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// Copyright (c) 2015-2023 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package cmd
import (
miniogo ""
levent ""
xhttp ""
func getLambdaEventData(bucket, object string, cred auth.Credentials, r *http.Request) (levent.Event, error) {
host := globalLocalNodeName
secure := globalIsTLS
if globalMinioEndpointURL != nil {
host = globalMinioEndpointURL.Host
secure = globalMinioEndpointURL.Scheme == "https"
duration := time.Since(cred.Expiration)
if cred.Expiration.IsZero() {
duration = time.Hour
clnt, err := miniogo.New(host, &miniogo.Options{
Creds: credentials.NewStaticV4(cred.AccessKey, cred.SecretKey, cred.SessionToken),
Secure: secure,
Transport: globalRemoteTargetTransport,
Region: globalSite.Region,
if err != nil {
return levent.Event{}, err
reqParams := url.Values{}
if partNumberStr := r.Form.Get("partNumber"); partNumberStr != "" {
reqParams.Set("partNumber", partNumberStr)
for k := range supportedHeadGetReqParams {
if v := r.Form.Get(k); v != "" {
reqParams.Set(k, v)
extraHeaders := http.Header{}
if rng := r.Header.Get(xhttp.Range); rng != "" {
extraHeaders.Set(xhttp.Range, r.Header.Get(xhttp.Range))
u, err := clnt.PresignHeader(r.Context(), http.MethodGet, bucket, object, duration, reqParams, extraHeaders)
if err != nil {
return levent.Event{}, err
token, err := authenticateNode(cred.AccessKey, cred.SecretKey, u.RawQuery)
if err != nil {
return levent.Event{}, err
eventData := levent.Event{
GetObjectContext: &levent.GetObjectContext{
InputS3URL: u.String(),
OutputRoute: shortuuid.New(),
OutputToken: token,
UserRequest: levent.UserRequest{
URL: r.URL.String(),
Headers: r.Header.Clone(),
UserIdentity: levent.Identity{
Type: "IAMUser",
PrincipalID: cred.AccessKey,
AccessKeyID: cred.SecretKey,
return eventData, nil
var statusTextToCode = map[string]int{
"Continue": http.StatusContinue,
"Switching Protocols": http.StatusSwitchingProtocols,
"Processing": http.StatusProcessing,
"Early Hints": http.StatusEarlyHints,
"OK": http.StatusOK,
"Created": http.StatusCreated,
"Accepted": http.StatusAccepted,
"Non-Authoritative Information": http.StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo,
"No Content": http.StatusNoContent,
"Reset Content": http.StatusResetContent,
"Partial Content": http.StatusPartialContent,
"Multi-Status": http.StatusMultiStatus,
"Already Reported": http.StatusAlreadyReported,
"IM Used": http.StatusIMUsed,
"Multiple Choices": http.StatusMultipleChoices,
"Moved Permanently": http.StatusMovedPermanently,
"Found": http.StatusFound,
"See Other": http.StatusSeeOther,
"Not Modified": http.StatusNotModified,
"Use Proxy": http.StatusUseProxy,
"Temporary Redirect": http.StatusTemporaryRedirect,
"Permanent Redirect": http.StatusPermanentRedirect,
"Bad Request": http.StatusBadRequest,
"Unauthorized": http.StatusUnauthorized,
"Payment Required": http.StatusPaymentRequired,
"Forbidden": http.StatusForbidden,
"Not Found": http.StatusNotFound,
"Method Not Allowed": http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
"Not Acceptable": http.StatusNotAcceptable,
"Proxy Authentication Required": http.StatusProxyAuthRequired,
"Request Timeout": http.StatusRequestTimeout,
"Conflict": http.StatusConflict,
"Gone": http.StatusGone,
"Length Required": http.StatusLengthRequired,
"Precondition Failed": http.StatusPreconditionFailed,
"Request Entity Too Large": http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge,
"Request URI Too Long": http.StatusRequestURITooLong,
"Unsupported Media Type": http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType,
"Requested Range Not Satisfiable": http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable,
"Expectation Failed": http.StatusExpectationFailed,
"I'm a teapot": http.StatusTeapot,
"Misdirected Request": http.StatusMisdirectedRequest,
"Unprocessable Entity": http.StatusUnprocessableEntity,
"Locked": http.StatusLocked,
"Failed Dependency": http.StatusFailedDependency,
"Too Early": http.StatusTooEarly,
"Upgrade Required": http.StatusUpgradeRequired,
"Precondition Required": http.StatusPreconditionRequired,
"Too Many Requests": http.StatusTooManyRequests,
"Request Header Fields Too Large": http.StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge,
"Unavailable For Legal Reasons": http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons,
"Internal Server Error": http.StatusInternalServerError,
"Not Implemented": http.StatusNotImplemented,
"Bad Gateway": http.StatusBadGateway,
"Service Unavailable": http.StatusServiceUnavailable,
"Gateway Timeout": http.StatusGatewayTimeout,
"HTTP Version Not Supported": http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported,
"Variant Also Negotiates": http.StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates,
"Insufficient Storage": http.StatusInsufficientStorage,
"Loop Detected": http.StatusLoopDetected,
"Not Extended": http.StatusNotExtended,
"Network Authentication Required": http.StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired,
// StatusCode returns a HTTP Status code for the HTTP text. It returns -1
// if the text is unknown.
func StatusCode(text string) int {
if code, ok := statusTextToCode[text]; ok {
return code
return -1
func fwdHeadersToS3(h http.Header, w http.ResponseWriter) {
const trim = "x-amz-fwd-header-"
for k, v := range h {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(k), trim) {
w.Header()[k[len(trim):]] = v
func fwdStatusToAPIError(resp *http.Response) *APIError {
if status := resp.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzFwdStatus); status != "" && StatusCode(status) > -1 {
apiErr := &APIError{
HTTPStatusCode: StatusCode(status),
Description: resp.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzFwdErrorMessage),
Code: resp.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzFwdErrorCode),
if apiErr.HTTPStatusCode == http.StatusOK {
return nil
return apiErr
return nil
// GetObjectLamdbaHandler - GET Object with transformed data via lambda functions
// ----------
// This implementation of the GET operation applies lambda functions and returns the
// response generated via the lambda functions. To use this API, you must have READ access
// to the object.
func (api objectAPIHandlers) GetObjectLambdaHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := newContext(r, w, "GetObjectLambda")
defer logger.AuditLog(ctx, w, r, mustGetClaimsFromToken(r))
objectAPI := api.ObjectAPI()
if objectAPI == nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrServerNotInitialized), r.URL)
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object, err := unescapePath(vars["object"])
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
// Check for auth type to return S3 compatible error.
cred, _, s3Error := checkRequestAuthTypeCredential(ctx, r, policy.GetObjectAction)
if s3Error != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, errorCodes.ToAPIErr(s3Error), r.URL)
target, err := globalLambdaTargetList.Lookup(r.Form.Get("lambdaArn"))
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
eventData, err := getLambdaEventData(bucket, object, cred, r)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
resp, err := target.Send(eventData)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, toAPIError(ctx, err), r.URL)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if eventData.GetObjectContext.OutputRoute != resp.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzRequestRoute) {
tokenErr := errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidRequest)
tokenErr.Description = "The request route included in the request is invalid"
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, tokenErr, r.URL)
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(resp.Header.Get(xhttp.AmzRequestToken)), []byte(eventData.GetObjectContext.OutputToken)) != 1 {
tokenErr := errorCodes.ToAPIErr(ErrInvalidToken)
tokenErr.Description = "The request token included in the request is invalid"
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, tokenErr, r.URL)
// Set all the relevant lambda forward headers if found.
fwdHeadersToS3(resp.Header, w)
if apiErr := fwdStatusToAPIError(resp); apiErr != nil {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, *apiErr, r.URL)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
writeErrorResponse(ctx, w, APIError{
Code: "LambdaFunctionError",
HTTPStatusCode: resp.StatusCode,
Description: "unexpected failure reported from lambda function",
}, r.URL)
if !globalAPIConfig.shouldGzipObjects() {
w.Header().Set(gzhttp.HeaderNoCompression, "true")
io.Copy(w, resp.Body)