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// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc.
// This file is part of MinIO Object Storage stack
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package cmd
import (
objectlock ""
xioutil ""
uatomic ""
const (
dataScannerSleepPerFolder = time.Millisecond // Time to wait between folders.
dataUsageUpdateDirCycles = 16 // Visit all folders every n cycles.
dataScannerCompactLeastObject = 500 // Compact when there is less than this many objects in a branch.
dataScannerCompactAtChildren = 10000 // Compact when there are this many children in a branch.
dataScannerCompactAtFolders = dataScannerCompactAtChildren / 4 // Compact when this many subfolders in a single folder.
dataScannerForceCompactAtFolders = 250_000 // Compact when this many subfolders in a single folder (even top level).
dataScannerStartDelay = 1 * time.Minute // Time to wait on startup and between cycles.
healDeleteDangling = true
healObjectSelectProb = 1024 // Overall probability of a file being scanned; one in n.
var (
globalHealConfig heal.Config
// Sleeper values are updated when config is loaded.
scannerSleeper = newDynamicSleeper(2, time.Second, true) // Keep defaults same as config defaults
scannerCycle = uatomic.NewDuration(dataScannerStartDelay)
scannerIdleMode = uatomic.NewInt32(0) // default is throttled when idle
scannerExcessObjectVersions = uatomic.NewInt64(100)
scannerExcessObjectVersionsTotalSize = uatomic.NewInt64(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 1 TB
scannerExcessFolders = uatomic.NewInt64(50000)
// initDataScanner will start the scanner in the background.
func initDataScanner(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) {
go func() {
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
// Run the data scanner in a loop
for {
runDataScanner(ctx, objAPI)
duration := time.Duration(r.Float64() * float64(scannerCycle.Load()))
if duration < time.Second {
// Make sure to sleep at least a second to avoid high CPU ticks.
duration = time.Second
func getCycleScanMode(currentCycle, bitrotStartCycle uint64, bitrotStartTime time.Time) madmin.HealScanMode {
bitrotCycle := globalHealConfig.BitrotScanCycle()
switch bitrotCycle {
case -1:
return madmin.HealNormalScan
case 0:
return madmin.HealDeepScan
if currentCycle-bitrotStartCycle < healObjectSelectProb {
return madmin.HealDeepScan
if time.Since(bitrotStartTime) > bitrotCycle {
return madmin.HealDeepScan
return madmin.HealNormalScan
type backgroundHealInfo struct {
BitrotStartTime time.Time `json:"bitrotStartTime"`
BitrotStartCycle uint64 `json:"bitrotStartCycle"`
CurrentScanMode madmin.HealScanMode `json:"currentScanMode"`
func readBackgroundHealInfo(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) backgroundHealInfo {
if globalIsErasureSD {
return backgroundHealInfo{}
// Get last healing information
buf, err := readConfig(ctx, objAPI, backgroundHealInfoPath)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, errConfigNotFound) {
internalLogOnceIf(ctx, err, backgroundHealInfoPath)
return backgroundHealInfo{}
var info backgroundHealInfo
if err = json.Unmarshal(buf, &info); err != nil {
bugLogIf(ctx, err, backgroundHealInfoPath)
return info
func saveBackgroundHealInfo(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer, info backgroundHealInfo) {
if globalIsErasureSD {
b, err := json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
bugLogIf(ctx, err)
// Get last healing information
err = saveConfig(ctx, objAPI, backgroundHealInfoPath, b)
if err != nil {
internalLogIf(ctx, err)
// runDataScanner will start a data scanner.
// The function will block until the context is canceled.
// There should only ever be one scanner running per cluster.
func runDataScanner(ctx context.Context, objAPI ObjectLayer) {
ctx, cancel := globalLeaderLock.GetLock(ctx)
defer cancel()
// Load current bloom cycle
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
var cycleInfo currentScannerCycle
buf, _ := readConfig(ctx, objAPI, dataUsageBloomNamePath)
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
if len(buf) == 8 { = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf)
} else if len(buf) > 8 { = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf[:8])
buf = buf[8:]
_, err := cycleInfo.UnmarshalMsg(buf)
bugLogIf(ctx, err)
scannerTimer := time.NewTimer(scannerCycle.Load())
defer scannerTimer.Stop()
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
defer globalScannerMetrics.setCycle(nil)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-scannerTimer.C:
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
// Reset the timer for next cycle.
// If scanner takes longer we start at once.
stopFn := globalScannerMetrics.log(scannerMetricScanCycle)
cycleInfo.current =
cycleInfo.started = time.Now()
bgHealInfo := readBackgroundHealInfo(ctx, objAPI)
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
scanMode := getCycleScanMode(cycleInfo.current, bgHealInfo.BitrotStartCycle, bgHealInfo.BitrotStartTime)
if bgHealInfo.CurrentScanMode != scanMode {
newHealInfo := bgHealInfo
newHealInfo.CurrentScanMode = scanMode
if scanMode == madmin.HealDeepScan {
newHealInfo.BitrotStartTime = time.Now().UTC()
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
newHealInfo.BitrotStartCycle = cycleInfo.current
saveBackgroundHealInfo(ctx, objAPI, newHealInfo)
// Wait before starting next cycle and wait on startup.
results := make(chan DataUsageInfo, 1)
go storeDataUsageInBackend(ctx, objAPI, results)
err := objAPI.NSScanner(ctx, results, uint32(cycleInfo.current), scanMode)
scannerLogIf(ctx, err)
res := map[string]string{"cycle": strconv.FormatUint(cycleInfo.current, 10)}
if err != nil {
res["error"] = err.Error()
if err == nil {
// Store new cycle...
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
cycleInfo.current = 0
cycleInfo.cycleCompleted = append(cycleInfo.cycleCompleted, time.Now())
if len(cycleInfo.cycleCompleted) > dataUsageUpdateDirCycles {
cycleInfo.cycleCompleted = cycleInfo.cycleCompleted[len(cycleInfo.cycleCompleted)-dataUsageUpdateDirCycles:]
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
tmp := make([]byte, 8, 8+cycleInfo.Msgsize())
// Cycle for backward compat.
tmp, _ = cycleInfo.MarshalMsg(tmp)
err = saveConfig(ctx, objAPI, dataUsageBloomNamePath, tmp)
scannerLogIf(ctx, err, dataUsageBloomNamePath)
type cachedFolder struct {
name string
parent *dataUsageHash
objectHealProbDiv uint32
type folderScanner struct {
root string
getSize getSizeFn
oldCache dataUsageCache
newCache dataUsageCache
updateCache dataUsageCache
dataUsageScannerDebug bool
healObjectSelect uint32 // Do a heal check on an object once every n cycles. Must divide into healFolderInclude
scanMode madmin.HealScanMode
weSleep func() bool
disks []StorageAPI
disksQuorum int
// If set updates will be sent regularly to this channel.
// Will not be closed when returned.
updates chan<- dataUsageEntry
lastUpdate time.Time
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
// updateCurrentPath should be called whenever a new path is scanned.
updateCurrentPath func(string)
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
// Cache structure and compaction:
// A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages.
// The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children.
// An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the
// branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves.
// The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties.
// A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it.
// A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles,
// rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied.
// Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle.
// When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan.
// Compaction happens when either:
// 1) The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects.
// 2) The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders.
// 3) The folder only contains objects and no subfolders.
// A bucket root will never be compacted.
// Furthermore if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders)
// the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be
// compacted until the limit is reached.
// This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches,
// and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space.
// This keeps the cache size at a reasonable size for all buckets.
// Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted
// before it hits any of the above limits.
// This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed.
// scanDataFolder will scanner the basepath+cache.Info.Name and return an updated cache.
// The returned cache will always be valid, but may not be updated from the existing.
// Before each operation sleepDuration is called which can be used to temporarily halt the scanner.
// If the supplied context is canceled the function will return at the first chance.
func scanDataFolder(ctx context.Context, disks []StorageAPI, basePath string, cache dataUsageCache, getSize getSizeFn, scanMode madmin.HealScanMode, weSleep func() bool) (dataUsageCache, error) {
switch cache.Info.Name {
case "", dataUsageRoot:
return cache, errors.New("internal error: root scan attempted")
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
updatePath, closeDisk := globalScannerMetrics.currentPathUpdater(basePath, cache.Info.Name)
defer closeDisk()
s := folderScanner{
root: basePath,
getSize: getSize,
oldCache: cache,
newCache: dataUsageCache{Info: cache.Info},
updateCache: dataUsageCache{Info: cache.Info},
dataUsageScannerDebug: false,
healObjectSelect: 0,
scanMode: scanMode,
weSleep: weSleep,
updates: cache.Info.updates,
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
updateCurrentPath: updatePath,
disks: disks,
disksQuorum: len(disks) / 2,
// Enable healing in XL mode.
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
if globalIsErasure && !cache.Info.SkipHealing {
// Do a heal check on an object once every n cycles. Must divide into healFolderInclude
s.healObjectSelect = healObjectSelectProb
done := ctx.Done()
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
// Read top level in bucket.
select {
case <-done:
return cache, ctx.Err()
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
root := dataUsageEntry{}
folder := cachedFolder{name: cache.Info.Name, objectHealProbDiv: 1}
err := s.scanFolder(ctx, folder, &root)
if err != nil {
// No useful information...
return cache, err
s.newCache.Info.LastUpdate = UTCNow()
s.newCache.Info.NextCycle = cache.Info.NextCycle
return s.newCache, nil
// sendUpdate() should be called on a regular basis when the newCache contains more recent total than previously.
// May or may not send an update upstream.
func (f *folderScanner) sendUpdate() {
// Send at most an update every minute.
if f.updates == nil || time.Since(f.lastUpdate) < time.Minute {
if flat := f.updateCache.sizeRecursive(f.newCache.Info.Name); flat != nil {
select {
case f.updates <- flat.clone():
f.lastUpdate = time.Now()
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
// scanFolder will scan the provided folder.
// Files found in the folders will be added to f.newCache.
// If final is provided folders will be put into f.newFolders or f.existingFolders.
// If final is not provided the folders found are returned from the function.
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
func (f *folderScanner) scanFolder(ctx context.Context, folder cachedFolder, into *dataUsageEntry) error {
done := ctx.Done()
scannerLogPrefix := color.Green("folder-scanner:")
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
noWait := func() {}
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
thisHash := hashPath(
// Store initial compaction state.
wasCompacted := into.Compacted
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
for {
select {
case <-done:
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
return ctx.Err()
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
var abandonedChildren dataUsageHashMap
if !into.Compacted {
abandonedChildren = f.oldCache.findChildrenCopy(thisHash)
// If there are lifecycle rules for the prefix.
_, prefix := path2BucketObjectWithBasePath(f.root,
var activeLifeCycle *lifecycle.Lifecycle
if f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle != nil && f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle.HasActiveRules(prefix) {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" Prefix %q has active rules\n", prefix)
activeLifeCycle = f.oldCache.Info.lifeCycle
// If there are replication rules for the prefix.
var replicationCfg replicationConfig
if !f.oldCache.Info.replication.Empty() && f.oldCache.Info.replication.Config.HasActiveRules(prefix, true) {
replicationCfg = f.oldCache.Info.replication
if f.weSleep() {
scannerSleeper.Sleep(ctx, dataScannerSleepPerFolder)
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
var existingFolders, newFolders []cachedFolder
var foundObjects bool
err := readDirFn(pathJoin(f.root,, func(entName string, typ os.FileMode) error {
// Parse
entName = pathClean(pathJoin(, entName))
if entName == "" || entName == {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" no entity (%s,%s)\n", f.root, entName)
return nil
bucket, prefix := path2BucketObjectWithBasePath(f.root, entName)
if bucket == "" {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" no bucket (%s,%s)\n", f.root, entName)
return errDoneForNow
if isReservedOrInvalidBucket(bucket, false) {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" invalid bucket: %v, entry: %v\n", bucket, entName)
return errDoneForNow
select {
case <-done:
return errDoneForNow
if typ&os.ModeDir != 0 {
h := hashPath(entName)
_, exists := f.oldCache.Cache[h.Key()]
if h == thisHash {
return nil
this := cachedFolder{name: entName, parent: &thisHash, objectHealProbDiv: folder.objectHealProbDiv}
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
delete(abandonedChildren, h.Key()) // h.Key() already accounted for.
if exists {
existingFolders = append(existingFolders, this)
f.updateCache.copyWithChildren(&f.oldCache, h, &thisHash)
} else {
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
newFolders = append(newFolders, this)
return nil
wait := noWait
if f.weSleep() {
// Dynamic time delay.
wait = scannerSleeper.Timer(ctx)
// Get file size, ignore errors.
item := scannerItem{
Path: pathJoin(f.root, entName),
Typ: typ,
bucket: bucket,
prefix: path.Dir(prefix),
objectName: path.Base(entName),
debug: f.dataUsageScannerDebug,
lifeCycle: activeLifeCycle,
replication: replicationCfg,
item.heal.enabled = thisHash.modAlt(f.oldCache.Info.NextCycle/folder.objectHealProbDiv, f.healObjectSelect/folder.objectHealProbDiv) && globalIsErasure
item.heal.bitrot = f.scanMode == madmin.HealDeepScan
// if the drive belongs to an erasure set
// that is already being healed, skip the
// healing attempt on this drive.
item.heal.enabled = item.heal.enabled && f.healObjectSelect > 0
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
sz, err := f.getSize(item)
if err != nil && err != errIgnoreFileContrib {
wait() // wait to proceed to next entry.
if err != errSkipFile && f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" getSize \"%v/%v\" returned err: %v\n", bucket, item.objectPath(), err)
return nil
// successfully read means we have a valid object.
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
foundObjects = true
// Remove filename i.e is the meta file to construct object name
// Object already accounted for, remove from heal map,
// simply because getSize() function already heals the
// object.
delete(abandonedChildren, pathJoin(item.bucket, item.objectPath()))
if err != errIgnoreFileContrib {
wait() // wait to proceed to next entry.
return nil
if err != nil {
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
return err
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
if foundObjects && globalIsErasure {
// If we found an object in erasure mode, we skip subdirs (only datadirs)...
// If we have many subfolders, compact ourself.
shouldCompact := f.newCache.Info.Name != &&
len(existingFolders)+len(newFolders) >= dataScannerCompactAtFolders ||
len(existingFolders)+len(newFolders) >= dataScannerForceCompactAtFolders
if totalFolders := len(existingFolders) + len(newFolders); totalFolders > int(scannerExcessFolders.Load()) {
prefixName := strings.TrimSuffix(, "/") + "/"
EventName: event.PrefixManyFolders,
BucketName: f.root,
Object: ObjectInfo{
Name: prefixName,
Size: int64(totalFolders),
UserAgent: "Scanner",
Host: globalMinioHost,
auditLogInternal(context.Background(), AuditLogOptions{
Event: "scanner:manyprefixes",
APIName: "Scanner",
Bucket: f.root,
Object: prefixName,
Tags: map[string]interface{}{
"x-minio-prefixes-total": strconv.Itoa(totalFolders),
if !into.Compacted && shouldCompact {
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
into.Compacted = true
newFolders = append(newFolders, existingFolders...)
existingFolders = nil
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(scannerLogPrefix+" Preemptively compacting: %v, entries: %v\n",, len(existingFolders)+len(newFolders))
scanFolder := func(folder cachedFolder) {
if contextCanceled(ctx) {
dst := into
if !into.Compacted {
dst = &dataUsageEntry{Compacted: false}
if err := f.scanFolder(ctx, folder, dst); err != nil {
if !into.Compacted {
h := dataUsageHash(
// We scanned a folder, optionally send update.
f.updateCache.copyWithChildren(&f.newCache, h, folder.parent)
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
// Transfer existing
if !into.Compacted {
for _, folder := range existingFolders {
h := hashPath(
f.updateCache.copyWithChildren(&f.oldCache, h, folder.parent)
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
// Scan new...
for _, folder := range newFolders {
h := hashPath(
// Add new folders to the update tree so totals update for these.
if !into.Compacted {
var foundAny bool
parent := thisHash
for parent != hashPath(f.updateCache.Info.Name) {
e := f.updateCache.find(parent.Key())
if e == nil || e.Compacted {
foundAny = true
next := f.updateCache.searchParent(parent)
if next == nil {
foundAny = true
parent = *next
if !foundAny {
// Add non-compacted empty entry.
f.updateCache.replaceHashed(h, &thisHash, dataUsageEntry{})
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
stopFn := globalScannerMetrics.log(scannerMetricScanFolder, f.root,
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
stopFn(map[string]string{"type": "new"})
// Add new folders if this is new and we don't have existing.
if !into.Compacted {
parent := f.updateCache.find(thisHash.Key())
if parent != nil && !parent.Compacted {
f.updateCache.copyWithChildren(&f.newCache, h, &thisHash)
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
// Scan existing...
for _, folder := range existingFolders {
h := hashPath(
// Check if we should skip scanning folder...
// We can only skip if we are not indexing into a compacted destination
// and the entry itself is compacted.
if !into.Compacted && f.oldCache.isCompacted(h) {
if !h.mod(f.oldCache.Info.NextCycle, dataUsageUpdateDirCycles) {
// Transfer and add as child...
f.newCache.copyWithChildren(&f.oldCache, h, folder.parent)
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
stopFn := globalScannerMetrics.log(scannerMetricScanFolder, f.root,
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
stopFn(map[string]string{"type": "existing"})
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
// Scan for healing
if f.healObjectSelect == 0 || len(abandonedChildren) == 0 {
// If we are not heal scanning, return now.
if len(f.disks) == 0 || f.disksQuorum == 0 {
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
bgSeq, found := globalBackgroundHealState.getHealSequenceByToken(bgHealingUUID)
if !found {
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
// Whatever remains in 'abandonedChildren' are folders at this level
// that existed in the previous run but wasn't found now.
// This may be because of 2 reasons:
// 1) The folder/object was deleted.
// 2) We come from another disk and this disk missed the write.
// We therefore perform a heal check.
// If that doesn't bring it back we remove the folder and assume it was deleted.
// This means that the next run will not look for it.
// How to resolve results.
resolver := metadataResolutionParams{
dirQuorum: f.disksQuorum,
objQuorum: f.disksQuorum,
bucket: "",
strict: false,
healObjectsPrefix := color.Green("healObjects:")
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
for k := range abandonedChildren {
bucket, prefix := path2BucketObject(k)
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
stopFn := globalScannerMetrics.time(scannerMetricCheckMissing)
if bucket != resolver.bucket {
// Bucket might be missing as well with abandoned children.
// make sure it is created first otherwise healing won't proceed
// for objects.
bucket: bucket,
}, madmin.HealItemBucket)
resolver.bucket = bucket
foundObjs := false
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
err := listPathRaw(ctx, listPathRawOptions{
disks: f.disks,
bucket: bucket,
path: prefix,
recursive: true,
reportNotFound: true,
minDisks: f.disksQuorum,
agreed: func(entry metaCacheEntry) {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(healObjectsPrefix+" got agreement: %v\n",
// Some disks have data for this.
partial: func(entries metaCacheEntries, errs []error) {
entry, ok := entries.resolve(&resolver)
if !ok {
// check if we can get one entry at least
// proceed to heal nonetheless, since
// this object might be dangling.
entry, _ = entries.firstFound()
wait := noWait
if f.weSleep() {
// wait timer per object.
wait = scannerSleeper.Timer(ctx)
defer wait()
stopFn := globalScannerMetrics.log(scannerMetricHealAbandonedObject, f.root,
custom := make(map[string]string)
defer stopFn(custom)
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(healObjectsPrefix+" resolved to: %v, dir: %v\n",, entry.isDir())
if entry.isDir() {
// We got an entry which we should be able to heal.
fiv, err := entry.fileInfoVersions(bucket)
if err != nil {
err := bgSeq.queueHealTask(healSource{
bucket: bucket,
versionID: "",
}, madmin.HealItemObject)
if !isErrObjectNotFound(err) && !isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
scannerLogIf(ctx, err)
foundObjs = foundObjs || err == nil
custom["versions"] = fmt.Sprint(len(fiv.Versions))
var successVersions, failVersions int
for _, ver := range fiv.Versions {
stopFn := globalScannerMetrics.timeSize(scannerMetricHealAbandonedVersion)
err := bgSeq.queueHealTask(healSource{
bucket: bucket,
object: fiv.Name,
versionID: ver.VersionID,
}, madmin.HealItemObject)
if !isErrObjectNotFound(err) && !isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
scannerLogIf(ctx, err, fiv.Name)
if err == nil {
} else {
foundObjs = foundObjs || err == nil
custom["success_versions"] = fmt.Sprint(successVersions)
custom["failed_versions"] = fmt.Sprint(failVersions)
// Too many disks failed.
finished: func(errs []error) {
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug {
console.Debugf(healObjectsPrefix+" too many errors: %v\n", errs)
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
if f.dataUsageScannerDebug && err != nil && err != errFileNotFound {
console.Debugf(healObjectsPrefix+" checking returned value %v (%T)\n", err, err)
// Add unless healing returned an error.
if foundObjs {
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
this := cachedFolder{name: k, parent: &thisHash, objectHealProbDiv: 1}
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
stopFn := globalScannerMetrics.log(scannerMetricScanFolder, f.root,, "HEALED")
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
stopFn(map[string]string{"type": "healed"})
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
if !wasCompacted {
f.newCache.replaceHashed(thisHash, folder.parent, *into)
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
if !into.Compacted && f.newCache.Info.Name != {
flat := f.newCache.sizeRecursive(thisHash.Key())
flat.Compacted = true
var compact bool
if flat.Objects < dataScannerCompactLeastObject {
compact = true
} else {
// Compact if we only have objects as children...
compact = true
for k := range into.Children {
if v, ok := f.newCache.Cache[k]; ok {
if len(v.Children) > 0 || v.Objects > 1 {
compact = false
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
if compact {
stop := globalScannerMetrics.log(scannerMetricCompactFolder,
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
f.newCache.replaceHashed(thisHash, folder.parent, *flat)
total := map[string]string{
"objects": strconv.FormatUint(flat.Objects, 10),
"size": strconv.FormatInt(flat.Size, 10),
if flat.Versions > 0 {
total["versions"] = strconv.FormatUint(flat.Versions, 10)
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
// Compact if too many children...
if !into.Compacted {
f.newCache.reduceChildrenOf(thisHash, dataScannerCompactAtChildren, f.newCache.Info.Name !=
if _, ok := f.updateCache.Cache[thisHash.Key()]; !wasCompacted && ok {
// Replace if existed before.
if flat := f.newCache.sizeRecursive(thisHash.Key()); flat != nil {
f.updateCache.replaceHashed(thisHash, folder.parent, *flat)
feat: add dynamic usage cache (#12229) A cache structure will be kept with a tree of usages. The cache is a tree structure where each keeps track of its children. An uncompacted branch contains a count of the files only directly at the branch level, and contains link to children branches or leaves. The leaves are "compacted" based on a number of properties. A compacted leaf contains the totals of all files beneath it. A leaf is only scanned once every dataUsageUpdateDirCycles, rarer if the bloom filter for the path is clean and no lifecycles are applied. Skipped leaves have their totals transferred from the previous cycle. A clean leaf will be included once every healFolderIncludeProb for partial heal scans. When selected there is a one in healObjectSelectProb that any object will be chosen for heal scan. Compaction happens when either: - The folder (and subfolders) contains less than dataScannerCompactLeastObject objects. - The folder itself contains more than dataScannerCompactAtFolders folders. - The folder only contains objects and no subfolders. - A bucket root will never be compacted. Furthermore, if a has more than dataScannerCompactAtChildren recursive children (uncompacted folders) the tree will be recursively scanned and the branches with the least number of objects will be compacted until the limit is reached. This ensures that any branch will never contain an unreasonable amount of other branches, and also that small branches with few objects don't take up unreasonable amounts of space. Whenever a branch is scanned, it is assumed that it will be un-compacted before it hits any of the above limits. This will make the branch rebalance itself when scanned if the distribution of objects has changed. TLDR; With current values: No bucket will ever have more than 10000 child nodes recursively. No single folder will have more than 2500 child nodes by itself. All subfolders are compacted if they have less than 500 objects in them recursively. We accumulate the (non-deletemarker) version count for paths as well, since we are changing the structure anyway.
2021-05-12 01:36:15 +00:00
return nil
// scannerItem represents each file while walking.
type scannerItem struct {
Path string
bucket string // Bucket.
prefix string // Only the prefix if any, does not have final object name.
objectName string // Only the object name without prefixes.
replication replicationConfig
lifeCycle *lifecycle.Lifecycle
Typ fs.FileMode
heal struct {
enabled bool
bitrot bool
} // Has the object been selected for heal check?
debug bool
type sizeSummary struct {
totalSize int64
versions uint64
deleteMarkers uint64
replicatedSize int64
replicatedCount int64
pendingSize int64
failedSize int64
replicaSize int64
replicaCount int64
pendingCount uint64
failedCount uint64
replTargetStats map[string]replTargetSizeSummary
tiers map[string]tierStats
// replTargetSizeSummary holds summary of replication stats by target
type replTargetSizeSummary struct {
replicatedSize int64
replicatedCount int64
pendingSize int64
failedSize int64
pendingCount uint64
failedCount uint64
type getSizeFn func(item scannerItem) (sizeSummary, error)
// transformMetaDir will transform a directory to prefix/file.ext
func (i *scannerItem) transformMetaDir() {
split := strings.Split(i.prefix, SlashSeparator)
if len(split) > 1 {
i.prefix = pathJoin(split[:len(split)-1]...)
} else {
i.prefix = ""
// Object name is last element
i.objectName = split[len(split)-1]
var (
applyActionsLogPrefix = color.Green("applyActions:")
applyVersionActionsLogPrefix = color.Green("applyVersionActions:")
func (i *scannerItem) applyHealing(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, oi ObjectInfo) (size int64) {
if i.debug {
if oi.VersionID != "" {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" heal checking: %v/%v v(%s)\n", i.bucket, i.objectPath(), oi.VersionID)
} else {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" heal checking: %v/%v\n", i.bucket, i.objectPath())
scanMode := madmin.HealNormalScan
if i.heal.bitrot {
scanMode = madmin.HealDeepScan
healOpts := madmin.HealOpts{
Remove: healDeleteDangling,
ScanMode: scanMode,
res, _ := o.HealObject(ctx, i.bucket, i.objectPath(), oi.VersionID, healOpts)
if res.ObjectSize > 0 {
return res.ObjectSize
return 0
func (i *scannerItem) applyLifecycle(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, oi ObjectInfo) (action lifecycle.Action, size int64) {
size, err := oi.GetActualSize()
if i.debug {
scannerLogIf(ctx, err)
if i.lifeCycle == nil {
return action, size
versionID := oi.VersionID
var vc *versioning.Versioning
var lr objectlock.Retention
var rcfg *replication.Config
if !isMinioMetaBucketName(i.bucket) {
vc, err = globalBucketVersioningSys.Get(i.bucket)
if err != nil {
scannerLogOnceIf(ctx, err, i.bucket)
// Check if bucket is object locked.
lr, err = globalBucketObjectLockSys.Get(i.bucket)
if err != nil {
scannerLogOnceIf(ctx, err, i.bucket)
rcfg, err = getReplicationConfig(ctx, i.bucket)
if err != nil {
scannerLogOnceIf(ctx, err, i.bucket)
lcEvt := evalActionFromLifecycle(ctx, *i.lifeCycle, lr, rcfg, oi)
if i.debug {
if versionID != "" {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: %q (version-id=%s), Initial scan: %v\n", i.objectPath(), versionID, lcEvt.Action)
} else {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: %q Initial scan: %v\n", i.objectPath(), lcEvt.Action)
switch lcEvt.Action {
// This version doesn't contribute towards sizeS only when it is permanently deleted.
// This can happen when,
// - ExpireObjectAllVersions flag is enabled
// - NoncurrentVersionExpiration is applicable
case lifecycle.DeleteVersionAction, lifecycle.DeleteAllVersionsAction, lifecycle.DelMarkerDeleteAllVersionsAction:
size = 0
case lifecycle.DeleteAction:
// On a non-versioned bucket, DeleteObject removes the only version permanently.
if !vc.PrefixEnabled(oi.Name) {
size = 0
applyLifecycleAction(lcEvt, lcEventSrc_Scanner, oi)
return lcEvt.Action, size
// applyNewerNoncurrentVersionLimit removes noncurrent versions older than the most recent NewerNoncurrentVersions configured.
// Note: This function doesn't update sizeSummary since it always removes versions that it doesn't return.
func (i *scannerItem) applyNewerNoncurrentVersionLimit(ctx context.Context, _ ObjectLayer, fivs []FileInfo, expState *expiryState) ([]ObjectInfo, error) {
done := globalScannerMetrics.time(scannerMetricApplyNonCurrent)
defer done()
rcfg, _ := globalBucketObjectLockSys.Get(i.bucket)
vcfg, _ := globalBucketVersioningSys.Get(i.bucket)
versioned := vcfg != nil && vcfg.Versioned(i.objectPath())
objectInfos := make([]ObjectInfo, 0, len(fivs))
if i.lifeCycle == nil {
for _, fi := range fivs {
objectInfos = append(objectInfos, fi.ToObjectInfo(i.bucket, i.objectPath(), versioned))
return objectInfos, nil
event := i.lifeCycle.NoncurrentVersionsExpirationLimit(lifecycle.ObjectOpts{Name: i.objectPath()})
lim := event.NewerNoncurrentVersions
if lim == 0 || len(fivs) <= lim+1 { // fewer than lim _noncurrent_ versions
for _, fi := range fivs {
objectInfos = append(objectInfos, fi.ToObjectInfo(i.bucket, i.objectPath(), versioned))
return objectInfos, nil
overflowVersions := fivs[lim+1:]
// Retain the current version + most recent lim noncurrent versions
for _, fi := range fivs[:lim+1] {
objectInfos = append(objectInfos, fi.ToObjectInfo(i.bucket, i.objectPath(), versioned))
toDel := make([]ObjectToDelete, 0, len(overflowVersions))
for _, fi := range overflowVersions {
obj := fi.ToObjectInfo(i.bucket, i.objectPath(), versioned)
// skip versions with object locking enabled
if rcfg.LockEnabled && enforceRetentionForDeletion(ctx, obj) {
if i.debug {
if obj.VersionID != "" {
console.Debugf(applyVersionActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: %s v(%s) is locked, not deleting\n", obj.Name, obj.VersionID)
} else {
console.Debugf(applyVersionActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: %s is locked, not deleting\n", obj.Name)
// add this version back to remaining versions for
// subsequent lifecycle policy applications
objectInfos = append(objectInfos, obj)
// NoncurrentDays not passed yet.
if time.Now().UTC().Before(lifecycle.ExpectedExpiryTime(obj.SuccessorModTime, event.NoncurrentDays)) {
// add this version back to remaining versions for
// subsequent lifecycle policy applications
objectInfos = append(objectInfos, obj)
toDel = append(toDel, ObjectToDelete{
ObjectV: ObjectV{
ObjectName: obj.Name,
VersionID: obj.VersionID,
if len(toDel) > 0 {
expState.enqueueByNewerNoncurrent(i.bucket, toDel, event)
return objectInfos, nil
// applyVersionActions will apply lifecycle checks on all versions of a scanned item. Returns versions that remain
// after applying lifecycle checks configured.
func (i *scannerItem) applyVersionActions(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, fivs []FileInfo, expState *expiryState) ([]ObjectInfo, error) {
objInfos, err := i.applyNewerNoncurrentVersionLimit(ctx, o, fivs, expState)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check if we have many versions after applyNewerNoncurrentVersionLimit.
if len(objInfos) >= int(scannerExcessObjectVersions.Load()) {
// Notify object accessed via a GET request.
EventName: event.ObjectManyVersions,
BucketName: i.bucket,
Object: ObjectInfo{
Name: i.objectPath(),
UserAgent: "Scanner",
Host: globalLocalNodeName,
RespElements: map[string]string{"x-minio-versions": strconv.Itoa(len(objInfos))},
auditLogInternal(context.Background(), AuditLogOptions{
Event: "scanner:manyversions",
APIName: "Scanner",
Bucket: i.bucket,
Object: i.objectPath(),
Tags: map[string]interface{}{
"x-minio-versions": strconv.Itoa(len(objInfos)),
cumulativeSize := int64(0)
for _, objInfo := range objInfos {
cumulativeSize += objInfo.Size
// Check if the cumulative size of all versions of this object is high.
if cumulativeSize >= scannerExcessObjectVersionsTotalSize.Load() {
// Notify object accessed via a GET request.
EventName: event.ObjectLargeVersions,
BucketName: i.bucket,
Object: ObjectInfo{
Name: i.objectPath(),
UserAgent: "Scanner",
Host: globalLocalNodeName,
RespElements: map[string]string{
"x-minio-versions-count": strconv.Itoa(len(objInfos)),
"x-minio-versions-size": strconv.FormatInt(cumulativeSize, 10),
auditLogInternal(context.Background(), AuditLogOptions{
Event: "scanner:largeversions",
APIName: "Scanner",
Bucket: i.bucket,
Object: i.objectPath(),
Tags: map[string]interface{}{
"x-minio-versions-count": strconv.Itoa(len(objInfos)),
"x-minio-versions-size": strconv.FormatInt(cumulativeSize, 10),
return objInfos, nil
// applyActions will apply lifecycle checks on to a scanned item.
// The resulting size on disk will always be returned.
// The metadata will be compared to consensus on the object layer before any changes are applied.
// If no metadata is supplied, -1 is returned if no action is taken.
func (i *scannerItem) applyActions(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, oi ObjectInfo, sizeS *sizeSummary) (objDeleted bool, size int64) {
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
done := globalScannerMetrics.time(scannerMetricILM)
var action lifecycle.Action
action, size = i.applyLifecycle(ctx, o, oi)
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
// Note: objDeleted is true if and only if action ==
// lifecycle.DeleteAllVersionsAction
if action.DeleteAll() {
return true, 0
// For instance, an applied lifecycle means we remove/transitioned an object
// from the current deployment, which means we don't have to call healing
// routine even if we are asked to do via heal flag.
if action == lifecycle.NoneAction {
if i.heal.enabled {
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
done := globalScannerMetrics.time(scannerMetricHealCheck)
size = i.applyHealing(ctx, o, oi)
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
if healDeleteDangling {
done := globalScannerMetrics.time(scannerMetricCleanAbandoned)
err := o.CheckAbandonedParts(ctx, i.bucket, i.objectPath(), madmin.HealOpts{Remove: healDeleteDangling})
if err != nil {
healingLogIf(ctx, fmt.Errorf("unable to check object %s/%s for abandoned data: %w", i.bucket, i.objectPath(), err), i.objectPath())
// replicate only if lifecycle rules are not applied.
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
done := globalScannerMetrics.time(scannerMetricCheckReplication)
i.healReplication(ctx, o, oi.Clone(), sizeS)
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
return false, size
func evalActionFromLifecycle(ctx context.Context, lc lifecycle.Lifecycle, lr lock.Retention, rcfg *replication.Config, obj ObjectInfo) lifecycle.Event {
event := lc.Eval(obj.ToLifecycleOpts())
if serverDebugLog {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: Secondary scan: %v\n", event.Action)
switch event.Action {
case lifecycle.DeleteAllVersionsAction, lifecycle.DelMarkerDeleteAllVersionsAction:
// Skip if bucket has object locking enabled; To prevent the
// possibility of violating an object retention on one of the
// noncurrent versions of this object.
if lr.LockEnabled {
return lifecycle.Event{Action: lifecycle.NoneAction}
case lifecycle.DeleteVersionAction, lifecycle.DeleteRestoredVersionAction:
// Defensive code, should never happen
if obj.VersionID == "" {
return lifecycle.Event{Action: lifecycle.NoneAction}
if lr.LockEnabled && enforceRetentionForDeletion(ctx, obj) {
if serverDebugLog {
if obj.VersionID != "" {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: %s v(%s) is locked, not deleting\n", obj.Name, obj.VersionID)
} else {
console.Debugf(applyActionsLogPrefix+" lifecycle: %s is locked, not deleting\n", obj.Name)
return lifecycle.Event{Action: lifecycle.NoneAction}
if rcfg != nil && !obj.VersionPurgeStatus.Empty() && rcfg.HasActiveRules(obj.Name, true) {
return lifecycle.Event{Action: lifecycle.NoneAction}
return event
func applyTransitionRule(event lifecycle.Event, src lcEventSrc, obj ObjectInfo) bool {
if obj.DeleteMarker || obj.IsDir {
return false
globalTransitionState.queueTransitionTask(obj, event, src)
return true
func applyExpiryOnTransitionedObject(ctx context.Context, objLayer ObjectLayer, obj ObjectInfo, lcEvent lifecycle.Event, src lcEventSrc) (ok bool) {
timeILM := globalScannerMetrics.timeILM(lcEvent.Action)
if err := expireTransitionedObject(ctx, objLayer, &obj, lcEvent, src); err != nil {
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) || isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return false
ilmLogIf(ctx, err)
return false
// Notification already sent in *expireTransitionedObject*, just return 'true' here.
return true
func applyExpiryOnNonTransitionedObjects(ctx context.Context, objLayer ObjectLayer, obj ObjectInfo, lcEvent lifecycle.Event, src lcEventSrc) (ok bool) {
traceFn := globalLifecycleSys.trace(obj)
opts := ObjectOptions{
Expiration: ExpirationOptions{Expire: true},
2023-04-27 00:49:00 +00:00
if lcEvent.Action.DeleteVersioned() {
opts.VersionID = obj.VersionID
opts.Versioned = globalBucketVersioningSys.PrefixEnabled(obj.Bucket, obj.Name)
opts.VersionSuspended = globalBucketVersioningSys.PrefixSuspended(obj.Bucket, obj.Name)
if lcEvent.Action.DeleteAll() {
opts.DeletePrefix = true
// use prefix delete on exact object (this is an optimization to avoid fan-out calls)
opts.DeletePrefixObject = true
var (
dobj ObjectInfo
err error
timeILM := globalScannerMetrics.timeILM(lcEvent.Action)
defer func() {
if !ok {
if lcEvent.Action != lifecycle.NoneAction {
numVersions := uint64(1)
if lcEvent.Action.DeleteAll() {
numVersions = uint64(obj.NumVersions)
dobj, err = objLayer.DeleteObject(ctx, obj.Bucket, encodeDirObject(obj.Name), opts)
if err != nil {
if isErrObjectNotFound(err) || isErrVersionNotFound(err) {
return false
// Assume it is still there.
ilmLogOnceIf(ctx, err, "non-transition-expiry")
return false
if dobj.Name == "" {
dobj = obj
tags := newLifecycleAuditEvent(src, lcEvent).Tags()
// Send audit for the lifecycle delete operation
auditLogLifecycle(ctx, dobj, ILMExpiry, tags, traceFn)
eventName := event.ObjectRemovedDelete
if obj.DeleteMarker {
eventName = event.ObjectRemovedDeleteMarkerCreated
switch lcEvent.Action {
case lifecycle.DeleteAllVersionsAction:
eventName = event.ObjectRemovedDeleteAllVersions
case lifecycle.DelMarkerDeleteAllVersionsAction:
eventName = event.ILMDelMarkerExpirationDelete
// Notify object deleted event.
EventName: eventName,
BucketName: dobj.Bucket,
Object: dobj,
UserAgent: "Internal: [ILM-Expiry]",
Host: globalLocalNodeName,
return true
// Apply object, object version, restored object or restored object version action on the given object
func applyExpiryRule(event lifecycle.Event, src lcEventSrc, obj ObjectInfo) bool {
globalExpiryState.enqueueByDays(obj, event, src)
return true
// Perform actions (removal or transitioning of objects), return true the action is successfully performed
func applyLifecycleAction(event lifecycle.Event, src lcEventSrc, obj ObjectInfo) (success bool) {
2023-04-27 00:49:00 +00:00
switch action := event.Action; action {
case lifecycle.DeleteVersionAction, lifecycle.DeleteAction,
lifecycle.DeleteRestoredAction, lifecycle.DeleteRestoredVersionAction,
lifecycle.DeleteAllVersionsAction, lifecycle.DelMarkerDeleteAllVersionsAction:
success = applyExpiryRule(event, src, obj)
case lifecycle.TransitionAction, lifecycle.TransitionVersionAction:
success = applyTransitionRule(event, src, obj)
// objectPath returns the prefix and object name.
func (i *scannerItem) objectPath() string {
return pathJoin(i.prefix, i.objectName)
// healReplication will heal a scanned item that has failed replication.
func (i *scannerItem) healReplication(ctx context.Context, o ObjectLayer, oi ObjectInfo, sizeS *sizeSummary) {
if oi.VersionID == "" {
if i.replication.Config == nil {
roi := queueReplicationHeal(ctx, oi.Bucket, oi, i.replication, 0)
if oi.DeleteMarker || !oi.VersionPurgeStatus.Empty() {
if sizeS.replTargetStats == nil && len(roi.TargetStatuses) > 0 {
sizeS.replTargetStats = make(map[string]replTargetSizeSummary)
for arn, tgtStatus := range roi.TargetStatuses {
tgtSizeS, ok := sizeS.replTargetStats[arn]
if !ok {
tgtSizeS = replTargetSizeSummary{}
switch tgtStatus {
case replication.Pending:
tgtSizeS.pendingSize += oi.Size
sizeS.pendingSize += oi.Size
case replication.Failed:
tgtSizeS.failedSize += oi.Size
sizeS.failedSize += oi.Size
case replication.Completed, replication.CompletedLegacy:
tgtSizeS.replicatedSize += oi.Size
sizeS.replicatedSize += oi.Size
sizeS.replTargetStats[arn] = tgtSizeS
if oi.ReplicationStatus == replication.Replica {
sizeS.replicaSize += oi.Size
type dynamicSleeper struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
// Sleep factor
factor float64
// maximum sleep cap,
// set to <= 0 to disable.
maxSleep time.Duration
// Don't sleep at all, if time taken is below this value.
// This is to avoid too small costly sleeps.
minSleep time.Duration
// cycle will be closed
cycle chan struct{}
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
// isScanner should be set when this is used by the scanner
// to record metrics.
isScanner bool
// newDynamicSleeper
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
func newDynamicSleeper(factor float64, maxWait time.Duration, isScanner bool) *dynamicSleeper {
return &dynamicSleeper{
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
factor: factor,
cycle: make(chan struct{}),
maxSleep: maxWait,
minSleep: 100 * time.Microsecond,
isScanner: isScanner,
// Timer returns a timer that has started.
// When the returned function is called it will wait.
func (d *dynamicSleeper) Timer(ctx context.Context) func() {
t := time.Now()
return func() {
doneAt := time.Now()
2024-04-15 09:40:19 +00:00
d.Sleep(ctx, doneAt.Sub(t))
// Sleep sleeps the specified time multiplied by the sleep factor.
// If the factor is updated the sleep will be done again with the new factor.
func (d *dynamicSleeper) Sleep(ctx context.Context, base time.Duration) {
for {
// Grab current values
minWait, maxWait := d.minSleep, d.maxSleep
factor := d.factor
cycle := d.cycle
// Don't sleep for really small amount of time
wantSleep := time.Duration(float64(base) * factor)
if wantSleep <= minWait {
if maxWait > 0 && wantSleep > maxWait {
wantSleep = maxWait
timer := time.NewTimer(wantSleep)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if !timer.Stop() {
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
if d.isScanner {
globalScannerMetrics.incTime(scannerMetricYield, wantSleep)
case <-timer.C:
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
if d.isScanner {
globalScannerMetrics.incTime(scannerMetricYield, wantSleep)
case <-cycle:
if !timer.Stop() {
// We expired.
2022-07-05 21:45:49 +00:00
if d.isScanner {
globalScannerMetrics.incTime(scannerMetricYield, wantSleep)
// Update the current settings and cycle all waiting.
// Parameters are the same as in the constructor.
func (d *dynamicSleeper) Update(factor float64, maxWait time.Duration) error {
if math.Abs(d.factor-factor) < 1e-10 && d.maxSleep == maxWait {
return nil
// Update values and cycle waiting.
d.factor = factor
d.maxSleep = maxWait
d.cycle = make(chan struct{})
return nil
const (
// ILMExpiry - audit trail for ILM expiry
ILMExpiry = "ilm:expiry"
// ILMFreeVersionDelete - audit trail for ILM free-version delete
ILMFreeVersionDelete = "ilm:free-version-delete"
// ILMTransition - audit trail for ILM transitioning.
ILMTransition = " ilm:transition"
2023-04-27 00:49:00 +00:00
func auditLogLifecycle(ctx context.Context, oi ObjectInfo, event string, tags map[string]interface{}, traceFn func(event string)) {
var apiName string
switch event {
case ILMExpiry:
apiName = "ILMExpiry"
case ILMFreeVersionDelete:
apiName = "ILMFreeVersionDelete"
case ILMTransition:
apiName = "ILMTransition"
2022-10-24 18:35:07 +00:00
auditLogInternal(ctx, AuditLogOptions{
Event: event,
APIName: apiName,
2022-10-24 18:35:07 +00:00
Bucket: oi.Bucket,
Object: oi.Name,
VersionID: oi.VersionID,
2023-04-27 00:49:00 +00:00
Tags: tags,