces.
// The actual way to do is bind to only IPs in uniqueLocalHosts.
serverAddr = net.JoinHostPort("", serverAddrPort)
endpointPaths := endpointPathSet.ToSlice()
endpoints, _ = NewEndpointList(endpointPaths...)
setupType = XLSetupType
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, nil
// Even though all endpoints are local, but those endpoints use different ports.
// This means it is DistXL setup.
} else {
// This is DistXL setup.
// Check whether local server address are not 127.x.x.x
for _, localServerAddr := range localServerAddrSet.ToSlice() {
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(localServerAddr)
if err != nil {
host = localServerAddr
ipList, err := getHostIP(host)
logger.FatalIf(err, "unexpected error when resolving host '%s'", host)
// Filter ipList by IPs those start with '127.' or '::1'
loopBackIPs := ipList.FuncMatch(func(ip string, matchString string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(ip, "127.") || strings.HasPrefix(ip, "::1")
}, "")
// If loop back IP is found and ipList contains only loop back IPs, then error out.
if len(loopBackIPs) > 0 && len(loopBackIPs) == len(ipList) {
err = fmt.Errorf("'%s' resolves to loopback address is not allowed for distributed XL", localServerAddr)
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, err
// Add missing port in all endpoints.
for i := range endpoints {
_, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(endpoints[i].Host)
if err != nil {
endpoints[i].Host = net.JoinHostPort(endpoints[i].Host, serverAddrPort)
} else if endpoints[i].IsLocal && serverAddrPort != port {
// If endpoint is local, but port is different than serverAddrPort, then make it as remote.
endpoints[i].IsLocal = false
uniqueArgs := set.NewStringSet()
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
// Error out if we have more than serverCommandLineArgsMax unique servers.
if len(uniqueArgs.ToSlice()) > serverCommandLineArgsMax {
err := fmt.Errorf("Unsupported number of endpoints (%s), total number of servers cannot be more than %d", endpoints, serverCommandLineArgsMax)
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, err
// Error out if we have less than 2 unique servers.
if len(uniqueArgs.ToSlice()) < 2 && setupType == DistXLSetupType {
err := fmt.Errorf("Unsupported number of endpoints (%s), minimum number of servers cannot be less than 2 in distributed setup", endpoints)
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, err
_, dok := env.Lookup("MINIO_DOMAIN")
_, eok := env.Lookup("MINIO_ETCD_ENDPOINTS")
_, iok := env.Lookup("MINIO_PUBLIC_IPS")
if dok && eok && !iok {
setupType = DistXLSetupType
return serverAddr, endpoints, setupType, nil
// GetLocalPeer - returns local peer value, returns globalMinioAddr
// for FS and Erasure mode. In case of distributed server return
// the first element from the set of peers which indicate that
// they are local. There is always one entry that is local
// even with repeated server endpoints.
func GetLocalPeer(endpoints EndpointList) (localPeer string) {
peerSet := set.NewStringSet()
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
if endpoint.Type() != URLEndpointType {
if endpoint.IsLocal && endpoint.Host != "" {
if peerSet.IsEmpty() {
// Local peer can be empty in FS or Erasure coded mode.
// If so, return globalMinioHost + globalMinioPort value.
if globalMinioHost != "" {
return net.JoinHostPort(globalMinioHost, globalMinioPort)
return net.JoinHostPort("", globalMinioPort)
return peerSet.ToSlice()[0]
// GetRemotePeers - get hosts information other than this minio service.
func GetRemotePeers(endpoints EndpointList) []string {
peerSet := set.NewStringSet()
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
if endpoint.Type() != URLEndpointType {
peer := endpoint.Host
if endpoint.IsLocal {
if _, port := mustSplitHostPort(peer); port == globalMinioPort {
return peerSet.ToSlice()
func updateDomainIPs(endPoints set.StringSet) {
ipList := set.NewStringSet()
for e := range endPoints {
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(e)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "missing port in address") {
host = e
port = globalMinioPort
} else {
IPs, err := getHostIP(host)
if err != nil {
IPsWithPort := IPs.ApplyFunc(func(ip string) string {
return net.JoinHostPort(ip, port)
ipList = ipList.Union(IPsWithPort)
globalDomainIPs = ipList.FuncMatch(func(ip string, matchString string) bool {
return !(strings.HasPrefix(ip, "127.") || strings.HasPrefix(ip, "::1") || strings.HasPrefix(ip, "[::1]"))
}, "")