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* Minio Cloud Storage, (C) 2016 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package main
import (
2016-02-04 06:46:45 +00:00
2016-02-22 06:38:38 +00:00
2016-02-04 06:46:45 +00:00
2016-01-25 06:26:53 +00:00
jwtgo ""
2016-02-04 06:46:45 +00:00
2016-01-26 20:08:45 +00:00
// isJWTReqAuthenticated validates if any incoming request to be a
// valid JWT authenticated request.
func isJWTReqAuthenticated(req *http.Request) bool {
jwt := initJWT()
token, e := jwtgo.ParseFromRequest(req, func(token *jwtgo.Token) (interface{}, error) {
if _, ok := token.Method.(*jwtgo.SigningMethodHMAC); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"])
return jwt.secretAccessKey, nil
if e != nil {
return false
return token.Valid
// GenericRep - reply structure for calls for which reply is success/failure
// for ex. RemoveObject MakeBucket
type GenericRep struct {
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// GenericArgs - empty struct
type GenericArgs struct{}
// GetUIVersion - get UI version
func (web webAPI) GetUIVersion(r *http.Request, args *GenericArgs, reply *GenericRep) error {
reply.UIVersion = uiVersion
return nil
// ServerInfoRep - server info reply.
type ServerInfoRep struct {
MinioVersion string
MinioMemory string
MinioPlatform string
MinioRuntime string
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// ServerInfoArgs - server info args.
type ServerInfoArgs struct{}
2016-02-04 06:46:45 +00:00
// ServerInfo - get server info.
func (web *webAPI) ServerInfo(r *http.Request, args *ServerInfoArgs, reply *ServerInfoRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
2016-02-04 06:46:45 +00:00
host, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
host = ""
memstats := &runtime.MemStats{}
mem := fmt.Sprintf("Used: %s | Allocated: %s | Used-Heap: %s | Allocated-Heap: %s",
platform := fmt.Sprintf("Host: %s | OS: %s | Arch: %s",
goruntime := fmt.Sprintf("Version: %s | CPUs: %s", runtime.Version(), strconv.Itoa(runtime.NumCPU()))
reply.MinioVersion = minioVersion
reply.MinioMemory = mem
reply.MinioPlatform = platform
reply.MinioRuntime = goruntime
reply.UIVersion = uiVersion
2016-02-04 06:46:45 +00:00
return nil
// DiskInfoArgs - disk info args.
type DiskInfoArgs struct{}
// DiskInfoRep - disk info reply.
type DiskInfoRep struct {
DiskInfo disk.Info `json:"diskInfo"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
2016-01-26 20:08:45 +00:00
// DiskInfo - get disk statistics.
func (web *webAPI) DiskInfo(r *http.Request, args *DiskInfoArgs, reply *DiskInfoRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
2016-01-26 20:08:45 +00:00
info, e := disk.GetInfo(web.FSPath)
if e != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: e.Error()}
2016-01-26 20:08:45 +00:00
reply.DiskInfo = info
reply.UIVersion = uiVersion
2016-01-26 20:08:45 +00:00
return nil
// MakeBucketArgs - make bucket args.
type MakeBucketArgs struct {
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
2016-01-25 06:26:53 +00:00
// MakeBucket - make a bucket.
func (web *webAPI) MakeBucket(r *http.Request, args *MakeBucketArgs, reply *GenericRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
2016-01-25 06:26:53 +00:00
reply.UIVersion = uiVersion
e := web.Client.MakeBucket(args.BucketName, "", "")
if e != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: e.Error()}
return nil
2016-01-25 06:26:53 +00:00
// ListBucketsArgs - list bucket args.
type ListBucketsArgs struct{}
// ListBucketsRep - list buckets response
type ListBucketsRep struct {
Buckets []BucketInfo `json:"buckets"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// BucketInfo container for list buckets metadata.
type BucketInfo struct {
// The name of the bucket.
Name string `json:"name"`
// Date the bucket was created.
CreationDate time.Time `json:"creationDate"`
// ListBuckets - list buckets api.
func (web *webAPI) ListBuckets(r *http.Request, args *ListBucketsArgs, reply *ListBucketsRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
buckets, e := web.Client.ListBuckets()
if e != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: e.Error()}
2016-01-25 06:26:53 +00:00
for _, bucket := range buckets {
// List all buckets which are not private.
2016-02-22 06:38:38 +00:00
if bucket.Name != path.Base(privateBucket) {
reply.Buckets = append(reply.Buckets, BucketInfo{
Name: bucket.Name,
CreationDate: bucket.CreationDate,
reply.UIVersion = uiVersion
return nil
// ListObjectsArgs - list object args.
type ListObjectsArgs struct {
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
Prefix string `json:"prefix"`
// ListObjectsRep - list objects response.
type ListObjectsRep struct {
Objects []ObjectInfo `json:"objects"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// ObjectInfo container for list objects metadata.
type ObjectInfo struct {
// Name of the object
Key string `json:"name"`
// Date and time the object was last modified.
LastModified time.Time `json:"lastModified"`
// Size in bytes of the object.
Size int64 `json:"size"`
// ContentType is mime type of the object.
ContentType string `json:"contentType"`
// ListObjects - list objects api.
func (web *webAPI) ListObjects(r *http.Request, args *ListObjectsArgs, reply *ListObjectsRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
defer close(doneCh)
2016-01-25 06:26:53 +00:00
for object := range web.Client.ListObjects(args.BucketName, args.Prefix, false, doneCh) {
if object.Err != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: object.Err.Error()}
objectInfo := ObjectInfo{
Key: object.Key,
LastModified: object.LastModified,
Size: object.Size,
// TODO - This can get slower for large directories, we can
// perhaps extend the ListObjects XML to reply back
// ContentType as well.
if !strings.HasSuffix(object.Key, "/") && object.Size > 0 {
objectStatInfo, e := web.Client.StatObject(args.BucketName, object.Key)
if e != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: e.Error()}
objectInfo.ContentType = objectStatInfo.ContentType
reply.Objects = append(reply.Objects, objectInfo)
reply.UIVersion = uiVersion
return nil
// PutObjectURLArgs - args to generate url for upload access.
type PutObjectURLArgs struct {
TargetHost string `json:"targetHost"`
TargetProto string `json:"targetProto"`
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
ObjectName string `json:"objectName"`
// PutObjectURLRep - reply for presigned upload url request.
type PutObjectURLRep struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// PutObjectURL - generates url for upload access.
func (web *webAPI) PutObjectURL(r *http.Request, args *PutObjectURLArgs, reply *PutObjectURLRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
// disableSSL is true if no 'https:' proto is found.
disableSSL := (args.TargetProto != "https:")
client, e := minio.New(args.TargetHost, web.accessKeyID, web.secretAccessKey, disableSSL)
if e != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: e.Error()}
signedURLStr, e := client.PresignedPutObject(args.BucketName, args.ObjectName, time.Duration(60*60)*time.Second)
if e != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: e.Error()}
reply.URL = signedURLStr
reply.UIVersion = uiVersion
return nil
// GetObjectURLArgs - args to generate url for download access.
type GetObjectURLArgs struct {
TargetHost string `json:"targetHost"`
TargetProto string `json:"targetProto"`
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
ObjectName string `json:"objectName"`
// GetObjectURLRep - reply for presigned download url request.
type GetObjectURLRep struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// GetObjectURL - generates url for download access.
func (web *webAPI) GetObjectURL(r *http.Request, args *GetObjectURLArgs, reply *GetObjectURLRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
// See if object exists.
_, e := web.Client.StatObject(args.BucketName, args.ObjectName)
if e != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: e.Error()}
// disableSSL is true if no 'https:' proto is found.
disableSSL := (args.TargetProto != "https:")
client, e := minio.New(args.TargetHost, web.accessKeyID, web.secretAccessKey, disableSSL)
if e != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: e.Error()}
reqParams := make(url.Values)
// Set content disposition for browser to download the file.
reqParams.Set("response-content-disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`attachment; filename="%s"`, filepath.Base(args.ObjectName)))
signedURLStr, e := client.PresignedGetObject(args.BucketName, args.ObjectName, time.Duration(60*60)*time.Second, reqParams)
if e != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: e.Error()}
reply.URL = signedURLStr
reply.UIVersion = uiVersion
return nil
// RemoveObjectArgs - args to remove an object
type RemoveObjectArgs struct {
TargetHost string `json:"targetHost"`
BucketName string `json:"bucketName"`
ObjectName string `json:"objectName"`
// RemoveObject - removes an object.
func (web *webAPI) RemoveObject(r *http.Request, args *RemoveObjectArgs, reply *GenericRep) error {
if !isJWTReqAuthenticated(r) {
return &json2.Error{Message: "Unauthorized request"}
reply.UIVersion = uiVersion
e := web.Client.RemoveObject(args.BucketName, args.ObjectName)
if e != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: e.Error()}
return nil
// LoginArgs - login arguments.
type LoginArgs struct {
Username string `json:"username" form:"username"`
Password string `json:"password" form:"password"`
// LoginRep - login reply.
type LoginRep struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
UIVersion string `json:"uiVersion"`
// Login - user login handler.
func (web *webAPI) Login(r *http.Request, args *LoginArgs, reply *LoginRep) error {
jwt := initJWT()
if jwt.Authenticate(args.Username, args.Password) {
2016-01-25 06:26:53 +00:00
token, err := jwt.GenerateToken(args.Username)
if err != nil {
return &json2.Error{Message: err.Cause.Error(), Data: err.String()}
reply.Token = token
reply.UIVersion = uiVersion
return nil
return &json2.Error{Message: "Invalid credentials"}